We solve the problem with the computer taking a long time to start. The computer takes a long time to boot when turned on: Solving the problem

Sooner or later, a Windows 7 user may find that loading the operating system begins to take longer and longer, reaching the point where it becomes annoying. It becomes impossible to tolerate this, and something urgently needs to be done. But it is not always possible to immediately determine the cause of slow loading, since there may be too many possible options related not only to the software, but also to the hardware of the computer. To resolve a frequently asked question, Loading slowlyWWindows 7 on startupwhat to do, let's look at all these options, starting with the most common reason for the operating system taking a long time to load and ending with the more rare ones. So, possible reasons could be:

  • system startup overflow;
  • resource-intensive antivirus;
  • littering the system registry;
  • lack of free space on the hard drive;
  • Windows 7 clogged;
  • hard drive wear;
  • computer obsolescence;
  • incorrect settings
Let us describe these reasons in more detail.

Operating system startup overflow

When you turn on the computer and load the operating system, the programs located in the startup section are among the first to be launched to work in the background. And if there are a lot of such programs in startup, then, accordingly, the time required to load them takes a lot, and, maybe because of this takes a long time to loadWWindows 7 on startup. Of course, such necessary software components as antivirus, video and audio consoles, etc. must be present in startup. But most applications are simply superfluous, since they are not used that often, and if necessary, they can be launched through the Start menu or using a shortcut on the desktop. The fact is that many programs, when installed by default, offer to place them at startup, since software manufacturers are interested in promoting their product. So when the installer offers to add an application to startup, think about whether you need it there. If not, then uncheck this option. To remove unnecessary programs from startup, perform the following steps:
If as a result of this procedure it turns out that you mistakenly disabled important applications, then they can be returned in a similar way.

Resource-intensive antivirus

If after the changes have been made the startup still does not work The computer takes a long time to boot when turned on, the reason may be the antivirus, which, when loading, checks all loaded modules, which takes some time.
You can, of course, remove the antivirus from startup so that the system boots faster, but this does not guarantee the security of the computer. The only thing that can be recommended is to try changing the antivirus to another one that requires less computer resources when loading and operating. But here, too, you will most likely have to choose between the effectiveness of detecting threats and the speed of the application. Before switching to another antivirus, check out the relevant antivirus software comparison reviews and user reviews.


When The computer takes a long time to bootWWindows 7 on startup, this may be due to the penetration of viruses and other malicious software (Trojans, worms, etc.).
Such malicious programs do not necessarily lead to a system crash, but working in parallel with other Windows processes, they can significantly slow down the speed of its operation (including loading).
Run a deep system scan for malicious software using your installed antivirus. Even if your antivirus doesn’t find anything, you should play it safe and use another antivirus, since not all of them are equally effective.

Littering the system registry

Another reason Why does my computer take a long time to boot when I turn it on?, there may be clutter in the Windows 7 registry.
The operating system registry stores records of all installed programs, their updates, changes, removals, and also contains a list of commands that the system must execute in relation to a particular application process. When installing a large number of programs, a lot of such entries can accumulate in the registry over time, and when some of them are deleted, fragmentary information from these applications may remain in the registry, which the system still has to constantly read in order.
In this regard, it is advisable to clean the registry from time to time. This can be done using special programs, of which quite a lot have been released. For example, you can use the free CCleaner application, install and launch it, click on the “Registry” button on the toolbar, and then click on the “Search for Problems” button. The program itself will find errors in the registry and what can be removed from it.
But before clicking the “Fix” button, it is still recommended to check the list of proposed changes yourself so that the program does not accidentally delete existing entries.

Lack of free space on the hard drive

The reason Why does my computer take a long time to boot when I turn it on?, there may also be a lack of free space on your hard drive.
For normal operation, the Windows 7 operating system requires a certain free space on the disk where it is installed (at least 5 gigabytes, and preferably 10), since special temporary files are created during the boot process and operation of the system. Therefore, if there is little free space, system loading may slow down. Check the free space on the disk, and if it is not enough, move or delete unnecessary files.

