Examples of 1st level domains. First level, second and third level domains - what are they?

Top level domains are the starting points from which Internet domain names begin.

Since each Internet domain name consists of several parts, separated by dots and written in reverse order, a top-level domain (TLD) is the final part of the domain name, separated by dots. For example, in the domain name www.example.com, the top-level domain is com (or COM, since domain names are case-insensitive).

The creation, maintenance and administration of top-level domains was initially handled by the IANA organization, led by Jon Postel, operating under a contract with the US Department of Defense. After his death, these issues were transferred to another international organization ICANN - the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, and the functions of the contractor were transferred to the US Department of Commerce. ICANN currently maintains and manages all DNS address space on the Internet except restricted TLDs, which are directly managed by US government agencies.

Technically, top-level domains are accessible through a system of root DNS servers controlled by ICANN.

Top-level domains can be divided into several classes:

Country Top Level Domains

Country code domains, unlike all other top-level domains, always consist of two letters and, as a rule, correspond to country codes enshrined in the ISO 3166 standard.

The history of the appearance of top-level domains for different countries is as follows:

* July 24: domain.us, USA.
* July 24: domain.uk, UK.
* October 24: domain.il, Israel.

* February 1: domain.ec, Ecuador.
* February 26: domain.bo, Bolivia.
* September 3: domain.ag, Antigua and Barbuda.
* September 9: domain.py, Paraguay.
* November 25: domain.pe, Peru.
* December 24: domain.co, Columbia.

Domains belonging to a group of countries

* .asia - Asian countries, including Australia.
* .eu - European Union.

General purpose top level domains

* .aero - for subjects of the air transport industry.
* .biz - only commercial organizations.
*.cat - for use by the Catalan linguistic and cultural community.
* .com - commercial organizations (without restrictions).
* .coop - cooperatives.
* .edu are institutions of higher education recognized as such by the US Department of Education.
* .info - information resources (without restrictions).
*.jobs—recruitment agencies.
* .mobi - for sellers and providers of mobile content and services related to mobile communications.
* .museum - museums.
* .name – individuals.
* .net - organizations related to the functioning of the Internet (without restrictions).
* .org - non-profit organizations (without restrictions).
*.pro - certified professionals and related topics.
* .tel - services that include communication between the telephone network and the Internet (added March 2, 2007).
* .travel - for tourism business entities.

Restricted Domains

* .gov - US government.
* .int - interstate organizations (except .tpc.int).
* .mil - US Army.
* .arpa - Internet infrastructure and, previously, addresses in the closed (military) part of the US Internet.
* .root - the domain is registered in the root DNS servers controlled by VeriSign, but its purpose has never been commented on. Apparently it is used only for internal purposes.

Outdated and unused domains

* .nato - a structure of the international organization NATO - is currently not used, at least in the publicly accessible part of the Internet, from where it was removed in July 1996.
*.web is a domain designated by IANA for use by Image Online Design, a private commercial registrar. Due to public protests, the root servers of this domain were never connected to the general DNS system. Currently, they continue to function, and on the registrar’s website there is a message that it is allegedly undergoing the procedure of registering this domain with ICANN.
* .csnet is a domain intended for communication with the Computer Science Network, a university and scientific mail network in the United States. Apparently ceased to be used after the merger of CSNET and BITNET in 1988.
* .ddn is a top-level domain intended for use in the American Defense Data Network. Was planned, but never implemented.

Reserved domains

According to RFC 2606, the following four top-level domains are reserved for various purposes, so that they are never used as real domain names in the global DNS:

* .example - reserved for examples.
*.invalid - reserved for use in obviously invalid domain names.
* .localhost - reserved to avoid conflicts with traditional use of localhost.
*.test - reserved for use in tests.

A number of older systems also use a top-level domain - * .local for addresses used within the same machine or local computer network. To address the current computer, the .localdomain address is also, quite often, used.

Common pseudodomains

These domains were not present in the DNS address space, but they were commonly used when forwarding mail from the Internet to networks with a different addressing method. To process mail sent to addresses in this domain, the mail software on the specific machine through which the mail is sent must be configured accordingly.

* .uucp - for gating to machines accessible using UUCP.
* .bitnet - for sending mail to the BITNET network.
* .fidonet - for sending mail to the Fidonet network. Currently, due to changes in generally accepted routing practices between the Internet and Fidonet, the domain.fidonet.org is usually used instead of this pseudo-domain.

