Rating of budget floor-standing hi-fi speakers. Review of inexpensive speakers: Budget Hi-Fi. Classification of PC acoustics by purpose

For many users, choosing active speaker systems for a computer is a very difficult task. And this is not surprising, because there are hundreds of similar speaker models on the market, and information can now be gleaned from numerous sources - from articles in the online and offline press, from manufacturers’ websites on the Internet. True, sometimes there is only a meager description and a list of technical characteristics that are almost identical for all models.

The user has no choice but to choose the acoustics that suit him. We will try to help you with this by explaining what you need to pay attention to first and what to treat with a grain of salt. We will also try to figure out what sound you can hear from speakers of one class or another.

Classification of PC acoustics by purpose

First of all, you need to decide: for what purpose you need acoustics, and what guides you when choosing it. There are two main areas of application for computer speakers:

Criteria for choosing PC speakers

Let's consider the three most common circumstances on the basis of which the choice is made:

As you can see, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. If you dive even deeper and begin to analyze the currently available range of products and the capabilities/needs of a particular buyer, then everyone will have their own best purchase. So it is extremely difficult to recommend specific models. However, we can warn the reader against at least basic mistakes when choosing acoustics.

We would like to immediately warn you against making hasty conclusions when comparing acoustics according to the technical characteristics given on the manufacturer’s website or in the product data sheet. It must be borne in mind that the marketing department will never miss an opportunity to “outsmart” the buyer and indicate the most profitable data. Whatever numbers you see, don’t delude yourself and treat them with skepticism. For example, on some speakers they write: “power 100 W, distortion 0.01%.” This is all great, but the problem is that power and distortion were measured separately. Power at 10%, and distortion at 1 W. At the same time, such “strange” measurement conditions are probably described somewhere in the corner in small letters, so that during a possible investigation the user would have no grounds for complaints.

We also always advise you to listen to how the speakers you choose sound before purchasing. If possible, immediately compare the sound quality with some alternative solution. Moreover, the smaller the time gap between these hearing tests, the more plausible and correct your conclusions will be. Any memorable sensations from listening to an acoustic system (such as “I listened to it last week at my neighbor’s”) cannot be taken into account. They are not suitable because the perception of sound depends on the psychophysical state of the individual at the moment, plus, a person’s auditory sensations (especially if they are not used to it) are very unclear and are quickly erased from memory.

Now about speaker systems that include several speakers. As you know, among multi-column configurations there are mainly 4.1, 5.1, 6.1 systems. Externally, they differ little: 5.1 acoustics, unlike 4.1, have one more speaker (the so-called “center”). But in fact, the difference is not only this. It all depends on what sound card is installed in your computer.

If you use a four-channel sound card with a 5.1 set of acoustics, then the center and subwoofer will most likely not play. If you use a six-channel card with a 4.1 set of acoustics, then you will never experience full six-channel Dolby Digital and DTS formats, no matter what the acoustics manufacturer writes about its super-duper “virtual center channel” technology. The reason lies in the absence of separate inputs for the center and subwoofer on 4.1 systems (although a four-channel operating mode, as well as a stereo mode, necessarily exists for such cards and can be easily selected in the settings).

Detailed explanation of some acoustic characteristics


By the word power in colloquial speech, many mean “power”, “strength”. Therefore, it is quite natural that buyers associate power with volume: “The more power, the better and louder the speakers will sound.” However, this popular belief is completely wrong! It is not always the case that a speaker with a power of 100 W will play louder or better than one that has a power rating of “only” 50 W. The power value rather speaks not about volume, but about the mechanical reliability of the acoustics. The same 50 or 100 W is not a sound volume at all, published by the column. Dynamic heads themselves have low efficiency and convert only 2-3% of the power of the electrical signal supplied to them into sound vibrations (fortunately, the volume of the sound produced is quite enough to create sound). The value indicated by the manufacturer in the passport of the speaker or the system as a whole only indicates that when a signal of the specified power is supplied, the dynamic head or speaker system will not fail (due to critical heating and interturn short circuit of the wire, “biting” of the coil frame, rupture of the diffuser , damage to flexible suspensions of the system, etc.).

Thus, the power of an acoustic system is a technical parameter, the value of which is not directly related to the loudness of the acoustics, although it is somewhat related to it. The rated power values ​​of the dynamic heads, amplifier path, and speaker system may be different. They are indicated rather for orientation and optimal pairing between components. For example, an amplifier of significantly lower or significantly higher power can damage the speaker in the maximum positions of the volume control on both amplifiers: on the first due to the high level of distortion, on the second due to the abnormal operation of the speaker.

Power can be measured in different ways and under different test conditions. There are generally accepted standards for these measurements. Let's take a closer look at some of them, most often used in the characteristics of products from Western companies:

RMS(Root Mean Squared root mean squared value). Power is measured by applying a 1000 Hz sine wave until a certain level of harmonic distortion is reached. Usually in the product passport it is written like this: 15 W (RMS). This value indicates that the speaker system, when supplied with a 15 W signal, can operate for a long time without mechanical damage to the dynamic heads. For multimedia acoustics, higher power values ​​in W (RMS) compared to Hi-Fi speakers are obtained due to measurements at very high harmonic distortion, often up to 10%. With such distortion, it is almost impossible to listen to the sound due to strong wheezing and overtones in the dynamic head and speaker body.

PMPO(Peak Music Power Output peak music power). In this case, power is measured by applying a short-term sine wave of less than 1 second duration and a frequency below 250 Hz (usually 100 Hz). In this case, the level of nonlinear distortions is not taken into account. For example, the speaker power is 500 W (PMPO). This fact suggests that the speaker system, after playing a short-term low-frequency signal, had no mechanical damage to the dynamic heads. Watt power units (PMPO) are popularly called “Chinese watts” due to the fact that power values ​​using this measurement technique reach thousands of watts! Imagine that active computer speakers consume 10 VA electrical power from the AC mains and produce 1500 W peak musical power (PMPO).

Along with Western ones, there are also Soviet standards for various types of power. They are regulated by GOST 16122-87 and GOST 23262-88, which are still in force today. These standards define concepts such as rated, maximum noise, maximum sinusoidal, maximum long-term, maximum short-term power. Some of them are indicated in the passport for Soviet (and post-Soviet) equipment. Naturally, these standards are not used in world practice, so we will not dwell on them.

We draw conclusions: the most important in practice is the value of power indicated in W (RMS) at harmonic distortion (THD) values ​​of 1% or less. However, comparison of products even by this indicator is very approximate and may have nothing to do with reality, because sound volume is characterized by sound pressure level. That's why, information content of the indicator “speaker system power” zero.


Sensitivity is one of the parameters indicated by the manufacturer in the characteristics of speaker systems. The value characterizes the intensity of the sound pressure developed by the speaker at a distance of 1 meter when a signal is supplied with a frequency of 1000 Hz and a power of 1 W. Sensitivity is measured in decibels (dB) relative to the hearing threshold (zero sound pressure level is 2*10^-5 Pa). Sometimes the characteristic sensitivity level (SPL, Sound Pressure Level) is used. In this case, for brevity, in the column with units of measurement, dB/W*m or dB/W^1/2*m is indicated. It is important to understand that sensitivity is not a linear proportionality coefficient between sound pressure level, signal power and distance to the source. Many companies indicate the sensitivity characteristics of dynamic drivers measured under non-standard conditions.

Sensitivity is a characteristic that is more important when designing your own speaker systems. If you do not fully understand what this parameter means, then when choosing multimedia acoustics for a PC, you can not pay special attention to the sensitivity (fortunately, it is not often indicated).

