Latest paid services of MTS. How to find out the latest charges on a megaphone

The “Last 5 paid actions” service from MTS allows you to obtain information about transactions performed using a SIM card per day.

In addition to this service, there are other ways for MTS subscribers to view information about debits from their balance:

  • contacting the company office for a paper statement;
  • ordering details through your personal account;
  • using the “My MTS” mobile application.

In addition, information about recent conversations and messages can be obtained by calling the operator.

Description of the service

Due to the fact that about 10% of calls to MTS offices were received with questions about the reasons for writing off money, the company decided to automate the provision of information to subscribers about the last paid services.

You can use the service, which allows you to view the last 5 paid actions on MTS, by dialing the USSD request *152*1#. The same result will be obtained if you dial *152# and select item 1 “5 last actions” in the menu that appears.

The service is not available if the subscriber's number is blocked.

In response to the request, the user receives a message with information about the last 5 paid actions within 2 days. If no actions were taken during this period, an empty SMS is received.

The report includes data on debits from the account for the following types of services:

  • toll calls;
  • Internet access (traffic is divided by network, the number of MB used in 2G, 3G and 4G is indicated separately);
  • subscription fee;
  • other paid services included in the tariff plan and additionally connected by the subscriber.

Information about the use of free minutes or Internet traffic included in the subscription fee is not included in the report.

If several calls were made from a SIM card, several SMS were sent to one number, they are grouped and the total cost of such calls or messages is indicated.

In addition to the cost of the operation, the subscriber is provided with information about the date and time of its execution. You can send a USSD request for free; there are no restrictions on the number of requests per day.

The subscriber can use the information received to monitor whether all the services he pays for are necessary and disable unnecessary services.

This service has been improved. Since September 2016, it has been renamed “Today's Expenses” and several changes have been made to it.

How to find out the last 5 actions on MTS using the Expenses for Today service

The ability to find out the last 5 actions on MTS has now been replaced by the “Expenses for today” service, which can also be obtained using the USSD request *152*1#.

Information is provided based on the results of one day of spending funds (from 00.00 to 23.59).

Services of the same type (calls and messages to one number, Internet traffic) are also combined.

You can use this service not only to control your expenses, but also if you have lost information about calls over the last 24 hours. For example, an important contact was not saved. Knowing the time of the call or sending the message, you can find the required number in the report.

If the SMS with the necessary information is deleted, the USSD request will not help, because the report contains only the number of the message sender. Its text can be restored during a personal visit to the MTS office.

As for calls from a hidden number, the anti-identifier function also applies to “Costs for today”. If the subscriber paid for an incoming call (for example, in roaming or when forwarding), he will be provided with information about the cost of the service (without the addressee's number). Most often, hidden numbers are not indicated in statements, because... incoming calls are free.

The information in the message that comes in response to the request is structured and sorted by the time the service fee was charged. The following information is indicated:

  • write-off date (in YYYY-MM-HH format);
  • time of service provision;
  • type of service;
  • duration – for calls (for each outgoing number), quantity – for SMS, MMS and additional services, how much traffic was used – for mobile Internet;
  • cost – separately for each service and the total cost.

A USSD request can also be sent in roaming for free.

How to find out the last 5 actions while roaming

The principle of obtaining information about the latest debits from your roaming account is the same as when you are in Russia.

There are 2 main ways to provide details that the operator offers:

  • USSD request;
  • ordering details in the online user account.

When roaming, you need to consider the following information:

  1. Money for roaming services is not debited as quickly as in Russia, so the USSD request report may not include the cost of recent calls and other services.
  2. You can order details via the Internet for free, but traffic will need to be paid according to roaming prices (if the traffic package abroad is not included in the tariff). Those. Details are provided free of charge, but not the ability to log into your personal online account.
  3. You can also call the support service while roaming; the call is charged according to the conditions established by the operator for the host country.

Thus, before communicating with an operator from abroad or ordering details, you should familiarize yourself with the tariffs for roaming services. All subscribers are provided with only a USSD request report free of charge.

Detailing using USSD request

A quick way to find out the latest actions on MTS is to send a USSD request. This can be done using the following algorithm:

  1. Enter the short number *152# and press the call button.
  2. In the menu that appears, select option 1 “Expenses for today” (dial 1 and call button).
  3. Wait for a message that the request has been accepted (if everything is done correctly, it will arrive in a few seconds).

If you follow these instructions, the command will be executed (you will receive an SMS with a report) within a few minutes.

You can also immediately dial the combination *152*1# and the call, the result will be the same - first you will receive a notification that the request has been received, then an SMS.