Under development

In June 2005, ICANN announced the approval in principle of several new TLDs, the implementation of which is now at various stages of implementation - some of them have already begun their operation and are present in the list of general purpose domains, the following domains are not yet operational:

* .post - postal services.

* .xxx - sites for adults. ICANN leadership ultimately voted against the ".xxx" domain by a vote of nine to five. Currently, the issue of introducing this top-level domain has entered the stage of litigation between commercial structures interested in its creation and government agencies (primarily the Department of Commerce) of the United States.

* .рф - In 2010, it is planned to open a general registration for the first Cyrillic domain.

Proposals for the .mail domain are under consideration.

Currently, ICANN has also begun to consider proposals for the implementation of top-level domains in national languages ​​- and the proposals already submitted are not at all limited to the “one language - one domain” principle. Thus, the submitted proposals for TLDs in Persian include 15 TLDs for various purposes.

Alternative and additional top-level domains

In theory, anyone can install and start using their own DNS root servers. In practice, various groups of individuals and organizations periodically appear on the Internet and open Alternative DNS root servers for public use. As a rule, these systems supplement the generally accepted set of domains with a number of new first-level domains, and sometimes supplement the technical implementation. For example, before the DNS was expanded to allow the use of national alphabet characters in domain names, several attempts were made to create additional DNS systems, with domain names, including first-level ones, containing characters of a particular national alphabet, such as the Russian domain ya.ru These attempts have not become widespread, but a number of such projects continue to exist to this day. Since ICANN traditionally ignores alternative projects, its own activities in issuing new top-level domains at one time led to a conflict around the .biz domain, for the administration of which there were already two “historical contenders.” As a result, a number of alternative DNS systems refused to recognize domains registered in the ICANN .biz variant and full compatibility of their address space with the ICANN DNS was lost.

Additional top-level domains can be used by specialized software, usually within the same computer, to intercept and subsequently process part of the Internet access. For example, the .onion domain is used by the Tor anonymous network to intercept and subsequently route calls to hidden services of this network, and the .i2p domain is used by software of the I2P anonymous network.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Before moving on to the part about, I want to make a separate article in which we will look at the types of domains, or rather what top-level domains and domain zones are.

In the previous article, answering the question, we understood that a domain name consists of several domains separated by dots, and that each domain is classified by levels.

db.site— the domain name is considered a third-level domain, as it consists of 3 areas. Thus, I created a separate direction for my resource.

website considered a second level domain. Here iklife is a domain that is located in the “ru” zone, where RU is the first “top” level ( TLD- from English Top-level domain).

Now, I hope you understand what a domain zone is. It consists of one segment or two. Of three or more - rarely.

Since we have the ability to create only second-level domains and lower, it is customary to understand the meaning of “domain zone” only as TLD.

Top-level domains are created by an international non-profit organization ICANN, this corporation manages domain names and IP addresses. They are created according to the principle of classifying the targeted activities of Internet resources.

Classification of domain zones

Top-level domains are formally classified into several types:

  1. ccTLD(English) country code top-level domain) - national, by country and region.
  2. gTLD(English) generic top-level domain) - thematic, for general purpose.

There are already hundreds of options for such zones, so it’s impossible to sort them all out. As an example, I will list only the most popular ones.

You can view all top-level domains that exist at the official Russian registrar Reg.ru. To do this, go to this site and enter the name at the very top.

Then hover over the area highlighted in bold and see the description.

By country and region

These domains are intended for specific languages, countries, regions and cities. They may use characters from national alphabets.

  • .ru - Russia,
  • .ua - Ukraine,
  • .su - Former USSR,
  • .us - USA,
  • .eu - European Union,
  • .рф - Russian Federation,
  • .moscow - Moscow,
  • .tatar - Tatarstan,
  • .tv - Taulu or international zone for TV channel websites. Sometimes they can overlap.

It is worth choosing a territorial zone if the audience of the resource is residents of the same country or people speaking the same language.

When creating an information portal, blog, store, forum, company website or other in Russian, I would still recommend choosing RU. It will not only be in the correct zone, but will also be more familiar to Russian-speaking users for pronunciation and memorization.


gTLDs are general use domains, intended for those sites that are not limited to one country, consist of two or more letters and determine the scope of the site.

