Cellular motif. Motive telecommunications group. Description of the Motive Telecom network tariff plan “Unlimited GSM”

2000") was founded in 1996. The operator's licensed territory extends from the southern borders of Russia to the shores of the Arctic Ocean. MOTIV provides subscribers with 4G mobile communications and Internet services in the Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Today, MOTIV communications are used by almost 2 .5 million subscribers.

In 2002, MOTIV conducted the first “public testing” of the GSM-1800 network in Russia. In 2003, MOTIV was the first operator to provide communications to stations and sections of the Yekaterinburg metro. In 2004, MOTIV was the first Russian operator to switch to rubles in the tariffing of communication services and abolish fees for incoming calls.

In the fall of 2014, MOTIV began providing subscribers with data services in fourth generation communication networks (4G), and in August 2015, the operator made high-speed mobile Internet its main service and was the first in the country to abolish fees for outgoing calls and SMS within the home region.


Among the activities of MOTIV:

  • cellular,
  • fixed line,
  • zone communication,
  • long-distance and international communications,
  • Internet access, data transfer,
  • Contact center services for outsourcing,
  • construction of virtual private networks
  • and other relevant telecommunications services.

Group structure


The completion of the main stage of construction of the 4G network allowed Motiv to make high-speed mobile Internet its main service. Let us remind you that in August of this year the operator radically changed its tariff policy: in the new tariffs, telephone calls and SMS messages are not charged, but are a free addition to the data traffic package.


At the beginning of 2016, the operator installed 3,189 GSM base stations and 1,867 LTE base stations. "Motiv" provides communications in the territory of 1,594 settlements, where 96% of the population of the Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug live. The operator's licensed territory extends from the southern borders of Russia to the shores of the Arctic Ocean. Its area is 1.5 million km², which is comparable to the area of ​​4 Germany or 11 Greece. High-speed 4G mobile Internet can be used by 91% of the population of the Motiv licensed territory, which is 6.5 million residents.

The operator has 273 of its own offices and 1,718 points of sale. On average, the company's contact center specialists process about 15,000 calls per day. According to reports, the FCR (First Call Resolution) rate - the solution to a problem after the first call - is 92-94%.

Motiv's subscriber base includes almost 2.5 million subscribers. On average, 1,500 new people connect to the network every day. Over the entire history of the company, the Ural operator has issued 353 tariffs.

In February 2016, at an auction by Roskomnadzor, the Ural operator won additional frequencies for the development of the 4G network. This new LTE resource will allow us to strengthen our position in the “old” regions - improve the quality of communication and increase the speed of mobile 4G Internet by at least 2 times, as well as enter the market of the Tyumen region. In the future, the operator plans a gradual transition to VoLTE (Voice over LTE).

Voice over 4G networks using VoLTE

In February 2016, the operator won at an auction by Roskomnadzor an additional LTE resource in the 2570-2595 MHz range in five regions of the Ural Federal District - in the Sverdlovsk, Kurgan and Tyumen regions, in Yugra and Yamal.

The company received licenses, and with them the legal right to transmit “voice” over 4G networks using VoLTE (Voice over LTE) technology. Currently, CSFB (Circuit-Switched Fallback) technology is used to make voice calls. In this case, the phone switches from 4G to 2G for the duration of the conversation, and then switches back. The networks of all Russian operators operate in a similar way.

Mobile operator Motiv provides its subscribers with the opportunity not only to make standard calls or send SMS messages, but also to use additional services and functions. Some of them are free, but for most options the operator withdraws money from the account. Therefore, many users are forced to disable services that they do not need.

To find out about the services provided by the company, use LISA - the subscriber’s personal Internet service. On your personal page there is a list of paid options used. It is easy to find out detailed information about each function or simply disable it.

To activate the service, you need:

  • Go through authorization. The subscriber sends a message without text to number 1070 or contacts a consultant at 8 800 240 0000.
  • Afterwards, he receives a password to enter his “Personal Account” and views all connected functions in the “Services” table.

The specified password can be easily replaced with any combination of numbers or letters that is convenient for the user.

How can I find a list of connected services through the mobile application?

You can learn about additional paid options using the company’s mobile Internet application. It is available only for smartphones of the Android operating system; the current version of the application is available at the link below.

