Search a page by photo. Searching for a person by photo on the Internet - how to find it on social networks or using special programs

One of the most accessible methods to find a person is to search on social networks, including VKontakte. You can search using different parameters, it all depends on what data you have. There are two ways to find the page you need by photo.

You have an image and, based on it, you need to find the person’s page. It should be said that for a successful search, the photo should not be covered by the user’s settings. In this case, attempts will not yield results.

Another problem is the lack of photography as such on the Internet. Some people prefer to put beautiful pictures instead of their photos. Therefore, the search becomes more difficult.

To find a user by photo:

  1. Log in to your VK account;
  2. Upload an image to your profile;
  3. Click on the picture to open it in full size;
  4. In the line where the page address is written, select the photo id and copy;
  5. Click on the News tab (in the column on the left);
  6. In the folder that opens on the right, select “Photos”;
  7. Place the cursor in the search bar and enter “copy:id from image”;
  8. Click search. The system will display all the results found. There may be a lot of them or none at all.

If there are many matches, you will have to check each of them. To do this, select a photo and, by clicking on it, see who posted the image. In this way you check everything until you find what you are looking for.

Please note that there are fake pages, so-called fake profiles. When they deliberately create accounts with the names and photographs of real people. This is done mainly for the purpose of fraud.

Through browsers

Any browser has the ability to search for images and photos. When using them, the system searches for matches across the entire existing database, and not just in the VK social network. To get started, open your browser. The principle is the same everywhere, let's look at an example using Google Chrome.

If you didn’t find the account you were looking for with such a photo, then it doesn’t exist or the photo is in a closed album.

In another browser, follow the example above. The algorithm is the same, only the interface may differ.

In the Yandex browser, select the Pictures tab on the main page.

Next, enter the path to the image you saved and click “Find”. Sometimes this way you can view already deleted photos in contact. And even pages. If your search is unsuccessful, do not be discouraged.

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine website. Today we’ll talk about searching for people and will also tell you what programs exist for photo recognition and consider the very principle of searching for images on the Internet.

These methods are perfect if you need to identify fake pages or find a person who is trying to hide, but could have been exposed somewhere. So let's get started.

Let's look at ways to search for people by photos on the Internet, and also learn how to use photo searches on social networks.

Sometimes situations happen when, having seen a person, we want to find out as much information as possible about him. Many people are interested in how to find a person from a photo. This is quite simple to do; you just need to know the intricacies of collecting information and what services to use to speed up the process. First, let's look at some practical tips for effective searching.

#1: Consider different sources

Many novice trackers and seekers focus on just one photograph, forgetting about other search directions (geolocation, place of residence, age, school, friends, etc.)

Often, the methods described below do not allow you to find a person and all the information about him with a direct request. The first step from the photograph is to find the maximum possible clues and then act on them. As a rule, if a person has posted at least one photo of himself, then it will definitely end up in the Yandex or Google ranking systems.

No. 2: Enter through indirect connections (friends, acquaintances, city, home, etc.)

As mentioned earlier, if a person is trying to hide information about himself, then finding out something directly about him from a photograph will be very problematic. In practice, acquaintances do not follow the rules and post photos together.

Through these indirect factors, you can reach friends, work address, phone number, etc. If there is very little information, then you will have to start from the very bottom and search by geolocation (city, house, street, sports sections, place of work, etc.)

#3: Search through girls

When it comes to looking for a guy, men often try to hide their faces. Girls, on the contrary, need attention and therefore post a lot of pictures of their body, face and appearance. If we are talking about a couple in love, then on the girl’s page there will definitely be photos together or a link to the page of a loved one.

No. 4: Ask through public pages and forums

If standard search methods do not lead to the desired results, then you can ask for help on forums and public pages in the city like “I’m looking for you.” Post a photo and ask for help finding the person, maybe someone will recognize him or tell him how to find him.

It is best to first go through such groups. This method is great for finding teenagers and students, because they are the ones who visit such resources.

