The right surge protector. DIY surge protector. Do you need a surge protector for your TV?

Today it is beginning to lose its popularity, especially after it was bought by Microsoft and advertisements began to be shown inside the program.

With the advent of Skype in 2003, we can say for sure that the world has changed, as a free alternative to voice calls over the Internet has appeared. Voice over IP (VoIP) in 2003 became a kind of revolution and proved to all mobile operators that in addition to them there are opportunities to communicate, and also for free. By the way, it was in 2003 that all mobile operators began to seriously reduce the cost of communication.

Skype was the first, that's why it's so popular, and we respect that. But, nevertheless, there are many working and functional alternatives that can replace Skype and give you new opportunities for video conferencing and communication with your friends. First of all, we perceive Skype as a messenger for VoIP telephony, and not as a program for exchanging text messages. So let's look at all the possible alternatives to Skype, in terms of video and voice calls (VoIP telephony).

VoIP is an abbreviation in English that stands for Voice over IP, literally “voice over IP”.

What can replace Skype?

A few years ago, it was very difficult to find a convenient VoIP client that would work on both a desktop computer and a mobile device. Today, almost all developers create mobile versions for their programs, which easily allow you to communicate with friends through your mobile device or desktop computer, while using only one account. In a word, progress and global mobilization are doing their job and we thank him very much for that!

The first alternative to Skype is Viber

Most likely the most popular replacement for traditional Skype, it is with this purple program that we will begin our review.

Supports all modern mobile and non-mobile communication devices. We won’t list the entire list, I’ll just note that it works on Nokia phones, Blackberry and similar platforms that are not very common. I’m silent about Android and iOS, since it was for these operating systems that Viber was developed at the very beginning of its journey.

Viber can be used in 3G networks, as well as using any Wi-Fi connection. You can easily install it on all devices: computer, phone, tablet and use one account.

Calls to other Viber accounts are completely free, as long as you have Internet access. If you want to call landline or mobile numbers, then the Viber Out service is suitable for you - the tariff is quite low and, as I understand it, less than Skype. For now, Viber Out only works on iOS and Android, but this service will soon be added to the desktop computer.

And one more feature that sets Viber apart from Skype is that there are no advertisements.

The second alternative to Skype is ooVoo

An Israeli startup that has been conquering the VoIP client market for several years. As it is written on the developers’ website, ooVoo works perfectly: Android smartphones, Android tablets, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Mac, Windows Phone and of course personal computers on Windows.


  • Video conference for 12 people;
  • Ability to call landline phones. To do this you need to buy ooVoo credits;
  • Standard text messaging;
  • While talking with friends, you can simultaneously show them videos from YouTube (Works only on PC);
  • Send and receive photos, files;
  • Recording a conversation on a voice recorder and then saving it.

ooVoo has patented Superclear technology, which should provide high quality video and crystal clear sound. The video is indeed transmitted in good quality, but we did not do any tests or comparisons with Skype, so it is difficult to say which program produces the best quality.

Unlike Viber, the free version has advertising, so in this regard, the program is not exactly an alternative to Skype. If you pay for a Premium account, there will be no advertising. For my part, I understand the developers, because it is necessary to pay for the work of programmers and develop the program, so I am not against advertising, especially since the free version of ooVoo has full functionality.


  • To date, 100 million people are registered in the program, how many of them are active is unknown;
  • 65% of users are under 25 years old;
  • 47% of users are men and 53% are women;
  • Registered users from 130 countries. The largest number of users is in the US, with rapid growth rates in Canada, the UK, Japan and other countries in South Asia;
  • 1 billion hours of talk time per month.

Third Skype replacement - VSee

So we got to the third alternative - Vsee. To be honest, until today I had not heard of this program, but when I began to study the issue of popular VoIP clients, it turned out that VSee is quite popular and a lot of people use it.

