Hidden features of iPhone 6 plus. A Few Useful iPhone Features You Didn't Know About

Next month it will introduce the new operating system 9, the major release since the launch of the App Store, which will unlock new features and give developers the tools to create new applications. You shouldn't expect any fundamental changes in the design of the mobile platform: the appearance of iOS has changed radically in the seventh edition.

With each release, innovations appear that compensate for some of the functional inconveniences of the previous system. In anticipation of the release of the "nine", MacDigger publishes a selection of hidden features of the mobile platform, which not all users know about. The article will be of interest to both beginners who are just getting acquainted with the operating system and advanced users of iGadgets.

1. Custom vibration alerts

Some iOS features are so unique that they boggle the imagination. One of these functions relates to calls on smartphones, in particular, vibration alerts. The system allows you to create custom vibration patterns for incoming calls. To configure this function, you need to go to Settings -> Sounds -> Ringtones -> Vibrations -> Create vibration.

2. Voice-over of any texts

It is worth recognizing that thanks to books in audio format, reading literature has become much more convenient and easier. In fact, it’s not even so much reading as listening. The operating system, using standard tools, allows you to turn any text information on the screen into an audiobook, as a result of which you can listen to the text with a simple “swipe”, for example, on the way to work, in a car, subway or airplane. Read more about this here.

3. Disable tracking of frequently visited places

iOS collects information about where the iPhone owner goes most often. But, if earlier this data was not available to the users of smartphones and tablets themselves, then in the latest versions this is no longer the case. The gadget keeps a history of movements and demonstrates geographic coordinates and the time during which a person was in a given place. For example, he attended work 45 times from February 1, 2015, or on May 8 he was in the park of the Central Park of Culture and Culture from 20:15 to 22:54. You can find this information in the “Privacy” -> “Location Services” menu. How to disable the function, MacDigger wrote here.

4. Magnet and hidden features of iPhone

Last year, a developer discovered hidden capabilities in Apple smartphones. Using a magnetic bar, he learned to control a small object on the screen of a smartphone, which completely repeated the movements of a magnet located 20 centimeters from it. The experiment proved that the Apple phone is sensitive to the movements of the block not only in one plane, but also in space. The unusual abilities of Apple devices are demonstrated in a video on YouTube.

5. Control iPhone and iPad with head movements

In the Settings menu -> General -> Accessibility -> Switch Control -> Switches -> Object Selection there are special options that allow you to configure left and right head gestures to execute certain commands. For example, by tilting your head to the right, you can turn up or down the volume, and by making a gesture in the other direction, you can bring up the multitasking panel or return to the main screen. The menu is hidden far away in the operating system settings.

6. Hidden photo and video shooting

Sometimes situations arise when you need to take several photographs or record a video without anyone noticing. A wonderful feature of iOS will help solve this problem. Instructions for using the function can be found here.

7. Removing numbers in the calculator using swipes

In the Calculator app, you can delete the last digits you entered. This is done by simply swiping right or left across the field with symbols.

8. Black and white mode

A black and white interface mode has been added to the G8 settings. You can find the switch in the General menu -> Accessibility -> Grayscale.

9. Ability to hide photos

The Photos app and iCloud Photo Library give you access to all your photos and videos anytime, anywhere. Photos are easy to find and organized the same way across all devices. In addition, in the latest version of iOS, Photos allows you to hide photos - the selected photos will disappear from the Moments, Collections and Years views, but will be visible in the Albums section.

10. Filtering messages from unknown contacts

The latest release of the software platform has the ability to filter messages from unknown subscribers. The Messages application groups such messages into a separate section. You can learn how to use this iPhone feature in this article.

11. Spock gesture emoji

In the latest release of iOS, Apple has expanded the standard set of emoji. The emoji character keyboard has acquired more than 300 new icons. At the same time, support for emoticons has appeared, which are not yet presented directly on the keyboard. One of them is the “Live Long and Prosper” gesture, which was demonstrated by a character in the science fiction television series “Star Trek”. The OS supports the Vulcan salute icon - you just need to set up a keyboard shortcut to insert it.

