Batch conversion programs for doc to fb2. Converter to fb2 - free program htmlDocs2fb2. Some tricks for working with the FB2 format

Doc (word) to Fb2 converter

A high-quality, free program in which you can create, edit and convert documents in fb2 format. The program is multifunctional, but on this page we will consider it specifically as a converter. We can immediately say that the quality of the book obtained in this program cannot be compared with what other programs produce. After converting it, not required further editing of the document in third-party editors! If you are looking for a truly high-quality program, you probably won’t be able to find a better one. Since the program was developed specifically for fb2, it provides ALL the main features of this format.

So the program can convert from formats:.doc, .txt, .html, .dot, .rtf, .htm, .oth, .odt, .ott, .stw, .sdw, .xml, .vor, .psw, .wps, .wpd, .fodt , .sxw, Microsoft Word 2003XML .xml, and others in fb2.

If you have already encountered other converters (including online converters), you have noticed that almost all of them work very unstable, with errors and even loss of the source text, and those programs that work more or less tolerably require that A commercial (paid) version of MS Office was installed on the computer. I had to abandon all of them, since the task was to find a free and at the same time high-quality program. As often happens, such a program was found by a Russian developer called "Fb Tools". The program is “live”, updates are constantly coming out (by the way, this article has already been repeatedly revised for new versions of the program) improving its functionality and eliminating shortcomings. However, for it to work, you need to have OpenOffice Writer installed - this is a free office program that the developers have perfected and if you don’t have it yet, I strongly recommend installing it - spend a little time on the installation, but then it will serve you well service for many things. You can download OpenOffice from the official website.

This is what the converter window for entering book properties looks like (below) (this window will be offered automatically when you start the conversion). As you can see here, there are a large number of professional settings, but if you do not have any special requirements for the book’s metadata, then you will only need two columns - you need to select a genre from the drop-down list and enter the title (marked in red). And then click the button in the upper right corner "Save fb2 properties" .
After that, through the menu (second picture) or simply with a button on the panel, we start the conversion. After some time, an fb2 copy of it will appear next to the original file. The installation procedure is described below.

(the archive contains the module itself and help files)

Start conversion: click "OOoFbTools" then "Export to Fb2"

Converter installation

As already mentioned, for the converter to work, you must have OpenOffice Writer installed on your computer. We will assume that you downloaded and installed it, and also downloaded and unpacked the archive in which the fb2 converter itself is located, which we now let's implement in OpenOffice Writer.

The following dialog opens, in which we press the button " Add"

And select the file from the folder with fb2 converter OOoFBTools.oxt, after which we get:

We close this dialogue, we no longer need it. Restarting OpenOffice and we see that the converter with tools is already integrated into the top panel. Now you have a very powerful and high-quality program for professionally creating fb2-format books and a converter for all formats that OpenOffice works with.

For those who want to delve deeper into the settings and techniques for creating and editing fb2 books, files with detailed descriptions of functions and examples of working in the program are attached to the archive.

Sometimes it is necessary to convert a book or document from one format to another. For example, if you do not have a program on your computer that reads this format, or if your reader only reads a limited number of formats. In this case, e-book and document converters will help. There are converters made in the form of Internet services (they do not require installation on a PC) and converter programs that must be installed on a computer. I bring to your attention a catalog of various converters.

Online -converters (do not require installation on a computer)

All they are free.

  • Sorotokin. Convertsfb2 Vepub .
  • Oleksandr Tymoshenko. Convertsfb2 Vepub.
  • 2epub. Convertsdoc, odt, fb2, html, rtf, txt, pdf (text) and other formatsin epub, fb2, lit, lrf, mobi.
  • OnlineConvert. Convertsepub, lrf, mobi, html to formatsfb2, ltf, mobi, epub, lit, pdf.
  • Free Online File Converter. Almost universal converter; convertsdoc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx Vpdf; textpdf Vtxt; doc, docx, rtf, html and other formats infb2; Images Vpdf etc .
  • Convert File Online. Convertspdf, fb2, html Vtxt; txt Vpdf, fb2; html Vfb2; doc, docx, rtf Vfb2 Andpdf; bmp, jpg, gif, png Vpdf .
  • Go4Convert. Almost universal; converts file formats doc, fb2, epub, htm/html, odt and others to formats epub, pdf, fb2, doc, htm/html and others.