#5: Pre-process the image

Similarity search algorithms most often focus on the contrast of boundaries (to determine the shape of the face, eyes, lips, eyebrows, etc.). If the photo has poor lighting, then most likely finding a similarity will be very problematic.

How to process:

  • work on the boundaries of the face (make them more noticeable);
  • choose optimal lighting (get rid of glare);
  • process dead pixels;
  • crop or blur the background.

What is the best Internet photo search program?

Looking through a million photos yourself is not the best thing to do. You can speed up this process several hundred times if you entrust such actions to a computer algorithm. The Internet photo search program independently navigates through hundreds of resources and, based on the features of the content found, offers images that are most similar to each other.


You can find a person from a photo on the Internet completely free of charge; for these purposes, the company NTechLab, based on neural networks, launched its algorithm for searching the faces of users of the social network VKontakte in 2015.

In 2016, many incidents were associated with this Internet service:

  • the photographer took photos of 100 random passers-by and then found them through the application. As a result, the search efficiency was 70%.
  • Users of the 2ch “dvach” forum system used scenes from porn and found the pages of the performers. Subsequently, they sent information about the girls to their relatives and friends.
  • Law enforcement agencies detained criminals who set fire to an apartment building in St. Petersburg. Footage from video cameras was used as source material.
  • At the Alfa-future festival, guests were photographed and their pages were found through the service. Later, photos from the festival were posted on them.
  • In August 2016, journalists found Aram Petrosyan, who had seized a Citibank branch. The information was quickly passed on to law enforcement and used in the investigation.

Based on these facts, we can judge that the application works well and does an excellent job of the job for which it was created. Now it is considered the best on the market of available services.

The analysis algorithm is based on neural networks and is trained regularly. Therefore, the more requests it processes, the more advanced its recognition ability becomes. Neural networks are also convenient in that they are able to simultaneously take into account many side factors and, due to this, give an accurate response to unforeseen situations.

In order for the project to continue to operate, it was decided to limit the free number of requests to 30 times, and the transition through profiles to 5 times. You can remove restrictions by purchasing an account for 150 or 460 rubles per month. Or by inviting 10 friends to the service.

2. TinEye

The original idea of ​​the service was to create a search engine for images. Created in 2008 by the Canadian company Idee. There are more than 17 billion images in the indexed state.

In terms of indicators, image search via Google and Yandex shows much better results than TinEye.

3. StopFake

This plugin is not directly related to searching for a person, but with its help, non-original photos are filtered out in advance. The application finds which other VK page uses the same avatar.

It's easy to work with:

  1. Open the photo you are interested in.
  2. Launch the plugin.
  3. Look at the number of options found.

Great for checking fake interlocutors, fake pages and scammers.

How to find a person by photo on social networks: step-by-step instructions + search example

The easiest way to find a person on social networks is by photo. According to statistics, more than 95% of Russian residents aged 14 to 35 have VK pages. Therefore, finding a user will not be difficult.

As an example, let's try to find one of the photo models of Cosmopolitan magazine. We use the cover of one of the issues:

Step 1: Download the photo and process it

In the example, we use an already processed photo from a magazine. Therefore, all that remains is to download the photo to your computer.

Step 2: Upload photos to Findface

The main search will be performed through this service, because it shows the most accurate results.

First we get to the official page of the site. Here you need to click the “Find identical” button.

After this, a new window will open, in it you need to specify the login and password for your VK account.

The service uses the official API from Vkontakte, so the login and password will not fall into the wrong hands.

There is a frame in the middle of the screen, place a picture here.

Step 3: look through the TOP results and find the desired page

After completing the analysis, the service compiles a list of the most suitable options. We recommend paying special attention to the first 5 pages, as they are the most similar.

Pay attention to the number of photos found on the page. In practice, if there are at least 2 results, then the page belongs to the searched user or one of his friends.