12. Disable swipes in the Photos app

Sometimes it becomes necessary to limit the operation of some functions of the iPhone and iPad. For example, deny children access to certain websites or applications, hide contacts in your address book or hide recent calls from your other half. iOS provides such capabilities. One of the functions allows you to limit the ability to scroll through photos in the standard photo library. Relevant for situations when the user decides to show a photo to a friend, but does not want him to be able to view other photos. Find out how to set up this function here.

13. Hide any app from your home screen

Every time a new version of iOS is released, users find ways to use operating system errors to their advantage. This was the case, for example, with the Kiosk application in iOS 6 and folders in iOS 7. The iOS 8 platform was no exception. During testing, the developers discovered many bugs and shortcomings. Some of them migrated to the final assembly. One of the bugs in iOS 8 allows you to hide any applications, including system ones, from the screen using simple manipulations. All details at this link.

14. Add blank icons to your home screen

Previously, in order to add a blank icon to the iPhone or iPad home screen, users had to resort to jailbreaking and install specialized tweaks from Cydia. Not long ago, an easier way to achieve the same effect appeared.

15. Add folder to folder

Folders in iOS have no restrictions on the number of programs. You can add an unlimited number of icons to them. Although, after a certain point, this loses its meaning, since searching for applications in a folder will take as much time as scrolling through screens on the desktop. A feature of the springboard in iOS 8 allows you to add folders to folders using simple manipulations. MacDigger explained how to do this here.

16. Photo while shooting video

17. Download free apps without entering passwords

Apple has added an option to iOS that allows you to download free games and apps without confirming your Apple ID password. To make purchases in the App Store and iTunes, the user must enter passwords or place their finger on the Touch ID fingerprint scanner. If the device does not have a biometric sensor, the process of downloading applications is quite tedious. In iOS 8.3, it became possible to disable the mandatory confirmation of downloads with a code word in the case of free content - applications, music and books. The option becomes available if authorization using Touch ID is disabled on the device. It is located in the “iTunes Store, App Store” section.

18. Locate a lost iPhone even after it's completely drained

The iOS 8 platform has received a number of improvements in terms of Apple branded services. This also applies to Find My iPhone. Few people know, but the service for searching for missing and stolen devices has acquired a special “Last geoposition” mode. It allows iPhones and iPads to automatically send their location data before running out of juice. The corresponding switch is located in the iCloud menu –> Find iPhone.

19. Display accurate cellular signal strength

Owners of iPhone smartphones can, using standard operating system tools, find out the exact signal level in the operator’s mobile network. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to jailbreak your mobile device. The indicator shows the signal level in the range from -40 to -130. A value of -40 indicates the best reception. How to activate this mode, MacDigger wrote here.

20. Improve recognition accuracy of the Touch ID fingerprint scanner

Some users complain about the unstable operation of the fingerprint scanner built into the main button of the smartphone. iOS has a hidden ability to “train” Touch ID. The platform allows you to correct the entered finger biometric data without the need to rescan your fingerprints. You can find out more about this here.

1. Taking pictures without using the touch screen

Just call Siri with a long touch on the Home button and ask her to turn on the camera. To take a photo, press any volume button on your smartphone or headphones.

2. Emergency reboot

In those rare cases when the iPhone freezes or you need to free up the device's RAM, an emergency reboot will help. Just hold down the Home button and the Lock button for 10 seconds.

3. Triple press the Home button

Go to the "Accessibility" item in the main iPhone settings. Scroll down to the “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab - a list of functions will open in front of you. Triple-clicking the Home button launches VoiceOver, color inversion (useful for reading), some display settings, on-screen zoom, and Switch Control or AssistiveTouch.

To turn on the magnifying glass by triple-clicking the Home button, simply select the appropriate item in “Universal Access.”

4. Double tap the Home button sensor

Perhaps all iPhone users know that double-clicking the mechanical Home button opens the application selection window. But not everyone is aware that double tapping the button sensor “lowers” ​​the screen a little, allowing owners of large smartphones to easily reach the top icons.

5. Using 3D Touch

If you have an iPhone 6s or later, using 3D Touch can make your life a lot easier and save time. This technology will speed up movement between applications, make typing more convenient and...

