Presentation "global computer network "Internet". Abstract and presentation on computer science on the topic: "Possibilities of the global Internet" Download presentation on the topic of the capabilities of the Internet

Composition of the Internet 2 WWW. (World Wide Web)E-mail ()File servers (FTP)Teleconference (UseNet) Real-time communication systems (ICQ)

WWW – World Wide Web 3 The World Wide Web is an information system whose main components are hypertext documents (pages created using the hypertext markup language HTML). Web documents are accessed using web servers. The virtual world of WWW is populated by millions of documents living on hundreds of thousands of servers. The WWW traveler's task is to find among them the one that contains the necessary information and read it using a viewer - and for this the viewer must know the exact location of this document. It is uniquely determined by the server address, port number, directory name and file name with this document.

4 In order to navigate the Web, you need a browser program that can establish a connection to the server on which the website is located and provide the user with access to its resources. Such programs are called browsers, or navigators. In order to navigate the Web, you need a browser program that can establish a connection to the server on which the website is located and provide the user with access to its resources. Such programs are called browsers, or navigators. The most common navigators are Internet Explorer from Microsoft and Netscape Navigator from Netscape. Web document addresses (URLs) identify the location of resources on the Internet and have the same basic structure.


6 A protocol is a set of rules by which client-server interaction occurs. The “native” WWW protocol is called http. In addition to http, WWW clients can communicate with servers that support the ftp, gopher, and some other protocols. The protocol name is separated from the rest of the URL by a colon. In the protocol name, uppercase Latin letters and corresponding lowercase letters are equivalent.

7 Server address: The beginning of the address is marked with two forward slashes //. It consists of several parts (not necessarily four, as in our example) - so-called subdomains. Subdomains, which are combinations of letters and numbers, are separated by dots, and “clarification of the addressee’s coordinates” from larger to smaller subdomains occurs from right to left. Just like in the name of the protocol, in the server address uppercase Latin letters and corresponding lowercase letters are equivalent

Edu is a top level domain. It represents either a country code or, as in this case, a network code. edu is the code for the US higher education network. The following top-level domains are also often found: gov - US government organizations, mil - US armed forces, com - commercial organizations, net - Internet network services, org - non-profit organizations, su - CIS countries, ru - Russia. is a second level subdomain. Second-level subdomain names are approved in accordance with the rules developed by top-level domains. In this case, the abbreviation means University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. is a third-level subdomain. The names of third-level subdomains are approved in accordance with the rules developed by second-level domains. In our example, scs stands for School of Chemical Sciences.

A subdomain of the fourth, in this case, the youngest, level. Likewise, the names of fourth-level subdomains are approved in accordance with the rules developed by third-level domains. In our example, the subdomain is named www because the WWW server is located on this machine.

12 The port number is expressed as a positive integer and is separated from the address by a colon. A port is like a “door” through which you can enter the server. A server may have multiple ports available; if the WWW server port number is 80, then it can be omitted from the URL.

Electronic mail 15 Electronic mail (English, from English electronic mail) technology and the services it provides for sending and receiving electronic messages (called “letters” or “e-mails”) over a distributed (including global) computer network. An email is a plain text file containing the recipient's email address and the text of the letter.


Working with e-mail Inbox - contains letters received by the addressee; Outbox - contains letters sent by the addressee, from the moment they are created until they are delivered from the local computer to the mail server; Sent - contains all messages delivered to the mail server; Deleted - contains deleted messages; Drafts - contains blank letters. 17

Mailbox A mailbox is a section of the external memory of the mail server reserved for the subscriber. A mailbox has a unique name; the owner gains access to his mailbox through a password: 18

Rules for exchanging emails. The email should not contain a large text message; if necessary, it is better to attach a text file; Attached emails must be of the size specified in the instructions; Be sure to use archivers to package attached files; To enhance the emotionality of the letter, you need to use emoticons. 20

Teleconference 22 Teleconference: comfortable communication Communication is the interaction of individuals or social groups, consisting of joint activities, direct exchange of skills, abilities, experience, information and satisfying a person’s needs for contacts with other people. Teleconferencing (UseNet) is a system for exchanging information between many users.

