Why does iPhone 5s freeze? How to restart an iPhone if it's frozen. Save iPhone data by creating a backup

Understanding that your iPhone has become slower is quite simple. Animations for scrolling through desktops slow down, applications and games take a long time to open, and in general the smartphone slows down. The reasons for this are also simple.

Why iPhone slows down and how to fix it

1. You just installed a new version of iOS

Don’t rush to scold your iPhone for being slow immediately after the update. The system needs some time to index all files, delete the cache, and optimize its performance and the performance of applications. The smartphone will slow down a little, heat up and discharge faster than usual - this is normal.

Actually, there is nothing to fix here. You just need to wait. It's ideal to update in the evening and leave your iPhone on charge overnight to let iOS do its thing.

2. The disk is almost completely full

Filling your built-in storage to capacity can also be a reason why your iPhone is slowing down. No matter how powerful a smartphone is, the system will inevitably work slower if there are a few free megabytes left on the disk.

Fixing this problem couldn't be easier. It’s enough to delete anything unnecessary or dump photos and videos onto your computer or save them to the cloud. Starting from , it’s convenient to clear free space directly on your smartphone from the “iPhone Storage” menu, which is located in the “General” settings section.

3. You updated instead of installing iOS from scratch

Another reason for slowdowns can be accumulated garbage and bugs from previous versions of iOS. This usually happens if you upgrade your device for several years in a row rather than perform a clean install.

To prevent this from happening, it is better to alternate the update with a clean installation and sometimes flash the iPhone via iTunes without restoring from a backup. It’s better to keep a backup copy just in case. At least in iCloud.

4. Visual effects are enabled on the old device

Modern iOS has many more visual effects and animations than earlier versions. In new devices they do not affect performance in any way, but in older devices they can cause the same slowdown.

The problem is solved by disabling effects, transparency and animations. To do this, open “Settings” → “General” → “Universal Access” and in the “Increase Contrast” item, turn on the “Reduce Transparency” and “Darken Colors” toggle switches.

There, in the “Universal Access” menu, you need to find the “Reduce Motion” item and turn on the toggle switch of the same name.

5. Content update enabled

The usability-enhancing background content refresh feature can also cause slowdowns by loading up the processor with tasks even when the iPhone screen is locked. By disabling it, you can slightly improve performance.

To do this, open “Settings” → “General” → “Content Update” and turn off the corresponding toggle switch. It's simple.

6. You are using the minimum required device for current iOS

Apple supports its devices for as long as possible, releasing software updates even for those that are several years old. To prevent older iPhones from slowing down, developers are optimizing iOS. But sometimes this is not enough.

Therefore, if your iPhone is the minimum required to update to a new version of iOS, the best solution is to stay on the current one. For example, for iOS 11, such a device is the iPhone 5s.

7. It just seems to you

As paradoxical as it may sound, decreased iPhone performance can often be just a psychological effect. Knowing that a new, faster iPhone has been released, we begin to think that our old and still good smartphone is slower.

This is just self-hypnosis.

How else to speed up iPhone

To get started, you can use an express method to speed up your iPhone, which will not require any complex manipulations and will only take a few seconds. Life hacker talked about him in.

If none of the above works, it makes sense to try resetting your iPhone to factory settings. The easiest way is to proceed in order: first try to reset the network settings, then all the settings, and then completely erase the device.

Before doing this, of course, you need to back up all your data in iTunes or via iCloud.

If this does not help, there is the last method described in the third section of this article: a clean installation of iOS via iTunes and setting up the iPhone as a new device without restoring from a backup.

Let's look at the reasons why the iPhone freezes during operation, slows down and glitches, and does not want to download applications and launch them correctly. Basically, these problems are of a software nature and the problem can be solved by flashing the firmware. But there are cases when the reason is hardware in nature and requires the intervention of service center specialists.

