Download all audio recordings from VK. How to download music from Contact to your phone: the best downloader programs

The social network Vkontakte is one of the largest social networks on the entire Internet. Free music and a lot of bands are doing their job. Every day the social network Vkontakte is updated with millions of new tracks and videos. A convenient music player and unlimited storage space will interest any person. But it was not there. Wherever there are positive aspects, unfortunately, there are also negative ones. To reduce the number of pirates and not violate the rights of performers, there has never been and never will be a function for downloading tracks. This is a huge minus, but they can also be understood.

That is why today we will consider an article on the topic of how to download music from VK.
Surely you have favorite tracks in your audio recordings that you would like to download to your computer and then to your phone. I will tell you about the different methods that I tested on myself, at the time of writing this article on June 20, 2017, everything works fine. There are several different ways to download music, each of you must make a choice which option suits him best.

  • Installing programs for Windows.
  • Installing extensions or plugins for browsers.
  • Listening and downloading music online.
  • Download music to Android or iPhone phones.

How to download music using browser extensions?

I personally use extensions for the Google Chrome browser when I want to download music without using programs, it’s very convenient and fast. I installed the extension once and next to each track there is now a button to download it. There are fewer functions compared to programs, but the most important thing is there. There are a lot of extensions, but they are installed and work the same way. Now I will briefly talk about the most popular ones. By the way, extensions from Google Chrome are suitable for Yandex browser, so you can safely install them!

VkOpt for Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox

Probably the oldest extension that has versions for all popular browsers. The functionality is huge, the extension can change the design of the page, shows age and zodiac sign, removes VKontakte advertising, etc. To install, follow the required link below, depending on what browser you have:

The version for Opera and Mozilla Firefox will have to be downloaded from the developer’s website:

As I said, installing extensions is very simple, you just need to click install in two places and you’ll be done!

Vk Saver for Google Chrome

The extension works well, the developer answers questions and when you need to update the extension, you can safely use it! for Google Chrome

A simple extension that does its job perfectly, the number of downloads and positive reviews is the best advertising!

MusicSig for Google Chrome

I myself have been using this plugin for a long time; you can download music, remove ads, and have many other small useful functions.

DMV ( for Google Chrome

This extension works a little differently, after installation and clicking on the extension shortcut, you will see the website, from which you will download your tracks, as for me this option is inferior to the VkOpt and MusicSig extensions. But everything works quickly and for free, so I couldn’t help but include the extension in the article!

Extensions for Mozilla Firefox

Extensions for Opera

How to download music from VKontakte to your phone?

If you want to immediately download your music to your phone, bypassing the computer, then the Android application Music will help you. With its help, you can not only download music from the site, but also log into your VKontakte account and download all the tracks. The application is free and very popular, so don’t worry about it, download it from Google Play using the link below:

Programs for downloading music VKontakte

First, let's look at what programs and applications there are for downloading music from VK. I would like to remind you that I checked each of the programs personally, installed them on my computer, checked for viruses, how quickly it copes with its tasks. The four programs I tested turned out to be terrible, the computer froze, they didn’t work and were glitchy, so I won’t talk about them, the article includes only free and working programs!

VKMusic 4 - Installation and configuration

VKMusic is one of the first programs that made it possible to download music from a contact, and to this day the developers update and improve this program.

Advantages of VKMusic 4:

  • Reliable developer.
  • Ability to download from a selected group.
  • Convenient music search.
  • The “Download All” function is convenient for many.
  • Beautiful music player.
  • You can also download videos.

You can download the program from the developer’s website using the link below:

We begin installing the program, the installation is normal, but I want to give you advice, many program developers have entered into an agreement with Yandex and help distribute it, if you do not need the Yandex browser or you do not want Yandex to appear in your Google Chrome, uncheck these boxes during installation, to Unfortunately, this now pops up when installing many programs.

Launch the program, enter your username and password in the window that opens:

Next, we look for the tracks we need, as I wrote above, you can either enter the name of the track, the name of the artist into the search, or insert a link to the group or selected person and click the “Search Music” button. You can download the song by clicking on the green arrow.

By clicking on the “Vkontakte” menu, you can choose where to download from, “My Audio Recordings”, “Popular Music”, “My Video Recordings”, etc.

LoviVkontakte - Installation and configuration

Catch VKontakte is a very old program, which its developers continue to update and support, I can highlight the following advantages:

  • Lovi VKontakte was created in 2007.
  • You can search for artists or desired tracks and download them.
  • There is a convenient player in the program itself.
  • You can download from the “My Music” section.

