Working ways to check iPhone battery. How to know when it's time to change the battery on your iPhone

Apple when the battery wears out. The company made it official and launched a discounted battery replacement program around the world.

In the US this service costs $29, in the UK - £29. Russian authorized centers set price tags from 2,190 to 5,000 rubles. The timing of such repairs depends on the availability of the battery specifically for your model.

Thus, this has already been observed with the iPhone 6 Plus and batteries for these models will not arrive until the beginning of April. In a few weeks, a similar situation may affect other models.

But how do you know when it’s really time to change your battery? Let's figure it out.

Battery status

I don’t want to repeat myself for the hundredth time, but it’s unlikely that it will be a big surprise for anyone that over time, lithium-ion batteries lose their useful capacity. Those. If, when you bought it, your iPhone could withstand a day of use on one charge in full mode, then after two years it will barely last a couple of hours.

Everything here is individual and depends on the nature of the gadget’s use.

It is not at all necessary that if the iPhone shows 80% - 85% of the “health” of the battery, it will discharge catastrophically quickly. However, the opposite situation is also possible: the battery seems to be “healthy”, but does not hold a charge well.

We have repeatedly covered the topic of checking the iPhone battery (,). In short, install any of the utilities:

And check out the results.

Wear “more than 20%”? You might want to think about a replacement. But not everything is so simple...


This is exactly where it all started.

For months now, hardcore iPhone fans have been claiming that there is a conspiracy at work at Apple to slow down older smartphones. But until now there has been no evidence that this is the case.

And in December, Apple officially admitted that it was slowing down smartphones “for the benefit of the user.” They say that reducing the frequency of the processor allows you to reduce the load on the battery, which has worn out over time.

Whether this is true or not, we will find out after a series of lawsuits, but while the battery replacement program is in effect at a discounted price, you need to figure out how much the performance of your smartphone has suffered.

Let us remind you that the discounted battery replacement program is valid for: iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus and iPhone SE.

Install a utility to check the performance of your smartphone GeekBench 4 and compare with the average values ​​of the smartphone based on GeekBench.

Before taking measurements, it is advisable to turn off and turn on the iPhone, so to speak, for the purity of testing.

To be sure, you can use another test - Antutu Benchmark. The averages for all devices are as follows:

The number of points scored by your specific device depends on the installed version of iOS. In the event that the discrepancy between the tabular average values ​​shown above and your iPhone is different more than 30%, it is highly recommended to think about replacing the battery.

Important point

We recommend conducting several tests.

First test when the iPhone battery is 100% charged.

Second test at a charge level of 30 - 40%. As a rule, it is at this value of the charge level that significant drops in performance are observed.

P.S. If you have already replaced the battery on your iPhone and noticed changes in the operation of the gadget, share your experience in the comments under this post.

Test results “before” and “after”, subjective feelings about the operation of the device after replacement, etc. Your experience will help other users make the right choice.

The most painful issue for any iPhone owner is the battery. Especially when it starts to quickly discharge and then complete sadness sets in.

Today I would like to discuss a couple of the most important questions that relate to the topic of why our iPhone sits down so quickly. It will be interesting and useful.

Why does my iPhone battery drain quickly?

When the first mobile phones appeared, including the iPhone, after the first purchase the question immediately arose about proper charging.

Probably everyone had a person in their company who everyone asked what to do and how to do it. After all, you really want the device to last as long as possible.

We forget about those times, because now modern technologies have arrived and everything has long moved forward. We don’t worry about leaving the phone on charge at night, because everything is controlled independently.

When you buy a new iPhone, you should immediately note two things: capacity and the number of charge cycles. It doesn’t matter how or where you charge your phone, after a certain amount of charging, its capacity simply decreases.

Therefore, if your device is more than two years old, then it is likely that your battery will quickly drain. But usually the peak occurs in the third or fourth year.

How quickly you kill your battery depends on the following factors:

  • temperature of gadget use;
  • from the owner of the smartphone and its type of use;
  • Charger.