Video communication and the overall operation of the program are very similar to Skype. But what’s interesting is that the VSee data transmission method allows you to transmit video in very high quality with a smaller amount of transmitted information, this also applies to sound. VSee is ideal for those who constantly use video calls on their phones using 3G Internet. The savings will be obvious, especially if you pay for the Internet per megabyte.

VSee is a simple and safe program for video conferencing, which in one click can create so-called “video bridges” between countries and different groups of people.

VSee positions itself as a universal means of contacting people at a distance. They are developing a program for close integration with medical devices; there are opportunities to conduct examinations of clients remotely, by transmitting ultrasounds, x-rays, surgical fluoroscopes and the like online, right during the examination.

It is used by charitable organizations in Rwanda, Indonesia and Syria, in other words, where there is very poor communication, but it is necessary to use video communication with scientists, doctors, etc.

Load comparison of VSee with Skype

Permission VSee download / upload (speed) Skype download/upload (speed)
320 x 240p 81 / 72 kbps 423 / 306 kbps
640 x 480p 154 / 149 kbps 530 / 472 kbps
1280 x 720p (HD) 513 / 492 kbps 1470 / 1340 Kbps

More options

Below are several more programs to replace Skype, you can test them and see the functionality; perhaps they are more suitable for you than our choice (Viber, ooVoo and VSee).

  • Google Hangouts is a service from Google that is especially convenient for video conferencing. Each participant must have a Google ID to log into Google Hangouts;
  • UberConference is a specialized service for video communication with social integration for Western social networks;
  • TokBox is a useful service for webmasters that allows you to create live online broadcasts directly on the website;
  • Jitsi is a good alternative to Skype and has similar capabilities for instant text and voice messaging;
  • Facetime – This program can be called “Skype for Mac”. Apple offers FaceTime service, which is free and fully compatible with Mac/iPhone devices;
  • Tinychat is a very simple service, no registration required. Provides video conferencing for up to 12 people simultaneously.

I hope this list of programs and services will be able to show you the wider possibilities of video communication than those provided by Skype. You shouldn’t get hung up on one program, as happened with Skype - there are a huge number of similar programs, without advertising, with a user-friendly interface and fast operating speed.

Speaking for myself, I use Skype for work, since many colleagues use it, and I also have Viber on my tablet and computer - a very convenient tandem that completely suits me. But I feel that Skype will soon lose its position very much, and it is still visible, especially if you look at my contacts a year ago and now - before 90% used Skype, now probably 60% Skype and about 30% use Viber.

Unfortunately, ensuring ideal parameters of power grids is an impossible task. This is explained not only by the deterioration of generating equipment, substations, wiring, but also by a number of objective factors. For example, turning on/off household appliances, especially high-power ones, even within the same apartment provokes power surges, and nothing can be done about it, as well as predicting changes in power supply characteristics.

If for old models of technology such “surprises” were not critical, then modern models, literally crammed with various electronics, are very sensitive to them. One of the effective and inexpensive ways to protect electrical devices from damage is to connect them through a surge protector. We will figure out how to choose this device correctly, what to take into account and provide for.

Problems solved by a surge protector

Without knowing this, it is difficult to decide on the optimal choice.

Protection of household appliances from sudden changes in voltage rating (surges)

The passport of each product indicates its limit values. By the way, for almost all modern models of devices, one of the conditions for maintaining the warranty is to provide only high-quality power supply. Failure to comply with this requirement will void the owner's right to free replacement of the sample or its repair within a specified period.

Due to the fact that many technical devices are connected to one line, differing in the specifics of their operation and power consumption, changes in network parameters are inevitable. Even periodic switching of refrigerators (freezers) installed in apartments of the same entrance affects the line, changing its load. What if we take into account all electrical appliances, and not just the “household appliances” category?

Voltage filtering

This is sometimes called smoothing out various network interferences. What can cause them? Firstly, by including different types of devices in the line. Secondly, a violation (wear, deterioration) of the insulation of their electrical wiring, sometimes a short circuit in it. Thirdly, interference on the line can be caused by nearby objects emitting EM signals. The most common option is antennas for various purposes. Fourthly, poor-quality grounding or the complete absence of it.