“On line” communication 23 On line communication systems (chat? ICQ) are specialized tools that allow real-time communication between users via computer communication channels. Chat (eng. chat chat, chat, conversation) is a means of exchanging messages over a computer network in real time, as well as software that allows you to organize such communication. A characteristic feature is communication in real time or close to it, which distinguishes chat from forums and other “slow” means. The word chat usually refers to group communication, although it can also include one-on-one text exchange via instant messaging programs such as ICQ or even SMS. Chat (eng. chat chat, chat, conversation) is a means of exchanging messages over a computer network in real time, as well as software that allows you to organize such communication. A characteristic feature is communication in real time or close to it, which distinguishes chat from forums and other “slow” means. The word chat usually refers to group communication, although it can also include one-on-one text exchange via instant messaging programs such as ICQ or even SMS.


Databases with remote access 28 People's Library Biographies of famous people Science and education Collection of abstracts

Computer science lesson in class 10A

(science and mathematics profile). OU

: MBOU Gymnasium No. 1 of Lipetsk Teacher

: Popova Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna Subject

: “Possibilities of the global Internet” (slide 1) Lesson type

: combined

    Goals: (slide 2)

    define the World Wide Web WWW;

find out what the significance of the World Wide Web is.



    develop a worldview (i.e. contribute to the formation of views on the world around us);

    continue to promote the development of ICT competence;

    be able to receive and process information;

be able to use information technology.


    continue to develop cognitive interest in the subject of computer science;

cultivate personal qualities:



    Lesson plan:

    Organizational moment (1 min.).

    Setting goals and formulating lesson objectives (2 min.).

    Checking homework (5 min.).

    Learning new material (17 min).

    Consolidation of the studied material (10 min.).

    Reflection (2 min.).

    Homework (2 min.).

Lesson summary (1 min.).

    During the classes (1 Organizing time) .


    Setting goals and formulating lesson objectives (2 min.).

Today in the lesson we must study the concept of “World Wide Web”, find out what components the Internet consists of, what is the purpose of each component of the Internet, what is the significance of the World Wide Web, find out the rule for forming the network address of an Internet resource (slide 2).

    Checking homework.

After setting goals and objectives, the teacher walks around the class and checks for homework in the students’ notebooks.

    Learning new material.

A modern telecommunications network is a powerful information system that allows users to exchange various types of messages (text, audio, video). Such a publicly accessible information system can satisfy the needs of a wide range of users - from schoolchildren and housewives to scientists and officials of the highest rank.

Public telecommunications networks are connected to each other so that their users can easily exchange information. A prime example of a community of networks is the Internet. It is the largest worldwide computer network with the mission of a “network of networks.”

The Internet includes the following components (services): (slide 3)

WWW -The World Wide Web

Huge information resources have accumulated in the depths of the Internet. The World Wide Web (WWW) is the most well-known means of accessing them. The main components of the World Wide Web are pages created using the hypertext markup language HTML. Hypertext allows pages to include links to other parts of a given document and to other documents. This provides the opportunity to organize connections between different pages and combine them into a single information system.

The World Wide Web (World Wide Web ) is an information system whose main components are hypertext documents. Web documents are accessed using web servers.

In order to navigate the Web, you need a browser program that can establish a connection to the server on which the website is located and provide the user with access to its resources. Such programs are also called browsers or navigators.

The most common navigators are Internet Explorer from Microsoft and Netscape Navigator from Netscape. By viewing web pages to which the user links, these programs allow you to fully use a variety of Internet resources: texts, graphics, video, sound.

Web document addresses (URLs) identify the location of resources on the Internet and have the same structure

Character sequence http :// means that access to information

resource (web page) is carried out using the HTTP data transfer protocol. The protocols may be different: ftp:// or telnet://.

The right side of the URL indicates the computer's multi-level domain name or host computer name. Domains are separated by dots.

After the computer's domain name, the name of a specific web resource can be indicated, which is written in the same way as the path from the root directory of the disk to the desired file. Parts of this path (subdirectories in which you can find the desired document on your computer) are indicated through the symbol / - a forward slash.

Computer domain name Web resource name


(Slide 6)

Email is the most accessible and widespread network service. The principle of operation of e-mail is intuitively clear to anyone who has used regular mail at least once. The host computer of the network can be compared to the main post office, where letters are sorted and distributed to post offices. The subscriber has a personal mailbox at the post office, where all items addressed to him are received. The network password can be compared to the key to an individual post box. (slide 7)

Email (e - mail ) is a system for sending electronic correspondence between users of a telecommunications network.