All this is directly related to how soon you go to the service center to have your battery changed. But before that, you need to check something yourself.

How to check battery wear on an iPhone?

If your iPhone is draining quickly, it is not a fact that your battery is starting to die. Perhaps you updated the software and then your nightmares began.

The most basic reasons that can affect rapid discharge:

  • frequent use of geolocation;
  • background application updates;
  • we play with toys a lot;
  • new software that has flaws.

I had a situation with my 5S where I updated to iOS 10 and the phone literally started melting. As it turned out later, there were three reasons for this.

Constant use of geolocation by applications (I didn’t notice because of the hidden geolocation icon), unfinished software and frequent use of 4G.

So once this all started I decided to check my battery health. After all, changing the battery on older models today is not so difficult.

I consulted with experienced friends and they told me in full after how many cycles it needs to be changed. In general, if there are more than 1000 cycles, then go ahead and sing.

As it turned out, there are not many programs for such checking. More precisely, there are a lot of them even in the App Store, but you have to pay money for this function.

Therefore, I’ll tell you what to do using the example program Battery Life. We download it from the store and launch it, and then you can see this picture.

As you can see, my battery is only 10.8% used up, which means that everything is fine for me and I shouldn’t even think about replacing it in the near future.

If you have close to 50 percent, then you can immediately prepare money for a new battery. The program will show red, not green, and the state will definitely not be described by the word “Good”.

Is it possible to change the battery on an iPhone?

This question can be answered very briefly and clearly - “Yes!” Sometimes you can even use the word “Necessary” if the indicator that I described just above is already far beyond the norm.

Usually everything happens like this:

  • we buy the battery ourselves and change it too (you need direct hands);
  • We go to the service center and ask for a change.

The best option is, of course, service if you are not too friendly with technology. I actually don’t really like disassembling devices, because then problems arise with assembly and unnecessary parts appear.

But, if you have been familiar with this area since childhood, then everything is in your hands. Just consult about the nuances and move on, because it would be a pity if the device later stops working.


Here’s an article about why the battery on an iPhone runs out quickly. The topic has always been quite relevant and interesting.

Although the more technology develops, the less we will think about this issue. Then just charge it and use it for your health.

Modern smartphones perform many functions. They have become indispensable helpers for us. With a regular device, you can easily navigate the area using the GPS module, use high-speed Internet, take high-quality photos, play productive games and much more. Of course, all this has a bad effect on the battery: it begins to discharge faster, and the battery has less and less charge.

So it turns out that after a few years you have to change the battery. Now we will look at how to replace the battery on an iPhone 5 and how to understand when to do it.

Reducing smartphone operating time

If you notice that your iPhone 5 has begun to discharge faster, then this is the first signal that the battery will soon need to be changed. Remember that your smartphone should not lose more than 1% of its charge at any one time. Of course, if you don't play "heavy" games. You can monitor this in the settings by going to the battery charge statistics.

Also, your device should not turn off spontaneously when the battery charge is 20-30%. This behavior of the phone clearly indicates a battery problem. In this case, the battery of the iPhone 5 must be replaced.

Viewing battery status programmatically

The iPhone 5 is a fairly high-tech smartphone, equipped with special programs that can count battery charge cycles. This feature allows you to monitor battery capacity. Unfortunately, this data cannot be viewed in the settings - it is available only to Apple employees.

The average user can monitor the battery using the iBackupBot program. All you need to do is connect your iPhone to your computer, run the program and request all the battery status data. The utility will establish a connection between the computer and the device and show the number of charge cycles, the current state of the battery, and its original volume. If the original battery capacity is noticeably different from the current one, the battery should be replaced. In general, the phone can perform well until it exceeds 500 battery cycles.

Replacing the battery on iPhone 5

If you decide to replace the battery yourself, you will need a TS1 screwdriver, a suction cup, a plastic case removal tool and a PH000 screwdriver. Before starting work, you must turn off your smartphone.