For example, in apartments of houses built according to Soviet designs, “ground” is not supplied, only line and phase. Consequently, all “Euro-plugs” that are equipped with the power supply wires of the devices are plugged into regular sockets. The effect of this is zero. Therefore, the electronics of many models of household appliances, if they do not fail, often fail (“a PC without a UPS freezes” is not uncommon), and you have to reset the parameters.

Surge filter selection criteria

There are many models of these devices on sale that are difficult to distinguish by appearance. Since we are talking about connecting household appliances, we will focus on filters that are more suitable for a home (apartment) rather than an office.

Before making a choice, you should determine what exactly the device should protect against. In other words, the type (type) of problem that is specific to a particular power line.

Protection level

There are 3 main standards. Accordingly, there are some differences in the “fillings” of the filters.

  • Essential. The simplest and inexpensive surge protectors (basic level).
  • Home/Office. Surge filters for universal use. In most cases, they are purchased “for home and family.” The advantage is that such models optimally combine price and capabilities for different types of protection. Not the highest, but quite sufficient for household appliances.
  • Performance. High class. These devices are purchased, as a rule, to connect only expensive household appliances (for example, a plasma TV). Such filters belong to the category of professional equipment.

It is indicated in the passport (in kJ). The higher the numerical value of this characteristic, the larger the voltage surge the surge protector can protect against. For country houses, in areas with intensive development, where phase imbalances are commonplace, it is more than relevant.

overheat protection

The presence of a “thermal switch” in the surge protector circuit is a significant advantage of the device. If the line is overloaded, it will simply de-energize it, protecting the insulation from melting, which often leads to a short circuit.

Number of sockets

Basically, all models of network filters are designed to connect up to 10 consumers. An important nuance must be taken into account! You should plan in advance which household appliances are supposed to be connected through this device and determine their total power. And then compare its value with the filter passport.

Is it capable of carrying such a load while turning on all household appliances at the same time? When making calculations, we must not forget about a certain power reserve (approximately ⅓). It is unlikely that anyone will be pleased with the sight of the smoking insulation of the supply wire at maximum load on the filter.

Distance between sockets

A natural question is: what does it matter if the “spacing” of nests is standard? This will become clear if almost all points are occupied by power cord plugs from household appliances, and you also need to connect an adapter of some device. Surge filters with an enlarged housing are better suited for these purposes. They are more cumbersome, but in such situations they are irreplaceable.

Rated current

In principle, this parameter has a certain dependence on power. For household appliances with significant energy consumption, it is recommended to choose a surge protector whose data sheet indicates an In of at least 10 A. It is not difficult to calculate if you remember Ohm’s law and look at the data on the device in its documentation (P). And the network voltage is known - 220.

Power cord length

Additional network filter options

They do not play a fundamental role, but for the general awareness of the reader it is worth mentioning them. It will be useful to someone. It is enough just to list the most common ones.

  • Microcontroller function. Such a filter may have a built-in timer, automatically turn on the voltage, etc. (depending on the features of the model).
  • Separate line protection. Such surge protectors are expensive, but each outlet has its own “on/off” button and an individual fuse, which ensures “isolation”. It is advisable to use such devices for the simultaneous connection of different types of devices operating in different directions (telephony, modem, television, and so on).
  • Other types of protection, for example, from unauthorized activation, dust, etc.
  • Fastening for fixing power cords. The simultaneous connection of several models of household appliances to one surge protector leads to the formation of entire strands around the device, in which it is easy to get confused. In some cases, this device is very helpful.
  • Sockets for installation on a vertical surface.

These simple tips will help you immediately understand whether it is worth continuing to study all the parameters of the network filter, or “pass by.”

