The fastest boost to a VK group. Promotion of a VKontakte group

Hi all!

You can gain followers on Twitter.

I’ll immediately report my first results, and then we’ll look in more detail at how to work on this site.

In less than a day I managed to increase the number of participants in the promoted group by 70 people. These are live, active accounts (minus the so-called “dogs” - temporarily blocked accounts). If you work at this rhythm, then in a month you can increase the number of group subscribers by about 2000 people. Yes, and the phrase “ in less than a day” doesn’t mean you have to sit in front of a computer all day. It is enough to devote a total of about 30-60 minutes of your time to this activity during the day (periodically, half a minute, distributed evenly). And the result will not take long to arrive and, I think, will make you very happy. All the details and nuances are below.

First of all, I recommend you create another VKontakte account with which you will recruit participants. Why do this? Firstly, you will be active on VKontakte and there is a possibility that your account will be blocked (but this is not very scary, I will tell you in more detail later in the article). Secondly, you will give “insincere” likes, add everyone as a friend, join groups that are not interesting to you, etc. In short, to avoid clogging up your real account, create a separate account to promote your group(s). For this you need another phone number and for ease of use some second browser, if you only have one installed.

So, in the second browser (which is not your main one), you have created a new VKontakte account and let’s go to the site in the same browser and step by step understand how the system works.

On the main page of the site, log in via VKontakte. You will need to indicate the URL of your VKontakte page.

The operating principle of the system is as follows. You earn points by doing the following:

1. Like.

2. Add as a friend.

3. Join groups.

4. Tell your friends.

5. Comment.

You don't have to do all of these steps. For example, you can only like. But in order to earn more points, and to make your actions more like the actions of a person and not a robot, it is better to alternate ways of earning money. Add someone as a friend, comment on a photo, video, join a group, give a few likes.

Just don’t rush to get active! Do everything little by little, with breaks, as if you were in your real account. You don’t put dozens of likes in a row, you don’t join groups like crazy, you don’t add just anyone as a friend?

I'll tell you what my high activity led to. I started with mass liking. First, VKontakte began periodically giving me a captcha (a window with letters and numbers to identify robots). But, I did not respond to these first calls - I entered verification phrases and continued to like. As a result, I earned a “dog”. How subtle everything is with them - for excessive barking What you get is a dog with crosses on its eyes and a torn ear (apparently, also with a hint =)).

My page was temporarily blocked for suspicious activity. VKontakte believes that the page was hacked by scammers and freezes it. In this case, the owner needs to log in by entering the code sent by SMS. VKontakte also recommends changing your password and you will be asked a few more questions regarding security. After this, you can continue your activities to earn points. Just act more carefully, otherwise you don’t know what will happen after blocking again.

So, you understand how to earn points.

To create an application for new participants, go to the menu “ Promote the group”.

In the form, you need to indicate the URL of the VKontakte group, how many new members you want to receive and the price - how many points you are willing to pay for the subscription of one member.

Price range from 3 to 15 points. The higher the subscription price you set, the faster you will recruit new members. Because people will first sign (“work”) for a higher cost.

I indicate the minimum cost - 3 points. So I need to earn fewer points (and therefore spend less of my time) and the growth rate is sufficient. Too large an influx of participants can also arouse some suspicion and lead to the blocking of the community.

I advise you to periodically check on your group members. Some of them may become “dogs” for excessive activity in cheating. It is better to remove such people from the group. Because due to a large number of blocked members, your group may be banned. On the other hand, some of the “dogs” may “resurrect”, in fact, as happened with my account.

I’ll finish here - we got acquainted with one of the ways to get members of a VKontakte group for free.

I would also like to add that this service has an affiliate program. You can invite friends to this site and receive additional points and a percentage of the points your referrals earn. In principle, you can generally create such a structure that you do not need to personally work for points. Invite several people who need free promotion of members in the group, and who will actively work in this direction. You will receive a percentage of their income and all you have to do is place applications to receive new members to the group. This is how you can provide paid services, although this is prohibited by the site use agreement. However, I think many people do this on similar sites.

