Download system optimization for windows 7. Speed ​​up your Windows computer: a selection of the best programs for optimization and cleaning

Good afternoon.

To prevent Windows from slowing down and to minimize the number of errors, it needs to be optimized from time to time, cleaned of junk files, and corrected incorrect entries in the registry. There are, of course, built-in utilities for these purposes in Windows, but their effectiveness leaves much to be desired.

Therefore, in this article I would like to consider the best programs for optimizing and cleaning Windows 7 (8, 10*). By regularly running these utilities and optimizing Windows, your computer will run faster.

1) Auslogics BoostSpeed

The main window of the program.

One of the best programs for optimizing Windows. Moreover, what is immediately captivating about it is its simplicity; even when you first launch the program, it will immediately prompt you to scan the Windows OS and correct errors in the system. In addition, the program has been completely translated into Russian.

BoostSpeed ​​scans the system in several directions at once:

For registry errors (over time, a large number of incorrect entries may accumulate in the registry. For example, you installed a program, then uninstalled it, but the entries in the registry remained. When a large number of such entries accumulate, Windows will begin to slow down);

To useless files (various temporary files that are used by programs during installation and configuration);

To incorrect labels;

For fragmented files (article about).

Also included in the BootSpeed ​​complex are several more interesting utilities: for cleaning the registry, freeing up space on your hard drive, setting up the Internet, monitoring software, etc.

2) TuneUp Utilities

This is not even just a program, but a whole range of utilities and programs for PC maintenance: optimizing Windows, cleaning it, troubleshooting problems and errors, setting up various functions. Still, the program scores high in various tests for a reason.

What TuneUp Utilities can do:

  • clean disks of various “garbage”: temporary files, program caches, incorrect shortcuts, etc.;
  • optimize the system registry from erroneous and incorrect entries;
  • will help you configure and manage Windows startup (and startup greatly affects the speed of Windows startup and loading);
  • delete confidential and personal files so that not a single program or “hacker” can restore them;
  • change the appearance of Windows beyond recognition;
  • optimize RAM and much more...

In general, for those who are not satisfied with BootSpeed ​​in some way, TuneUp Utilities is recommended as an analogue and a good alternative. In any case, at least one program of this kind must be launched regularly when actively working in Windows.

Cleaning the registry in CCleaner.

A very small utility with great capabilities! While running, CCleaner finds and deletes most temporary files on your computer. Temporary files include: Cookies, website history, files in the recycle bin, etc. You can also optimize and clean the system registry of old DLLs and non-existent paths (remaining after installing and uninstalling various applications).

By regularly running CCleaner you will not only free up space on your hard drive, but also make working on your PC more comfortable and faster. Despite the fact that in some tests the program loses to the first two, it enjoys the trust of thousands of users around the world.

4) Reg Organizer

One of the best registry maintenance programs. Despite the fact that many Windows optimization packages have built-in registry cleaners, they cannot compare with this program...

Reg Organizer works in all popular Windows today: XP, Vista, 7, 8. It allows you to remove all incorrect information from the registry, remove the “tails” of programs that have not been on the PC for a long time, compress the registry, thereby increasing the speed of work.

5)Advanced SystemCare Pro

A very, very good program for optimizing and cleaning Windows. By the way, it works in all popular versions: Windows Xp, 7, 8, Vista (32/64 bits). The program has a pretty good arsenal:

Detecting and removing spyware from your computer;

- “repair” of the registry: cleaning, error correction, etc., compression.

Clearing confidential information;

Removing junk and temporary files;

Automatically set settings for maximum Internet connection speed;

Correcting shortcuts, removing non-existent ones;

Disk and system registry defragmentation;

Set automatic settings to optimize Windows and much more.

6) Revo Uninstaller

This relatively small utility will help you remove all unwanted programs from your computer. Moreover, it can do this in several ways: first, try to remove it automatically through the installer of the program itself; if that doesn’t work, there is a built-in forced mode in which Revo Uninstaller will automatically remove all the “tails” of the program from the system.