Installing the program is quick, but don’t forget to uncheck the boxes at this stage if you don’t need Yandex:

Now all your tracks should appear in the “My Music” section; using this arrow button you can download them to a flash drive or computer.

VKontakte.DJ - Installation and configuration

VKontakte.DJ is a well-known and old program that does its job well. Unfortunately, the design of the program seemed a bit old to me, although everything works as it should. On the developer’s website I found information about a new version with a beautiful, modern design, but I couldn’t find where to download it.

As always, you can download the latest version from the developer’s website:

The installation is quick and easy, if you want to install the Yandex browser, uncheck the box! We launch the program and, as in previous cases, we need to enter a login and password so that the program has access to our music!

Using VKontakte DJ you can download music and videos, there is a search and the ability to download music from friends. To go to the “My Music” section, click “Friends - Me”, I spent a lot of time looking for where the developers hid this function. - Installation and configuration is a service that helps you download music and videos from various sites on the Internet, including Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, YouTube and many others.

But today we are interested in the opportunity to download music from Vkontakte, for this we will go to the website and download the program!

After installation, the program will install its extension in your browser, don’t worry, this is how it should be, now let’s check it. We go into contact, into the section with music and see that next to all the tracks there is now a blue arrow, after clicking on which the downloading of music begins.

How to download music from VK online?

I’m not a fan of downloading music online, since you need to go to a fake site, which usually has a lot of advertising, and figure out how it works, but there is still such an opportunity. Today I will talk about two sites that help you download music, these are Kiss Vk and Music 7s. There used to be a good site called Mymoo, but it closed.

online, because we want our favorite musical compositions to be close to us even when there is no Internet. And this is exactly why there are various programs that allow you to download music from VK to your computer. is a special utility that integrates into the web browser, adding a download button with a miniature arrow next to each song.

In addition to music from Vkontakte, you can download videos from, Vimeo and other popular services.


This utility is a browser extension that is supported by browsers such as, and.

After installation, an icon with an arrow will appear next to each track in VK audio recordings. As soon as you click on this icon, the download of the selected track will begin.


Unlike the two utilities discussed above, VKontakte.DJ is a full-fledged program for downloading and listening to music from VK.

This product is unique in that it allows you to search by album and download a package of selected tracks at once. In addition, Vkontakte.DJ supports playing and downloading videos from such popular video hosting sites as YouTube, RuTube, Vimeo and, of course, Vkontakte.


MusicSig is a simple browser extension supported by web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera.

To install the application, just click the “Install” button on the developer’s website, after which you will be automatically redirected to the add-on store for your browser.

After the installation is complete and the browser is restarted, by going to the “My Audio Recordings” section on the VKontakte website, you will notice the appearance of a new icon with a floppy disk next to each track. Click the icon to have your web browser download the selected song to your computer.


A program for downloading audio recordings from VK, which, after installation, integrates into the web browser, adding a download button next to each song. The program also includes a convenient mini-player that allows you to control playback at any convenient time without searching through the abundance of open tabs for the one where the music is being played.

VKMusic can download not only individual tracks, but also albums. This function will be appreciated by music lovers who download entire compilations of music compositions to their players and smartphones at once.


A free application for downloading music from VK, allowing you to download both individual tracks and entire albums in the highest possible quality (displays the bitrate of the audio recording).

After installation, you will have such options as listening and downloading audio recordings, displaying information about the artist and tracks, and searching for similar music.

An additional bonus is the ability to view and download videos in maximum quality from such popular services as YouTube,, RuTube, Yandex.Video and others.


VkOpt is the most functionally rich browser add-on ever created for the VKontakte social network.

A countless arsenal of functions will allow you not only to download audio from VK, but also to download videos, customize the interface in detail, change sound notifications and much more.


The final browser extension from our review, which is somewhat more difficult to use than previous services. However, the user here is provided with much more options for downloading media files from the Internet than in the tools described above.

Hello everyone friends. Today I want to write a completely new instruction on the topic of downloading videos from the social network VKontakte. I will tell you 10 ways how you can download videos from VK to your computer, quickly and easily. We will look at 2 online services, 3 programs, 3 extensions and 2 other interesting options.

So, if you needed download video from VK, then choose a method convenient for you from the list, study it and use it if necessary.

Online service SaveFrom

The easiest way to download videos from VK is to use the well-known SaveFrom service. This site makes it possible to download videos from various sites and VKontakte is no exception.

First of all, open the VKontakte video and copy the address where it is located.

Downloaded, installed, launched.

The design of the program is cool and the functionality is simple. You need to select a video in any of the social networks. networks. Copy the URL and click Paste link.

By the way, if the corresponding function is not disabled, the program will intercept links from the video and immediately offer to download it.

