Blue tick on Instagram and new security measures. Legal and not-so-legal ways to get a tick on Instagram

Instagram has a special attribute that confirms the authenticity of the page. It is called “blue jackdaw”. Many people want to know how to get a tick on Instagram. Earning this badge requires effort. There are other ways to achieve your goal. You will learn further about how the blue symbol can become part of the user’s name and why it is so popular.

The blue badge will be proof that other pages are fakes created by people who have no contact with you. You will gain the same status as famous rock performers, writers, portrait painters, media representatives, public figures and other people with a large number of followers on Instagram. Try using a search to open Britney Spears' page. In the search results you will see a considerable number of profiles - only one of them is real. Typically, such an account is first in the list, with confirmation in the form of this icon. Its owner is trusted much more.

Anyone who wants to know how to get a tick on Instagram without being a media person or a representative of a large company is forced to take the initiative into their own hands. There are several ways to obtain a badge. The first of which is to work with the Instagram settings and then wait for a support response. The letter arrives within a few days. If the request is not approved by the administration, then you can repeat it after recruiting subscribers.

Another option is suitable for those who have an audience in other social networks. networks: users just need to be linked to a profile, which will significantly increase the chances. The semi-official way is to copy the badge code into your own nickname. This bug is temporary, as it disappears after the first page reload. The benefit of the third method is to frame a screenshot to show off to your friends.

What does it take to become the owner of a jackdaw?

Let's look at the classic approach: how to make a blue Instagram badge using the settings on the website. This option does not take much time.

  1. Go to your personal social section. Instagram networks.
  2. Go to the “parameters” sub-item.
  3. Find the “support” tab and click on the “report a problem” link.
  4. Now in the window that opens, specify the required area related to your problem. We are talking about the “Profile” item - click on the arrow in the upper right part.
  5. The fifth step is to compose a letter addressed to the site administration. Write concisely, using a business style.
  6. Submit your request by clicking on the confirmation key (top right area).

If these steps are performed correctly, the support response will not be long in coming. Just a few days - and the letter will appear in the provided field. Trying again in case of disapproval from the owners of makes sense if you have gained a significantly larger number of subscribers. An increase in activity usually changes the situation for the better.

Is it possible to get a blue tick without popularity?

Experts say that this is impossible, although there are other opinions. For example, that you can get a badge without popularity in just a day. To do this you need to know certain personalities. And this is not cheap - about $15,000. There is a small group of hackers working here who have special technologies, as well as acquaintances in the Instagram corporation itself. So, a certain James, who does not disclose his full name, has an acquaintance who works on Instagram. He helps James verify users, but lately he is increasingly afraid of uncovering fraud.

It would seem that the average user, in general, does not need a daw - it does not pay off the risk, money and effort invested. But there are influential people who have their own benefits from this sign. They are ready to buy it at any cost. In general, there is no automatic mode for verification - badges are assigned only manually and to popular personalities. Asking here usually doesn't help. You need to be an actor, a representative of the world of sports, or simply a famous, well-promoted person. According to the creators, it is generally pointless to look for any alternative options.

Without programs

Some of the most popular questions for developers related to identification to receive a badge. The creators once again emphasized that an automatic mode for these purposes is not yet provided. That is, everything is done only manually by the company’s employees. With one hundred percent probability, badges are assigned only to truly famous personalities. Network employees check and carefully analyze applications without any special programs. If a person meets accepted standards, she receives an additional free tick on Instagram, free online.

Thus, looking for any additional methods is absolutely pointless at the moment. Of the ones that actually work, only a temporary replacement for the code is noted. Many videos have been created about this method, but it should not be taken seriously. Having completed the checkbox on the personal page, the user discovers that after the update it is no longer there. After all, this is not even verification, but, in general, a useless waste of time. The main purpose of the badge is to find, without any additional means, the real page of a person who, due to his popularity, has many clones. By itself, it does not add any special status.

How many followers does it take to get a tick on Instagram?

To admire a badge next to your name, you must, at a minimum, be a global brand or an outstanding person (actor, athlete). A simple user does not have such privileges. And even if you are a star, in order to get a blue badge, you will need to connect a verified Facebook profile to your account.