  • .com - websites of commercial organizations,
  • .net - providers and network organizations,
  • .org - non-profit organizations,
  • .info - for information sites,
  • .biz - for business structures,
  • .name - for personal resources,
  • .museum - museum portals,
  • .movie - official movie sites,
  • .aero - for air transport companies,
  • .pro - for professionals in their field,
  • .travel - resources of tourism organizations,
  • .jobs - recruitment sites,
  • .club - clubs,
  • .fm - radio.

More often they are chosen because of their consonance or because the area of ​​the country is already occupied. You can do this, but it will be wrong.

There are also restricted domains. They are intended only for the USA; we will not be able to register them.

  1. .edu – for educational organizations,
  2. .gov – for government agencies,
  3. .mil – for military organizations,
  4. .int – for international organizations.


There are regional-thematic domain zones (second-level domains) made up of a combination of ccTLDs and gTLDs. They are rarely found in Russia, but are more widely used in other countries.

As a rule, they divide country zones into site topics.

  • .com.ua - Ukraine,
  • .biz.de - Germany,
  • .net.kz - Kazakhstan,
  • .club.tw - Taiwan.

A domain in such a zone is worth registering if your website corresponds to a specific field of activity in a particular country.


These are second-level domains that are intended for a specific region of the country.

  • .msk.ru - Moscow,
  • .perm.ru - Perm,
  • .kiev.ua - Kyiv,
  • .yalta.rf - Yalta.

If the site belongs to a specific city, then you can use such a zone.

Which one to choose?

Before choosing a zone, read my recommendations for choosing a domain name and basic rules.

If you have any questions or doubts about which zone to choose, write in the comments and we’ll figure it out together.

In this article we will tell you where to register a free top-level domain for your website on free hosting. The first level is the domain zone, so there is no “first” as such, you can buy, sell and register only a second-level domain. The domain zones themselves are introduced by the international organization ICANN.

Free domains are not ranked well by search engines.

For a small project, a presentation site or a business card site, free options are quite suitable, or, so to speak, temporarily.

It also happens that the top-level domain you you receive upon registration hosting is free, we do not consider this option. Each hosting has its own privileges in this sense.


The most affordable For us, a free domain is a domain in the .tk zone

Previously, the system was such that it was impossible to fully attach a name to a site by specifying a DNS server, you were only given a page with a redirect, now everything is different.

How do search engines treat the TK zone? It has already been written above that it is not the best way. I can’t say for sure whether Google and Yandex accept them at all; I myself have not seen sites with such addresses in search engines. If you have an answer to this question or opinion, write it in the comments.


Are there any other free domain zones besides TK? Yes, we found Freenom. Here, in addition to .tk, .ml, .ga, .cf, .gq are available for free registration

Names in these zones can also be registered here:

CF – http://dot.cf/

GA – http://www.my.ga/

ML – http://www.point.ml/

Unfortunately, three of these services are in English, but you can handle it

There used to be other projects for registering free names, but today many of them have ceased to exist. And we are afraid that those indicated in this material will sink into oblivion.

Free third level domains

The picture would not be complete if we did not tell you where to register a third-level name.

uCoz initially allows you to choose domains at this level, but some, let’s say from experience, are not satisfied and change their minds to soap or even worse. For some reason, some people choose exactly this path, creating a website in the uCoz constructor, hiding hosting, although in fact it is necessary just make a good website.

Here is a fairly large list of services where you can register the name you need for free. Basically, the names make it clear which domain is being offered to you:

  • www.co.cc
  • www.co.tv
  • www.nic.cz.cc
  • www.uni.cc
  • Smartdots.com
  • Unonic.com
  • Homenic.com
  • Nic.de.be
  • Lavanic.com
  • Cydots.com
  • Nic.de.nu
  • Tipdots.com
  • europnic.com
  • Duonic.com
  • Mediadots.com
  • Mediadots.com
  • Neunic.com
  • Mixnic.com
  • Joynic.com
  • Popnic.com
  • freedomain.ce.ms
  • Nic.biz.ly
  • freedomain.co.nr
  • Ulimit.com
  • freedomain.cx.cc
  • Freedns.afraid.org
  • Nic.de.vu
  • Nic.ru.vu
  • Nic.at.vu
  • Nic.ch.vu
  • Nic.tr.vu
  • Nic.es.vu
  • Nic.nl.vu
  • Nic.ca.vu
  • Me.pn
  • Zor.org
  • Bz.tc

As you understand, I am skeptical about free domains, and the saying about free cheese is only appropriate here. I advise you to study this issue more widely, because... I did not thoroughly examine this topic and much remained unsaid. Registration is also not shown, but since the services are in Russian, and registration begins from the main page, I think you can handle it, follow the instructions on the site.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. This blog has detailed information. After or while reading this publication, I advise you to read that article so that a complete picture emerges. I also advise you to read my publications on the topic of what and means.