- Easy and correct uninstallation of applications (without “tails”);
- Ability to view all applications that are installed on Windows;
- New “Hunter” mode - will help you uninstall all, even secretive, applications;
- Support for the “Drag&Drop” method;
- View and manage Windows startup;
- Removing temporary and junk files from the system;
- Clearing history in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Netscape browsers;
- And much more…

Options for bundled utilities for full Windows maintenance:

1) Maximum

BootSpeed ​​(for cleaning and optimizing Windows, speeding up PC boot, etc.), Reg Organizer (for complete optimization of the registry), Revo Uninstaller (for “correctly” uninstalling applications so that there are no “tails” left in the system and it is not constantly needed clean).

2) Optimal

TuneUp Utilities + Revo Uninstaller (optimization and acceleration of Windows + “correct” removal of programs and applications from the system).

3) Minimum

Advanced SystemCare Pro or BootSpeed ​​or TuneUp Utilities (for cleaning and optimizing Windows from time to time, when unstable operation occurs, brakes, etc.).

That's all for today. Good and fast Windows to everyone...

Welcome to my blog.

Today on the Internet you can find dozens of programs whose authors promise that your computer will almost “take off” after using them. In most cases, it will work the same, it’s good if you are not rewarded with a dozen advertising modules (which are embedded in the browser without your knowledge).

However, many utilities will honestly clean your disk of debris and perform disk defragmentation. And it is quite possible that if you have not performed these operations for a long time, your PC will work a little faster than before.

However, there are utilities that can actually speed up your computer somewhat by setting the optimal Windows settings and configuring your PC properly for a particular application. I have tried some of the programs. I want to tell you about them. The programs were divided into three corresponding groups.

Speeding up your computer for games

By the way, before recommending utilities to improve performance in games, I would like to make a small remark. First, you need to update the drivers for your video card. Second, configure them accordingly. This will make the effect many times greater!

  • setting up an AMD/Radeon video card: ;
  • setting up NVidia video card: .

Game Buster

In my humble opinion, this utility is one of the best of its kind! The authors got excited about one click in the description of the program (by the time you install and register, it will take 2-3 minutes and a dozen clicks) - but it works really quickly.


  1. Brings Windows OS settings (the utility supports versions XP, Vista, 7, 8) to optimal for running most games. Thanks to this, they begin to work somewhat faster than before.
  2. Defragments folders with installed games. On the one hand, this is a useless option for this program (after all, Windows even has built-in defragmentation tools), but honestly, how many of us defragment regularly? And the utility will not forget, if, of course, you install it...
  3. Diagnoses the system for various vulnerabilities and non-optimal parameters. It’s quite a necessary thing; you can learn a lot of interesting things about your system...
  4. Game Buster allows you to save videos and screenshots. Convenient, of course, but it’s better to use a program for these purposes (it has its own super fast codec).

Conclusion: Game Buster is a necessary thing and if the speed of your games leaves much to be desired, definitely try it! In any case, I personally would start optimizing the PC with it!

Game Accelerator

Game Accelerator is a pretty good program for accelerating games. However, in my opinion it has not been updated for a long time. For a more stable and smooth process, the program optimizes the Windows OS and hardware. The utility does not require specific knowledge from the user, etc. - just run it, save the settings and minimize it to tray.

Advantages and features:

  • Several operating modes: hyper-acceleration, cooling, setting up the game in the background;
  • defragmentation of hard drives;
  • “fine” tuning DirectX;
  • optimization of resolution and frame rate in the game;
  • laptop energy saving mode.

Conclusion: the program has not been updated for a relatively long time, but at one time, around 10 years ago, it helped make your home PC faster. In its use it is very similar to the previous utility. By the way, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with other utilities for optimizing and cleaning Windows from junk files.

Game Fire

“Fire game” translated into great and mighty.

In fact, it is a very, very interesting program that will help make your computer faster. Includes options that are simply not available in other analogues (by the way, there are two versions of the utility: paid and free)!


  • switching your PC to turbo mode for games in one click (super!);
  • optimizing Windows and its settings for optimal performance;
  • defragmentation of game folders for faster access to files;
  • automatic prioritization of applications for optimal game performance, etc.

Conclusion: in general, an excellent “combine” for those who like to play. I definitely recommend testing and familiarizing yourself with it. I really liked the utility!