The beautiful fashion model from the cover was used as an example, so her photos can often be found on fake accounts. If you use images of real people, it is quite easy to distinguish a fake from an original.

Click on one of the options and then go to the VKontakte social profile. Then, based on the information on the page, we determine whether the person has been found.

At this point, the question of how you can find a person from a photo on a social network can be considered closed. FindFace leads to the required page in 90% of cases. If you can't get to the original page, try changing the image.

An example of how this service works can be seen in this video:

How Google photo search works - how the algorithms work + example

Another effective way to find a person is to search using Google photos. It doesn’t often take you to a specific page, but it often helps you find photos with similar themes.

The algorithm is based on the principle of SEO optimization. When a new media file is added to a site, it is given a title and description. In addition, the picture is linked to the site in which it was originally posted.

The analysis works as follows:

  1. The image is divided into conventional parts.
  2. Each fragment is given an association as a keyword.
  3. The added picture is compared with options from the Internet.

All algorithms work on this principle. The only difference is the method of identifying fragments and comparing them.

Go to the main page “Google images”. Find the camera image here.

After clicking on the icon, the image loading menu will open. Here you select the “upload file” option.

Next, select a photo of the person you want to find and wait for the analysis to complete. After 5 seconds, a search result with the most relevant results will appear. If the person is known, then most likely the social profile or website where the photo was used will be listed first.

This method will not help when searching for a random person on the street. But it is great for identifying actors, famous personalities and collecting information about them.

In this example, Google immediately determined what kind of girl is depicted in the photo, her twitter and instagram. And he immediately wrote her name and the magazine for which she works.

Search by photo Yandex: photo ranking algorithm and tips

In Russia, the most popular search engine is Yandex. Yandex photo search is performed from a separate section. To get to it, on the main page, click on the “pictures” link.

Here find an image of a camera with a magnifying glass. Located in the upper right corner of the page. Click on it.

After clicking, a line will appear at the top of the screen, drag the file here.

In a few seconds we get the result of the analysis. Yandex first offers to view the picture in other resolutions, then assumes that it is in the picture and then displays the information that it was able to find.

Unlike Google, for the same picture, it offered several options for who could be depicted in the photo. In addition, he easily determined that this was the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine. In general, Yandex and Google do an excellent job with image search.

Can't find a person by photo

If the search result does not lead to positive results, most likely the user is trying to hide his appearance as much as possible. Most likely, he posted a photo, but more than half of his face was hidden (scarves, glasses, hats, hair, etc.).

In practice, if FindFace and polling through “looking for you” publics do not work, then all other methods will not bring much results. Much more information can be collected if you at least have the person’s name or other indirect clues.


Finding people by photo on the Internet is a rather difficult task if the person has not previously posted photos on his social profile. If he is not on VKontakte, then finding him through forums and third-party sites will be quite problematic.

If the search by photo does not work, then try to get hold of other information. This is:

  • Friends;
  • Nick, full name;
  • IP address;
  • Email;
  • ASKME (anonymous question service);
  • familiar;
  • place of residence (search by geolocation);
  • phone number;
  • range of interests (which sections he goes to, which public pages he visits, etc.).

But detailed collection of information about a person is not always necessary. Full analysis is used mainly for reconnaissance information about a potential partner and his background.

Thanks to the availability of special web services and applications, you can easily find a person by photo.

Most modern programs and websites use artificial intelligence technology.

It allows you to increase the accuracy of facial recognition in a photo as the number of program users increases.

It should be understood that no search engine can give a 100% guarantee of finding an image. Often errors occur when reading pixels, or the browser searches for photos that are similar in meaning and color palette.

Below are some of the most effective ways. If one of them does not help you, feel free to move on to the other.

Ultimately, one of the methods will turn out to be the most suitable for your picture and the person will be found. We also recommend that you carry it out using several photographs at once, if you have them.


The first and easiest way to search by image is the well-known Google. The developers of the popular system have introduced a function for working with user images.