It should be noted that the Chinese iPhone 5 is no different in appearance from the original. Therefore, replacing the battery will be carried out almost identically.

Battery for iPhone 5

If you plan to replace the battery yourself, you will need to purchase a battery first. The original battery can be purchased on the Internet for only 1000 rubles. Of course, you will first need to make sure that it will fit, and only then make a purchase.

Service centers

If you are hesitant to replace the battery yourself, you can contact a service center. Everyone knows how much the iPhone 5 costs - it is a fairly expensive phone. Therefore, replacing the battery and repairing it in general will be quite expensive. On average, they charge 1,600 rubles to replace a battery. This price includes the battery itself and the services of a technician.


There is nothing complicated about replacing the battery. You only need to carefully and consistently perform all actions. Beginners can spend quite a lot of time replacing, but this is necessary to properly fix the problem. If you do not want to take risks, then you should contact a service center. What is the price? Experts can repair iPhone 5 quite quickly, but this will require spending about 1,600 rubles.

When you change the battery on your iPhone, you get a “brick”

Like any phone, the iPhone requires changing the battery after a while.
Well, as it demands. If earlier he could hardly survive until the evening, then with a tired battery he asked for a charge before lunch.

And this despite the fact that he only got off the charger in the morning and wrote that he had 100% energy.
And the practice of using it suggests that they mostly talk through it for 15-20 minutes a day. Other uses are rare (one day, look at or take a couple of photos).
Technically, changing the battery is not at all difficult. But, provided that you have a screwdriver with a tip in the form of a small five-pointed star (apparently the screws were made by fans of the USSR).
And those who do not have such a screwdriver and do not want to tinker with it themselves can contact the service. But not a decent one, authorized by Apple itself, but some basement one.
Why not a decent one? But because they told me that Apple does not allow them to deal with replacing batteries. Maybe it doesn’t allow for all iPhones, maybe only for 4S that requires repair.
In non-basement services, they also reacted without enthusiasm to replacing the battery on the 4S. They offered to order an “expensive” battery and wait two weeks for it.
I couldn’t resist and stopped by the Juno market (the former radio market, now a market with pavilions where all sorts of junk is sold). Even though I knew that nothing good could be expected there. Everything is expensive, of poor quality and rude. At least that's how it used to be.
Well, what if they changed and became better, I thought? And indeed. In the second service I came across (in the first there were no batteries and no serviceman), they offered me to install a battery in 30 minutes and 1000 rubles. This is the price of the battery itself and the work! They promised that everything would be fine. Great!
The first two weeks the battery really behaved like new. But by the end of the month it began to noticeably wear out and discharge noticeably faster. But that's not so bad.
When trying to update to a new version of iOS, the iPhone 4S turned into a brick.

That is, it refused to load and required iTunes.

All flashing and recovery options available through iTunes did not lead to any success. Error 29 appeared.

They mention it in different parts of the Internet and forums. And some authors suggest that when updating to the latest iOS (starting from some of the ninth versions), Apple began to flash/check the battery controller. Well, on non-original ones this operation does not work and the phone no longer starts.
I inserted the original battery (how great it is that I don’t throw away batteries, but store them for recycling at eco-points) and a miracle happened! The firmware installed right away!

Okay, I thought. The Chinese still had to come up with something. I went on Ali and found a battery with a lot of successful purchases and good reviews.
I ordered, waited and received it complete with tools for disassembling the iPhone.

In the photo on the left is the original battery, then a new Chinese one from Ali, and in the phone itself there is a battery from Juno.

