Punto Switcher: description and configuration of the program. Installing and configuring the Punto Switcher program

Good day. Today we will get acquainted with a very useful program that will help us work more productively on our computer. The program is called Punto Switcher. And to begin with, we will take you to the page from which we can download this program for free. We type www.punto.ru into your browser and get to the page from where we can download this program. And what first catches your eye is the presentation of this program. Several functions and what they are intended for, let's figure it out now: the first is automatic switching of the keyboard layout, as we see in the example, we type a word in the English layout, and it automatically translates into Russian. Next, we can change the standard system keys for switching the keyboard layout to which it will be more convenient for us. There is also such a function as working with selected text, that is, the text that we will type somewhere will be automatically saved. Additionally, the main or one might say the main function is auto-replacement, that is, if you typed a short text or several letters, it is automatically replaced with the required one. In order to install the program, you must first download it, to do this, click on the download button, but provided that if you have the operating system Windows 7 or Windows XP installed, if you have the operating system Mac OS installed, then you need to download it from another link. After clicking the mouse, the browser will ask you to save or run it. We can choose to launch it right away, since we absolutely trust this site. The program downloads quite quickly and weighs only 10 megabytes.

Installing and configuring the program

After you have launched or downloaded this program, you need to install it. Double-click on the file, after which the installation window will appear; if you wish, you can uncheck the boxes so that Yandex is not installed as the main page and default search of the Yandex service. Next, click install. You may see a window asking you to allow installation on this computer; this is a normal operating system security system, so in this case you need to click the YES button. If you want to install Yandex Bar at the same time, you can leave the checkboxes, otherwise you need to uncheck it. Then click ready and the program will start automatically. After installation, an icon appears in the taskbar. If you double-click on it, a settings window will appear. The first is our general settings, I don’t touch them, but if you want, you can configure additional functions or disable hot keys, show floating indicators and remake the icon in the form of country flags. Next are the hotkeys, if you need any additional ones, there are a lot of them here, you can change or add them if you wish. The rule for switching layouts can be performed using different keys, and this function can be changed. Exception programs, here we can add those programs in which we do not want Punto Switcher to automatically switch the layout in them. To do this, click add - review, then find this or that program and add it to the list, after which we save.

Troubleshooting what this setting is for. Now I will show an example, let's open a blank word file, very often users use such a thing to enter passwords as the layout remains in English, but at the same time they enter the word password in Russian. Let me give you an example: you shouldn’t set a password without your name. If we enter “fkt”, the Punto Switcher program will automatically recognize that we are writing in Russian, and it will automatically switch to “ale”. Sometimes, if you do not configure this function, the Punto Switcher program will interfere with us when entering certain codes. We can select by pressing the up button, the layout will not switch. You can also check the boxes so that if you change the layout yourself, the layout will not change automatically. This is all done in the settings of this program. Then you need to apply the changed settings. You can also change it so that the program only switches between the Russian or English layout. You can leave these functions alone and enable the function to not interact with programs except.

An example of the Punto Switcher program

Let's switch to the English keyboard layout and try to write a word in Russian, but after a few letters Punto Switcher automatically switched to the Russian layout, but since we set the up key to cancel this function, we just press this button and everything returns to us as necessary. This is very convenient for entering passwords. As far as I know, many people now come up with just such a password. But I personally recommend making them as complex as possible, with letters and numbers.

Auto replacement

This is the most interesting feature in this program, which allows you to save time. How should it be configured? Now I will tell it. Go to the program settings and switch to the auto-replacement menu. Next, we need to copy the text that we very often need, for example, an email address. In AutoCorrect Settings, click Add, you must specify what to replace and what to replace with. For example, we indicate two letters “s” in the first line, and our email in the second field. Click OK and try to check. You can add an unlimited amount of text to the auto replacement, the main thing is to remember which link leads where. Another very interesting thing about this function is the automatic transition to the Web page. And if we want, for example, to use a site, then we do not have to enter the full name of the domain name, we can simply write a few letters and go to this site. Set which key will auto-replace in Punto Switcher, whether it is the spacebar or Enter key. To save the changes, click OK. Then you can check the operation of this function. After entering several letters that match the auto replacement, what we mean will appear at the top.


