The retinal scanner in the Samsung S8 was tricked using a Samsung printer. Face or iris recognition on Samsung S8 Iris scanner

The flagship smartphone Samsung Galaxy S8 received not only a fingerprint sensor, but also an iris scanner, which, according to company representatives, is a more reliable means of biometric identification of the owner. However, representatives of the German hacker community Chaos Computer Clubs (CCC) managed It is relatively easy to fool the scanner of a Samsung device.

As hackers found out, to do this, it is enough to take a digital photograph of the eye in night mode or by turning off the infrared filter on the camera. After a little processing, which may include changing the brightness and contrast, the photo of the eye needs to be printed on a laser printer (the study authors ironically note that they were able to achieve the best results using Samsung printers), and then place a regular contact lens on the pupil and show the photo to a smartphone scanner to unlock.

“If you value the data on your smartphone or want to use it to make payments, then using a traditional PIN code is a more reliable approach than biometric authentication,” said CCC spokesman Dirk Engling, recalling that the Samsung Galaxy S8 iris scanner can be used to authorization in the Samsung Pay system.

A short video demonstrating the effectiveness of the method of deceiving a smartphone scanner was published on YouTube.

Samsung later commented on the demonstrated method of bypassing the iris scanner. As stated in the company's message received by, the described method can only be implemented using sophisticated technology and subject to the coincidence of a number of circumstances.

“You need a high-resolution photograph of the retina taken with an IR camera, contact lenses and the smartphone itself. During an internal investigation, it was found that it is incredibly difficult to achieve results using this method,” Samsung noted.

The company also said that the iris recognition technology in the Galaxy S8 was developed and implemented after rigorous testing to ensure a high level of scanning accuracy and prevent unauthorized access attempts, and promised to make every effort to ensure the safety of user data.

Let us recall that previously a group of computer security specialists from the University of Michigan found a simple way to hack the fingerprint scanner, which is equipped with many modern smartphones, using a regular inkjet printer.

Not long ago, the new flagship Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was presented. One of its key features was the ability to unlock the device by scanning the iris of the eye.

What does the general scheme of iris scanning look like?

The iris of our eyes, like a fingerprint, has its own unique pattern. Therefore, it is a convenient means of authentication. Biometric civil passports, if you remember, record exactly this information, because unlike a fingerprint, it is not yet possible to fake an iris. Moreover, it does not change over time.

However, the scanner does not just take a photograph of your eye and then compare it with the original. In practice, the procedure begins with a directed near-spectrum infrared beam. This light is much better for identification than daylight, because it is easier for the camera to capture the iris pattern illuminated by IR light. In addition, such a scanner can work in the dark. In this case, even people with poor vision can undergo the iris identification procedure, since the IR beam passes freely through transparent glasses and lenses. After the iris pattern is fixed, the algorithm translates the iris pattern into code, which is compared with the existing database.

Capturing an eye image - resulting image - identifying the iris and eyelid - selecting this area - removing the eyelid from the image - normalizing this area - transcoding - comparison with the database

What is special about the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 scanner?

For the most part, the scanner of the new phablet from Samsung works according to the scheme described above, the curious detail is that on the front panel of the Galaxy Note 7 there is a camera that deals exclusively with iris recognition. Why can't the front camera perform this task? Because the camera must be sensitive to the IR spectrum. In regular cameras, IR light is filtered because it ruins regular photos. In addition, the reading camera has a narrower viewing angle to better see the user's eye, especially at a distance.

How safe is it?

Some users have expressed concern that such a scanner in the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 may be unsafe, in particular whether its frequent use will lead to permanent eye damage. Such questions are quite reasonable, because to scan, the smartphone sends a beam of light directly into your eye, and since this light is invisible to humans, the pupil does not try to protect itself from it, so the light hits the retina without encountering any obstacles.

In fact, we cannot be 100% sure that frequent use of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 iris scanner will not have some effect on our eyes. If an optometrist is reading this article right now, we'd love to hear your expert opinion on this matter.

The company itself warns users that there is no need to hold the smartphone too close to your eyes during identification, if you follow this warning everything should be fine. However, since iris readings are not that common, mass testing and human-based results are not yet available. When they appear, it may be too late to warn anyone, or maybe vice versa - confirmation will come that the function is completely safe.

Is this the same as a retinal scanner?

