Why is the download speed low in Yandex? Slow loading pages in the browser: eliminating the causes. Speed ​​up browser launch


If you come across a program on the Internet that is several kilobytes in size, the developers of which claim that thanks to it the speed of downloading files will be high, do not download it to your computer. Such programs will not help you with your computer work, rather the opposite. As a rule, they are malicious programs and are located on sites that provide free downloads. If you have an antivirus installed on your computer, it will probably not allow such applications into the system. Keep in mind that there is no program that will increase the speed of downloading files.

Find out which one you have. To do this, look in your service agreement with your Internet provider to see what your tariff plan is. The speed will also be indicated there. After that, check whether the speed indicated in the tariff plan matches the actual speed? Follow the link to check your connection using the online test http://www.internet.yandex.ru. If, after several checks, it turns out that in fact the speed promised by the Internet provider does not correspond to the real one, contact its technical support. To confirm your words, take pre-prepared screenshots of online text. After this, the problems must be eliminated.

Check your file upload method. If you use a standard download manager, for example, from Internet Explorer, then it is not surprising that you have problems with speed, download interruptions, etc. This manager does not have basic functions for downloading files. Be sure to find an alternative to it. Users generally prefer Download Master for Internet Explorer and DownThemAll for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

In some cases, the speed of downloading files does not depend on your connection. Even if all technical recommendations are followed, file-sharing networks (torrent, etc.) do not have standard speeds. Therefore, it directly depends on the settings of the program with which you download the information.

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  • how to increase torrent download speed

There are several ways to speed up downloading files. Usually, when the speed is lower than advertised, it is far from a fact that the problem is the Internet connection. Sometimes this is caused by technical work being carried out on the server. But if not, then you need to check some technical recommendations.


First of all, if the speed seems significantly slow to you, even lower than what you pay for, then you should not resort to “quick fixes” using dubious websites. The fact is that when they try to solve a problem with a request to a search service like “increase speed”, then quite often “a program to increase speed” appears in the answers. If you have a security system installed, then most likely this program will not even succeed, since the system will immediately find it in it. But if you download this, then at best it will ask you to “send an SMS to such and such a number” or will not even start, but will activate the virus in your operating system. In any case, such a method should under no circumstances be used to speed things up.

If it seems to you that the Internet connection speed is much lower than that stated in the tariff plan, then this can be easily checked. An online speed test will do (follow the link to complete the test; the speed will indeed be lower than stated, then before informing the provider about this, you need to try a few more times. And then, if the situation does not change, you should contact technical support for users. You can contact them in different ways Or call or write to the technical support section of your provider's forum. The problem should be fixed.

Slow file download speeds may be caused by old software. For example, the “standard” Internet Explorer download manager does not support resuming, it often breaks, the speed is lower than usual, etc. However, this rule, unfortunately, applies to most “standard” managers. That is why it is better to download an alternative (for example, Download Master).

Sometimes your connection speed may differ from your download speed due to other reasons. If the server is undergoing technical work or is overloaded, then the speed will be reduced on its own, and the situation will only improve over time.

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Anyone who has at least once encountered the need to use the Internet knows that the decisive factors when connecting to the network are download speed and connection stability. You can increase the loading speed of both Internet pages and files when using torrent clients or download managers using a few simple recommendations.


To increase loading speed when using, disable all existing instant messengers, as well as all that may be used in one way or another at the moment. Disable any programs running in the background. Open the task manager and disable all processes that have the word "update" in their name - these are programs that are currently downloading updates from the network. Set the maximum number of simultaneous downloads to one and disable speed limiting. Set the upload limit to one kilobit per second.

When using a download manager, follow the same guidelines as when using a torrent client. Set the maximum priority for all downloads that are currently active, the number of simultaneous downloads should be equal to one. Do not use the browser until the download is complete and do not launch applications that may use a live network connection. The less you use third-party applications that load the network access channel, the faster the file you need will be downloaded.