Most of the sounds in the program are already configured, but we can change them to our favorite ones or to which we have long been accustomed. If you wish, you can turn it off so that they don’t bother you. In this setting you can listen to what sound is currently set to the function. When automatically switching the default language layout, sound is played. And with other automatic functions, the Punto Switcher program also produces sounds. We can change them or disable them altogether.

Punto Switcher Diary

What will the diary be needed for and what will it be useful for? If we enter a diary, we can switch to this tab and set a password. Check the box if you want to automatically save the clipboard. You can also additionally check the box “do not save shorter than two or more words.” For example, if you have recorded only a few words, and after setting up this function, they will not be saved automatically. Next, you can open the diary by clicking on a specific key. Click OK. As an example, let’s enter any text in a notepad text editor, for example: now we have become acquainted with the Punto Switcher program. If you noticed that when entering text when you wrote in the Russian layout and after you started entering a word in the English layout, the program automatically recognized what language you were continuing to write the text in, and switched to the English layout and corrected the word.
After which we can look at our diary. We open it and see that an entry appeared on today’s date. You could even say that this is a small keylogger. In the open diary, we can select any date and view the typed text for that date. Also, this diary is very convenient in the sense that if, for example, two weeks ago we wrote a text, and we really need it now, then we can only find it in the diary. Or look at what your wife or husband wrote on the computer in your absence. If desired, the diary can be cleared.

This concludes our review of this program. I told and showed you the main points. I think that this program will help you work more productively and save your time. Good luck on your path to success. Thank you

Everyone knows the Punto Switcher program from the popular search engine Yandex. Typically, this program is used to quickly switch keyboard layouts. But not everyone knows that Punto Switcher can be used as a keylogger (). I will tell you how to make a spy out of Punto Switcher in this article.

  • Punto Switcher
  • Download Punto Switcher
  • Punto Switcher as a keylogger

In addition to the main function of automatically changing the layout, the Punto Switcher program has a “Diary” function. This feature helps you recover your typed text. However, with the help of this absolutely fluffy function, you can make a serious keylogger that will monitor and record all keystrokes.

Such a keylogger will help you monitor user activity on your computer in your absence. Keylogger Punto Switcher will save all correspondence on social networks, browser search queries, correspondence in instant messengers and, in general, any text typed using the keyboard.

In the Punto Switcher diary, the user can search and view information entered on the keyboard. Partially or completely delete the diary. And also disable the option to monitor and save typed text.

Download Punto Switcher

You can download the Punto Switcher program from this direct link. Version for:

After downloading and installing the program, let's move on to the settings. In the settings, we are most interested in the “Diary” function. In this article I will talk about it, since we are interested in the capabilities of the keylogger.

How to set up Punto Switcher diary

In order for the program to save the text typed on the keyboard, we need to enable the diary function, which is disabled by default.

If you need to change your password, you will have to enter your current one and then the new one you want to set. If a password has not been set before, leave the Current Password field blank.

change Password

How to open Punto Switcher diary

You can open the Punto Switcher diary from the main application window or from the context menu. To do this, first open the main program window and go to the “Diary” tab, which is located at the bottom. Then click “Open diary”.

Punto Switcher Settings: Diary Tab

If you have set a password to view your Punto Switcher diary, you will be required to enter the password each time.

Login to Punto Switcher Diary

After logging in, the “Punto Switcher Diary” will appear. This window will display all the information, all the text that was typed on the keyboard of this computer. The exact date and name of the program in which the text was typed will also be shown.

In my case, I typed text in the Skype messenger and the Firefox browser.

View Punto Switcher Diary

If you need, you can copy all or part of the text. In addition, you can export the entire contents of the diary to a separate text file in RTF format.

To search the diary, you can use the built-in search or, by selecting the desired date, navigate by date.

How to delete Punto Switcher diary

All contents of the diary can be completely deleted in the “Diary” tab. To do this, click on the button " Clear diary" To delete data, you must enter a password, if you have previously set one.

You can also delete entries from the diary window itself. To do this, go to the “Edit” menu and select “ Clearing your diary».

Punto Switcher as a keylogger/keylogger

I guess, yes. But for a more hidden operation of the program, you need to make the following settings.

In the main application window, on the “General” tab, in the “Advanced” and “Basic” sections, uncheck all the boxes except the “ Run when Windows starts».

Punto Switcher Settings: General Tab

On the “Sounds” tab, click on the “Turn everything off” button.

