View history in all Internet Explorer browsers. How to view your browsing history in Yandex, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera browsers

And yet monopoly is a great force. If you have the most popular operating system on planet Earth in your hands. If only 19 countries in the world are richer than you. If you have been dictating your own rules of the game for many years, then you can afford to be imposing.

Talking about a success story Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, we should not forget that this browser itself is a rather average and not such a powerful development as they want to present it to us today. But if you have the opportunity to integrate your program into Windows (the most popular operating system in the world), then millions will use it in any case. Possessing such colossal capabilities, you will make even the most mediocre solution a leader.

And that's exactly what happened with Internet Explorer. The introduction is over. I invite you on a journey history of IE creation.

The creation of Internet Explorer, or How Bill Gates “slept through” the Internet

Even geniuses make mistakes sometimes. This is what actually happened with: in the early 90s, he was firmly convinced that the Network would remain the preserve of the elite. Today it sounds wild and even funny, but Gates’s train of thought can be understood: at that time it had not yet been adapted for the common user. Everything was too expensive, heavy and difficult to master. Guided by considerations about the weak potential of the Network, Microsoft concentrated on the minimum - creating an online service MSN, which, in the opinion of management, should cover all the needs of a few users.

And 1995 struck... And they saw the light. And they realized how wrong they were.

I'm learning, of course. Everything was not so pretentious, but the essence was conveyed correctly - it was in 1995 that Microsoft faced the need to urgently reconsider its strategy. MSN, in which enormous amounts of money had been invested, failed to cope with its leadership role. Bill Gates understood that they urgently needed someone who could, at a minimum, become popular and convenient. The decision was made to start working on IE.

Internet Explorer's first victory

In the mid-90s, the Internet was dominated by Netscape browser. The developers of Internet Explorer were given a specific task - to quickly create a program that would win the palm from Netscape. The first release was based on the developments of the now defunct Mosaic browser. Naturally, some things have been improved and some things have been refined.

Finally, on August 16, 1995, the first version of Internet Explorer was released. By the way, it has not yet been integrated into Windows and was offered for free download. A free browser, immediately integrated into Windows "95, appeared a little later - in 1996. And this immediately began to bear fruit: the program had its first fans. By the way, already from the second release (November 1996) the browser was available as for Windows and Mac.

By 2001, six versions of the program had been released, and each version was significantly updated and modernized. We must pay tribute to Internet Explorer - for that time it was a quite good browser: high loading speed, completely free, constant updates.

It is no wonder that it was in the period from 1999 to 2003 that the Internet Explorer browser won a huge market share, finally defeating the completely unupdated Netscape Navigator in a fair fight. It was this period (until 2003) that is considered to be the “golden era” of IE: according to some data, at that time the program was used by up to 90% of Internet visitors. The figure is more than impressive.

Sunset Internet Explorer

In 2001, an event occurred that first raised the popularity of Internet Explorer to its highest heights, and then turned into its “gravedigger.” It was in this year that the famous sixth version of Internet Explorer was released, which became the cause of thousands of severe nervous disorders and attacks of hatred among webmasters around the world. This version completely ignored generally accepted standards and applications specifically adopted by the W3C consortium.

In simple terms, sites may look great in all known browsers, but will frankly “float” in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. Naturally, too many people did not like this state of affairs. Numerous security holes in the program did not add to optimism.

What exactly happened? It's simple - the usual dizziness from success. Besides the fact that the sixth version itself was quite good (not counting the above-mentioned problem and security problems), it was installed on Windows XP - a real Microsoft masterpiece that broke all records of popularity among users: an unthinkable thing, even today, more than 10 years old, millions of people use this OS.

It was a simply fantastic situation: a very popular version of the browser was installed on an even more popular version of the OS. It would seem like a miracle, comparable to winning the lottery.

You, Microsoft did not provoke a confrontation with the whole world and did not derive any benefit from this situation for itself. I don’t presume to judge what exactly became the root cause of such a strange position: was it pride, the desire to create an alternative (read, subsequently the main) direction in the development of browsers, or something else. What worked perfectly with Windows did not work with the IE browser: users did not want to accept the imposed rules of the game and began to look for other programs for surfing the Internet.