The advantages of a USSD request are as follows:

  • it is free and can be used an unlimited number of times;
  • it is quickly sent and quickly answered;
  • it provides the latest information at the time of request;
  • in response to a request, data is received in written form; if necessary, it can be saved;
  • the report is generated in the form of a text message that will open on any phone and does not require downloading and installing special software (unlike details ordered in the online account, which can be sent in pdf, xls and other formats).

On the other hand, using a request, you can order a statement of the cost of the last 5 actions, no more. This may not be enough to find the reason for debiting money from your account. If the cost of 5 transactions is less than the amount debited from the account, you should use your personal account or call the MTS office.

The request can be useful if you need to know the cost of one service, for example, how much was charged for the last conversation.

Details by calling the operator

You can call the operator using the short number 0890 in Russia for free; in roaming, the call is charged as a call to a Russian mobile phone.

The operator is obliged to provide, at the subscriber’s request, information about his latest payments orally; for a written report, you must contact MTS office specialists in person.

It is less convenient to hear write-off amounts and corresponding services than to view a written report. However, if you do not have access to the Internet, and information about the last 5 paid actions on MTS is not enough to understand what services the money was charged for, you can contact the operator.

Unlike a USSD request, the daily limit does not apply to operators; you can also learn from them about earlier operations.

The most common case where operator assistance is required is when discrepancies are detected in reports. If the SIM card owner believes that the USSD request data or details ordered via the Internet are incorrect (for example, the duration of calls is incorrectly indicated, the cost of services that he did not connect or transactions that he did not perform is written off), he has the right to call 0890 and get clarification.

The operator will check whether everything in the report is correct and will tell you how to disable unnecessary services, how to write an application for consideration of issues of erroneous debiting of funds, if necessary.

Details of recent write-off transactions via the Internet

All information about paid services for the last 6 months can be obtained in the MTS subscriber’s personal account. You need to register in it first. To register, you need to enter your phone number and password, which will be sent to this number.

One of the options available in the user account is detailing.

You can order details for the current month or enter any other period. In the menu you need to select “Account” -> “Expense control” and the type of report. Users are offered several types of reports: monthly bill, information on all charges for a specified period, and only on calls for a specified period.

When choosing the desired type of detailing, it is necessary to take into account the following features of its receipt:

  • details can be ordered by email or viewed directly in your personal account (in the section with ordered documents);
  • the report can be sent in 4 formats at the user's choice: pdf, xml, html, xls;
  • The readiness time depends on the load on the system and can be up to several hours (it does not depend on whether the report is sent online or by mail and in what format the report is ordered).

MTS subscribers have the right to use the service of automatically generating detailed information at the end of the month (an invoice can also be generated on a set date). In addition, you can order an invoice for prepayment, the amount of which is calculated based on the expenses of previous months.

An alternative to your personal account is the “My MTS” mobile application; its users can also receive detailed expenses.

In the “Account” menu there is an option “Order details”. The application is linked to an online account. This is manifested in the fact that to perform some tasks the user is redirected to the mobile version of the MTS online service, incl. to order a statement of all write-offs for the selected period. To receive a report only on the cost of calls made and SMS sent, you do not need to go to your online account; such a report is created in the application itself and sent to the specified email address. Invoices are not issued in “My MTS”.

The structure of the details is the same as the message generated by USSD request. It contains the date and time of the operation, its name and cost; operations of the same type are grouped. The details also reflect operations for which payment is not charged, for example, incoming messages.

For roaming calls, the report indicates the coverage area in which the call was made. In addition, the detail contains information about the subscriber's forwarding settings, his use of the caller ID function, and the activation/deactivation of services. Incoming and outgoing calls can be distinguished by arrows in front of the number, directed in different directions.

When studying the details, you should take into account that not only roaming transactions, but also calls to landline numbers can be reflected in the report with a delay (the delay can be up to several days).

When ordering a report on recent expenses both through your personal account and through the mobile application, the user pays only for Internet traffic.

Thus, via the Internet you can not only obtain information about a larger number of paid services than using a USSD request, but also order monthly and prepaid bills.

Obtaining information about expenses at the company office

Details of expenses in writing can be obtained from the company's office.

In this case, there are no restrictions on the payment period.

MTS offices provide all possible types of detail: monthly invoice and for prepayment, statement of all expenses for the selected period and only for calls (it additionally includes SMS and Internet traffic). In addition, you can receive an invoice.

Upon request, documents can be stamped with a blue stamp for an additional fee.

To order details, the owner of the SIM card must contact the MTS office and present the passport on which it is registered. If the user collects the report on another day (or comes to the office again on the same day), specialists will check the passport again. To obtain details for a third party, you will need a power of attorney.