Now you can not only enter a query, but also insert individual images into the text field. The search engine carries out analysis for all sites and social networks that are indexed in the system.

Let's look at a simple example of how to use the function:

  • Let's go to the website. This page differs from the standard one by the presence of an additional button for adding;
  • To get started, click on the camera icon. A window for selecting the type of photo upload will appear. The user can provide a direct link to an image already posted on the Internet or download graphics from the computer’s memory;
  • Click on the “Search by image” button.

The result of processing your request in Google will look like this:

It will automatically indicate the person's name or subject. Also, the user will be able to view similar images. Another element of search results are pages that mention the person found.

Often, the result only shows similar images without providing a name. This means that there are too many similar pictures on the Internet and the system cannot find a 100% exact match. Try scrolling down to the "Pages with matching images" box. This way you can view a list of links that contain what you are looking for.

With it you can search not only for people, but also for various objects. As practice shows, a search engine can be very useful when you need to find out the name of an unknown object or find things you like.


Photo search from Yandex is another popular service that searches for graphic content across all sites. At first glance, it is practically no different from Google, except for the interface and design. However, Yandex developers claim that their system uses a modified algorithm using computer vision.

This way, by using both systems, you can have a better chance of finding the one you're looking for. To start the analysis, go to the main site. Find the text line and next to it click on the “Pictures” tab to go to the corresponding section:

  • In the tab that opens, click on the camera icon;
  • Now in the tab that opens, click on the button to load a photo from the PC memory or provide a direct link to the picture on the Internet. Click on “Find”;

The result will be a set of the most similar images with which you can find a person. Also, you can select different picture sizes and continue the analysis with a better quality photo. Be sure to look at the list of mentions on other sites to increase your chances of discovering the person.

Analysis by photo inVK

In addition to standard systems, there are a lot of services for monitoring by photo only in specific social networks. Since 95% of Runet users have a profile on VKontakte, it is better to search for it using special resources that work only with this social network. This way, you will reduce the analysis time and the number of similar pictures.

To start monitoring photos on VK, you need to install an extension for the Chrome browser. The app is called "StopFake". Go to the software store and enter the name of the extension. Then click on the install key and wait for the button to appear in the upper right corner.

Although the program is designed to quickly identify fake accounts, it can also be used to find people. You will need to upload a photo to your album on VKontakte, since this can only be done using the one that is in the site’s database.

  • Open the photo in your album in VK. The album can be private, the main thing is that it is on the website;
  • After opening the image, press the key to launch the StopFake extension. It is located in the upper right corner of the browser toolbar. To eliminate possible errors in the operation of the utility, we recommend restarting the browser immediately after installing the extension;
  • It will automatically identify them on the social network that contains the photo you are looking for. Thanks to the author's signature, you can easily find the person you need. Click on the author's name to go to it.

The FindFace service, developed for users of Russia's largest social network VKontakte, will be able to find any person in the virtual space using just one photo. The project is based on facial recognition technology created by N-Tech.Lab.

FindFace allows you to find a person, find out public information and contact him through an account on a social network, and for all this a photo taken with a mobile phone is enough. Poor lighting or a bad angle will not prevent the algorithm from quickly finding the right person. The service identifies the person in the photo with an accuracy of about 70%, and if the desired person was not found, FindFace offers to look at photos of similar people, which makes it unique among modern dating services.

A new type of social service was developed based on technology from N-Tech.Lab, a company specializing in solutions in the field of neural networks. Such networks are capable of analyzing information and learning like humans, but they do it much faster. It takes the N-Tech.Lab algorithm less than a second to find the desired file in a database of 300 million photos. This solution was recognized as the best at the international competition The MegaFace Benchmark, organized by the University of Washington.

Now you can use FindFace using mobile applications for iOS and Android, as well as through a browser. All necessary calculations are performed on remote servers, so the requirements for gadgets are minimal. The service allows you not only to find the right user, but also to send him messages, like, view photos and other information.