When finished, you can open the folder with the video or play it right here. The video will open in the default player.

Catch Video program

I once tested the Lovi Video program and you know, it performed its functions well. But for some reason, after the next launch, she stopped seeing the video for me. You definitely need to try it, I think it will work for you.

After pressing the button " Add to Yandex.Browser", the extension will install and be ready to use.

We return to our video catalog, open the video, start playing, pause and find the link at the bottom Download video.

All you have to do is select the appropriate quality and wait a few seconds or minutes for the video to download to your computer.

MusicSig extension

It happens that you use some kind of extension for , and one day it suddenly disappears from the application store. It happens. This is especially true for extensions for downloading videos from the Internet.

If suddenly the above ones stop working, then try MusicSig. Also a good extension with a lot of positive reviews.

Well, naturally it is better to choose 720p, and if there is 1080p, then choose it!

Download video from VK without programs and extensions

I also want to show how you can download a video from VK to your computer without installing any programs or browser extensions. This method involves retrieving the video file from the cache.

Open the video and start watching it so that it gets into the cache. Next, press pause and go to developer mode. To do this, press the key combination Ctr+Shift+U. On the right we will see something that is not clear at first glance.

Here you need to go to the Network tab, then select the Media menu and find the video here, sorting the files by size (Size). I showed everything in the picture, so I don’t think you will get confused.

The video will open in a new tab and an arrow will appear in the lower right corner, clicking on which will put the video for download.

As you can see, you can download videos from VK without installing programs and extensions!

How to download videos from VK in the mobile version?

In a similar way, you can download videos from VKontakte using the mobile version of the site on your computer.

Write in the address bar

And open any video. Under each of them there will be a button to download the video to your computer.

If suddenly this arrow does not appear for you, then just right-click on the video and select Save video as...

That's all!


So what do we end up with?

I told you as many as 10 methods, because, as practice shows, sooner or later some methods become obsolete and no longer work. This is especially true for browser extensions; they simply cease to exist, and others with new names take their place.

I very rarely download videos from VK, so I don’t even know which method is best to advise you. Probably, if I needed to download a couple of videos, I would be better off installing a browser extension, or using the SaveFrom online service.

Or let's do things a little differently! Those who often have to download videos from VK, please tell me which option for downloading videos works best in practice. I will be grateful!

That's all, see you in new lessons!

If you are an active user of the VKontakte social network, then you probably listen to various audio recordings that friends share with you, listen to recordings from your collection, or look for new tracks in the search. At the same time, probably more than once you have had the idea of ​​downloading your favorite compositions to your computer or car. To do this, you will definitely need a program for downloading VKontakte music. Unfortunately, it is not possible to download music without third-party software. The developers removed this option due to the tightening of copyright laws and a large number of lawsuits in this regard.

As a result, it is not possible to download music just like that, without using special utilities. Let's start looking at the most popular programs.

VKSaver is a popular program for downloading music on VKontakte, this utility works perfectly with all: Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla, Yandex Browser and others.

In order to download and install VKSaver, go to the official website.

In the main window we see a large green “Download” button, click it. As you can see, the program supports work in all versions of the Windows operating system.

Advice! Before downloading and installing the program, disable the antivirus, and after installation, add the program to the exclusion list, otherwise the antivirus will often recognize it as unwanted software and block it. Although the program does not contain any viruses or malicious codes.

The installation of the program is standard, but you should pay attention to one point. During installation, the program offers to install utilities and settings; if you do not need them, I recommend unchecking them.

After installing the add-on, restart your browser and go to the VK social network, now next to each song you will see an arrow button, clicking on it will start downloading the music.

How to download audio recordings using is a special, small program for downloading music from Vkontakte. When installed, it is built into the Internet browser and you will be able to download tracks. In this case, as in the case of VKSaver, a button with an arrow will appear opposite the selected composition.

You can download the program from the official website

To do this, go to the developer’s website and in the window that opens, click “Download assistant.”
The program is installed as standard, but I also recommend unchecking all the boxes during installation, otherwise a bunch of unnecessary software will be installed in parallel with the software.

After completing the installation of the program, restart the browser and check the operation. A download button should appear.

Please note: The utility also allows you to download music from other popular social networks and services.

VKMusik – download music from VKontakte.

VKMusik is an analogue of the two previous programs. After installation, it is built into the functions of all . Adds a “Download” button opposite each selected song. The program has more advanced functionality than VKSaver and The program's functions include a small audio player that makes playing music on a social network more comfortable, and it is also possible to download entire albums. This opportunity will appeal to many users who do not want to search for individual tracks, but download entire albums for listening on a computer, player or in the car.