  • Contacts. If the device is really high quality, then they should only be made of non-ferrous metal. It can be easily checked with a magnet. And if the filter is from an unknown manufacturer, this should be checked first. Cheaper metal is more likely to overheat. The result is burning of the contact groups, or even melting of the housing.
  • Cord length. The second indicator of the manufacturer's integrity. This parameter is indicated in the passport, and it is easy to measure. If in fact there are differences, then where is the guarantee that the other characteristics correspond to the declared ones?

It turns out that making the right choice of surge protector is not an easy task. But it can be simplified if we remember the rule of reasonable sufficiency. It is this, and not the cost of the product, that the author advises to be guided by. Moreover, the price range is decent - from 280 to 1,500 rubles.

Choosing a reliable surge protector

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Ensuring ideal electrical network parameters at home is an almost impossible task. And this is explained not only by the severe wear and tear of substations, wiring in the house, and various generating equipment, but also by a number of objective reasons. Thus, even turning on and off high-power household appliances in an apartment leads to voltage surges, and it is impossible to do anything about it, as well as predict changes in network parameters. Old models of household appliances were resistant to this difference in the network, but this is not the case with new ones. Many modern household appliances, due to their sophisticated electronics, are more sensitive to voltage changes. An effective way to protect devices from failure in such cases is to buy a high-quality and reliable surge protector for your home. How to choose the best accessory for this purpose, what to look for and what to take into account - this will be discussed further.

To make a choice of a good surge protector that will suit the buyer in all respects, first of all you need to know what basic functions it performs and what it is generally intended for. There are several most important tasks that a surge protector solves. Let's look at them. Protection of devices from sudden changes in rated voltage. For each specific type and model of household appliances, there are voltage limits. Failure to provide high-quality power supply is often the reason for voiding the warranty on household appliances and various electrical appliances. Since there are many devices connected to the same line in a house, each of which has its own specific operation and power, sudden changes in network parameters are simply inevitable. Even seemingly insignificant events such as turning on freezers and refrigerators in one apartment affect the line throughout the entire entrance, changing its voltage indicator. And given all the devices connected to the network, voltage changes occur constantly. Choosing a good surge protector for a refrigerator, washing machine and other devices helps solve such problems.

Mains voltage filtering

Such a device provides filtering, or smoothing, of a variety of network interference that can be caused by various reasons. First of all, this is the result of connecting different types of household appliances to the network, wear and tear of the insulating layer of the wiring, which leads to short circuits in it. Also, interference in the network is caused by nearby objects that emit electromagnetic waves, as well as poor quality grounding or its complete absence, as is very often found in Soviet-built houses. Therefore, an important conclusion arises - a surge protector for household appliances or for a TV is practically the same as an uninterruptible power supply. But a caveat should be made that such a device is a UPS without a battery. What does it mean? If you choose such a device for your computer, then if the power goes out, the results of your work will not be saved. And so, taking into account the functions performed by the filter, we can conclude that it is an important device that should be in every apartment. Therefore, before purchasing, you should adhere to important advice on choosing a reliable surge protector - it should have good parameters as of today, and also completely satisfy the buyer with its qualities.

Features of choice

Before choosing a surge protector, you should remember that you can find many such devices on sale that are difficult to distinguish from each other by their appearance. Since such accessories are most often purchased for household appliances, for example, for an oven, we will consider filter models that are most intended for home use. Before buying a surge protector, it is important to choose what exactly this device should protect, that is, to determine the problem specific to the power line.

The first indicator you should pay attention to is the level of protection it provides. There are three main standards, each of them has its pros and cons. Depending on the protection standard, there are some differences in the design of the device.

Level "Essential"

The “Essential” level is the simplest and most inexpensive, but good basic level filter.

Home/Office level

“Home/Office” level – universal type devices. It is this class of devices that is most often chosen for personal use, as it has an optimal combination of price and quality: although the protection provided by them is not the highest, taking into account the affordable cost, you cannot find a better one.

Performance level

“Performance” level – the highest protection. Such devices are usually chosen to connect the most expensive household devices to the network. Such filters are professional level. The device provides household appliances with a compensated pulse in the event of voltage surges. This parameter is indicated in the device passport: the larger it is, the larger voltage surges the filter can compensate for. This is very relevant for use in country houses, where phase imbalance on the line is a common occurrence.