The application is easy to use: it makes it easy to check your account balance on your phone, top it up with a bank card and find out about new promotions or tariffs. The subscriber independently selects and activates the paid services that he needs. Each of them can be disabled at any convenient time.

Disconnection via SMS: quick and easy

Another way to disable the service is to send an SMS message to the operator. The table shows the names of the functions and the number to which the notification should be sent.

Service Number Text to disable the service
Profitable Russia 001180 OFF
Children's Internet 1096 OFF
Roaming For everything 001166 OFF
Roaming For conversations 001165 OFF
Turbo button 1005
Time-out 1040 OFF
Your world 1012 OFF
Marathon+ 1018 OFF
Informant 1024
Call forwarding 1028 OFF
missed call 1034 OFF
Guide to MOTIV 1060
Call waiting 1029 OFF
Prohibition of subscriber number identification 1030 OFF
Deleting a Favorite Number 1032
Prohibition of SMS transmission to content provider numbers 1069 OFF
Mobile Internet 1036 OFF
Super SMS 1038 OFF
Marathon 1045 OFF
Opting out of birthday SMS messages 1073 OFF
SMS message about receipt of funds to the subscriber’s personal account 1046
Night Internet unlimited 1049 OFF
Banning SMS from the Internet 1062 OFF
Checking the “Close Number” 1064
Public static IP address 1066 OFF
Internet marathon 1008 OFF
Temporary blocking of notification of funds transfer 1071 OFF
SMS-MMS round dance 1088 OFF
Roaming NON-STOP 1078 OFF
Mobile transfer 1080 OFF
Prohibition of sending information SMS from MOTIV 1084 OFF
Unlimited Parade 1086 OFF
I am online 1087 OFF
Mega Mini prices 1094 OFF
Native number 1091 number without prefixes +7 or 8
Checking “native” numbers 1093

Disabling paid services using USSD commands

You can disable options using requests. For example:

  • To cancel the “Roaming NON-STOP” service, you need to use the command *114*24#.
  • The request *114*151*1# will disable the “Turbo button” option.
  • A ussd request *114*23# will help you disable SMS notifications about the receipt of funds to the subscriber’s account.

You can view the full list of commands for refusing operator services by following the link

The company operating under the brand "Bee Line"

trademark MOTIV.

LLC "Ekaterinburg-2000"(intrazone communication), Mobifon-2000 LLC(satellite, international and
Read completely

Cellular communications in the Sverdlovsk region began to actively develop in the mid-1990s.

Company "Ekaterinburg Cellular Communications", operating under the brand "Bee Line", was one of the main cellular operators in the region.

In 2002, Bee Line began independent activities, and Ekaterinburg Cellular Communications was forced to create a new trademark MOTIV.

In addition to the composition of the telecommunications group "Motiv" LLC "Ekaterinburg-2000"(cellular communications and Internet access) included LLC "European-Asian Railways"(intrazone communication), Mobifon-2000 LLC(satellite, international and long-distance communications), as well as CJSC "Perm Telephone Company", which holds licenses to provide local telephone services in the Perm region.

The group’s activities also include organizing IP-VPN and outsourcing the Contact Center.

The leading activity of MOTIV is cellular communications.

Today, the Motiv operator has almost 2.5 million subscribers. At the end of 2013, MOTIV cellular communication services were used by 2,354,616 subscribers in the Sverdlovsk region, 21,064 subscribers in the Kurgan region, 25,479 subscribers in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and 12,085 subscribers in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The operator currently has 3,189 GSM base stations and 1,867 LTE base stations installed."Motiv" provides communications in the territory of 1,594 settlements, where 96% of the population of the Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug live. The operator's licensed territory extends from the southern borders of Russia to the shores of the Arctic Ocean. Its area is 1.5 million km², which is comparable to the area of ​​4 Germany or 11 Greece. High-speed 4G mobile Internet from the Motiv operator can be used by 91% of the population of the Motiv licensed territory, which is 6.5 million residents.