6. Reassigning volume buttons

The iPhone has two volume settings: the first is for calls and notifications, the second is for music and applications. Turning off the “Change with buttons” toggle switch in the sound settings will fix the ringer volume in its current position and transfer control of music and applications exclusively to the side buttons.

Work with text

7. Undo last action

Just shake your smartphone, and iOS will offer to undo the last action, be it typing, pasting or, conversely, deleting text.

8. Quickly enter a domain

In cases where the keyboard prompts you to quickly enter domain.com, hold your finger on this button. A list of popular domains will open in front of you, where you can quickly switch to cherished.ru.

9. Removing the microphone icon from the keyboard

The microphone icon between the space bar and the language change button is intended for voice text input. You can remove the icon by moving the “Enable dictation” slider to the inactive position in the keyboard settings.

10. Listening to the text

iOS supports Screen Speak. To enable it, activate the slider in the speech settings: “Settings” → “General” → “Universal Access”. To make iPhone speak text on the screen, swipe down with two fingers in any app.


11. Create a letter password for unlocking

If you don't trust four- or six-digit passwords and don't like Touch ID technology, you can set a long one.

Go to the password code settings and select “Change password code”. The system will require you to enter the old combination first, and then the new one. On the screen for entering a new password, click on “Passcode Options” and select an acceptable option.

12. Improve Touch ID accuracy

To help iPhone recognize you more confidently and quickly, create multiple prints of the same finger.

13. Create hidden photos

If you take photos in the standard camera application, they will be saved in the library. To protect a photo with a password, you need to resort to a trick. Turn off photo exporting and set a password in the Notes app settings. To take a secret photo, go to create a new note and tap on the camera icon. Once the photo is taken, click on "Export" and select "Lock Note."

14. Guided access

We often give our smartphone into the wrong hands to “pass a level in a game,” “read an article,” or “watch a video on YouTube.” If you don't trust who will be using your iPhone, turn on Guided Access in Settings: General → Accessibility → Guided Access.

When handing over an iPhone to someone, triple-click the Home button to turn on Guided Access, and the person will only be able to use the open app.


15. “Whose iPhone is this?”

If you find a lost iPhone, Siri can help you contact its owner without entering a password. Ask her “Whose iPhone is this?” or “Who owns this iPhone?”, and a window will open in front of you with the name of the owner of the gadget.

So that the person who finds your iPhone can find you in this way, go to Siri settings and in the “Data” tab, assign a contact with information about yourself.

16. Male Siri voice

Not everyone knows, but our faithful electronic assistant can speak in a pleasant male voice. This option is available in Siri settings.


17. Calling the last number dialed

To repeat the last call, it is not necessary to go to the “Recent” tab. Click on the green handset on the screen with keys, and the iPhone will offer to call back the last number dialed.

18. Quick access to favorite contacts

To quickly dial important numbers, add them to the Favorites tab in the standard Phone application. Swipe right on the desktop to go to the widget panel. Scroll down and click “Edit”, and then tap on the plus sign next to the “Favorites” widget. Now you can call your loved ones faster and even when the screen is locked.

19. Detection of an incoming call in headphones

Answering calls using headphones is sometimes much easier than reaching for your phone. To find out who is calling you without taking your iPhone out of your pocket, turn on the “Call Announcements” toggle switch in your phone settings.


20. Deleting old messages

Deleting irrelevant messages will help bring order to your correspondence and free up precious megabytes of memory. Find the “Leave messages” item in the settings and set the required time after which the messages will be deleted.

21. Saving traffic in “Messages”

To avoid wasting traffic on heavy attachments, turn on low quality mode in your message settings.

22. Time of sending messages

One of the non-obvious functions of “Messages” is viewing the exact time of sending. Just swipe from the right side of the screen.


23. Setting up a call from Apple Music

The ability to set your favorite song as an alarm is not a trick, but a basic iPhone feature that many people don't know about. When creating a new alarm, click on the Sound tab. Rewind the list to the very beginning, before the standard ringtones, find a panel with familiar names and click on “Select song”.

24. Snooze alarm

To reschedule the alarm to a later time, you don’t have to look for the corresponding button on the screen. Press any side button and iPhone wakes you up again in nine minutes.

