A program to recover deleted dmde files. Recovering a deleted partition using the DMDE program for Windows. Recovering a deleted partition

DMDE (DM Disk Editor and Data Recovery Software) is a powerful professional utility that searches, edits and recovers information on the most common types of FAT and NTFS file systems.

Allows you to work with disks that are inaccessible to the Windows operating system. DMDE has a free version, which has the same basic functionality as paid versions of similar programs.

Since it has more extensive customization options than other well-known analogues, as well as the ability to edit, it is more suitable for advanced computer users.

Features of the free version:

  • disk editor;
  • partition management;
  • working with disks;
  • RAID management;
  • information recovery (limited to 4 thousand documents from the current directory with one command).

DMDE is portable and does not require installation on the user's computer. You just need to download, unpack and run it. In response, an interface will appear to select the language to use. You will then be asked to read and agree to the license terms. You must check the box and click “Accept”.

The main application window will open, in which you need to select the “Physical devices” item to restore data. Next, you need to select the device to work with. Then you need to select the partition on which the lost documents you are looking for are located and click the “Open Volume” button. In the left part of the window we find the line All found + reconstruction and by double-clicking on this line we start the search for deleted data. You must specify the virtual reconstruction parameters and click OK.

It is possible to download DMDE for free in the Russian version assembly from the official website using the link below for operating systems Windows 10, 8 and 7.

Since you are using a free version of DMDE, you will not be able to restore an entire folder with files or several folders at once. To restore information, you will have to enter each folder and mark each file with a “bird” individually; do not also forget about the limit of 4,000 documents. After completing the selection, right-click to open a submenu and select “Recover files.” In the window that appears, we determine the storage location of the recovered documents and wait for the process to complete using the indicator scale that appears.

Thanks to a special analysis method, DMDE is able to recover files both in complex cases, such as partial overwriting of the necessary information, formatting, etc., and in simple cases - quickly and without an in-depth search. DMDE can work with disk images, and view, edit and navigate through various disk structures on the recoverable storage medium.

Since the program has a lot of functionality that is not intended for the average user, if you have any difficulties, it is better to refer to the instructions, fortunately they are in Russian. The creator of the program indicated support for Windows 7, 8 and 10. The last one to speak was Russian programmer Dmitry Sidorov.

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1 DMDE 3.0 DM Disk Editor and Data Recovery Software User Manual Version of instructions from Dmitry Sidorov

2 Contents DMDE Help Contextual help... 2 About the DMDE program... 3 About the DMDE program... 4 Acknowledgments... 5 Description of program files... 6 DMDE Editions... 7 Installation and launch. .. 8 Operating systems... 8 System requirements Activation Languages/Localization Program settings Known problems and other limitations Updates, downloading licenses Working with the program Searching and opening a volume Data recovery Partition management Full scan Selecting a disk I/O parameters Disk images and clones Arrays RAID File panel Disk editor Disk editor templates Cluster map Menu "Disk" menu "Tools" menu "Windows" menu "Editor" menu "Mode" menu "Edit" menu... 60

3 About the help Contents Online: Version of instructions from Help DMDE 3.0 The most up-to-date documentation can be found on the program websites. Reading the manual is recommended when working directly with the program. The program allows you to configure a number of parameters, the understanding of which requires certain knowledge about file systems and disks. If the role of such parameters is not clear, it is recommended to leave the default values. In the help, elements of the program interface or keyboard shortcuts are highlighted with a frame, text for entering or typing, and file names are highlighted in monospace green font. To open CHM help files obtained from the Internet in Windows, you need to copy them to your local disk and unlock them (right-click - Properties - Unblock). Contextual help Contextual help is called by pressing the F1 / Shift+F1 / Shift+F11 keys or the Help button. Supported on Linux and Windows only. Help in the form of HTML files is supported on Linux and Windows. CHM files - on Windows. By default, Windows distributions come with CHM files. To use HTML files, you should replace CHM files with man* directories (in this case, the man_en directory is located in the working directory of the program, the remaining man* - in the locals subdirectory; you can extract the help directories from the Linux distribution). HTML files are opened by the system's default browser. On Linux, the xdg-open command is used to open an application associated with HTML files. You can change the command using the shellopen= parameter. 2

4 About the program Contents About the DMDE program About the program Acknowledgments Description of program files Editions DMDE 3

5 About the program Contents About the DMDE program DMDE 3.0 program (DM Disk Editor and Data Recovery Software) Copyright Dmitry Sidorov A program for searching, editing and recovering data on disks. The main set of functions in the Free Edition, including file recovery from the current panel; in paid editions it is also possible to restore directories Additional functions and capabilities for providing data recovery services for clients in the Professional Edition Console and GUI versions for Win98/...XP/..7/..10, console versions for DOS, Linux Portable launch without the need for installation Support for NTFS/NTFS5, FAT12/16, FAT32, exfat, Ext2/3/4 file systems (directory browsing, file file structure parsing, data recovery) Special algorithms for searching file system structures for directory reconstruction and data recovery in complex cases with the possibility of preliminary quality assessment Recovering files by type if it is impossible to restore using FS A simple partition manager as a means of express partition diagnostics with the ability to quickly restore accidentally deleted and lost partitions Working with images (creating and deploying sector-by-sector images), cloning disks with control on " badah", reverse copying and other features Disk editor, compatible with the latest versions of Windows for viewing and editing various structures (using built-in and custom templates) with support for link transitions RAID constructor for assembling virtual arrays with support for RAID-0, RAID- levels 1, RAID-4, RAID-5, RAID-6, including parity delay, as well as user-defined striping, JBOD/spanned NTFS volume assembly utilities for copying, deleting files, creating, repairing, deleting directories by bypassing the standard NTFS driver Supports national names, large disks, large files, large sectors, sector size translation, NTFS compression and other special features 4

6 Acknowledgments Contents About the program Acknowledgments Thanks to all users for comments, suggestions, error messages, financial support (including for purchasing paid versions of the program), and for disseminating information about the program. Special thanks to users: Igor (jsfhd), Alex (irman.at.tut.by), Konstantin Volkov, Leonid Arkadyev, Antech (MediaWorkshop), Yatagan, 9285, Okzo, Nirvanowiec, Migol21, Gsm_virus, Bigolsen, Stepan Martinek, lordo4, H.Mohamadi 5

7 Description of files Contents About the program Description of program files Executable files dmde.exe or dmde - program Localization files *.tbl - code page tables *.lng - language files Documentation files eula*.txt - license agreement files (EULA) versions.txt - information about changes in the program readme*.txt - Readme files dmde*.chm - help files in Windows format CHM man*/* - help files in HTML format Other files dev9x.dll, dev32.dll - drivers for working in Windows 98/ ME dmde*.ini - program settings files cwsdpmi.exe - DOS Extender for running 32-bit applications (Copyright 2010 CW Sandmann, not part of the DMDE program) 6