Windows 7 clogged

The longer the Windows 7 operating system is used, the more installed programs, service packs, temporary files and other components accumulate in it, which can slow down the system as a whole and cause The computer takes a long time to boot when turned on.

Using the CCleaner program mentioned above or the standard Windows “Disk Cleanup” function, which is available in the “Properties” of the disk on the “General” tab, you can clean the system of unnecessary data, thereby speeding up its operation.
If The computer takes a very long time to boot when turned on Most likely, the problem is in the hard drive, which has a certain operating life.
Over time, the hard drive wears out, and damaged or broken clusters may appear on its magnetic surface, when accessing them in an attempt to read information, more time is spent or the data cannot be read at all.
To diagnose the status of your hard drive, you can use the standard Windows 7 utility by right-clicking on the drive and selecting “Properties”. Then you need to go to the “Services” tab, where you can run the disk check program.
If a disk scan reveals many “bad” sectors, you should purchase a new hard drive. When you use a computer for several years, sooner or later it will become outdated, there is no escape from it. New programs that you install will require more and more computer resources (processor power, RAM and video memory), which you will no longer have enough for their full functioning. All this will affect the speed of operation and loading of Windows 7.
In this case, you will need to think about buying a new computer or “upgrading” it.

Incorrect BIOS settings

Another reason why your computer takes a long time to boot may be incorrect BIOS settings, where the boot order of various drives is set.
There, for example, the following order can be set: first from a CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive, then from a flash drive, and then from a hard drive (HDD). And while the computer goes through the two previous boot options and reaches the hard drive, a few seconds will pass. To check your drive boot sequence settings, go to the BIOS before starting Windows 7.
We hope that from the above options you have found one or more reasons why your desktop computer or Laptop takes a long time to boot when turned onWWindows 7, and successfully solved this problem.

Many users are scared to death by rebooting their computer.

This process should be easy and user-independent, but sometimes it can take a minute or two or seem like an eternity.

This is a rather controversial topic, since much of what is known about booting a computer is a myth.

But still, the operating system should not boot longer than 90 seconds. If the user is forced to endure more, it is worth starting to take action.

Computer diagnostics

Very often the user becomes nervous for no reason.

Diagnosis takes a lot of time. Although the reason may lie in the most common things.

Tip: If you use your PC frequently, you can leave it on or set it to hibernate when you press the power button. In this case, there is no point in turning it off every time. Then the user gets rid of the need to deal with slow loading.

It's all about organizational skills and discipline. Take this example: very few software installations require regular reboots.

Some changes require a forced reboot while others simply “prompt” you to reboot now or later.

And let's be honest, sometimes users want to save time, which means they choose to reboot later... and sometimes that “later” happens much later.

And then several updates, patches and ignored reboot requests just pile on top of each other.

The system gets confused in the update order, and delays occur that are not visible to the eye of the average user.

After such a long-awaited reboot, the device takes some time to process all these changes. This is normal, but can still be annoying for most users.

Many do not even wait for this necessary download, and reboot the unfortunate device again. Then all updates are reset. This cannot be done.

Disable autostart programs

Programs that are loaded at startup remain active in memory.

Hence, they are one of the main reasons why Windows boots slowly. Disabling programs that the user is not using may work.

To manage startup programs, you can install a very interesting tool, Mike Lin’s Startup Control Panel.

With its help, the user can easily remove unused programs from the list of resident programs and startup programs.

Scandisk and Defrag program

Using Microsoft Scandisk and disk defragmentation, you can make sure that your hard drive is working without errors.

These programs are also necessary to ensure that data is stored in the most efficient way.

Even experienced users run both of these programs at least once every few months.

Yes, they take some time to use. But it’s better to spend it once than to painfully wait for the download every time.

Not enough free space on your hard drive

For a personal computer to perform optimally, it must have at least 250 MB of free hard disk space on which the operating system is installed.

If the amount of free space is less, overall performance and boot times may be significantly reduced.

The operating system itself takes up a lot of space, but in addition, additional space is used to temporarily store files needed during operation.

Determining free space on your hard drive.

In order to determine the availability of free space on your hard drive, you need to open “My Computer”.