This interval was not chosen by chance: old mechanical alarm clocks could not count exactly 600 seconds. They did not take into account the current minute and began counting nine minutes from the next one.


25. Search by word on a page

Enter the desired word in the address bar. In the drop-down menu under the search engine suggestions, select “On this page.”

26. Recently closed tabs

Go to the screen that shows previews of open pages and hold your finger on the “+” button. A list of recently closed tabs will open in front of you. This is useful if you accidentally closed a long-open page that is difficult to find in your browser history.

27. Convert a Safari page to a PDF file

28. Opening links in the background

Other basic applications and services

29. Spotlight as a converter

Swiping down on any iPhone screen opens Spotlight. Its use significantly reduces the time spent searching for something on a smartphone. Spotlight provides results from many applications: it will help you find the desired episode of a podcast, a message by keyword, or a person on Twitter. Also, a standard search engine can act as a converter. Just search for "1 usd" or "15 inches in cm".

30. Convert slow motion video to regular video

If you've been playing around with the slow motion function and accidentally shot something in slow motion that would look better at natural speed, it's easy to bring the video to the original tempo without additional applications. Open the video editing section and adjust the values ​​on the speed bar. This strip is located above the timing field, where we usually cut the videos.

Level 31

The compass in the basic application is practically useless in the city. But if you swipe the screen to the left, you can get a level - an indispensable device for repair and installation.

32. Optimizing Apple Music storage

Turn on Storage Optimization in Music Settings and iPhone will automatically delete songs you rarely listen to. This will only happen when the device’s memory runs out.

To set the minimum amount of music that will not be deleted from iPhone, you can set the storage size.

33. Geolocation reminders

Task managers in the App Store offer a lot of functions, but standard “Reminders” are also capable of a lot. For example, a basic application can remind you to buy milk not only at 15:00, but also when you visit the store. To enable this function, select “Remind me by location” and find the desired geolocation in the task settings.


34. Turn on power saving mode

If your iPhone has more than 20% charge left, but the nearest outlet is still very far away, it makes sense to switch to power saving mode. To enable the mode, just ask Siri about it or find the corresponding item in the battery settings. In these settings, you can also find a list of the most energy-consuming applications and close them in a timely manner.

35. Silent charging connection

You can avoid vibration when connecting the charger to your iPhone by opening the Camera app before connecting the Lightning cable. The device will begin to charge, and your light-sleeping relatives will not be awakened by a sudden sound.

The new iPhone has many new features and capabilities. Here are ten of our favorite tricks for the new iPhone SE!

Use "Hey Siri" without unlocking.

Siri has always been a useful companion on the iPhone, but it's got a few new tricks lately. One of the best additions is hands-free mode, allowing you to ask her questions without even unlocking your iPhone. Enable this new feature in Settings > General > Siri > Allow "Hey Siri". You need to set up Siri by repeating this phrase several times and then it will work.

Live Photos Live Photos are kind of like magical photos from Harry Potter. Whenever you take a photo with this mode enabled, you will get a few seconds of video before and after the photo was taken. It's pretty amazing, but it can also use up a lot of extra storage space (and the iPhone SE only starts at 16GB). You can disable this feature by tapping the icon (three circles) in the top center of the camera app; yellow means it is on and white means it is off.

Night Shift is a brilliant new addition to iOS 9. Once enabled, it will shift the display's color temperature throughout the day, making things look warmer in the evening (more yellow, less blue). Scientific research has proven that this will make it easier for you to go to bed in the evening while avoiding exposure to bright blue light. You can enable this in Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift

Unfortunately, this function does not work in Russia yet, but if you often travel abroad, know that Apple Pay works in the iPhone SE, thanks to the NFC chip and fingerprint reader. You can use the service to pay for all types of goods and services, both in the real world (for example, shops and the subway) and on your iPhone (when ordering from ASOS, for example). It's an easy-to-use payment method that's worth trying.

One of the lesser-known additions to iOS 9 was Medical ID. The idea is that even if you are unable to speak, the rescuer will be able to see information such as date of birth, blood type, allergies and emergency contact number. It's worth setting this up once if you end up needing it.