On April 19, 2011, the company won licenses of the GSM-1800 standard in the Kurgan region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. According to the terms of the competition, during the first three years from the date of the decision to issue a license, the operator must cover all populated areas with a population of 500 or more people. MOTIV was supposed to begin providing cellular communication services in new regions no later than May 2013. However, the operator arrived in new territories ahead of schedule. Thus, the network was launched into commercial operation in the Kurgan region on September 1, 2012, in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - on October 22, 2012, in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - on November 1, 2012. In September - October 2014, the fourth generation network was launched in test mode 4G LTE in all regions of presence. At the beginning of November 2014, the 4G LTE network was launched into commercial operation in all 4 regions of the operator’s presence.

Today Motiv is expanding its boundaries. Let us recall that in February 2016, at the Roskomnadzor auction, the Ural operator won additional frequencies for the development of the 4G network. This new LTE resource will allow us to strengthen our position in the “old” regions - improve the quality of communication and increase the speed of mobile 4G Internet by at least 2 times, as well as enter the market of the Tyumen region. In the future, the operator plans a gradual transition to VoLTE (Voice over LTE). This technology allows you to transfer voice calls over a 4G network and guarantees high quality speech, instant connection and significant battery savings.

Often, a subscriber, having chosen a certain tariff, becomes attached to it and may not change it for years. Just communicating, using the Internet, replenishing their account, people little think about what exactly they are spending money on. Meanwhile, more and more profitable offers appear that allow you to save money without limiting yourself.

An excellent solution for residents of the Sverdlovsk region will be Motiv cellular tariffs. The main advantages of this operator are the absence of a monthly fee for outgoing calls, as well as a wide range of tariff plans. Each client will be able to choose something to their liking.

The most popular packages are “Instead!” For a small fee, they provide the opportunity to communicate unlimitedly both by phone and online.
In addition, Motiv offers tariff plans:

  • "All Russia";
  • "39";
  • "139";
  • "Second-by-second";
  • "Very simple ";
  • "NEXT FREE".

general information

Cost "Instead!" directly depends on the services you need and the amount of free traffic. The price for it varies from 300 to 1800 rubles. For a minimum amount you will receive 4.5 GB of mobile Internet at maximum speed and unlimited calls within the region. For the maximum fee, you will have access to 100 GB, unlimited access to social networks, and non-tariffed night traffic.

The “All Russia” package costs 300 rubles/month. It provides 600 minutes, 600 SMS, 6 GB for free calls throughout Russia.

Tariff plans “39” and “139” are suitable for those who do not want to spend large sums, but want to get high-quality communication with family and friends. For just 39 rubles you get 1 hour of conversation to all numbers in the region. 139 will give you access to 200 minutes and SMS. In addition, the subscription fee includes 1 GB for comfortable communication in the Web space.

People who value their time will be interested in packages for calls without a monthly fee. Per second, “Very simple” and Next Free with payment of 3 kopecks/sec, 80 kopecks/min or 1.5 rubles/30 min respectively.
You can connect at the service center or using simple Ussd commands:

  • “Instead!”: *114*171# (172, 173, 174, 175 for plans for 600, 900, 1200, 1800 respectively);
  • "NEXT FREE": *114*54# ;
  • “Per-second”: *114*67# ;
  • “Very simple”: *114*77# ;
  • "39": *114*70# ;
  • "139": *114*71# .

Now you know everything about the tariff plans of the Motiv operator and can choose exactly the one you need.

Mobile operators

Mobile operator "Motiv" is currently the largest regional operator in Russia. The geography of activity includes the Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrugs. The head office is located in Yekaterinburg. The owner is Ekaterinburg-2000 LLC, but it is impossible to say with certainty who actually controls this company.

Officially, the founders are three foreign companies, one of which is registered in the United Kingdom, and the other two in the West Indies, but it is generally accepted that the key owner is entrepreneur Vitaly Vasilyevich Kochetkov, who again officially owns 4% of the shares.


The history of Motiv is connected with one of the three companies that were pioneers of cellular communications in the Urals Federal District.

Since 1995, Uralwestcom began operating, the network of which was based on NMT technology, a little later, in 1997, Uraltel entered the market, operating in the GSM standard, and the object of our interest will be the operator Yekaterinburg Cellular Communications, which used the DAMPS standard, which has been around since 1995.

The company did not yet have its own trademark; instead, it used the Beeline brand, announced two years earlier.

However, in 2002, VimpelCom began independent activities in the Urals Federal District, and Ekaterinburg Cellular Communications needed its own trademark.