If you are confused, let me clarify, scanning the iris and retina are similar processes, but differ in the basic principle. When scanning the retina, the algorithm does not read the retinal pattern, but the fundus image. But for everyday use, it is much easier to use an iris scanner, since to read the retina, the device must be brought close to the eye. In the case of a smartphone, this would look very stupid.

Why is this needed?

Smartphones have had fingerprint readers for a long time, they are fast, reliable, secure and cheap enough to be installed even in Chinese smartphones under $200. Why do we need iris scanners then? Mainly because they are several times more reliable and safe. The main argument is that we leave fingerprints on almost every surface we touch, which means it’s much easier to get a copy of the fingerprint. At the same time, wet and dirty fingers are often difficult for the device to recognize. It is extremely difficult to obtain a copy of the iris, and the inside of the eyes is never stained with dirt, so it is much easier for the owner to use authentication in any conditions. Although, in the movies they have long come up with a way to bypass this protection:

Does technology have a future?

I believe that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7's scanner will not make it a hit. Yes, this technology works and you can show it off to your friends, but for most, using a fingerprint scanner will be enough. However, it is possible that the new product will be appreciated primarily by the corporate segment, which needs to protect information on their smartphone better than others. For ordinary people, I think, it will be too lazy to bring the smartphone to a certain distance, while still performing the necessary actions. But this does not mean that Samsung will not develop the technology or that it will suddenly not take off and even migrate to the iPhone. This serious toy has a chance.

As Samsung continues to sell globally, users are starting to complain about problems with the Galaxy S8. New problems emerge almost daily. With that in mind, below we provide a list of common problems you may encounter, as well as methods to fix them. These solutions also work for the Galaxy S8 Plus.

The Samsung Galaxy S8 is available for sale in less than a month, which means more problems will appear in the near future.
It is still a worthy replacement for the older ones and just needs to take some issues into account. We will look into the top complaints and suggest fixes and other solutions to the problem.

This is an impressive smartphone that has a lot to offer its users. It has an amazing Infinity Edge screen with tiny bezels, a ton of performance, and a great camera. But just like all flagship smartphones, it is not perfect.

How to fix Galaxy S8 fingerprint scanner problems?
The first and biggest problem with the Galaxy S8 for most users is the location of the fingerprint scanner. It's location is just terrible. The scanner is located on the back of the smartphone, but not under the camera. To make matters worse, the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus are larger than most flagship smartphones, putting the scanner out of most users' reach.

Unfortunately, there is no real way to fix this problem; owners will just have to get used to the new scanner position. Muscle memory will make you look for a home button that no longer exists. The only real solution is to carefully configure the scanner, which will help accurately read the fingerprint.

For example, after installing the cover, the scanner may be less able to recognize fingerprints. Delete the saved prints and repeat the setup with the case, making sure to follow the on-screen instructions during this process. Changing angles, finger direction and other tweaks can give you better results.

The scanner is not a button, there is no characteristic click during scanning, so you never know if you hit the camera instead of the scanner. As a result, the camera lens quickly becomes stained.

How to fix the face and iris scanner?
Luckily, Samsung provides several different ways to biometrically unlock your device to compensate for the poor placement of the fingerprint scanner. You have access to facial recognition and the Iris scanner we saw on the Galaxy Note 7.

The Iris scanner works at night, through glasses, and at larger angles than on the Galaxy Note 7. However, in the comments, users claim that none of these methods work well enough. If you are having problems, we recommend deleting your Iris scanner settings and setting it up again. Try to open your eyes wide the first time to ensure better reading.

With facial recognition, things are even worse. Some users love the feature, while others find it useless and complain that facial recognition doesn't work. A photo of your face can also fool the system. Therefore, be careful if this is your only method of unlocking your smartphone.

Instead of using your face, we recommend using a feature called "Smart Lock". It uses GPS to save trusted locations, like at home or work, and your voice and your Bluetooth accessories can also unlock the Galaxy S8 automatically. This way, when you are at home, your smartphone is not blocked. All you have to do is leave home, and your smartphone will be blocked. This solution allows you to interact with phone scanners as little as possible.

Go to Settings - Lock screen and security - Smart Lock and turn on the feature. Then set the location and connect Bluetooth devices for better functionality.

