The backup copy is not compatible with the iPhone being restored. Why isn't an iCloud backup created? Let's solve the problem. (life hack)

Hello everyone! Sometimes, the information stored on the device is much more important than the gadget itself. Photos, videos, notes, phone book - losing it all is really scary. This is why regularly backing up your iPhone or iPad is a very useful activity. What is the easiest and free way to backup? That's right - through iTunes.

It would seem nothing complicated - I connected my iPhone or iPad to the computer, pressed a couple of buttons, a copy was successfully created, and went for a walk about my business. Victory! And everything would be exactly like this if it weren’t for the various errors that accompany or precede this process. One of which we will consider today.

So, in the process of creating a backup copy (most often at the final stage), iTunes can “please” us with this warning:

iTunes could not create a backup because the iPhone is disconnected.

However, instead of an iPhone there could easily be an iPad or iPod. It's clearly not the device itself. And it would be nice if this error always appeared, but no - a few days ago everything was fine, and then bam - “iPhone is disconnected.” Mystic... but it needs to be corrected!

Well, let's start looking for a solution with advice from Apple technical support. After all, there are specialists there - these people are simply obliged to help! They recommend doing this:

  • Replace the wire. Make sure that you are using 100% original.
  • Change the USB cable connection port.
  • and install again. Moreover, you can try.
  • Perform a backup on another computer.

The advice is good, of course. But they don’t always help out. Although, it’s still worth a try - and pay maximum attention to the connection wire.

I had a case when an original-looking cable (as I was told - it was in the box when I bought it) turned out to be a fake and iTunes was unable to create a backup copy precisely because of it.

Oh well, you've checked everything - but the copying still can't be completed because the iPhone "disconnects" during the process? It's time to move on to “folk” methods of solving the problem.

The information was collected from different sources, so I warn you right away - all manipulations are at your own peril and risk :) Although, if you look into it, there is nothing wrong with all this.

And here is what users suggest to solve the error “Could not create a backup in iTunes”:

These are the tips from “real life”. And they really work!

On my own behalf, I would like to note that the most often helps: replacing the cable with an original (certified) one, updating the firmware and deleting documents (with Russian names) in applications on the device. These are the points you should pay attention to first.

P.S. Do you have any questions or questions? Or maybe you have your own way to solve this problem? Be sure to write in the comments!

Users are reporting that their iPhone8/X is unable to restore from the latest backup due to various reasons. In this article, we have listed the reasons and corresponding solutions when you were unable to restore your iTunes or iCloud backup.

Part 1: Fix iTunes couldn't restore iPhone

When you have problems with iPhone not restoring from iTunes backup, below you can find useful tips.

iTunes backup is corrupted or incompatible

When you are in this situation, deleting corrupted backup files is a good way to fix the iPhone cannot restore backup error.

1. Firstly, you should find backups of your iPhone8.

On PC with Windows 7,8 and 10:

To find a list of backups, select \Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

You can also do the following:
Find the search string:

In Windows 7, click the Start button.
In Windows 8, click the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
On Windows 10, go to the search bar next to the Start button.

Type %appdata% in the search bar and press Enter, then click these folders: Apple Computer > MobileSync > Backup.

On Mac:

Step 1: Click on search in the menu bar.
Step 2: Type or copy and paste the following text: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/
Step 3: Press Enter.

To find a specific backup, follow these steps:

Open iTunes. From the menu bar, click iTunes and select Preferences.
Select "Devices".

Control-click the backup you want and choose Show in Finder.

2. Copy your iOS backups to another location, such as your desktop or external drive.

3. Open iTunes on your computer and select "Devices".

4. Select all backup files and click "Delete Backup".

5. Copy all previous backup files back to the Backup folder.

6. Try restoring iTunes again.

If this doesn't help, you may want to consider deleting all backups and creating a new backup if the new iPhone doesn't see the iTunes backup.

Error when restoring a backup

If the message says unknown error, you cannot restore iPhone 8 from iTunes backup, you can turn to free Tenorshare TunesCare. Instead of trying possible solutions every time, it offers a definitive solution to fix various iTunes sync/backup/restore errors.

iPhone is disabled or not recognized by iTunes

Make sure the new version of iTunes is up to date.
Check the USB cable and connections.
Restart your computer and iPhone 8.
Put your iPhone into recovery mode with free Tenorshare ReiBoot to be detected.

