Create a route in Navitel using waypoints. We use the Navitel navigator - the main tasks, device. Twins, so different

Today I want to write an article about Navitel navigator, or rather how to get directions. To be honest, I didn’t have any problems with this. However, if there is a question, there will be an answer. But I want to say right away that it’s easy and simple to lay out a route to Navitel. Read on...

I’ll be leading the way on my Samsung Galaxy S Plus; I wrote about it and Navitel navigator.

1) Before turning on Navitel, you need to activate GPS on your phone. If you have a separate navigator, then you don’t need to activate anything there, everything is enabled by default.

Turn on GPS if necessary

2) Turn on Navitel, a green icon on the desktop.

Green icon, Navitel Navigator

3) If you need Navitel traffic jam updates, then allow the program to connect to the Internet. To be honest, I don't always use this, so I clicked "disable". But you can click “allow”, you just need an Internet connection.

If necessary, turn on Navitel plugs

4) The program will turn on and load the map, but now it is not in the place where you are standing. You need to catch satellites.

plate icon

5) You can’t make a route without satellites. To do this, click the green “satellite dish” icon; now there is a yellow circle on it, which means that our Navitel has not yet contacted the satellites.


6) After clicking, this menu opens, select the “satellites” subsection.

7) The satellite menu opens, in photo 1, they are in search mode, some have already appeared. In photo 2, five have been identified and are in use, they are lit green. Many people ask the question “Navitel is not paving the way”? ATTENTION HERE! The program only catches in open areas, so if you are in a building and there is at least one floor above you, it is not a fact that it will see satellites, just go outside. In the car, there is no major interference, so the program will pick up satellites normally, especially well if the phone is located under the windshield.

Satellite menu

the program has established a connection

8) Press the back key and return to the main page. Now you can determine your location. Half the battle is done. Now you can set the place you need to find on the map.

9) Now the satellite dish icon is green, which means everything is working.

Our location

10) Click on the menu at the bottom right, this menu appears. Here we select the item “at address”, our current location is determined - Russia, Ulyanovsk.

Menu "at address"

Fill in the destination fields

11) Next, select the street and the house where you need to go, just enter it in the menu, if there is no such house, choose the nearest one, you will be able to find your bearings on the spot. If you need to go to another city, then simply fill in the destination city and street in the second city column.

fill in the fields

fully stocked menu

House number

12) We stayed in Ulyanovsk and entered all the data into the NAVITEL program. Namely the city, street and destination house. This is the point where we need to go.


13) The entire route is set, all you have to do is click the “go” button at the top left corner. Navitel will plot your route almost instantly. Here is a photo

Click "go"

The route has been laid out

14) All you have to do is move by car or on foot (bicycle, scooter, crawl, well, whatever you want 8)) along this route, and there is a voice route guidance mode, that is, it will tell you what, where, and how to turn . In principle it is convenient. The final destination will be marked with a flag.


That's how easy and simple it works! I hope I answered the question.

The last thing I want to say is that this program really helps a lot, not only on intercity trips, but also within the city, sometimes it’s very difficult to find a remote street that you don’t know. This program also helps you avoid traffic jams and get to your destination much faster, but that’s a completely different story, there will be a separate article.

The Navitel navigator is a convenient software that searches the map for the shortest routes. It has a “voice prompt” function, which allows the driver not to be distracted by the navigator screen while driving. The operating principle of this device is quite simple, learning how to use it is not difficult.

The Navitel navigator has a full-screen mode, useful pop-up tips, and supports 2D and pseudo 3D modes. It implements scaling and fast scrolling of maps, it is possible to select the orientation of the map: in the direction of the route, movement, north. This program performs the following tasks:
  • location determination with display on the map;
  • automatic and manual route planning;
  • calculation of travel information, displaying it on the map;
  • object search;
  • route recording, display as a track.
To get any route, you need to open the navigator. The message “To update traffic jams, you need to connect to the Internet, allow it?” will appear on the Novitel screen. From the proposed answer options, you need to choose the appropriate one: “allow”, “always allow”, “deny”. If the answer to the question is positive, the program will become available for use and the maps will be loaded. Now you should find (turn on) satellites by clicking on the green “satellite dish” icon. If the icon color is yellow, you need to wait, this means that no satellites have been found yet. After clicking, a menu will open offering the following actions: “turn off GPS”, “settings”, “satellites”, “cancel”. You need to select “satellites” and wait a few seconds for the program to contact the satellite. For normal operation, Novitel will have to find at least 4 satellites. On the street, in a car, this usually happens without problems, but indoors the program may not see satellites. When satellites are found, you should return to the main page by pressing the “back” key.