The advantage of e-mail is its efficiency and high quality of communication. It is distinguished from regular mail by speed of delivery, round-the-clock operation, the possibility of mass mailing of correspondence, saving received mail on the host computer until required by the user, and much more.

Modern email processing programs allow you not only to send text messages (letters), but also to attach other types of files to letters: large text documents, archive files, files containing images, video, sound, software installation packages. (slide 8)

Transferring files (slide 9)

How often, when working on any problem, we experience the need for various sources of information. They exist, but they are somewhere far away: in the library, bookstore, with a teacher, on a friend’s computer. Each user has documents, programs, sets of pictures, etc. on the hard drive of his computer, so any computer is potentially a repository of a wide variety of information. But how to use these storage facilities?

In computer networks, some computers become libraries of files and provide them for free or shareware. File transfer is one of the most popular types of network services. To transfer files, the FTP protocol (File Transfer Protocol) is used.

File transfer (FTP ) is a system for transmitting electronic information that allows each network user to access programs and documents stored on a remote computer.

Teleconferences (newsgroup) (slide 10)

Teleconference is a type of email. This is an organized thematic exchange of information between network users. This type of telecommunication communication is especially relevant in our time, when integration processes in science and technology are outlined. The teleconference knows no geographical or linguistic boundaries.

The host plays an important role in a teleconference. He is entrusted with the organizational function: inviting participants, choosing the language of communication, managing the course of discussions, summing up the results. The composition and number of participants at the conference are practically unlimited, and discussions can last up to six months. A conference participant presenting his report or message addresses not a specific addressee, but all its participants.

Typically, a telecommunications network hosts many conferences on various topics simultaneously, and the user can participate in any of them.

Communication "On line "(slide 11)

Sometimes there is a need to discuss some problems in real dialogue. In such cases, the technology of real communication in real time is used, which is called online.

Communication systemson line (chat , ICQ ) are specialized tools that allow real-time communication between users via computer communication channels.

The online mode is used when maximum speed of information transfer is important, for example, for working on stock exchanges or in banking. This method of communication has also found wide application in the media when organizing interactive surveys and “live” dialogues between remote interlocutors or opponents.

Another popular means of communication via the Internet among young people is Internet pagers. Like email, they allow you to exchange short messages and even files in real time.

The most famous Internet paging system is the ICQ program. Unlike many other computer titles, it is not an abbreviation of English words. The meaning of the letters that make up the name fully corresponds to the name “I seek you” (I am looking for you)

Each Internet paging subscriber has an individual number, similar to a pager number, and network communication enthusiasts can exchange not only email addresses, but also ICQ numbers.

To become a subscriber, you must have access to the Internet and install a special service on your computer. a program that interacts with the message server, and register on the network.

Remote access databases (slide 12)

Electronic documents are widely used abroad. In modern publishing, almost all publications (newspapers, magazines, reference books, encyclopedic dictionaries, monographs) are prepared for printing in electronic form. In office work, electronic computer documents are classified, brought to a unified structure and form the basis of databases. Special services constantly update and supplement the contents of databases, which may contain:

    Full text documents;

    Bibliographic information;

Thanks to computer telecommunications and special programs, the search for information in such repositories is automated and carried out in a matter of seconds.

Educational resources on the Internet (slide 13)

    Consolidation of the studied material.

(Slide 14)

We answer the questions:

      What is a network address for?

      What does the ICQ character set stand for?

      What does the FTP protocol provide?


Guys, now let’s go back to the beginning of the lesson and remember what we learned new today. (Students answer one by one from their seats.)

    Homework.(slide 19) (slide 15)

View different types of browsers, search engines and register with e-mail.

    Lesson summary. Thank you all for the lesson, goodbye! (slide 16)

View presentation content
"Possibilities of the global Internet"

Global network capabilities Internet

Teacher: Popova L.V.

Computer science lesson for 10th grade

Lipetsk, 2016

MBOU gymnasium No. 1

Goals :

  • define the World Wide Web WWW ;
  • develop the ability to correctly and logically formulate definitions of concepts;
  • study the composition of the global network;
  • find out what is the importance of the World Wide Web ( W orld W ide W eb).