Low Power Mode is a new addition to iOS, offering a way to extend the life of your battery. Your iPhone SE will prompt you to enable the mode at 20% and 10% battery, but you can enable it earlier if you want in Settings > Battery. The mode disables syncing and some visual effects, and turns the battery icon yellow to let you know power saving mode is on.

The iPhone SE comes with some nifty animated backgrounds created from thousands of high-resolution photos. You can find them in Settings>Wallpaper>Choose new wallpaper>Dynamic.

The new battery consumption section in the settings menu is really useful as it shows a large list of how much battery each app is consuming. If you are looking for the reason why your iPhone is not working as long as before, you just might find it here. Once you've identified power-hungry apps, you can remove them or limit their operation.

The iPhone is known to be a very useful thing, but it has hidden functions that many people are not even aware of. For example, not every owner of an Apple gadget knows that his phone contains a map of all the places he has visited, or that he can control the screen by turning his head.

In contact with

We invite you to familiarize yourself with fifteen useful features that will make you a truly “advanced” iPhone user.

Re-entering the most frequently used text and phrases each time is a very annoying procedure.

In order to, say, not constantly enter the same email address, the iPhone can be taught hints. The user can type, for example, “soap”, and the entire address will appear on the screen. To do this you need to go to the menu “ Settings", In chapter " Basic" choose " Keyboard" and click on the item " Replacing text».

Click here + in the upper right corner, in the field Phrase enter the full phrase (in our case yablyk@site), and in the Abbreviation field enter the desired abbreviation, for example “soap”..

In this way you can easily enter, for example, passport data, full name, etc. Try it, it's very convenient.

How to add and change the order of virtual keyboards

Using the iPhone's default keyboard doesn't allow you to maximize its full potential. There are a number of applications that add many interesting and useful functions to the keyboard - from translating text into a foreign language to sending funny GIFs.

Try using, for example, one of the third-party keyboards below:

You can activate the new keyboard after installing it using the following path: Settings -> Basic -> Keyboard -> Keyboards -> New keyboards.

To use the keyboard, you must give it full access to iOS. To do this, click on the name of the keyboard and move the switch to the ON position, then confirm your intentions by selecting the option Allow.

The order of keyboards in the list can be changed by clicking on the " Change" in the upper right corner. This will allow you to know exactly which keyboard will appear next when switching.

You can switch the keyboard by clicking on the globe icon in the lower left corner or in the settings of the active keyboard.

How to turn off calls and notifications at night or at lunchtime

The "" function allows you to turn off sound signals for calls, alerts and notifications that come to a locked device. The user can schedule a time or select subscribers whose calls are allowed to receive.

In order to activate the function, you need to go to the menu “ Settings" and select " Manually».

This can also be done in Control Center by clicking on the crescent moon icon.

How to control iPhone with your head

You can activate the device control function using head movements by going to Settings -> Basic > Universal access-> and selecting Add new... In chapter Switches.

How to hide some unused native apps that can't be deleted

The iPhone comes with dozens of pre-installed applications that the user cannot remove. This is quite inconvenient, considering that many of them will hardly be used. Be that as it may, some unused applications can be removed from the home screen.

To do this you need to go to " Settings" and in the section " Basic" choose " Restrictions" Then you need to enter a password and specify which icons should be hidden from the home screen.

Unfortunately, you can only hide application icons: Safari, Camera, FaceTime, iTunes Store, Podcasts and News.

How to make the flash light up when making calls, receiving messages and notifications

Many iPhone users who love the message indicator lights on older phones don't even realize that they can activate this feature on their Apple device. This can be done by going to Settings -> Basic -> Universal access -> Flash warnings.

How to set different vibration for individual contacts

You can find out who is calling not only by the ringtone, but also by the vibration sound. In order to set a specific vibration for individual contacts, you need to go to Settings -> Sounds -> Ringtone -> Vibration -> Create vibration.

You can set the vibration pattern by tapping on the screen. The created sample must be named and saved.

This vibration will be automatically set by default for all notifications, so before you exit the menu, you must return to the previous settings - option Not selected.