Frequency Response

Amplitude-frequency response (frequency response) in the general case is a graph showing the difference in the amplitudes of the output and input signals over the entire range of reproduced frequencies. The frequency response is measured by applying an electrical sinusoidal signal of constant amplitude when its frequency changes. Moreover, at the point on the graph where the frequency is 1000 Hz, it is customary to plot a level of 0 dB on the vertical axis. The ideal option is in which the frequency response is represented by a straight line, but in reality such characteristics simply do not exist in acoustic systems. When considering the graph, you need to pay special attention to the amount of unevenness. The greater the amount of unevenness, the greater the frequency distortion of the timbre in the sound.

Western manufacturers prefer the term FR(frequency response) range of reproduced frequencies, which is a “squeeze” of information from the frequency response: only the boundary frequencies and unevenness are indicated. Let’s say it’s written: 50 Hz – 16 kHz frequency response (±3 dB). This means that this acoustic system has reliable sound in the range of 50 Hz - 16 kHz, but below 50 Hz and above 15 kHz the unevenness increases sharply, the frequency response has a so-called “blockage” (a sharp decline in the characteristics).

What does this mean? A decrease in the level of low frequencies implies a loss of richness and richness of the bass sound. The rise in the low-frequency region causes a sensation of booming and humming of the speaker. In the blockages of high frequencies, the sound will be dull and unclear. High frequencies indicate the presence of irritating, unpleasant hissing and whistling sounds. In multimedia speakers, the magnitude of the frequency response unevenness is usually higher than in so-called Hi-Fi acoustics. All advertising statements from manufacturing companies about the frequency response of speakers such as 20-20000 Hz (theoretical limit of possibility) should be treated with a fair amount of skepticism. At the same time, the unevenness of the frequency response is often not indicated, which can amount to unimaginable values.

Since manufacturers of multimedia acoustics often “forget” to indicate the unevenness of the frequency response of the speaker system, when encountering a speaker characteristic of 20 Hz - 20,000 Hz, you need to keep your eyes open. There is a high probability of buying a thing that does not even provide a more or less uniform response in the frequency band 100 Hz - 10,000 Hz. It is impossible to compare the range of reproduced frequencies with different irregularities at all.

Harmonic Distortion (THD)

The abbreviation THD literally stands for total harmonic distortion (Total Harmonic Distortion), but it means a very specific term - harmonic distortion. An acoustic system is a complex electroacoustic device that has a nonlinear gain characteristic. Therefore, the signal, after passing through the entire audio path, will necessarily have nonlinear distortion at the output. One of the most obvious and easiest to measure is harmonic distortion.

The THD of speakers largely depends on the power of the signal supplied to them. Therefore, it is stupid to make absentee conclusions or compare speakers only by THD, without resorting to listening to the equipment (although even the most authoritative publications sometimes take this easy path). In addition, for the operating positions of the volume control (usually 30...50%), the THD value is not indicated by manufacturers.

Electrical resistance, impedance

The electrodynamic head has a certain resistance to direct current, depending on the thickness, length and material of the wire in the coil (this resistance is also called resistive or reactive). When a music signal is supplied, which is alternating current, the resistance of the head will change depending on the frequency of the signal.

Impedance(impedans) is the total electrical resistance to alternating current measured at a frequency of 1000 Hz. Typically the impedans of speaker systems is 4, 6 or 8 ohms.

In general, the value of the total electrical resistance (impedans) of an acoustic system will not tell the buyer anything related to the sound quality of a particular product. The manufacturer indicates this parameter only so that the resistance is taken into account when connecting the speaker system to the amplifier. If the speaker impedance value is lower than that of the amplifier, nonlinear distortion will be present in the sound; if higher, the sound will be much quieter than with equal resistance.

Speaker housing, acoustic design

One of the important factors influencing the sound of an acoustic system is the acoustic design. When designing acoustic systems, the manufacturer usually faces the problem of choosing an acoustic design. There are more than a dozen species.

Acoustic design is divided into acoustically unloaded and acoustically loaded. The first implies a design in which the vibration of the diffuser is limited only by the rigidity of the suspension. In the second case, the oscillation of the diffuser is limited, in addition to the rigidity of the suspension, by the elasticity of the air and the acoustic resistance to radiation. Acoustic design is also divided into single and double acting systems. A single-action system is characterized by the excitation of sound traveling to the listener through only one side of the diffuser (the radiation from the other side is neutralized by the acoustic design). The double-acting system involves using both surfaces of the diffuser to produce sound.

A home speaker system allows you to experience the full sound of music or a movie. These products are presented in a wide range of household appliance stores, so making a choice is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. You have to take into account a large number of factors associated with the purchase of this equipment. To greatly alleviate this issue for you, we decided to compile a review of the best speaker systems of 2019. However, before we begin to analyze the specific characteristics of speaker systems, let's figure out which points are the most important. This is where we will begin this article.

At the first stage, you should decide on the overall dimensions of the device. If you plan to install the structure in a room of medium or small area, then you should not buy speakers that are too small. They usually suffer from not very high sound quality of low frequencies, so it is advisable to purchase a system with the largest possible size of its components. A plastic case can also significantly degrade sound quality, so it is advisable to give preference to devices housed in a natural wood case.

An important point is the sensitivity of the loudspeaker - this parameter should start from 90 dB. The range of supported frequencies will also play an important role. Many people are aware that the human ear is capable of perceiving frequencies from 16 Hz to 20 kHz, so it is advisable to buy a model that has approximately the same limit, as a rule, it will be from 18 Hz to 20 kHz.

Experienced users recommend purchasing one acoustic emitter that is able to play all possible frequencies, but from a practical point of view, achieving this is very problematic, because of this, the speaker system in most cases is divided into stripes. A three-way system would be optimal. If there are no funds to purchase it, then preference is given to 2- or 2.5-way.

Pay attention to an indicator such as impedance or electrical resistance. In this case, you will have to focus on the amplifier. All data relating to this factor is indicated in the device passport. The key characteristic will be the maximum electrical power, which is indicated in W. It directly affects the volume of the equipment. The highest parameter indicates peak power, that is, it will not be possible to achieve such volume over a long period of time. If the power of the amplifier is higher than that of the speakers, this can lead to wheezing and other sound distortions.

When choosing models for inclusion in our rating of the best speaker systems of the year, we relied primarily on user reviews, but the price-quality ratio of the models did not escape our attention. We tried to include in the review only the most acceptable devices so that all our readers could purchase them. Now let's look at the useful qualities of the devices that were included in the rating based on all the above characteristics.

Floor models

3. Dali Zensor 5

All systems produced by this manufacturer are characterized by high quality and reasonable cost, so they have been popular among lovers of high-quality music for quite some time. The system includes two floor-standing speakers that are equipped with a pair of woofers, the diameter of which is 5 inches, and a one-inch dome tweeter is also provided. The overall dimensions are not too large, so these acoustics will fit perfectly into the interior of a small room. The frames on which the speakers should stand are made of silumin. The appearance can be different, the finishing is made to resemble different types of wood, and the body itself is made of MDF panels, which in terms of their acoustic characteristics are almost in no way inferior to wood. The case is additionally covered with vinyl, which will protect the system from damage. The front panel is treated with black varnish and polished.

The bass reflex ports are located on the front side, and they are made monolithically, no joints are noticeable. Diffusers are made of special paper, which is filled with wood fibers. The manufacturer has been using similar technology for quite a long time, which, as time has shown, has been able to show its best side. The inside of the speaker housing has additional stiffening ribs. The set includes anti-slip feet, so the speakers can be installed directly on the floor if necessary. The resolution of mid frequencies is very high quality, the sound dynamics were appreciated even by experienced music lovers. There are a lot of high frequencies compared to the others, this does not affect the balance of tones, but the balance is slightly disturbed.


  • Excellent value for money;
  • There are two speakers at once, which are responsible for low frequencies, which creates the effect of the presence of a subwoofer in the system;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • High quality build.


  • Decent weight of the product;
  • Preponderance towards high frequencies.