If you want to maximize your internet page downloads, you can either adjust your browser or install Opera Mini. Setting up the browser involves disabling the loading of images, as well as java and flash applications. Using the Opera Mini browser reduces the amount of data you use by compressing the amount of data downloaded to your computer. After sending the request, the page passes through the opera.com server, where it is compressed and then sent to your computer. Try to use your Internet connection as little as possible to download information in the background; if possible, disable all programs that are currently downloading add-ons.

Video on the topic


  • how to speed up torrent downloads in 2018

Download Master is a popular utility for downloading from the Internet, which allows you to download various files in several streams at the maximum permissible speed available to your Internet channel and computer. To make the program work as efficiently as possible, you will need to make the appropriate settings.

Almost every user has noticed how, after some time after installing various applications, including browsers, they begin to work slower. The point here is not an erroneous subjective assessment of the performance of a browser or PC, but an increase in the volume of processed information and the presence of outdated data. To speed up the browser, in particular Yandex, to the maximum and make it even faster than at first, you need to clear everything unnecessary and activate functions that are responsible for increasing the speed of the browser. One of the useful features is hardware acceleration, which by connecting additional resources reduces the time for data processing.

Speeding up the Yandex browser is a general concept. The first step is to determine which area needs to be improved or whether they all need restoration. Users may complain in several main areas:

  • Low application launch speed. Sometimes it takes a minute or more from clicking on the shortcut to loading;
  • Slow page loading. This should definitely be changed, since loading websites is the main task of the browser;
  • Slow speed of downloading files from the Internet. If the network slows down a lot when downloading files, the first step is to study the speed declared by the provider. This is probably the maximum speed, otherwise there is an opportunity to improve the state of this area;
  • Low Internet stability, which means constant disconnection with the server and the appearance of various errors.

The penultimate two points are similar in nature, and the methods for solving such problems are also the same. Having decided on the problem area of ​​the browser, we can begin to make it more active.

Speed ​​up browser launch

When the browser loads, the initial processing of previously opened pages, installed extensions, temporary files and the kernel itself occurs. By reducing the amount of information processed, we automatically increase the launch speed.

How to speed up the loading of Yandex browser:

  • Change start page settings. If you set to launch previously opened pages, loading will take longer in proportion to the number of tabs. There are 2 ways out of the situation: close the tabs before ending the session or set the operating mode - open the display when starting. To set a new parameter, go to the “Settings” section in Yandex Browser and in the “Open at startup” column, select “Tableboard with favorite sites”;
  • Clean up resource-intensive and unnecessary extensions. We recommend periodically removing plugins that are rarely used or have become useless. On the “Add-ons” page in the browser, scroll down the list and disable extensions one by one. We pay the most attention to the “From Other Sources” section. We remind you that simultaneous installation of two add-ons of the same type can negatively affect the loading speed of the browser. It is better to leave one, the best extension of its kind;
  • Remove temporary files. A simple way to speed up the launch of Yandex Browser is to clear all temporary files using the CCleaner application. Just download it from the link. In the “Cleaning” section on the “Applications” tab, select all items related to Google Chrome, then click on the “Analyze” button. After completing the analysis procedure, you must click on the “Cleaning” button;
  • Scan the system for viruses. The method will help increase the performance of the system as a whole and will have a positive effect on the speed of the browser while loading pages. An antivirus scanner like Dr. will help you remove viruses. Web or a full-fledged antivirus like ESET NOD32 or Kaspersky Internet Security;
  • Free up computer resources. If the PC is heavily loaded, system performance in browsing will drop significantly. You need to stop unnecessary processes or wait until important tasks are completed. Another way to increase the speed of your computer is to remove all unnecessary programs from startup. We can do this on the “Startup” tab in the “Task Manager”.

If system methods do not help, the likely cause is poor PC performance. To increase the loading speed of all applications, including the Yandex browser, we recommend installing an SSD drive and adding more RAM.