Converter programs ( requiring installation on a computer)

Free. To get to the converter’s website, click on its name (it is highlighted in blue).

  • LordKiRon. Convertsfb2 Vepub. One-button. Only forWindows.
  • Converter by Mikhail Sharonov. Convertsfb2 Vlrf. One-button. Only forWindows.
  • Caliber. A very powerful program that allows you to convert fb2/epub/html/mobi/odt and many other formats in fb2/epub/mobi/lrf/doc and other formats. There are versions for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. It also allows you to read e-books in most formats, create collections, download news from the Internet and convert them into e-books.
  • fbtools plugin for OpenOffice/NeoOffice, suitable for conversiondoc, rtf, txt, odt, html Vfb2 .
  • Htmldocs2fb2. Convertshtml Vfb2, doc Vfb2). Only forWindows XP/Vista/7.
  • EPUBGen. Convertsdoc, fb2, rtf Vepub . Only forMacOS X.
  • Any to FB2 and FB2Any . Converttxt, html, doc Vfb2; fb2 Vtxt, rtf, lit, rb.
  • DjVu to PDF. Only forWindows.
  • pd4ml converter. Convertsdjvu Vpdf. There are versions forWindows, Linux, MacOS X.

Many people are concerned about the problem of how to transfer their lectures or simple documents compiled in Word to their favorite smartphone or tablet, where either FBReader or CoolReader or some other convenient FB2 format reader has been installed for a long time.

I tried and tested a program with a simple name doc2fb. (With) e-books

Doc2fb - a very small program designed for conversion. doc, .txt and .rtf files in fb2 format for readers. The program works on PC (Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7) and on PDAs. Provides the ability to work in batch mode. The interface language is Russian. ( You can download it below)

In order for the application to work, MS Word 2003 must be installed on the PC (this is a minimum). You must also have javascript with version no lower than 5 (it is included in IE), everything went without problems on my Mozilla and Opera

Word vector images, for example, WMF, do not end up in the final file. Raster images that differ from the JPEG format are converted to PNG. (proof below)

Here's my example. Example text in Word

And here's what it looks like on Android

Well, the program itself

In the “Folder” line, you need to click on the button with the “>>” image, and then select the folder that contains the necessary DOC files. After this, the “convert” button becomes active.

FB2 is a fairly common format and, most often, you can find e-books in it. It is also understood by various applications installed on your computer, phone and tablet. But when the need arises to change something in such a document, the question of converting it immediately arises.

In this article I will talk about several ways to convert the FB2 format to a Word document. As a result, we will receive a file in *.doc or *.docx format, and we can make any changes.

You can use various programs for this. But finding them on the Internet turned out to be not easy, and those that are found can infect your computer with a virus, or install a lot of unnecessary and completely unnecessary things. Therefore, I will not talk about them, especially since there are other ways.

Using online converters

I'll start with popular online converters. There are quite a lot of them, but the most common are Cionvertio and Ebook. To get to the desired Cionvertio page, follow the link: Everything is very simple: upload the file and click on the desired button.

With Ebook everything is similar, but let's look at it as an example. It's called Online Converter. Ebook refers to electronic books. Since we will be working with a Word document, the link will look like: It says document instead of ebook. Follow it to the page of the site that interests us.

Here you need to upload what you will remake in DOCX. You can choose from your computer, cloud storage, or add a link from the Internet. I'll use the first option.

Find a book in FB2 on your computer, select it and click .

It will be loaded and the name will appear next to the button. Then click "Convert File".