2. Canton GLE 476

This model is a full-fledged 2.5-way speaker system, which is additionally equipped with a bass reflex. The range of bass lines and lower midrange frequencies are reproduced using two speakers with a diameter of 180 mm. They are additionally equipped with diffusers made of aluminum alloy, which are produced based on the developments of the manufacturer. The speaker diaphragms are mounted on a flexible suspension made from natural rubber. Thanks to the use of this material, it is possible to achieve a fairly significant displacement of the diffuser, and this moment practically does not affect the sound quality, since the distortion will be minimal. An inch dome-type tweeter is made from fabric that is impregnated with special polymer compounds. To ensure maximum sound dispersion, this part is placed in a shallow horn.

The grill here is removable; if necessary, it can be installed on the rear panel of the speakers. There are quite a few options for this acoustic system, so each user will be able to choose the most optimal option that will fit organically into the interior. The sound of the speakers is transparent and very energetic. The mid frequencies are spelled out as clearly as possible, all timbres can be heard well. Compression will not be noticeable even when the volume is turned up to maximum power. The main thing when using such speakers is to correctly position them relative to the listener. These products are manufactured at the highest quality level; there are special screw-type clamps for connecting cables.


  • Even though the manufacturer says the system is 2.5-channel, it is essentially 3-channel;
  • There is a remote speaker for additional drawing of mid frequencies;
  • All peak values ​​pass through as smoothly as possible; even experienced listeners did not detect any distortion.


  • It can be difficult to find the ideal speaker placement.

1. Heco Victa Prime 702

Despite its low cost, this model is distinguished by high quality workmanship, and it has a very original appearance. The speaker system has curved side walls, which are made from several layers of MDF panels that are glued together. This allows not only to significantly increase the strength of the product, but also to easily cope with various types of internal resonances of the product and stagnant sound waves. The speakers are installed securely, each of them is secured with eight screws. The bass reflex ports are located at the rear and are also secured with screws. The body is additionally decorated with a podium. The protective mesh is installed on pins made of high-quality hardened metal. The outside of the structure is finished with a film, which in appearance is almost impossible to distinguish from real veneer.

The product operates on the basis of a three-way circuit. The tweeter diameter is 25 mm, its dome is made of artificial silk. It is equipped with a cooling system; magnetic fluid acts as a coolant. The midrange and bass drivers have a diameter of 170 mm. They are quite light and have a significant stroke, which ensures the creation of a light sound picture, and also allows you to feel a very deep bass line. The bass reflex port has two ports, the design of which is optimized so that not only sound waves, but also air flow freely pass through them. The speakers sound spacious and light, but fall slightly towards the mid-bass lines. The timbre is quite natural, it is as close as possible to live sound. Even complex music is presented very clearly.


  • Separate ports for connecting high and low frequencies;
  • Attractive body finish;
  • High build quality;
  • There are no extraneous inclusions in the sound;
  • Reasonable price.


  • Not detected.

Suspension systems

3. JBL Control 28

This is a fairly large system, the maximum power of which is 175 W - it is quite enough for home listening to music of absolutely any complexity. The body is plastic, but the sound quality of this design is almost impossible to distinguish from a product with a wooden body. The diameter of the main speaker is 200 mm. The kit includes a swivel bracket, so if necessary, the speaker can be directed to almost any corner of the room. The cabinet is quite deep, the components are characterized by a high level of power, thanks to them it is possible to form a complex network that will ensure smooth operating properties. The speaker is a front-facing device; its workmanship is significantly superior to most products of a similar type. The emitter is made of paper with increased sound permeability, the horn is made of titanium.

If the column is used correctly, its estimated service life will be about 10 years. No distortion of mid and high frequencies was noticed when playing melodies. It is advisable to use peak volume points in moderation.


  • Reliable protection against overloads both in terms of sound and in the area of ​​voltage surges in the network;
  • The kit includes a swivel bracket that allows you to provide the most suitable direction of sound;
  • The titanium grill allows you to operate the system in quite difficult conditions.


  • The bass line gets weaker at times.

2. Monitor Audio Radius R225

One of the most compact models in our review of the best speaker systems of the year. First of all, this concerns the width of the case, which is only 65 mm - this allows the design to be used in conjunction with modern TVs made in the form of flat panels. Such a system can be used in the central or all three front channels that will surround the listener. The manufacturer notes that it is also possible to use the product as a stereo pair. The column can be mounted on the wall in both horizontal and vertical orientation; if desired, it can be installed on a shelf of the required size. The unit monitor is equipped with two proprietary speakers, the diameter of the diffusers is 100 mm. It is worth noting that these elements are characterized by a combined structure. They are made of an alloy of magnesium and aluminum, and are covered with a layer of ceramic on top.

Thanks to this technology, a fairly durable and lightweight material is obtained, with the help of which it is possible to reproduce the bass line with very good dynamics, and the balance will be neutral. In addition, the outer surface of the diffuser is covered with a significant number of recesses made in the shape of hemispheres, so the anti-resonance qualities are quite impressive. The diameter of the dome of the built-in speaker is 25 mm, and it is coated with a thin layer of gold. In order to maximize the range of low frequencies, it was decided to equip the system with two HiVe II bass reflexes, and their output holes are located on the front panel, which allows the structure to be installed in niches, which is quite convenient. The outside of the product is coated with black or white varnish, which is used to process natural wood veneer.


  • The appearance lasts for a very long time;
  • The resonance was reduced to almost zero;
  • Long service life;
  • Many unique solutions that improve sound quality.


  • Relatively expensive.

1. Sonus Faber Wall Domus

It is unlikely that any suspended speaker will be able to fully compete with floor-standing products in terms of sound quality, but this particular speaker system managed to be at a quite decent level. Italian-made products are equipped with an original pair of acoustic speakers that are capable of creating a clear and complete sound picture. The rated power of the equipment is 150 W, the sensitivity, however, is not too high - about 88 dB. In this regard, many experienced users recommend using the design together with an amplifier, the characteristics of which should be slightly lower.

The device has a very attractive appearance, high-quality assembly and a long service life. The latter was achieved largely due to the presence of a magnetic protection system, which allows you to create reliable protection of the device from overloads of various kinds - both from acoustic and from voltage surges in the electrical network. The sound quality fully justifies the rather high cost of the system.


  • High level of reliability;
  • Long service life;
  • Made exclusively from high quality materials;
  • Good sound quality throughout the entire range.


  • Decent weight, reaching about 10 kg.

Shelf systems

4. Polk Audio RC55i

Can be used as built-in equipment. This model will prove to be truly indispensable when there is a need to create a high-quality acoustic system in a small room where there is a minimum amount of free space. The column is equipped with a very neat panel of small dimensions. The protective mesh can be removed if necessary, its height is small, and after installation it will be practically unnoticeable. In order to achieve the highest quality sound, you do not have to use the back cover, since this model was created using the “infinity screen” system. The installation depth here is also small - it is only 50 cm. This allows the structure to be placed not only in hollow walls, but also in the most ordinary apartment partitions.

The device has a two-way configuration and is equipped with emitters manufactured using the latest Dynamic Balance technology, which was developed by the product manufacturer. With its help, the most saturated sound is ensured, regardless of the range, and the sensitivity of the speaker is at a very high level. The design includes a woofer with a diameter of 5.25 inches and is equipped with a polymer cone. The latter contains a magnetic filler to ensure the highest level of rigidity and reduce resonances. Together with the woofer, a tweeter is used, whose dome has a diameter of three quarters of an inch, it is made of silk, and is additionally covered with a thin metal layer. The tweeter is on a rotating type holder, so you can change the direction of the sound.


  • A fairly compact model - perfect for small spaces;
  • Only the highest quality components are used;
  • Very attractive appearance;
  • Does not require free space.


  • The midrange sound seems flat to many users.

