How long does it take to update Windows 10? “Getting updates” carries out an endless search

Automatic update function frees the user from having to search for updates on the Internet and worry about the possible lack of critical Windows updates on the computer.

Windows automatically keeps track of the latest updates for your computer. Depending on the Windows Update settings you choose, Windows can install updates automatically or only notify you when they are available.

How long does it take to download automatic updates?

This depends on the type of internet connection, size and number of updates needed. Updates are automatically downloaded in the background while connected to the Internet and do not affect other updates. If the connection is interrupted, the download will continue in the background the next time you connect to the Internet.

How Windows determines which updates are needed

Windows Update contains software that checks your computer's information (model, Windows version) and other Microsoft software that is running on your computer. Microsoft uses this information to install only the updates that are necessary for your computer.

When automatic updates are downloaded

Updates are downloaded in the background while you are connected to the Internet and do not affect other updates. If your internet connection is interrupted before the download is complete, the process will continue the next time you connect.

When updates are installed

This depends on the automatic update options you select. If you select the recommended settings, updates are installed at 3:00 a.m. or on the schedule you set. If you turn off your computer earlier, you can install it before shutting down.

During the scheduled installation time, if your computer is connected to a power source and put into a power-saving mode (sleep or standby), Windows wakes the computer long enough to install new updates.

If your computer is running on battery power, Windows will not install all updates. But Windows will try to install them during the next scheduled installation session.

Can I choose automatic updates?

Yes. You can choose to install only important or important and recommended updates. Optional updates are not automatically installed. You can set them to install while you view available updates by using Windows Update in Control Panel.

Despite the popularity of Windows 10, after the release of new system updates, users began to complain en masse that freezing occurs during the upgrade. Typically, the computer stops responding to anything at various stages of the system update. Loading happens quickly, but then the screen freezes - only the update icon continues to spin on the taskbar. Microsoft has acknowledged the problem, but there is still no single way to solve it.

Reasons for Windows 10 update freezing at different stages and how to get out of the situation

It often happens that when preparing for installation, the update stops at certain values: 32, 71, 75, 91, 99%. This usually happens for the following reasons:

  • conflict with antivirus software;
  • the drivers installed on the computer are not updated;
  • operating system build below 100041;
  • There is not enough free space on the hard drive.
Sometimes Windows 10 update freezes due to a conflict with the antivirus or lack of hard drive space

Sometimes the update is so slow that it seems like your computer is frozen. If the hard drive indicator continues to blink, the update process is most likely progressing, just very slowly. Typically, the user feels like “everything is gone” at the following moments:

  • by 32% - as a rule, at the 30–39% stage the system downloads dynamic updates;
  • by 96% - at this time data backups are created;
  • on the message that the update will be ready soon.

Outputs for solving freezing problems

In any case, if you realize that the system is frozen at the update stage and does not respond to any actions, then there are several options for getting out of this situation:

  1. Officially, Microsoft suggests trying to start the PC in safe mode and dumping all the data onto one storage device (one disk).
  2. The company also offers to roll back to the previous version of the OS, but this will only work if less than 10 days have passed since the start of the update.
  3. Update the OS build if its version is lower than 100041.
  4. The update may get stuck due to disconnected connections or failures on the Microsoft server. Sometimes there is simply not enough space on the hard drive to install the update, or the computer is infected with a virus that slows down the system upgrade process. If the update is frozen, you need to restart the computer by turning off the power or using the Reset button, then clean the disk, check the PC for viruses and try installing the update again.
  5. Disconnect all USB devices, additional monitors, and generally any external devices except the keyboard and mouse. Remove third-party antivirus programs and completely clean out the $Windows.~BT folder. It doesn’t hurt to make sure that all drivers installed on your computer have received their update.
  6. You can try returning the Update Center components to their original state. To do this, you need to either run automatic diagnostics of the Update Center and follow the instructions, or restore everything yourself. Detailed instructions are available on the official Microsoft website.
  7. If this does not help, you can perform a clean boot of Windows. It is also advisable to remove programs and applications associated with changing the Windows screensaver, themes and user interface.
  8. If all else fails, you may need to update your BIOS. This is not a very simple procedure and is usually described on the motherboard manufacturer's website.