How to fix Galaxy S8 apps not full screen?
Another big issue that we continue to see complaints about is apps that don't go full screen. With a large 5.8" or 6.2" Quad HD screen, some applications may not be able to utilize all the space. This is due to the aspect ratio, similar to 16:9 widescreen cinema, which introduces black bars. Luckily, you can fix this quickly and easily.

So far, most applications have worked great and scaled, but some don't. If so, follow these steps to fix this issue.

Pull down the notification panel and go to Settings (gear icon in the upper right corner);
Find and select "Display/Screen";
Select the "Full screen applications" option;
Find any application that is not highlighted and switch it to full-screen mode;

Now the application will automatically scale to the new 18.5:9 aspect ratio and fill the entire screen. Some of them may not look right, but almost all the apps we saw appeared fine. Alternatively, owners can tap the Recent button and tap Expand (green icon) to instantly switch to full-screen mode for that app. If it is needed.

How to fix Galaxy S8 Wi-Fi problems?
Countless reports have confirmed Wi-Fi issues on the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus. Owners mention poor connection performance, disconnects and speed dips that prevent them from even loading a website until the smartphone disconnects from Wi-Fi. We see these problems with almost every smartphone that comes to market.

If you're experiencing Wi-Fi issues on your Galaxy S8, we recommend resetting your home router or modem first. Better yet, reset your network settings to default. We found that unplugging the router for 10 seconds or so and then starting it up will allow your smartphone to connect. Try going to Settings - Connections - Wi-Fi and resetting your wireless network. Then connect again, enter the password and connect again.

If you used the Samsung Smartswitch feature to transfer data from your old smartphone, the Wi-Fi information will also be transferred and the new Galaxy S8 will connect automatically. If this is your case, we strongly recommend that you reconfigure your connection manually.

How to get back the app tray on Galaxy S8?
Not only are we missing a physical Home button, like every Samsung smartphone has for the last seven years, but the Galaxy S8 doesn't have a shortcut for the app tray. How to find and open all your applications?

Instead of wasting home screen space with a dedicated white button, Samsung created a gesture for the app tray. Simply swipe anywhere on the bottom of the screen to open the app tray. This is a functional change at the phone software level.

You can fix the situation, though. Pinch any free space on the screen. The desktop will be reduced in size, indicating that you have entered editing and page layout mode, as well as rearranging widgets and background images. Click on the “Settings” button (gear). Now go to the “Apps Button” option and select “Show Button”. Now accept the settings and go back. You will see a familiar button at the bottom of the screen, it will open the application tray.

Samsung even added a Home Screen Only option if you want all your apps to remain on your home screens, just like on the iPhone. Try this solution, you will be able to create folders to keep the interface clean.

How to fix red screen tint on Galaxy S8?
Some users, mostly from Korea, have raised the issue of a red tint on the screen that distorts colors. This is not a hardware issue that will require replacing the phone, a software update should fix it.

As you can see above, two smartphones have a reddish tint while one smartphone displays a normal white screen. This is a calibration issue in one form or another, Samsung has since updated the phone's software, offering users a large number of options to customize the screen to their liking. The update is already available in Russia for Galaxy S8 users.

Go to Settings - Display - Screen Mode and select a new color mode. Additionally, you can adjust color balance to complete screen color adjustments, including tone and white balance. This is the only way to get rid of the red tint on the Galaxy S8 screen.

How to change screen resolution on Galaxy S8?
Another problem is that the Samsung Galaxy S8 comes with a QHD screen (2960 x 1400). Higher than most Full HD (1080p) TVs. However, Samsung lowers the default resolution to 1080p for daily use. The manufacturer did the same with the Android 7 Nougat update for the Galaxy S7.

This is a solution that is almost invisible to the user, however, improves the performance of the smartphone and battery life. Most users will not be able to distinguish between QHD and Full HD (1080p) on their phone. However, if you want the Quad HD you paid for, the resolution is easy to change.

Just go to Settings - Display - Screen Resolution and move the slider all the way to the right to WQHD+ for the best screen image.

How to fix wet speaker problems on Galaxy S8?
Like its predecessors, the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus are IP68 certified, meaning they are protected from water and dust. This means that you can lower your smartphone to a depth of up to two meters for a maximum of 30 minutes. It is protected from damage without plugs covering the ports, no covers for you.

If the Galaxy S8 gets wet, the speakers may sound funny for a while, but water can't cause long-term damage to your smartphone's sound.