The telecommunications group "Motiv" was created, which included, in addition to LLC "Ekaterinburg-2000", which was engaged in cellular communications and providing Internet access, three more companies:

  • LLC "European-Asian Highways" (intra-zone communications).
  • Mobifon-2000 LLC (satellite, international and long-distance communications).
  • CJSC "Perm Telephone Company" (landline telephone service in the Perm region).
Around the same period, the creation of a new network operating in the GSM-1800 standard began, since by this time the DAMPS format had become obsolete.

Competitors in this field are Uraltel and “”, which entered the market at the beginning of the 2000s and operated under the Utel brand.

By 2010, the license for the frequencies used by the DAMPS network expired completely, and the network ceased operation, but this did not create any special problems for Motiv. By that time, the subscriber base had reached two million people, which by regional standards is very significant.

In 2011, as a result of the competition, the operator became the owner of licenses to provide communication services in three more regions, albeit far from the most prestigious: Kurgan region, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrugs. Commercial operation of the networks began ahead of schedule - already in 2012 they began operating in all three regions.

A serious problem was the lack of licenses for 3G mobile Internet. During the relevant competitions, all frequencies went to members of the then “Big Three”, and the remaining operators were left out.

But a little later, its severity was smoothed out a little: Motiv received a license to use frequencies for 4G, and already at the end of 2014, mobile Internet started working in all regions of the operator’s presence.

In 2016, the general director of Motiv, Vyacheslav Yukhimovich, died untimely, and Alexei Gennadievich Artemasov, who had been working in the company since the early nineties, was appointed in his place and heads it at the time of writing.

In 2019, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the operator and the manufacturer of telecommunications equipment, within the framework of which new technologies will be introduced to increase the speed of operation in LTE networks, preparations will be made for the introduction of fifth-generation mobile Internet and testing the redistribution of frequencies between 2G and 4G.

User reviews

In the “people's rating” of the popular resource banki.ru, the operator ranks eleventh.

Not a very impressive result, but the company follows almost immediately behind the Big Four.

Other large regional operators with their own networks, like , did not even make it into the top twenty, and most of the first positions in the ranking are accounted for by fresh MVNOs like , which are actively conducting advertising work with potential clients and have not yet managed to acquire a “collection” of haters.

48 reviews is again not so little for a regional company. The average score is not particularly critical here - it is obvious that the negative will dominate.

It is not customary here, and probably throughout the world, to waste time thanking people for services rendered without appropriate motivation.

There are still a couple of positive reviews.

The first thing that attracts attention is the comparison with the “Big Four” in terms of imposing paid subscriptions, and clearly not in favor of the latter. I am especially guilty of this.

The coverage is also praised, at least in the Sverdlovsk region. How things are in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug or Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is still a big question.

But even in positive reviews there is a complaint about the lack of 3G Internet and profitable roaming in Russia.

Now let's see what they say about Motiv Telecom that is bad.

There are many complaints about the poor quality of the mobile Internet.

The complaints mainly concern the speed and stability of the connection.

Several complaints about the company’s dishonesty towards its subscribers: write-offs, creating debts out of nowhere and other “fun” that small mobile operators love so much.

Like any self-respecting provider of telecommunications services, Motiv Telecom offers its subscribers equipment at fairly reasonable prices.

However, its quality often leaves much to be desired.

And although the company itself does not have production facilities and orders modems and routers from China, responsibility for such situations still lies with it.

There were practically no reviews about Motiv Telecom on other Internet resources. But overall the picture is more or less clear. There are too many complaints about company fraud to ignore.

And again, not everything is in order with the speed of the mobile Internet.

But in any case, the operator is one of the largest players in the telecommunications services market in the Sverdlovsk region, and, importantly, has its own network.

And its subscriber base is more than solid by the standards of the second tier, although it does not even come close to the outsider of the Big Four - .

And although the company does not have any special prospects for growth, it is still taking certain steps with an eye to the future, clearly hoping to grab a piece of the next division of the pie - the distribution of licenses, now for 5G Internet.

Considering the persistent rumors about Vitaly Kochetkov’s connections with the leadership of the region, one can be almost sure: no takeover of the company will happen in the near future, even if the quality of its work drops significantly.