Obtaining root rights for Android 4.4 2. Root using a utility that is installed on the gadget. Applications to open Root rights on Android

If, when using the phone or deleting a file, the following messages appear: “Confirm access to rights”, “Administrator rights are needed”, “Super user rights are needed”, “For correct operation you need to be root” and the like, this means that in the current settings of your Android there are restrictions on certain functions. For some, this doesn't seem right. After all, when we buy a phone, we all want to become its complete masters, to decide for ourselves which applications we need and which we don’t, what to download and what to delete. But there is another side to this too.

Android is a very versatile and flexible operating system, consisting of a huge number of files, providing correspondingly many possibilities for its use. Due to lack of experience, you may accidentally delete some important items, considering them simply useless. Thus, damaging it, which may lead to freezing or, even worse, failure of the entire gadget. That's why the developers came up with all these permissions and permissions for use, i.e. this is a kind of protection.

Root rights or super user rights are confirmation of access to carry out any actions in the Android system.

That is, root rights are rights that give you unlimited privileges with your device. If I may say so, you become a full-fledged equipment administrator. After receiving them, you can do whatever you want with Android. Remove system applications. Freeze them, turn them off completely, pause them. You will be able to remove a bunch of software that you do not need at all and was installed by developers for personal purposes (they are also called). These system processes are constantly running and load your device, one might say, by exactly half.

Often, when you choose a phone, you are told that the built-in memory is 4gb. And as often happens, when we see something we’ve dreamed about so much, we don’t even look at what’s in it and how it all works. We completely trust the sellers, and they sing beautiful songs to us about how this model has conquered the whole world. But when we already bought it and began to understand at least a little what was what, we see that of our 4gb memory, exactly half or even less remained. How did this happen, because you haven’t really installed anything yet, but there’s no memory left, and what will happen when you download your favorite and necessary programs, or start playing games on Android. Your system will begin to slow down or even worse freeze. The phone will constantly heat up as the processor is working at full capacity. And you will not be able to do anything, since you do not have privileges to manage your Android system, and for this you must become a root user, that is, a superuser.

As soon as you get root rights to Android, your entire guarantee simply disappears! This is usually stated in the warranty card. After this, if there is a software failure, you will not be able to contact a service center where they will repair it or replace it under warranty.

After I bought the last device, exactly one day later I installed root rights. If something happens, I can now flash the phone myself with the factory firmware and return it to its original state. After all, the good thing about the Android system is that even a not very knowledgeable user can operate it. Fortunately, there are a lot of programs for firmware on the Internet.

Somehow we've gone off topic. And so let’s get down to obtaining root rights on any device that supports the Android system.

Getting root rights

There are 2 methods for obtaining root rights.

  1. Using a computer (you will need to connect your phone via cable)
  2. Without a computer (simply installing the desired application).

Remember that there is no single correct way to obtain root rights. It all depends on the device model and Android version. Older versions (up to 4.0) are easier to root through a computer; on newer ones, you just need to install the desired application.

We will show how to obtain root rights using both examples. If you are the owner of Android version 6.0+, then you can safely move on to the second method.

Getting root rights through a computer

To do this you need to download a special program. A lot of them - . Choose any one. The principle itself is not fundamentally different. We will show it using SuperOneClick as an example.

Preparation: latest version. You must have these programs on Windows - NET Framework 2.4 and higher and Java Platform. Without them we won't be able to do anything.

Drivers must also be installed; they usually come on a disk in the box with your device, but can be installed from the device when you first connect to the computer, or downloaded from the manufacturer’s website.

Be sure to disable the software that came with the device. These are applications that are needed to make working with your Android easier (ps suite and the like). Disabling this is not all, you must close the process; if the program hangs in the tray, then just click exit. If there is no program, look in the task manager and disable the process we need. Be careful! If you don’t know which processes are responsible for what, it’s better not to touch anything. Or look on the Internet how to turn off processes on your computer.