Programs for cleaning your hard drive from junk

I think it’s no secret that over time a large number of temporary files accumulate on the hard drive (they are also called “junk”). The fact is that when the operating system (and various applications) operate, they create files that they need at a certain point in time, then they delete them, but not always. As time goes by, there are more and more such undeleted files, the system begins to “slow down”, trying to sort out a bunch of unnecessary information.

Therefore, sometimes the system needs to be cleaned of such files. This will not only save space on your hard drive, but also speed up your computer, sometimes significantly!

And so, let’s look at the top three (in my subjective opinion)…

Glary Utilities

This is simply a super-combine for cleaning and optimizing your computer! Glary Utilities allows you not only to clear your disk of temporary files, but also to clean and optimize the system registry, optimize memory, backup data, clear your website history, defragment the HDD, get system information, etc.

What pleases me most: the program is free, is updated frequently, contains everything you need, plus it is in Russian.

Conclusion: an excellent complex; if you regularly use it together with some utility for speeding up games (from the first point), you can achieve very good results.

Wise Disk Cleaner

This program, in my opinion, is one of the fastest for cleaning your hard drive from various and unnecessary files: cache, browsing history, temporary files, etc. Moreover, it does nothing without your knowledge - first the system scan process occurs, then it informs you by removing what, how much space can be gained, and then the unnecessary is removed from the hard drive. Very comfortably!


  • free + with Russian language support;
  • there is nothing superfluous, laconic design;
  • fast and meticulous work (after this it is unlikely that another utility will be able to find anything on the HDD that can be deleted);
  • Supports all versions of Windows: Vista, 7, 8, 8.1.


Probably one of the most popular PC cleaning utilities, not only in Russia, but also abroad. The main advantage of the program is its compactness and high degree of Windows cleaning. Its functionality is not as rich as Glary Utilites, but in terms of removing “garbage” it can easily compete with it (and perhaps even win).

Main advantages:

  • free with Russian language support;
  • fast work speed;
  • support for popular versions of Windows (XP, 7,8) 32 and 64 bit systems.

I think even these three utilities will be more than enough for most. By choosing any of them and regularly optimizing, you can significantly increase the speed of your PC.

Well, for those for whom these utilities are not enough, I will provide a link to another article on a review of programs for cleaning disks from “garbage”:

Windows optimization and settings

In this subsection I would like to include programs that work in combination: i.e. check the system for optimal parameters (if they are not specified, set them), configure applications correctly, set the necessary priorities for various services, etc. In general, programs that will carry out the entire complex of optimization and settings of the OS for more productive work.

By the way, out of all the variety of such programs, I liked only two. But they do improve PC performance, sometimes significantly!

Advanced SystemCare 7

What is immediately captivating about this program is its focus on the user, i.e. you don’t have to deal with lengthy settings, read a mountain of instructions, etc. Installed, launched, clicked analyze, then agreed with the changes that the program proposed to make - and voila, the garbage is removed, with registry errors corrected, etc. it becomes an order of magnitude faster!

Main advantages:

  • there is a free version;
  • speeds up the overall system and Internet access;
  • fine-tunes Windows for maximum performance;
  • detects spyware and “unwanted” adware modules and programs and removes them;
  • defragments and optimizes the system registry;
  • fixes system vulnerabilities, etc.

Conclusion: one of the best programs for cleaning and optimizing your computer. In just a few clicks you can significantly speed up your PC, eliminating a whole mountain of problems and the need to install third-party utilities. I recommend you check it out and test it!

Auslogics BoostSpeed

When I launched this program for the first time, I could not imagine that it would find a huge number of errors and problems affecting the speed and stability of the system. It is recommended for all those who are dissatisfied with the speed of their PC, also if your computer takes a long time to turn on and often freezes.


  • deep disk cleaning of temporary and unnecessary files;
  • correction of “incorrect” settings and parameters affecting the speed of the PC;
  • fixing vulnerabilities that may affect the stability of Windows;


  • The program is paid (the free version has significant limitations).

That's all. If you have anything to add, it would be very helpful. All the best to everyone!

While working at a computer, users download some files, copy others, install and delete others... As a result, the Windows system turns out to be a mess. In principle, this is not scary, but there are 2 problems.