At the first stage of its development, the new service will operate on the VKontakte social network, whose daily audience exceeds 100 million people. In the future, FindFace will become available to users of other social networks.

Basic functionality is free. For users with a wider range of capabilities (unlimited number of queries per month, complex search settings, etc.), the service will cost from 149 to 459 rubles per month.

The most popular feature of the Internet is the ability to search for information on the Internet. This applies to video materials, text and photographs. To do this, you will need a photo that clearly shows the person you need. The search engine will look for similarities between your file and photos from Internet pages. There are several tools, programs and specialized sites for these purposes.

How to find a person by photo on the Internet

Users can search using different tools. This is a good opportunity if one of the methods did not give the desired result. You can use the following services and sites:

  1. Social media. These sites have become the largest “repositories” of personal photos. Many regularly publish pictures of themselves, and try to put a photo on their avatar in which their face is clearly visible. For this reason, it is easier to search through social networks - if your friend is registered there, then the probability of a match is very high.
  2. Special sites. Demand creates supply, so specialized resources have appeared on the Internet that offer the necessary functionality to find a person by photo.
  3. Browser search engines are powerful tools designed to analyze large amounts of information. The giants in this area are Yandex and Google. Search engines have created a special section, the functionality of which is aimed at searching for a person by photo. During the analysis, it looks not only at social networks - all Internet pages that are in the search engine cache are involved.

Search by photo on the Internet

This is an automatic process that has a similar algorithm to the analysis of text pages. When searching for people using a photograph, the system breaks the image into small fragments, which are perceived by the search engine as virtual “words.” Next, a comparison is made and the output offers options for which matches were found. You can speed up the process if you prepare graphic material. It is necessary to give the file the correct appearance: cut out a person from a group photo, remove unnecessary elements from the photo.

The first point is especially important, because in pictures with a large number of faces, the search engine will look for everyone. This creates additional overhead and increases the number of query results. Windows users can crop photos using the standard Paint tool. Use the following instructions:

  1. Open the Start menu, click on the All Programs tab.
  2. Scroll down the list to the “Standard” section, click on the “Paint” application.
  3. A new window will open where you need to upload a photo. You can use the “Insert” menu section.
  4. Using the left mouse button, select the desired area of ​​the photo.
  5. Click on the tool called "Crop".
  6. Save the finished version of the photo. After this, you can start searching.

Google images service

To recognize photos online, you can use the Google Images service. To do this, you need to go to the section from the search engine’s main page. Here you need to follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "camera" icon.
  2. Next, to identify a person, you need to either paste a URL or upload a photo from your computer.
  3. The search engine determines matches based on data with pages on the Internet and provides you with information.
  4. The search results provide several options for query results: a link to similar persons, matches in an image in other sizes, links to data on an object in the image, photographs of similar persons (if it is not a celebrity).

Using the settings, the user can sort the results, excluding irrelevant words. There is also the opposite option, in which you narrow down the results using keywords. There is another way to search for a photo using Google:

  1. On the page where the photo is located, you need to right-click.
  2. From the context menu you will need the “Find Google Image” section.
  3. The server will redirect immediately to the results of the request.

Find in Yandex

The second largest search service also does not lag behind in technology and offers to find a person using a photo. The tool is called “Computer Vision”, the principle of operation is the same: the image is divided, “visual words” are extracted, which are used for comparison with search results. The fewer unnecessary objects there are in the image, the easier it will be to find. The algorithm of actions in Yandex is as follows:

  1. Open the search tool at
  2. Click on the camera icon, enter the address of the photo to search. You can upload the file from your computer.
  3. Next, click the “Find” button or the magnifying glass image.
  4. A result will appear that matches your request.

Social media image analysis

Popular services VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook store a huge number of pictures. Searching for a person by photo on social networks is a more effective way not only to find the user, but also to immediately see the data about him that is indicated in the profile. This only applies if there is a registered account. This makes the search for photos in VK not as extensive as when requesting through Google or Yandex, which scan the entire Internet.