3. JBL LSR308

This speaker system is more of a professional studio equipment, designed for use by experienced musicians. It will fit best into the interior of a small studio, especially if it is used as an individual monitoring system. However, many lovers of high-quality sound purchase it for home installation. The JBL Image Control Waveguide technology is used here, with the help of which it is possible to obtain the clearest panorama of sound absolutely anywhere in the room, and this does not in any way affect the accuracy of the reproduced frequencies. This speaker system includes a speaker whose diameter is 8 inches. On the rear side you can find a bass reflex, which is equipped with two opening angles, which improves the sound quality of low frequencies, and also significantly reduces the turbulence of the flow inside the case.

There is another new technology that has found application in this equipment - JBL Linear Spatial Reference. It processes measurements from 72 points, so the monitor performs optimally regardless of the sound quality of the room itself. The monitor is also equipped with magnetic shielding, the sound range is very wide - from 37 Hz to 24 kHz. As music lovers note, it wouldn’t hurt to add a subwoofer to the system. There are two amplifiers on the case, each with a power of 56 W. All inputs are located on the rear panel, there is also a volume control.


  • Can also be used for professional purposes;
  • Long service life;
  • Excellent build quality;
  • Any unnecessary elements are missing.


  • Sometimes it may begin to emit hum at high and medium frequencies.

2. Pioneer S-DJ50X

It can be designed in black or white - the user will be able to choose the most suitable color model for his interior. The bass reflex is located on the front panel. This means that the device can be placed close to the wall or even in the center of the room. The main speaker has a diagonal of 5 inches, so the speaker system is perfect for use within a small or medium-sized room. The sound flow characteristics are quite impressive - from 50 Hz to 20 kHz. It is worth noting that this product has several different inputs and at the same time has reduced power consumption. If necessary, you can adjust the intensity of the high frequencies. When there is no sound coming to the monitor, it will simply turn off after a certain time, and when the signal comes on, it will automatically activate.

The sound is quite loud. Despite the fact that the sound is quite sharp, it will not spoil or embellish the overall picture. The model has a very reasonable price. The overall boost in low frequencies reaches 26 W, and in the high frequencies – 54 W. The total power of the emitters reaches 80 W. Most users in their reviews say that this equipment is essentially semi-professional - it can be used both at home and within the studio.


  • Very decent power level;
  • Semi-professional equipment;
  • High volume settings;
  • Quite adequate cost for the characteristics of this equipment;
  • Attractive and strict appearance.


  • Not too rich equipment.

1.Yamaha HS8

A truly best shelf-type speaker system, which is developed and manufactured by a Japanese company, which, in turn, has been manufacturing and selling similar products since the 70s of the last century. In terms of appearance, as experienced users say, there are several questions for the manufacturer, but the same cannot be said regarding the functional part of the equipment. The frequency range of the device ranges from 38 Hz to 30 kHz, due to which even the most insignificant touches of a musical recording will be available to the user. Combining this with the very high power of the device, which reaches 120 W, an additional amplifier is provided that adds 75 W to the low frequencies and 45 W to the high order.

The model is quite reliable and durable. Its body is made on the basis of the latest generation MDF panels, and they are completely insensitive to the occurrence of resonance. They also retain their original strength over time. The weight of the device is decent - about 10 kg, so you should check how strong the wall is where you plan to hang such a speaker.


  • Significant sound range;
  • High power level;
  • Long service life;
  • Almost complete absence of resonance.


  • Not all users like the appearance of the device.

Let's imagine a person who is interested in music, but has never paid attention to sound quality. And so, having heard a lot about Hi-Fi and High-End technology, he decides to check for himself what “real sound” is. As a rule, he doesn’t have much money, and it’s a pity to spend it on what he doesn’t yet know. Our test of bookshelf speakers will be very useful for just such a person, and it is in this price range that you can find speakers that can demonstrate true Hi-Fi sound quality. Yes, you will have to make a small allowance for the bass depth. But, on the other hand, bookshelf acoustics, as a rule, play better at low volumes than floor-standing ones, and it will be easier to place them in the room. A dozen speakers - a wide choice. I am sure that among them there will be very, very worthy specimens.

Criteria for evaluation

We are dealing with classic workhorses, and the approach to testing is quite traditional. The frequency response and SOI will show us how flawlessly the speaker design is made from a technical point of view. Together with the design features of the model, this will constitute a design assessment.
Listening will make its own adjustments and will reveal the sound character of the speakers. Good bass depth and high quality are rarely combined in the bookshelf format, so we won’t be too strict about this parameter. But having a clean and even upper register is quite possible for small speakers. The importance of this parameter is extremely important for the natural presentation of musical material. High-quality sound at low volumes is also important and is an indicator of smooth, almost linear speaker dynamics. Timbral fidelity will allow you to enjoy the full beauty of the sound of each individual instrument. After all, musical instruments are created in order to enjoy their sound, and not to try to understand what exactly is playing. All this will add up to a sound rating. The last assessment is inversely proportional to the price: higher the price - lower the assessment.

Acoustic Energy 301

Sound: 4
Construction: 4
Price: 4

- High detail
- Timbral fidelity

- Not enough air

When developing the 300 series, the designers achieved visual minimalism. All small details such as screws and grill mounts are excluded from the appearance. The front wall of the speaker is finished with a black rubber-like coating that matches the color of the driver diffusers. The finishing of the speakers is also minimalistic - black or white varnish. Model 301 houses a proprietary 28 mm fabric dome tweeter and a traditional, well-recognized midrange/bass driver with a cone made of bent, heavily anodized aluminum with a diameter of 110 mm. This speaker is a distant legacy of the legendary AE1 monitors.

Bookshelf acoustics Acoustic Energy 301

It is curious that the company decided to use a slotted bass reflex port located on the front panel. It was possible to save the size of the column while conveniently placing it near the wall.

The absence of any noticeable sound color allows the speaker to unfold and, even when playing rather restrainedly, present musical compositions in an interesting way. The smallest details are clearly visible, and the timbres are very close to natural. The entire frequency scale is well balanced both in level and dynamics - the sound is holistic.

Upper register intelligibility is not bad, but it is a little lacking for an open sound with enough air. On complex compositions, the intelligibility of musical material decreases. At low volumes the sound character remains almost unchanged.


The frequency response is very smooth. The decline in the low-frequency region is uniform. Bass is medium deep. The THD is quite low right down to the very bottom and is practically independent of the volume level. Impedance is unstable.

Bowers & Wilkins 685

Sound: 4

Construction: 5

Price: 5


- Spacious sound

- Fast bass


- Slight simplification of timbres

The model represents the junior line of Bowers & Wilkins. Possessing a laconic modern design, the line nevertheless inherited some technologies from the flagships themselves. Of course, this only applies to inexpensive and effective solutions such as Nautilus tweeter tubes, Kevlar cones and a golf ball bass reflex port. The aluminum dome tweeter is surrounded by a special material that helps achieve spacious sound. The midrange/woofer uses a static bullet to smooth out the response at the upper end of frequencies.

Bookshelf speakers Bowers & Wilkins 685

The crossover of the model is minimized as much as possible - it is of the first order. The speaker body is finished with film, and the front panel is covered with a velvety material that is pleasant to the touch.

The sound of the model is open and bright. Detail is at a good level. The bass is collected and fast. Localization is clear. Impressive dynamic range.

Instrument timbres are slightly simplified at mid frequencies. In this case, the upper register region is very active.

It adds airiness and spaciousness to the sound. The model is characterized by increased emotionality and expressiveness.


There are noticeable irregularities in the region of 2.5 kHz and 6-7 kHz, which disappear when the speaker is rotated 30°. However, the frequency balance shifts slightly to the low-frequency region. SOI is extremely low. The impedance is extremely unstable.