In order to set a specified vibration for a specific person, you should go to the list of contacts, select the required one, press the button Change and indicate the saved template in the “ Vibration».

Replying to messages from the lock screen is very simple - just swipe left on the message, thereby activating the " Answer».

You can find out the most energy-consuming applications by going to Settings -> Battery -> Battery usage.

iPhone saves data about all visited places and creates a hidden map. In order to view it, you need to go to Settings -> Confidentiality -> Location Services and select System Services -> Frequently visited places.

All places visited by the user are sorted by city. After clicking on the name of the city, a map will open with an exact indication of the location and time of its visit.

How to enable power saving mode

Power saving mode can help extend the life of your iPhone battery. When the battery level drops to 20%, a notification appears asking you to enter low power mode. However, it can be activated even if the smartphone is fully charged. To do this you need to go to the application " Settings" and select the section " Battery" When the power saving mode is turned on, the battery level indicator turns yellow.

To save battery, non-essential features such as background app updates, Siri and some resource-intensive video effects are disabled.

Power saving mode turns off automatically when the device reaches 80% charge.

How to view selfies and screenshots in separate albums in the Photos app

This may be news to some, but the iPhone automatically saves photos taken with the front camera and screenshots separately from the rest.

In order to quickly view the media files sent in the message (photos, videos, coordinates), just click on the “ Details" in the upper right corner.

You can specify the location in the message in the menu " Details" The mark is set indefinitely, for example, for an hour or until the end of the day.

How to reduce the screen brightness level to a level lower than that suggested in the settings

Few people know that by triple-clicking on the display you can reduce the brightness in a way that the standard settings do not allow. This makes using your smartphone at night much more convenient. You can activate the triple tap function as follows. Choose Settings -> Basic -> Universal access -> Increase and in the subsection Magnification area check the box Whole screen.

After triple-tapping the screen with three fingers (you need to touch quickly), a menu will appear in which you need to click on “ Select filter" and check the box next to " Weak light" Now you can reduce the brightness below the minimum set by Apple by triple tapping the screen.

It doesn’t matter whether you already own an iPhone or are just thinking about purchasing one, it’s always nice to know the hidden capabilities of a technical friend that help, suggest, simplify life, and sometimes even have fun. Below is a list of secret features that you may not have known about.

1. Create a complex password
By default, your iPhone asks you to enter numbers when you create a password to unlock your smartphone. But you can change this setting. Go to Settings->General -> Password Protection and disable “simple password.” You will be prompted to change your password, and the full keyboard will appear on the screen, not just the numeric part. This keyboard will pop up every time you need to unlock your phone.

2. Fast charging
Switching to Airplane mode turns off wireless and cellular capabilities, allowing your phone to charge up to twice as fast because nothing on the phone is currently drawing power.

3. Siri (Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface) will read your emails out loud
Just say the magic words: “Read my email,” and Siri will read all your messages out loud. If you want, you can tell her to read only the latest messages (“Read my latest email”) or only from a specific contact (“Do I have email from Mark?”).

4. Find out what planes are flying overhead
Siri will help you here too. It is enough to ask in English: “flights are above me?” or “Planes overhead”, as a sign will open listing the flight number of each passing aircraft, its altitude above sea level and angle. Just spy information.

5. Teach Siri to pronounce words correctly
The best part about this procedure is that it makes you feel smarter than Siri. When Siri pronounces words incorrectly, just say: “That"s not how you pronounce" and she will begin to suggest alternatives, just select the correct option.

6. Setting a timer to play music
If you like to fall asleep to music, then this feature will appeal to you. iOS has the ability to enable sleep mode while playing music. In the Clock app, select the Timer tab, then enter the desired amount of time, then scroll down and select Stop Playing. At the specified time, the timer will stop playing music.

7. Temporarily switching layouts
Sometimes you need to enter mixed text consisting of alternating letters and numbers. You don't have to constantly switch between alphabetic and digital layouts. To enter a single number, simply hold down the 123 button with one finger and tap the desired number with the other. This technique also works with punctuation marks and other symbols located on the numeric keypad.