More than 90% of cases when the iPhone freezes is due to a software error. Do you remember if there was a firmware/iOS update recently or maybe you installed a new application? Depending on the situation, we delete the application or reflash the iPhone (this can be done in our workshop).

The next reason why the iPhone freezes is the lack of RAM for processing information. You simply have too many apps running in the background. Clean and disconnect them so that your smartphone continues to work without problems.

If, in the case of software, everything is resolved quickly, then the hardware may need both repair and complete replacement of individual modules, the failure of which causes all the problems in the phone. In extremely rare cases, a faulty battery may be the source of the problem. Its malfunction can also be detected only during diagnostics at a service center.

Repair questions


Hello, I have an iPhone 8, 64 gig. Purchased 4 months ago. It became very glitchy. It says that there is not enough space, although only 18.4 gigabytes are occupied. I didn't update my phone number. Now I decided to do it, because I thought that this was the problem, but it didn’t work. What could this be and can I solve this problem myself? Thank you in advance!)

Hello, will you try flashing the phone, if that doesn’t work, it’s better to contact the warranty

Hello, I have the same problem. I bought an iPhone 7 plus transferred ICloud there and after a couple of days the phone started freezing? Unblocking the account with a problem, applications began to freeze, it became impossible to receive calls. In general, the phone began to freeze hard. I took it back to the store and they sent it for inspection. Then I transferred ICloud again to my 6 s. Now this phone started to freeze. Although this never happened before before purchasing the seventh iPhone. What could be the problem?

Hello, check if the memory in your phone is full, if so you need to free up some space, otherwise bring it in for diagnostics

We have all encountered such a problem as the device freezing. Who will be pleased if you are lucky enough to meet your idol on the street, but your phone refuses to open the camera. Or will it just glitch all the time? Today we will look at the main causes of this problem.

System errors

When we buy a new phone, we are buying an already obsolete phone. Therefore, after a while, the phones begin to glitch and freeze. BUT we all know that iPhone is the most well optimized phone. But EVEN he can face a similar problem.

Let's start with the simplest and most logical. The phone has a limited memory limit and, logically, if the memory reaches zero, then it simply becomes difficult for the phone to think. Therefore, if your phone suddenly glitches and freezes, check if you have free space in the device memory)

It happens that the phone may start to malfunction due to software glitches. During operation of the device, a large number of errors and failures may occur, and the constant load of the phone can load the processor so much that it simply ceases to understand “where it is.” You can try to fix these errors yourself.

Software failures are common and the problems are very different; most often, they appear when updating the device “over the air” or in another way, via Wi-Fi, or on beta versions of the firmware. A hard reboot of the device helps solve these problems. To do this, you need to hold down the device's on/off button and the Home button until the phone turns off and turns back on on its own. On models older than 6s, the Home button is replaced with a volume down button.

Natural wear and tear of the battery

Any battery is a consumable item. This means that batteries are short-lived and require replacement periodically. After a certain period of use, they tend to lose capacity and using the device without a cord becomes almost impossible. In the case of a battery, the symptoms are immediately clear.

But what is the connection between battery wear and iPhone freezing? It's simple. Recently, the Apple company revealed the secret of freezing devices. The iPhone OS itself has a built-in special system for protecting motherboard elements from internal microdamage. It sounds complicated, but it's actually simple. When a battery is used for a long time, it gradually loses its capacity, and the current supplied to it flows less and less evenly. And when the battery already has a large number of charge-discharge cycles, the OS independently and specifically slows down the processor frequency in order to reduce power consumption. This helps keep the board in good condition and protects it from micro-short circuits, but has the side effect of freezes and glitches. This problem can be solved

But I strongly advise against trying to change the battery yourself! It’s better to contact a service center, where they will quickly and efficiently fix the problem, so that you don’t have to come back later with more serious, expensive damage. (One of the most frequent calls to service is after attempting to repair it yourself. Before you try to repair it yourself, think about whether you are ready are you getting a negative result...?)