MTS provides a service for courier delivery and sending invoices by mail on a monthly basis. The cost of postal delivery in Russia is 75 rubles. per month, courier – 150 rubles. (the recipient of the invoice must also present a passport to the courier).

All statements received at the company's office are paid. The cost of an invoice for a month or a call report for a month is 20 rubles, full detail for a month is 70 rubles. When ordering details for the period selected by the subscriber, its price is calculated based on the tariff of 3 rubles. per day. The above rates do not include the cost of printing.

Based on the fact that reports generated at the company’s office are paid, it is advisable to order them if you need to present them as an official document (for example, an employer pays for mobile communications expenses on a business trip, subject to confirmation of expenses). This applies to documents with a seal.

Without printing, the details provided in the office are no different from the free version available in your personal account and the “My MTS” application. For this reason, contacting the office for information about the last 5 actions on MTS is advisable only if you do not have access to the Internet.

MTS services "Last 5 Paid Actions" And "Today's Expenses" were developed by the operator to allow customers to quickly track recent charges. If the subscriber thinks that funds were debited from the account illegally or in an inflated amount, then it is worth checking. How you can control write-offs - details in the article.

Old version of the service

Previously, subscribers had the opportunity to find out 5 recent paid actions:

  • Having ordered the option, the client received an SMS from which he could find out the cost of the last 5 MTS actions - calls, traffic, messages - which were grouped by type.
  • In this way it was impossible to find out operations that were carried out more than two days ago.

The option is now active "Today's Expenses" instead of “Last MTS expenses” (5 last paid actions), the USSD command remained the same.

Current service option

Now clients can quickly find out write-offs only for the current day, regardless of the number of expense transactions.

Features of the current option:

  1. The reporting period begins at 00:00 of the current day.
  2. The report comes in a message to your phone.
  3. Information in SMS is grouped: calls and SMS by numbers, traffic by networks (2G/3G/4G). Charges for content, services and (subscription fees) are also indicated if these payments were made during the day.
  4. The message indicates the cost by group (all calls to one number, all megabytes in one network, etc.), but the time of debiting is not indicated.
  5. The option is free.

There are two ways to find out the latest MTS debits from your account - command from your phone (USSD) and through the mobile application.

To do this you will need:

  • To find out recent expenses using the command, you will need to dial *152*1# and send a call.
  • You can also use the command to first send a request *152# , and then select the desired option from the menu.

  • Another way to find out the latest paid actions of MTS (payments and transactions) is a request through the mobile application. You will need to open the application and select the "Services" button. In the “Available” list, find “Expense Control” and select the option you are looking for, and then connect it.

But sometimes this is not enough - either paid services need to be assessed on a scale larger than the current day, or calls and traffic are inconvenient to view in grouped form. In this case, it is worth ordering the MTS service (not only the last 5 actions), the USSD number of the team will not help here, you will need to fill out an application through your personal account (personal account).

Before completing the details, you will need to remember how long ago doubts arose regarding communication costs. After this, you will need to select the period for which you need details of paid services, the delivery method and format, and then confirm the decision. The service is free.

Thus, the client can always receive a detailed report on his communication costs in a convenient form and free of charge.

Who hasn’t encountered a stalemate when, at the most inopportune moment, there is no money in your mobile account? This can happen not only as a result of spending on calls, but also due to other monetary losses that the subscriber usually does not control. Many cellular users often have a question about how to find out why MTS money was withdrawn. There are different reasons for withdrawing money from a subscriber's account.

The reason that money was withdrawn on MTS may be additional services. For example, you have activated one of the subscriptions that come with a mandatory subscription fee. As the subscriber is provided with certain content, which can be received daily or once a week (conditions vary for different subscriptions), he is charged for this.

The disadvantage of MTS is that all these subscriptions are very easily “clung” to subscriber numbers. You might not even notice how you became the “lucky owner” of one of these services. This could happen for a number of reasons:

1. You used some service once, and after that you happily forgot about the service that provided it to you. In this case, your subscription has been issued, and the subscription fee will be charged in full each billing period.

2. Somehow - intentionally or accidentally - you switched to a different tariff. And it includes a subscription fee. Of course, money will be debited from your account according to the tariff every month. To avoid this unpleasant situation, we advise you to carefully study the terms of use of MTS services before switching to a new tariff.

There is a common opinion that MTS withdraws certain amounts from the subscriber’s account every day without justification. In reality, this simply cannot happen. The billing system makes mistakes very, very rarely. The operator doesn’t take anything off anyone’s accounts just like that. If some amounts are debited from the subscriber's accounts that he has no idea about, then usually only the subscriber himself is to blame. He might simply not understand the complex tariff conditions for some of his operator’s services.