The first is that if you have a large number of files, you will have little free space. And when they are constantly copied, moved and deleted, incorrect entries in the registry, hidden junk files, etc. appear. You don’t even see them, but they take up space, and most importantly, they slow down your PC or laptop. To get rid of slowdowns and glitches, you need to periodically completely clean your computer of debris. How? Using special software.

Today there are many utilities, and choosing one of them is not an easy task. So to make it easier, below are the 7 best programs to clean and optimize your computer. With their help, you can clean your PC of junk without uninstalling Windows and speed up its operation.

I would like to note right away that the utilities below are universal and work on Windows 10, 8, 7. Therefore, the OS version on your computer or laptop does not matter.

One of the best programs for cleaning your computer from junk is Advanced SystemCare. It is easy to use and ideal for beginners. Just one click, a few minutes - and Windows cleaning is successfully completed.

And this utility has a whole wagonload of possibilities. For example, it can do:

  • smart hard drive defragmentation;
  • removal of junk files and malware;
  • fixing shortcuts;
  • repair and defragmentation of the registry;
  • optimization and acceleration of the system for games;
  • fixing vulnerabilities;
  • speeding up the Internet, etc.

You just need to check the required boxes and click the “Check” button. And for those who want to do everything manually, there is the “Tool Base” tab.

By the way, this utility is entirely in Russian and is free (there are some limitations compared to the paid version). That is why it is considered a good computer cleaner. Link to office Advanced SystemCare website.


Another great program for cleaning and speeding up your computer is CCleaner. You should have heard of her. And primarily because this is one of the best programs for cleaning the computer registry.

Its main features:

  • cleaning the recycle bin, temporary files and browsers (cache, cookies);
  • cleaning and optimizing the registry;
  • removal of software;
  • clearing programs from startup;
  • disk analysis and erasing;
  • search for duplicates;
  • System Restore.

By the way, cleaning the system from debris is very fast. And this is a huge plus of this utility. After all, deleting unnecessary files and programs takes no more than 5 minutes!

Another advantage of CCleaner is that it automatically cleans your computer or laptop. You can customize the utility for yourself by specifying:

  • cleaning was performed when the PC started (not recommended - this is too frequent);
  • the program monitored the system or browsers and notified when there was little space left;
  • All files older than 24 hours were deleted from the trash bin, etc.

The utility is available in several versions: paid, free and portable (does not require installation). Any of them is entirely in Russian. There are more than enough possibilities for a free utility for cleaning a computer or laptop, so if necessary, you can find it at the office. CCleaner website.

Auslogics BoostSpeed

If your computer slows down a lot, try the Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​utility. This is an excellent program for cleaning and optimizing your computer, which will help eliminate errors and speed up its operation.

Like the previous two utilities, it also has a number of useful tools:

  • hard drive maintenance (cleaning, error detection, defragmentation);
  • freeing up free space on the HDD;
  • software control and autorun settings;
  • cleaning the registry and defragmenting it;
  • system configuration and optimization of Windows services;
  • file recovery;
  • Internet acceleration, etc.

Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​also has an “Advisor” that gives advice on speeding up your PC or laptop and eliminating critical errors.

Another plus is the presence of a planner. You can set automatic cleaning of your computer or laptop by selecting:

  • frequency (every day, week or month);
  • day of the week;
  • exact start time of optimization;
  • actions to be performed.

At the appointed time, this utility will start and do its job (even if it was turned off).

Once you set up Scheduler, you can turn off Auslogics Boostspeed and forget about it altogether. And she herself will clean out the garbage once a week or month, delete unnecessary files, and then give you a report on the actions performed. This makes it one of the best programs for cleaning and optimizing your computer.

The utility supports Windows 10, 8, 7 and even Vista and XP. Plus it is completely in Russian. There are 2 versions on the developer’s website - paid and free. Link to office Auslogics website.

Glary Utilities

Glary Utilities is another one of the best utilities for cleaning your computer or laptop. It is considered a real combine because it supports a huge number of functions:

  • cleaning, defragmenting, restoring the registry;
  • memory optimization;
  • removal, recovery and backup of drivers;
  • uninstalling software, checking for updates, etc.

Cleaning and optimizing your computer system can be done in 1 click. You just need to check the boxes at the required points and click the “Find problems” button. The utility works quite quickly. Checking and cleaning the Windows system takes on average 10 minutes.

The utility is paid, but there is also a free version. Link to office Glary website.

