Instagram spy. How to follow your favorite Instagram accounts? Who follows on Instagram app

Are you actively promoting on Instagram? Do you want to know how your subscribers and competitors behave? Who follows whom and what posts do they like? Today we will talk about how to get this information.

By studying the preferences of subscribers and conducting reconnaissance of the actions of competitors, you can obtain invaluable information for improving your content and increasing the effectiveness of actions aimed at promotion.

Every Instagram user intuitively wants to receive feedback on their actions. The assessment is positive. That’s why social networks have a “like” function. Instagram is no exception.

To find out the actions of your followers and their marks, you need to go to the “Actions” tab - the page with all the activity marks and users - “Subscriptions”. Here is a list of all the actions of the followers you follow.

To see who liked you, click on a photo/video from your profile. Near the “like” mark the number of those who liked the post is indicated, and when you click on the “more” button you can see a list of everyone who liked the publication.

Updated likes for your post will be immediately displayed on the bottom panel near the heart. Everything about your profile (likes, new subscribers, comments) is shown in the actions section.

If you log into Instagram from a computer and look at any post, yours or a competitor’s, then when you hover your mouse over the photo, the number of likes and comments (views and comments for videos) will appear.

To find out who left likes on the selected post, open it and click on the number of likes - a pop-up window will appear with a list of those who liked the publication.

Who do competitors like and follow?

To get started, subscribe to the account you are interested in. But their actions will not immediately appear in the list - since the time of subscription, some activity must have been performed from the account to which you subscribed.

Monitoring Instagram activity statistics will be useful for analyzing your target users. You will be able to understand what content your target audience likes, what trends are trending, and how to adapt content to existing conditions.

In essence, what we have described are manual methods that provide only superficial information, and in small quantities. To use this for , you need to gather a like audience. If a user likes or comments on competitors’ posts, he is, at a minimum, loyal to them, and, at a maximum, ready to buy and choose between similar offers. And in those areas where the client’s life cycle is quite long (cafes, beauty salons, barber shops), this is a real way to lure clients.

So, let’s go to create a task in the SocialKit program and go to the “Audience Formation” tab, where we select “By active audience”.

Step 1. Formation of a list of competitors.

We add technical accounts with which parsing will be carried out; the larger the list being processed, the more technical accounts are needed (no more than 5000 requests per account).

Then we create a list of competitors or users whose active audience we will collect. The easiest way is to find competitors by keyword or city in which you are promoting your services.

Also, in the rightmost column, you can enter a username and add it to the list.

Step 2. Formation of a list of users.

Let's move on to collecting an active audience and first select the technical accounts that we will use during collection (we leave the settings at default).

Then, in the technical settings, we need to configure the collection of exactly those who are interesting to us: those who like or those who comment, or both. And also set the required number of users that need to be collected.

In the filter, we select which profiles to process and collect those who liked them under posts for what period. Or you can collect not by date, but by a certain number of the most recent ones.

In collecting tags, we choose whether to collect users tagged on competitors’ media.

In the very last column, put a checkmark next to the type of posts from which to collect an active audience and click “Collect users”. More details on the topic , discussed in a separate article of our .

I opened an excellent additional toolkit on my website called Instashpion. It will allow you to track who a particular user likes, and also generates a report of mutual likes between the person you are interested in and the person he likes. Of course, from a promotion point of view, it’s difficult to find a use for this, but we don’t want to leave this service without attention.

What Instashpion can do

The entire analysis process begins from the moment you enter the login of the user you are interested in. Instashpion immediately collects a person’s posts, his subscriptions and subscribers, and then analyzes the exchange of likes.

After the scanning process is 100% complete, you will be given a list of Instagram users and you will be able to see:

  • Link to the profile of the person from whom there are incoming or outgoing likes;
  • The number of likes received from him, also on which photos these likes were given;
  • The number of likes given to it by the user you are interested in (you can also look at which photos);

Based on incoming and outgoing likes, you can filter all found people. You will be able to perform the most detailed analysis.


The service allows you to analyze 1 account once a day for free. However, it is worth understanding that the data obtained as part of the free analysis is extremely limited, although even they can provide some insight.
Paid analysis of three accounts will cost 190 rubles. You will have access to all statistics and all filtering options.

Many people are interested in who visited their pages on social networks? Indeed, it is useful to find out who is following account updates. But social networks for the most part do not provide such an opportunity. It is impossible to track visits in the official Instagram application. You can find out who is viewing your profile through the use of special programs and applications.

Many people note the convenience and effectiveness of the Instagram application called Visitors. You can use it for free for three days. Then, having assessed the capabilities of the program, the developers offer to purchase services. And they pay off - the application accurately identifies visitors and does not allow errors.

Logging into the application is not difficult - you just need to enter your Instagram data - login and password. It's absolutely safe. According to experts in the field of promotion, Visitors must be in the arsenal of the person promoting his profile. The program allows you to analyze the target audience and, based on this, make the right decisions for promotion.

Visitors shows:

Visitors to your Instagram account. The data is displayed as a list of names. They are sorted by order of visit;

Those who banned you;

Users who follow you (but you do not follow them);

Users who are not following you (even though you are following them - yes);

People who have subscribed and unsubscribed from you;

The most active subscribers. The more likes a person gives to your posts, the higher he is on the list;

- “Silent people” who do not like, but follow you;

People who do not follow your account but like you;

A list of people you don't follow, but still like.