Articles and Lifehacks

Any user of Apple products may encounter a situation where the iPhone freezes when turned on. However, not everyone knows what to do. Actions may vary.

Sometimes it’s enough to leave the device alone, and after a while it “comes to its senses,” and sometimes there’s nothing left to do but reflash it.

If the “apple” icon is persistently displayed on the screen, in this case they say that the iPhone is in cyclic reboot mode. The only way to “bring your phone back to life” and make it work is to put it into system recovery mode.

Possible solutions to the problem

  1. The first step in restoring a phone is to connect it with the “apple stuck on the screen” to the computer and then turn it off.
  2. After this, the iTunes program is launched, which is a synchronizer between the Apple device and all the user’s content, and also allows you to purchase and rent media files, programs and their updates in the iTunes Store.
  3. Next, you should hold down the “Home” and “Power” buttons simultaneously for a while (usually no more than 10-12 seconds), and then smoothly release the “Power” button and wait until the device is recognized by iTunes.
  4. After all the manipulations performed, you need to find and restore the latest version of the iPhone firmware, which can be hacked completely safely and without any consequences using Evasi0n 7.
  5. Then in iTunes you need to select the “recovery” process and wait patiently until the iPhone is flashed.
  6. The final step in the iPhone recovery procedure should be restoring and saving information on the phone from the iTunes backup.

Alternative recovery method

Some users claim that in this case they were helped by a manipulation called a “hard reboot”: simultaneously pressing the power button, exit to the main menu and the volume control.

In any case, being unsure of how to save your frozen iPhone and not lose the data stored on it, it is better to contact the iPhone service center and trust the specialists who will do everything correctly.

When the iPhone freezes, many gadget owners want to know:

1. The reason why the smartphone malfunctioned?

2. How can I get rid of the problem correctly, on my own or contact the service?

3. Where is the video instruction for troubleshooting?

This article contains answers to your questions. For detailed video instructions on how to diagnose and restore your phone yourself, see below.

TOP reasons why iPhone freezes

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From October 2 to October 9!
From October 2 to October 9!
From October 2 to October 9!
From October 2 to October 9!
From October 2 to October 9!
Promotion! 20 minutes 7690
From October 2 to October 9!
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Important: Promotion! Reduced price by 50% marked with the word “Promotion”, valid until the end of this month

1. As a spare part for an iPhone from a copy;
2. We install original spare parts and provide a 1-year warranty!
3. 20-50% discount at the request of regular customers - see special
4. When repairing, choose free

installation details
in our
service center:
Name of spare parts 8/8 Plus/X
6s Plus
in rub.
Repair time
Glass 2900
From October 2 to October 9!
From October 2 to October 9!
Display with glass (Original) Quality 100% 9900
From October 2 to October 9!
From October 2 to October 9!
Display with glass (Copy) Quality 80%
Battery Original 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480 499 20 minutes
Battery Copy Promotion! 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 499 20 minutes
Rear camera 3450 3450 3450 3450 1500 1500 1500 1500 499 from 2 hours
Power connector with cable Promotion! 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 499 30 minutes
Power button with cable 420 450/420 450 420 450 420 420 420 499 30 minutes
Home button (body part) 450 450 420 450 420 450 450 450 499 10 minutes
Home button (inner part: cable with components) 450/490 490 450 490 450 450 490 450 499 20 minutes
Speaker 490/290 290 490 290 490 290 290 490 499 20 minutes
Microphone 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 499 30 minutes
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WiFi antenna 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 499 30 minutes
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Power controller 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 499 from 2 hours

When the equipment freezes, you need to diagnose the spare parts presented above. You will find how to carry out diagnostics in the quality control section, and only then proceed to the next repair process.

Video instructions: troubleshooting

So that the process of restoring a mobile phone does not take much time, watch the video until the end.

You can watch the rest of the videos in the section quality control

You watched the video, learned everything about the malfunctions, then we move on to the repair itself. It is very important in practice to correct the breakdown correctly if the iPhone freezes. Below we present 2a repair options:

1st – repair at the GsmMoscow SC - specialists with extensive experience will professionally repair the smartphone. We also filmed this video for quality control.