For this:

  1. create an online account on Facebook;
  2. open “options” and go to “settings”;
  3. find the link “linked accounts” - mark other verified pages (if any).

Next, collect subscribers - there should be at least 3000 of them. If a person is known to many, Instagram employees contact her and ask for a photo or a scan of her passport. If you sent a request yourself, and the answer does not arrive for a long time, it is recommended to contact technical support. Let's say a refusal comes, despite your fame, there is no point in being upset. You need to collect more subscribers and attach public profiles from other resources, thereby promoting your account. Then Instagram itself will send you an offer to receive a badge.

Is it possible to buy a tick on Instagram?

There is no provision for purchasing a badge on Instagram. It's official. But there is an option to buy a blue badge from “gray” sellers for money. The smallest amount that was recorded was $1,000. The offers are allegedly implemented through Instagram employees. Whether you should trust such sellers is a personal matter for everyone. The official position of the site’s creators: “We do not implement verification for money; at the slightest suspicion of unauthorized appropriation of a daw, we remove it.” In this regard, it is better to invest funds in advertising account promotion, mass following, or regular promotion. This may bring more reliable results.

The best way to get a daw on Instagram is to go through standard verification. The procedure is free, but the likelihood of success is negligible if you do not reach the star level. An example of obvious signs of popularity: you are a well-known blogger who is often mentioned in various publications, you have ten thousand subscribers. Otherwise, just connect Instagram to other social networks. This way, fans will be aware that the profile is definitely yours and not a fake one.

What does the daw mean on Instagram after a name?

The blue badge is more useful when you are the owner of a large, well-promoted account (which someone is constantly trying to copy). As a result, people searching for your famous page immediately distinguish between a real profile and fake copies in the search results. Instagram itself calls these checkboxes “verified business cards.” Those. There is no particular need to spend a lot of effort and time on getting an icon next to your name. It only makes sense to promote your account, attracting more subscribers and posting quality content, and not buying “through a friend.”

So, to the question of what does a tick next to a name mean on Instagram, the answer will be: this symbol in the name of a blue hue indicates that the account is not owned by an impostor, but by a truly popular person. You can see the icon on the user’s page and in other places where the nickname is used. If a profile has a mark like this, it means it is official. Network users do not have to worry - there is no impostor hiding under the name of the company/star. Each photo album is authentic and updated personally by the owner.

Is the blue jackdaw on Insta forever?

Many users are interested in how to check a box on Instagram forever. It all depends on the method of obtaining it.

  • Verification through settings. In this case, it is set forever or until the user loses star status. After all, this option is official, confirmed by the owners and developers of
  • Purchasing a symbol from illegal sellers. First you need to find out how much it costs. The cost can range from $1,000 to $15,000 or more. Instagram employees are allegedly involved in these frauds. The developers claim that at the first suspicion of an illegal transaction, the checkbox is simply removed. Those. in this case, the tick most likely will not last long.
  • Code replacement. The user changes the code for free and thereby adds a check mark next to the name. This blue badge doesn't last long. It disappears immediately after refreshing the page.

We determined that the badge is intended to identify the real page of a popular person among numerous clones. It does not add any status that is attributed to him. Therefore, it is better to focus your efforts on promoting your account, because an integrated approach can bring more significant results.

The process of obtaining verified status.

Previously, instructions for obtaining a blue tick were questionable:

  1. Write to support yourself, through “Report a problem”, telling about yourself. If you really are a star for whom this method is suitable, your manager has already done everything for you. Without popularity, this method is not suitable. And in general, I did not see cases when support responded to requests.
  2. Insert confirmation icon via source code in browser by adding a tag with classes: mrEK_ Szr5J coreSpriteVerifiedBadge . I came across this option, I searched on YouTube for the query “How to check a box on Instagram.” It works until the page is reloaded, but you can take a screenshot and show it to your classmates.

Both methods are clearly useless to anyone reading this text.