How can you easily find out why MTS money was withdrawn?

To figure out why MTS was withdrawn, you can call 0890. This is a special MTS contact center. The center consultant will help you understand why and how much MTS charges you money. First, he identifies the caller as the real owner of this number and only then provides all the information he is interested in. Strangers cannot have access to it.

The same information can be obtained at the MTS store. They are found in almost all Russian cities.

If you call the number 0890 or you can’t get into an MTS salon, you can just visit your “”. If you have access to the Internet, this will not be difficult. Once in your account, check which paid services you have connected to, which ones you use, and what can be disabled. The second important point: check whether you have any connected subscriptions and how much you pay for them monthly.

You can also order a monthly expense report and details here. Both services are provided to all subscribers free of charge. For greater clarity, also look at your last 5 actions in the MTS system (calls, etc.). The details and report can be simply viewed on the screen or printed if you have a printer at hand.

Is it possible to disable MTS withdrawals?

Previously, the MTS operator had a special service, with the help of which, by sending a USSD command, it was possible to obtain a complete list of all services connected to the number. Now he's gone. But you can still get the list. To do this, you need to again call 0890 and ask the consultant to provide such information.

After you have read this list and decided that you do not need some subscriptions and services, go to the MTS website and disable everything unnecessary. There are special commands on the site for this. They can also be obtained through the MTS help desk.

The easiest way to perform these operations is through your “Personal Account”. To do this you should:

  • go to the "Services" section;
  • select points that have a subscription fee;
  • turn them off.

Attention! Disable services carefully so as not to lose any functions you really need.

You can disable mobile subscriptions you don't need using the following command: *152*2# call. After sending this USSD command, you will need to select the desired item. Follow the operator's recommendations.

The second option is to send a USSD command *111*919# call. This is a service called "My Subscriptions".

Even if, after performing all the above operations, money continues to be debited from your account, we advise you to contact any MTS operator service office convenient for you. The office will not only help you sort out subscriptions, debits and other problems, but will also accept your claim for the return of funds already debited from your account.

To make sure that all the steps taken have had the desired effect, all unnecessary subscriptions are disabled and funds are no longer debited from your account unnecessarily, you just need to check your mobile balance every day for some time. If there are no more suspicious charges, it means you did everything correctly.

Precautionary measures

To prevent such an unpleasant situation from occurring at all, the following precautions should be taken:

1. Do not call or send any paid USSD commands to short numbers. This is a good precaution against unnecessary expenses.

2. Do not enter your phone number on suspicious sites that require such identification. 99% of such sites are scammers who fraudulently extract money from gullible users.

3. Never participate in television quiz shows on entertainment channels that require you to perform a number of basic actions: send some numbers to a short number, etc. These are also tricks of scammers.

4. The most important thing: never respond to SMS with messages that you have won something. This is often how scammers “delight” simpletons with a big win (a car, a substantial amount), after which they steal all the funds from their mobile account.

5. The same applies to all kinds of suspicious Internet resources. If you do not want to lose your funds, do not visit these and do not call the numbers available on them. Even if it states that the call is free, it most likely is not. If you send a message to such a number, there is a high probability that you will become the owner of a paid subscription.

6. MTS provides various WAP information services, which may also be paid. Before signing up for one of them, carefully read their terms and conditions. On some of these services, paid subscriptions are activated automatically, which is very typical for the MTS operator. Before sending a message to any short number, first check how much it will cost you and what the risks are.

If you often have to deal with the loss of money from the balance of your mobile number, regardless of whether you use communication services or not, then it’s time to ask yourself how to check expenses on MTS. The situation when the balance was replenished, and after some time when trying to call or send a text message it turned out that there was no money in the account, is probably familiar to most subscribers.

Most often, additional services are activated on their numbers, which the client does not know about or has simply forgotten. They are the reason for debits from the account. It is also possible that when making a call, the subscriber does not know that the called number is registered in another area, which means that it will be charged differently.

How can I check my expenses (MTS) and control the process of debiting funds from my account?

Options for checking debits from an account

  • It is very convenient to control your number through the web interface of your personal account. On the official website of the provider, you can check all the data you are interested in: find out which paid options are activated and what their cost is, get details for a specific period (no more than six months from the current date), disable unnecessary services, etc.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to regularly use the Internet to check such information, but the question of how to view my expenses (MTS) is still relevant, then use the USSD request service. By entering certain combinations, you can obtain information about activated packages, services and options, and clarify the cost of the last actions performed on the number (we are talking only about paid actions and only for the last two days).