Increasing work speed and page loading

Browser performance is affected by more than just the power of your computer. Even on high-performance PCs, websites may experience significant loading delays. Regardless of your PC's power, you can use the following methods to improve your browser's performance.

How to speed up Yandex browser and its secrets:

  • Yandex Browser speeds up when you clear out unnecessary extensions. The method is described in the previous section;
  • An additional browser function will help increase the speed of opening and loading pages - preliminary execution of a request to the page. Preloading can significantly speed up the browser's performance. How to enable the feature:

  • Enabling support for images with transparent backgrounds, which results in a slight increase in operating speed. The function allows you to make the Yandex browser faster by several percent, but in combination with other methods the increase is noticeable. To enable the feature, just go to the experimental features page and enable the flag with the name #disable-accelerated-2d-canvas, switching it to the “Enabled” state;
  • Terminate other processes that consume a large amount of traffic. Uploading files, active torrents, mining, watching movies and some other tasks take up a lot of traffic. The listed actions and comfortable, fast surfing are mutually exclusive concepts. It is easy to speed up the loading of pages in the Yandex browser by turning off the download or waiting for it to complete. To check the network load, we can go to the “Task Manager” and select sorting by the “Network” tab;
  • Increasing the maximum available memory footprint. In Windows 7, you often have to directly set the load tolerance from the browser. The higher the number allocated for Yandex browser initialization, the sooner the page will load. To speed up the Yandex browser for Windows 7, you should specify a larger allocated memory size. True, the load on the computer will increase somewhat (slightly). To increase the speed of the browser, activate the flag #max-tiles-for-interest-area On the page . In the latest version of the browser for Windows 10, the function is switched to automatic mode, there is no need to enable it, and it is missing from the flags section;
  • Enable more active raster streams. Helps process images on pages faster, and images on most sites account for 80% of the weight of a page. We recommend the flag #num-raster-threads set the maximum value available in the drop-down list. This will not create a noticeable load on the computer, but will increase the speed of the Yandex browser;
  • Activation of the "Turbo" mode. Allows you to save traffic by compressing all content. To reduce the size of the content, all traffic is redirected to Yandex servers, where it is compressed. Compression is performed on images and videos. We can enable the mode on the “Add-ons” page in the “Convenient tools” section. If you set the operation type to “Auto”, it will turn on when the speed decreases to 128 kbit/sec and turn off after increasing it to 512 kbit/sec. For high-speed Internet there is no need for “Turbo” mode;
  • Disable VPN, proxy extensions or applications. They inevitably entail a decrease in Internet speed. The method will help significantly speed up opening pages in the Yandex browser. How to disable proxy:

Speeding up the Yandex browser will not happen if the reason for slow page loading is poor Internet connection speed.

How to speed up loading in Yandex browser to the maximum?

There are not many ways to increase the download speed in the Yandex browser, because it largely depends on the quality of the Internet. But there are still several methods that allow you to save a file faster:

  • A trivial way to speed up the Internet in general and in the Yandex browser is to order the best service package from a provider;
  • Disable all intermediate servers: proxies and VPN. Moreover, we recommend checking not only in the browser, but also among desktop applications. To speed up downloading in the Yandex browser, it is better to disable the proxy altogether or add the browser to exceptions (Proxy example: Browsec; Hola; friGate; ZenMate);
  • Change Internet security and firewall rules. It's easy to get into your firewall settings by typing "firewall" into Windows Search ( Win+S). Next, go to the “Rules for incoming connections” group. We find the item “Yandex.Browser (incoming mDNS traffic)” and check that its status is “Enabled” and that the UDP port is used. If this is not the case, you should create a rule and specify port 5353. Also in the antivirus there is a section “Exceptions” or “White List”, you need to add the Yandex browser to it (Screenshot 1 - Windows Firewall; Screenshot 2 - ESET NOD32);
  • Disabling the firewall will help speed up downloading files in the Yandex browser when using a corporate network. The system administrator can disable it for certain domains. Such permission can be obtained quite rarely;
  • Choose the right download server. The speed from some servers is low due to special settings on the hosting side; this often happens when the user chooses a free download method. Also, if the speed and stability of the Internet is better when downloading a file from other servers, the problem is in a specific resource.