We get the rights:

  1. Be sure to disconnect the memory card from our device, just take it out.
  2. Disable all system protection on the computer (firewalls, firewalls, antiviruses)
  3. Unpack the downloaded SuperOneClick archive onto the hard drive and go to the folder.
  4. Turn on the device, go to settings and check the USB debugging box (Settings - Developer options - USB debugging)
  5. Allow installation of applications not from the market (Settings - applications or security - unknown sources (check the box))

Connecting your phone to the computer

  1. Again we go to the computer folder with the SuperOneClick.exe program. We launch it, make sure that psneuter is in the exploit selection list.
  2. Click on the root button and wait. During the process you will be asked to install BusyBox - you must agree, because... is a set of UNIX command line utilities. If you did everything correctly, you will see this message: Your device (device name) is rooted.

Possible causes of failures:

The rooting process takes too long - we reboot, read the article carefully, try another application.

The program does not start - you did not disable the antivirus and it removed the necessary exploits that it sees as Trojans.

I can’t make root and that’s it - If I can’t make root, reboot the computer and phone again and try again.

If the process is stuck on the message “waiting for device”, then before connecting, uncheck the USB Debugging checkbox, and when the message waiting for device appears, check it back.

How to find out if I have received root rights: After working correctly in the offers menu, here is a new program SuperUser (SuperUser or SuperSU)

Getting root rights from your phone

On the one hand, it is the simplest. You just need to download the desired program and run it. It would seem that what is so difficult here? And the fact is that there is no one correct program for this. What works for Samsung will not work for Xiaomi. Here is a partial list of programs: Root master, Baidu root, Poot, iRoot, etc. In our opinion, it would be best to familiarize yourself with several, and then install them for yourself. To do this, we will provide a whole playlist of video examples.

Removing root rights

If you nevertheless decide to remove them, for example, in case of a warranty claim at the store, then there are several ways:

  1. Flash with factory firmware (as we wrote above)
  2. Install a special application for this. You can easily find them by searching “Unroot”.
  3. Launch SuperSu and do the following: go to the “SETTINGS” section, then find and select “COMPLETE ROOT REMOVAL” and reboot the device.

In conclusion, let us remind you: No program can guarantee 100% success in obtaining root rights. Any third-party interference in the system may harm the operation of your device. You perform all actions at your own peril and risk.

Did you manage to get root rights? We will be glad if you share your experience in the comments to the article.

An application for Android that will help you get root superuser rights on your Android device in one click. You can root and gain full control over the OS of your Android device, smartphone or tablet. In other words, you will get superuser rights on your Android device. After that, you can put anything on your phone!

The program is installed on your computer, your phone is connected to it via USB and in two clicks you give your android root rights - obtaining superuser rights. The application makes this procedure as simple and safe as possible, and its outcome is almost always positive.
This is getting root rights on devices with OS Android 2.1 - 4.0.3
The Superuser application then appears in the phone menu (where the access of programs with root rights is edited). Access is not given to all programs in a row, but a request appears to grant rights to the application at will - to do it or not. An example of obtaining root would be Superoneclick, z4Root or Vizionary. The increasing interest in this procedure is not surprising. After all, having received root rights on his Android device, the user simultaneously gains access to many interesting functions that were previously unknown.

This program is on our website website, the most versatile of all possible which allows get super user rights. The developer of this program claims that the application is capable of hack any smartphone with Android firmware version from 2.1 to 4.0.3.

And so let’s begin the procedure for obtaining super rights to Android:
Don't forget that if you gain root access you will void your warranty! To restore it, you can use this program (since the application can also restore factory settings - keep this in mind) or install a stock ROM. You also need to take care of the safety of the data stored on the device, since a wipe may be required when gaining root access. Back up your apps, settings, contacts, call lists, and text messages. Move all important files to your PC. Don't forget to enable the USB debugging option (Settings - Applications - Development - "USB Debugging", here you can find a description of how to do this in Android 4.2). Enable support for unknown sources (Applications - "Unknown sources") Make sure that your device's battery is charged. To carry out the procedure you will have to use a Windows PC and a USB cable. Disable all security features on both your smartphone and PC. Since you lose the warranty, all responsibility for the device falls solely on you. Install the ABD driver for your device.
Video instructions on how to get superuser rights on an Android device:

This method is universal and can rightfully be considered the easiest way to get root rights. The program supports hundreds of different devices, including little-known Chinese ones.

