Google talk account failure. Google Talk Authentication Failure - What to Do

Devices on the Android platform work quite well and reliably until memory overflow occurs. That’s when various “miracles” begin to happen, like pop-up messages like “ Google Talk Android authentication error" Sometimes, along with this, Gmail mail refuses to work, complaining about a password mismatch.

There may be several reasons for the appearance of such a message, including human intervention. But when something has already happened, it doesn’t always make sense to get to the bottom of the true cause of the error if this clarification does not lead to its correction. But it would be useful to find out if there is a way to overcome this authentication failure.

So, if it happened Google Talk authentication failed, what to do Firstly? Find out whether accounts are configured correctly and whether synchronization is working. After all, it also has to be configured. Google services also need configuration and synchronization.

In principle, setting up a smartphone is even easier than setting up a computer, which we are accustomed to leaving to specialists. Therefore, we must try to solve this problem ourselves. Not every person will want to overpay in a workshop, or even will not be able to pay the amount that is asked of him.

Therefore, you need to set up the device according to the following instructions:

  • Find “Settings” in the phone menu and go there.
  • The next item will be “Applications”.
  • By going to this menu item, you need to find “Application Management”.
  • Here we will see various applications, among which there are several related to Google. They can be distinguished precisely by this word in the name. For example, Google Play Market. Each Google application must be opened in turn, and the same operation must be performed in each of them.
  • Namely, delete data. To do this, click the corresponding “Delete data” button. Even if the phone warns that “All data will be deleted...”, you will have to do this.
  • There, in the settings of each application, there is a line “Cache” and under it a button – “Clear cache”. Click on it and clear it.
  • We go back to “Settings”, only now we look for “Accounts and synchronization”.
  • Here you need to uncheck the boxes next to “Background mode” and “Auto-sync”.
  • When we have synchronization disabled, it’s time to click on “Account”.
  • We go to the data settings, where we also uncheck all the existing checkboxes.
  • It's time to reboot.

And now, when it seems that everything has been overcome, a surprise may await us. When I boot the phone it happens again Google Talk authentication failure: what to do, Android, turns out it didn't work? And here’s what to do: under no circumstances repeat the algorithm again, because it turns out that it is not finished yet!

  • Go to “Accounts and Synchronization” again.
  • There we put all the checkboxes that we removed last time.
  • Reboot the phone again.

It should now boot normally and not display any messages like “sync error.”

Second scenario

Sometimes such failures can occur not because something unnecessary was registered among your data, but because there is nothing there. In this case, you can find out why it happened Google Talk authentication failure, how to fix it and avoid future failures. To do this, go to the same menu:

  1. Select “Settings” and go there.
  2. We look for “Accounts and synchronization” and click.
  3. Here the checkboxes may not be ticked, so we put them opposite “Background mode” and “Auto-sync”.

The problem may also be that you did not have mail on the service.
Start her up. You can do this from your computer by going to, and then enter your email in your phone. Android itself will tell you how to do this. You need to start installing mail from the “Add account” button. After that, you can follow the instructions that are given to you by your gadget.

What else can you encounter with such settings?

Unexpected events may no longer occur on the smartphone, but on the computer. You can go to your Google Mail and find a message that “someone tried to access your mail from such and such a device.” Further, there may be recommendations to change the password.

In this case, you will have to change the password both on your computer and on your phone. And if you change it exclusively on the computer, the phone may fail again. And then you have every right to write to the support service: “ What does Google Talk authentication fail mean?

After that, everything can magically work. And neither your computer nor your phone will be to blame for such a failure. This is, as always, Google being overly vigilant. In this case - inappropriate. As soon as you hint this to the support service, everything can really be restored.

On some Android devices, when you try to enable an application, the system may sometimes display the message: “Authentication error. Failed to sign in to Google Talk." This can happen to anyone, but not everyone knows what to do if Google Talk authentication fails. And most importantly, many do not understand at all why this error appears.

Sometimes Android users may encounter the "Google Talk Authentication Failed" error.

The reason for this error is incorrect settings. Even if they were once done correctly, the bug can still appear due to some actions with the device, be it an incorrect reboot, malware, or a failure of the Internet connection. In short, there can be a lot of reasons why Google Talk authentication failed.

As a result of this failure, users cannot download applications from the device to their device, use some programs, make video calls or send messages. The problem does not have a single solution, since it is a bug that can only be “fixed” by a new version of Android. Moreover, it should be noted that this happens very rarely on new systems. However, there is a solution to fix the Google Talk authentication failed error.

Updating Google services

The first step is to do just that.