Revo Uninstaller - removing unnecessary programs

If you do not need functional harvesters, then you can install software that performs a competitive function. For example, there is a good utility for cleaning your computer from unnecessary programs - Revo Uninstaller.

Its main advantage: it correctly removes any applications (without leaving tails and garbage files). Plus, the utility can even cope with software that for some reason does not want to be removed in the standard way. However, she also has several additional tools:

  • junk file cleaner;
  • startup manager;
  • hunter mode, etc.

By the way, the cleaner here is very good. It finds junk files even after being scanned by other utilities. If you decide to try this software, then go to the office. Revo website.

Wise Registry Cleaner

Another free program for cleaning and optimizing your computer is Wise Registry Cleaner. Works on Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista and XP. It can optimize the system, but its main function is to clean and compress the registry to speed up the operation of a computer or laptop.

The error analysis here is very fast and detailed. The utility will find hundreds of problems, even if you first check the registry with other software. Therefore, if you need to quickly clean your computer and speed up your work, you can go to the office. Wise Registry Cleaner website.

Wise Disk Cleaner

And the last utility in this rating is Disk Cleaner. Designed to search and remove garbage, as well as defragment the hard drive. Great for those who want to clean up unnecessary files on their computer and speed up their PC.

The utility can delete application caches, unused help files and other junk that you don’t need but takes up space on your hard drive. The program is completely in Russian and is free, so it is very easy to use. Link to office Wise Disk Cleaner website.

Instead of a conclusion

This is the TOP program for cleaning and optimizing your computer. Each of them has its own functionality and distinctive features, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with before downloading.

What is the best computer cleaning program? This is a controversial question with no answer. After all, every user likes something different. And the purpose of this article was not to determine the best cleaner for a computer, but to provide a rating of popular utilities.

In general, if you need to clean your computer or laptop, study this TOP and choose the software you like. All PC cleaners have free versions, so you can safely try any of them.

Today on the Internet you can find dozens of programs whose authors promise that your computer will almost “take off” after using them. In most cases, it will work the same, it’s good if you are not rewarded with a dozen advertising modules (which are embedded in the browser without your knowledge).

However, many utilities will honestly clean your disk of debris and perform disk defragmentation. And it is quite possible that if you have not performed these operations for a long time, your PC will work a little faster than before.

However, there are utilities that can actually speed up your computer somewhat by setting the optimal Windows settings and configuring your PC properly for a particular application. I have tried some of the programs. I want to tell you about them. The programs were divided into three corresponding groups.

Speeding up your computer for games

By the way, before recommending utilities to improve performance in games, I would like to make a small remark. First, you need to update the drivers for your video card. Second, configure them accordingly. This will make the effect many times greater!

Game Buster

In my humble opinion, this utility is one of the best of its kind! The authors got excited about one click in the description of the program (by the time you install and register, it will take 2-3 minutes and a dozen clicks) - but it works really quickly.


  1. Brings Windows OS settings (the utility supports versions XP, Vista, 7, 8) to optimal for running most games. Thanks to this, they begin to work somewhat faster than before.
  2. Defragments folders with installed games. On the one hand, this is a useless option for this program (after all, Windows even has built-in defragmentation tools), but honestly, how many of us defragment regularly? And the utility will not forget, if, of course, you install it...
  3. Diagnoses the system for various vulnerabilities and non-optimal parameters. It’s quite a necessary thing; you can learn a lot of interesting things about your system...
  4. Game Buster allows you to save videos and screenshots. Convenient, of course, but it is better to use the Fraps program for these purposes (it has its own super fast codec).

Conclusion: Game Buster is a necessary thing and if the speed of your games leaves much to be desired, definitely try it! In any case, I personally would start optimizing the PC with it!

Game Gain

A shareware program for setting hidden operating system settings. To do this, this utility needs to know a few things about your PC:

  • its processor (for example, I have AMD in the screenshot);
  • Windows OS (In the example above, version 8, but keep in mind that the utility also supports others).

If the program has correctly identified your OS and processor, then press just one button - “Optimize”. In half a minute, the result is ready!

Conclusions: after running the utility, it cannot be said that the computer began to work much faster, but in combination with other utilities it gives results. It would be wrong not to mention it in this article. By the way, this utility has a paid version, which has a super Fast mode (we could not test it).