The sixth version of the browser has gained notoriety both among web developers and users. And the more popularity of XP grew, the more dissatisfaction was caused by the browser built into it. This is the paradox in the history of Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer today

Of course, Microsoft rushed to fix the situation, but it was too late. The outflow of users began and continues to this day. Yes, there was the ninth version of Internet Explorer, where all sites were viewed quite correctly, and security problems were more or less resolved. But invaluable time has already been lost. Over the years, new programs have grown and fledged (,), which gladly picked up the flag that fell from the weakening hands of IE. The moment was lost.

To date, there are 11 full-fledged releases of IE, and the latest one is a completely competitive product. Not without flaws, of course.

Yes, today the share of the Internet Explorer browser ranges from 25% in the USA to 8% in Russia and some European countries. But what strength does this give the company! If earlier the influx of users was completely natural, today maintaining positions is only possible with the support of three pillars: huge money, massive PR and, of course, integration into the world’s most popular OS, Windows.

What was literally lying under our feet yesterday, today the creators of the browser have to extract it with enormous efforts.

This is the history of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. A browser that could become for Internet visitors what Windows became for most computer users - everything. But in the end, IE became just one of them.

Hello! Agree, it’s a useful thing. You can view the browsing history of any user, unless, of course, it has already been deleted and you have the appropriate access. Where is it located in the browser?

Many have already noticed that in some other Internet browsers you can open the menu and find an item called “history”. In the case under consideration, the situation is somewhat different, but there is nothing complicated either.

Today I’ll tell you where the history is in Internet Explorer and how to delete it. The example below will be based on its 11th version.

View the log in Internet Explorer

To be honest, I didn’t find it right away. Then I figured it out. The solution turned out to be elementary. I'll show you where it is stored for a certain period of time. To do this you need to follow 3 simple steps:

  • open browser;
  • select the favorites menu through the icon that looks like a star;
  • In the window that appears, go to the “log” tab and look at the history.

For clarity, I have prepared a screenshot for you.

The most interesting thing is that before preparing the picture, I went to the Internet browser and discovered that there was no historical data there. Can you guess why? In fact, I was surprised at first, but then I remembered that it is deleted when the program is closed. Next I’ll show you how you can enable and disable this functionality.

History deletion sequence

We looked at where it is stored and now we will look at how to clean it. To do this, we will need to open a window with the option to delete the review history. I'll show you two quick ways to do this.
First, open the program parameters and then there are 2 options to choose from:

  • Select “browser properties”, then the “general” tab and click the “delete” button.
  • Select “Security” and “Delete Browsing History”.

See what it looks like for the first case.

The arrow shows the very possibility that I mentioned above - deleting the log when exiting.

I like the second case better, as it seems faster. It is shown below.

After one of the options is made, a service window will appear.

Here, at the user's discretion, you can select one or more items. I usually select everything and press “delete”.

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When you access pages on the Internet, your computer saves everything: where, when, what you looked at. For what? - you ask. It happens that a page was accidentally closed, not saved in favorites, but the information from it was suddenly needed, and there is no time or desire to search through hundreds of pages again. It’s much easier to find it through the list of viewed pages, which is in every browser. This function also helps to track and find out where other users of your computer have visited, thereby quickly finding the necessary information, and monitoring visits to sites by children and subordinate employees. Let's look at where information is stored and how to view the history of website visits.

The most popular browsers for Windows

In the most popular browsers, to open a list of sites visited, there is a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+H or Ctrl+Shift+H. The list is also opened using the built-in function.

Let's look at how to check the history of visiting sites in individual browsers, the most common.

Google Chrome

Open Google Chrome. Near the address bar there is a settings button. By clicking on it, you will open a menu where you should select “History”. Now you can see a list of website addresses arranged by the date they were viewed. Knowing, for example, that you visited the desired page yesterday, you can easily find it without revising the links visited earlier and later.

History in Google Chrome


The popular browser contains information about views in the “Log”, in which, to check, click on “Show entire log”. It is located in the top menu or can be called up by pressing left Alt. In Firefox, links are divided by date, and on the left there is a menu list, in which you can choose for what period to view the history: today's visits, yesterday's, for a week, a month.

Journal in Firefox


In Opera, click on the button at the top left to bring up the browser menu. There, go to the “History” item.


In Yandex, the functions are similar to Chrome, and you will also find the history under the settings icon located at the top right. When you want to view and check addresses, in the list click on “History” - “History Manager”.