After this, Punto Switcher will work in a more hidden mode. Why more hidden and not completely hidden? Because it is visible in processes, applications, etc. And in this situation, an advanced user can easily determine its presence in the operating system.

How to detect and remove Punto Switcher

Punto Switcher is quite easy to detect; it does not hide itself in processes and can be seen in the task manager.

Punto Switcher in Task Manager

To remove a program, open " Control Panel" and go to " Uninstalling programs", then find Punto Switcher in the list of programs and click on the remove button.

That's basically all. Now you know how to make a keylogger from the Punto Switcher program. If you don't like the program, you can find reviews of other keyloggers in the "Surveillance and Control" section.

Evaluation of the Punto Switcher program

Our assessment

The program can be used as a keylogger, but in order to be a full-fledged keylogger, it at least lacks the function of hiding itself in the operating system.

User rating: 4.17 (15 ratings)

To open the program settings, right-click the Punto Switcher icon (on the taskbar) and select the menu item Settings.

  • Basic Tab
  • Advanced Tab
  • Block “Switching layouts”

Basic Tab

Start at startup- if the option is enabled, the program will automatically start along with Windows.

Auto switch- if the option is enabled, the program automatically switches the keyboard layout.

Run with Administrator rights- if the option is enabled, Punto Switcher will be able to work in programs launched with Administrator rights.

Check for updates- when turned on, the program periodically checks for an update and, if found, offers to download a new version.

Show floating indicator- when you select this option, a second (“floating”) Punto Switcher indicator will appear, which can be moved to any point on the screen. The floating indicator can be pinned to the screen - to do this, right-click on it and select Lock indicator. After restarting the program, the position of the indicator will not change.

Hide the floating indicator after changing the layout- with this option enabled, the floating indicator will be visible for two seconds after changing the layout.

Make an icon in the form of country flags- after selecting this option, the flag of the country corresponding to the selected language will be used as an indicator of the keyboard layout on the taskbar.

Always show flags at full brightness- if displaying the layout indicator in the form of flags is selected, the flags will be displayed at full brightness even when auto-switching is disabled.

Disable hotkeys when autoswitching is disabled- use this option to disable hotkeys when auto-language correction is turned off (for example, in games).

Show useful tips- if you enable this option, a tooltip with useful advice will be shown twice a month after launching Punto Switcher.

Advanced Tab

Correct abbreviations- this option will be useful if you often use abbreviations or abbreviations and do not want Punto Switcher to correct them. In this case, disable the option or specify the required combinations in the switching rules. You can also send abbreviations to the developers (perhaps they will add them to the dictionary of future versions of the program).

Correct two capital letters at the beginning of a word- if you typed a word with two capital letters, including in a different layout, the program will automatically correct it. Special cases such as SPb and MHz are not corrected.

Fix accidental pressing of Caps Lock- when switched on Caps Lock a typed word with the first letter in lowercase and the rest in uppercase will be corrected automatically.

Disable Caps Lock button- if you don't use Caps Lock, you can disable this key completely.

Use Scroll Lock like Caps Lock- if you choose to switch layouts by Caps Lock, you can switch the register using the key Scroll Lock.

Correct the layout when working with menus containing hotkeys- when pressing a key Alt The menu character language will be analyzed and the appropriate layout will be enabled based on the results. This option only works in standard menus.

Show a window with buffer conversion results- if the option is enabled, the result of clipboard conversion will be displayed in a separate pop-up window.

Monitor your clipboard- if the option is enabled, Punto Switcher will remember the last 30 clipboard texts. Later they can be selected from the menu and inserted into the text. To display clipboard history, assign a hotkey or open a menu Clipboard → View history.

Keep clipboard history after Windows boots- if the option is enabled, Punto Switcher will remember the contents of the clipboard and save it even after restarting Windows.

Show tooltips- the option enables the display of tooltips when autocorrecting and correcting accidental clicks Caps Lock or when correcting the first two capital letters.

Comma by double pressing Spacebar- option allows you to add a comma by pressing the key twice Space. This is convenient when typing text in Russian, since in the Russian layout a comma is placed using the key Shift.

Block “Switching layouts”

Switch by...- the keyboard layout will switch when you press keys that can be selected in the settings from the drop-down list. Supported Keys: Ctrl, Shift, Caps Lock, Alt And Space. The layout can only be switched by a short press (exception: Caps Lock). To avoid switching, hold down the key.