There is also a story that a symbol or emoji with an Instagram check mark can be copied and pasted into your name in the settings. That's bullshit. Even if you choose the appropriate emoji, it will not look nice, and the resemblance to a verified account is zero.

You won't be able to buy a tick. Who can do this? The stars will not sell their accounts, the support of the social network will not take such a step either, and there is nowhere else to turn. If you are offered such a service, it is a scammer!

Above I have given popular non-working options for how to get verification found on the Internet. And lower - working official instructions. There is no need to distract support and try to learn html; in 2019, you can submit an application yourself.

How to apply for account verification

Before submitting your application, please prepare your identification document; it must be shown when submitting your application. A passport, driver's license, insurance policy, military or student ID will do. There is a complete list of suitable documents.

Now open the Instagram client on your smartphone and do as in the video:

Or follow the instructions below:

  1. Open your profile;
  2. Click on the menu icon in the upper right corner;
  3. Go to “Settings” → “Confirmation request”;
  4. Fill out the “Name and Last Name” field;
  5. Next to the heading “Attach a photo of your ID”, click on “Select file”;
  6. In the menu that opens, select “Take photo” and take a photo of the prepared document;
  7. Click the "Submit" button.

The instructions were written from a client on an iPhone; on Android the instructions are similar.

There is no "Request Confirmation" button

If you do not have an item in the menu to request verification, update the application.

Didn't show up? This may be a bug, but you have no choice but to wait. It is useless to write to support; you will not get an answer.

Profile requirements

Verification is possible for accounts of popular figures, celebrities, famous brands, media or organizations. It is impossible to find out in advance whether your account is suitable for verification; you can only check it empirically.

Currently, only the accounts of people who are most likely to be impersonated have verified business cards on Instagram.

Instagram Help Center.

There are several factors that increase the likelihood of verification:

  • The profile contains your real first and last name;
  • You have many live and active subscribers: they like and leave comments;
  • You have no traces of cheating: likes and subscriptions from bots.

What does a tick mean on Instagram?

Verification is needed for account authentication. If you are regularly copied, then you will be distinguished from fakes in searches and the user will immediately find the official profile.

But due to the difficulty of obtaining it, the association “blue tick == cool account” arose, so many bloggers and normal users of the social network wanted to get it. There is no practical sense: there is no priority in the feed, no personal support either, only a small visual feature.

Did you manage to get your verification badge? Share your result in the comments, even if you were rejected.

In general, there are many ways to get a tick, not just the official one. 🙂

For example, Nike received an Instagram tick:

But I didn’t get Adidas:

But this is generally difficult to imagine on any other social network. Justin Bieber now has a verified Instagram page:

But the current US President Barack Obama does not have it:

Well, seriously, this is how things are now with verification checkboxes on Instagram. Checkmarks are issued only manually and only at the initiative of Instagram itself. Even large brands and world-class stars cannot apply yet. The Instagram team is still figuring out how this system will work. So at this stage, to get a tick, you need to be a friend of the Instagram founders.

After the first tests are completed successfully, a unified system for submitting applications for verification will be developed. At the same time, clear criteria will be published: who should be given and who should not be given a tick. Most likely, the most important arguments in making a decision will be the number of clones (fake pages), the frequency of mentioning the brand in the media, and the presence of a clear precedent when fakes impersonate a person or brand. Obviously, this brings to mind the big scandals when scammers promised free air tickets for subscribing to the page.

I don’t think that mere mortals will soon be able to enjoy all the delights of ticks. Most likely, they will remain special insignia of the elite.

The Instagram network has a huge number of registered users. It is popular both among ordinary people and well-known companies and stars. For this reason, its developers introduced verification in 2014, which is designed to take care of the interests of celebrities and the reputation of the resource. The procedure made it possible to reduce the number of fake profiles.

What does a check mark mean on Instagram?

How to get a tick on Instagram? To answer such a question, you first need to understand what it even means. So, this blue star sign confirms the fact that the account does not belong to some unknown impostor, but to a real famous person. It can be seen not only on the user’s page, but also in other places where the nickname is displayed.