From photo on VK

A profile on social networks helps to identify a person if he is registered there. To find a VK page from a photo, you need to use special services that work with these sites. This will help reduce the time spent analyzing the image. A popular solution to this issue is the StopFake program. You can find the application in the extension store for your browser.

After installing the utility, an icon should appear in the upper right corner of Chrome. An application has been developed to search for fake (fake) accounts, but you can also use it to search for a person by photo. First, you need to log in using your username and password and upload an image to one of the albums, because the search will be carried out using the photo uploaded to the database. Next, the algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. Go to the album where the required photo is located. It may be closed - the main thing is that you have access to it.
  2. Click on the image to open it in full size.
  3. Click on the StopFake application icon (upper right corner of the browser). Don’t forget to restart Chrome after installing the utility (this will help avoid errors in the application).
  4. In automatic mode, a search is carried out through the social system in which the photo is posted. All you have to do is click on the author’s name to get to his page.

Internet photo search program

You can establish your identity using special services. These are programs that are accessible online through a browser. You will still need to have a photo that clearly shows the person you need. Below are two services that will not help you find a complete stranger. They are more designed to search for celebrities or “doubles” of famous people. The sites are more designed for entertainment than for searching by photo.


A popular site among foreign users. Offers identification, but don't count on it being able to identify a stranger in a crowd or at a party. The algorithm for working with TinEye is as follows:

  1. Upload a photo from your computer to be searched.
  2. You can paste the URL of the image. To do this, right-click on the image and find the line “Copy image URL”.
  3. Click on the search button to see the results.

The main disadvantage of this tool is that the databases are updated extremely rarely. This leads to the fact that new images for search may simply not be detected (remain unidentified, 0 match results). One more nuance - TinAy searches only for complete matches of the image. There will be no similar files, as Yandex or Google suggests. This further reduces the search area; moreover, the service is more focused on Western audiences and has an interface in English.

This is more of a comic service than a real tool for finding a person. The site invites you to upload a photo, and it will match the appearance of famous people, stars, and models. The service scans a specific photo and determines the similarity. You can upload the file from your computer or copy the URL. You do not need to register or log in to use the site. According to visitors' reviews, the algorithm works poorly and sometimes even perceives women as men and incorrectly determines age, so it can only be used for entertainment.

Specialized site for searching people by photo

There are other services that are aimed at searching by photo via the Internet. These are not entertainment sites, but specialized platforms that work with large volumes of information and are capable of analyzing it qualitatively. They work free of charge, you only need to go through the authorization procedure. Popular sites for searching on the Internet are described below.

An effective service that monitors people using a photo source. To get started, you need to log in through the VK page. The service uses the official API from the social network, which prevents leakage of personal information (login or password). The portal has become an innovative solution that helps to search for a person by photo. To work with the site you will need:

  • VK profile;
  • a photograph of someone whom the program should recognize, not even of the best quality;
  • Findface will only find a user of the VK network; the service does not use other sources.

The algorithm for working with the tool is as follows:

  1. Go to the main page.
  2. Enter your VKontakte username and password.
  3. Next, you need to select a picture from your computer. You can simply drag it with your mouse.
  4. Write your email address (the resource requires this).
  5. Click the search button and view the match results.
  6. You can click on the user who is most similar to the source to see his other photos.
  7. The results are sorted by degree of similarity.

Findface is a shareware service. After completing the registration procedure, the user receives 30 attempts to verify the photos. This is enough for the average visitor. If you need to make more requests, you should choose one of the paid versions for your account: premium or VIP. They open up a larger number of requests and additional service functions. The payment amount depends on the selected plan.

Help site

This is another site that helps you find a person. It is based solely on the help of outsiders. It is not automatic and is more of a forum where anyone can create a thread asking for help identifying a person in a photo. They leave the image itself, city, age, first or last name, and other known data. Then all that remains is to wait for one of the resource users to recognize the person and write to you about it.