Canton Chrono 503.2

Sound: 4

Construction: 5

Price: 5


- Clean upper case

- Accurate reproduction of timbres


- Bass is weak at low volumes

Chrono 503.2 is a real German speaker: excellent workmanship, 100% quality control of each copy, Made in Germany. Despite the stated glossy finish, the speaker is covered with film, and only the front panel is made glossy. The size of the speaker is not very large, but the speaker managed to accommodate an impressive 180 mm. Of course, it is equipped with the traditional Canton aluminum diffuser. The suspension is made in the shape of a wave for the most linear and long piston stroke of the diffuser. The 25mm tweeter dome is made from a very lightweight but durable aluminum and magnesium alloy. For reliability, it is protected by a metal grill. There are two threaded holes on the bottom for mounting on a stand or bracket.

Bookshelf speakers Canton Chrono 503.2

The musical material is presented very carefully. The frequency balance is almost perfect. The timbres of instruments are transmitted with high reliability, and small details are not lost sight of. There is no increased emotionality, but thanks to a wide and smooth dynamic range, the speakers manage to accurately convey the musical idea of ​​the composition. The bass is collected, neat, exactly in its place. However, it is not very deep, and at low volumes it loses its position even more. At first it seems that there are too many high frequencies, but they appear exactly when you really need them, and in the right quantities. The upper register is very clean, which fans of modern electronic music will certainly appreciate.


The frequency response is smooth, although it depends quite strongly on the listening angle - the directivity of the speakers is relatively narrow. The THD is very low and there is good headroom at low frequencies. Impedance is unstable.

Chario Syntar 516

Sound: 3

Construction: 4

Price: 4


- Emotional presentation

- Clear localization


- Simplification of timbres

The Italian speaker is made in the most classic design with veneer finishing. Before sawing out the walls of the body, HDF slabs are finished on both sides with natural wood. This makes the speaker more durable. The assembly and further processing of the case is carried out manually by specialists in Italy. Finished specimens are carefully tested to ensure compliance with the required acoustic parameters. The Silversoft Neodium model's tweeter uses a special membrane coated with aluminum powder, just like in the company's top-line speakers. It is interesting that a significant part of the mid-range is also devoted to the tweeter - starting from 1 kHz. The shape of the midrange/bass speaker diffuser, double curved, was selected by the designers specifically taking into account psychoacoustics and over the course of months of research.

Bookshelf speakers Chario Syntar 516

The bass reflex port ends in a simple hole cut asymmetrically into the bottom. High rubber feet on the bottom of the case allow the port to work quite efficiently.

The sound of the speakers is, on the one hand, soft and unhurried, and on the other, a very clear, active upper register. The timbre picture is slightly blurred, the smallest details are veiled. And yet the speakers manage to quite accurately and emotionally convey the mood of musical compositions. The bass is quite deep and slightly dominant in the overall sound picture. With good localization, the music scene lacks clarity and transparency. This is more noticeable on complex compositions. At low volumes the bass weakens, but the sound remains quite dynamic and emotional.


The best frequency response is observed at a listening angle of 30°. The unevenness is relatively good, with an even roll-off in the low frequencies. SOI is quite good down to the lowest frequencies. The impedance is relatively stable.

Dynaudio DM 2/7

Sound: 5

Construction: 5

Price: 5


- Timbral fidelity

- Clean upper case


- Strictness in presentation

The DM line is the entry-level acoustics in terms of the famous Danish company Dynaudio. The column is designed in a completely recognizable style of this company. The gray front panel is specially made thicker to effectively dampen chassis resonances. The body itself is also carefully sealed and finished with high quality traditional veneer. The branded tweeter is equipped with a 28 mm dome made of textile impregnated with a special compound. The diffuser of the midrange/woofer speaker is stamped from the already well-proven magnesium silicate polymer. The driver voice coils are wound on a Kapton base with lightweight aluminum wire. Together with powerful magnetic systems, this allows for remarkable dynamics and sensitivity.

Bookshelf speakers Dynaudio DM 2/7

Particular attention is paid to maximum impedance linearity to minimize speaker dependence on the amplifier.

The presentation of musical material by the speaker is relaxed and natural. Excellent tonal resolution makes the sound stage very believable. The spatial placement of instruments is clearly visible.

The bass is tight and well-developed. The upper register is clear and pleasant to the ear. The sound is highly detailed and lacks coloration. At low volumes the speakers play just as confidently as at high volumes.


The frequency response is elongated into a very even strip with a barely noticeable skew towards high frequencies. The focus is broad. THD is low and stable. The impedance is quite stable. Exemplary results.

Magnat Quantum 753

Sound: 5

Construction: 4

Price: 4


- Timbre accuracy

- Clean music scene


- Slightly sparse sound

The speaker from Magnat's mid-priced Quantum 750 line looks solid. The front wall is made thick (40 mm) to radically combat body resonances. A solid 30 mm thick podium also emphasizes the solidity of the structure. It is curious that the front panel and podium are polished to a shine, while the rest of the surface of the case is matte. The F-max tweeter is equipped with a dome made of a double textile compound and has an extended operating frequency range. The midrange/bass speaker diffuser is made of ceramic/aluminium. The voice coil is well ventilated. The aluminum speaker basket design is optimized for optimal airflow and reduced resonances.

Bookshelf speakers Magnat Quantum 753

The bass reflex port with a large horn is located on the rear wall. The crossover is optimized for signal phase and amplitude and is assembled from selected high-quality elements.

The speakers play emotionally, dynamically, quickly. At the same time, the timbres of instruments are perfectly conveyed, and the musical scene is not obscured by extraneous sounds - they are pure and deep. Sound source localization is excellent. The detailing is also at a high level.

The HF level is enough for an open sound with the presence of airiness, and at the same time the upper register is very neat and unobtrusive.

Bass of medium depth, collected and fast. There is a little lack of physicality and density of presentation. At low volumes, the enthusiasm of the speakers is lost, the emotionality fades.


The unevenness of the frequency response is minimal, but the frequency imbalance towards the HF is obvious. The SOI varies within 1% and noticeably depends on the volume, but no obvious resonances are noted. Good SOI margin at low frequencies. Impedance is unstable.

Martin Logan Motion 15

Sound: 4

Construction: 4

Price: 3


- Energetic delivery

- Fast and tight bass


- Weak at low volumes

The speakers are eye-catching with their stunning natural finish and attractive black steel grille. The housing cover is slightly tilted back. Under the grille is another surprise - a ribbon tweeter (a sign of an expensive device). The front panel of the speaker is made of black anodized aluminum. The diffuser of the long-throw midrange/woofer speaker is also made of black anodized aluminum to match the panel. The emitters are matched through a crossover with an improved topology, assembled using polypropylene capacitors and low-loss electrolytes, as well as hand-wound inductors.

Bookshelf speakers Martin Logan Motion 15

The circuit provides thermal and current protection. The bass reflex port is located on the rear wall. The speaker body is assembled from 19 mm thick MDF boards.

The peculiarity of the speakers is that they do not like to play at low and medium volumes. In this mode of operation, only the midrange remains of the frequency range, and the dynamics become inexpressive.

As the volume increases, fast, elastic bass and fairly detailed highs appear. However, the lower middle still continues to prevail. The presentation of the musical material is scathing. At the same time, we must pay tribute, no extraneous overtones are felt; on the contrary, after-sounds sometimes disappear even where they should be.

The model tends to simplify the instrument timbres a little. At the same time, the ribbon tweeter is very audible, which gives a characteristic delicate color to the mid-high range.


Uneven frequency response in the HF region is noticeable. The decrease in sensitivity towards the low frequencies is quite sharp. The focus is broad. The SOI has slight rises in the midrange, but nevertheless remains below 1%. The impedance is relatively stable.