Real-time call systems (ICQ)


WWW (World Wide Web)

File servers (FTP)

Electronic mail (e-mail)

The World Wide Web is an information system whose main components are hypertext documents. Web documents are accessed using web servers.

Electronic mail (e-mail) is a system for sending electronic correspondence between users of a telecommunications network.


Transferring files

File transfer (FTP) is an electronic information transfer system that allows each network user to access programs and documents stored on a remote computer.

Teleconferencing is a system for exchanging information between many users.

Teleconferences (newsgroup )

“On line” communication

Online communication systems (chat, ICQ) – these are specialized tools that allow real-time organization of user communication via computer communication channels.

Remote Access Databases

Special services constantly update and supplement the contents of databases, which may contain:

Full text documents;

Bibliographic information;

Numerical data (statistical, demographic, historical, geographical);

Factual data (information about people, descriptions of products, technologies);

Description of algorithms, program texts, etc.

Internet educational resources

Currently, the World Wide Web is a repository of inexhaustible information resources. In the educational environment, the Internet offers a wide range of encyclopedic information, educational and developmental programs, distance learning programs, interactive models, and various texts.

  • Name the systems that form the global information network Internet. What determines the location of resources on the Internet? What is a Resource ID? What resource identifiers do you know? What is a network address for? Name the components of a network address. What are the network name and password used for? What similarities and differences are there between teleconferencing and email? What does the ICQ character set stand for? What is the role of hypertext on the pages of the World Wide Web? What does the FTP protocol provide? What educational Internet resources do you know?
  • Name the systems that form the global information network Internet.
  • What determines the location of resources on the Internet?
  • What is a Resource ID?
  • What resource identifiers do you know?
  • What is a network address for?
  • Name the components of a network address.
  • What are the network name and password used for?
  • What similarities and differences are there between teleconferencing and email?
  • What does the ICQ character set stand for?
  • What is the role of hypertext on the pages of the World Wide Web?
  • What does the FTP protocol provide?
  • What educational Internet resources do you know?


View different types of browsers, search engines and register with an e-mail.

Bozhenko Anastasia

The presentation contains information about the basics of the global computer network Internet



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Slide captions:

Global computer network “Internet” Completed by: 9th grade student Anastasia Bozhenko Supervisor: computer science and ICT teacher V.V. Yaltantseva GKOU RO boarding school of the V type in Zernograd

Plan The history of the emergence of global computer networks Basic concepts of global computer networks Equipment used in global networks Internet connection Internet services Terminal mode E-mail Usenet teleconferences World Wide Web service Domain name system (DNS) File transfer service FTP Gopher shell Instant messaging services and messengers Conclusion

History of the emergence of global computer networks In 1969, the ARPAnet computer network was created in the United States, uniting computer centers of the Department of Defense and a number of educational organizations. On January 1, 1983, the ARPANET switched to the TCP/IP protocol stack, which is still successfully used to connect networks. It was in 1983 that the term “Internet” was assigned to the ARPANET network.

Basic concepts of global computer networks The Internet is a global computer network that unites many local, regional and corporate networks and includes tens of millions of computers. The official date of birth of the Internet is January 1, 1983. On this day, it was decided to transfer the ARPA network to the TCP/IP protocol. The Jargon File gives the “birth date of the Internet” as 1969, the transition from NCP/IP to TCP/IP as 1982, and the appearance of the first DNS as 1983.

TCP/IP protocol The TCP/IP protocol has many features that give it an advantage over other protocols: the ability to fragment packets, a flexible addressing system that makes it easier to include networks of other technologies into the global network

Global network equipment Modem is a device that interfaces a computer with a telephone line, receiving signals from the computer and converting them into a form suitable for the telephone network and vice versa. Types of modems: internal - has the form of a board built into the PC system unit; external - a separate device, connected, on the one hand, to one of the PC connectors, and on the other hand, to the telephone network.

Connecting to the Internet using ADSL technology ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) is a technology that turns standard analog telephone lines into high-speed access lines. This connection, despite some of its shortcomings, remains the most popular today.

Wireless Internet Wi-Fi connection (Wireless Fidelity - “wireless accuracy”) is very convenient and quite fast (up to 100 Mbit/s). To set up an Internet connection via Wi-Fi, you will need special equipment. Firstly, the computers that you want to connect must have receivers installed (most modern laptops have them built in), and to create your own wireless network you will need devices that “distribute the Internet” (access points).