8 DMDE Editions (DMDE Editions) Contents About the program DMDE Editions (DMDE Editions) Current information is on the program website (comparison of editions, purchase). To get all the features of the Professional Edition, you need to download the program in the personal section of the site (login recovery). In other cases, it is enough to enter the current license key into the basic version of the Free Edition. You can update/change/restore the key in the personal section (login recovery). Free Edition contains all the basic functions, recovers up to 4000 files from the current panel only. Paid editions recover files and directories without restrictions. Professional Edition has additional features and provides extended rights to provide data recovery services: portable launch on different computers one-time activation on client computers (including remote use) 64-bit versions (more than 2 GB RAM available, Windows and Linux only ) creating data recovery reports (including logs and checksums) using sector-by-sector copy logs (resume, multiple passes) custom I/O processing script recovery of additional data streams NTFS DMA access in DOS (for ATA interface) 7

9 Installation and launch Contents Installation and launch System requirements Activation Languages ​​Settings Limitations Updates Attention! If you have doubts about the physical health of the disk, it is recommended to contact a specialist. Working with the disk yourself (including turning it on) can aggravate the situation or lead to the complete impossibility of data recovery. If the device size is determined incorrectly. Attention! Do not write anything to the original disk/partition where the lost/deleted/damaged data is located. Use another drive to boot the system, install or run programs, or restore data, otherwise the data may be completely destroyed. It is highly advisable to boot the system from removable media (LiveCD/USB, etc.). To install and run the program, you must extract all program files to a separate folder (possibly on removable media) and run the dmde.exe or dmde file, depending on the version. In Windows NT+ and Linux, administrator/superuser rights are required to work with disks. If you need to run the program without administrator rights only to work with disk images, add the notadmin=1 parameter to the dmde.ini settings file. Operating systems Windows 98/ME Attention! Without special patches, Windows 9x/ME does not work correctly with disks larger than 128 GB. In this case, reboot the computer in MS-DOS mode and use the DOS version to access disks through the BIOS or ATA interface, or boot another OS. Windows 2K/XP To run in Windows 2K/XP, log in as an administrator. Attention! To work with disks larger than 128 GB, you need Windows 2K with SP4 installed and LBA48 support enabled in the registry, or Windows XP with SP2 (LBA48 support enabled). Windows Vista/7/higher To run as administrator, use the appropriate command in the context menu (right-click on the program icon) or confirm the elevation of user rights. Attention! To work with disks larger than 2 TB, the latest versions of controller drivers must be installed. Linux To run on Linux, you need to go to the Root terminal or launch a terminal emulator (Konsole, Gnome-terminal, etc.), go to the program folder and enter ./dmde. Find out how to run a program as superuser on your version of Linux (for example, type sudo./dmde in Ubuntu, first root using the su command in Debian, etc.). If necessary, set the dmde file to run permission (chmod 755 8

10 ./dmde). To run 32-bit versions of the program on 64-bit OSes, you may need to install additional libraries (for example, on Ubuntu you can install the required libc6-i386 package using the sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 command). DOS It is possible to use DMDE on both a regular DOS-supported partition and a DOS boot disk, which can help if you have problems using a particular disk. SATA drives must be set to IDE-compatible mode in the BIOS settings for direct ATA access. SCSI, USB and other devices can be accessed through special DOS drivers or using BIOS functions if supported. Some files for creating DOS boot disks are available on the software website in the Additional Downloads section. Boot floppy To create a boot floppy, download and extract the FDD image. You can write an image to a floppy disk using the Copy sectors function - specify the image as the source file and the floppy disk as the recording location. Various software also allows you to create ISO images for bootable CDs based on the FDD image. DOS boot disk Booting from a specific device must be supported in the BIOS (see BIOS boot menu). To create a bootable USB/HDD, you need a freshly formatted FAT16/FAT32 primary partition on the disk. Non-standard disks or partitions are not supported (disks without MBR, 3 TB+, etc.). It may be necessary to pre-clean the disk to create a compatible primary FAT partition using OS tools. 1. Download the FreeDOS Package and extract the files to the root of the FAT partition. 2. Open the disk as a physical device in DMDE and use the Register boot sectors... command in the Partitions window menu to make the partition bootable (specify the location of the unpacked files as the source of the boot sectors). Apply the changes and exit DMDE. 3. Download DMDE for DOS and unpack it into the created FAT partition. 9

11 System requirements Contents Installation and startup System requirements General requirements Disks: no significant hardware or firmware problems Attention! If there are physical problems (extraneous sounds, error messages, slow operation, etc.), it is recommended to contact a specialist Processor: Intel-compatible (i486 and higher) To save/use results, reports and settings, you need a working partition supported by the operating system (in in particular, a FAT partition is required to work in DOS/Win9x/ME) If the device size is determined incorrectly The problem must be resolved before continuing. Some problems have simple solutions - see the guide from an external source. Some problems: Volume limit jumper is not set correctly (size is limited to 32 GB) HPA is not applied correctly. The size usually becomes smaller by 1 TB (typical for some GYGABYTE motherboards). Programs for volume recovery: HDD Capacity Restore Tool (Windows), hdparm (Linux), HDAT2, MHDD, Victoria (DOS) The OS does not support large disks - see below Incorrect drivers for SATA/USB controllers (3TB+ support is incorrect). The size is usually seen smaller at 2.2 TB. The USB box drivers should be updated / the other adapter does not support 3TB+ correctly. You should replace the adapter or connect the device directly Windows 2K+ (2K/XP/Vista/7/higher) Recommended Windows XP with SP2 and higher 32-bit versions work in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the OS Permissions available administrator Disks: supported by the operating system Attention! To work with disks larger than 2 TB in Windows Vista/7/higher, the latest versions of controller drivers must be installed. To work with disks larger than 128 GB in Windows 2K/XP, you need the appropriate service packs (Windows 2K SP4 or Windows XP SP2) and inclusion of LBA48 support in the registry Windows 98/ME Disks: supported by the operating system Attention! Windows 9x/ME does not work correctly with disks larger than 128 GB DOS Operating system: compatible with MS-DOS 5.0+ Disks: BIOS-supported or DOS-supported (using ASPI drivers) or ATA-compatible (IDE or SATA). SATA drives must be set to IDE-compatible mode in the BIOS settings to work directly through the DOS Extender ATA interface (the CWSDPMI.EXE 2000 CW Sandmann file in the program folder is sufficient) The amount of free conventional memory is at least 200 KB, the total is not less than 64 MB For advanced processing of matching names during data recovery, driver 10 is required

12 long names for DOS (for example, DOSLFN.COM haftman software) To work with the mouse, you need an appropriate driver for DOS Linux Operating system: one of the Linux distributions with the latest libc library Libraries for running 32-bit versions in 64-bit OS (for example , package libc6-i386) Superuser rights Drives: supported by the operating system Terminal or compatible terminal emulator (xterm, Konsole, Gnome-terminal, etc.) Support for utf-8 locale 11