There is often a desire to increase the Internet speed in the Yandex browser when downloading files from resources that are officially blocked in the country. To use them you have to turn on the VPN. The only way to make downloads faster is to replace the proxy or VPN service with a better/paid one (example: ExpressVPN).

Hardware acceleration in Yandex browser

Hardware acceleration deserves a separate section, as it can significantly speed up the performance of video content. Additionally, the function allows you to improve the smoothness of the video and increase its quality, if your computer performance and Internet speed allow it.

How to enable hardware acceleration?

There are 2 simple ways to initialize hardware acceleration.

First way:

Second method:

How to turn off hardware acceleration?

Disabling is done in exactly the same way; we can use one of the following methods:

Important! To activate or deactivate the function, you must restart the browser.

All of these methods help increase the speed of loading pages and files; they are usually used together to speed up the work of the Yandex browser as much as possible. When used together, it is often possible to achieve a significant increase in performance, although some methods independently increase performance by 50-200%.

If you have problems with the speed of your Internet browser, then you need to read this post.

  • problems on the line connecting the user to the provider, or breakdown of network equipment;
  • low computer performance;
  • problems with the browser itself.

If tips on speeding up website loading do not help, you will have to contact the provider’s technical support. But first you need to determine the cause of the malfunction.

Internet browser works slowly, takes a long time to open pages

Reduced browser speed is a consequence of the following network connection problems:

  • problems on the provider's side - in this case the user will not be able to do anything;
  • line interference due, for example, to bad weather;
  • if you use a wireless modem from a mobile operator, the connection slowdown may be due to channel congestion due to a large number of users - this problem occurs in the evenings;
  • excessive use of the connection;
  • low speed according to the tariff.

Freeing the channel

Your computer is connected to the provider by a network of cables through which particles of information - packets - travel. In order for the speed to be high, packets sent and received by the browser must flow freely through the channel provided to you.

If other programs use the channel in parallel, the channel becomes clogged and there is no space left to load pages.

Therefore, first of all you need to do the following:

  • disable torrent clients and other programs for downloading files;
  • disable applications for watching TV and listening to music online;
  • stop software updates - for example, Steam, antiviruses and Windows itself like to update frequently;
  • disconnect other users - laptops, tablets and smartphones connected via Wi-Fi, IP-TV set-top box, etc.;
  • reboot the modem or router - this will disconnect the “unnecessary” connections.

Do you have a problem?

It is also worth checking whether the site is working normally - perhaps the problem is not yours at all. Various methods are used for this:

Equipment setup

If you connect to the Internet via a 3G, 4G or xDSL modem, it is worth checking the settings of your network equipment.

xDSL modem or router:

  • reboot your device;
  • go to settings by entering, or in the address bar;
  • check the connection status and compliance with the actual tariff speed - this data is located in the main menu of the device or in the WAN section;
  • Check the connection settings using the instructions for your equipment model.

3G/4G modem:

  • disconnect the device from the USB port and connect it again;
  • reboot the modem software;
  • update your modem driver.

What to do if everything is in order on the part of the sites and the provider, the channel is free, but the sites take a long time to load?

Increase PC performance

The lack of hardware resources affects all aspects of working with a computer - all programs slow down, the Internet begins to work slowly, and the browser takes a long time to open pages.

  • press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete, in the menu that opens, click on the “Task Manager” button - this can also be done through the context menu, opened by right-clicking on the taskbar;
  • go to the “Performance” section (in Windows 10 - “Performance”);
  • We look at the percentage of CPU and memory load - if it exceeds 80%, it means there are not enough resources.