Video: Windows 10 update stuck at 99%

What to do if downloading Windows 10 updates is stuck

If the system freezes during the initial stages of downloading an update for Windows, running the upgrade troubleshooting utility may help. It can be downloaded from the Microsoft website, and once launched you just need to follow the instructions. Most often, the tool itself eliminates errors.

If the system is stuck downloading updates, running the Windows Update Troubleshooter may help.

You can also manually clear the update cache. To do this you need to do the following:

What to do if Windows update preparation is stuck

If the system freezes at the initial stage of preparation, this is either due to insufficient disk space or a damaged distribution kit, or due to incorrectly set BIOS parameters. If in the first and second case everything is solved quite simply (the distribution kit needs to be downloaded from the official website), then in the latter you should turn off the safe boot mode and, conversely, activate the compatibility mode with other systems.

To do this, you need to enter the BIOS: to enter there immediately after pressing the PC power button, you need to press a key or key combinations depending on the computer model - as a rule, these are Del, F2, F10, Ctrl+Alt+Esc and others (often they are indicated in the very bottom line at the beginning of the launch). In the BIOS, in the top menu, go to the section in problems arising in the “Update Center”.

When the system takes an endless amount of time searching for updates for Windows, it is usually due to problems with the Update Center.

In order not to spend a lot of time correcting errors, you can disable it and thereby eliminate the problem. Here you need to restart the PC, press the Win+R key combination and enter msc in the window that appears. In the window that pops up, find “Update Center”, open this item by double-clicking and select “Disable”. Usually, when you try again, the download of updates starts without problems.

Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of situations where Windows freezes at various stages of updating. Correcting them takes time. The main thing is to find out the cause of the freeze and eliminate it, if possible. If nothing helps, it’s easier to roll back the system to the previous version and wait until Microsoft improves the update mechanism.

1C regularly releases updates for its programs. Users of basic versions receive them for free. Others require a valid ITS subscription. When purchasing PRO products, a grace period is provided during which you can update the software for free. It is 3 months.

Why do you need to update 1C products?

This must be done to maintain the relevance of the software functionality. 1C program updates reflect:

  • changes in legislation and regulations;
  • release of new forms of regulated reports;
  • interface improvement;
  • expansion of functionality;
  • fixing software bugs identified in previous releases.

How are 1C programs updated?

Updating the 1C configuration is possible via the Internet. To do this, go to the “Administration” menu section and select “Online user support”.

Then you need to review the available updates.

If a new release is found, relevant information will appear. The program will close and begin updating. During this time it will be inoperative. This is the main disadvantage of this method.

It is also possible to update the program through the configurator. To do this, you first need to determine which version is installed on your computer. Relevant information is available in the Help section.

You will also have to download the release from the official website or ITS disk. It needs to be installed. Next, you need to open the software and go to the “Configurator”. In the appropriate section you should select “Update configuration”.

In this case, you should look for the file in the directories. Select the downloaded release and start the process.

When you launch the software for the first time, you may receive a message indicating that the platform you are using is out of date for this configuration. In this case, you need to update it too.

At first glance it seems simple. In fact, there are many nuances. So, for example, you first need to download the database and save it in archive format. In a critical situation, a copy will allow you to return to the beginning of the process, avoiding data loss. In addition, all users must log out of the database. If several versions of the 1C program have been released since the last update, you will have to install each of them. To access the site you will need a user code and password. They are provided along with the ITS contract.