Mobile Internet This connection is very convenient in cases where you need to access the Internet far from telephone sockets or outside the coverage area of ​​the Wi-Fi network. Today, leading mobile operators have special USB modems into which a SIM card is inserted. This device looks like a regular flash drive.

4G Internet Connecting to the Internet using this technology is quite simple: you just need to have a special 4G modem device. The only difficulty is the small coverage area of ​​these networks, unlike mobile communications. Whatever Internet connection you choose, the main thing is to make it secure. If you use Wi-Fi wireless networks, remember that the network must be password protected, otherwise anyone within range of the network can freely use your Internet connection.

Internet Services Telnet World Wide Web Email Teleconferencing Usenet Domain Name System (DNS) File Transfer Service FTP Gopher Shell Instant Messaging and Messenger Services

Telnet This service provides interaction with a remote computer. Having established a connection using Telnet, the user is able to work with the remote computer as if it were “his own”. Most users have not used the Telnet service lately. Many information systems previously accessible exclusively via Telnet are now accessible from the World Wide Web.

WWW (World Wide Web) In 1991, the European Particle Physics Laboratory (CERN) in Switzerland announced the creation of a new global information environment, the World Wide Web. The creation of the World Wide Web, which was based on hypertext technology and the HTTP application protocol for transmitting Web pages, is the most important event in the history of the Internet. Web pages are created using a special language called HTML. WWW (World Wide Web) is the most popular Internet service. WWW is the basis of the Internet; it is a distributed hypermedia (hypertext) system in which documents are hosted on Internet servers and linked to each other by links.

Electronic mail (E-Mail) E-mail is similar to regular mail, and it is very easy to get used to using it. Typically, email reaches anywhere in the world in a few minutes. Just like a fax, it allows you to transmit not only text, but also an image, but you do not use long-distance or international telephone communication, and the image quality does not deteriorate during transmission.

Usenet Usenet is a computer network used for communication and publishing files. Usenet consists of news groups to which users can post messages. Messages are stored on servers that exchange them with each other. Usenet had a great influence on the development of modern web culture, giving rise to such well-known concepts as “nickname”, “smile”, “signature”, “moderator”, “trolling”, “flood”, “flame”, “ban” , "FAQ" and "spam". Usenet is part of the Internet, not a separate network from it. Access to Usenet is carried out using the NNTP protocol.

Domain Name System (DNS) DNS (Domain Name System) is a distributed computer system for obtaining information about domains. Most often used to obtain an IP address by host name (computer or device), obtain information about mail routing, serving hosts for protocols in a domain (SRV record). A distributed DNS database is maintained by a hierarchy of DNS servers that communicate using a specific protocol.

FTP Service The FTP service is widely used for exchanging files on the Internet and local networks. It runs on a specialized protocol called FTP (file transfer protocol), which is designed only for file transfers and is well suited for this task.

Gopher Shell Gopher is an integrator of Internet capabilities. It allows you to use all the services provided by the Internet in a convenient form. The shell is organized in the form of many nested menus of varying depths, so all you have to do is select the desired item and press enter. Everything your heart desires is available in this form: telnet sessions, ftp, e-mail, etc. and so on. Also included in this shell are interfaces with servers that are simply impossible to communicate with manually due to their machine-oriented protocol.

Instant Messaging and Messenger Services IRC (Internet Relay Chat or Chat) is the first online communication tool that provides a wide range of channels (topics) for discussions with like-minded people. Chat is a text dialogue in real time. IMS (Instant Messaging Service) is one of the technologies that provides communications on the Internet. In the instant messaging service, in addition to text messages, you can send sound signals, pictures, videos, and files.

The most popular messengers ICQ (I Seek You) is a popular program (the most common Internet messenger) for communication in real time. Skype is the most widespread messenger in the world with a closed protocol. Provides the ability to call landlines and mobile phones and receive calls. The "Video Call" function allows you to talk and exchange full-screen video from Web cameras installed on users. Miranda IM is an open-source multi-protocol instant messaging messenger for working on the Internet or local network.