The problem can be corrected either by closing unnecessary tasks or by upgrading the computer.

Choosing a browser for a weak PC

If there are not enough resources, choose a low-demanding browser according to your needs:

  • Internet Explorer / Microsoft Edge - requires the least resources, but cannot boast of rich functionality;
  • Mozilla Firefox is ideal;
  • Opera is more demanding, but has an Opera Turbo mode that speeds up work on a slow connection;
  • Google Chrome / Yandex Browser are the most resource-intensive options.

If you are using little-known software (for example, Amigo from Mail.ru), remove it immediately.

Disk Cleanup

The browser saves temporary files on the system drive, and if there is not enough space on it, the Internet may slow down. To free up space use:

  • CCleaner program - removes unnecessary files and unnecessary registry entries;
  • standard cleaning tools - “Add or Remove Programs” in the Control Panel and “Disk Cleanup” in the properties of the system disk.

Defragmentation is the process of optimizing free disk space, rearranging clean clusters on the hard drive. This should be done at least once a month; if programs and files are written and deleted frequently, then defragmentation should be carried out more often - this will make the disk work faster.

The necessary tool is located in the disk properties. Go to the “Tools” section of the C: drive properties and run defragmentation.

Cleaning and setting up the browser

Whatever browser you use, you need to constantly monitor it so that it does not become clogged. You need:

  • clear history;
  • clear cache (temporary files) and cookies;
  • delete unnecessary bookmarks;
  • do not install unnecessary plugins and extensions.

As a rule, all temporary files are deleted after closing the program. Therefore, for timely cleaning, you just need to not keep the program constantly running.

Management of all modern browsers is more or less standard, so it’s difficult to get confused in the settings. To remove unnecessary plugins:

  • go to settings through the main menu (opened by the corresponding button on the taskbar);
  • go to the “Add-ons”, “Plugins” or “Extensions” section;
  • remove unnecessary things - in most cases it is enough to leave only AdBlock.

You can also clear the cache through the settings:

  • Chrome and Yandex Browser: “Options” – “Advanced” – “Delete data”;
  • IE: “Internet Options” – “Delete browsing history”, check the box “Delete history when exiting”;
  • Firefox: “Settings” – “Advanced” – “Network” – “Cached Content” – “Clear Now”;
  • Opera: “Settings” – “Delete personal data”.

If the tips listed above do not help speed up page loading, call a technician for a more thorough diagnosis and repair of your computer.

Question: Wireless network speed is very slow

Good day! This is the problem: a friend and I decided to play via Wi-Fi (I have an HP530 laptop, he has a Samsung n100s netbook), and during the game there are severe lags. I found that the wireless connection speed is 11Mbps. Question: Is it possible to increase the Wi-Fi speed?

Answer: You need to look at the packet latency. This is done with the command (on the command line) “ping xx.xx.xx.xx”, where xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP address of the computer where you are pinging. Plus Wi-Fi itself gives a delay time, plus, since you are distributing from a laptop, most likely there is some kind of energy-saving technology working there, due to which the equipment does not work at full capacity. Therefore, your laptop, as a server, takes a long time to respond to requests. Hence the lags. Or the Wi-Fi is very dirty due to neighboring access points. Try changing the WiFi channel.
First, change the channel and watch how the pings change, then you need to try to disable all energy-saving technologies on your laptop and watch the pings to your friend’s computer.

Question: Loading speed in browsers is very slow

Good day to all.
I'm having this problem:
when downloading from torrent trackers, launchers (games), the speed corresponds to that declared by the provider (100 Mbit/s), i.e. downloads 9-10 MB/s. Now, if I download from sites, for example from the official Microsoft website or some other site, when the download is transferred directly to the browser. The speed does not rise above 800 KB/s, I tried everything standard, antivirus programs, different browsers, Google. My connection is via an ASUS RT-N12-VP router, I also tried connecting directly, there is no difference. Speedtest shows the declared speed. How can this problem be solved?