If the message “FAIL TO GET SHELL ROOT” appears, then nothing can be done about it: it is impossible to obtain root access using Unlock Root on your device. To check whether root access has been obtained, you need to install the "antutu cpu master free" application on Android. After launch, the phone should request Root permission for this application - in this case, everything was successful. Before obtaining root access, you must unlock the bootloader. Does Unlock Root work with Linux? - No. To restore the warranty on an Android device, in addition to unrooting, you also need to restore the stock ROM. On Windows XP, an installation startup error may occur. To fix it, you need to reboot Unlock Root. Some antiviruses may see Unlock Root as a threat and prevent the process of obtaining root access. To prevent this from happening, security measures must be disabled. If the error "FAIL CHMOD BUSYBOX" or something similar appears, this means that the operation could not be completed. In this case, you can try to make a second attempt. For the "NOT FIND ONLINE DEVICE" error, you need to reinstall the drivers. If after installing the drivers, the program still prompts you to install them, you need to restart your computer.

The main feature of this assembly is the presence of built-in drivers, which are necessary to identify the device connected to the PC. Now you don’t need to search the entire World Wide Web for adb drivers.
Software version: 2.3.1
Developer: AnTuTu
Requirements: We will do root rights, we need Windows
Language: English Russian

Download applications to obtain root rights on Android

New Android OS comes with a lot of additional programs. Many of them are not needed by the user, and they can be deleted without harm to the system, thereby freeing up disk space on the tablet/smartphone. But for this you need to install root rights on Android. Having received extended rights, you can not only get rid of unnecessary programs that come with the assembly, but also change the OS settings to suit you. Owners of mobile devices establish root rights in many ways, but not all of them are easy and safe. Are there any surefire ways to install root rights?

Methods for installing root rights for Android users

Root rights for Android can be installed in two safe ways.
  1. Using the .apk application on a mobile device.
  2. Using a computer program (you will need to connect to a personal computer).

Both the first and second methods of rooting Android tablets and smartphones are reliable, but for some users only one may be suitable, so it’s worth considering both.

How to get root rights for Android using a PC program

Multifunctional program Kingo Root for OS Windows has recently been increasingly used to obtain root rights. Users value it for its effectiveness, safety and versatility.
The program installation file can be found at . Click " download for Windows" and wait for the automatic download.

Immediately after the installation is complete, you can start rooting Android. To do this, you need to launch the program and connect it ( this is done via a USB cable).

The next step is to connect your smartphone to your computer. You must enable this on your smartphone. USB debugging. Check the menu, and if it doesn’t appear, configure USB connections.

The next step is installing drivers and rooting. You only need to click “Root”, the program will do the rest itself.

It is important! You cannot stop the program, restart your computer, or turn off your smartphone, even if you do not see the installation process. Rooting Android on computers of different capacities may not be the same, and sometimes the installation process can take quite a long time. Don't do anything, just wait for the rooting to finish.

Obtaining root rights using a program installed on the device

Not every user can probably use the first method of obtaining root rights for a smartphone, for example, if there is no computer at hand. In this case, there is a second way: the application can be installed not on a computer, but on the smartphone itself. An updated and improved version of the application for root rights for Android devices without a PC can be downloaded from.

If you use the Chrome browser, do not be alarmed by the pop-up warning that framaroot is unsafe. The downloaded file will not have the extension .exe, as for a computer, but .apk. Move it to the memory of your smartphone or tablet.

This program will not install as it should, because it was not downloaded from the Play Market. Android devices do not allow the use of other applications for security reasons. Therefore, you should allow the installation of the program by changing the settings of your smartphone.

After the changes have been made, the application can be installed. Find it in File Explorer and open it. Activation will take some time.