Game Accelerator

Game Accelerator is a pretty good program for accelerating games. However, in my opinion it has not been updated for a long time. For a more stable and smooth process, the program optimizes the Windows OS and hardware. The utility does not require specific knowledge from the user, etc. - just run it, save the settings and minimize it to tray.

Advantages and features:

  • Several operating modes: hyper-acceleration, cooling, setting up the game in the background;
  • defragmentation of hard drives;
  • "fine" tuning of DirectX;
  • optimization of resolution and frame rate in the game;
  • laptop energy saving mode.

Conclusion: the program has not been updated for a relatively long time, but at one time, around 10 years ago, it helped make your home PC faster. In its use it is very similar to the previous utility. By the way, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with other utilities for optimizing and cleaning Windows from junk files.

Game Fire

"Fire game" translated into great and mighty.

In fact, it is a very, very interesting program that will help make your computer faster. Includes options that are simply not available in other analogues (by the way, there are two versions of the utility: paid and free)!


  • switching your PC to turbo mode for games in one click (super!);
  • optimizing Windows and its settings for optimal performance;
  • defragmentation of game folders for faster access to files;
  • automatic prioritization of applications for optimal game performance, etc.

Conclusion: in general, an excellent “combine” for those who like to play. I definitely recommend testing and familiarizing yourself with it. I really liked the utility!

Programs for cleaning your hard drive from junk

I think it’s no secret that over time a large number of temporary files accumulate on the hard drive (they are also called “junk”). The fact is that when the operating system (and various applications) operate, they create files that they need at a certain point in time, then they delete them, but not always. As time goes by, there are more and more such undeleted files, the system begins to “slow down”, trying to sort out a bunch of unnecessary information.

Therefore, sometimes the system needs to be cleaned of such files. This will not only save space on your hard drive, but also speed up your computer, sometimes significantly!

And so, let's look at the top three (in my subjective opinion)...

Glary Utilities

This is simply a super-combine for cleaning and optimizing your computer! Glary Utilities allows you not only to clear your disk of temporary files, but also to clean and optimize the system registry, optimize memory, backup data, clear your website history, defragment the HDD, get system information, etc.

What pleases me most: the program is free, is updated frequently, contains everything you need, plus it is in Russian.

Conclusion: an excellent complex; if you regularly use it together with some utility for speeding up games (from the first point), you can achieve very good results.

Wise Disk Cleaner

This program, in my opinion, is one of the fastest for cleaning your hard drive from various and unnecessary files: cache, browsing history, temporary files, etc. Moreover, it does nothing without your knowledge - first the system scan process occurs, then it informs you by removing what, how much space can be gained, and then the unnecessary is removed from the hard drive. Very comfortably!


  • free + with Russian language support;
  • there is nothing superfluous, laconic design;
  • fast and meticulous work (after this it is unlikely that another utility will be able to find anything on the HDD that can be deleted);
  • Supports all versions of Windows: Vista, 7, 8, 8.1.


Probably one of the most popular PC cleaning utilities, not only in Russia, but also abroad. The main advantage of the program is its compactness and high degree of Windows cleaning. Its functionality is not as rich as Glary Utilites, but in terms of removing “garbage” it can easily compete with it (and perhaps even win).

Main advantages:

  • free with Russian language support;
  • fast work speed;
  • support for popular versions of Windows (XP, 7,8) 32 and 64 bit systems.

I think even these three utilities will be more than enough for most. By choosing any of them and regularly optimizing, you can significantly increase the speed of your PC.

Windows optimization and settings

In this subsection I would like to include programs that work in combination: i.e. check the system for optimal parameters (if they are not specified, set them), configure applications correctly, set the necessary priorities for various services, etc. In general, programs that will carry out the entire complex of optimization and settings of the OS for more productive work.

By the way, out of all the variety of such programs, I liked only two. But they do improve PC performance, sometimes significantly!

Advanced SystemCare 7

What is immediately captivating about this program is its focus on the user, i.e. you don’t have to deal with lengthy settings, read a mountain of instructions, etc. Installed, launched, clicked analyze, then agreed with the changes that the program proposed to make - and voila, the garbage is removed, with registry errors corrected, etc. it becomes an order of magnitude faster!

