Ways to save audio from the WhatsApp application. How to Save Voice Messages on WhatsApp

WhatsApp voice messages sometimes arrive at inconvenient times. Luckily, they can be converted to text. All you need for this is an additional application. We'll show you how it works on iPhone and Android smartphones.

You cannot directly convert voice message to text in WhatsApp. This requires an additional application that can handle this task. Naturally, sometimes it can happen that individual words are not recognized correctly. However, thanks to the context of the sentence and the similar sound, in most cases you can easily determine which word should have been in that place.

Don't want to receive text messages on WhatsApp? With the Textify app you can convert your voice message to text. The application converts messages automatically. The application supports nine languages.

iPhone: Textify app for iOS (paid - 229 rubles) turns your voice messages into text messages. Simply “share” the message on WhatsApp and select “Import with Textify.” Textify will analyze your voice message and display it as text within seconds.

Android: There is a freeware app called Textr for all Android smartphones. Again, you "share" the voice message with Textr, and after a few seconds the text version is displayed. Unfortunately, without a paid subscription, the application systematically displays advertising banners, which makes it difficult to work with and becomes very annoying after a while. In addition, banners waste your traffic.

Unfortunately, these two apps only work well if the voice quality is excellent. Otherwise, the text of the message may quickly become incomprehensible when decrypted. That's why we will tell you here a trick to listen to a voice message on WhatsApp quietly, for example, on a bus or train.

Silently listening to voice messages on WhatsApp

Open the chat with the voice message and click the Play button. Now you need to quickly bring the phone to your ear with the same gesture as when you are talking on the phone: the upper half with the camera and speaker is pressed to your ear. Almost all smartphones recognize this gesture and switch to the phone's speaker. So now only you hear the voice message.

5 secrets of WhatsApp

Worldwide, more than one billion people use WhatsApp. But how well do you understand the messenger’s functions? We'll show you the five most interesting WhatsApp features that everyone should know.

  • Do you have WhatsApp message preview enabled on your lock screen? If you don't want anyone to be able to read your incoming messages, you can disable this feature. On Android smartphones, this function can be disabled in the “Sounds and Alerts” menu, on iPhone in the “Messages” section.
  • You can add important messages to “Favorites”. Just tap on the message you want and hold it for a while, then tap the star. All your favorite messages can then be found in Settings.
  • You need to find a message from a specific person with whom you spoke in a group chat. Click on Contacts and select that person. In the “Information” section you will find all the chains of messages sent and received from him, including messages in chats.
  • If you need to send Happy New Year greetings to several contacts at once without a group chat and without using the copy/paste function, then you can create a new mailing list. If you send a message through the mailing list, all her contacts will receive this message as private. You will find the required option in the settings. And then you can add the necessary contacts to the list.
  • If you want to know how many messages you have already sent using WhatsApp, then click on the “Data and storage” menu item in Settings, and then go to “Network usage”. There you will find the number of messages sent, as well as some other information.

We have no doubt that before opening this article, you tried for a long time to find the function of downloading voice messages in the application. You won’t be able to find it, since, unfortunately, it doesn’t exist at the moment. You won't be able to do this directly through the program. Most of the problems in this regard are with Apple. So let's talk about other ways. There are only a few of them and they are quite complicated. But we will try to explain it to you in understandable language. Go!

Using cache

In general, many platforms tend to store a cache in their memory. In order for your voices to be saved, you need to leave media autoloading enabled in the settings.

Via email

The classic way to transfer audio files. In this way, you can send recordings, for example, from a voice recorder to iOS. You can also try to pull the video from WhatsApp. Of course, this is not the best way, but for now this is the only way to extract the file. He is the fastest of all.

Internal media folder

When installed, the application usually creates special folders. Where, in addition to various materials, audio files are also stored.

But, having looked through the settings and menus, alas, I did not find this function. Absolutely right: WhatsApp does not allow you to save audio files using standard tools. Most likely, such a restriction is due to the fact that developers are afraid of copyright infringement. Apple is especially sensitive in this regard. However, there are still ways in which you can save an audio file in WhatsApp.

How to save an audio file on WhatsApp

First of all, WhatsApp allows everyone to record and send voice messages. This is a kind of answering machine. This function may be useful, for example, if you need to send a message to a subscriber who is not currently on the network. Accordingly, he will receive a message as soon as he goes online.

By default, WhatsApp automatically saves such voice messages. And you can find them in the folder /WhatsApp/media/ . You can also:

  • try to pull out the audio recording from the cache of the smartphone (or computer) itself. Large files are temporarily stored here to make them easier to view again. For Android it is located, for example, in the folder /cache ;
  • You can also forward the message to yourself via email. Well, then pull out the sound or video.

Alas, there are no more ways to save an audio recording from WhatsApp. And even applications that seemed specially created for this purpose, such as iTransfer For iOS and the like, only allow you to transfer and transmit audio recordings. But just don’t save them separately. But it is, of course, impossible to exclude the possibility that such a function will appear in WhatsApp in the future. So it makes sense to closely monitor all updates.

This is one of the most popular communication applications. Allows you to chat with both individuals and groups.

Now let's look at how to save audio from WhatsApp. The fact is that recently manufacturers have begun to remove the ability to save sound and video files from their products. What this is connected with is of course one hundred percent unknown. But most likely with tougher penalties for copyright infringement.

Specifically, WhatsApp, of course, only saves voice messages registered in the application, but the cases are different. So let's look at ways to save audio:

  • “Pull” a conversation from the device cache;
  • Find the media files folder;
  • Send the required file by email (email).

What is Cache and how to work with it

A cache is a phone/computer memory where temporary files are stored. But you need to have time to “pull out” the audio before the system overwrites it. In the Wha tsApp application on your phone in the settings there is an item “Autoload media”, which you need to select so that all conversations are saved in folders.

Media folders

During installation, any application creates “personal” folders in which all information is stored. In our case, you need to search for audio at: WhatsApp/media/.


Of course, the above methods do not always work. You may not have time to retrieve the file from the cache, or for some reason WhatsApp will not save the audio in the folders. There is a third, more reliable way: send a message that contains an audio file (for example, a friend sent a song or video in a message) to your email. There is nowhere easier to extract the file. At the moment, these are the only ways to download files. Other applications only allow you to transfer them without the ability to save them.

Audio recordings in WhatsApp

You can send each other not only text messages, but also files in various formats. There are users who prefer to share their favorite music or videos this way. And if you liked the sent file, then the question arises of how to save audio from WhatsApp.

Download audio from the application

To the great regret of many users, there is not yet the ability to download music from the application. Therefore, it will not be saved to the device, like, for example, the same images. However, you can always listen to the audio file in the messenger itself.

To save the music and not accidentally delete it along with the entire chat, it is recommended to do backup copy of correspondence. It is performed both in the device memory and on external media.

Audio file storage location

Music files are stored in a hidden application folder. To find it, you should use a file manager. In it you need to open the folder called WhatsApp and go to the files whose names contain .audio.

Some users prefer to send music to their email from their iPhone, from where they save it to any convenient location. Other methods include the use of additional utilities. They can be found in the application store, which is designed specifically for this device. Add-ons will help you transfer files to your smartphone’s memory from the application.

In order to delete music from the messenger, it is enough to delete the correspondence in which it is contained. In addition, it is possible to clear the application cache. Many users who prefer to listen to audio on their device’s player do not like the fact that they cannot save sent music to their smartphone.

But at the moment, the developers are not commenting on the situation and do not promise to fix it. Therefore, it is easier to download the tunes you like from trusted music sites that provide this opportunity.