MK Sound LCR 750

Sound: 5

Construction: 5

Price: 4


- Focused sound

- Good tonal resolution


- Do not hide the shortcomings of the recording

All acoustic systems of the American company M&K Sound are made in black without any embellishment. And the main decoration of the products is compliance with the highest standards of sound reproduction. Series 750 is a compact set of speakers for creating a home theater. And the largest speaker in the series (not counting the subwoofer) is the 750 LCR model. The speaker is quite unusual, especially in our test. Firstly, the closed acoustic design reduces bass response. Secondly, the use of two midrange/woofer speakers at once significantly expands the dynamic range of the speaker. Third, the tweeter panel being rotated 4.7° away from the listener likely increases and/or equalizes the dispersion of various frequencies. The tweeter dome is made of silk coated with polymer.

Bookshelf speakers MK Sound LCR 750

The speaker diffusers are polypropylene, with mineral filler. Of particular note is the Phase-Focused crossover, which significantly improves almost all speaker parameters. The back wall has many threaded holes for different speaker mounting options.

Excellent control of musical material. The sound is almost monitor-like, smooth. All the instruments are in full view: they are clearly defined both spatially and timbre. Nothing unnecessary interferes with the overall musical picture; all the nuances are heard clearly. And since there is no emotional coloring, the sound of the speakers is not as exciting as that of many other models, and depends entirely on the musical composition itself.


Irregularities in the frequency response of the column are insignificant. A rotation of 30° gives the best results. The THD is very low and increases very smoothly towards low frequencies, exceeding 5% only at low volumes. The impedance is quite stable. Very worthy results.

PSB Imagine B

Sound: 5

Construction: 5

Price: 3


- Natural transmission of timbres

- Smooth dynamics


- HF area limited

The Canadian company PSB has been offering the Imagine line for several years. During this time, she managed to earn a Red Dot award for design and a lot of positive reviews from various experts. The column body is a geometric intersection of several elliptical cylinders. All walls are curved. And this creates a feeling of solidity and strength of the structure. The 25 mm tweeter also looks solid - a dome made of durable titanium, the coil is cooled by magnetic fluid, and a powerful neodymium magnet. The midrange/bass speaker diffuser is made of polypropylene with clay-ceramic filler (mineral). The bass reflex port is located on the rear side. The column is qualitatively finished with natural veneer.

Bookshelf speakers PSB Imagine B

The sound is collected and well balanced in frequency. Excellent localization and natural transmission of timbres make the musical scene almost real, alive. Smooth dynamics allow the speakers to play naturally and freely even at low volumes. Musical matter is pure. The high-frequency range is slightly limited, due to which the airiness is partially lost, turning into intimacy.

Speakers can miss the smallest details, but at the same time maintain expressiveness and richness of sound. The bass, although not deep, is very well designed. The mid frequencies are also quite good, timbre rich and quite correct.


A very flat frequency response measured along the acoustic axis. Turning the speakers away from the listener is undesirable - they begin to lose treble frequencies. SOI is stable and low down to the lower frequency limit. Impedance is stable.

Rega RS1

Sound: 5

Construction: 4

Price: 4


- Clean upper case

- Wide dynamic range


- Slight coloration of sound

The English company Rega has developed and offers customers the only series of RS speakers. The purpose of their creation is to harmoniously complement other sound equipment also developed within the walls of Rega. However, speakers are available to buyers separately from this equipment. The RS1 model is quite compact and, judging by its weight, is assembled from thin MDF. Despite this, the performance of the speakers is top notch, with neat veneer finishing and a strict design. The drivers are designed by Rega engineers and hand-assembled in-house. The 19mm tweeter features a specially shaped rear chamber to better dampen sound waves from the back of the tweeter dome. Mid/bass speaker with paper diffuser.

Bookshelf speakers Rega RS1

The smooth frequency response of the speaker makes it easy to integrate it with a tweeter using a simple crossover with good phase locking. The bass reflex port is located on the rear wall.

The speakers reproduce timbres quite accurately, but due to the slight coloration, the music scene becomes a little less transparent. The upper register is missing quite a bit, but it is very clean. The details are present, but slightly veiled. Musical material is presented in a sweeping, open manner

The bass is quite accurate, but sometimes lacks weight. The localization of sound sources is somewhat blurry.

The speaker handles complex music somewhat worse - the intelligibility of the sound material decreases. However, at low volumes the speakers play very convincingly.


Irregularities in the frequency response in the upper middle and high frequencies form the special character of the sound of the speakers. The speakers play more smoothly if they are rotated 30°. The SOI is unstable, but quite low, less than 1%. The impedance is extremely unstable.

Triangle Color Bookshelf

Sound: 5

Construction: 4

Price: 5


- Open live sound

- Accurate reproduction of timbres


- Slight excess bass

Very nice-looking speakers from the French manufacturer Triangle are available in three varnish colors - white, black and red. The Color line stands out with its bright, cheerful style among all Triangle products and takes its place as the entry-level line.

The bookshelf model uses a tweeter with a titanium membrane and a midrange/woofer with a paper cone. In general, the speaker is quite interesting; its suspension is wide, corrugated and basically made of fabric. The paper diffuser is coated with a special compound. The dust cap is shaped like a bullet. The design of the crossover uses developments from the top Magellan line. The bass reflex port is located on the rear wall of the speaker.

Bookshelf acoustics Triangle Color Bookshelf

The sound of the model is very lively and natural. Timbral fidelity is very high. The presentation of sound material is natural and relaxed.

The dynamics surprisingly accurately replicate a live performance. The bass is deep and beautifully defined. Sometimes it even seems like there is too much of it.

The musical matter is very pure and extremely detailed. No nuances escape the speakers' field of view.

They cope with compositions of any complexity. The sound quality is not lost even at low volumes.


The imbalance of the frequency response towards HF is obvious. It is treated as usual - turning the AC by 30°. The SOI is quite low, although in the midrange it is noticeably higher, but remains within 1%. High volume causes slightly more distortion in the upper bass. Impedance is unstable.

Wharfedale Jade 3

Sound: 5

Construction: 5

Price: 4


- Good detail

- Clear localization


- Slightly weakened dynamics

The British company Wharfedale traditionally spares neither effort nor materials even on budget lines. And the Jade 3 model once again confirms this. In our test, this is the largest and heaviest shelf speaker, and the only 3-way one. A case with curved walls is a feature of the top lines of many other manufacturers, but not Wharfedale. Both the body shape and the additional bulkheads make the body as acoustically inert as possible, preventing unwanted coloration of the sound. High frequencies are handled by an aluminum dome tweeter. At the border of 3 kHz it is replaced by a midrange speaker with a diffuser made of aluminum-cellulose composite. And already in the region of 350 Hz, the initiative is seized by the woofer, equipped with a woven diffuser made of a mixture of carbon and fiberglass. The combination of such materials with a braided structure brings the diffuser closer to an ideal piston, eliminating the problematic resonance phenomena inherent in metal diffusers.

Bookshelf speakers Wharfedale Jade 3

The speakers operate in a closed volume. The crossover for the speaker was optimized on a computer for maximum linearity of signal phase transmission.

Wharfedale speakers sound traditionally beautiful. All instruments are clearly arranged spatially. The music stage is clean and spacious.

The speakers deliver bass carefully, not forcefully, as if they are afraid of damaging the balance of the overall sound picture. The same can be said about uppercase.

The softness of the presentation of musical material is interestingly and harmoniously combined with excellent sound detail. In addition, the speakers play very well at low volumes.


The frequency response of the model is flat, but at high frequencies it behaves peculiarly - a decline and a sharp rise. The bass is deep. The SOI is almost perfectly flat and extremely low. Very solid headroom for low frequencies. The impedance is quite stable.


It should be noted that it is becoming less and less interesting to study the results of speaker measurements in our test laboratory. Almost all models showed a remarkably flat frequency response and a very low THD even in the bass region! This is explained by the fact that almost all companies have already adopted computer modeling tools, with the help of which you can make, perhaps, anything sound, which, for example, the company Boston Acoustics has proven to us more than once. Even the shape of the body no longer plays such a significant role; the main thing is to correctly calculate the damping elements. Therefore, the design ratings for all models are either good or excellent.