In the window that opens there will be a column “Devices and disks”, then you need to right-click on Disk C. And select the “Properties” option from the drop-down menu.

The new screen will show the total volume, free volume and used space. It is necessary to check the data on Drive C, since the operating system is most often installed on it.

If there is not enough free space, you need to delete temporary files, clean the system of unused programs and recheck the free space.

Update Drivers and Windows

Custom, incorrectly installed, or outdated drivers can lead to a number of different conflicts.

It is necessary to regularly update operating system drivers, the Windows operating system itself, and also update the software used on the device.

This is the only way to guarantee that software problems will not arise.

All of the problems listed above are not yet related to hardware faults. This is a completely different layer of problems.

Updating the operating system to a new version

Still running Windows 7? Upgrading to Windows 8 or 10 will seriously speed up boot times.

Not every operating system update will necessarily be faster, but the jump from 7 to 8 was huge.

How to update the Windows operating system.

In order to obtain the necessary operating system updates, you need to go to the Control Panel.

If the necessary updates are found, the system will offer to automatically install the latest updates.

The user can only wait for the installed updates and reboot the device.

Cleaning the registry

If the user has already followed all the previous recommendations from this list, but the long-awaited result has not yet arrived, you can clean the system registry. To do this, you can install any program from the Internet.

The process of cleaning the registry itself rarely depends on the user. Most programs work automatically.

Reinstalling Windows

Although this may require time and a free removable drive to save important files, it is one of the drastic solutions.

Additionally, the process itself can be a bit labor-intensive, requiring you to completely erase all data and reinstall Windows.

This process will result in the user's computer operating the same way it did when it was new.

Equipment modernization

Improving the hardware

This is a hardware method to solve the problem. There are more financial costs here than time and moral ones.

Of course, this is one of the most effective ways to increase performance and reduce loading times.

You just need to call any company that deals with modernization or upgrades and order the appropriate service from them.

You can also upgrade your computer yourself by replacing outdated components with new ones.

Adding RAM

Installing additional memory (RAM) for your computer helps increase the overall speed of the computer, and in some cases can reduce boot times by several times.

If your unit runs on less than two gigabytes of RAM, you should think about upgrading or expanding it.

Adding an SSD

A solid state drive is the most effective way to improve overall system performance.

On desktop and laptop computers, you can move Windows from a regular hard drive to an SSD. This will significantly reduce loading times.

Solid state drives are faster, more reliable, more resilient, and more stable. At the moment, this is the best choice among hard drives.

Resetting BIOS Settings

When you first set up your computer in BIOS Setup, the administrator may have disabled some settings.

In order to check what is disabled there, you need to press the del key for a long time when starting the computer.

This is the most common key that motherboard manufacturers assign to enter BIOS Setup.

If it doesn’t work, you should look on the Internet to find out how to enter BIOS Setup by selecting a specific motherboard model.

Once in the BIOS, you can enable the “fast boot option” mode and move the hard drive to the first place in the boot priority list. You also need to turn off "Logo" when loading.

Thus, the computer will not waste time displaying a beautiful picture, but will spend all its energy launching the operating system.

Disable unused hardware

When you first start any computer, it loads a lot of drivers, even though some of them are not used.

You need to go to Device Manager from the Start menu search bar.

There you need to find everything that is not used on the computer, for example, Bluetooth and third-party controllers, modems, virtual Wi-Fi adapters and other hardware that is not in the system. Right-click on the entry you want to disable and click “disable.”

Don't forget to double-check that all other peripheral devices are still working. If the computer is part of a wireless network, virtual Wi-Fi adapters should remain enabled.

Antivirus software

This is considered to be an obvious fact, but it is still worth noting separately.

To keep your computer running quickly, you need to install a good antivirus program, keep it up to date, and run regular scans.

This is more of a preventive measure than a real solution to the problem of long loading times. But very often it is viruses that cause the computer to take a long time to boot.

Plus, any antivirus program will ensure that your files remain intact.

Unused fonts

Since time immemorial, loading additional fonts at startup has slowed down system boot times.

This is less of a problem now than it used to be, but can still be frustrating.