When satellites are found, the program will automatically determine your location and you can plot a route. To do this, you need to select “menu” at the bottom right, after which the program will offer options:
  • nearest on the map;
  • by the address;
  • waypoints;
  • favorites;
  • story;
  • by coordinates;
  • Navitel SMS.

You should select the menu item “at address”, after which the system will determine your current location. Now you should indicate the address where you need to go: select the country, city, street, house number and click the “go” button at the top left of the screen. The program will immediately plot the shortest route, marking the final destination with a flag.

If you need to adjust the route (for example, stop at a city along the way), you should simply move the map to the place where you need to stop. By zooming in on the map, you need to point your finger (stylus) at the desired city and save the selected point (by the way, you can give it a name). Then click the "find" button, "waypoints", find and select the city you want. In the menu that appears, click the “show on map” button, after which a map with the selected city will appear on the screen. Now you need to click the “drop in” button at the top of the screen, after which the program will automatically suggest a route taking into account the desired city. After adjustments, it is important to save the route by clicking the “export” button.

Once you understand the basic functions, you can create your own settings. You need to go to “menu”, “settings”. There are 6 settings in total, of which three are the most popular:
  • map rotation: you can fix the map with the north facing up or set the mode for its rotation in the direction of travel;
  • navigation: here you can select the type of transport, the route (straight, along the road; short or fast), set a warning about the maneuver, the degree of sensitivity of leaving the route;
  • additional settings: in the “device” tab you can configure sound, clock, power.

The Navitel navigator can be used by drivers, cyclists, and even pedestrians. This device greatly facilitates the search for the shortest route to the desired point, and working with it is not at all difficult.

Traveling with modern navigators is a pleasure. There is no need to navigate paper maps, figure out what azimuth is, or learn how to use a compass. There is no need to navigate by the stars or look at the trees, figuring out which side the moss grows on, and where to find the north in this forest...

It is enough to enter coordinates into the navigator or load a track, and the automation will not only plot the route, but also tell you with voice prompts which direction you need to turn and how much more you need to drive or walk.

But even modern navigators need to learn how to use, otherwise this “electronic toy” will remain idle in your pocket.

The choice of navigators and programs - applications for orientation and travel is very large. Let's focus on one of the main ones, most often used by tourists - Navitel software. By the way, in recent years we have been traveling with the Navitel navigator throughout Russia, neighboring countries, and Europe, pre-loading the maps we need for the trip.

Brief description of Navitel software

In my opinion, the most convenient and frequently used software by autotourists. A small survey conducted on our Avtobrodyaga website confirmed the leadership of this program among autotourists.

The program does not require a permanent Internet connection, is absolutely mobile, and has completely up-to-date road maps - from federal highways to country and field roads.

In Navitel, you can not only plot a route by indicating the specific address of an object, but also plot a route using GPS coordinates and even download GPS tracks.

The Navitel program not only easily downloads into many road (car) computers and road navigators, but also perfectly downloads into tablet computers and smartphones.

The program can be downloaded from the Play Store, there are both free and paid versions.

Basic settings that may be useful to us

Regardless of which device you have the Navitel software installed on, its use and route planning are the same everywhere.

Before you start plotting a route, you need to set the program settings, which will determine which road the navigator will take you on (asphalt, grader, forest road, as well as the presence of toll roads and water crossings along the way).

I will not talk in detail about all the functions of the program; I will focus only on the most necessary ones for traveling.

Despite the excellent convenience of traveling with Navitel, when traveling, do not forget to look at the road signs.

There are situations when the program is loaded with outdated road maps, and the navigator will not take you exactly where you wanted. This is especially true for grader roads or roads that have not been used for a long time. For example, if a bridge on a river was washed away and instead of restoring the old bridge, it is easier to build a new one a few kilometers from the old one.

Making a city route

Let's assume we are planning to go to the city of Tobolsk.

To the left of the route, you will see the distance to the object, and some travel tips: how far to turn, how much is left to travel, as well as your current speed and the time required to travel.

We plot an off-road route using GPS coordinates

Traveling along public roads and city attractions with the help of a navigator is not difficult at all. Actually, plotting a route using GPS coordinates is also not particularly difficult.

Our website uses a coordinate system that involves entering coordinates in the following form: N 56º25.849´; E 60º30.503’ (these are the coordinates of Mount Markov Kamen in the Sverdlovsk region).

  1. First we change the settings in the navigator. To do this, go to “Main Menu” - “Settings” - “Tracks”.
  2. In the "Tracks" tab that opens, enable "GPX format (*.gpx)".