Protection from overheating. The presence of such protection in the device is an important plus. In case of overload, the protection will simply de-energize the device, preserving the insulation from melting. Otherwise, if there is no overheating protection, a short circuit may occur.

Number of sockets

Number of sockets. It would seem that the main advice for choosing a reliable surge protector from this point of view is that it should have as many outlets as possible. But in this case it must be able to withstand high loads. Most often, these days you can find surge protectors on sale that have 10 outlets. But in this case, before choosing a surge protector, you should plan in advance which devices will be connected to it and what their total power will be. By comparing the obtained value with what is indicated in the device passport, you can make a conclusion for yourself which filter to choose for your household appliances. It is important that at least a small power reserve remains - it is better if there is about a third of the rated load. In this case, you can be confident in the uninterrupted and reliable operation of the filter.

Distance between sockets and cable length

Distance between adjacent sockets. At first glance, this parameter is not important. But if, in addition to the usual power cord plugs, you also need to connect an adapter from a certain device to the filter, there may simply be no free space left for it.

Length of cable. From this point of view, there is only one piece of advice for choosing a reliable surge protector - the longer the length, the better. Although we should not forget that extra meters of cable mean a higher price for the product.

To make the right choice of a good surge protector, you should know about some of the nuances of this choice and pay attention to them - in this case, you will be able to purchase a device that will reliably serve for many years.

  • Before purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the pins of the plug. In a high-quality surge protector model, they must be made of non-ferrous metal. You can easily check this using a regular magnet. It is especially important to control this parameter if you select a filter from an unknown manufacturer. Contacts made from cheap metals will often overheat during use, which threatens not only the contact groups burning, but even the entire body of the accessory melting.
  • It is also important to pay attention to the length of the cord - it should be exactly the same as needed for normal use. If the cable is long enough, it is important that it has the ability to withstand heavy loads.
  • And finally, it is important to remember that a high-quality surge protector can save household appliances from power surges, but will not help in any way during a power outage. To do this, you should pay attention to another type of similar devices - uninterruptible power supplies. An important difference between them and filters is that they are equipped with a battery, which powers the devices with accumulated electricity for a short time.


Our article has now come to an end. Summarizing all of the above, in a nutshell we can say the following: modern household appliances are quite complex and expensive equipment that is susceptible to failure due to voltage fluctuations in the electrical network. It’s better to overpay for a couple of good surge protectors than to spend a lot of money on repairing a refrigerator and washing machine. We are sure that this article was a powerful argument. And now every consumer will know which surge protector is best to choose for the home, and what to look for when purchasing. It would also be a good idea to visit thematic forums and get acquainted with the ratings of similar devices, their pros and cons, as well as reviews from real owners of the models you like. This will certainly help you choose the most reliable and high-quality device.

Pleasant choice and successful purchase.

The best surge protectors according to customer reviews

In the apartment of a modern person there can be a huge number of electrical appliances. Some of them are used only from time to time. For example, these include a vacuum cleaner, washing machine and various power tools. Other things need access to electricity, if not constantly, then very often. For example, tablets, smartphones, action cameras, portable batteries and cameras regularly require recharging. And if we take a home PC as an example, then a sad situation arises - a separate outlet is needed for the monitor, system unit, printer and speakers. This is why surge protectors are in great demand. They can consist of four, five or even more sockets. High-quality surge protectors are able to withstand high pressure of electricity, filter it correctly and protect devices from any troubles.

Which brand of surge protector should you choose?

Sockets, extension cords and surge protectors are mass produced in almost every country. In particular, there are several large companies of this kind in Russia. When choosing a surge protector, you can pay attention to their products. But we must not forget about foreign manufacturers. Especially if you want to get not only the ability to connect several devices to electricity, but also well-functioning protective functions.