  1. We go to the Play Market.
  2. Open the “My apps and games” tab.
  3. On the “Installed” tab, find all Google applications and update them.

After the update, all services can start working in the correct mode and without failures.

Remove synchronization and restore it

If the previous method did not help, then you can try to remove the synchronization of Google services, and then, after restarting your smartphone or tablet, return it back.

  1. Open the settings menu.
  2. In the accounts section we find Google.
  3. Open it and then uncheck all the markers in the section regarding synchronization.
  4. Reboot the device.
  5. We go there again and put the checkboxes back.

This method usually fixes problems. If this does not happen, then we proceed further.

Clearing cache

Google applications also sometimes help solve the problem.

  1. Open “Settings” again.
  2. Find the “Applications” item.
  3. Open each program that has Google in its name and click the “Clear cache” button.

In addition, you can also try stopping the program and completely clearing the data. And then, in the case of the Play Market, launch it again and check if the error has disappeared.

Logging out of accounts

You can try logging out of your Google account. This is done in the “Settings” section. There we find the desired item (“Accounts”), and then log out of our account. Then we go into it again.

If the option of logging in again does not help, you can try deleting the account altogether. Then register again or log in to the existing one. You should first reboot your gadget.

System rollback

If none of the above helped, it makes sense to simply

Android users often complain about various system glitches that interfere with the normal operation of the device. One of the most common errors is Google Talk authentication failure, which prevents you from downloading applications from the Play Market. Most often, this error indicates incorrect settings. Let's find out what to do if Google Talk authentication fails.

Ways to fix the situation

Did something go wrong with Google Talk authentication? You can help the cause in the following ways:

  • Clear the cache - to do this, go to the settings of your device and look for the “Applications” section there. The “All” tab contains the Google Play Market item. Found it? Stop, erase data and select clear cache. To understand whether the actions you took helped you or not, close the settings window and then restart your device.
  • Set up synchronization - to do this, in the same settings, select “Accounts” and in this block, select Google. Click on your email address and you will be redirected to a section called “Synchronization”. Got it? Uncheck all the boxes. Now you can reboot your smartphone or tablet, then go back to the synchronization settings and check back the previously unchecked boxes. Then reboot. It should help.
  • Restore factory settings - a radical but effective method that helps in eliminating most Android OS errors. To do this, open the settings menu and select “Backup and reset”. Confirm your intention to delete the information and wait until the procedure is completed.

At least one of these methods should definitely help you. Start with the first one, and if it doesn’t help, then try the rest. Still not working? Contact a competent specialist who will help you deal with harmful software. Please note that there is no universal answer to the question of what to do if there is a failure in system authentication. But you can always use our recommendations and “take a walk” through specialized forums to ask questions to experts online.

But in most cases, the problem lies precisely in incorrect synchronization or various account setup errors.

Where do these shortcomings come from? A software failure is possible as a result of initially incorrect settings, installation of new programs, or incorrect shutdown of the device. The main thing is that everything can be solved: quickly, free and without unnecessary problems.

Modern technology is undeniably smart. But, alas, nothing is perfect. Has your Android crashed? We hope our tips helped you figure out the problem, and everything works exactly as it should again!

Even for people with basic knowledge of English, it will not be difficult to translate the name of the new Google Talk product line.

Literal translation "Google says" creates associations of what the search engine is talking to you.

This is not entirely true, or rather, fundamentally not true. Feedback to the service is expressed in the form of a reaction to any user request or the creation of channels for voice conversations with other users.

The program module is complex, consisting of a basic software client (needs to be downloaded), chat and video chat modules. GTalk is closely integrated with what has been successfully operating for many years.

Why Google Talk was created

As in any segment of the services market, GOOGLE is involved in a serious battle with its competitors every second.

The fight for the client is usually realized through the introduction of new products. Their tasks are to increase the interest of stable fans of the system and attract new participants.

Today, looking at GTalk, we can say with confidence that Google simply took it and finally created its own full-fledged messenger.

Is it too late? Such programs have long been created by all competing platforms. Many of them have long failed or have not met with widespread user interest.

The once well-known ICQ has sunk into oblivion (the point is, of course, controversial - the official website continues to operate and release applications for all currently existing platforms).

Another example of this is Microsoft chat. When it became clear to marketers that they still couldn’t cope with Skype, they simply bribed him. Today, Skype and Microsoft go through life together.

Therefore, this tool is the main competing force that Google is trying to suppress. Today the name of the program has been changed to service. The essence of the project is the same.

The only fundamental change is that to start using the service you need to download a single software package suitable for the user’s platform.