Backup password is incorrect

If you enabled an encrypted backup and accidentally forgot the backup password, there is no way to restore the iTunes backup to your iPhone 8 unless you remove the password using third-party software like Tenorshare iBackupUnlocker. Learn more about how to remove iPhone backup password.

Part 2: New iPhone 8/8 Plus cannot restore data from iCloud backup

In another situation, if you are using iCloud backup and cannot restore iPhone from iCloud iOS 11, things are different. Most iCloud backup errors are caused by:

Not enough space on iPhone 8

If the previous backup file is large enough, you may be prompted to indicate that there is not enough space to restore from your iCloud backup. In this case, it is suggested to clear some space on your iOS device. Tenorshare iCareFone is a good tool to recover limited storage space.

iCloud recovery takes too long to complete

The problem of iPhone not finishing restoring from iCloud backup is mainly caused by slow network connection as well as large file size. Make sure your device is connected to a reliable and stable Wi-Fi network, then wait patiently.

Or you can try the iTunes backup alternative - UltData. Supporting both iTunes and iCloud backups, UltData processes recover with incredible speed. You just need to sign in to your Apple ID account and select the file to back up.

Some items cannot be recovered or iCloud recovery is incomplete

When your backups contain purchases made from more than one Apple ID, you will be prompted to send a message requiring you to sign your Apple ID, otherwise the iPhone cannot be restored from the backup. Click "Skip this step" and sign in later.

Hope these suggestions work for you. Share it if this article helps in resolving your iPhone 8/8 Plus/X will not be restored from iTunes/iCloud backup.

Hi all! You need to make backup copies - that's a fact. And, as we know, Apple offers us two excellent options for backing up information - using iCloud or iTunes. And if with iTunes everything is more or less clear - connected to the computer and “OK”, then with iCloud there may be problems. Which? The most varied.

For example, just recently my iPhone began to “delight” me with a notification with the following text: “iPhone - backup failure. There is not enough free space in iCloud storage to back up your iPhone data." You take your phone off the charger, and then there’s this error. You see he doesn't have enough space!

Let's see why this happens and what can be done about all this? Let's go!

General information or why iCloud copying fails?

Here I will not describe at length and in detail about the “cloud” service itself (especially since I have a separate one), but I will highlight some main points.

So, iCloud is, in addition to an account, also a remote storage location for information (photos, videos, program data, messages, contacts, notes, backups and much more) of your iOS devices.

But the size of this storage is not infinite - Apple allocates only 5 gigabytes for free for any user. And when you do not fit within these limits, the error “Backup failed - not enough free space” appears.

What can be done and how to fix the problem?

There are several options to get rid of the backup error.

Method number 1 - Pay

Everyone wants money and Apple is no exception. For a relatively small amount of money, you can simply change your iCloud plan and go from free (5 GB) to any other plan with more storage. So to speak, buy extra space in the “cloud”. How to do it?

Open “Settings - Your account - iCloud - Storage - Buy more space” and select the tariff that suits you.

After payment, iCloud storage increases, which means there is already enough space for your data - a copy begins to be created without any failures.

Method number 2 - Free, but relatively long

Don't want to pay anyone? I completely understand your desire - there is never too much money, and then Apple will write off the subscription every month. We were completely stunned!

Well, you can do it for free. But then you will have to “keep within” 5 GB of cloud storage. To do this, go to “Settings - Your account - iCloud - Storage - Management” and see what documents and data are stored there.

Do you see how something extra is taking up precious space? Feel free to turn it off.

It’s also worth paying attention to “iCloud Photo Library” (Settings - Photos and Camera). If this option is enabled, then your photos and videos are forced to be sent to the “cloud”, thereby “eating up” storage space.

But sometimes a situation like mine can happen - there is as much as 4.9 GB of free space (out of 5 GB free), and when creating an iCloud backup it still fails. Why is this happening? The thing is, the size of the next copy is much larger than 5 GB - the iPhone cannot create it because it will not fit into the allotted limit.