Today we have a question on our agenda - what is domain or domain name(essentially, these are synonyms). Well, it's actually simple. This is the name for the site, which is assigned to it instead of the difficult-to-remember IP address of the server on which this site is hosted (see). Enter this name in the address bar of your browser and the site will open.

But the difficulties arise precisely in the details. What are they, how does it all work, what domain zones are, how to understand what level domain and which of them can be registered, where this can be done and which zone to choose. There are a lot of questions and I will try to answer them all in this “small note”.

What is a domain?

As I mentioned above, domain is the name for the site..162.192.0. And besides, imagine the situation. You have placed your website on a hosting server (see what this is above) and received an IP address. But, moving to another hosting, the IP will change, which will cause a disaster. But in the case of domain names, this will not happen. Why?

The fact is that there are thousands of DNS (domain name system) servers on the Internet, which will state that the domain site is accessible at the IP address If I move to another hosting, I’ll go to the domain name registrar panel (where I bought it), change something, and it will be written in all DNS servers on the Internet that the site needs to be searched at a different IP address. Convenient right?

Convenient, but probably not yet clear. The main thing you need to understand is a name for a site is a very important thing and it is for life (as a rule, although you can transfer the site to another domain if you wish, this is not easy). Whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. True, not only the name is important, but also the level of the domain, as well as the zone to which it belongs. Is it unclear again? Well, let's take things in order.

How a domain name works

Let's start with the basics. The domain record (site name) must include all levels of nesting of the domain (all zones it belongs to) so that it is unique and does not cause confusion.

There are two main domain name registration rules:

  1. The zones that a given domain belongs to are listed from right to left.
  2. Dots are used as separators.

It might look like this, for example:


We get a fourth-level domain net, which is part of the third-level domain zone “blog”, which is part of the second-level zone “ktonanovenkogo” belonging to the first-level zone.ru. Nonsense, right? (my wife, who checks errors in the article, will be happy to confirm this).

What domain levels are distinguished?

  1. Root domain(level zero) is considered to be an empty entry, denoted simply by a dot (.). In theory, the full record of a domain name should always end with a period, but in most cases it is omitted (as if meaning) and instead of the record: site.

    They use the already well-established relative notation of domains (without a dot at the end):

  2. Next comes the first level - this is usually regional(national) domains (.ru, .su, .ua, .us, .de, .fr, etc.) or thematic(.com, .edu, .org, .net, etc.). But there are also first-level domain names that include national alphabets(for example, .рф).
  3. Second level- these are already the same domains that you and I we buy(we register with special registrars). Their prices vary not only depending on their belonging to a particular first-level domain (for example, xxxxxxx.ru is usually cheaper to buy than xxxxxxx.com), but also depending on the registrar (or its reseller - retailer).
  4. Third, fourth, etc. — you no longer need to buy them (as a rule) and can be created independently (without registering anywhere) based on the purchased second-level domain. For example, I can create a name like this for a new site - forum..forum..

Let me explain all this again For example:

  1. . (dot) - zero (root) level domain
  2. ru - first level, also called top level domain or zone
  3. website - second level domain name
  4. blog.site - third level domain
  5. net.blog.site - fourth level

Top (first) level domains

Apart from the zero level (root domain), because this is emptiness, then the base is the so-called zones or top-level domains(the name of any site begins with them, although it seems that it ends with them - but not the point). They cannot be bought by an ordinary person, but it is from these zones that we will choose when purchasing a second-level domain (a name for our website).

So what are they?

  1. First (highest) level domains, assigned to countries, which are usually called among very smart people by the abbreviation Cctld, meaning country code top-level domain. Russia has two of them:
    1. su - a rudiment left over from the Soviet Union and now representing the space of resources in Russian
    2. ru - originally assigned to Russia
  2. Domains with national alphabets, which are usually abbreviated Idn (internationalized domain name). In Russia it is zone.rf. In fact, their names are still written in English characters (recoding occurs), but this is, as it were, hidden from view. However, if you enter the address in your browser: http://ktonanovenkogo.rf/

    and after going to this site, copy its address from the address bar, you will get completely indigestible nonsense:

    Http://xn--80aedhwdrbcedeb8b2k.xn--p1ai/ It turns out that he looks so unpleasant. And it is in this form that it will have to be added to various services (such as ), and not in the form of ktonanovenkogo.rf. This needs to be taken into account. Yes, other problems are possible, although not obvious at first.