Two models from our test deserve special mention. These are MK Sound LCR 750 and Dynaudio DM 2/7. The companies that created them were initially focused on developing professional acoustics and pursue this line even in their youngest lines. The main principle is maximum accuracy in transmitting musical material. And no decorations. These two models fully meet this principle and, in fact, represent professional-level monitor acoustics, with all its advantages and disadvantages. Not all listeners may like the sound, or more precisely, the neutrality of the sound. This is a product for special music connoisseurs and connoisseurs, or even for a home studio. Both models are worthy of the sympathy prize.

Almost all companies have already adopted computer modeling tools, with the help of which you can make, perhaps, anything sound.

If we talk about beautiful and comfortable sound, then many of the speakers in our test successfully coped with this task. Accurate transmission of timbres, precise localization, accurate bass - all this is inherent in almost all speakers tested. The only difference is in the nature of the sound. And here the choice turned out to be rich: in the test you can find a dense, rich sound (PSB Imagine B), and an impressively sophisticated sound (Wharfedale Jade 3), and a collected, neat presentation of material (Canton Chrono 503.2), and an open airy image (Rega RS1, B&W 685), and even defiantly aggressive pressure (Martin Logan Motion 15). However, most of all I would like to highlight the French columns Triangle Color Bookshelf. They turn almost any musical material into a celebration of sound. The speakers know how to not miss the main idea of ​​the work and at the same time present the material very beautifully, lively and dynamically. They are very pleasant and interesting to listen to. The Triangle Color Bookshelf model takes the title of test winner.

Speaker systems consist of speakers that are used to listen to music or watch videos.

When choosing designs, you should pay attention to the dimensions of the products, functionality and technical characteristics of sound: sensitivity, power, resistance. Be sure to check the availability of the warranty card and maintenance instructions.

How to choose a speaker system

  • Pay attention to the material of the speaker system housing. The highest quality speakers are those made from MDF. Chipboard models are fragile and do not tolerate moisture. A popular finishing option is plastic; this material is quite wear-resistant.

There are products made of metal. Among the alloys, aluminum is most often used, which provides good mechanical properties of the body.

Such products have high rigidity and density, low weight, the only disadvantage is their unnatural sound.

  • Look at the type of speaker system. Active devices use amplified speakers, and crossover filters are located at the output of the amplifiers. The advantage of passive devices is that there is no need to supply voltage to each speaker.
  • Pay attention to the power of the speakers.

For a room of 20 sq. m. you will need an acoustic system with a power of 60-80 W, for rooms of 20-40 sq. m. m. this figure reaches 100-150 W.

For large rooms you will need speakers with a power of up to 500 W. The sensitivity of the device determines the volume of the speakers.

  • The sensitivity of the system is responsible for the purity of sound. It is desirable that this characteristic reach 75 dB.
  • Pay attention to the frequency range of the models; it is best if the model perceives sounds in the range of 16-20000 Hz. If you need acoustics for a home theater, then the frequency range varies from 100 to 2000 Hz.
  • Be sure to look at the connection type. The most popular are speakers with a mini jack cable. Connection using tulip cables is also used. There are models equipped with wireless communications: Bluetooth, NFC.

  • Look at the package contents of the product, the presence of a warranty card and technical instructions. It is advisable to buy products from trusted manufacturers.
  • Be sure to look at the dimensions of the structure; it should be compact and transportable. The less the product weighs, the less space it takes up. Wall-mounted speaker systems are the most space-saving.

  1. The kit often includes wireless control panels; they make it possible to adjust the sound volume and change settings from a distance.
  2. Buy speaker systems that are equipped with the ability to listen to the radio. Pay attention to the built-in player with a slot for memory cards.
  3. Using information displays, sound parameters are adjusted and changed, and the technical characteristics of the model are configured.
  4. Please note that the speaker system is equipped with an output; this option will be useful for those who like to listen to very loud music.
  5. The design is technically reliable and stable, with high-quality fastening. Choose floor-type models; systems that are mounted on walls look beautiful.
  6. See if the design is equipped with bass and treble controls.
  7. Pay attention to the type of amplifier. External amplifiers are separate devices to which the system is connected. Internal amplifiers are a set of chips that are built into a speaker or subwoofer.
  8. Buy products that use magnetic shielding technology.

  1. Look at the design of the speaker system. Laconic products are suitable for equipping modern interiors; classic style requires beautiful exterior decoration.
  2. Pay attention to the color of the product. The model should complement the interior favorably, fit into the overall style of the room, match the furniture, and the design of the walls, floor and ceiling.

Best Floorstanding Speaker System

Cerwin-Vega XLS-15

Cerwin-Vega XLS-15

An acoustic system equipped with low-frequency and mid-frequency speakers and a woofer. The amplifier ensures efficient operation. The signal is practically not distorted, since a separation filter is used.

The overall sensitivity of the speakers is high. There are fuses to protect the system. The protective transparent wall allows you to camouflage the speakers well. With proper use it will retain its technical characteristics for a long time.


  • rated power – from 250 to 500 W;
  • open type of acoustic design;
  • dimensions – 470 by 430 by 1030 mm;
  • weight – 38.5 kg;
  • sensitivity – 92.3 dB;
  • passive nutrition;
  • number of speakers – 3;
  • equipped with a protective fuse;
  • frequency – from 36 to 20000 Hz;
  • magnetic shielding;
  • Recommended power – 400 W.


  • large-scale detailed and surround sound;
  • good volume;
  • high-quality housing, stylish design;
  • technical safety.


  • Bass is hard to hear.

The best closed speaker system

Magnat Monitor Supreme 102

Magnat Monitor Supreme 102

An acoustic pair is used as an element of a home cinema. The sound is soft, over a wide frequency range. The model has a durable body that absorbs possible resonances and vibrations.

Bass reproduction leaves much to be desired. The products operate in the frequency range 42-36,000 Hz.


  • type of construction – passive;
  • kit 2.0;
  • equipped with two lanes;
  • sensitivity level – 89 dB;
  • resistance – 8 ohms;
  • total power – 120 W;
  • frequency range from 42 to 36000Hz;
  • magnetic shielding;
  • dimensions 25 by 15 by 19 cm;
  • weight – 2.8 kg.


  • clear sound;
  • high quality workmanship;
  • use of magnetic shielding technology;
  • high resistance;
  • affordable price.


  • Bass reproduction is poor.

Best TV Speaker System

Samsung HW-E550 Sound Bar

Samsung HW-E550 Sound Bar

The model has high sound power - 310 W, is equipped with a wireless subwoofer, HDMI, Anynet+, USB, Bluetooth and other functions. The soundbar is placed horizontally above or split into two vertical speakers.

In the latter case, it will take the form of a two-channel speaker system. Features – high-quality volume control, optimization of sound settings. The product is made in a laconic style and is convenient to mount on the wall.


  • type – sound active panel;
  • total power – 310 W;
  • number of columns – 1;
  • closed type housing;
  • equipped with Dolby Digital, DTS decoders;
  • dimensions – 290 by 370 by 290 mm;
  • wireless subwoofer connection;
  • line input (stereo), USB Type A;
  • equipped with a remote control.


  • compact size, easy installation;
  • high-quality and surround sound;
  • convenient and simple remote control;
  • functionality, many outputs;
  • high-quality housing.


  • settings are not saved after turning on or off;
  • The subwoofer requires connection to sound sources.

The best speaker system for a computer

Edifier S2000

Edifier S2000

The structure has a stylish design, the surface is finished with piano varnish, the speaker housing is made of fiberboard. An external amplifier unit with a built-in Burr-Brown BB1732 DAC is used.