That's all - forward to new members to the group! In my growing group, I already have 140 of them in two days!

Good luck to you and be sure to write about your results!

P.S. Here is another similar service for free promotion of VKontakte group members, likes, and reposts. I will try to describe it in more detail in one of the following articles.

Have you been working on promoting a community or public page for a long time, but there are still no more subscribers? Self-promotion methods do not work for the desired result, and the community simply “stands still”? It's time to take more effective measures, such as getting subscribers to a group.

The service of recruiting VK subscribers has been known for a long time, but sometimes various sites offer rather inconvenient methods of recruiting, and you either have to shell out unacceptable amounts of money for this, or spend too much time and effort, achieve insignificant results and quit in despair, with a residue of unpleasant emotions. Have you also found yourself in such situations? Stop wasting your time on useless methods! the site will tell you how to gain subscribers without any extra effort!

How can you achieve the desired result?

the site is an innovative service that will help you forget about expensive and ineffective ways to promote your VK public page! We offer you unique and convenient offers that allow you to feel a significant difference from the first seconds of using the service. We only need a little time from you for you to register and start working with the system. We are confident that you will definitely not regret the time you spent on our service.

We created the website in order to online boost of subscribers to VKontakte group has become as easy and safe as possible. Therefore, when filling out the registration form, you do not need to provide any sensitive information that might confuse you or that you would not want to provide when registering. Using our system, you will ensure the rapid development of your public pages, communities, or VKontakte profile, in a short time, absolutely free!

How does the “site” work?

Your work on our service will consist of a simple algorithm of elementary operations, which will only take you about half an hour to complete per day. The specificity of the program is the principle of exchange. Cheating subscribers to a VK group- this is the result that you will achieve more and more every day, but in return - like, repost, add as a friend, or subscribe to the public pages of other users. As you can see, everything is extremely clear, easy, and does not require much effort. Naturally, it also has its own currency. Different tasks from other users are valued differently, and thus, having received a certain amount of currency, you can exchange it for the services you need, for example, such as participants in the VKontakte group.

One of the significant advantages of the site is the high activity of participants. This means only one thing: you can freely achieve promotion at any time, day or night, and the result will always not be long in coming, regardless of the time of day. As soon as you recruit the first, minimum number of participants in the community, you will immediately want to use our service again, because we say an open “no” to dogs and offers, and only for a live, potential audience that will take part in surveys and like on news and posts, and actively live the life of the community.

Our advantages:

  • With us it’s incredibly convenient and easy: all the buttons you need are at your fingertips. Even a child can easily understand our system.
  • Subscribers for groups– a potential, “live audience” that will not stand aside and will pay attention to your works.
  • One hundred percent guarantee that all requirements will be met. Our service has no “glitches” - each person always receives the services for which he worked..

To date, free group boost VKontakte has become one of the most effective methods of attracting a potential audience who will not remain idle in the community and will not unsubscribe immediately after subscribing.

Do you wish that boost VKontakte groups filled the community with a large number of live participants?!

Good day, dear readers of my blog. How do 100-200 thousand people appear in groups? What is this unique strategy? Today I will tell you about this. You will be surprised, but it all starts so simply and seems a little unprofessional, but, as they say, no one judges the winners.

How to get subscribers to a VKontakte group, is it necessary to do this, what are the best methods to use and what strategy to choose so that within a year you will have an impressive public with at least 50,000 members?

Let's talk about all this.


If you have just started, then the first thing you need to do is gain subscribers. It just so happens that if there are few people in a community, then no one wants to subscribe to it: buy advertising, campaign through messages on personal pages. Even if a person does come in, the percentage of those who sign up will be very small.

The whole point is that in order to make a choice in favor of something, we need to see that the company, product, or in this case, group is approved by other people. This is completely normal. We want to make sure that it will be useful to us and will not litter the feed with all sorts of bad and unreliable information. We don't have time to check all this ourselves. It is much easier to see how other people evaluate this public page.

On the Internet, they love to compare subscribers to a “herd of sheep” who are preying on public opinion. I do not find anything reprehensible in this simple phenomenon. How many groups already exist with no more than 1000 people? They fool their heads with advertising, requests for money, or simply silence.

I really don’t want to waste time on independent analysis, and viewing statistics is a simple and convenient way to evaluate its quality. That is why it is best to make sure that there is someone in the group at the start.

It’s clear that you won’t be able to recruit people interested in a group. You spend money or time simply to achieve a certain number. There is no need to expect that these subscribers will subsequently start commenting, liking something and buying goods. They wanted to make money - they did it and yet, you do not waste time, but work for the future.

Then other types of advertising come into play: purchasing posts in more promoted and popular groups, as well as targeting, which I will talk about in upcoming articles. But without existing subscribers, all these methods will not be so effective.

Even if a person is interested in you, he most likely will not subscribe if he sees that other people do not approve of you. Groups of 1000 people grow extremely slowly.

Simple method

There are many methods to gain subscribers, including free ones. For example, I liked the online service . The bonus system rules here. You perform some actions, for example, subscribe to a group, leave a comment or like something and get points for it. They can be spent on your tasks. Simply indicate the price (number of points), purpose (for example, joining a group) and the number of performers you need.

If you want to avoid being banned for spam, it is better not to scam too many people in a day. 50 people will be enough. Don't set big goals. Although, it should be noted that some tasks can hang on for a very long time. Mostly the same administrators and people who promote their pages sit here; it’s not a fact that the recruitment announcement for 300 people will be completed in 1 day.

However, it also has its advantages. You can set restrictions that, for example, you want to receive only female subscribers or people from your city. This way, only them will be shown your ad.

You can not only “earn” points, but also buy them with money. You can work using a mobile phone program, which can be downloaded from the official website or directly online.

You can promote a group or page without being a member of it. Therefore, I do not recommend using a personal account for work. VK administrators work quite well. You don’t have to worry about the group, but it’s better to avoid problems with the account itself.

There are, of course, weaknesses in this method. Not everyone who uses this method follows the ban. From my own experience, I can say that on the third day you may be left with only 10% of the subscribers you have gained, the rest will turn into deleted accounts. Don’t forget to clean the “dogs”, otherwise the group may be temporarily blocked.

Alternative effective way

I really enjoyed using the site . Without programs and unnecessary worries. You simply deposit a certain amount and wait for the result. According to the service, they attract only living and motivated people. I can say for sure that the number of blocked users in the group after them is minimal.

There are two tariffs - standard and VIP. If you use the second one, there is no risk of “dogs” appearing at all, and in the standard package their number is minimal, but they are still present. Tested from my own experience.

You can also specify the criteria for subscribers that interest you: country, gender, age, city, and so on.

In my opinion, this is one of the best ways to promote. The costs, financial and physical, are comparable, especially when compared with alternative methods. You spend a lot of energy on stupid likes and introductions, and after a week you get rid of everyone you recruited with such backbreaking work.

Well, that's basically all. Subscribe to the newsletter to know more about the world of social networks. Every week I will send you a short summary of published articles. You won't miss anything important. See you again and good luck.

Subscribers are the main indicator of a group’s popularity. You can publish dozens of posts, invite friends and acquaintances to subscribe to updates. There is an easier and faster way to attract users - getting subscribers to a VK group. The administration of the social network has a negative attitude towards this and, if a blatant fact of cheating is detected, it immediately blocks the community. So if you want to successfully attract a live audience to your group and avoid getting blocked, learn the basic principles and techniques.

Cheating subscribers to a VK group

Cheating is attracting a huge number of participants in the shortest possible time. At the same time, you should not limit yourself only to promotion; publish content daily, order advertising from bloggers, hold competitions and run advertising. The result will be a high-quality and fast-growing group.