Windows 7 is a complex set of interactions between many programs, so the speed of the OS is influenced by a huge number of factors. You can't just disable a couple of programs or change one setting to get a significant increase in system performance.

System optimization is a difficult task that requires care and an integrated approach. This article covers the basic steps you can take to improve the performance of Windows 7 64-bit.

Using an SSD

If you use not a regular hard drive (hard drive) as the system disk, but a solid-state drive, then this alone will quickly and significantly increase (64 bit). The main advantage of an SSD disk is its many times faster data storage and playback speed (500 MB/s) compared to hard drives.

Even loading the operating system from this media takes only a few seconds. Currently, all the equipment used in computers is high-speed; the only weak link in the interaction chain is HDD hard drives, which slow down the operation of the entire system.

Install a new BIOS and check the software is up to date

It is necessary to perform the following analysis: are the drivers updated, is the PC's BIOS up to date? When installing drivers, you should take into account the bit depth, i.e. For a 64-bit OS, you need to download the appropriate software for your computer hardware. If there are no drivers for a specific device for Windows 7 (64), you can download the appropriate software for Vista.

Increase RAM

Often the problem of slow operation of a PC with Windows 7 is a simple lack of RAM. The best method to fix the problem is to increase the RAM. This event always significantly increases the speed of the PC and leads to optimization of the OS. In order to ensure comfortable operation of Windows 7 (64-bit), you need at least 4 GB of RAM.

Optimize the interface

In “Seven” it is the main “devourer” of system resources. Although it only adds some beauty and individuality to the external design and is completely unnecessary for work. Significant performance degradation due to Aero occurs on a PC with an insufficiently powerful graphics card or if it is built into the motherboard.

Turning off all Aero functions that are almost invisible to the eye will improve performance. To do this you need to open "Control Panel", then go to the “System” tab and go to "Advanced system settings". Next in the bookmark "Additionally" find and click on “Options”.

Here you can disable functions such as: showing the contents of windows while moving, sliding effects, menu fading, animation, casting shadows on icons, cursors and windows, etc. Even disabling only some effects will already increase the speed of Windows 7, and in the case of an unpretentious user, it is recommended to click on “Ensure the best performance” in the settings.

Optimize the list of applications in startup

A significant number of applications are loaded simultaneously with Windows 7. The developers of these programs ensure that they are loaded in the background and the computer owner does not see them. But this is only necessary for utilities that are used constantly.

Need unnecessary applications. The following programs must be loaded with the operating system: hardware drivers, firewall and anti-virus utility. To optimize the list of automatically loading applications, you need to hold down the “WIN” key and press .

Startup programs can be seen in the system tray on the taskbar. However, not everything is displayed there. A special application for Windows “AutoRuns” has been developed, which is distributed freely from the Microsoft Corporation resource. "AutoRuns" shows a complete list of downloadable applications. In the window of this application, you just need to uncheck the boxes next to the unnecessary program.

Disable unnecessary services

By disabling the start of some services, you can improve your computer's performance. To do this you need to log in "Control Panel", further in "Administration", where in the “Services” tab select the unnecessary service and click “Disabled”.

Defragment your disks periodically

With increased data fragmentation, the hard drive is forced to do extra work, and this affects the performance of the PC. It is recommended to run defragmentation manually to organize files for optimal functioning of the hard drive.

Turn off automatic defragmentation

The creators of Windows 7 provided background defragmentation, during which the computer's performance is significantly reduced. You must configure the process through the “Start” button. In the “All Programs” tab, select the “Standard” line, then enter “Utilities”, where you can find "Defragmentation". To increase the speed of Windows 7, a prerequisite is to regularly perform defragmentation manually.

Get rid of old, unnecessary or outdated applications

Some PC manufacturers release their devices with already installed applications that the user does not need. They slow down Windows 7 by using memory and disk space.

It is advisable to rid your computer of all unused applications. This list should be supplemented with programs that the user himself installed, but which have lost their relevance over time. The simple act of removing these programs will improve system performance.

Remove unused gadgets

In Windows 7, gadgets increase the comfort of using a PC, but they all require system resources to start and function. By using only the gadgets that are necessary for regular use, system performance will increase.