The Veon application is a new generation messenger from Beeline. VEON Beeline - what kind of program is it, is it needed?

is a major project from the mobile operator Beeline, a platform that can replace the main access point for owners of Android devices. The application perfectly combines functions that simply would not fit in any other program: here is a high-quality messenger, a subscriber’s personal account, and an assistant in searching for interesting content.

It’s impossible to talk about such a powerful and solid product as Veon in a few words. Let's start with the fact that this is an excellent program for communicating with friends and family. You will be able to make calls, send voice or regular messages, exchange photos and videos completely free of charge. Moreover, this function is worked out really well, without any glitches or complaints. The second feature of the tool is its content. The developers have selected the best films and TV series that you can watch absolutely legally in HD format. Also VEON Russia application provides access to popular Russian TV channels online. And most importantly, Beeline subscribers will receive all these gigabytes of traffic as a gift, that is, when using the service they are not taken into account at all! However, this does not mean that subscribers of other mobile operators cannot install this program; it works perfectly in any tariff plan.

Unique features of VEON Russia on Android:

Text and voice messaging, free calls and group chats
Sending photos and videos
The ability not to pay for traffic and use the application even with a zero balance if you are a Beeline subscriber
Communication without any geographical boundaries
Watch your favorite films and TV series for free in excellent quality and legally
Interesting and relevant news every day
Many special offers and discounts on a variety of products from famous online stores
“Personal account” function, where you can quickly check or top up your balance and view other useful information

In the future, the developers plan not only to expand the scope of their project, but also promise to supplement it with other equally important and necessary features. But now we recommend download VEON Russia as one of the most powerful and high-quality services, which accommodates a huge range of diverse functions. And for Beeline subscribers, this application is a must-have, that is, a mandatory attribute of every device, especially those based on Android.

Beeline introduces VEON to Russians, a platform for communication, entertainment and everything you love to do on the Internet

July 19, 2017, Moscow. VEON Ltd. group of companies operating in Russia under the Beeline brand, presents VEON, which combines the functions of a multimedia service, a communication platform and a marketplace with partner offers, promotions and discounts. VEON users will have access to entertainment and news content, as well as products and services that will best suit their interests thanks to a predictive model based on the behavior of VEON users in the application. VEON is available to all owners of Android smartphones and will be available on iOS in Russia, and for Beeline customers all traffic within VEON is free of charge.

“VEON is a platform that combines the convenience of telecommunications services and the variety of entertainment and communication in the digital world. This is another step in the development of the concept of mobility, which is already opening up a new user experience on the Internet for Russians. At the same time, like any other digital platform, VEON will continuously develop, become even better, simpler and more convenient for each of its users,” said Shell Morten Johnsen, General Director of VimpelCom PJSC.

The VEON app is already available for free download on Google Play and will be available soon in the App Store. For installing VEON, users will additionally receive exclusive offers and discounts from VEON’s Russian partners.

VEON operates on the basis of a single unique online platform developed by the telecommunications and technology company VEON Ltd. (formerly Vimpelcom Ltd.). For Russian users, the content and individual functions of the platform were created in Russia, taking into account the preferences and expectations of Russians, as well as the requirements of Russian legislation. The application will be available wherever the App Store and Google Play operate, for owners of smartphones on iOS and Android, regardless of the mobile operator.


VEON allows you to write, call, exchange voice messages, send photos and videos to each other, create group chats, etc. Additional benefits are provided for Beeline subscribers: messages and calls (VoIP), as well as Internet traffic within VEON are not charged. This is relevant for subscribers of all Beeline tariffs. The cost of Internet traffic for the application for subscribers of other operators depends on the conditions of their current tariff.

Especially for Beeline subscribers, a Personal Account is available in the application for managing services, the capabilities of which will be expanded.


VEON users will have access to special offers, unique promotions and discounts on goods and services. Among the first partners of the application in Russia is an integrated operator that combines the offers of companies specializing in the production and sale of a wide variety of services, ranging from fashionable clothing, modern electronics, books, travel and much more. We strive to do everything so that the user can receive offers from companies: Lamoda, BurgerKing, Skyeng, Madrobots, as well as content from Rambler&Co. The list of local partners in Russia will be expanded along with the development of the platform. VEON also has several global partners, such as Deezer, MasterCard, Studio+, a number of products and services of which in the future may appear in all countries where the application is launched, including Russia.