Wait a moment and a success message will appear.

The converted document is automatically saved on your computer. So go to the folder and find it there. Its name will be changed, so look by date.

After opening, a line about protected viewing will appear. To remove it, click on the button "Allow editing".

My document converted from fb2 to Word looks like this. The pictures remained in place, as did the text. The indents between paragraphs have disappeared and the spacing between lines has changed, but this is easy to fix.

About the possibilities of formatting and editing in Word, you can read a separate article on the site.

Changing the extension

If you don't want to use online services, then there is another option. To do this, we will have to change the extension of the document we need and copy all its contents.

Look, if there is no “.fb2” after the name, then click in Explorer.

In the list that opens, select "Folder and Search Options".

If Word 2016 is installed, then select “View” at the top, then the “Options” button, and in it the sub-item "Change folder and search options".

After this, an extension will be added to the name. Change "fb2" to "html".

Confirm this action in the next window.

By double-clicking on the file, it will open in the browser. Select all the text - press "Ctrl+A", and copy it - "Ctrl+C".

Create a new document in MS Word and paste text there - press “Ctrl+V”.

I still have paragraphs and indents, but no pictures.

Directly opening the desired file in Word

Instead of converting, you can use a generally simple method - open a document in fb2 format directly in Word. To do this, launch a text editor, select the “File” tab at the top, then the item.

If it opens via Protected View, then allow editing. After this, the page will look like the screenshot below. The text remains, but its formatting is lost, and the pictures are also missing.

To save the file, go to the first tab at the top and select .

Specify the folder on your computer where you want to place it, select “Word Document” in the “Type” field and click “Save”.

If you have chosen a new format, then confirm in the window that opens that you agree with all possible changes.

I share my own experience in converting Word documents (books or works structured in a certain way) into e-reader formats fb2 And epub. I’ll say right away that directly converting doc to epub does not lead to the desired result in any of the several dozen tried programs: sometimes there are no footnotes, sometimes the content is duplicated, sometimes something else inevitably creeps out. And even such a giant as “caliber” does not cope with this competently.

The solution is very simple and at the same time useful - you need to convert the Word document to fb2 format. The usefulness lies in the fact that instead of one popular format for different readers, you get two at once, and plus it’s much easier to edit than the epub format.

Correct formatting of the original documentdoc

So, let's begin to understand in more detail the conversion process itself. First, you need to make sure that your original text document is designed and formatted appropriately. Few people know and use such useful things in Word as headings, page breaks, footnotes and much more. I give as an example a small document, a supposed book, which is deliberately formatted incorrectly. You can download it by clicking on the screenshot.

The ugly design immediately catches your eye: headings are highlighted only with bold, footnotes are simply marked in italics, and each subsequent chapter proceeds without the slightest break from the previous one. Well, you'll have to format the text properly. First, let's get rid of the extra paragraphs and make the title of each chapter on a new page, and format it exactly as a Title. Enable display of non-printable characters.

Before each chapter, place the cursor and press Ctrl+Enter. The specified keyboard shortcut will create a page break and move our chapter to a new sheet. Remove the extra line break before the chapter title. Select the name itself and go to “Styles”. Here you need to select “Heading 1”, after which you can continue to format the title: align it in the center, change the size and the font itself.

We do this procedure with each chapter. What is it for? Firstly, this is the correct formatting of the text, and secondly, such markup will greatly help later in automatically generating an active (clickable) table of contents on readers.

All that remains is to sort out the footnotes and our future book is almost ready. Let me remind you that now the footnotes are formatted incorrectly, or rather, they are not formatted at all, but are continuous text.

But this is just an easy fix. Place the cursor directly at the end of the text, after which there should be a footnote, and press the key combination Alt+Ctrl+F. A small number will appear next to the text, the footnote number, and at the end of the page (the cursor will move to the right place) you can insert the footnote text itself.