So, the main functions (capabilities) of Google Talk:

1. Exchange instant messages between authorized users of the system online;

2. Prompt updating of information about the location of friends, their occupation, status and other information to which these users have given permission;

3. The speed of delivery of messages and files depends solely on the quality of traffic (instant). After the latest updates, a limit has been introduced on the size of files or images prepared for sending to other chat users;

4. Like other instant messengers, there is the ability to make video calls (optional). Users can choose to disable the video function and leave only audio communication.

5. To support business, the ability to organize a conference of several users has been implemented. Today, even for Skype, video conferencing remains a dream. It is possible that such a function is not enabled intentionally.

It is possible that these features are available in paid platforms produced exclusively for large corporations. In any case, such conferences will require powerful and stable traffic.

6. Ability to send messages offline. This is more the norm than an opportunity present in any social network. Achieved through integration with an email client;

7. In the chat window, you can receive notifications about previously sent files, letters and images. They are stored on the server in the form of a correspondence archive.

You can download them from there at any time until the sender clears the message history.

Important for many users is that the updated Google Hangouts can be tried out in a browser window.

To run it, there is no need to tinker with your hardware in anticipation of various failures. All this can be done exclusively in the browser, as other similar services offer.

Although Google differs from others in that after authorization, all services launched by the world-famous search engine become immediately available to the user.

This is the icon for the service.

Examples of using the program

It will not be difficult for any user to download Google Talk. For those who already use services from Google in principle, the messenger will be offered for download in one of the menu items.

If you don’t particularly want to install the program on your computer, you can try the browser version of the chat.

By default, the messenger window will contain contacts located on Google; if you wish, you can pull it out to contact friends from a backup made from your Android phone.

Today there are practically no restrictions for the Google Talk program (Google Hangouts). You can work with it on any device (computer, tablet or smartphone).

The only exceptions are Windows RT tablets. But again, you can open the chat through the Internet Explorer window. The main thing is to have a Google account.

Google Talk authentication failed

One of the main reasons for the google talk service to stop working was a glitch. In the summer of 2012, more precisely on July 26, users of the already popular messenger observed the so-called collapse.

For five hours the service simply stopped working. After the chat and mail service were restored to working order, no official clarifications were received from the company.

However, Google Talk authentication failure found at least three more than explicable versions of what happened.

1. Version one. Due to the fact that before the collapse, most users noticed that they began to receive completely different (alien) messages sent on behalf of other authorized Google users.

In addition, some users could not log into the service at all. The main reason for the failure to send messages was said to be excessive reloading of Google in connection with the Olympics being held at that time. The next games were opening in London.

2. According to the second, a more plausible version, hackers were blamed for the program failures (article “”). Thus, they decided to draw attention not only to the imperfections of traffic protection, but also to themselves.

According to information from unverified sources, it was at that time that a hidden conference of keyboard masters was taking place. GTalk, of course, just turned up as a world-famous test subject.

The servers of the ministries of defense, banks, etc. could just as likely come under the attention of hackers. Additionally, the version includes the possible execution of a hacking order from one of Google’s competing parties.

3. As a third version passed the theory of tracking users. Almost all social networks and instant messengers have suffered such accusations.

The direction of the version, as usual, carried notes of competition. After the cause of Google’s failures was put forward, calls began online for a transition to “stable” programs.

As is usually the case, most users simply forgot about this little incident. It is worth noting that the number of users of the new telephony from the famous search engine is growing steadily.

In fact, to answer this question, I had to rummage quite a bit on the Internet, including all sorts of specialized forums. In principle, there is no clear answer on how to fix an authentication error on your phone, but we suggest trying the most common method.

So, if your Android displays the message while using Google applications: “ Authentication error. Failed to login ", then first of all you need to check that your account settings and synchronization are correct.

Setting up accounts and synchronization on your phone

1. Open “ Settings».

2. Then select the "" section.

3. Check the boxes next to “ Background mode" And " Auto-sync" Also, in the list of accounts, click on the account to check that the settings are correct.

4. In the section " Data and Sync» your account, check all the boxes and reboot the gadget.

5. If you do not have mail on the service, then click the “Add account” button and follow the further instructions on Android.

Setting up Google services and account synchronization

If, after the settings described above, the phone still displays the message: “Authentication error. Failed to sign in to Google Talk.", then you can try another way to fix this error.

1. First, you need to open the settings in the android menu.

2. Then select the section “ Applications».

4. Open all applications associated with the Google service in the list one by one.

5. In the settings of each application, click on the button " Deleting data" and in the window that opens, confirm the action.

7. Now in the phone settings, select the section “ Accounts and Synchronization».

8. Uncheck the boxes next to “ Background mode" And " Auto-sync" Then click on the account.