Another important piece of advice is that before installing standard releases, you should make sure that no modifications have been made to the configuration. There is a lock icon in the software window for this purpose. Otherwise, updating the 1C product should not be done automatically, but manually. In addition, you need to involve a specialist to check and enter twice changed objects.

Thus, it is better to update software by contacting professionals. In the case of a standard configuration, they will quickly install the release and check for errors. If the software has been modified, specialists will study the changes and transfer them to the current database.

What errors may occur during the update?

To update a standard 1C configuration, you only need a stable Internet connection. The program itself prompts the user for all necessary actions, but sometimes errors occur. Let's look at the most common of them.

  • The name of a predefined element is not unique.

This error occurs due to incorrect updating of the latest version of the 1C platform. To fix it, you need to roll back the software to the previous release. If it is not saved on your computer, you can download it from the official website. After this, you need to try to update the software again.

  • The file does not contain any available updates.

If such a message appears, it means the configurations do not match; it also contains a list of required versions. This happens if the software has not been updated for a long time. To fix the error, you will have to install all the missed releases.

  • Stream format error.

This problem occurs if the user does not adhere to the consistent 1C update, but takes his configuration and compares it with the delivery file. This is done to save time. The essence of the process is that the existing version and the delivery file are compared, changes are written out, and then transferred to the configuration. To fix this error, you need to clear the cache.

  • The predefined element is not present in the data.

This problem occurs when a predefined element is in the configuration, but is missing in the infobase. It is likely that its use is required by software logic that is not used by most users. This error requires contacting a programmer. He will be able to analyze the reason for its occurrence and create the necessary element in the information security.

  • Such a profile already exists.

If such an error occurs when updating 1C 8, you need to go to the user profiles directory and analyze it. Find duplicates - identical administrators or accountants. Then you need to remove the excess so that only one unique profile remains.

  • There was an error calling the context method.

Occurs when the configuration is severely damaged. The program will update up to a certain point and then crash or start the process all over again. Only professionals can fix this problem.

How long does it take to update the 1C platform or configuration?

It may take from half an hour to several days to update the software. The exact time depends on the power of the computer, the number of missed releases, the presence of improvements and their number. The final deadline will vary in each individual situation. Of course, an experienced programmer will do everything faster.

Do you want to save your own time? Then entrust the 1C:Enterprise update to Dicis employees. We will do our job quickly and accurately!

iOS 11 is a major operating system update for iPhone and iPad, but it doesn't take long to install if you know what to do. Yesterday Apple released the first public beta that anyone can install. To participate in the program, just go to the Apple website and register in the system.

iOS 11 brings many new features, including an improved Siri virtual assistant, support for screen video recording, customizable toggles in Control Center, a new file manager, an advanced Dock on iPad, etc. All this is available on iPhone smartphones starting with the 5s model. iPad tablets from mini 2 (iPad 4 and younger outside the game) and iPod Touch 6G.

It's worth noting that this is a test build, and many users are reporting bugs and performance issues.

Those planning to install the iOS 11 beta are usually wondering how long it takes to install it. In most cases, it depends on the user and device. There are several tips that will speed up the installation process.

Preparing to install iOS 11

Before installing iOS 11 on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you need to prepare your device. First of all, you should complete a short registration in the testing program. Then you should find additional information about the update: user reviews, possible problems and how to fix them. It's also worth familiarizing yourself with the process of downgrading from iOS 11 to iOS 10, in case something goes wrong.

The size of the iOS 11 beta varies depending on the device model, but on average it takes up about 2 GB.

A high-speed Wi-Fi connection will help avoid download problems, and the entire process will take no more than 5-10 minutes. If Wi-Fi is slow, it may take a little longer. Downloads may slow down during peak hours when Apple pushes out a new release.

Installing iOS 11

Despite its size, the beta version doesn't take too long to install. On iPhone 7 and iPhone 6s it takes only 10 minutes. But just in case, it is better to allow a little more time - 20-30 minutes. In this case, the device may reboot several times.