The acoustic design is displayed on the front panel. The speakers are used for home studios; the sound quality is close to that of active studio monitors.

The design is equipped with special legs. High-quality equipment, the delivery kit includes two speakers, a power cord, a remote control and technical instructions.


  • acoustics form – 2.0;
  • type – stationary;
  • frequency range – from 20 to 20,000 Hz;
  • body material – wood;
  • protection – magnetic shielding of speakers;
  • equipment (two speakers, wired remote control, power cord, instructions, packaging);
  • Dimensions – 172 by 296 by 215 mm.


  • ensuring high-quality sound;
  • digital input;
  • wireless remote control;
  • equipped with screw terminals;
  • beautiful appearance, stylish design.


  • high price.

The best speaker system for your home

HECO Victa Prime Center 102

HECO Victa Prime Center 102

Passive speaker system with a powerful amplifier (150 W), bass reflex, magnetic shielding. Resistance reaches 4-8 ohms. The device operates in the frequency range 35 Hz-40 kHz.


  • type – passive, bass reflex;
  • kit contents – 1 column;
  • power – 150 W per channel;
  • 2 stripes;
  • sensitivity level – 90 dB;
  • magnetic shielding;
  • two speakers;
  • dimensions – 480 by 155 by 265 mm;
  • body material – MDF, wood;
  • weight – 7.8 kg;
  • frequency – 50/60 Hz;
  • kit (column, instructions);
  • finishing option - vinyl.


  • high power and efficiency;
  • equipped with a loudspeaker;
  • installed on a shelf;
  • good sound;
  • competent equipment;
  • high quality finish.


  • too accentuated top;
  • The bass reflex ports are located at the rear.

Best open speaker system



Three-lane open-type floor model. The body material is MDF, the surface finish is cherry.

High power – 250 W, suitable for equipping large rooms. Model with a passive amplifier type, compact dimensions.


  • stereo output signal;
  • equipped with 3 stripes;
  • amplifier type – passive;
  • resistance – 6 Ohm;
  • frequency range – from 35 Hz to 40,000 Hz;
  • sensitivity threshold – 92 dB;
  • power – 250 W;
  • open acoustic design;
  • 3 speakers;
  • body material – MDF, vinyl;
  • dimensions – 1263 by 322 by 413 mm;
  • weight – 31.5 kg.


  • clear and surround sound;
  • compactness, transportability;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • affordable price;
  • stylish design, good exterior finish;
  • high power.


  • The sound volume is not suitable for small rooms.

The best speaker system for a conference room

Cambridge Audio G5

Cambridge Audio G5

Wireless speaker system with battery and Bluetooth support. Compact design, shallow body, the front panel of the product is covered with a mesh.

Line-in speakers connect to a standard stereo system. The battery charge lasts for 24 hours.


  • configuration – 2.1;
  • amplifiers – class D;
  • inputs and outputs (linear mini-jack);
  • Bluetooth wireless technologies;
  • USB charging port;
  • battery life – up to 24 hours;
  • dimensions – 270 by 121 by 55 mm;
  • weight – 1.3 kg.


  • clear sound;
  • equipped with audio output;
  • functionality;
  • use of advanced technologies;
  • competent equipment.


  • Low charge level, does not last long.

The best sound system for a car



The model is a two-way component speaker system with a power of 150 W. The device reproduces frequencies from 60 Hz to 21 kHz. Sensitivity reaches 91 dB.

The system is equipped with four powerful speakers. The metal body is wear-resistant and highly durable. The model is characterized by high power and efficient operation.


  • system type – component;
  • two stripes;
  • power – 150 W;
  • frequency range 60 Hz-21 kHz;
  • sensitivity – 91 dB;
  • resistance level – 4 Ohms;
  • equipped with 4 speakers;
  • free-standing crossover;
  • metal body;
  • color – titanium.


  • high-quality reproduction of low and high frequencies;
  • the body is made of durable and wear-resistant metal;
  • high power model;
  • beautiful design, stylish design;
  • durable speakers.


  • Suitable only for equipping machines.

Best wireless speaker system

Creative T15 Wireless

Creative T15 Wireless

The acoustic system is equipped with separate tweeters that provide clear and spacious sound. BasXPort technology allows you to listen to high frequencies.

The model supports Bluetooth interface. Powered by mains power, equipped with a Line-in input, a special input for . Volume and tone control tools are conveniently located.


  • type – 2.0;
  • 1 strip;
  • power supply;
  • linear input (mini jack connector);
  • Bluetooth wireless connection;
  • dimensions – 90 by 200 by 180 mm.


  • powerful bass sound, high-quality reproduction of mid-frequency sounds;
  • convenient volume control tools;
  • The tilt of the front panel ensures optimal sound delivery.


  • The kit does not include a jack5 cord for connecting to a computer.

Which speaker system to buy

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing is power. The frequency range of the model is taken into account; it determines how well high and low frequencies will be reproduced. Among the effective models are MYSTERY, Edifier.

There are open (Edifier) ​​and closed (Magnat) systems; most models are passive systems. The following models have a beautiful appearance and stylish design: Cerwin-Vega, Magnat, Samsung, Edifier.

Magnat Monitor acoustic systems are distinguished by their compact size and low weight. The functionality of HECO, Magnat, Edifier products differs.

All models are well equipped and equipped with the necessary accessories. The acoustic systems proposed in the rating are stable and technically reliable.

Given your budget, it is better to consider the option of a regular stereo Hi-Fi, and even in this case it will most likely have to be increased. At least you won’t experience severe disappointment from a bunch of useless boxes cluttering up the room, which you won’t even want to turn on after a short time.

Mordaunt Short, Carnival 2 front, Carnival 5 center, Carnival 1 rear.

In principle, an option that has a right to exist and sounds quite decent in small living rooms. I can draw a conclusion only from the nature of the sound of its individual components in stereo (I haven’t heard it as a set, but based on many years of experience I can make a fairly confident assumption). BUT:

Connect it to cheap Yamahas, Denons, etc. means simply throwing money away;

They require the purchase of acoustic stands (required!) and placement of at least the fronts in a sufficient free field (at least 20 cm from the rear wall (FI for the speakers in the front) and about 30 cm from the sides, and preferably 40-50 cm). For the rear junior Carnival, this parameter is leveled to a minimum and, in principle, they can be mounted on the wall;

It is necessary to connect ALL speakers of this set, with the exception of the subwoofer, with high-quality speaker cables with the so-called. "silver-plated" conductors, such as the QED Silver series. OFC copper will give some lack of air at the HF and they will sound aggressive, with a tendency to lisp (these speakers are very sensitive to the quality of the cables);

The minimum receiver for this kit is the Cambridge CXR120;

The set needs subwoofer support for cinema, but the proposed sub (Carnival 7) is better to bypass the tenth road, look towards the initial REL, you can easily buy it on the secondary.

As a result, you will get a good seamless covering of a room of 20-24 sq.m. in a movie with a fairly good implementation of surround effects, but in a small comfort zone (for about a couple of people on the couch), the playback level of a regular stereo is the same as that of a good budget Hi-Fi system (it’s better to turn off the sub, or immediately set its cutoff frequency to no higher than 70 Hz and carefully phase with the fronts). If we consider from the point of view of budgetary costs, then the option of a recreation center for the living room, taking into account racks, cables, receiver and speakers, will cost approximately from 200 tr., cheaper options are a waste of money and a sea of ​​​​disappointment, which can “delight” only inexperienced teenagers and extremely unpretentious consumers who buy a DC on the “shob bulo” principle, for half the amount you can buy a good stereo setup with a much more predictable and high-quality result.

If you are potentially not ready to make such expenses, then it is better to focus on a soundbar or so-called. DK "out of the box", i.e. completely ready-made kits from one manufacturer. At least you will experience less disappointment and save money.