Answer: Well then try asking somewhere else, here's an example

Question: Low speed in browsers

Today I saw that the speed in the browser has dropped to 100kb/s, although Steam and torrent download 750kb/s. I tried everything, checked for viruses, etc., what should I do?

Answer: OMG, what is the speed of the browser, a normal download or what? The resource from which you download gives you the ability to download 100kb/sec, that’s all

Question: Very low Internet speed!

Help me set up the network to increase the Internet loading speed, all sorts of unnecessary services and third-party programs are not needed (cable/Dsl-2640U). A month ago everything was ok, after the update 2 weeks ago I’m struggling with the Internet... yes I did a rollback but it didn’t help, the problem remains (Windows 10/x64 Acer Aspire E1-571g)

Answer: I think it is possible to identify “who” is to blame for the cuts.
Connect 2 PCs with a direct cable, set up a network, try to send a “heavy” file between computers and look at the speed. Thus, you can understand that the laptop is at fault, either the router or the network connection on the laptop is dying...
Also, then connect 2 PCs through the router and run the traffic again and look at the speed.
Then you need to test the router - maybe the guy was on to something...

Question: Limiting download speed

Good afternoon.
There is a limitation on the download speed of a Torrent file in the "Zona", "Torrent" program. The speed reaches 5.80 MB/s - 5.99 MB/s and then dangles from 5 MB/s to 5.90 MB/s. Speed ​​on 2ip.ru; speedtest.net - corresponds to Tariff (
I did this - it didn't help.
I wrote to the provider's support - they write that there are no restrictions.
This was not the case with the previous tariff.
Help, good people.


Message from vsadnlk

And now it simply won’t let it go above 6 Mbit.

The provider turned off the local one, and the speeds became according to the tariff.
Why he did this is unclear, perhaps to motivate users to switch to more expensive tariff plans or for some other reason.

Question: The router reduces the receiving speed

Hello. I came across this problem. The router reduces the receiving speed. I tried to connect the cable directly from the provider and the result is ~ 80 Mbit/s transmission and reception speed. When connected via an asus RT-G32 router, the receiving speed at the best measurement is 1.5 Mbit/s. When measuring 2-3 MB/s on torrents, the download speed is ceiling. Tell me what could be wrong? The settings on the router are Automatic IP.
Thank you.

Answer: These measurements are speed tests about the weather in Beijing.
If you really “want the truth,” install a second wired client on the WAN port and run iperf in several threads. Or immediately kick the provider.

Message from ru_LAN

When measuring 2-3 MB/s on torrents, the download speed is ceiling.

On torrents, the client can make hundreds of connections and your RT-G32 simply hangs.
Try turning off uTP in the client and check "global maximum connections". Particularly gifted crackers bet 1000 and distribute their “brainchild”. Maybe you have such a copy

Question: Very slow Wi-Fi speed

Hello, for the second week now I have not been able to solve the problem with a very low data transfer speed via wifi.
A local network has been set up, an ASUS RT-N16 router. There are several devices on the network, one PC with Windows 7 via cable, the speed is simply excellent according to speedtest up to 130 mb/s. Also, three smartphones Iphone Samsung on Android and Nokia on Windows are periodically connected to the network On all these devices, the speed is also quite good, according to speedtest, about 30 mb/s. But there is also a Samsung TV and a second computer connected via wifi, but the speed on them is unusually low on the TV, I did not measure it in digital terms, but all applications slow down incredibly when watching videos both from the Internet and from the local area. On a computer, the speed when checking on speedtest is up to a maximum of 1mb/s, often even less. Moreover, the speed of copying a file to this computer within the network from a shared folder is generally 200 kb/s. I have already tried all the configuration recommendations, changed the firmware, installed different network types, adjusted the power, monitored neighboring networks and set the freest channel, all to no avail. Moreover, I even tried to connect a usb wifi adapter with the same garbage. In general, today, when I already tried to optimize using TCPOptimizer and nothing came of it, I completely ran out of ideas. Maybe someone has encountered such a problem.