In the activated application, select one of two programs (a magical hero is also included).

If you see an emoticon, rooting is completed successfully.

But it also happens differently. In this case, the second method did not suit you. But don't despair, there are many ways to root, and it makes sense to try several.

What you should know when rooting Android

Rooting makes it possible to control your tablet/phone in advanced mode. You get the rights to change settings and remove unnecessary applications. All additional programs that came with the package can be removed.

Important note! When deleting programs, do not overdo it. If you do not know their purpose, it is better to leave them unchanged to avoid incorrect operation of the OS. And if you accidentally remove, for example, the camera or keyboard, it will cause related applications to not work properly. But deleting system files is fraught with dire consequences.

There are elements that affect the operation of many important applications. And if you suddenly want to delete the Android gallery because it is not needed, you will not be able to use many useful programs. They either won't start or won't work as they should.

You have done the rooting correctly, now you can control your smartphone by making changes to settings and parameters. But any actions of a user with extended rights must be considered.

Root rights to Android are provided by special programs. Read on to find out how the most popular ones work.

In this article we will look at several options on how to get Root rights on Android. We immediately warn you that by using one of them, you risk voiding the warranty service of your mobile device.

However, after “rooting”, advanced users can make sure that there are no traces of changes in system files, and then the guarantee will be valid. So, what programs provide Root rights to Android? The most popular are: SuperOneClick, UnLock Root and Z4Root.

Method number 1. SuperOneClick

This useful software works great on Android devices from versions 2.1 to 4.0.3. However, it must first be installed on a Windows, Mac, or Linux PC. If your Windows is still XP, then you will also need to download Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 or higher.

  • After installing SuperOneClick on your computer, you need to connect your smartphone or tablet via USB.
  • Next, you need to select “USB Debugging” in the mobile device settings and launch the application by clicking on the “Root” button.
  • After some time, the message “Root files have been installed!” will appear on the screen.
    This means that the procedure was successfully completed and the user received extended access to the Android OS. He now has Root rights.

Method number 2. Unlock Root

UnLock Root is designed for mobile devices with the Android 2.1-4.0 platform. This application also requires installation via PC. The scheme is the same as in SuperOneClick.

  • On the tablet, select Settings - System - USB Debugging.
  • Install the program on your PC and run it. After clicking “UnRoot”, select the connected device and then the process starts.
  • The progress will be displayed in the information bar at the bottom of the screen.
  • Answer negatively when asked to install the Power Save program and restart your smartphone.

    After the reboot, the user automatically becomes a Superuser and will be able to enjoy all the privileges of “root” for Android.

Method number 3. Z4Root

Many users prefer Z4Root as it does not require additional devices. As you understand, the two previous programs for Android root work via a PC and a connection to the device via USB. But Z4Root can be installed directly on a smartphone or tablet. Just download the file with the .apk extension and save it to the device’s memory card using a file manager. Don't forget to check "Settings" - "Unknown sources" - this will allow you to install files downloaded not only from the Play Store.

  • After launching the application, press the “Root” button again. The progress of the process is shown at the bottom of the window.
  • After the reboot, we start working with the mobile device as a SuperUser.

Finally, we note that, in addition to universal programs that provide “Root rights to Android,” there are those that are designed for certain models of mobile devices.
An example is the Unrevoked application, which can bypass the NandLock blocker on HTC smartphones.

Method number 4. Framaroot

An application that provides root rights to Android in just a couple of clicks. Perhaps this is the fastest way to become a SuperUser, because, among other things, you do not need to connect your smartphone (or tablet) to your computer.

The operating algorithm of this software is quite simple - you need to download Framaroot and install the apk file. There are very few items in the menu, or rather, one. It's called "Install Superuser". Once you select it, all you have to do is choose the version of Superuser that suits your device. In most cases, "Aragorn" works. After this, you will receive a “Success” message and a happy smiley face. After rebooting the device, you will become a Superuser with root rights. You can also turn into a regular user at any time. To do this, select “Unroot” in the application menu (it will be instead of “Install Superuser”).