Guests on your profile

As you can see, Visitors is a very user-friendly application with a lot of features. If you apply the data correctly during promotion, you can make the process even more effective. Users are shown in a list that is sorted by visiting order. With this program you will see everyone who visited your account.

Visitors can be used by both ordinary people satisfying their own curiosity and those running business pages. If you take a closer look at the list of visits, you will probably find those who visit your page constantly. They can be your clients, potential customers or representatives of competitors. Some page hosts are original and write to potential clients first. This can be very useful for business development. The main thing is not to become too intrusive and keep it casual.

Those who do not follow you, but just sometimes visit the page, can be attracted to you. Make it profitable for users to constantly follow you. To do this, post information that interests them. In general, there are many possibilities, you just need to think with your head.

To have more guests, you need more subscribers. For this purpose, there is a high-quality Instagram boost that our service offers. How to do it? Yes, it’s very simple, just go through a simple registration and take advantage of one or more options of the offered services at the best prices on the Internet. With us, getting Instagram followers becomes more accessible!

Spy Instagram

Spy apps for spying on someone else's Instagram account

Instagram is an application for free sharing of photos and short videos. In addition, you can communicate there, just like on any other social network. In recent years, the popularity of this resource has increased sharply; almost everyone uses it. Therefore, many people began to ask the question more often - how to view personal messages in Direct?

If you need full access to your profile, take a look at the section and familiarize yourself with the important points of cooperation with me. Write, I will definitely help you!
And in this article we will talk about programs for monitoring hidden user actions on a social network.

Spy for Instagram: the phenomenon of the popularity of the social network

Find out how to monitor an Instagram account using the program! All the most interesting features are here!

The site is actively used in all countries. Today it is the second largest social network. The number of visitors is increasing every day. What is the secret of such wild popularity? In a variety of functions!

Let's take a closer look at 10 cool features that make this app cooler!

Filters. When uploading a photo, you will see a line with filters at the bottom of the screen. Choose any one you like. In addition, there is also photo correction - brightness, sharpness, contrast, etc.

Stories. Users quickly fell in love with this innovation. Now in stories you can record short videos, attach GIF files, write in different fonts, etc.

Switch between multiple profiles. If you have two pages, you do not have to exit one to enter the other. You can open two at once and work with them, instantly switching.

Post notifications. Now no one will miss posts from their favorite bloggers and celebrities! You just need to turn on notifications about new publications on this page.

Section "Interesting". This tab constantly contains publications that you might like. This section is formed individually for each person.

Saves. Under all photos and videos there is a “Save” icon. No one except you will see your saved posts. In addition, they can also be sorted into collections.

Current. This feature has only recently appeared. In the current one, you can mark stories that were published earlier if you wish. They will not be deleted after 24 hours, but will hang on your profile as long as you like.

Direct. Initially it was impossible to write messages, but over time the developers added this section.

View photos you've liked. The tab is located in the settings, there are all the posts that you have liked previously.

Archive. Now there is no need to delete photos; there is a “move to archive” button. This way the publication will be hidden, but it can be restored at any time.

I think now you understand why the service is so widely known.

How to read direct messages on Instagram - spyware

Learn all about how to follow someone else's Instagram profile! All the latest information in this article!

During my work, I encountered various problems due to which clients needed access to other people's pages. But there are several reasons that were encountered most often. I’ll tell you about them now.

Suspicions of infidelity. Not all relationships are built on trust. In most couples, partners suspect each other of infidelity. But how can you check your suspicions? The surest way is to contact a specialist, gain access to your personal account and read the correspondence of your other half.

Curiosity. Some people read other people's messages only because they are interested in knowing what other people are writing about. I don't think this is bad. Curiosity is normal. Especially if it concerns people close to us.

Parental control. All parents worry about their children. The natural desire is to protect them from all troubles. Therefore, many parents try to control their children’s behavior on the Internet.

Desire to receive valuable information. If there is an urgent need to find out something or receive valuable documents, photographs, files, people resort to the services of specialists and get full access to all their materials transmitted via the Internet.

Last edited: 26 Feb 2018

I answer your questions:
1. I am installing specialized software for spying on other people's accounts. You can also search for programs on the Internet, but do your search more carefully. I’ll say right away that there are no free spies. And in order not to send money to attackers, check the terms of cooperation and the terms of use of the program.
2. Yes, it is possible to hack remotely. All I need from you is a link to the girl’s Instagram account. Agree, this is much easier than searching for software on the Internet yourself. I work quickly and honestly.

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Snoopreport is free for data science students and other researchers.
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How it works

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As a result of monitoring you"ll get easy to analyze reports

View weekly and monthly reports of instagram activity in your dashboard. You will not only be able to see a specific person"s activity on Instagram yet you'll see all Instagram actions in the form of useful easy-to-read report, see like history someone made during the week/month, number of pictures someone liked, number of videos liked on Instagram, number of comment likes. You will discover person's interests judging by the content he or she liked and will be able to see most liked hashtags. Instagram username, to the right you will see number of likes someone received, click picture to see full post on Instagram. Scroll down to see Actions hitmap, it's will not only help you to see when someone was last on instagram, it will show you complete picture, distribution of someone's Instagram likes and follows during the day and during the week, helping to know when someone is active on instagram. Below you will see new follow list, making easy to see who follows who instagram.