Added after 19 minutes
Another such moment. I installed a utility from TP-Link to monitor the connection. So this program shows a rate in the region of 100 mb, jumps from 80 to 150 But as soon as you open the link in the browser, the speed drops sharply to 1 mb/s. I even tested this feature. Opened speedtest Waited until the speed rose to 150mb and launched the test. In the first moments it showed excellent ping and instant speed, but after a second the speed dropped sharply. That's it.

Answer: Now this is more interesting. Thank you dear man. =)
There was official firewood from zukhela, I took it down, installed it from asus and it became faster.

Question: Low speed

4-5 days ago the following problem appeared:
The Internet speed is very low, this is observed when listening to music on the Internet, as well as when watching videos. Previously, I could easily watch video files in 1080p, but now even at 720p it lags every 5 seconds.
I called the provider and was told to check the speed on a speed test. I checked, it corresponds to the tariff I use - 25 Mbit/sec, but there is a very strong drop in speed, and besides, I use a Wi-Fi router, the speed is also low on all the devices I use. I tried to connect the modem directly to the computer, without a wi-fi router, the speed is still low.
However, everything is fine on torrents.
Please help me solve this problem.

Answer: Here. As already mentioned, the speed corresponds to that declared by the provider.

I'll start with the laptop configuration. ASUS X55VD: pentium b980, Nvidia 610M, 2GB RAM, Hitachi HTS543232A7A384.
Once upon a time, about 2 years ago, I decided to reinstall the OS to Win 8.1 x64. After installation, I was pleasantly surprised by the loading speed (30-40 seconds from the moment I pressed the button); and most importantly, the Explorer browser and other necessary things immediately launched, you could work right away. When I had 7x32 there was no such effect, I pressed the browser icon and only after 30 seconds it opened...
In short, for a long time I was happy with the loading time, and meanwhile it was increasing and increasing. Until, finally, today I was stupidly unable to boot the first time.
Symptoms: The BIOS loads quickly as usual, and the welcome screen also appears quickly. Even the desktop appears quite quickly, but it’s no longer possible to log into Explorer or launch the browser instantly, and the task manager also doesn’t open; you have to wait 2-3, or even 5 minutes.
Of course, I'm a fool, but not so much that I can't help myself. into startup and disable everything that is not needed. Although there was nothing significant there anyway. I even downloaded the Autoruns utility and removed all sorts of codecs, petty Soviet extensions for explorer, and so on from startup. Although even with them it loaded quickly before.
Naturally checked with several antiviruses(avg4, drweb curient), there were some suspicious files and I already deleted them.
Has been checked task Manager, nothing suspicious.

My opinion is that the problem is with the hard drive. It clicks loudly very often, I read that parking is happening. The LED on the case is constantly lit, signaling the activity of the hard drive. Now I'll try defragmentation. But I don't think this will solve the problem.

Has this ever happened to you and how did you fix it?

Answer: 2 gigs is extremely small for Win 8.1, but I’ve seen devices with 10 on 2 gigs - a sad sight.
If it happens, you need to disable all updates, monitoring, indexing, preloading, synchronization, viruses...
You can check the disk in a completely simple way (preferably on another PC) by starting to copy a large file to or from it, observing the speed change, or test the reading speed in the HD-Speed ​​program. On a dying disk, the speed is usually not stable

Question: Very low Internet speed via wifi through the Connectify PRO program

Hello! When replacing Windows 7 with 10, a problem arose with Internet transmission via wi-fi. Internet on a laptop via Beeline USB modem. The paid version of the Connectify PRO program was purchased. Through this program, the laptop distributes wi-fi, but at a very low speed. Previously, such problems did not arise when Windows 7 was available, free analogues of Connectify coped with their task perfectly. Is there any way to increase the transfer speed? Perhaps there is something wrong with my settings. Help me to understand.