  3. Upper generic domains, usually called Gtld, which means generic top-level domain, are registered (sold) regardless of the country in which the webmaster lives. The most used of them:
    1. .com - for commercial projects
    2. .org - for non-profit websites of various organizations
    3. .net - for Internet-related projects
    4. .edu - for educational institutions and projects
    5. .biz - only commercial organizations
    6. .info - for all information projects
    7. .name - for personal sites
    8. .gov - for US government agencies

How and where you can register (buy) a domain in top-level zones

As a rule, you can’t get second-level domain names just like that (and it’s better not to try, because the name for the site is too important to risk registering it with someone unknown). They cost money. Moreover payment is made annually, and then the domain lease needs to be renewed.

Let me draw your attention once again - buy second level domain names, and everything above - you can create on their basis yourself. This is usually done in the panel of your hoster in the subdomains section - these are third and higher level domains, such as blog..blog.site.

There are not so many such companies (prominent examples include RegRu And WebNames), but they may have a whole network of resellers (partners) who will select and sell domains on their behalf. If you are not satisfied with the current reseller in some way or you have any tension with him, then by contacting the registrar, you can choose another reseller or go directly under the wing of the registrar.

At all no limits You can buy domains in the public zones .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz and .name. In the .edu, .gov and .mil zones, this opportunity is provided only for institutions, as well as state educational and military institutions. There are also a number of specialized first-level domains, for example, .travel, .jobs, .aero, .asia.

Second level domain names in these public areas can be purchased from any registrar(not only national), which, in fact, is what some resources use, which may have conflicts with copyright holders. The same torrent was forced to move to the public zone org, because its resource was blocked in the national domain zone ru.

Second level domains - employment verification and Whois

There are already about half a billion domain names registered on the Internet in various zones, so choosing a good (short, simple, sonorous) name in the right zone is now very easy. not an easy task(just like it's difficult). A third of the registered names are not used at all, because they were purchased for resale (successful domains can be expensive on the secondary market - sometimes many millions of dollars).

Domain name occupancy check

Therefore, the first thing you should do when selecting a suitable domain for your website is . This can be done at different registrars (the result will be the same, since they use a common database).

Below are currently releasing domains(click on price for detailed view):

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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When choosing a name for a site, users are faced with another new concept - the domain level. Some say that the third level is bad, others confuse the first with the second. How to correctly determine the levels, and which domain is not liked by search engines? Let's look at the main points.

The following domain classification is commonly used:

    First level- these are domains tied to a territory ( rf, ru, ua) or topic ( org, biz, info). These domains are not for sale, as they are distributed between certain zones in which you can register a site.

    Second level- a unique part of the address that stands before the first-level domain and is separated from it by a dot. In the address website the second level domain is the name " konstruktorysajtov" Its uniqueness lies in the fact that a second-level domain is registered on one web resource and cannot be used on another site.

    Third level- a resource within a second-level domain. site.ucoz.ru- an example of a third-level domain.

Typically, the third level is used when creating a web resource on a site builder or placing individual sites inside a large portal - for example, forum.site.ru. Strictly speaking, www.site.ru- this is also a third-level domain; the second level will be site.ru. Therefore, optimizers advise specifying the address without WWW, since technically www.site.ru is a subdomain site.ru.

There are several features in the definition of a third-level domain. In some countries, there were no second-level domains by definition before: for example, in the UK, until 2014, domain names were used in this form: org.uk, com.uk etc., that is, technically this is already the third level. In this case, the classification shifts one level: forum.site.com.uk will already be a fourth-order domain.

Is level three so bad?

Third-level domains are not held in high esteem by webmasters, but there are no facts proving their inconsistency when promoting a website. Search engines don't pay attention to the domain level. If the site meets certain requirements (domain level is not among them) and contains unique, interesting content, then search engines will return pages of your site in search results, regardless of whether the domain has a second or third level.

Website visitors are not at all interested in the domain level - the main thing is that the address can be remembered and reproduced. But third-level domains are also different. It's one thing if you have site.org.ru- no one will pay attention to the fact that there are some extra words in the address. It’s a different matter if you created a website using a free builder like