CONCLUSION Just recently, the Internet seemed something strange, mysterious and inaccessible. Now the situation has changed - you can easily access the Global Network from almost any computer, phone and even from a TV, there are also models that have a browser and can show you a movie online or help you chat using Skype... According to the latest statistics, more than 2, 5 billion people use the Internet every day. If the total population of the Earth is 8 billion, then approximately 30% access the Internet daily. In Russia in 2014, the number of Internet users increased by 2.5 million people: today 62% of the country’s population uses the network.

sources http://info-tehnologii. ru/Komp_seti/slugba_internet/index.html https://

Slide 2

The following main services are available on the Internet: - Electronic mail (E-mail); - World Wide Web (WWW) - World Wide Web; - File transfer service - FTP; - News service (teleconference system) - Use Net, Newsgroups; - Interactive communication system - IRC service; - Telnet - remote access, etc.

Slide 3

World Wide Web (WWW) is one of the main and most popular information retrieval services on the Internet.

Slide 4

On the Internet, two forms of recording the address (name) of a computer are accepted: in the form of numbers - an IP address or physical name; in the form of symbols - a domain name (symbolic address). IP address

Slide 5

The full domain name consists of four simple domains separated by dots. The number of simple domains in a fully qualified domain name can be arbitrary. The domain name must be read from right to left. In the above example, the first on the right is the top-level domain: ru - Russia, then comes the second-level domain: miee - name of the organization, vt - name of the local network domain - department of VT

Slide 6

The physical name, or IP address, is assigned by the ISP. An IP address is similar to a telephone number: it consists of four blocks of numbers separated by periods and ending with a period, for example

Slide 7

The Domain Name System categorizes computers by geographic or subject area

Slide 8

URL addressing system. Each file (program or document) placed on the Network must have its own unique address. The address of any file on the Internet is determined by a uniform resource locator (URL). Example of a Web document URL:

Slide 9

The URL consists of three parts:

1. http:// - the name of the service (protocol) that provides access to the document (resource). In the example above, http: indicates that the document is located on a WWW server. The server (protocol) can also be specified as: ftp://, gopher://, new://, etc. After the protocol name, a colon and two // signs are placed - a slash.

Slide 10

2. – domain name of the server (computer) on which the required resource is stored. 3. rus/produks/ – full access path to the file on the server (computer) specified in step 2. The slash / is used as a separator. The URL must consist of Latin letters. It must not contain spaces, but may include dashes (-), underscores (_), and tildes (~).

Slide 11

Email addresses (E-mail addresses).

Email addresses have a clear logical structure. They are separated into two parts by the @ symbol (complete “et”). If the address contains the @ symbol, then it is an email address, for example [email protected]. To the left of the @ symbol is the username (vcorg) under which he is registered in this system. To the right of the @ symbol is the domain address of the computer ( on which the “mailbox” is located. The entire email address must not contain spaces.

Slide 12

Internet connection

To work on the Internet you need to: 1) connect your computer to one of the nodes on the World Wide Web 2) get the computer address 3) install and configure the necessary software

Slide 13


Providers register Internet users (their addresses), transmit messages over communication lines, subscribe to news groups, newsgroups, etc. When concluding an agreement with a provider, the user receives an IP address, domain name and password.

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Today, when talking about the Internet, we usually mean only part of this worldwide computer network, namely the World Wide Web, abbreviated simply Web or WWW. Therefore, many people mistakenly think that the World Wide Web is the Internet. In fact, this is only part of the network, although it is the most attractive for users, since it has multimedia capabilities.

Slide 4

A special program (search robot) continuously scans the pages of the World Wide Web, selects keywords and addresses of documents in which these words are found. The Web server receives a search request from the user, converts it and transfers it to a special program - a search engine. The search engine scans the index database, compiles a list of pages that satisfy the query conditions (more precisely, a list of links to these pages) and returns it to the Web server. The Web server formats the results of the request in a user-friendly form and transfers them to the client’s machine. The principle of searching for information on the Internet

Slide 5

Virtual reality is an interactive graphical (and to a lesser extent auditory and tactile) representation of cyberspace.

Slide 6

Means of virtual communication E-mail Teleconferences CHAT ICQ Network games Virtual cities Clubs

Slide 7

Advertising on the Internet is a tool, the use of which is a necessary condition for the success and popularity of any Internet resource, for the effective creation and maintenance of the image of a company or event, for promoting a brand in the market. Types of advertising: - Banner advertising. - E-mail advertising