Answer: when the Internet is shared and the virtual wifi adapter is visible
post it

1 ipconfig - all

In the not so distant past, the expression “Internet browser” was actively used in computer circles, and there was no other browser except IE.

Today the situation has changed dramatically. There are hundreds of browser varieties on the market... but in fact, at least 90% of all these programs are built on Chromium. This also includes the option from Yandex.

Many experts even call it “a true successor to Opera,” since in terms of the volume of supported functions it is clearly ahead of modern Opera (on the same Chromium engine). But the browser also has disadvantages. In particular, it may begin to work more slowly over time. To return his speed, you can perform a number of simple techniques.

Enabling turbo mode

This is a very useful option that increases the speed of page loading. To enable it, click on the settings icon, which is marked in red in the screenshot below.

The settings menu will open, in which you need to select the “Enable turbo” item.

After clicking on this menu item, Yandex acceleration mode will be automatically activated. In general, provided there is a normal Internet connection, this should be enough to speed up the application. But it's not that simple. To ensure the “adequacy” of the browser’s Turbo mode, you need to fine-tune it. Activate the “Settings” menu item again, as shown in the first screenshot, and then click on the item... “Settings”.

After this, you need to scroll through the menu that opens and find the “Turbo” item. This is a simple way to increase program performance.

So what needs to be activated? If your Internet speed is at least 2-3 MB/sec, you can leave everything as is. When it is lower, it is advisable to check the “Always on” item. Option “Notify about speed changes...” It is better to leave it to users of unstable mobile Internet, the speed of which can vary greatly depending on the time of day and phases of the moon. When everything is really sad with tariffs, set the switch to the “Always on” position. This will increase the download rate.

How useful is the “Compress video” option, and is it worth leaving it activated? Yes, this helps with poor connection quality. However, you still won’t be able to watch videos in 1080p or even 720p resolution – a simple program option cannot increase the Internet speed. Please note that the speed of downloading files will not be increased either.

Clearing activity traces

This advice is more suitable for owners of weak computers with a small amount of RAM and a “slow” hard drive. While working on the Internet, Yandex accumulates history, temporary files, and location information.

The download history is sorted... On powerful machines, all this happens without a trace and is invisible to the user, but old PCs do not cope with such a volume of data very well, and the speed of downloading the program drops significantly.

After a week or two of intense surfing, it’s worth clearing your history. To do this, you need to go to the “Settings” of the browser again (first screenshot). Click on the item “History – history” (see screenshot).

In the menu that opens, click on the “Clear history” button to open the Yandex clearing manager.

By the way, here he is. In the drop-down list (circled in red), it is advisable to select the “All time” item, since it has the greatest effect on the speed. We recommend leaving the first three checkboxes in any case. It's best to leave the three underlined items below alone: ​​cookies, passwords, and autofill data won't help your productivity much, but they do make your experience much more convenient.

It is also better to leave the items “Data of saved applications” and “Information about licenses...” untouched, but you can check them (there will be a performance increase, but not too significant). As soon as you decide on the volume of garbage removed from the browser, click on the “Clear history” button.

Disabling extensions

This advice will also come in handy for owners of not the most powerful PCs whose speed is low. As you know, extensions on modern Internet browsers account for almost 80% of their possible functionality (tools for downloading videos, ad blocking).

Unfortunately, some users get too carried away with them, as a result of which their Yandex turns into a clumsy monster. To fix this, in the address bar (as shown in the screenshot), copy and paste: “browser://plugins/” (without quotes). Press Enter.

A new Yandex window will open. It will display all the plugins installed in your browser. The screenshot shows a “gentleman’s set”: all additions except these should be removed. After this, the speed of loading the application will increase noticeably.