A profile with such a mark is considered official. Therefore, other fans of the popular network do not have to worry that another person is hiding under the mask of a star or company. Consequently, all photo albums are real and are updated by the owner himself.

How to verify your account

How to get a tick on Instagram? Today, in order to admire the checkmark next to your login, you need to be a global brand, politician, journalist, artist, writer, performer, athlete, actor, public figure, musician, in a word, an outstanding personality. Ordinary people are deprived of such a privilege. You cannot, on your own initiative, contact the creators of the network with a request to assign a blue badge.

How can an artist get a tick on Instagram? The star needs to do the following:

  • Link your verified Facebook profile to your page. If there is no account on this network, then you need to create one and then gain a sufficient number of subscribers (more than 3000).
  • To perform the linking procedure, you should open “Options”, click on “Settings”, find the “Linked accounts” button.
  • When the user has other verified pages, they should also be noted.

  • If the person is actually popular and known to many, then the creators of Instagram themselves will contact the user, asking him for a photo or a scan of his passport data.
  • How to get a tick on Instagram when such an offer has not been received for a long time? To do this, you should contact technical support, where specialists will review the request message.

If you receive a refusal to assign a blue badge for the first time, there is no need to be upset. You should collect even more subscribers, link all public pages from other resources, and promote your profile. Then Instagram will automatically send the person an offer to provide a badge.

Alternative option

How to get a tick on Instagram without popularity and programs? Alas, there is no such possibility. However, there is a method used by some ordinary users who passionately desire to see the treasured sign next to their name, at least for a while. When done, the badge will disappear. The method is popular among those who want to prank their friends. In addition, you can take a photo of your account at the moment when the nickname has a tick in the star, so that in the future you will have something to strive for.

To do this, you need to copy the checkmark code from the real celebrity profile, and then change it on your page. For a couple of moments, a blue sign will appear next to your login. So, how to get a tick on Instagram? You need to become a popular person, gather a lot of subscribers or promote your brand. Then representatives of the network themselves will contact the user.

To use the function, you don’t have to be famous or have tens of thousands of subscribers. Instagram doesn't guarantee your request will be approved, but you can try. Moreover, it's free.

How to submit a request for a blue tick?

To receive a mark, you must complete certain actions.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Update your Instagram mobile app to the latest version.
  • Make sure your first and last name (or business name) is correct in your profile.

  • Click on the settings that look like a gear.

  • Read more about receiving your Blue Tick.
  • At the bottom there will be two fields: “User name” - this is the name of the account or nickname, and also “First and last name” - here you need to enter your data.
  • Click "Select File" and attach a photo of your government-issued photo ID. This could be a passport, driver's license, or documents from your organization (certificate of registration, tax return, latest utility bill).

  • Wait for the verdict! Most often, data verification takes several days, but Instagram does not indicate specific deadlines. You will learn about the decision of the social network specialists from a special notification. If rejected, you can re-apply after 30 days.

Requirements and tips

The main thing is that the profile must comply with Instagram rules and not violate the rules of this service. Previously, a “verified business card” was considered the privilege of celebrities, public figures, popular brands and media, that is, those accounts that are most likely to have fakes.

There is no way to know in advance whether your account will pass verification. However, if the profile contains real information, there are no signs of cheating, and there are many active subscribers, your chances increase significantly.

Note! Instagram experts review accounts for uniqueness, authenticity, outstanding quality, and completeness.

Criteria for obtaining status

  • Authenticity - the page must belong to a real person or a registered trademark.
  • Uniqueness - only one company or person account can receive a blue tick. The only exceptions are accounts created for different languages. For pages dedicated to broad interests, verification is not provided.
  • Completeness of information - the account must be public, have a completed biography, more than one publication and a profile photo. Please note! It is prohibited to post links to other social networks in the profile header.
  • Outstanding qualities - we are talking about the pages of those brands or people whose names (names) users often search for on the social network.


However, in essence, the blue checkmark does not provide any practical benefit: neither personal technical support, nor priority in the feed.

Therefore, if Instagram specialists refuse you, don’t be upset - focus on properly promoting your page. This will lead to more meaningful results!