In Internet Explorer, to open information about visits, click on the star in the toolbar. In the menu that appears after this, select “Journal”. Now you can see a list of sites structured by date.

Deleting the list of visited sites

If you do not want anyone to know about your “walks” on the Internet, you can delete the list of links to sites you visit. If you don’t know how to delete your browsing history from your computer, read below.

There are several ways to clear your browsing history. Of course, an inconvenient and time-consuming option is to remove each link individually from the Journal. However, browsers provide a simpler way to clean up.

Google Chrome

Go to “Tools” - “Deleting data about viewed documents.” Specify the deletion depth in the drop-down list. Next to “Clear history”, check the box and click delete.

You can use the combination Ctrl+Shift+Del.


In this browser, find the “Tools” section, on the “Settings” line. In the window that opens, go to the “Privacy” tab - “Clear immediately”. A new “Delete unnecessary data” window will appear. Make sure that there is a checkmark on the item indicating the visit log. Place marks on what you want to clear, then click “Delete.”


In IE, browsing history is called "Browser History". The path to it is through the menu, the “Service” section, there is a line “Delete history”, then click on “Delete history”.


In the browser menu, go to “Settings”, find the “Delete personal data” option. The default settings are hidden in the settings, expand them by clicking “Detailed settings”. Go to the item “Clearing the history of visited pages”, look through everything carefully so as not to destroy what you need.


Safari has a separate section in the browser's History menu. Go to it, there you will see a link to delete information.


In your browser, click on the icon next to the address bar that resembles a wrench. Next, go to “History”. You will see a list of visited sites, check the boxes next to those you want to delete, and click the corresponding button.

Using Utilities

You can clear your browser history using special utilities that quickly clear and delete everything you want. Just be careful, download utilities from official sources, beware of unverified pages, because you can end up with scammers sending viruses. The utilities themselves, named below, are an excellent tool for removing unnecessary information and garbage, and allow you to efficiently solve the problem.

  1. The most popular is CCleaner. It can remove programs that cannot be gotten rid of using normal methods, and clean the registry by removing erroneous entries. After launching the utility, start the analysis, then check the boxes indicating what is to be deleted, and click the clean button.
  2. An alternative to the above program is WiseDiskCleaner. It also perfectly cleans everything, removes garbage, and performs defragmentation. There is Russian-language support. Click the analyze button, agree with the items suggested by WiseDiskCleaner for cleaning, click the appropriate button.

Finding the list of viewed pages in your browser and clearing it is not difficult; you can easily cope with the task by reading the recommendations above and applying them. The problem is solved without much time and does not require calling specialists. Each user will be able to do everything they need.

Over time, everyone who uses standard Windows operating system tools as their main browser to access the World Wide Web begins to wonder how to view history in Internet Explorer and, if possible, delete all log data. This is quite simple to do; you don’t need to have any special or specific knowledge.

Why is your browsing history saved?

Actually, if anyone doesn’t know, the browsing history (or the so-called “Log”) is intended not only to save URL links to sites that the user visited at one time or another. Saving is primarily intended to allow quick access to once opened Internet pages at any time. It is clear that no user will be able to remember the addresses themselves. And copying them to some other place or creating a text document with them is also impractical. And this way you can immediately find the page or resource you need and go there with one click of the mouse button.

This is why you need to know how to view history in Internet Explorer. Now we’ll find out where the log folders are stored (this may be needed when deleting history).

Where is the history log kept?

If we talk about where the history is in Explorer, or rather, the location of the files on the hard drive, then this is the History folder with the access path “My Documents/Username/Local Settings/History (for XP)” or, for example, “Users/Username /AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/History (for Windows Vista)" and "Users/Default/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/History (general settings for Windows 7)". At the same time, you need to clearly understand that to correctly display the site’s content, a cache and cookies are also used. The cache stores graphical information of the visited page, and cookies (“cookies”) are responsible for storing metadata and special settings. Their folders are located at the same address in Local Settings, but in the Temporary Internet Files directory, only the cache folder is hidden. In Windows Vista and Windows 7, all general history settings folders are also hidden from users. This fundamental approach allows us to eliminate those moments when the user, due to inexperience, deletes some important elements of the system necessary for its correct operation, in particular for the functioning of the Internet Explorer application.