Windows 7 loads more than 200 fonts at startup; even more if you have Microsoft Office installed.

Chances are you use very few of these fonts, so you may want to hide them to speed up the process.

In Windows 7, you need to open the Fonts folder from the Start menu search bar and check for all the fonts that you don't need. Next, click the “hide” button on the toolbar.

This way, if you want them, you can get them back, but Windows doesn't load them at startup.

Please note that by simply removing a few fonts you will not see a noticeable difference.

For the results to be noticeable, you need to get rid of several hundred unused fonts.

There is more of a patience factor here; when you can mark more than a hundred fonts, everything will not seem so funny. And you will understand why they slow down the loading of your operating system so much.

Replacing the motherboard

Changing the motherboard

This is one of the very drastic decisions, since it most often entails replacing the processor and RAM. But this will seriously reduce the computer boot time.

Sometimes the motherboard still works, but the hubs on it are already swollen. Which significantly reduces the speed of its operation. And only a specialized specialist can determine whether it can be repaired.

Again, these are not the only things you can do to reduce your computer's boot time, but they are some of the most well-known, reliable methods.

It is important to understand that by speeding up your computer's boot time, you want to achieve benefit, not harm.

There are a number of problems that affect the loading of the operating system. Ways to improve performance were discussed in. But the performance itself cannot be complete without a normal system start. What to do if Windows 7 takes a long time to load every time? We need to analyze the problem and then try to fix it.

Typical difficulties when starting Windows 7 are incorrectly working device drivers and a long queue at startup. This is typical for all operating systems, including the 10th generation. The situation is such that it is very easy to find out why the computer boots slowly. We will talk about all this in more detail in this article.

Driver problem

So, the computer cannot communicate directly with its components. Each part has a specific interface for communicating with the machine core. The communicator is a small program - a driver, which provides full access for Windows 7 (also other generations, including Windows 10) to a specific board or device. Naturally, Windows 7 cannot contain all the necessary drivers in its package. This happens because there are a huge number of manufacturers of computer components. If you do not install drivers when installing Windows 7, you can easily find that the system runs very slowly. For optimal interaction, you need a program from the manufacturer.

Typically, such modules are supplied with disks when sold. As a result, the computer is ready for use. But, over time, any software becomes outdated. Drivers are also becoming obsolete. Every time, Windows 7, and any other series, up to the 10th generation, receives fresh updates. Naturally, these processes require updating driver programs. But Windows 7, XP, 8 and even 10 on their own cannot install third-party software. For this reason, the user must control the relevance of these utilities. Usually few people pay attention to this. This is why the operating system takes a very long time to load upon startup. If the computer takes a long time to turn on, this is already a sure sign that you need to work on it.

The most common way to solve this problem is to independently search for drivers on the network. But this is too long, since you have to go to the official manufacturer’s website, look for the code of the device installed on the computer, and only after that is it possible to install such an application on Windows 7. There is a set of software that performs these operations automatically. We have already talked about this in. Such a program itself finds devices, determines the relevance of drivers, and if they become outdated, downloads the latest versions. Such utilities work independently well on the 7th, 8th, and 10th generations of Windows.

As soon as the drivers are updated to the latest state, the computer will no longer start for a long time. If the problem does not go away, the computer still boots slowly, then you should move on to working with autoload.

Startup editor

In certain cases, not only the outdated Windows 7, but even its latest version number 10 takes a long time to load. This happens due to the startup queue. It turns out that the computer takes a long time to boot due to the fact that it needs to activate a number of programs at startup. These are typical download managers and messaging apps. Why were they there? Software developers benefit from having their product visible at all times. The more often the program flashes before your eyes, the more the user will turn to it. Also, many applications hang in the background for a long time. It is not clear what they do for their needs, but it is better to deprive them of this opportunity.

It is clear that it is better not to remove the automatic keyboard layout. But upon startup, a lot of unnecessary stuff is loaded.

To view the full list of utilities that are loaded when the system starts, you need to enter a special command in the Run window:

  • Press the Windows + R keys on the keyboard one by one.
  • A window appears, in the field of which we enter the msconfig command.