VEON already includes information channels from popular online publications, as well as channels with video and photo materials, dozens of specially selected films that can be watched without leaving the application, as well as access to the content of popular TV channels. In the future, users will have the opportunity to subscribe to events that are relevant to them, unique information channels of celebrities and brands. Thanks to the predictive platform built into VEON, the content inside the application can, at the user’s request, be more accurately adjusted to his expectations and preferences. The list of content providers and producers is regularly updated and expanded as the application develops.


In the future, VEON will also integrate the Masterpass online service from Mastercard, which will allow you to link a bank card of any bank to VEON and quickly and conveniently pay for purchases in online stores by simply clicking the “Masterpass Payment” button.

During the first 6 months from the moment of linking a bank card in the application and connecting to Autopay, Beeline subscribers will receive cashback to their Beeline personal account in the amount of 10% of the account replenishment amount.

More information about the VEON platform is available on the website

PJSC VimpelCom

PJSC VimpelCom (Beeline brand) is part of the VEON Ltd group of companies.

VEON Ltd. (VEON Ltd. is listed on NASDAQ and Euronext Amsterdam) is a global communications provider with a vision to be the leader in personal Internet services for the more than 235 million customers it currently serves, and many more in the coming years.

For more detailed information please contact:

Directorate for Corporate Communications of PJSC VimpelCom:

Anna Aibasheva

7 495 139 27 26; [email protected]

The Veon holding, which includes Beeline, set out to create a single button for logging into the Internet, combining a messenger, a content feed and a couponer in one service. All discounts and content offers will be personalized - depending on user behavior. The application was called Veon, its closest analogue is WeChat in China - it is a messenger with the possibility of electronic payments. In China, 70% of the population is registered on WeChat, and 200 million people use the electronic payment system.

Last November, a test version of the Veon was released on the Italian market. Sources in the company then claimed that the main goal of launching the service was to reduce customer outflow. Today the company held a presentation in Moscow: for registration, users are offered nuggets at Burger King, a bonus of a thousand rubles for purchases at the Lamoda store, and similar promotions from large federal companies.

For Beeline customers, traffic within the application will be free, in addition, the operator provides additional free Internet for using the application. There is no user content inside the platform; the feed is currently created by content from the Rambler company; there is also a selection of films (for example, “Gorko”). In addition, the application has a personal account for Beeline clients.

The Village has learned what features the new app will have and how else it plans to retain customers.

What it is

Beeline press service

Veon is not a messenger, but rather a multifunctional communication platform with the ability to write and call for free for Beeline customers, relevant content and personalized offers. The platform is a new digital project of Veon Ltd. and Beeline, it will develop, complementing our traditional telecommunications business.

This is not just another messenger with standard functionality. One application combines what modern mobile Internet consumers want to see: chats, VoIP calls, popular content, public pages/channels, affiliate offers, a wallet and a personal account for managing services.

Monetization of the product will occur through affiliate programs, and not through customer payments.

How did the work go?

The development of the platform was carried out by the global team of Veon Ltd., the Russian team of Beeline also participated in the development in order to localize the functionality of the application as much as possible in accordance with the characteristics of the Russian market.

Italian Veon and Russian are two completely different products. Italian is a kind of beta version, while Russian is a finished product, adapted to the country. The Russian version of Veon immediately received all the functionality necessary for a commercial launch: to communicate with friends in the messenger, control expenses and manage cellular services, receive special offers from Beeline and partners (companies such as Lamoda, Burger King, Skyeng, Madrobots ), subscriptions to content selected based on user preferences (including Rambler & Co content).

There is something similar in China - the WeChat application, but it does not have a telecom component - a personal account and personal offers from the operator.

What early users say

A good application that has a great future. Synchronization with a mobile operator will open up new opportunities for users. The future is better than you think.

The official launch of the VEON application took place, combining a messenger, Personal Account, info channels, news feed, financial services and much more. Plus special offers, savings opportunities and free Internet traffic within the application for subscribers of all tariff plans.

Beeline asks not to consider the VEON application just another messenger, of which there are enough without it. The application is a multifunctional platform for communication, consuming a variety of content, using services and much more. The messenger is also present there, but it is only one of many elements of the “filling” of the VEON platform.

Shell Morten Johnsen, CEO of VimpelCom PJSC, during a press conference formulated his vision of this platform in just a few words: “VEON is a platform that unites everything that people need in life.” It is clear that the statement is “ringing” and exaggerated, but it gives an idea of ​​the ambitiousness of the tasks that were set.