2nd - individual repair of the gadget - you can buy all original components and tools here.

In our long-term practice of repairing iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 5, 5S, 5C, 4, 4S, this problem occurs quite often. Users wonder why iPhone freezes, what to do? Some of them prefer to go on like this, without contacting the service center, until the situation gets worse, while others, on the contrary, want to solve the problem as early as possible. We support, of course, the second category of people. After all, the sooner a person seeks troubleshooting, the easier it will be for a technician to repair an iPhone.

If your iPhone freezes while flashing, or your iPhone freezes during a factory reset, or your iPhone freezes when you reboot and boot, there could be several factors causing it.

Software problems

Hardware problems:

If the iPhone freezes on the apple, and the iPhone freezes when making a call and freezes when turned on, this does not mean that only the software is to blame. The mechanisms of the device itself may also fail.

  1. iPhone freezes, what to do if the processor is faulty? In this case, it must either be restored or replaced. And if you change it, then it comes complete with a flash microcircuit.
  2. Problem with one of the flashes. They need to be changed or restored.
  3. Moisture or shock can cause damage to PCB components, PCB traces, etc. In this situation, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics that will identify the part that has failed.

What is the cost of repairs?

The cost of repair depends on the breakdown and on the part that, if necessary, will have to be replaced. You can view the prices below in the table presented on this page. Please note that this table shows prices only for original spare parts.

Is it possible to fix the problem yourself?

It is possible if it is associated only with software. If the iPhone 6, 6+, 5, 5S, 5C, 4, 4S freezes due to a mechanical fault, no manipulations at home will help. You can't do without a service center here.

Case study:

My iPhone froze after loading the game. The owner of the phone rebooted it. An apple appeared, which did not hang for 5 minutes. I connected the phone to charge and left it overnight - that didn’t help either. When I try to sync, the computer sees the device, but iTunes does not. And iPhonePCSuite generally freezes when connecting the iPhone. After the diagnostics were carried out, it turned out that the reason was still in the installed software. Having corrected the situation, the technicians stated that the phone was working again and could be returned to the owner.

If the problem cannot be corrected, contact the service center. We will provide you with professional and fast assistance. Our specialists provide repair services at a high level. We guarantee you reliability. Your phone will work without interruptions and the breakdown will not happen again.

Advantages of our service center:

  1. By using our services, you will receive a guarantee not only for the installed part, but for the entire device.
  2. After repair, we test your device (time ranges from 5-30 minutes).
  3. Free diagnostics carried out to determine the cause of the breakdown and the failed part.
  4. We use only professional equipment.

One of the main principles of our center is an individual approach. You can always contact our specialists for advice regarding problems with the device.

iPhone owners have the opportunity to work on a modern device that allows you to use numerous programs, applications and commands simultaneously. But it also has glitches when the iPhone “does not respond” or executes commands incorrectly. The operation of the iPhone 5 can be affected by countless different factors, but in most cases the solution to the problem is a simple reboot. Restarting the smartphone makes it possible to update the operation of all operating system programs and reduce the speed of command execution.

Depending on the problem, there are different ways to reboot. The first, easiest way to restart iPhone 5 is as follows:

  1. You need to press the power off (sleep) button at the top of the device and hold it for 4-5 seconds. A rectangular button should appear on the screen confirming that the iPhone is turned off;
  2. Swipe the red power button from left to right without lifting your finger from the screen;
  3. Wait until the screen goes dark and press the power button again until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

There may be situations when the smartphone does not respond to pressing touch buttons. In this case, the following solution to the question of how to restart iPhone 5 if it is frozen is possible. To do this you need:

  1. Simultaneously hold the buttons " Switch off" And " Home"for 9-10 seconds;
  2. Make sure that the company logo appears and the relaunch is successful.