Go to the Startup tab and uncheck those applications that are completely unnecessary when the system starts.

Thus, applications canceled in this window will be canceled when Windows 7 starts. By the way, in the 10 series this process has been made more convenient: just launch the task manager, which already has that same tab called Startup. So this is another argument for the 10th generation.


How can you understand why the system takes so long? Maybe it loads completely normally for its technical component. There is a special tool for this in Windows 7:

  • Open the Run window using the Windows + R keys.
  • Type the command eventvwr.msc in the window field.
  • On the left side you need to find the Applications and Services Journal and open it.
  • First click on Microsoft, then on Windows.
  • We look for Diagnostics-Perfomance and open it.
  • We sort by date.
  • We are looking for values ​​of 100 - these are milliseconds.

So we are looking for lines with a duration greater than 101 milliseconds. By analyzing the event log, you can determine when the system loaded quickly and when its load increased over time. Why do you need to do regular checks? The fact is that if used incorrectly, not only Windows 7, but even modern systems version 8 or 10 load slowly. And this happens due to insufficient control on the part of the user. Only with regular cleaning and analysis of system indicators will the computer boot and operate in optimal mode.

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Step-by-step instructions for disabling programs in Startup. The main reasons for a slow computer.


A large number of people in the world are faced with computers.
This may be due to both physical damage to the inside of the computer and software malfunctions. But the most common the problem of slow loading of the operating system is the presence of a large number of programs and what it means is the automatic inclusion of programs after starting the operating system. Thanks to autoloading, when you turn on your computer, system services, network drivers, and audio and video card drivers are loaded and automatically activated.

  • However, some developers of all kinds of programs believe that their software is vital for the user of a desktop computer and set a command in the installer that automatically prescribes the program to startup.
  • After a large amount of unnecessary software accumulates in startup, which starts when you turn on the computer, the operating system often begins to slow down. Even if your computer has powerful characteristics, when dozens of heavy programs are launched simultaneously, critical errors begin to occur in the operating system. She is not able to process such a large flow of information.
  • To keep your computer from freezing and working properly, you need to regularly check startup and exclude unnecessary software from it. Keep only the most necessary programs that you use constantly. For example, antivirus.
  • How to remove unnecessary programs from startup?

    • In order to remove unnecessary programs from startup, you need to go to “ System configuration" To do this, users of any Windows operating system need to press the key combination on the keyboard Win+R and in the window that appears, enter the command in the text field msconfig

    • In " and you will see a list of programs that start when you turn on the computer. Uncheck all the unnecessary ones and leave only those that you use regularly.

    • If you do not know what programs you need when starting Windows, it is recommended to click on “ Disable everything" This action will not disable the loading of important drivers and system services, but will remove all unnecessary software.
    • After all the manipulations, click " Apply" And " OK" In order for the changes to take effect, the system will prompt you to restart your computer. Reboot your device and you will immediately see the result.

    Other possible reasons for a slow computer

    If disabling unnecessary programs in startup did not help and the computer still takes a long time to boot and slows down, then here are several reasons why this may happen:

    • There is not enough space on the system disk. For stable operation of the operating system, you must have free memory on the hard drive. If it is fully loaded, the system slows down significantly. Remove all unnecessary programs using " Control Panel" In chapter " Installation and removal of programms", empty the recycle bin and move all third-party software to another partition of the hard drive (for Windows 7 and higher it is recommended to have it in the partition 10 GB free memory)
    • Check your computer for viruses. There are types of viruses that do not steal information from the computer, but are embedded in the system code and consume resources, which leads to slowdown of the computer, and sometimes to critical errors (screen of death)
    • Defragment your hard drive. After installing and uninstalling various software, files on the computer are scattered in a chaotic manner and in this form it is difficult for the system to process them. Defragmentation organizes files, sorts them by size and format, which has a positive effect on the hard drive and significantly speeds up the operating system (it is recommended to defragment once a week)
    • Clean your computer's registry. After uninstalling and installing programs, a lot of garbage remains in the registry, which accumulates over time and interferes with the operation of the operating system and other applications. Take advantage of programs such as CCleaner to clean the registry (it is also recommended to clean the registry once a week)
    • If none of the above methods did not solve your problem and the computer continues to slow down, most likely the reason for this is physical damage to the hard drive, motherboard, poor cooling system or outdated hardware. Take the device for repair or purchase a new one.