The most popular surge protectors in our country are from the following manufacturers:

Budget products are in greatest demand. People don’t think about the fact that such filters combine only the functions of an extension cord and a splitter, but they do not provide voltage stabilization or protection against surges.

The best surge protectors for 4 sockets


A modest specimen with four output sockets and a meter cable. We can say that this is a regular splitter that will be used strictly near the outlet. But it is sold for relatively little money, which for many people is the most important factor. It should also be noted that maximum electrical appliances with a total power of 2500 W can be connected here. Not a bad indicator for a four-socket filter!

The creators of the APC P43B-RS introduced fuses (thermal breakers) and simple filters into their creation. This allows you to connect household and computer equipment - some kind of security will be ensured. This model is also equipped with a switch that lights up in the “On” position.


  • There are filters and fuses under the housing;
  • Withstands a fairly large load;
  • Maximum load current - 10 A;
  • Low cost;
  • High reliability;
  • There is a bimetallic switch;
  • There are protective curtains on the sockets.


  • Short cord;
  • Only four sockets;
  • No USB ports.

Orico OSC-4A4U-WH

This surge protector may seem expensive at first. But it consists not only of sockets, but also of USB ports. And this allows you to avoid at least several chargers! The creators also equipped their product with a shock-resistant case. This indicates the high reliability of the product, unless you connect irons and refrigerators to it - the surge protector is not designed for high load power.

Orico OSC-4A4U-WH is the case when four output sockets will be enough. It is possible that thanks to USB connectors you will not use even half of them. But there are still negative aspects to the surge protector. Here it is felt that the manufacturer began to create such devices relatively recently. For example, there are no protective curtains, although their implementation costs mere pennies. There is also only one general switch; it is not possible to remove power from each socket - this is not typical for a fairly expensive filter.


  • There are four USB connectors;
  • Reliable case;
  • Withstands a maximum current of 10 A;
  • There is overload and short circuit protection;
  • The price tag is optimal for such a surge protector.


  • There are no curtains on the sockets;
  • General switch only;
  • A 1.5 m cable may not seem like enough.

The best surge protectors with five outlets

PowerCube PC-LG5-R-30

This surge protector immediately surprises you with the amount of cable that comes with it. This skein is several times larger than the filter itself! The cord length reaches 30 m! Therefore, we can safely say that this product is not suitable for connecting a computer and all peripheral devices. This extension cord is best used in rooms where renovations are taking place. For example, it can be placed in the corridor, after which all that remains is to connect various power tools and go to work in the rooms. But it is worth remembering that this product can withstand a maximum load of 3.5 kW. In this regard, the simultaneous operation of several serious tools is not recommended. Just as you should not connect a welding machine to a surge protector - when the current increases to 15-16 A, all sockets will automatically turn off.

Unfortunately, there is no special protection inside the PowerCube PC-LG5-R-30. It can be seen that the manufacturer invested the most money in the cable, and not in the insides of the filter itself. There are no USB connectors here either, but that’s understandable. Perhaps the main advantage of this model is its price, which is very difficult to argue with. Even regular 30-meter extension cords with just one outlet sometimes cost significantly more.


  • Cable 30 m long;
  • Withstands a maximum current of 15 A;
  • Designed for a load of 3500 W;
  • Optimal number of sockets;
  • There is an organizer for laying wires;
  • Low price tag.


  • There are no protective curtains;
  • Weighs 2.5 kg;
  • There are no fuses or other serious protection.

SVEN Platinum

A very inexpensive surge protector with five outlets. It differs from many other analogues in that there is not only a general switch. SVEN Platinum has such an element in each of its sockets! The product is made even safer by the protective curtains that all sockets are also equipped with. This model is designed for a maximum load of 10 A and a power of 2200 W. In general, this allows you to connect a system unit, monitor, printer and some other electrical devices.

There are fuses inside the filter. They play the role of protection against overloads and short circuits. The cord of this model is 1.8 m long. In the vast majority of cases, this will be quite enough. To reduce the cost of the product, SVEN had to abandon strict quality control. Therefore, be sure to carry out a detailed check of the surge protector before purchasing! It has been noted that in some instances the general switch fails quite quickly. Fortunately, in this case, you can get a replacement under warranty.