And just by this time, Apple had the latest firmware 9.3.1 ready!
Well, this is a reason to check a new battery, especially since the original one is in stock, I’ll restore it with it, if anything happens!
And exactly. I inserted a new Chinese battery - the same thing. The iPhone 4s has turned into a brick again.
I changed it to the original battery, and then changed it to a new Chinese one. I thought, well, at least it will hold a charge. Charged it 100% and went to bed. I wake up in the morning - the phone is completely discharged!!!
That is, the battery not only turns the phone into a brick when flashing the firmware, but also does not hold a charge. What to do? Opened a dispute with Ali asking for all the money back. And I went online again.
I found three facts:
1. Some lucky people managed to buy non-original (but “branded”) batteries in Russia that hold a charge and allow you to change them without problems
2. Exactly these batteries are practically not on sale anywhere, but they cost about 2,500 rubles.
3. The Internet is full of advertisements for the sale of “gray” iPhone 4s (they say that they are completely new and under warranty) at prices ranging from 6500 to 9500 (8 - 64 GB).
So now think about what to do with a phone that is still satisfactory in all its parameters, but its battery is dead and the cost of replacing it is approaching the price of a similar “new” device.
Do you have any ideas/tips?

iPhone battery discharge/charge cycles

Like any part, the battery has its own resource. Battery life is determined in cycles. This is the number that determines how many times the battery has been fully charged. Charging a battery from 50% to 100% is considered a half cycle, charging from 25% to 50% is a quarter cycle, and charging from 0 to 100% is a full cycle.

If the number of cycles reaches 350-400, then you can already noticeably feel the lack of battery capacity. At 500 cycles, the battery capacity is reduced to 60-80% of the nominal capacity that is present in new batteries. 500 cycles are achieved after 1.5-2 years of iPhone use.

Normal temperature for iPhone operation is from 0 °C to 35 °C

Low temperatures for Li-Ion iPhone batteries

At low air temperatures (from 0 °C and below), the iPhone battery capacity drops by up to 40-50%. When the battery temperature is restored, the capacity is restored. However, a common reason for contacting our service is that the iPhone turns off in the cold; the charge level indicator can vary greatly, from 60% to 5%, etc. The reason for this phenomenon is low temperature + the battery life is coming to an end. There is only one indication - replacing the battery. A working battery should reduce capacity, but not turn off the iPhone.

High temperatures for Li-Ion iPhone batteries

At high air temperatures (from 35 °C), the iPhone battery degrades. If you remove the battery from the iPhone, we will immediately see that it is “swollen”; in our service we call such batteries “pregnant”. If the battery was very hot and swollen, then only replacing it will help; it will not heal itself, even if it cools down. It is extremely important not to leave your iPhone in the sun or on a hot surface. The problem can be seen if you look at the display under the rays of light - the bulge must be replaced because The battery is pressing on the display.

iPhone battery not charging correctly

iPhone batteries are extremely sensitive to charge voltage. According to Wikipedia, a change in voltage of just 4% can reduce the battery capacity by almost half. The charging current depends on the voltage difference between the battery and the charger and on the resistance of both the battery itself and the wires connected to it. In fact, this means that the charger unit detects the battery voltage and adjusts the voltage supplied to the battery for charging. Original units, as well as units from high-quality manufacturers, can do this; Chinese chargers, alas, cannot, and the same applies to car chargers. If you want to extend the life of the battery, but use car charging, do not connect the iPhone to the charging cord at least while starting the engine, at this moment the voltage may jump.

When should you change your iPhone battery?

  • When the number of cycles has reached 500;
  • If the iPhone is more than 2 years old;
  • When the iPhone turns off spontaneously in cold weather;
  • When the battery is swollen.
  • When the battery lasts for half a day or less.

How to Check iPhone Battery Cycle Count?

Checking on Mac using Coconubattery

At the top right, click on the iOS Device icon, then look at the line Loadcycles, on the contrary, we see the number of battery cycles, in this case it is 190, which means a quite good battery.

Checking on iPhone using Battery Life

We flip the application screens from right to left until we see the following statistics. We look at the line Cycles, on the contrary, we see the number of battery cycles, in this case it is 317.
The application will also show the current battery capacity and charge consumption in mA/hour.