We can agree with Mr. Johnsen on many things. Of course, in relation to a certain audience of users, but this audience is very large, and is also rapidly growing and expanding. The concept of a single point of access to everything consumed on the network. Let us remember, for example, many VKontakte users, for whom the entire Internet begins and ends with this social network. In VEON this is the concept of mobility, the implementation and approaches are different, but the idea is similar. Will it work? Let's see. In any case, Beeline did a lot to make it work. Both in terms of developing the interface and technical side, and in terms of many additional benefits and “goodies” for subscribers of its network.

For whom and where to get it

The application has been available on Google Play since July 19, 2017; owners of Android devices can download and use it. There you can read a description of the main features and advantages.

The appearance of an application in the App Store is a matter of days. At least that's what we are assured. That is, it should be about to appear or has already appeared by the time you read this review.

The application is available to subscribers of networks of any operators. And it works, I checked it. Another thing is that subscribers of other operators will have paid traffic within the application, and such clients will not have access to additional benefits and bonuses that Beeline subscribers receive. The developers “unobtrusively” remind you that this grief is easy to help, suggesting that immediately after installing VEON you press the big yellow button to start the procedure for switching to Beeline via MNP.

The application is linked to a mobile phone number; during the registration process, the number is read and an SMS message with a code is sent to it. As I already wrote, the number can be of any operator.

What VEON can do and how it works

A kind of “core” of the application is the central feed, which displays content and all events in chronological order, without the need to “jump” left and right and switch somewhere. VEON allows you to write, call, exchange voice messages, send photos and videos to each other, create group chats, etc. Notifications about your contacts appearing online are also available and working.

For Beeline subscribers, messages and calls (VoIP), as well as Internet traffic within VEON, are not charged. Moreover, for subscribers of all Beeline tariffs. Traffic within VEON is not charged and does not consume the package; in the absence of a package, it is not charged per megabyte. Moreover, they claim that VEON continues to work even with a zero or negative balance. I can’t imagine how they managed to implement this, but it sounds tempting: even if you accidentally reset your balance, you stay in touch not only when receiving incoming calls. By the way, VEON should also work for free in intranet roaming.

VEON includes information channels from popular online publications, as well as channels with video and photo materials. There are not just many channels, there are a lot of them. Thanks to the predictive platform built into VEON, the content inside the application can be more accurately adjusted to the user’s preferences at the user’s request. There are also dozens of selected films that you can watch without leaving the application, as well as access to the content of popular TV channels. True, in the description I read about the limit on watching videos, no more than 10 (movies?) per week. It needs to be verified experimentally. In the future, they promise the opportunity to subscribe to events that are relevant to the user and “unique information channels of celebrities and brands,” hmm...

Special offers, promotions and discounts on goods and services are available to VEON users. Among the first partners of the application in Russia is an integrated operator that combines the offers of companies specializing in the production and sale of a wide variety of goods and services - fashionable clothing, modern electronics, books, travel and much more. They hope to provide users with offers from Lamoda, BurgerKing, Skyeng, Madrobots, as well as content from Rambler&Co. They also voiced their understanding that Russia is not limited to the territory inside the Moscow Ring Road, and they threaten to supplement the list with local partners such as shops and even bakeries.

For Beeline subscribers, a Personal Account is available in the application for managing services, viewing statistics, paying, etc. They write that the capabilities of the Personal Account will be expanded. During the first 6 months from the moment of linking a bank card in the application and connecting to Autopay, Beeline subscribers will receive cashback at the end of the month to their Beeline personal account in the amount of 10% of the account replenishment amount. They say that as part of “Beeline special offers” they will give bonus rubles for replenishing their balance.

Active VEON users who send messages in the messenger will be “rewarded” with additional Internet traffic packages, from 50 to 100 MB per day, depending on the region. Moreover, this additional traffic does not burn out at the end of the day, but accumulates and can be used throughout the month. Unfortunately, this type of bonus only works on the new “Everything” tariff line (for obvious reasons) and only for 6 months after launch.

Judging by what we saw in the presentation, the most popular information about the balance and package balances is easily accessible, as well as replenishing the balance. Many people install the My Beeline application just for this. The promised expansion of VEON functionality will probably make it possible to abandon the special application altogether.

In the future, VEON will also integrate the Masterpass online service from Mastercard, which will allow you to link a bank card of any bank to VEON and pay for purchases in online stores by simply clicking the “Masterpass Payment” button.


I think that the VEON application will be useful to many. Not just one function/feature, but another. The success of such a product largely depends on the number of active users; Beeline understands this very well and has included incentives for connecting to VEON in the project. First of all, of course, this is free traffic within the application (including for watching videos), but there are also other “goodies”, see above.