“Balance under control” service

The mobile operator took into account the subscriber's interest in the cost of the call he made and developed the “Balance under control” option. For a symbolic subscription fee, only ten kopecks daily, the subscriber can find out every time after the call ends how much this dialogue cost him. Information is received in the form of a text message immediately after the operation is completed. You can activate the service by requesting *152*3#.

How to view my MTS expenses

  1. Check the list of services present on the number in any of the convenient ways: through your personal web account or through the request *152*2#. When using the second option, the name and cost of the activated services will be received in the form of a text message.
  2. Refuse unnecessary services. Once you find out what exactly is changing your balance downward, it's worth eliminating it. Options for disabling specific services can be viewed on the MTS website or by contacting the contact center at 0890.
  3. If no options or newsletters are connected to the number, how can I find out my expenses? In this case, MTS offers to use the “Detailing” service.

Details of MTS expenses

You can view detailed information about all debits from the number’s balance for a specific period yourself, through your personal web account or by visiting the operator’s salon. It should be remembered that information can only be viewed via the Internet for the last six months. Which means that if you are interested in the period that preceded this one, then you will not be able to avoid a visit to the office.

When ordering details via the web interface, you can receive a detailed transcript in just a few minutes to your email, which must be specified in advance. You can use the details if you do not find connected services on the number, but the amount of charges seems suspicious to you. Perhaps you just often communicate with a person whose number is registered in another region.

Are you suspicious that money from your phone balance is disappearing in an unknown direction? If this is the case, and you are a subscriber of the mobile operator MTS, then controlling the expenditure of funds will not be difficult. Details of write-offs can be obtained by any user. In addition, you can carry out control for the period of interest to you, for example, a day or a month, using one of the tools that are accessible from a phone, a tablet, or a computer.

  • Mobile assistant by logging into your personal account;
  • A company employee by contacting the operator’s company salon;
  • Phone using the appropriate USSD commands.

Attention! Detailed details will be available to you if you order it at the MTS office or through your personal account. Information received by sending USSD allows you to find out the current balance and money spent over a short period.

Personal account on the MTS website: how to check the expense of funds?

The mobile assistant is very functional, because thanks to it you can connect new services to your number, disable outdated options, change the tariff plan, and also check your balance and find out how much money has been credited to your account and how much has been spent. In other words, this is a convenient management tool provided by MTS.

In order to generate detailed expenses, you need to go to the “Account-Expense Control” section. There you will see three items:

  • Expense for the current month. By selecting this item, you can find out how much money was spent on MTS services for a specified time period. In automatic mode, a detailed report will be generated indicating all deposits made to the personal account and a list of minutes and megabytes spent, text messages sent, USSD commands, the cost of which will be written in the appropriate field;
  • Expenses for the past months. This item allows you to find out how much money was spent on a phone number in past periods. It is an excellent tool for analysis, thanks to which you can optimize your own mobile communications costs;
  • Details of conversations. This item exists so that the subscriber can check how much he spends on outgoing calls, SMS and Internet traffic.

Attention! The MTS company generates reports on spent funds absolutely free, so everyone can control the spending of money from their account, regardless of whether their balance is positive or negative.

I would like to say that your personal account is convenient in that you can view the full list of subscriptions and, if necessary, disable them, because they are often the ones that increase the cost of money.

Debiting money from an MTS account: additional ways to obtain information

The USSD service is another convenient tool for controlling the expenditure of funds. If, for example, you notice that during the last 24 hours a certain amount has disappeared from your account without your knowledge, then you can find out about the latest debits by dialing the combination *152*1#. The response to the sent request will be a text message containing complete information about what services MTS charged the money for. It's completely free. Adding a special option is not required.

Attention! It won’t be difficult to track your USSD spending while in international roaming. This, again, is free, but there is one caveat: the response SMS often arrives with a slight delay.

Contacting the MTS company salon

If you recently topped up your account, but the money was quickly debited, and you want to find out why this happened, then you can order details at the mobile operator’s office. The only requirement is to present your passport, because the salon employee is obliged to check it. If the phone number is not registered in your name, then you will have to control the expenditure of funds through your personal account. There are no other options in such a situation.

Call to MTS call center

If you are not able to use the Internet assistant to track the receipt of money into your account and its expenditure, then, if necessary, you can find out information about the cost of the latest services by calling the help desk (number - 0890 or 8-800-250-0890) . The operator who contacted you is obliged to check your account and report everything about the expense of funds for the time period you are interested in.