Samsung uses a specialized coating on the inside of the speaker and its surface to keep water out. If the speaker doesn't work or sounds bad after getting wet, just let it dry. There is a specialized screen behind the speaker grille, but sometimes just a little water gets on the speaker.

Try shaking the phone, blowing lightly on the speaker grill, or blot your side of the phone to collect any remaining water. Once the speaker is dry, it will work normally.

How to fix Bluetooth problems on Galaxy S8?
Even though this is the first smartphone with Bluetooth 5.0, which covers four bands, fast pairing and connects two devices at the same time, we see tons of complaints about Bluetooth.

Several users point out that the Galaxy S8 does not even see their devices, which makes it impossible to connect them to the smartphone. Reminds me of old CDs that were sometimes unreadable. Sometimes the problem is a very poor connection. We're seeing a flood of complaints on the Samsung forum, but no solution in sight.

One of the participants suggests turning off the Galaxy S8 and your Bluetooth accessory. Turn them back on, remove any connection (pairing) and reconnect to your headphones, speaker or car. Often, a simple reboot is enough to fix Bluetooth problems. Users can also head to Settings - Applications - Bluetooth Search and clear the cache. This solution will remove all pairings, which helps some users.

If you continue to experience problems with Bluetooth, you may have to wait for a software update.

How to fix Galaxy S8 camera problems?
Have you received a "Warning, Camera Failure" notification on your Galaxy S8? Some users complain about this issue and then close the camera app instantly. So you can't take photos.

Just like last year, the smartphone offers a feature called "Smart Stay", which may cause errors. It uses the device's sensors to keep the screen on while you're looking at it. Unfortunately, this feature again interferes with the camera's performance. Head to Settings - Advanced Features and turn off Smart Stay.

We also encountered this issue: The Galaxy S8 camera app closes and displays a warning that the temperature is too high.

This is quite common in a hot car in the summer, but you shouldn't experience any problems when photographing indoors. This should not happen under other conditions. If you have encountered similar problems, write to us.

The other problem is with Vision. A big selling point of the Galaxy S8 is the built-in assistant, which also uses the camera to find information about the subjects you're shooting. For most, the function does not work at all or occasionally. We've retired this feature and hopefully an update in the near future will make the assistant more useful.

How to fix slow charging or wireless charging?
Samsung Galaxy S8 won't explode? After the Note 7 problems, this question comes up quite often. We can't say 100%, but most likely the new flagship is completely safe. Samsung includes 8 battery test points and thoroughly tests its phones before release.

However, you may feel that the smartphone gets a little warm while charging. Other charging complaints include the Galaxy S8's slow charging speed. I use a cover so I don't feel the heat like others do. If you play games or perform time-consuming tasks, your smartphone may also become warm.

Additionally, Galaxy S8 owners who are concerned about heat while charging can head to Settings - Battery and turn off the "Fast cable charging" option, which uses Quick Charge 2.0 and Samsung's adaptive charging. This means that the smartphone will not charge from 0 to 50% in 25-30 minutes, and a full charge will require more than two hours, but it will not heat up much. If your smartphone charges too slowly, make sure you use a special adapter that comes with your smartphone and a high-quality USB Type-C.
Owners can't simply use a USB Type-C cable with the old charger, as it doesn't supply enough power to enable fast charging. Remember, if you need extra power, buy the appropriate accessories.

Speaking of charging, many reports have gone over fast wireless charging, which simply doesn't work for some users, even on Samsung's fast charging pad. We suspect that the update will help fix this issue, perhaps Samsung is limiting the fast charging functionality of some charging pads to keep the smartphone's temperature normal. We'll update this section when we know more.

How to reset frozen Galaxy S8?
If your phone freezes, you can perform a manual reboot. This will help solve minor random phone problems. Whether it's screen glitches or screen orientation errors, freezing apps or other minor problems, a quick reboot often solves them.

Owners can easily reboot the smartphone by long pressing the power button followed by tapping Restart. The phone will shut down and restart, allowing you to function as intended.

We have prepared a separate article for a hard reset. Press and hold the Power and Volume Down buttons for about 7-8 seconds until the Galaxy S8 vibrates and reboots. This will fix almost any minor Galaxy S8 problem.
Speaking of reboots, it seems that some users are facing the issue of Galaxy S8 randomly rebooting. In case the smartphone simply reboots for no apparent reason. Judging by over 100 comments on the Samsung forum, this is a fairly common problem. The company is aware of this, and some users say that removing the MicroSD fixes the situation. We recommend formatting the SD card and trying again to check whether the reboots succeeded or not.

Galaxy S8 and the “DQA keeps stopping” message is another common problem that users complain about. An unusual error that appears on some devices. The problem may be resolved after a reboot. The culprit is the “device quality agent” service, which scans Wi-Fi devices. Samsung has reportedly fixed this issue with a back-end update using the Galaxy Apps Store. The update helped some users fix the error.

How to reset Galaxy S8 to factory settings?
Last but not least, restore your phone to factory settings. It deletes all user data, apps, messages and other contents on the phone. So use this solution as a last resort. If you are having any serious problems with your Galaxy S8, try doing a factory reset.

This is a good way to prepare your smartphone for new software like the upcoming Android O update. Users can then use the SmartSwitch feature to automatically restore the device's settings. Go to Settings - General Settings and click Reset.

The whole process will take a few minutes and will restore the original software, just like on a smartphone out of the box, removing everything. Galaxy S8 owners can use Samsung SmartSwitch or Google Restore to get all their apps and settings back. Again, this is a last resort.

In conclusion, the Galaxy S8 remains a new smartphone that has been available for less than a month. The more users buy it, the more new complaints we expect. Samsung's slow update process may fix some Galaxy S8 issues, otherwise, come back to this article and we'll update it for more issues. Write to us if you have any problems, we will do our best to help.

The first reports of “hacking” of the biometric protection systems of Samsung’s flagship smartphones (Galaxy S8 and S8+) actually occurred on the day of their presentation, at the end of March 2017. Let me remind you that at that time the Spanish Spanish observer MarcianoTech conducted a live Periscope broadcast from a Samsung event and deceived the facial recognition system live. He took a selfie with his own phone and showed off the resulting photo of the Galaxy S8. Oddly enough, this simple trick worked and the smartphone was unlocked.

However, Samsung flagships are equipped with several biometric systems: a fingerprint scanner, an iris recognition system and a facial recognition system. It would seem that fingerprint and iris scanners should be more reliable? Apparently not.

Chaos Computer Club (CCC) researchers report that they were able to fool an iris scanner using an ordinary photo taken from a medium distance. Thus, well-known specialist Jan “Starbug” Krissler writes that it is enough to photograph the owner of the Galaxy S8 in such a way that his eyes are visible in the frame. Then you need to print the resulting photo and show it to the front camera of the device.

The only difficulty is that modern iris scanners (as well as facial recognition systems) can distinguish 2D images from a real human eye or face in 3D. But Starbug easily overcame this difficulty: he simply glued a contact lens over a photo of the eye, and that was enough.

To achieve the best result, the specialist advises taking photos in night mode, as this will allow you to capture more details, especially if the victim’s eyes are dark. Chrissler also writes that it is better to print photos on Samsung laser printers (what an irony).

“A good digital camera with a 200mm lens will be enough to capture an image suitable for fooling an iris recognition system from a distance of up to five meters,” summarizes Chrissler.

This attack may turn out to be much more dangerous than a banal deception of the facial recognition system, because if the latter cannot be used to confirm payments in Samsung Pay, then the iris of the eye can be used for this. Finding a high-quality photo of a victim these days is clearly not difficult, and as a result, an attacker can not only unlock the device and gain access to the user’s information, but also steal funds from someone else’s Samsung Pay wallet.

Chaos Computer Club specialists warn users that they should not trust biometric security systems too much and recommend using good old PIN codes and picture passwords.

The video below illustrates step by step all the stages of creating a fake “eye” and demonstrates the subsequent deception of the Samsung Galaxy S8.

Representatives of Samsung commented on the situation:

"The company is aware of this announcement. Samsung assures users that the iris recognition technology in the Galaxy S8 was developed and implemented after rigorous testing to ensure a high level of scanning accuracy and prevent unauthorized access attempts.

The method described in the material mentioned can only be implemented using complex technology and the coincidence of a number of circumstances. You need a high-resolution photograph of the retina taken with an IR camera, contact lenses and the smartphone itself. An internal investigation found that achieving results using this method was incredibly difficult.

However, even if there is a potential vulnerability, the company’s specialists will make every effort to ensure the security of users’ confidential and personal data as soon as possible.”