Most often, promotion is used for groups or publics from which they want to create an additional source of income by placing advertisements, and for such communities, quantitative indicators are in one of the first places.

Cheating methods

There are many methods. The difficulty is that only a couple of options work effectively, the rest is a waste of time and money.

Free services.

You complete tasks, in return receiving points to increase the number of community members, likes, and reposts. Mostly they are bots. There is another principle - you are added to someone in the community, in return this person comes to you.

Free services ( bosslike, ad-social and others) only make things worse. Mutual subscription takes away your time. After a couple of hours, sometimes days, people will simply leave your page. The administration of the social network has long learned to find and block groups with cheating on free services.


You offer a valuable prize for action. In return you get people who will be of no use. There can be 100-200 thousand participants, and 10-20 likes on posts. No advertiser will want to cooperate with a “dead” community. In addition, after receiving a prize, people quickly leave.

It is important to correctly specify the set of criteria by which users will be selected: age, gender, country, city, hobbies. After the company launches, text, display or multimedia ads will be displayed on the social network.

A huge plus is the ability to independently set the cost per click. Just remember that competitors may charge much more, so your ad will be shown less often. If you set up your company correctly and specify the optimal cost per click, you can quickly gain the required number of subscribers.


The easiest and free way. You come in once a day, send invitations and wait for the next day. You don’t need to do anything special, especially since it’s completely free.

IMPORTANT! This is the most labor-intensive method. Only 50 invitations can be sent per day. In theory, you can attract up to 350 people in a week. In practice, at best, only some people will visit the page; at worst, they will ignore you.


They help automate the process of attracting people. All you need to do is download and configure the software. You don't have to manually send out invitations; the program will do everything for you. Just do not use free programs that are open to the VK administration. For using them, the group will quickly be blocked, and sometimes the owner’s page will be blocked along with it. Use only high-quality paid software that allows you to recruit participants while maintaining a positive image in the eyes of the administration.

The last method is the most effective. With the right approach, you can quickly recruit group members. At the same time, VK won’t even be able to find fault with you, because you attract exclusively interested people.

Programs for increasing subscribers on VKontakte

One of the most popular programs is It allows you to constantly attract your target audience. Cost – 2200 rubles per month of use. You need to download the Google Chrome browser extension. Launch the application, click "Register" inside it. You will see instructions on which you need to continue working. After payment, complete instructions and a pin code will be instantly sent to your email address.


  • the ability to view members who have recently joined communities you have previously selected;
  • automatic processing of up to 1,200 clients per day;
  • You can work simultaneously from several accounts.

The program can like photos of members of groups you select for up to 1,200 people, add up to 200 users as friends from 5 accounts.


BOTSAPP – promotion of profile, community and services in VK. Cost – 990 rubles per month. It is possible to automatically send an offer to join a group via personal messages, walls and comments from your profile or on behalf of the group. You can clear the community of blocked people. The client can customize the selection by age, gender, interests and other parameters.


Cost – 590 rubles per month. Automates the process of mass liking and adding as friends. Allows you to work with 100 accounts. Customizable messaging via comments under photos and videos. You can use a proxy server. It is possible to purchase a subscription for 3 months at once for 1,590 rubles and for 6 months for 2,890 rubles.

4. ViKing Botovod.

Professional program for working with social networks. Cost – 3,200 rubles. In addition to automated sending of customized private messages, exchange of likes and likes on addresses you specify, there are special features. For example, "Chatterbox". It can communicate with users for a long time. The company conducted an experiment, the results were impressive: about 550 messages, no one even knew that it was artificial intelligence. In conversations, the “chatterbox” may mention a link to your site.

5. Sobot.

This is a new version of the vkbot program. The cost differs depending on the number of accounts. If you work with one profile - only 30 rubles per month, 10 accounts - 300 rubles. You can buy an “unlimited” offer for 750 rubles per month. The software allows you to automate familiar processes, such as likes, subscriptions, invitations. Advanced settings make it possible to attract only the target audience.