  3. If necessary, turn on “Track Recording” and remember where the tracks will subsequently be recorded.
  4. Next, you need to return to the “Main Menu” - “Route” - “Create a Route” - “Waypoints”.
  5. In the "Waypoints" tab, on the information line at the bottom, click the "Add point" button.
  6. In the Waypoint tab that opens, carefully enter the required coordinates. After entering the coordinates, you need to click the "Daw" in the upper right corner. Clicking it will return you to the “Waypoint” tab with the entered coordinates. Next, you need to enter the name of the point, or simply leave its default number.

  7. A little advice: always try to give unique names to the points, otherwise after a while you will not be able to remember what the point is in your navigator and why you placed it.
  8. Click the checkbox in the upper right corner again, and you will find yourself in the list of “Waypoints”, in which, if everything is done correctly, you will see the waypoint you just entered.
  9. Click on the point you entered and a map with the saved point will open. When you click on the "Let's go" button in the bottom information line, the program will generate a trip route.

  10. You can add the required number of points by repeating the above process several times.

Please note the following. If the Navitel navigator does not see any highway or grader or forest road that is in the program database to the required point, it will simply draw a straight line from your current location to the point. As a rule, straight lines indicate the need to walk this part of the path.

Uploading someone else's track to Navitel

Traveling along routes laid out by address or coordinates is not all the functionality included in the program. The Navitel program also includes the ability to download other people's tracks, that is, tracks recorded on other devices and by other tourists.

The program supports several types of track extensions, in particular, one of the most popular, and also actively used by us (on our website), tracks in the .plt format.

There are two main methods you can use to download tracks.

Copy the required track from the computer to the navigator

From the computer, copy the required track to the program folder: NavitelContent/Download. And from this folder we load it into routes.

  1. Go to "Main Menu" - "Route" - "Import".
  2. In the left submenu, select the required folder and the required file.
  3. Click on the selected file.
  4. The "Import" menu will open, in which you need to select the entire list of tracks. Just move the cursor to the "all tracks" position and click the checkmark in the upper right corner.
  5. If everything is done correctly, you will see a map with the loaded track. On the left will be information about the distance and estimated travel time.

This method is suitable for downloading both to navigators and tablet computers and smartphones.

Download the track via the Internet and upload it to the program

If it is not possible to download from a computer, for example, if you are on the road, but have a working Internet at hand, the track can also be downloaded from the website. Many sites, like us, archive tracks in a program - the WinRAR archiver or similar. This allows you to reduce the volume of the track and simplify its downloading via the Internet.

To download and install archived tracks, you must have an archiver program on your tablet or smartphone. It can be easily downloaded using the Play Store.

P.S. I'll repeat it again. In different versions of the program, and accordingly, in different navigators in which the Navitel program is installed, the structure and type of the main menus may differ slightly. But the essence remains the same.

Navitel is a Russian navigation program.

How to get directions in Navitel, instructions.

When Navitel turns on and loads the map, it may turn out that it does not display the place where you are now. For a more correct display, you need to catch satellites.

Any GPS navigator will not be able to plot a route without satellites. In Navigator, select the green satellite dish icon for this. If the icon is yellow, this means that the program has not yet contacted the satellites.

A special menu opens, where you need to select the “satellites” item. The window that appears displays satellites, some of them are still being searched, some are emerging. If satellites are identified, they light up green. One nuance arises here - Navitel only catches in open areas, therefore, if there is at least one floor above you, satellites may not be found. In a car, the navigator will normally detect satellites, especially if it is located under the windshield.

After pressing the back button and returning to the main page, Navitel determines the current location. After this, you can start building a route.

After clicking on the item at the bottom right of the screen, you can select an option to search for your destination:

  • address,
  • crossroads,
  • points of interest,
  • on the map,
  • pre-saved waypoints,
  • last visited,
  • frequently visited and by coordinates.

Everything seems to be clear with the address and intersections, and points of interest can be selected near the current location, near the finish line, or along the route.

When choosing the address option for forming a route, enter the city, street and house of destination. You can enter the house next to your destination, or just the street.

If there is already a route, then the found points can be added to it as intermediate ones. However, in this case, the order of movement through them must be specified manually.

After all the route data has been specified, you need to click the “go” button in the upper left corner, and Navitel will plot the route. The end point of the route will be marked with a flag, and voice guidance will suggest turns.

Navitel has the ability to record tracks. You can send them to friends or use them to draw maps in editors. To record a track, you need to click on the icon at the top of the screen, or select an item in the menu. Immediately after this, recording will begin with the current coordinates, speed and time. After clicking on the same icon again, the recording is completed and saved in the file. The file name contains the date and time it was created. You can extract tracks using a computer.

Sometimes a purple line appears on the map, it shows the last ten thousand points of all recorded tracks. It can be disabled by resetting the “Show last 10,000 points” item in the settings. All waypoints can be moved by selecting the right button in the waypoint menu in the center.