You can also view this information for yourself by opening the “Backups” tab in iCloud Storage. Moreover, here you can always correct the data that will make up the copy (in order to “fit within” the allotted 5 GB) and, perhaps, you will even succeed!

Method number 3 - Free and fast

However, you can get rid of all these annoying signs indicating backup failures in a simpler way.

It is enough to disable the creation of copies in iCloud and use the same iTunes for this, where the space for your data will be limited only by the size of the computer’s hard drive.

To do this, open “Settings - Your account - iCloud” and move the slider opposite the corresponding menu item.

That's it, there will be no more failures. Victory!

Now a backup will be created on your computer automatically when you connect and sync with iTunes. And it’s better not to put this matter off for a long time, but to go and do it right now - it certainly won’t be superfluous, believe my little experience :)

P.S. Want more free iCloud storage? Me too! Let's unite our efforts - put "like" and click on the social network buttons. I’ve already put my “+1”, it’s up to you! :)

P.S.S. After reading the article, do you have any questions or questions? Be sure to write in the comments - we’ll try to figure it out together!

I encountered this problem a long time ago, but I never got around to figuring out how to cure this disease. The most interesting thing is that I have three devices for iOS: two iPads and an iPhone. There were no problems with iPads, but the iPhone refuses to create a backup copy from the moment of purchase. In general, today I figured it all out and am sharing it with you.

I am aware that Apple devices are not a mass product these days. This is primarily due to the exchange rate of the ruble and their prices. However, judging by the search queries, the topic of life hacks for treating minor software problems is very relevant. For example, "" written in the summer of 2014 is still at the peak of popularity in search queries:

People go, read and say thank you. I am very pleased that my posts help solve problems.

Let's go back to the backup. As we know, backup in iOS is available in two ways: through the iTunes program and copying to iCloud cloud storage. I always use the latter. This is very convenient, because... no need to connect the device to the computer, press any buttons... all you need to do is put your phone on charge with wi-fi connected and go to bed. A copy will be created in the morning. It is also very convenient to restore your device when purchasing a new device. Just connect to your account and restore from the latest copy.

So, two ways to restore copying if it is not carried out automatically.

1. You need to go to Settings-iCloud, go down the menu and log out of your account. When you exit, the system will ask whether to leave the content, we answer - yes:

If a copy is still not created, then you can try the second method. You need to delete the previously created copy of this device. It is best to do this not from the device, but from the computer. I have a Mac, so the screenshots will be from Mac OS. On Windows, you need to go to the iCloud application and find a similar function.

2. On the Mac, go to Settings - iCloud

At the bottom of the window, click the “Manage” button:

In storage management, select “Backups” on the left and the copy of the device that needs to be deleted. As I already said, copies have never been created on my iPhone, for this reason there is simply no previous copy. If you previously created copies and suddenly stopped, then the last copy will be here. It needs to be removed:

After deleting, go to the device menu Settings-iCloud-Backups and click “Create a backup copy”

That's all! I hope you find this useful.

There are several common errors that may occur when backing up your iPhone or iPad to iCloud. The strangest of them is related to the fact that the copy creation process does not complete, while iOS does not give any recommendations on how to fix the problem. How to get rid of such an error is described in this instruction.

Method 1: Delete the previous backup

Step 1. Go to menu " Settings» → iCloud → « Storage».

Step 2. Select " Control", and then a backup copy of your device, which was created earlier.

Step 3. On the page that opens, click “ Delete copy" Note that the button appears after a short loading time.

Step 4: Confirm deletion.

Immediately after this, try to create a new backup in the " Settings» → iCloud → « Backup copy».

Method 2: Create a backup in iTunes

The error related to the inability to create a new backup in iCloud can often be solved by creating a copy through iTunes and then activating the backup in iCloud.

Step 1: Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and launch iTunes.

Step 2: In the iTunes window, select your device.

Step 3: On the "" tab Review"check the box" This computer" and press " Apply».

Step 4: Click " Create a copy now" and wait for the backup process to complete.

Step 5: On your mobile device, go to the menu " Settings» → iCloud → « Backup copy" and activate the switch " iCloud backup».

After enabling the backup feature, the problem with the inability to create a backup copy should disappear.