Russian/English only- when using several layouts, the main ones being Russian and English, you can set hot keys by which the program will switch only between these two layouts. And, for example, using the Ctrl + Shift keys will cycle through all layouts.

Single layout- for all applications the keyboard layout will be the same, the same as the one you selected using Punto Switcher. The setting works when switching layouts using one hotkey.

Additionally, switch by...- enabling the “Left Shift - Russian, Right Shift - English layout” mode, etc. This function is not supported for other layouts.

Let's look at what opportunities the application provides us with and how to customize Punto Switcher to suit your tastes - we'll take advantage of the flexible user settings.

Before you start, you should configure the program.

Before you configure Punto Switcher, you need to somehow get into its settings. For some reason, it seems to some that the Switcher settings are deliberately hidden from users - not at all! To penetrate this secret place, you need to find the application icon in the system tray. You need to hover your mouse over it and press the right button. A small menu will appear on top of the icon, in which you need to find the line “Settings...”. When you activate a line with the left mouse, what is supposed to happen is done - we get into them.

If you have a shortcut for the utility on your desktop, then the same menu can be called up with the right mouse from the shortcut. The third option is to find Settings through the Start menu.

Settings pages

Setting up Punto Switcher is easy. All user settings of the program are grouped into separate tabs (pages). Let's go through them in order to install the necessary options in them.

Are common

What can be adjusted in this window:

  • when autorun is enabled, the package will start simultaneously with Windows;
  • auto switching - depending on the checkbox, it will be in the “on” or “off” state;
  • Auto-detection of user input passwords is possible;
  • setting the triggering of quick switching by one of the keys (“Additionally switch by”).

There are some very interesting possibilities here:

  • If there is an error in one of the abbreviations, it will be corrected by the “Correct Abbreviations” tool.
  • Double caps will be fixed with auto-disabling Caps Lock key.
  • Using "Watch Buffer..." you can store up to thirty copied fragments.
  • Turning on tooltips will help you master autoswitching.
  • It will be very useful to be able to display a comma after a double space in the text.

It goes without saying that these buttons are designed to quickly communicate with the application. Some are already here by default - but you can change them if you wish. The “Show history...” command is interesting (Shift is set for it here). If in “ordinary life” the buffer remembers one copied episode, then in Punto Switcher there can be up to thirty of them. And you can work with each of them. Assign your combinations and use them.

If you don’t like the behavior of the auto-layout switch when typing, then you can set your own on this page.

A new one is added using the “Add” button - enter a combination of letters, set your condition and mode for processing it. Confirm - OK.

Exception programs

On this page you can create a list of those applications that, in your opinion, the Switch should not interfere with. This is especially true for games. Each of them is added by activating the “Add” button. After which it is selected from already running programs or through “Browse”. You can also add it by specifying the directory (folder) in which it is located.

This page is intended for additional switching conditions in complex situations, and also if languages ​​other than Russian and English are used. In the latter case, you need to refer to the “Advanced” section.


Using this feature, you can assign some text to any keyboard shortcut and then insert it with one click.

When such a combination appears in the text you are typing, a hint will appear. And when you press Enter, Tab or Spacebar (as you chose), the tooltip will move to the text.

This tool allows you to save any typed information in rtf format. It is possible to add buttons (combinations) to the “Hot Keys” for handling diary entries and selected text.

The following is available here:

  • keeping a diary (auto-recording of what is dialed) or refusal;
  • setting a password to activate access to it;
  • automatic recording of data from the buffer into the diary;
  • finding and viewing saved files;
  • setting deadlines (in days) for storage;
  • deleting entries.

Viewing (searching) of the diary is carried out in the calendar range. To do this, you need to use the “Select period” command with the drop-down calendar.

IMPORTANT. For each diary entry, the date and application in which it was typed are displayed. In exception programs, the diary continues to be kept. The capacity of the diary is not indicated anywhere.


This page allows you to configure audio accompaniment for program actions, as well as enable or disable it.

Finishing touches

In the system tray of any PC there is a standard icon to display the enabled language. Do you need it when Punto appears? You can disable it by unchecking the corresponding flag in its properties.

We hope that after reading this article, setting up Punto Switcher will not be difficult for you.

Leave your comments about your experience using the program.