  • Decent cable length;
  • Optimal number of sockets;
  • The manufacturer did not forget about fuses;
  • Each socket is equipped with its own switch;
  • Withstands a decent load;
  • Extremely low price tag.


  • No USB ports;
  • Unreliable design.

The best surge protectors (6 or more outlets)

APC Essential SurgeArrest PM6-RS

A good option for those who need to connect a large number of devices to the mains. This model has six sockets. Moreover, half of them are on the top panel, and half are on one of the ends. This is very convenient; the filter does not skew in one direction. You can also find three LEDs on the body of this model. They indicate the current state of the line filter - whether the protection is working, whether there is a power overload and whether there is grounding. Next to these indicators is a switch that looks quite reliable.

But that's not all! Additionally, the surge protector has two USB connectors. They produce a maximum total current of 2.4 A. That is, using these ports you can charge a tablet, smartphone or something similar. As for the cable available here, it is two meters long. The surge protector looks impressive, but in reality it is not able to withstand loads above 2300 W. But on the other hand, it can easily withstand pulse overloads, thereby replacing a voltage stabilizer.


  • Absorbs radio frequency and electromagnetic interference;
  • Six sockets on two sides of the filter;
  • Protective curtains have not been forgotten;
  • There are indicators for the operation of the network filter;
  • There are two USB connectors;
  • Good voltage stabilization;
  • The body is made of non-flammable plastic;
  • Copes with a load of decent power;
  • Two meter cable length;
  • There is a good security system.


  • Costs a lot of money;
  • The outlets do not have separate switches.

PS Audio Dectet Power Center

This is a real monster for those who need maximum electricity filtration. There are 10 sockets on the device body. They are all assembled and soldered by hand! Additionally, all kinds of electronics, capacitors and other elements are hidden under the case. All this is needed to filter common-mode and differential noise. In particular, such a solution should be appreciated by recording studios, which do not need the above-mentioned interference.

Of course, the surge protector from PS Audio easily copes with high-voltage pulses and surges. It also stably protects devices from low or high voltage. All sockets here are divided into three isolated zones, which serve to supply high-level current, as well as to connect digital and analog equipment. It turns out that with this product you can completely protect and power your entire AV system!


  • 10 output sockets;
  • Zones for digital and analogue equipment;
  • Separate area with high-level current output outlets;
  • Powerful overload and short circuit protection system;
  • All sockets are soldered by hand;
  • There is filtering of any interference;
  • Detachable cable;
  • Protection class IP54.


  • Weight reaches an impressive 4.5 kg;
  • The price tag is unusually high.

Which surge protector to buy

1. If you don’t need a long cable, and four sockets are definitely enough, then pay attention to the APC P43B-RS. This is a good surge protector that can not only provide electricity, but also deprive it in case of problems.

2. Orico OSC-4A4U-WH, which has four USB connectors, will allow you to get rid of several chargers. There are the same number of regular sockets here.

3. If you need to extend a surge protector from the fifth floor to the first, then you should make your choice in favor of the PowerCube PC-LG5-R-30. It will also allow you to walk with a power tool connected to the network, not just around the apartment, but throughout the whole house. But you should be aware that there is no special protection here, and therefore it is not recommended to connect computer equipment to such a surge protector.

4. SVEN Platinum is one of the cheapest surge protectors. There are no modern technologies here. But inside there is good protection against short circuits and overloads. If someone needs a surge protector to connect a home computer, then this is a very worthy choice!

5. One of the safest products is APC Essential SurgeArrest PM6-RS. Its body does not burn, and the short circuit protection is well implemented. There are also two USB ports, which is also very important.

6. To power studio audio equipment or some powerful home theater, you will need a PS Audio Dectet Power Center. This is a very expensive device, but it does a great job of filtering out almost all types of interference.

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