How to view history in Internet Explorer using standard methods

Now we come to the actual issue of viewing the history log. If you study how to view history in Internet Explorer, you can note two standard methods. The first method involves clicking on the special “Favorites” button on the main browser panel, which is indicated by an asterisk icon. In the window that appears, on the right is the “Journal” tab.

Speaking about how to view history in Explorer, you can see that here the entire browsing history is sorted by date of visit, for example, today, yesterday, a week ago, etc. Naturally, in the sorting field you can set your own display conditions, as well as search for the required content.

However, the fastest solution to the question of how to view history in Explorer is to use hotkey combinations. This is on the English keyboard Ctrl + H and Ctrl + Shift + H. The difference between these shortcuts is that the first brings up the Favorites window with the initial tab on the right side of the main window. And the second combination calls up “Favorites”, but on the left and directly on the “Journal” tab.

How to delete history

Now let's look at the question of how to delete history in Internet Explorer. This can be done, again, using many methods and options.

In the first case, you can delete history elements directly in the log window by using the right button of the manipulator (mouse) and selecting the “Delete” command. This is perhaps the longest method in terms of time spent, because deleting each element manually is a very labor-intensive task. What if the history has not been cleared for, say, a couple of years? How long does it take to remove all this? But there is a universal solution here too. You can completely delete temporary indicators (today, yesterday, etc.).

In the second option, you need to go to the settings (the “Tools” menu, the button indicated by a gear, or the combination Alt + X). There you select the path “Security/Clear browser history”.

You can also use the “Tools” menu, which contains the “Browser Options” command. There, on the “General” tab, there is a “Delete” button (just below the description about deleting history, etc.).

Please note that there is also a field “Delete browsing history when exiting”. Using this function allows you to remove all components automatically without having to manually clean each time.

The latter option is the best solution for cases where one computer terminal is used by several users. This may be due to the fact that, say, if this is the office of some firm or company, when it is undesirable to show data about your Internet surfing to other users (or superiors).


As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated about the problem associated with viewing or deleting the browsing history log. The main thing here is to simply remember the shortcuts to the desired function or learn to use standard buttons on the main browser panel. However, I think anyone, even a novice user, can handle this.

We continue to consider the use, settings and clearing of browsing history in popular modern browsers. In this article we will talk about using the log in Internet Explorer browser. In other parts of the article, read about browsing history in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

How to open and view history in Internet Explorer

Traditionally, the first question is how to open and view the visit log.

As usual, there are several ways to do this.

1 way. You can open the history log using hotkeys: Ctrl+Shift+H .

Method 2 - through the menu. On the menu bar in the upper left corner, click .

3 way. In the browser command line, click Tools - Browser Panels - Journal .

Note. If you do not see the menu bar and command line, you should right-click at the top of the browser and check the boxes Menu bar And Command line .

1 way. On the menu bar in the upper left corner, click View - Browser Panels - Journal .

Method 2. In the browser command line, click Tools - Explorer Panels - Journal .

3 way. On the favorites panel, click Favorites, then go to the tab Magazine .

Note. If you do not see the menu bar, command line, or favorites bar, you should right-click at the top of the browser and select Menu bar , Command line or Favorites panel .

Or open the magazine using the combination hotkeys: Ctrl+Shift+H .

Any of the above methods will open the following window on the left side of the browser.

Searching and sorting history in Internet Explorer

By default, the browsing history is sorted by date (more precisely, by visiting periods: day, week, month). To view which sites have been visited today, click on today accordingly and open the list. To view the pages visited, click on the desired site.

The visit log can be sorted not only by date, but also by site (by node in Internet Explorer 8), by traffic and by order of visits.

To go to search by browsing history choose Search log (Log search in Internet Explorer 8). Here in the search field you can enter either elements of the site address or name (in both Russian and English).

Deleting the browsing history (history) in Internet Explorer, complete and partial

Note 2. As usual, I remind you that if you use private mode (InPrivat in Internet Explorer), then clear history then there will be no need.

How to restore your last session

There are also several ways to restore your last session in Internet Explorer.

1. Open a new tab and click Reopen last session . To open one of the recently closed tabs, press Reopen closed tabs and select the one you need from the list.

2. On the menu bar, click .

3. On the command line, click Service - Reopening the last browsing session .

That's all there is to it working with the browsing log (history) in the Internet Explorer browser. Good luck!