Completion and Setup

All installation steps may take about an hour. For inexperienced users, this process may take a little longer.

If you decide to update the operating system version on your iPhone to the latest versions of iOS 13.1.3, but the update is not installed, but instead is stuck counting the remaining time, then this article is intended specifically for you. We will look at the main reasons why this message freezes on iOS devices when trying to update the system, and, of course, we will offer you the most effective ways to resolve this failure.

Reasons why iPhone gets stuck counting remaining time

To find the best way to solve this problem, you should first determine the possible cause of this system update error. Based on what directly caused the failure: problems with the network or the device itself, you can choose the right solution. The main reasons that may negatively affect the update process to iOS 13, like any other version of iOS, are as follows:

  • Insufficient free memory on the device. Downloading a new version of the operating system requires you to allocate free space, and if this has not been done, the update may not complete correctly. Before starting the iOS version update process, it is recommended to free up the required amount of memory by deleting unnecessary files, cache, etc.
  • Server overload due to a large number of users simultaneously downloading an update for the iOS version on their devices. As a result, access to the update is limited for some time and the update process on the iPhone freezes. In this case, you should try installing the update a little later.
  • Network connection problems. The ability to successfully update the phone's OS directly depends on the current state of the device's connection to the Internet. If the account suddenly runs out of money, the Internet is temporarily deactivated due to adverse weather conditions, or the user turns off the Internet by accidentally pressing the smartphone screen, the update will also not be able to complete and will freeze in the middle of the process.

6 Best Ways to Fix iOS 13/13.1 Update Stuck on “Calculating Time Remaining” Message

Knowing the possible reasons will allow you to prevent your phone from freezing in the future while calculating the remaining time when updating the operating version of your iOS device. However, if this has already happened, we suggest you consider the best ways to get your smartphone into working condition.

  • Method 5: Update to iOS 13 using iTunes
  • Method 6. The best way to fix the update getting stuck while calculating the remaining time with a 100% guarantee of success and without data loss.

So now we will look at each method in more detail.

Method 1. Force reboot the device

Many iOS crashes can be resolved by simply rebooting the device. This can be done either by turning off the power in the standard way (using the “Turn Off” slider) or by forcing (or hard) reboot. To use the second option, follow our instructions, which vary depending on the iPhone model.

Perform a hard reset on iPhone 11, X, XS, XR, 8 and 8 Plus:

Step 1: Quickly press and release the Volume Up button.

Step 2: Quickly press and release the Volume Down button.

Step 3. Press and hold the side button until the Apple logo appears on the phone screen.

Perform a hard reset on iPhone 7 and 7 Plus:

Step 1: Press the Side button and Volume Down button at the same time.

Perform a hard reset on iPhone 6s and 6:

Step 1: Press the Side button and Home button at the same time.

Step 2. Hold the buttons until the Apple logo appears on the phone screen.

Method 2: Free up memory on the device for a successful update

Insufficient free space is one of the most common causes of failures that occur when updating the operating system of i-devices. Check the amount of free memory on your device and, if necessary, free up additional space (you can delete unnecessary applications, clear the cache and browser history, temporarily transfer files to another storage, etc.). After that, try installing the iOS version update again. Brief instructions on how to do this are given below.

Step 1: Open Settings. Go to General, then select iPhone Storage.

Step 2. Select applications you do not need and click “Delete application”. You can also delete unnecessary files in the Photos folder.

Step 3: Go back to Settings. Go to General, then select Software Update.

Step 4: Click on the “Download and Install” option. Then select “Install” again.

Method 3: Checking the device's connection to the network

When updating your device's operating system to iOS 13, it is very important to have a stable Internet connection, otherwise there may be failures and the inability to complete the operation. If, when trying to install an iOS update, your iPhone is stuck with the “Calculating time remaining” message, you must first check whether the Wi-Fi network is working correctly. You can unplug your device and then reconnect it. Additionally, you can reset your network settings using the following method.