Let's look at where to download and how to install VKMusik. Go to the official website - and on the main page click the “Download VKMusic for free” button.
During installation, you must specify the directories for the program, as well as for the downloaded files. When the installation is complete, the program will prompt you to install additional software, uncheck all the boxes and click the “Finish” button. If you checked the box, run the program after installation is complete, the main window should appear. In it you need to enter “Login” and “Password”, the same as when logging into VKontakte.
Next, a program will launch in which you can listen and download popular tracks from radio stations, tracks from your friends, as well as a list of your music. There are special buttons to switch from one tab to another. See the screenshot below.

Program for downloading music on VKontakte - VKontakte. DJ

In contact with. DJ is a more serious solution for downloading and listening to audio recordings from the VKontakte social network. The program has a wonderful ability to search for music in albums and immediately download a list of selected audio recordings. Download the program from the site -

Next, we install. The installation process is standard, just check the boxes like I did when installing.

After installing and launching the program, click the “Settings” button in the main window and get to the settings menu. Here we enter “Login” and “Password” from Vkontakte.

Next, go to the main program window and enjoy the music. In order to open your tracks, click on the “Friends” tab and at the beginning of the list you will see the letter “I”. All your music will be at this point.

Now you have a fully functional program for downloading VKontakte music.

Download music from VKMusic.Citynov

VKMusic.Citynov is another free utility for downloading audio recordings from VK. The program can download both individual music files and entire albums. At the same time, information about the audio recording is available to the user. Perfect for music lovers. The program, when downloaded, allows users to select the quality of the audio recording. This way you can download music in the highest possible quality.

The program provides the ability to download music and videos from other popular services such as: RuTube,, and others.

We will download the program from the official website -

On the main page, click the “Download” button. The installation process is standard and does not differ from installing other programs. Therefore, during installation, click the “Next” button everywhere and the program will be installed. After launching the utility, you must enter authorization data.

Program for downloading music from VK – VkOpt

VkOpt is a browser add-on that includes a huge number of different settings. This application is inferior to all the programs and extensions described above. The program will provide users with functions such as:

  • Ability to customize the interface;
  • Ability to change sound notifications and much more.

VkOpt will surprise even the most demanding users. Therefore, I recommend installing it. You can download it on the website -

In the window that opens, select which browser to install the extension for. I will install Google Chrome for my browser, so I press the corresponding button.

A drop-down menu “Install extension” will appear, you need to click the “Install” button.

After that, we go to VK and see that the extension offers to perform the initial settings. After setting up the add-on, go to the audio recordings and see the “Download” button.


That's all for me, in today's article, we looked in detail at the most popular ways to download music from social networks, in particular from Vkontakte. Now you have at your disposal any program for downloading VKontakte music. Share the article with your friends so that they, like you, can easily download their favorite compositions from VK and other popular services on the Internet. If you use other methods, then leave your wishes in the comments.

It is not always possible to access your favorite music and videos via the Internet. It is much more convenient to open them from your home computer and transfer them to a flash drive. To do this, you need to download the content, but the social network does not have such an option. An excellent solution to this problem would be VKSaver program.

Before starting installation, be sure to close all open browser windows

Installing the software will not take much time and resources. To access the download, you need to follow these steps:

Download VKSaver for free;
install it (to do this you will need to close all browsers);
add your favorite posts to your page;
follow the download link;
download the necessary files.

You can download VKSaver for free from our website. Application is a plugin, which, when installed, integrates and supports work with all browsers. VKSaver does not require any additional settings. Simple installation is the only thing you need to use the software.

The main advantage among analogues is that use VKSaver for free unlimited amount of time possible. The program allows you to quickly download any files, both music and video. To do this, after installation, a button will appear next to the content leading to a download link.

You will have the opportunity to work with videos of different quality, downloading what you need. VKSaver is completely safe to use, is not spyware and does not contain viruses.

This version is built into the browser and an icon appears in the taskbar tray. When you first launch it, it will be added to startup. To disable this plugin, disable it from the tray by right-clicking on the icon and exit after restarting the browser. Also, if you do not want to use this plugin at all, then you should remove it from startup, Google will tell you how to do this.

Among the positive qualities of the program, it is worth noting that VKSaver takes up virtually no system resources, adding the necessary functionality to your browser. VKSaver integrates into modern browsers of the latest versions, such as:

Internet Explorer;
Google Chrome;
browser from Yandex;
Mozilla Firefox;

Download VKSaver for free

The program can work with any version of the Windows operating system, starting with XP. If you need to download music and video files from the VKontakte social network, use the best solution for this - VKSaver.