8. Taking photos using the volume button
Sometimes it is difficult to take a photo by touching the "Capture" button, especially if you are wearing gloves. It's okay, you can use the volume up or down buttons.

9. Continuous shooting
If you hold down the shutter button, the smartphone will begin to take a series of quick frames. This feature is especially useful if you have to photograph a moving subject. Later you can select the best photos and delete the unsuccessful ones.

10. View the exact time the message was sent
To find out, go to any message conversation, such as SMS or iMessage, and swipe from right to left. The exact time when a particular message was received or sent will appear on the side.

11. Use your iPhone as a building level
Need to hang a picture? In the Compass app, swipe left to open a simple, easy-to-use construction level interface.

12. Your iPhone will speak the highlighted text
First you need to enable the Speak Selection function. To do this, go to Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Speaking, turn it on. Now the "Speak" button will appear when you select text. Bonus: You can also choose different accents (would you prefer an Australian iPhone?), and even control the speed at which the selected text is spoken.

13. Start a new sentence by double-clicking the spacebar
Whenever you're typing and need to start a new sentence, just double-tap the spacebar and a period will be automatically added.

14. More detailed calendar
When using the calendar in a vertical position, it is not visible which events are indicated. Turn your smartphone to a horizontal position and you will be able to see all your planned activities in more detail.

15. Lock autofocus and exposure while shooting
When you try to photograph an object, your iPhone automatically adjusts the exposure, which is sometimes completely inappropriate. But you can lock focus and exposure yourself by pressing and holding your finger on the screen until a yellow square appears and blinks twice. Next, “AE/AF Lock” will appear at the bottom of the screen, allowing you to take a photo at your exposure and focus conditions.

16. .ru, .com and the letters Ё and Ъ on the keyboard
When you enter a web address, simply hold down the "." key. at the bottom of the keyboard and a menu will appear containing a list of domains (.ru, .org, .com, .net). Also, when first getting acquainted with Apple technology, many are puzzled as to where such letters as Ё and Ъ disappeared. They weren’t hiding at all, you just had to hold down the E or B buttons, respectively.

17. Quickly access draft emails
Few people know about this function. The next time you use the email app, holding the icon in the bottom right corner of the screen will quickly take you to a list of email drafts (projects).

18. Setting up individual vibration
This will allow you to change the vibration pattern for alerts and notifications. You need to go to the Settings menu -> Sounds -> Ringtone -> vibration -> create new vibrations. You can customize vibration patterns for individual contacts. You will feel who is calling or writing without looking at the phone screen.

19. Create custom keyboard shortcuts
Let's say there is a certain word or phrase that you use often. You can create a shortcut for it. Go to section
Settings > General > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Add a new shortcut. Enter the word or phrase (maybe a link or email) that you want to use for this. Every time you enter this shortcut, a whole word or phrase will magically appear.

20. Shake to undo
Made a mistake while entering or editing text? Do not worry! Just shake your phone a little and it will ask you if you want to cancel the action. Hooray!

21. When an alert arrives, the smartphone will blink with a flash
Instead of your iPhone ringing or vibrating when you receive a call or message, you can set the LED flash to turn on. To do this, go to Settings -> General -> Accessibility, then scroll down and turn on the LED flash alert.

22. Selecting text
Double tapping on a word allows you to select the entire word. This feature is borrowed from computers, where double-clicking serves this purpose. Four taps in a row highlight the entire paragraph, which can be useful when you need to send a fragment of text.

23. Calculator for engineering calculations
If the iPhone is positioned horizontally when working with a calculator, it will be possible to work with the advanced functions of the calculator, that is, a calculator for engineering calculations will appear on the screen.

24. Taking a photo using headphones
When shooting a scene with the front camera of a smartphone, it is quite difficult to take an even photo, and even so that your hand does not fit into the frame. In such a situation, an Apple headset will help perfectly. The Apple headphone cable has buttons that you can use to take self-portraits. Press the volume up button in camera mode or the middle button (Start/Pause) in video recording mode.

25. Quickly scroll back to the top of pages
In any iOS application, to instantly get to the very top of the page, you need to click on the top header bar (where information about the operator, time and battery charge is).

If you know of any other interesting things that the iPhone can do, write in the comments.