Principle of operation

The programs vary in additional features, functions, and costs. At the same time, the principle of operation is the same for everyone. The work is structured as follows:

  1. Configure audience collection parameters. You can select communities yourself, whose members will be automatically sent invitations.
  2. Choosing the type of audience. Allows you to configure age, gender, interests, and find similar user groups. If you are selling a product or service, set the country and city of your potential audience.
  3. The software puts likes on photos from a fake account.
  4. After 2-3 days, the program sends a friend request.
  5. Welcome message. If the user accepts the application, an automatic welcome message is sent to him.
  6. A few days later an invitation to the group is sent. ViKing Botovod can even communicate with a person by appropriately inserting links to a site or page.

As a result, 5 accounts can attract about 1,000 (most likely more) live subscribers in just 30 days in a short period of time. Yes, the result is small in comparison, but this is the easiest way to fill the VK community with active users and, unlike free extensions, the administration will not block you. All that remains is to choose a program and monitor the increase in activity on your page.

Today there are many ways how to get subscribers to a VKontakte group. However, many of them are either expensive or unsafe. I want to talk about the pros and cons of each method of promoting a VKontakte group.

But before you start choosing a promotion method, I recommend putting the group in order. Namely, you need to make an avatar for the community, as well as have 10-15 entries. This will help avoid blocking the group.

The easiest and free way to gain subscribers to a VKontakte group is to use online services with tasks. Where users receive points for liking pictures, leaving comments and joining groups.

Thus, for completing several tasks, you can get 1-2 subscribers to the group. The more tasks you complete, the more you earn. However, you don’t have to worry and just buy points, where the price for 1 subscriber will be about 0.5-1 rub.

This method has one drawback, these are unscrupulous executors of tasks “subscribers”. Approximately from 3 to 50% (depending on the service) in the group appear blocked, a day after the promotion. Therefore, I recommend using only the best services in this matter!

List of online services for increasing VKontakte subscribers

ServiceCheating speedDogsaverage rating
1 90 points10 %
2 99 points15 %
3 64 points35 %
4 59 points30 %
5 58 points30 %

In any case, a certain number of subscribers will become blocked and in order not to delete them manually, I recommend using the service. It has the function " removing dogs from a group". It can remove 100 blocked ones in less than a minute.

This method can be called the most reliable; if you order services from professional companies, they try to minimize the number of blocked accounts. They also try to generate more or less live traffic.

The disadvantage of this method is that if you want to get a high-quality audience for a group, then the price per subscriber can be 2-5 rubles (depending on your wishes for promotion). I also advise you to use trusted companies that will not deceive you.

is a leader in promotion not only on VKontakte, but also on other social networks. I tried their services several times and was very pleased, the quality of the recruited subscribers and the speed of promotion were at the highest level.

The price for 1 subscriber starts from 1.2 rubles. (when ordering 100 subscribers) up to 1.8 rubles. (when ordering 1000 quality subscribers).

The price for 1 subscriber starts from 0.3 rubles. (for an order of 300 subscribers) up to 0.75 rubles. (when ordering 300 higher quality subscribers, where 10-30% are blocked).

Subscriber programs

Such programs are similar in structure to online assignment services and perform the same function. You can also complete tasks and attract subscribers for points, or you can simply buy points.

The most interesting thing is that the percentage of blocked accounts is 18-35%, which is higher than in other methods. However, with the help of programs you can very quickly and practically get 10,000 subscribers per day for free!


- the legendary VKontakte promotion program, which I have talked about many times already. It is used by 10% of popular VKontakte groups (I saw their tasks). I am currently improving the program and most likely it will become even better.

If you want to test the program, keep the promo code for 1,000 points: 457326


is one of the simplest and most convenient programs for increasing VKontakte subscribers. You can find anything in the program! Just look at the statistics alone, and the program is constantly updated and each time there are fewer and fewer “blocked accounts” after people subscribe.