13 Activation Contents Installation and launch Online: Activation Attention! After purchase you must obtain a licensed copy. To get all the features of the Professional Edition, you need to download the program in the personal section. In other cases, it is enough to enter the current license key into the existing version. To avoid license suspension or revocation, please comply with its terms. You can get the current key, as well as information about blocking, in the personal section (login recovery). The licensed copy must be activated upon first launch on new/changed equipment or after entering the key. Activation "online" Performed by the Activation "online" button (requires Internet access, not available in DOS). If the connection to the server is successful, the activation code will be saved in the dmde.ini file. Offline activation If online activation is not available, you can obtain and enter an activation code. 1. Launch the program on the computer on which it will be used. Click the Offline Activation button and save the dmdeinst.dat file (or Prod.ID and Inst.ID codes). 2. Open the activation site or from any computer and send the dmdeinst.dat file (or enter Prod.ID and Inst.ID). You will be given an activation code. 3. Enter the received code in the program to complete the activation. Activation types (Professional Edition) 1. Local activation Local activation associates the use of the software with a specific computer: select Local activation and use online or offline activation. 2. Portable activation (portable launch) Portable activation links the use of the software to a USB flash drive and allows you to run the software on different computers without Internet access. Only on Windows (2K and higher) and Linux. Initial binding to the device 1. Select Portable activation (click or Spacebar). 2. Specify a removable device to bind to. The device must always provide the same correct serial number (12 or more digits and capital letters). 3. Use "online" or "offline" activation to complete the binding (the binding code will be saved in the dmde.ini file). Further use on various equipment Connect a removable device, launch the software and, if necessary, select the associated device in the list. 3. One-time activation Intended for one-time use on the client's computer when portable activation is not possible (for example, remote launch). 12

14 You should download the regular version of the program (without Professional capabilities) and enter the special Client Edition license key and one-time password, which can be obtained in the personal section (login recovery), and then perform the usual “online” or “offline” activation. 13

15 Languages/Localization Contents Installation and launch Languages/Localization Dialog window "Select Language" Apply Codepages. If this option is checked, the ANSI and OEM code pages specified in the language file are used. Translit. Forced transliteration of the interface (in case of problems with displaying national characters). Code pages - interface and data recovery ANSI code page - code page used in the DMDE for Windows and DMDE for Linux interface. OEM code page - code page used in the DMDE for DOS interface. Characters outside the selected interface code page are transliterated or replaced. The OEM code page is also used when reading short names (8.3 format) of FAT volumes in all versions of the program. DMDE for DOS also uses the OEM code page for file names when restoring. DMDE for Windows and DMDE for Linux use Unicode (if the OS supports it) when restoring file names, and the selected code page does not matter. By default, the operating system code pages are used (if can be determined). Settings from the ini file override code pages (if specified). Code pages from the selected lng file (*.lng) override previous settings if the Apply Codepages option is checked in the Select Language dialog box. Line 107 of the lng file indicates the ANSI code page, in the OEM line. INI file parameters usecodepage= ANSI code page oemcodepage= OEM code page translitenable= (Translit) viewtranslit= (Translit) 14

16 Program settings Contents Installation and launch Program settings Program settings are stored in the dmde.ini file in the program folder. The file contains a description of the parameters. Disk access parameters can be changed while the program is running 15

17 Problems and limitations Contents Installation and startup Known problems and other limitations Data recovery Saving data is allowed only to partitions supported by the OS (in particular, in pure DOS, Win9x/ME you can recover data only to FAT partitions) DOS, Win9x/ME: symbols Unicode file names outside the selected code page are replaced with an underscore or transliterated according to the loaded DOS, Win9x/ME or FAT transliteration tables: it is not possible to recover a file larger than 4 GB in its entirety due to the limitation of the FAT file system; alternate NTFS streams can only be recovered to NTFS- disk hard links are restored as different alt files. NTFS data stream is restored to only one of the hard links symlinks not supported NTFS encrypted files permissions are not supported NTFS owners permissions are not supported Ext2/Ext3/Ext4 owners are not supported Win9x/ME: drives larger than 128 GB are not handled correctly without installing special patches Windows drivers maximum path length supported by the program: 259 characters - for DOS/Win 9x/ME, for Windows 2K+, Linux maximum directory nesting (set by the maxrecoverdepth= ​​parameter) maximum path length supported by DOS: 79 or 127 characters for DOS names in Depending on the DOS version, when using DOS name replacement (see Data Recovery), advanced name processing (for example, automatic renaming) is not supported NTFS support in write mode journaling is not supported when creating is not supported SECURITY INFORMATION (to access files and folders, you must install rights using the OS) OBJECTID is not supported additional creation of names in DOS format is not supported compressed files are not supported alternative data streams are not supported to create, append a file a continuous free area is required Others correct operation is possible within the limits of available RAM memory. In 32-bit versions, up to 3 GB of memory available (up to ~10 million files on a typical volume) up to 2K elements in the device list up to 400 volumes in the Partitions window up to 16K custom data stripe elements when building a Custom RAID up to 2K visible volumes per partition when Full Scan (showvolumesnum= parameter) up to 16 million MFT fragments for NTFS with Full Scan (ntfsmaxmftruns= parameter) maximum search depth in the search bar - up to 1K subdirectories limited support for keyboard and mouse input in Linux (hotkeys and national input may not be supported) 16

18 Updates Contents Installation and launch Updates, downloading licenses Updates are performed in the same way as the initial installation. License holders can download licensed copies in the personal section of the software website. You can restore the login address to your personal section using the form: 17

19 Working with the program Contents Working with the program Searching and opening a volume Data recovery Partition management Full scan Selecting a disk I/O parameters Disk images and clones RAID arrays File panel Disk editor Cluster map Menu 18

20 Searching and opening a volume Contents Working with the program Searching and opening a volume To view, edit, and restore files and folders, you must open the volume on which they were located. Depending on the extent of the damage, use the following methods. 1. If the volume is fully accessible under its letter (C:, D:,...), then it can be opened in the Select disk window by checking Logical drives / Volumes / DOS Services. This method is suitable for recovering deleted files from a healthy volume. If the volume cannot be opened or the files are not restored correctly, use the following method. 2. Select the device (hard drive or other media) on which the volume is located (Select disk Physical devices, or in the DOS version of ATA Interface or BIOS Services). Then in the Partitions window that appears, select and open the volume. If you can't open the volume this way or the data is still not restored correctly, use the next method for the most difficult cases. 3. Perform a Full Scan and open one of the volume variants found. Review the Full Scan help topic for the most efficient recovery in this case. The Open Volume Settings command in the context menu allows you to manually change some settings before opening the volume. If the original storage media was a RAID array, then you should probably build a RAID instead of selecting a single device. The volume can also be opened in the editor window when viewing the boot sector or a copy of it in Boot sector mode. 19

21 Data recovery Contents Operation Menu Service Data recovery Attention! If files are not restored correctly or there are other problems, make sure you are using the latest versions of the program from a trusted source. Attention! Do not write anything to the original disk/partition. It is recommended to restore data to another physical device. Recovering to another partition of the same disk is only possible if the partitions on the disk do not intersect and the disk does not have physical problems. Do not boot the system or run a program from the partition on which the recovery data is located. Before recovery, you must find and open the volume. The recovery results depend on the volume search results and which volume was opened. To restore all found files (including lost, deleted files, as well as alternative NTFS data streams), you need to open the virtual directory [All Found + Reconstruction] in the Files Panel. To automatically uncheck marks during group recovery, you also need to first open this directory. Free Edition supports recovery of up to 4000 files from the current panel only. "Restore" window "Volume" button Allows you to calculate the volume of the selected data to restore. Once the volume is calculated, the progress bar shows the current percentage of the total volume. "List" button Allows you to save a list of selected files to a file. "Deleted" files Recovers files marked as "deleted" (see Files panel). If the option is not selected, "deleted" files (even if they are checked) will not be restored. Option "Including found" Recovers files marked as "found" (see Files panel). If the option is not selected, "found" files (even if they are checked) will not be restored. Option "Including NTFS alt streams" (Professional Edition only) Restore alternate NTFS data streams (The alt stream name and the file name are separated by a colon, for example, FileName:StreamName). Create a report (Professional Edition only) Save a data recovery report - a list of files and directories, optionally - I/O errors, CRC32, MD5, SHA1 checksums. File Filter Define name masks (separated by semicolons) to restore only specific files. Wildcard characters "*" and "?" can be used. You can define exclusion masks by adding a backslash "\" in front. Masks have priority first. For example, the name abc.tmp matches the pattern a*;\*.tmp but does not match \*.tmp;a*. 20

22 File size limits Filter files by size. To specify only the lower bound, specify 0 (zero) as the second value. Additional questions Unicode names This option is checked if the OS supports Unicode, otherwise characters in names outside the selected code page will be transliterated or replaced (see Localization). Recovering to FAT drives, Split Large Files option FAT volumes do not support files larger than 4 GB (2 GB in some cases). Larger files can be split into parts upon request if the OS reports the error correctly (which is not always the case) or if the Split large files option is checked (recommended). Parts of the file can be combined on another disk, for example, using the system command: copy /b part1 + part2 + part3 result. Pure DOS only supports FAT partitions. File names in DOS, "Replace names" option Without special drivers, long file names are not supported in DOS. The Replace names option allows you to replace names during recovery. This will create a file LRENAME.BAT in the destination folder for reverse renaming. To restore the original names, you need to boot Windows, go to the destination folder and run the LRENAME.BAT file. To correctly restore national characters, you must select the correct OEM code page when working in DOS. Characters not included in the selected code page will be replaced. You can add the substnamesutf8=1 parameter to the dmde.ini file to create a Unicode LRENAME.BAT file that supports all Unicode characters regardless of the selected code page. Unicode format is supported on Windows 7 and above. Paths longer than 259 characters in Windows NT+ To recover paths longer than 259 characters, you must add a \\?\ prefix when specifying the destination folder, for example: \\?\C:\. Such long paths may not be accessible to standard Explorer-type programs. Handling duplicate names When restoring data, duplicate names may occur due to the discovery of different versions of the same file, different links to the same file, or an erroneous merge of directories. When you restore a subsequent object with the same name, you are prompted to choose how to handle duplicates. It is possible to rename an object manually, automatically rename it, or skip all subsequent objects. It is also possible to merge directories with the same names. When the threshold number of renames for one object is reached, you are prompted again to select an action if the threshold is exceeded. The maxfilerenames= and maxdirrenames= parameters are used as default thresholds. Determining matching names works based on the destination file system. Handling of matching names does not work when using DOS name substitution. Event processing... - preset event processing during recovery (name matches, read errors, etc.) 21

23 Partition management Contents Work Menu Disk Partition management A tool for viewing, searching for partitions and opening disk volumes, as well as for basic partition management on MBR and GPT disks. Other styles (eg, hybrid, dynamic) are not supported, but sections may be shown as found. Management includes deleting and restoring (inserting into a table) deleted and lost partitions, restoring boot sectors from their copies and other operations. Please read the warning before use. When you enable the Found option, an express search and display of lost and deleted partitions occurs. For a more thorough search, you must use Full Scan. When opening a volume found by a full scan, the volume is added to the list of found disk partitions (and, for example, can be inserted into the partition table, if possible). To prevent the express search for partitions from starting, you can disable the Show partitions when opening a disk or assembling an array option. Display options: found: show found table partitions: show AMBR and GPT tables GiB: display sizes in binary units detailed: display multiple rows per partition according to the information source. (A) - sign of activity of the (boot) partition (Partitions column). Indicators show the presence of the corresponding structures: T partition table E partition table element B volume boot sector C copy of the boot sector/GPT table F main FS structures (for example, the initial MFT record for NTFS); f MFTMirr for NTFS; x the relevant structure is missing or damaged; (no indicator) the corresponding structure has not been tested (although it may be present). For example, the F indicator may only appear after the volume is opened. Found errors are highlighted in red. In case of incorrect/non-standard markup, correct display is not guaranteed. Dialog "Sections" of the command Attention! Changing the disk layout may make it impossible to boot from the disk, as well as some partitions being unavailable after application. Never change the layout of the boot or system disk. Use an alternative boot disk or connect the disk as an additional one to another computer. Run the program from media that will not change, and save the current markup to a file on media that will not change. After applying, restart your computer or reconnect the removable drive for the changes to take effect. Cancel the chkdsk system utility (by pressing any key) if it starts automatically at boot, as it can cause irreparable damage to your data. The Menu button brings up a menu with a complete list of operations available for the selected section. Changes in the markup are written to disk only after clicking the Apply button or using the Apply markup menu command. See also Change Management. 22

24 Open Volume Opens a volume to view and restore files. Open volume parameters View and manually edit volume parameters before opening. Show Volume Letters Show partition letters assigned by the operating system. Full scan Full scan Create image/clone Call the sector copy dialog to create an image or clone a partition. Insert partition (Undelete) Insert the found volume into the partition table. Extra, erroneous sections may interfere with insertion, so they must be removed first. A completely incorrect partition can be reset by applying the Boot Sector Signature command to the first item in the partition list. Partitions should be added sequentially from the beginning of the disk to the end. Delete partition Delete an existing disk partition or unnecessary partition table. Some markup errors can be corrected by deleting and inserting a section. Create RAW Partition Create a raw (RAW) disk partition in an unallocated area. If there are no errors in disk layout, it is recommended to use only standard operating system tools to create and delete partitions. Restore the boot sector from a copy Replace the damaged boot sector with a backup copy. Boot partition activity Resets or turns on the activity sign (A) of the boot partition. Boot Sector Signature (MBR On/Off) Resets or sets the boot sector signature (0xAA55). Remove MBR + GPT signatures (GPT Off) Remove signatures of the boot sector (0xAA55) and GPT tables (EFI PART). Set MBR + GPT signatures (GPT On) Set boot sector and GPT signatures. Only available on GPT disks after removal. Register boot sectors Create a DOS boot disk. Undo Action Undo the previous action. Redo action Redo the undone action. 23

25 Undo markup changes Roll back all changes to the markup. Discard All Changes Discard all unapplied changes. Load from file Load markup or rollback information from a file. For more details, see Changes. Save current layout to file Save a backup copy of the current layout to a file. Only available if the disk is partitioned and there are no unapplied changes. Apply markup Write the modified markup to disk. For more details, see Applying changes. 24

26 Search for FAT/NTFS volumes Contents Work Menu Tools Full scan A special search algorithm allows you to find and virtually reconstruct the structure of directories and files of a damaged file system or find lost files of known types using signatures if it is impossible to use the file system. If the volume's file system is only slightly damaged, the volume can be opened before the scan is completed. In the most difficult cases there are various volume options. To evaluate the option, you should select and open the volume, reconstruct the file system, and selectively restore files. If the selected option does not contain the necessary files or they are not restored correctly, you should continue your search or try another option. Indicators allow you to preliminary evaluate an option (see below). If data has been moved (by moving/merging/splitting/resizing partitions), then some files may be correctly restored from one volume variant, and others from another, although the files are visible simultaneously in both volume variants. It is recommended to scan the partition area on the physical drive (including the source and destination areas if the partition has been moved) instead of scanning the logical drive. If necessary, scanning can extend beyond the selected area. Open volume Open the volume highlighted in the list. Save... Save scan results to file. Load... Start/Stop Options Menu Load results from a file (you can continue scanning after stopping or open saved results). Pause/continue search. If the data collection settings and search area are not changed, scanning will continue. Selecting a search area, file system, data collection parameters and volume calculations. Including, it allows you to change the sorting of volumes. Scanning is carried out selectively across the entire disk at once with gradual coverage of the entire scanning area, which allows you to find volumes without a full preliminary scan. Volumes with a large number of files are detected first. NTFS, exfat, ext2/3/4 The % and Matches columns allow you to evaluate the quality of data recovery for the found volume variant (percentage and number of successful matches). Min. size is the minimum volume volume containing files from the best FS blocks of the volume. FAT The Indicators column shows the absence (or damage) ("-") or presence ("+") of the corresponding FS structures (B - bootsector/copy, F - FAT table/copy, R - root directory). The Matches column shows the number of directories found that match the volume variant. RAW search for files by signatures File signatures are used to search for lost files when it is impossible to use the file system. Additionally, file signatures are used as reference points for calculating NTFS and exfat volumes. 25

27 Selecting a disk Contents Operation Menu Disk Select disk Selecting disk Select a disk for further work. If the device size is determined incorrectly, see the system requirements. Options Physical devices / Interface / Logical drives and DOS Services The preferred access method depends on the task (eg, when restoring data - see opening a volume). Options DOS ATA Interface Direct access (for IDE and SATA drives in IDE mode). Recommended method for disks with "bad" BIOS Services BIOS functions for accessing disks DOS Services DOS functions for accessing logical disks DOS ASPI Other Access to SCSI, USB and other devices via ASPI drivers (if loaded) Disk images: click or the Enter key on the top element allows you to add a new file to the list. RAID - go to the RAID array designer. Show partitions - express search for partitions and display the Partitions window immediately after opening the disk. Parameters - Define I/O parameters. Devices in Linux If some devices do not appear in the list of devices, you can open them as files using the Disk Images option and manually specify the path to the device, for example, /dev/mmcblk0 or /dev/mapper/truecrypt1. 26

28 I/O parameters Contents Work Menu Disk I/O dialog I/O processing script I/O parameters Interface Method of accessing the disk/volume (determined when selecting a disk). Windows OS IO FILE IO SCSI Use ReadFile/WriteFile functions to access the disk Use a SCSI driver (usually a lower level) Overlapped Use Overlapped (does not affect I/O, not recommended). DOS ATA Interface (direct access, recommended for disks with "bad") ATA Interface For HDD/SSD ATAPI Interface For CD/DVD use DMA use LBA48 raw CD access BIOS Services Faster DMA access for ATA (Professional Edition only) For access to addresses above 128 GiB For access to non-digital CDs Old BIOS Service CHS access up to 8.4 GB Ext BIOS Service LBA access DOS Services DOS Int 25/26 DOS functions Win9x-FAT32 Calls New DOS functions MSCDEX Services For CD/DVD Input errors- output A way to handle I/O errors. Ignore I/O errors. If you select this option, in case of an error, several additional attempts will be made, determined by the number of auto-retries, and the operation will continue. If the option is disabled, then after additional attempts the program goes into the mode of waiting for user selection in the I/O Dialog window. Don't wait if the device is not ready. If you select this option, the operation will continue even if an error occurs due to the device not being ready. When the option is disabled, the user's reaction is expected (in the I/O Dialog). always: apply the selection also to subsequent operations. now: apply only to the current operation. Number of auto retries when a CRC error occurs. The number of additional access attempts performed automatically in the event of an I/O error, before entering sleep mode, or before continuing an operation. If the number of retries is zero (0), no additional access attempts are made, and the remaining sectors of the block following the error are not read into the I/O buffer. If a non-zero value is specified, then the block is read again sector by sector up to and including the sector with the error. The sector with an error is accessed until the read is successful or until 27

29 achieve the specified number of repetitions. Increasing the number of retries increases the percentage of data successfully read, but reduces the remaining disk resource, increasing the load. Number of auto retries if the sector is not found. Similarly for the "sector not found" error. If, as a result of reading, the contents of the buffer have not changed (or are filled with zeros), then it is assumed that the sector was not found. Fill bad sectors (hex). 4-byte hexadecimal value to fill the sector in case of a read error (optional). Jump through sectors after a mistake. The number of subsequent sectors that will be skipped after the first sector encountered with an error. Missing sectors will be filled with Filler. If bad sectors on the disk are located in groups, then skipping can significantly reduce the load on the disk and also prevent bad areas from growing, but it reduces the percentage of successfully recovered data if there are only single bad sectors on the disk. Read back after the jump. Read the sectors missed as a result of the jump in reverse until you encounter the error again. The option is not available if a large jump value is selected. Read reverse allows you to improve the quality of recovery with a slight increase in disk load. Filler for missing sectors. A 4-byte hexadecimal value to fill the sectors skipped by the jump. Additional parameters I/O buffer size (in sectors). The maximum number of sectors transferred during an I/O operation. Timeout, ms. Timeout for device response in milliseconds (DOS only for ATA Interface). SCSI timeout, s. Timeout for access via SCSI driver (Windows only for IO SCSI interface). ATA soft reset if busy. Perform an ATA soft reset if the device remains busy after the timeout expires (DOS only for the ATA Interface). ATA soft reset timeout, ms. Waiting time for the device to be ready after a soft reset. (DOS only for ATA Interface). Script... Configure a custom I/O processing script. 28

30 I/O Dialog Contents Operation I/O Parameters I/O Processing Script I/O Dialog When read or write errors occur, a window appears that allows you to select how I/O errors are handled. The window contains information about the error: [W] means that an error occurred while writing to the disk, LUN - the number of the disk in the virtual RAID array, the numbers of sectors when accessing which the error occurred, the number of access attempts, the number and description of the error (given by the OS on Windows). After several retries determined by the parameters, the program goes into standby mode (unless the automatic error skipping mode is selected) and the Retry button becomes active. A message is output before the data block is processed. Abort: Abort the current operation. When you click the Abort button, bad sectors will not be copied to the recording location (this behavior may change in future versions). The button may be inactive if the operation cannot be interrupted at the moment. Retry: Retry access. In some cases, it may be possible to successfully read information from the disk after several additional attempts. In this case, the operation continues without distorting information. Ignore: Continue the operation, ignoring the error. The current operation will continue, but some of the information will be distorted. If an error occurs when reading the file system structure, some files may be lost and the directory structure may be damaged. Ignore. all: continue the operation, skipping all similar errors. After several repeated attempts determined by the parameters, the program does not go into recovery mode, the error is ignored, and the current operation continues. Reset: reopen the device (Windows NT+ only). ATA Reset: Perform an ATA soft reset. Available only if the disk is opened via the ATA interface in DOS. Parameters: disk access parameters Confirm, Cancel: used for the %CONFIRM% variable in I/O Processing Script 29

31 I/O Processing Script Contents Work Menu Disk I/O Options I/O Dialog I/O Processing Script The script can be used to log I/O errors, as well as for advanced error handling (including calls to external programs). This feature is only available in the Professional Edition. The script can be loaded or modified through the I/O Parameters window (Script button). The ondevhsc.txt file contains a brief description of the available commands and some examples. Valid command lines are: IF CONDITION COMMAND or COMMAND or: LABEL where CONDITION is specified by equality or inequality (!=, >,<, >=, <=, =) двух величин, величинам могут быть целые числа (0, 1,...) или переменные (список ниже) или простые математические выражения (операторы +, -, *, %, /, без скобок, математический порядок операций игнорируется), например, %ERROR%=0 Комментарии предваряются двумя минусами (--) Переменные Целые, включая ноль %CONFIRM% - =1, если нажата кнопка Подтвердить, =0, если Отменить (выводится окно диалога и ожидается выбор пользователя) -- %DISKNUM% - номер диска в RAID-массиве -- %TRYNUM% - номер попытки ввода-вывода -- %LBA% - первый сектор в операции ввода-вывода -- %SECNUM% - число секторов -- %ERROR% - номер ошибки -- %ATASTATUS% - значение регистра ATA Status (если снят бит BSY, только DOS ATA) -- %ATAERROR% - значение регистра ATA Error (если установлен бит ERR в %ATASTATUS%) -- %LINE% - текущий номер строки в скрипте -- %SERVICE% - тип ввода-вывода: -- 0-ATA 1-ATAPI 3-BIOSINT13OLD 4-BIOSINT DOSINT25 6-DOSINT73 8-DOSMSCDEX 9-DOSFILE WINFILE 12-WINSCSI 14-WIN9XINT13 20-LINUXFILE -- %LASTRES% - результат предыдущей команды -- %LASTERR% - ошибка предыдущей команды Команды -- SHOWDLG - принудительно показать окно диалога ввода-вывода -- WAIT - ожидать выбор пользователя -- DELAY N - ожидать N мсек. -- EXECCMD CMDLINE - выполнить внешнюю команду CMDLINE используя командый процессор (эквивалентно "cmd CMDLINE" в Windows) -- EXECCMDQ CMDLINE - выполнить без создания нового консольного окна -- EXEC "FILENAME" CMDLINE - вызвать внешнюю программу FILENAME с параметрамии CMDLINE 30

32 -- EXECQ "FILENAME" CMDLINE - call without creating a new console window -- MSDOS - call the command processor (not supported on Linux) -- GOTO LABELNAME - go to the LABELNAME label in the script (to the line: LABELNAME) -- RETURN - abort script execution, process the error according to the input/output parameters -- RETRETRY - interrupt script execution as if you clicked the Retry button -- RETIGNORE - interrupt script execution as if you clicked the Ignore button -- RETABORT - interrupt script execution as if you clicked the Abort button - - ADDLOG "FILENAME" LOGLINE - write the LOGLINE line to the file FILENAME (the LOGLINE line can contain variables) -- CANCELIO - call CancelIO (WinNT+ only) (available if the device is opened with the overlapped option) -- OVLRESLT N - wait for the result of an Overlapped operation (N=1: wait; N=0: don't wait) (WinNT+ only) (must be used if the device is opened with the overlapped option) -- RESETHANDLE - reopen the device (WinNT+ only) -- ATARESET - perform an ATA Soft Reset ( DOS ATA only) -- ATARESETDET - perform an ATA Soft reset and ATA Identify (DOS ATA only) Format specifiers -- To format a number after a variable name separated by a colon -- the by specifier can be added, for example, -- %LBA:8x% - width: 8, hex output Example IF %ERROR%=0 RETURN -- exit if no error IF %ERROR%=128 GOTO LABEL1 IF %ERROR%=5 GOTO LABEL1 RETURN:LABEL1 IF %CONFIRM%=0 RETRETRY -- repeat if the Cancel button is pressed -- continue script execution if the Confirm button is pressed EXECCMD /K ECHO error %ERROR% at LBA: %LBA% (%SECNUM%) try: %TRYNUM%. Type EXIT to return. IF %TRYNUM%<2 RETRETRY DELAY 500 ADDLOG "C:\ERRORS.LOG" error %ERROR:x% at LBA: %LBA:10% (%SECNUM%) try: %TRYNUM% RETIGNORE 31

33 Disk images and clones Contents Working with the program Disk images and clones Copy sectors (Tools menu): creating and uploading images, cloning disks Disk images (Disk menu): opening and working with an image as a disk 32

34 RAID Arrays Contents Work Menu Disk RAID Arrays Dialog "Build RAID" A tool for assembling virtual RAID arrays from single disks (or partitions and images) in cases where RAID cannot be assembled using standard controller tools (hardware RAID) or operating system (software RAID). If necessary, the drives should be disconnected from the RAID controller and connected to the computer as single drives. Selecting the wrong array or stripe type will result in incorrect data recovery (even if the directory structure is reconstructed correctly). Types of RAID-0 arrays. The array usually contains two disks, information on which is written alternately in blocks (stripes) of a specified size. Without one of the disks, only small files that fit entirely in one block can be recovered. RAID-0 is supported in read and write mode. RAID-1. The array usually contains two disks, the data is duplicated. Block size is not used. Read only is supported. One completely healthy drive can be opened as a single device without losing data. RAID-4. The array usually contains three disks. One of the disks contains parity data. The data is written in blocks to the remaining disks one by one. Without one of the array disks, the data can be completely recovered. Instead of a missing disk, use a Blank disk. Read only is supported. RAID-5. The array typically contains three disks (or more). The data is striped in blocks between all disks with one parity block for the remaining data blocks. Based on the method of data striping, RAID-5 arrays are divided into four main types. On some arrays (usually hardware), parity blocks can be interleaved less frequently than data blocks (delayed parity). The data can be completely recovered without one of the disks (which should be replaced with a Blank disk). Read only is supported. RAID-6. The array typically contains four disks (or more). Similar to RAID-5, but uses two blocks (of different types) for parity. The program only supports one type of parity, so only one disk can be replaced by a Blank disk. Only reading. RAID: Custom rotation. You can define arbitrary data interleaving (Menu - Interleaving...). Integers from 0 define data blocks according to their order on disks, -1 specifies an XOR parity block, -2 specifies an unused block. For example, for a diagram: Disk#0 Disk#1 Disk#2 Disk#3 A1 A2 Ap Aq B1 Bp Bq B2 Cp Cq C1 C2 Dq D1 D2 Dp => interleaving is specified as follows:

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DMDE – data recovery utility

Main features:

* in the free version, all the functions of a disk editor, partition management and file recovery are available, with the exception of the possibility of group recovery of files and directories;
* full version allows you to restore groups of files and directories while maintaining the directory structure;
* graphical interface (GUI) version for Windows 9x/ME/2K/XP/Vista/7, console versions for DOS, Windows, Linux;
* file systems FAT12/16, FAT32, NTFS/NTFS5 (browsing directories, files, data recovery);
* express search for partitions by boot sectors lost due to damage to partition tables after deleting partitions or changing layout;
* search for lost or damaged NTFS, FAT volumes using heuristic methods after various damage to the file system, including if new information has already been partially written, after formatting, moving data (in case of minor damage, you don’t have to wait for a full scan of the disk);
* recovery of deleted files;
* working with disk images (creating, uploading images, viewing images, cloning disks);
* manual assembly of RAID arrays (RAID-0, RAID-1, RAID-5, JBOD/Spanned);
* Russian interface;
* NTFS utilities (copying, deleting files, creating, fixing, deleting directories, bypassing the standard NTFS driver);
* support for large files (viewing and recovery);
* reading and recovery of compressed NTFS files;
* support for Russian-language file names;
* ...

Disk editor modes:

* text/hexadecimal,
* partition table,
* boot sector FAT/FAT32/NTFS,
* FAT/FAT32 file system directory,
* FAT/FAT32 cluster table,
* NTFS file system directory (view),
* NTFS file record - MFT FILE record (view): list of attributes, standard information, file name, list of busy clusters, extended attributes.

  • January 13, 2011

Articles about the DMDE program from other resources

DM Disk Editor

DMDE is an excellent Russian-language utility for searching, restoring and editing the contents of storage media. This program has both free and paid versions. The free version has slightly reduced functionality.

DM Disk Editor has both a version with graphical interface support (though only for operating systems of the Windows family), and a console version for Microsoft Windows, DOS, and GNU/Linux operating systems. English, Russian and Polish interface languages ​​are supported.

The program has a strict appearance and a classic interface. At the top of the window there is a menu bar. Below it is the program toolbar. On the toolbar there are buttons for selecting a disk, viewing partitions of the selected disk, searching for data and restoring in the FAT and NTFS file system, scanning a volume, viewing the folder tree, displaying the file panel, opening the file editor, opening the search panel , launching the function of copying disk sectors, as well as obtaining information about the program.

The main features of DMDE include: disk editor, the ability to manage partitions and restore information (group recovery of files and folders while preserving the structure is available only in the paid version), support for FAT and NTFS file systems, search for lost disk partitions using boot sectors, search for damaged disk volumes after all kinds of system failures when access to them is lost, recovery of deleted (or lost during a failure) data, the ability to work with disk images and others.

When you launch DMDE, you are prompted to select one of the drives connected to the computer, and they are displayed both as physical devices and as logical drives. After selecting a disk, the Partitions window appears, which displays all the partitions found by the program on the disk, their size, the file system used, the first and last sectors of the partition, and other parameters. In the same window, you can delete the selected disk partition or open it for later editing of the contents. It is also possible to search for lost data on a volume using the FAT or NTFS file system.

The DMDE editor allows you to work with disk contents in text or hexadecimal data representation. There is support for partition tables, editing boot sectors, directories, cluster tables and other features.

It should be noted that the program in question is a very powerful tool for working with disks and is intended primarily for professionals and users savvy in matters of working with storage media. This is evidenced by the specific functions of DMDE and the strict Spartan interface. In addition, the program has a graphical interface only on Windows. This also says something.

However, if you consider yourself a fairly advanced user, then if necessary, it makes sense to use this utility.

Positive experience using the program

If the problem is hardware, when “the patient is not completely dead”, i.e. The flash drive controller responds to basic input/output commands (an indirect sign is the blinking of the flash drive indicator), and you can try using DMDE to make a copy of the memory contents to a separate file on the screw.

The sequence of actions is approximately this:

1 . We remember what size the memory on the flash drive was (32 MB, 64 MB, 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB, etc.)

2 . What file system was on the flash drive? FAT, FAT32, NTFS). Typically (by default) flash drives are FAT (or FAT32 on large flash drives).

3 . After the message popped up when selecting a physical disk Invalid parameters, click OK and try to enter the missing parameters into the boxes: Cylinders, Head. (Heads), Sec. (Sectors). We leave the BPS parameter – 512 as is. Normal value for parameter Sec. - 63. Parameter Goal. can accept parameters depending on the size of the memory on the flash drive: 32 MB - 1, 64 MB - 2, 128 MB - 4, 256 MB - 8, 512 MB - 16, 1 GB - 32, 2 GB - 64, 4 GB - 128 , 8 (or more) GB - 255. In our case, we look at the opened flash drive for the SAMSUNG 425 memory chip K9F5608UOB. From the description (see attachment) of the microcircuit it can be assumed that the flash drive 32 MB(a dinosaur, just some kind of...). Those. Parameter Head. in our case it is equal to 1. Parameter Cylinders for small flash drives (up to 8 GB) usually takes values ​​in the range 950 - 1000 (typical values ​​for many flash drives are 970 and 999). In our case, we set, for example, 999 . In the window LBA size some value other than 0 should appear. There is no need to edit anything in this window. because meaning LBA size is obtained as a result of calculation using a special algorithm using the remaining above parameters. If we guessed exactly with the markings of the flash drive, then when you click on OK, the program does not swear with various sophisticated words and immediately opens the window Sections indicating the physical disk and the exact size of the disk (flash drive). If the partition table is alive, then you can see the partitions themselves on the flash drive. And then it’s a matter of technique - select a section, click OK, we see the contents of the partition and try to restore the files. But it’s better not to rush and first write down the flash drive image and then work with it. If you didn’t guess correctly (for example, you set a value higher than required), then the program will start swearing, something like: Disk No...., Sector........., (attempt No....), WinError....., The specified sector on the disk cannot be found. Click on Ignore everything, and a physical disk with a not quite correct size opens. In principle, you can immediately start with the parameter values Cylinders obviously larger than indicated above. And consistently approach the true size, repeating the operation of selecting a disk (flash drive) and all subsequent operations.

4 . After approximately (or exactly, if you have enough patience) the disk size is determined, close the window Sections and go to the main menu of the program, select Tools > Copy sectors. A window will appear Copy sectors. In the window area Source click on Sections, and select partition - (physical) disk that we will copy to the image. In the windows Last Sector and Number of Sectors values ​​other than zero will appear. Then, in the area Place to write click File...A window will appear Write to file. We select the disk and directory (as in regular Explorer) where we will write the image. The disk and directory must be different from those that we are going to copy. (Remember the limitations of the FAT and FAT32 file systems when writing large image files). Click Save. In area Place to write The path where the file will be written will appear. Click OK. The program will ask you to confirm the write operation. Click Yes. If the disk size was not determined accurately (the value is larger than it should be), then the program will start swearing (see above) something like: Disk No...., Sector........., (attempt No....), WinError....., The specified sector on the disk cannot be found. Also click on Ignore everything, and wait for the end of the image recording process.

5 . We close the program.

6 . We are looking for our saved image file on the screw. Found - make a copy of the image ( highly recommended) with a different name. We will continue to work with a copy..

7 . Let's start the program again. A window appears Select device/drive. Click Cancel. Go to the main menu of the program, select Disk > Open image. A window will open Open disk image, select a copy of the image file we saved. Click Open.

8 . If the partition table is intact, a window will open Sections. Select a section. Click Open volume. A window appears Open FAT volume. Click OK. A window with the volume will open. We look at what is there (files that were there are gray; folders that were there are yellow; folders that were deleted earlier are yellow with a red cross; files that were deleted earlier are gray with a red cross). The chances of recovering yellow folders and gray files are almost 100%. The chances of recovering gray files and yellow folders with a red cross depend on whether the information was written to the flash drive after they were deleted or not. If recorded, then - 30 - 40 percent. It should be noted that the free version of the program has a limitation - it cannot restore entire directories, and information can only be restored file by file.

9 . It is more difficult if the partition table is covered. Then, after opening the image, a special text editor for the program will immediately open. We look at the contents of the file by scrolling. If there are all sorts of different icons, then there is some information. If there are 00-00 or FF-FF icons everywhere (from the zero block to the last), then alas, the information has died, or the controller has really lost contact with the memory. In the first case, nothing (and no one) will help, because... there was a complete reset of memory, and you will only have to come to terms with the idea that the information on the flash drive was a complete mess, and look for other sources where the information you were looking for could remain. In the second case, only direct reading of information from the memory chip through special equipment can help. But let's not talk about the sad things any further. So, if there is something, then go to the main menu Tools > Find special sector. Choose Boot sector. Click Enter. A window will appear Open FAT volume. Click OK. A window with the volume will open. For the rest of the steps, see the previous paragraph.

10 . It happens that the boot sector is also covered. If it is partially corrupted (there is enough information left in it to identify it as a boot sector), then after executing Tools > Find special sector > Boot sector, click Enter. After the window appears Open FAT volume, click OK, and a message will appear Error in the root directory or empty folder. Choose Continue with selected options. Click OK. A message appears Finding lost and deleted volume directories. We don’t change anything, we press OK. The search process will begin. If something is found, then the sequence of operations - see paragraph 8. If it is completely corrupted (there is no information left in it sufficient to identify it as a boot sector), then after execution Tools > Find special sector > Boot sector, click Enter. The process of searching for a backup copy of the boot sector will begin. If it is not there either (or it is completely damaged), i.e. the program said that Sector not found, then the “scientific poke” method remains - manually editing the boot sector in the disk image using different modes of the program’s disk editor (but this is a separate topic).

There are many programs that allow you to recover deleted files or partitions on a disk. Some have an attractive interface, but cannot cope with a damaged file system. Other utilities recover all data, leaving a bunch of junk files on the computer. The DMDE program is free from both drawbacks: with its help you can quickly recover lost data even after formatting, without having to worry about manually parsing file fragments.

Download and Install

DMDE does not require installation. The only limitation in the free version is that files can only be restored one at a time. You can download the utility on the official website of the developers dmde.ru. After running the dmde.exe file, a language selection window will appear.

You will then be asked to agree to the terms of the license agreement - check the appropriate box and click "Accept". The main program window will open - now you can figure out how to use DMDE.

Working with the utility

The DMDE program does not come with instructions, although for most users it would be useful - it is not every day that you have to recover deleted files or partitions on a disk.

The first step is to select the media from which the data was deleted. Check the section “Phys. Devices" and select the drive from which you want to restore information. Search for the desired disc by size and name.

After clicking “Ok”, the search for partitions will start. Upon completion of the operation, a window will appear with the detected partitions on the selected disk. You need to select the partition from which the data was deleted and click the "Open Volume" button.

To display a list of detected data, double-click on the “All found + reconstruction” item. Specify the virtual reconstruction parameters and click “Ok”.

All files found on the disk will appear on the right. You need to find the necessary data, tick them, right-click and select “Restore object”.

The last step is to select the folder in which the detected data will be saved. This directory should not be on the drive from which you recovered information, so choose any other media or partition.

Advanced Search

If Quick Recovery does not find the files you need due to file system corruption or formatting, try running an advanced search.

Pay attention to the "Matches" column. You will need to open the volume that has more matches. After completing the advanced search, a familiar window will appear, where you need to double-click on the “All found + reconstruction” item and start a virtual reconstruction of files.

If an MFT reading error appears during reconstruction, click OK. Data recovery will continue, after which you will see all the files found.

Sometimes DMDE digs too deep, returning information that was deleted several months ago during an advanced search; Files that were recently erased are not detected. If you encounter this situation, try running an in-depth scan again - this usually helps.

Recovering a deleted partition

Another convenient feature of DMDE is the recovery of deleted partitions. If an error or failure has caused one of your partitions to become an unallocated area, you can quickly fix the failure.

The partition type will be determined automatically. All you have to do is click “Ok” and then apply the changes. The program will offer to save the file for rollback - select a folder where you can put it.

To restore partitions in a DOS environment, read the instructions for the professional TestDisk utility:. However, in simple cases, the DMDE program, which runs directly in Windows, can help.

How to recover a deleted disk partition under Windows OS.

We will show you how to recover a partition in Windows 8.1.

Removing a disc

For example, we take disk D on a test machine. We go to the disk, we see that there are files of different types:

Now let’s take and delete drive D. To do this, right-click on the system shortcut This computer and choose Control:

By going to the section Disk management we see how the hard drive is marked: boot partition, system drive C: and drive D: with a volume label data. We right-click on drive D: and select from the context menu Delete volume :

Click Yes:

And we see that the volume has been deleted. The section has been deleted and in its place we see an unallocated area:

Thus, we artificially simulated the deletion of a partition. In everyday life, the disappearance of a partition can be the result of malicious programs or erroneous user actions.

Now we will show you how to recover the D: drive.

Disk recovery using DMDE

Download the DMDE program from the official website: http://dmde.ru/download.html:

Open the downloaded file:

The program does not require installation. Therefore, we simply unzip the archive into a folder:

and run the dmde.exe file:

In the program window DMDE on the left side select Physical devices , on the right side, select the physical hard drive on which the missing partition was located, and click OK:

After this, the program will search for partitions on the disk and display them in a list. We find in the list the partition that needs to be restored, select it with the left mouse button, and press the button Insert:

(In our case, we see a deleted section with the name data, the volume of which coincides with the volume of the deleted partition. Based on these signs, we understand that we need to restore it)

In the next window you need to select the partition type. Typically, the DMDE program itself determines the correct partition type and sets the selector to the desired option. All you have to do is click OK:

Now you need to press the button Apply to write changes to disk:

We confirm the recording of changes with the button Yes:

We save a file containing data for rolling back changes:

Partition recovery completed!

Checking the result of DMDE work

Press the button Update in Disk Manager:

We see that the D: drive we removed in the experiment has a volume label data reappeared in the system:

Let's go to This computer and we see that drive D: is displayed here too.