We format all the footnotes in the text in a similar way and this completes the work with the source document. Just in case, I’ll make a reservation once again that we do not set ourselves the goal of preparing the document absolutely correctly, in accordance with GOST, and so on. We formatted it only so that at the next stages we would get the correct books in fb2 and epub format.

Conversiondoc infb2

In my opinion, the best, most convenient and most correct program for converting a document to fb2 is “FictionBook Tools”. It is the only one of its kind that correctly identifies and formats footnotes in fb2. And her work speed is amazing. So, download the program and install it (or you can use the archive at the end of the article and unpack it to any location on disk). Place our formatted doc file “Correct.doc” in the folder with this program and launch the application “doc2fb.hta”.

Go to settings and check the box “Detect footnotes as”. This is if you have footnotes in the source document. If they are not there, then we have nothing to do in the settings; everything is already set correctly by default.

Click the “Convert” button and wait until a new item “Converted files” appears in the “Journal” just below it.

This way the program lets us know that the conversion process is complete. We look at the folder with the program and find that our book appears there in fb2 format.


In principle, the book can already be opened on electronic readers in this form, but I still propose to edit it a little and make it more correct. To do this, you can use the wonderful FictionBook Editor program, and if you have already eaten more than one dog in this matter, then any text editor may well be enough for you. I will consider the editing process through the above program.

So, we launch it (of course, after downloading and installing) and open our book in it. We see that the book is quite readable, and even the cover and footnotes are displayed. But the author and title of the book are clearly missing, and for some reason the epigraph looks like ordinary text. Therefore, we immediately go to code editing mode.

The first thing to do is indicate the genre to which our book belongs. The easiest way to do this is by entering the “Document Description” mode and selecting the appropriate genre from the drop-down list.

Since we already have a cover, then the line

« »

Feel free to delete. And here is this piece of text:

Book title
book author

Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Author of the epigraph

<br> <p>Chapter 1 title</p> <br>

Replace with:


Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text Epigraph text

Author of the epigraph

<br> <p>Chapter 1 title</p> <br>

As a result, our code should now look like this:

<br> <p>Notes</p> <br>

That's it, minor edits to the book in fb2 format can be considered completed. It will open quite correctly on any e-reader. But in order to be able to correctly and beautifully design books in the fb2 format, I would recommend thoroughly studying the specifications of this format. For example, you can use a good description at this link.

Conversionfb2, which was obtained fromdoc inepub

This process is probably the easiest one we've done so far. To complete it successfully, we will need the “caliber” program. After downloading and installing, we launch it and add our edited book in fb2 format to it (you can simply drag it into the program window). Our cover and some information about the book will be displayed on the right. In order to get the book in epub format, click the corresponding button at the top.

A large window will open in front of us with numerous settings for the future book and the conversion process. I will not describe them all, I will indicate only those that are required for our task.

In the “Metadata” section, we check all the attributes of the book: title, author, genre (notes) and others.

In the “Appearance and Functions” section, in the “Insert font family” item, select exactly the font in which we want the book to be.

In the “Contents” section, check the “Manually correct the table of contents after conversion is complete” checkbox.

In the “FB2 Import” section, check the “Do not insert Table of Contents at the beginning of the book” checkbox.

In the “EPUB output” section, check the “Maintain cover aspect ratio” checkbox.

After setting the specified settings, you can click “OK” and the conversion process will start. When it comes to creating the content, the program will show a window in which you can manually add or delete sections that will be in the content of the book. In our example, the content included footnotes and the title of the book, which means we need to remove them by highlighting them and clicking the appropriate button.

After cleaning and editing the future content, the list began to look like this:

Click “OK” and complete the conversion process. The resulting book is saved in the folder by default "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Caliber Library\" in a subfolder with the author's name.


This article does not claim originality or any single possible solution to the problem. It also does not cover all available adjustments to book output formats. However, within the framework of a minimum familiarization with the correct conversion of Word documents into the most popular electronic book formats, this article will be quite enough for you. If you have the desire and free time, you can always do something better.