    IMPORTANT: If you are not an expert in PC setup, do not experiment with disabling system services and reinstalling drivers. This can lead to complete breakdown of the computer and loss of all data on it.

    VIDEO: How to remove a program from startup?

    We constantly encounter the problem of computer taking a long time to boot. This could be due to several reasons. It is these possible reasons and their recording that we will talk about in this article. Fixing Windows problems related to loading speed is similar on all versions of the operating system (7, 8 and 10). Below are all the main causes and methods to fix these problems:

    Windows 7 takes a long time to load when turned on - autostart

    For comfortable use of applications and program capabilities, an autorun function for some programs was created. It exists so that all the main programs that you use every day are automatically turned on when you turn on the computer. But sometimes the startup list contains programs that we don’t need at all. These unnecessary programs can cause your operating system to load slowly, so you need to get rid of them. To do this you need to do the following:

    Call the task manager using the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del. Select the “Startup” tab. Then, having selected the application that we do not need, right-click on it and in the lower right corner click on “Disable”.

    By disabling programs that you rarely use in this way, you can significantly speed up Windows boot speed.

    Windows 7 takes a long time to load when turned on - disk is full

    Problems with a user taking a long time to load on a computer can be caused by a lack of free space on the hard drive. Basically, for all users, drive C is responsible for loading speed. This drive should exclusively store programs you have recorded and computer operating files (an integral part of the operating system). It is advisable to store all other applications and files (games, images, videos, photos, etc.) on another drive. The fewer applications are recorded on the C drive, the faster the computer will respond to your actions.

    It is important to remember that for some people the C drive may be called differently. It doesn't matter. To understand that the main programs and operating files are stored on the disk, you need to go into it and find the Program Files folder. If this folder exists there, then this is exactly the drive on which it is undesirable to store third-party applications.

    To clear your disk of inappropriate applications, you need to do the following:

    • Go to local drive C. To do this, click on “My Computer” on the desktop. In the window that opens, look for drive C and click on it.

    • We look for a folder called “Program Files” (or Program Files x86) and go into it.

    • Select inappropriate applications with the right mouse button by clicking on it once. Then press the key combination Ctrl + X. This combination will allow you to cut this folder from the specified disk.

    • Close the window and go to “My Computer” again. We select the second disk on which games, applications, photos and other media files should be stored. In this case, this is drive F. Your name may be different. Basically it is called the D drive.

    • To paste the cut file, you must use the key combination Ctrl + V. This will begin transferring the cut file from drive C to drive F.

    After the file was transferred, space was freed up on the operating system's hard drive. Due to this, the speed of your computer will be increased. The more irrelevant apps you move, the more free space you'll have on your hard drive.

    Windows 7 takes a long time to load when turned on - viruses

    Viruses are one of the main reasons for a slow computer. A virus can get onto your computer via the Internet. For example, through some poorly protected site. Pay attention to the site protocol. If a site has an https protocol, this means not only that your personal information is protected, but also that the site itself is safe from viruses. In addition, the virus can get onto your computer when downloading pirated programs and games from unknown sources.

    It is logical that in order to speed up your computer, you need to clean it of viruses. This can be done with almost any antivirus that is stored on your computer. Simply go into it and in the main menu you will see a tab that will prompt you to scan your computer for threats and then completely eliminate them. But not everyone has an antivirus installed.

    Those who do not have an antivirus registered can use the following:

    • When searching for a computer, enter the key query “protection”. In the search results, select the “Protection against viruses and threats” tab by right-clicking on it.

    • In the window that appears, click on “remove threats”, if any.

    A scan will be performed to eliminate threats and remove viruses, while restarting your computer. Save the files you need before checking your computer for viruses, as unsaved files may be lost when you restart.

    These were all the main problems that can cause your computer to slow down. Despite this, some cases require a special approach, so you can consult the technical support site at the following address: https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru.