Sell ​​a domain name at auction. How to sell a domain name

Gone are the days when the only place where you could put a domain up for sale was the Ru-Center auction.

Now registrars themselves are ready to stir up domainers’ interest in registrations by creating special tools for them.

It’s mostly fellow domainers who visit it now, but I think there’s still work to be done on promotion. And who said that a domain cannot be sold to a reseller at a lower price than waiting for an unknown end-user.

You will have to change the DNS addresses of domain names. There is no connection to any one registrar, keep your domains where it is convenient for you. The parking lot has many different templates for getting direct offers from potential buyers. I personally know nothing better than when the end himself makes an offer to buy. This means he is interested in the domain and really needs it.

Of similar DP-type parking lots, I would also like to mention, which for some reason domainers forget, although the implementation itself is at a very decent level and should be noted. By the way, many domains in the .by zone were sold through NameHunter.

There are still many options where you can quickly sell a domain, but if you want to sell a domain profitably, then you should use the services that I mentioned above.

If you need to quickly sell your domain, then try to do it on specialized forums, such as, search or just a specialized forum related to the subject of your domain. For example, the domain priora.rf was sold for 30,000 rubles through the forum of owners of this brand of car.

Good luck to you in this difficult task and BRIGHT sales!

Gone are the days when the only place where you could put a domain up for sale was the Ru-Center auction.

Now registrars themselves are ready to stir up domainers’ interest in registrations by creating special tools for them.

It’s mostly fellow domainers who visit it now, but I think there’s still work to be done on promotion. And who said that a domain cannot be sold to a reseller at a lower price than waiting for an unknown end-user.

You will have to change the DNS addresses of domain names. There is no connection to any one registrar, keep your domains where it is convenient for you. The parking lot has many different templates for getting direct offers from potential buyers. I personally know nothing better than when the end himself makes an offer to buy. This means he is interested in the domain and really needs it.

Of similar DP-type parking lots, I would also like to mention, which for some reason domainers forget, although the implementation itself is at a very decent level and should be noted. By the way, many domains in the .by zone were sold through NameHunter.

There are still many options where you can quickly sell a domain, but if you want to sell a domain profitably, then you should use the services that I mentioned above.

If you need to quickly sell your domain, then try to do it on specialized forums, such as, search or just a specialized forum related to the subject of your domain. For example, the domain priora.rf was sold for 30,000 rubles through the forum of owners of this brand of car.

Good luck to you in this difficult task and BRIGHT sales!

Sell ​​domain name It’s quite easy, and it can be very profitable. How to properly prepare a domain name for sale and how to complete the transaction will be discussed in this article.

About selling domain names

The owner of a domain name (the person who registered it) can sell it at any time. Although it would be more correct in this case to talk about selling not the domain name itself, but the rights to it. This state of affairs is due to the intricacies of the domain name registration procedure, within which the owner receives the right to use it only for a certain period. At the same time, he has a pre-emptive right to renew the registration - if the owner does not use it, then the domain name will become free and anyone can register it. However, for the sale, it does not matter how much time is left until the end of registration, since the procedure for its renewal is fully automated and takes only a few minutes.

In order for a domain name to be considered for purchase, individual information about its owner must be publicly available. Owner verification is carried out through the Whois service. The main thing is that the name is indicated in the form for issuing results, because if this field is closed from public access, then it will be quite difficult to prove that the seller and the owner are the same person (and this is an additional risk for the buyer) .

An important point: there is no need to transfer any documents on paper (although it may be necessary to transfer scans of documents) and a private registrar company significantly speeds up and simplifies registration.

How to estimate the value of a domain name

When registering, the owner pays a small amount to obtain the right to use the domain name, and each extension of the registration period is also paid. However, these amounts have virtually no effect on the market value of the domain name, since the price is formed based on other indicators. For example, the following factors can increase it:

  • similarity of the domain name with the brand;
  • sonority and memorability of the domain name;
  • This is the domain name of a site that had good traffic figures and was in demand among Internet users.

Special services can help in determining the approximate price, where the cost of a domain name is assessed automatically. If you wish, you can independently monitor the domain name market, find objects with similar characteristics that have already been assessed by the owners and put up for sale, and set your own price based on this data. Another option is to use an auction to sell. Here it will be enough to decide on the initial price - and then the buyers themselves will name the price they are willing to pay for the domain name.

How to minimize risks when concluding a deal

Transactions on the Internet carry great risks, since the parties may be located in different countries, and to conclude a transaction it is not always customary to require documents or certify the agreement with an electronic signature. If the domain name is being sold inexpensively, then the entire process may involve transferring administration rights and transferring money. At the same time, the one who is the first to fulfill his obligations is at risk, because the counterparty can then simply disappear, having received what he wanted.

To secure the transaction, it is better to use special platforms: domain name exchanges, auctions and others. The seller can also use such a platform to search for buyers. In such cases, the transaction takes place with the participation of an intermediary, who acts as a guarantor of security for both parties when transferring administrative rights and money for the domain name.

Taxation of the transaction

For an individual selling a domain name one-time, the transaction entails obligations to pay personal income tax, the rate of which is 13%. If domain names are sold en masse, then we need to talk about systematic entrepreneurial activity - and for this you need to register a business (for example, open an individual entrepreneur), otherwise you can be fined.

How to sell a domain

Not long ago you registered a domain name, perhaps even hosted a website on it. It was an information portal or an online store, but due to certain circumstances they changed their minds about developing the project. And now the unnecessary domain is hanging around idle? It’s unpleasant, but in this case you can sometimes earn good money. We will tell you how to sell a domain and what you need to do it.

New business of the 21st century

How much do you think a domain name can be sold for? Did you guess the number? How close were you to $200 thousand? This is the market value of the given name. And not the most expensive...

So is it possible to sell an attractive website address for $100 or $100,000? Certainly. But they have already all been bought up by tycoons and successful projects. Although, perhaps you will attract attention with an equally original and memorable option. Therefore, a new type of income - selling domain names - is becoming quite popular and profitable.

You need to understand that not every name can be sold for a couple of zero dollars, and you may not have time to buy a good name profitably. Demand is high and if you bought a good name, you may not wait for it to become available. You can, of course, try to come to an agreement, but this topic should be devoted to a separate article, but now let’s look at options where you can sell an already unnecessary domain name.

Options, places, methods

"Man-man." Two options:

  1. You posted your ad online and found a buyer.
  2. We found a purchase offer and contacted a potential client.

Selling domains in these ways is risky - you can find many examples and angry complaints on the Internet about how someone “cheated” someone with a sale. And all because in the case of “person-to-person” someone will have to take the first step. Or you transfer your domain name to the buyer, and then he transfers money to you. Or vice versa. And here someone can cheat.

"Intermediary services". You can sell your domain at auction. Services of this type are a guarantee of an honest transaction. The seller leaves a request and additional information about his domain name. Then all that remains is to wait for the buyer. The advantages of such services are that transactions are completed quickly and both parties are insured against losses.

Using SEDO as an example

How to sell a domain name using the “person-to-person” formula is more than clear. But when working with auctions, some people have questions: what is needed to register; how to put a domain up for sale; How do I know if someone wants to buy it?

It all depends on the service you turned to for help. Let's look at the option of how to sell a domain at a specialized auction.

There are a large number of services on the Internet that help you find a buyer for your domain. You can choose the one that you think will be convenient to work with. To sell domains through auctions, you need to go through a simple registration and confirm your account via phone or written agreement.

After activating your account, additional menu fields will become available: how to sell a domain, buy, renew, etc. Select the cell you are interested in, and the service will ask you to enter information about the domain: name, price. Next, you just have to wait for confirmation from the service. Once approved, your “lot” will appear in offers. This is the typical way most auctions work.

You already know the options for how to sell. We read about their pros and cons. Perhaps you even chose a service or forum where to sell a domain name.

  1. Selling a domain to a stranger based on a verbal agreement is at your own peril and risk. Only if you make sure that the client is reliable and is satisfied with the “money in advance” option.
  2. The price largely depends on the parameters of age, authority, and domain links. The more “+” in the “green zone” (i.e. good indicators), the more zeros in the price for the address.
  3. Before selling, evaluate the domain parameters so that if the display is incorrect, you can make corrections in a timely manner.

Otherwise - profitable deals and honest clients!

Domain store

The Domain Store is designed to make it easier for domain sellers to find a buyer, and for buyers to guarantee the rights to the purchased domain name. Selling through our store is fast, simple and convenient.


puts the domain up for sale and sets a price

considers buyers' offers

receives money from sales


guarantees the legality of the transaction

protects the interests of the seller and buyer

transfers the domain to the buyer and money to the seller


negotiates the price

obtains rights to a domain name

You can put up for sale a domain registered in RU-CENTER: Russian, international, foreign or new. The seller needs to fill out an application for transfer of rights online once - such confirmation is enough to list an unlimited number of domain names in the store.

Questions and answers

What is a domain store?

The store allows the domain administrator to sell it to a specific buyer or put it up for public sale.

What documents need to be provided?

It is enough to fill out an application for transfer of rights online once and submit it to the RU-CENTER office or one of our regional representatives. You can send the document by regular mail.

All operations for selling a domain take place in a secure session after the seller indicates a code sent via SMS to the number specified in the application for transfer of rights online.

What domains can be put up for sale?

Only domains serviced by RU-CENTER. If your domain is located at another registrar, you need to transfer it to RU-CENTER before putting it up for sale.

How to put a domain up for sale?

  1. Go to the “My Domain Store” section.
  2. Click on the “Put domains for sale” button.
  3. Enter the code to enter the protected session - we will send it via SMS to the number you specified in the application for transfer of rights online.
  4. Specify the domains you want to put up for sale: enter manually, select from a list, or use bulk upload. Specify your selling parameters.
  5. Click on the “Put for sale” button.
  6. Information about the result of listing for sale is displayed as it is processed.

How to set up selling parameters?

The parameters for selling domains are set in the “My Domain Store” section.

  • selling price for buyers;
  • possibility of bargaining (willingness to consider a price lower than stated);
  • privacy of sale - if you need to sell a domain to a specific buyer without showing the offer in the general catalogue;
  • domain category - this will make it easier for buyers to search in the domain directory.

You can change your sales parameters at any time, but in this case all orders and offers from potential buyers that have already been received will be cancelled.

Who can sell domains in the store?

Only the administrator of a domain registered in RU-CENTER, a resident of the Russian Federation, working under a NIC-D agreement (including those managed by a NIC-REG partner) can sell a domain in the store.

How can buyers find my domain?

Domains put up for open sale in the store are available:

  • in the domain store catalog;
  • in the results of checking and selecting domains on, including in the case of searching for a domain similar to the one being sold;
  • via a direct link to the domain card in the store.

How to find a page for a specific domain in the store?

  • During open sales, the domain card is available at
  • For private sales, the domain card is available at

The following are deducted from the price paid by the domain buyer:

  • for sellers with the Business Pro club status - 3% of the sale amount (but not less than 300 rubles);
  • for sellers with the Business Plus club status - 6% of the sale amount (but not less than 300 rubles);
  • for all other sellers - 10% of the sale amount (but not less than 300 rubles);
  • tax withheld by RU-CENTER and paid for individuals making a sale.
  • An example of calculating the amounts that the parties to a transaction with a domain worth 10,000 rubles will receive:

    An example of calculating the amounts that sellers with the “Business Pro” status will receive for a transaction with a domain worth 10,000 rubles:

    How to get money for a sold domain?

    Money for a sold domain can be transferred to:

    • to the personal account of the seller’s contract (NIC-D);
    • to the bank using the seller’s details (account, bank card).

    The money is credited to the seller's account within 10 business days after the transaction is completed.

    Why is the domain accepted into the store, but not put up for sale?

    In some cases, a domain hosted in a store cannot be put up for sale:

    • There are less than 5 days left until the domain registration expires. Renew your domain registration and it will automatically be put up for sale in the store.
    • It is impossible to carry out the procedure for changing the administrator for a domain.
    • Insufficient time since the last change of administrator:
      • less than 30 calendar days - for RU, RF, NET.RU, ORG.RU, PP.RU;
      • less than 60 calendar days - for SU, EXNET.SU, RU.NET, COM.RU.
    • Insufficient time since the last change of registrar:
      • less than 30 calendar days - for RU/RF;
      • less than 60 calendar days - for SU, foreign, international and new domains.
    • The domain is up for sale at auction. To put a domain up for sale in a store, you must remove it from auction.
    • The domain is prohibited from changing the administrator. Remove this restriction and the domain will automatically be put up for sale.
    • The domain is transferred to another registrar. To list a domain for sale in a store, you must cancel the request to change the registrar.

    How to put a large number of domains up for sale?

    To put domains up for sale in bulk:

    1. Download from the “My Domain Store” section and fill out the appropriate template in MS Excel:
      • empty template;
      • a file with seller domains already offered for sale in the store (with specified sale parameters);
      • a file with all domains on the seller’s agreement (in zones for which sale in the store is available).
    2. Save the completed template in TSV format (a tab-delimited text file of no more than 1,000 lines).
    3. When you upload the file, select "Replace selling options for existing domains" if you want to change the selling options to those specified in the file.

    How to sell a domain to a specific buyer?

    To sell to a specific buyer, when listing the domain in the store, specify the privacy of the sale in the parameters. The domain will not be put on public sale; its card will only be available via a link like It is available in the “My Domain Store” section - it can be copied and transferred to a specific buyer to place an order for the purchase of a domain.

    How to allow buyers to bid for a domain?

    How to buy a domain in the store?

    Select a domain from the catalog, create and pay for a purchase order. Until payment is made, the domain may be purchased by another client or withdrawn from sale. If your contract is managed by a NIC-REG partner, please contact them to generate a purchase order.

    How long does the domain transfer procedure take?

    Depending on the status of the seller, the domain transfer procedure can take from several minutes to several days:

    • domain transfer from the RU-CENTER client takes a few minutes;
    • The transfer of a domain from a foreign partner of RU-CENTER takes several days.

    How to offer your price to the seller?

    You can offer your price to the seller only if the possibility of bargaining is indicated on the domain page. Enter your price and submit an offer. The seller has 2 weeks to consider your offer. If there is no response from the seller within this time, or if the seller changes the parameters for selling the domain, your offer will be cancelled.

    Once the seller reviews your offer, you will receive a notification by email or SMS.

    Who bids if the buyer's contract is managed by a NIC-REG partner?

    A buyer whose contract is managed by a NIC-REG partner cannot independently offer his price to the buyer and does not receive notification of the results of its consideration. The partner forms an offer and acts as a bidder.

    Moreover, if the seller has approved the price offered by the NIC-REG partner, the accepted price is valid for any client of the partner.

    At what price will the purchased domain be renewed?

    After purchasing a domain, it will be renewed at the standard price.

    How to monitor sales/purchases?

    Information about the domain sale process is available in the “My Domain Store” section and is sent to the seller and buyer by email.

    You can sign up to receive additional notifications:

    RU-CENTER guarantees that the seller will receive money for the domain name sold, and the buyer will receive the rights to the purchased domain.

    Selling domains

    How to sell a domain expensively and safely?

    This almost rhetorical question is asked by many of our users, but we will still try to find an answer to it. And let’s look at different methods through the prism of safety and favorable prices.

    1. Domain auctions

    The very concept of an auction implies that the domain can be sold at the highest price, because users who want to buy it bid on it, and the domain name is sold to whoever offers the maximum amount of money. But please note that you should not use unverified auctions, because... you can simply be left without your domain and without money. Auctions (exchanges) from domain registrars can be considered the safest. Therefore, go to your domain management account, and look for a link “Sell”, “Auction”, “Exchange” or something similar. The auction we liked the most is This is where the most activity was for our test lots. It is also worth noting that popular auctions have the largest registrars - and Also take a look at the project. And for Ukrainian users, I can recommend the project.

    2. Transaction through a guarantor

    Sometimes a domain is sold using a forum (the most popular is, where the seller places an ad and potential buyers offer their prices. But in this case, the issue of security becomes relevant, because the buyer may receive the domain and not pay for it. As a result, a guarantor of the transaction becomes necessary - a third party who receives money and rights to the domain, and then transfers them to the seller and the buyer, respectively.

    There are plenty of such guarantors on the same forums where domain buyers are found. But look carefully at the reputation of the guarantor and reviews about him. Although in this case, we recommend contacting the company, which is a very large domain registrar and provides guarantor services for the sale and purchase of websites\domain names.

    How to understand how much a domain costs?

    The cost of a domain is influenced by many factors: length and memorability of the name, age, subject matter, domain history, availability in catalogs (DMOZ and YAK), PR and TIC indicators, and much more. We examined this complex issue in detail in our next article.

    Users (1) rated 5.0 out of 5

    We prohibit leaving anonymous reviews!

    And now every month we top up the account of a randomly selected user with $50*

    In addition, by leaving a truthful review you will definitely receive a free, eternal link to your website!

    How to list a domain for sale in the Domain Store?

    To list a domain for sale, go to the "My Domains" section and follow these steps:

    Select the required domains by checking the boxes, click More operations and in the drop-down list select the action List domains for sale in the Domain Store:

    In the Lot Contents section, indicate the contents of the lot:

    After editing, confirm that you agree with the terms of the offer agreement and click the Add to store button:

    domains in international zones ready for sale immediately after adding to the store;

    for selling domains in zones .RU/.SU/.RF You will be required to enter into an Assignment Agreement with REG.RU and establish an online status.

    Listing a domain for sale in the Domain Store does not entail the termination of the functioning of the domain name, including suspending the operation of a site on a domain, changing its settings (web forwarding, parking page, etc.), etc. All settings on the domain name are saved until the right to administer the domain is transferred to the buyer after the transaction is completed. The exception is the additional free service “Domain Showcase for the Domain Store”. If it is connected, special DNS servers will be assigned to the domain.

    This additional service will help attract potential buyers to your item in the Domain Store. When you connect to this free service, special DNS servers will be assigned to your domain. The service can be activated in the interface for listing domains for sale, when editing a lot, or in the domain management menu.

    When you select the Parking page: Users will automatically be taken to a page indicating that the domain is for sale and will be able to contact the domain administrator:

    When selecting the Lot setting: When visiting such a domain, the user will automatically be taken to the lot page in our Domain Store and will see detailed information:

    Related Articles

    Related Topics

    • We accept payment
    • All payment methods

    All rights to materials on the site are protected in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Any use

    written consent from site materials is required. Trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on this site are

    are the property of Domain Name Registrar REG.RU LLC or third parties.

    This almost rhetorical question is asked by many of our users, but we will still try to find an answer to it. And let’s look at different methods through the prism of safety and favorable prices.

    1. Domain auctions

    The very concept of an auction implies that the domain can be sold at the highest price, because users who want to buy it bid on it, and the domain name is sold to whoever offers the maximum amount of money. But please note that you should not use unverified auctions, because... you can simply be left without your domain and without money. Auctions (exchanges) from domain registrars can be considered the safest. Therefore, go to your domain management account, and look for a link “Sell”, “Auction”, “Exchange” or something similar. The auction we liked the most is This is where the most activity was for our test lots. It is also worth noting that popular auctions have the largest registrars - and Also take a look at the project. And for Ukrainian users, I can recommend the project

    2. Transaction through a guarantor

    Sometimes a domain is sold using a forum (the most popular is, where the seller places an ad and potential buyers offer their prices. But in this case, the issue of security becomes relevant, because the buyer may receive the domain and not pay for it. As a result, a guarantor of the transaction becomes necessary - a third party who receives money and rights to the domain, and then transfers them to the seller and the buyer, respectively.

    There are plenty of such guarantors on the same forums where domain buyers are found. But look carefully at the reputation of the guarantor and reviews about him. Although in this case, we recommend contacting the company, which is a very large domain registrar and provides guarantor services for the sale and purchase of websites\domain names.

    How to understand how much a domain costs?

    The cost of a domain is influenced by many factors: length and memorability of the name, age, subject matter, domain history, availability in catalogs (DMOZ and YAK), PR and TIC indicators, and much more. We examined this complex issue in detail in our

    Previously, the service specialized only in national zones .RU, .РФ and .SU, but starting from November 18, 2015, in addition to them, users will be able to put up for sale domains in international zones, including the oldest .COM, .NET, . ORG, .INFO, .NAME, and new ones - .MOSCOW, .MOSCOW, .CHILDREN, .TATAR, .SITE, .ONLINE, as well as the zone .RU.COM oriented towards Russian companies.

    Full list of domain zones available for sale

    • .RU.COM
    • .COM
    • .NET
    • .ORG
    • .INFO
    • .NAME
    • .MOSCOW
    • .MOSCOW
    • .TATAR
    • .ONLINE
    • .WEBSITE
    • .XYZ
    • .DESIGN
    • .SITE
    • .ONLINE
    • .SPACE
    • .WEBSITE
    • .TECH
    • .FANS
    • .COLLEGE
    • .WIKI
    • .INK
    • .REST
    • .PRESS
    • .LOVE
    • .BAR
    • .HOST
    • .RENT
    • .RU.NET
    • .COM.RU
    • .MSK.RU
    • .SPB.RU
    • .RUS

    The domain cannot be put up for sale

    • if it is in the “inactive” status;
    • if it is already listed in the Domain Store;
    • if there are less than 2 months left before the domain name registration expires;
    • if it contains obscene words and expressions that violate ethical and moral standards.

    How to put a domain up for sale?

    To put a domain up for sale, go to the section and follow these steps:

    If you do not have an “Agreement of Assignment” and online status for the .RU/.SU/.РФ domains, the domain sale transaction will be canceled 20 days after the buyer has paid for the domain.

    Listing a domain for sale in the Domain Store does not entail the termination of the functioning of the domain name, including suspending the operation of a site on a domain, changing its settings (web forwarding, parking page, etc.), etc. All settings on the domain name are saved until the right to administer the domain is transferred to the buyer after the transaction is completed. The exception is the additional free service “Domain Showcase for the Domain Store”. If it is connected, special DNS servers will be assigned to the domain.

    Showcase for the Domain Store

    This additional service will help attract potential buyers to your item in the Domain Store. When you connect to this free service, special DNS servers will be assigned to your domain. The service can be activated in the interface for listing domains for sale, when editing a lot, or in the domain management menu.

    If you want to set up several domains for sale with different parameters (category, price, lot description), then to do this you need to fill out these fields separately for each domain (or group of domains). To do this, you need to select and mark the domain(s), and then click the “Put for sale” button. Then repeat this procedure for all domains (groups of domains) put up for sale. ~~~

    How to set online status for domains in the RU/SU/RF zone in the Domain Store

    For selling domains in international zones no need draw up "Agreement of assignment". Online selling status is assigned to international domains automatically.

    Online status for domains in the .RU/.SU/.РФ zones is a condition necessary for the instant sale of a lot in the Domain Store. Domains with online status are automatically re-registered to the new owner immediately after payment.

    Before setting the online status for domains, it is necessary to draw up “Agency Agreements”. Read about this procedure in the article.