Step 1: Go to Settings.

Step 3: Click on the “Reset Network Settings” option.

Step 4: Reconnect to the Internet and install the iOS 13.1.3 update

Method 4: Uninstall the update package and download it again

A quick and often effective way to solve the problem is to reinstall the update itself. You just need to delete the update installation file and then download it to your device again. To do this, follow a few simple steps.

Step 1: Go to Settings. Open the "Basic" section.

Step 3: Reboot your iPhone.

Step 4: Open Settings again. Select the "General" section and then "Software Update".

Step 5: Check if the iOS 13 update is available. Select the Download and Install option. Then select “Install” again.

Method 5: Update to iOS 13.1.3 using iTunes

If none of the above methods could solve your problem and the “Calculating time remaining” message is still displayed on the screen of your iPhone, you can update iOS through your computer using iTunes. Before you begin, make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your PC, and update it if necessary.

Step 1. Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable.

Step 2. Launch iTunes on your computer and click on the icon of your device.

Step 3: Go to the Review tab, then click on the Refresh option on the right side of the window. Then confirm your decision by clicking the “Update” button again.

Method 6. The best way to fix update stuck on counting remaining success time and without data loss.

If you want to fix the update stuck on calculating the remaining time that appeared when updating your iPhone to iOS 13, being absolutely confident that you will get a successful result the first time and the safety of all your data, then we recommend that you turn to a professional utility to restore the iOS system and fix any malfunctions - . In addition to fixing most of the possible ones, the program will allow you to put your iPhone into recovery mode absolutely free, as well as exit it with just one click. A significant advantage of this utility over other programs of this kind is the guarantee of the safety of all data stored on your device. Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main features of the program.

  • This one allows you to fix more than 50 different iOS system problems.
  • The program is compatible with all iOS devices such as iPhone, iPad, iPod. In addition, the utility supports all versions of iOS, including the latest released versions. On computers, the program works on both Windows and Mac.
  • When working with the program, you can be 100% sure that after updating the system, all files located on your iOS device will be available to you unchanged.
  • In addition to updating the system, the program will also help you with the reverse procedure - downgrading the system in just a couple of clicks of the computer mouse.
  • If any problems occur in iTunes, ReiBoot can fix them and finish restoring or backing up your iPhone.
  • If there are any errors in the Apple TV, the program will also fix them and update tvOS.
  • Many important functions of the utility are available in a free trial version, which you can download from the official website of the developer.

So, to use the program to get rid of the freeze on calculating the remaining time when updating iOS, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1 Download the ReiBoot utility from the developer's official website, and then install it on your computer. After successfully installing the program, launch it. Using a USB cable, connect your device to your computer. From the program menu, select the “Fix operating system” option located at the bottom of the window.

Step 2 In the new program window, select the “Start” option. By default, the utility uses the quick scan mode. At this stage, you can select the deep recovery mode. Attention: during deep scanning, the safety of device data is not guaranteed! We recommend that you first make a backup copy of all data on your device.

Step 3 Next, you will need to download the firmware of the latest version of the operating system. To do this, click the “Download” button in the new program window. By clicking on the “View” button you can change the path to save the downloaded file. In addition, if you already have the files on your computer to install the latest version of the OS, download them from your computer using the “Select” button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 4 After downloading the required files, click on the “Fix Now” button. Wait for the process to complete. Attention: do not disconnect your device from the computer during this process! After that, click on the “Done” button. Your iPhone will restart normally and will be running iOS 13.


Thus, when faced with a stuck “Calculating the remaining time” message when trying to update your iPhone system to iOS 13/13.1.3, you can solve this problem in an extremely short time by using the methods proposed in this article. For our part, our editors recommend in such situations that you turn to professional tools, such as, so that the entire process of troubleshooting is completed quickly, efficiently and without losing the data on the device.