Photoshop for beginners - step-by-step instructions and recommendations. The best YouTube tutorials and other ways to master Photoshop

Yes. This video course can be watched both on Windows and OS X (Mac OS), as well as on any other systems that have a web browser and support for the MP4 video format.

Who should I contact if I have questions about the course?

After payment, you will have access to the online platform where you can watch this training material and ask any questions you have in the comments under the lesson.

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The course works immediately. You don't need any keys or activation codes. You can watch the course on as many computers as you like.

Is there a disk version of the course?

We have abandoned disks in favor of flash drives; you can order the course on a flash drive with delivery by mail.

Can I place an order today and pay later?

Yes it is possible. Just start placing your order, after the cart you will see a link “Save the order in your personal account, I will pay for it later.” Watch video instructions:

Where to download and how to install Photoshop?

What is the difference between “Photoshop for Dummies, 57 Practical Lessons” and “Photoshop from Scratch in Video Format 3.0”?

The course “Photoshop for Dummies, 57 Practical Lessons” does not contain a detailed description of the tools and commands of the Adobe Photoshop program. Here are presented only practical lessons in various areas: restoration and retouching of photographs, creating collages and photo design, drawing, design, creating textures and text effects.

What version of Photoshop are the course lessons recorded in?

Some of the lessons are recorded using CS6, and most are in versions SS 2014, SS 2015.

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Yes, sure. Available payment methods for you: Visa/MasterCard/Maestro cards, Yandex.Money, RBK Money, WebMoney, QIWI, Money transfers, Paypal. After payment, you will receive a letter with a link to download the course to your computer, but if you selected delivery on a flash drive during registration, then in addition to this letter we will send you the course on a flash drive by airmail.

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The Photoshop for Beginners category contains free online video lessons on the basics of working with Adobe Photoshop. This is setting up and studying the program interface, working with hot keys. Here you will receive basic theoretical knowledge that will be useful to you when working in Photoshop in practice. Some video lessons are accompanied by additional materials necessary for training, which can be downloaded. You can watch all video tutorials presented in the Photoshop for Beginners category for free at any convenient time. Enjoy your learning!

Total materials: 19
Materials shown: 1-10

How to select an object in a photo using the Pen tool

Here's how to select and cut out an object in a photo using the Pen tool in Adobe Photoshop. During this tutorial we will cut out an object and place it on a different background. Let's open the photos we will work with. Let's convert the background layer to normal, i.e. remove the lock from it. To do this, double-click on the layer name and click on the Ok button in the window that opens. Select the Pen tool. The Pen settings should be “Outlines”, “Pen Tool”...

Vector and raster graphics

This video lesson explains what vector and raster graphics are. At the moment, Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular and multifunctional graphic editors. Computer graphics are divided into two types - raster and vector. This is based on the fundamental principle of image formation. The basis of a raster image is a dot, or pixel. Those. A raster image consists of many dots, each of which has its own color. To...

RGB, SMYK color schemes

This video is devoted to the issue of Photoshop color schemes - RGB, SMYK, Grayscale, Duplex, Indexed Colors, Lab mode. A color scheme is a specific set of basic colors. As a result of mixing them, you can get any other color. The RGB color scheme consists of three basic colors: red, green and blue. The name comes from the first three letters Red, Green, Blue. This mode is most often used when working in Photoshop. Let's see what colors look like in RGB. Let's take...

Resolution in Photoshop

The online lesson “Resolution in Photoshop” is devoted to the issue of image resolution. What is it and why do you need to know about it when working with Adobe Photoshop or another graphic editor. Resolution is the number of pixels in one inch, denoted by dpi, i.e. dots in every inch. 1 inch is equal to 2.54 cm. Thus, the higher the resolution, the more pixels there are in one inch and, accordingly, the better the image. In Photoshop, the resolution of the current document can be found in...

Program interface, toolbar

This online lesson describes the interface of Adobe Photoshop. You will learn where the toolbar, menus, property palettes, etc. are located. On the Photoshop workspace, you work with an open document. At the top is the main menu. To the left of the work area is the toolbar. You can change its appearance by clicking on the arrows at the top. And the tools on it will be arranged either in one row or in two. Many tool icons have...

Scaling, how to change (decrease, increase) the scale in Photoshop

The video lesson “Scaling, how to change (decrease, increase) the scale in Photoshop” is devoted to the question of how the Scale tool works, hot keys, and also what the Navigator palette is needed for. When working in Adobe Photoshop, you often need to enlarge a separate area of ​​an image for more precise processing, to examine small details or make precise selections, etc. To change the scale there is a special Scale tool, which is located at the bottom...

Sharpening a photo after reducing its size

This online tutorial shows you how to sharpen a photo after reducing its size. Raster images do not tolerate resizing quite well, especially when enlarged. But even when reducing a large photo several times, a significant loss of quality is also noticeable. The image loses clarity and the picture becomes blurry. It often happens when a high-quality studio photo needs to be posted on the Internet, and in order for it to weigh less, it is made smaller...

Batch photo processing in Adobe Photoshop

The lesson “Batch processing of photos in Adobe Photoshop” is devoted to the question of how to process many files at once in Photoshop, performing a pre-compiled set of actions. Let's look at this feature using a simple example of resizing photos. For example, if you have a lot of large photos and need to reduce them all. But if you do this as usual, i.e. based on one photo, the process will take quite a lot of time and effort. Let's see how we can automate...

Have you ever seen those flowy, light desktop backgrounds that appear on computer screens by default? This is exactly the image I had in mind when I was messing around with Photoshop to prepare this tutorial. While they're not exactly the same, these simple gradients and shapes come together to evoke a little nostalgia. And so in this lesson we will look at how to make a background in Photoshop that is just so minimalistic and light.

What is commercial photography? Well, in short, these are photographs for commercial use. In this case, we will consider photography of products that can be sold in online stores or goods for paper catalogs, etc. Such commercial photography should show the product from its best side, so that the client of that same store wants to purchase it. In this photography lesson we will give useful tips for just such photography.

Convenient photo processing in Photoshop using smart objects

Do you want to make sure you're getting the most information out of your photo? How about making sure none of your post-processing steps are destructive? Does this sound like a really smart way to get your processing workflow right?

Adobe RGB vs sRGB – which color space to choose and why

How often have you gone into your camera settings to switch between Adobe RGB and sRGB color spaces? Do you even know what these terms mean or what a color space is? I wasn't aware of these technical terms until a few years ago, but I quickly realized their importance.

What are pixels, resolution and how to resize correctly in Photoshop

Size, resolution and formats... What happens to the pixels? Are you buying a camera based on the megapixel count? Do you have problems posting photos online? Are your photos printed in poor quality even though they look great on screen? There seems to be some confusion between pixels and bytes (image size and file size), quality and quantity, size and resolution. In this lesson we will look at this extremely important information for any photographer.

How to make snow in Photoshop. Analysis of 2 methods

The holidays are approaching and you want to have the perfect photo, but it's too cold, slippery, or you missed all the snow? There are times when, regardless of your wishes, the weather does not allow you to go outside to take the photos you need. Luckily, it's easy to recreate a snowstorm using Photoshop to add the finishing touch to your image.

4 Quick Ways to Add Vignetting in Post-Processing

The word "vignette" comes from the root word "vine", which was originally taken to designate a decorative border on a page. In photography we mean the area around the edges of the image. This boundary is caused by a decrease in light intensity from the center of the image. Light reduction can occur for a variety of reasons: the amount of light hitting the sensor, the type of lens used, or intentional addition of vignetting in post-processing. In this article we will talk about the latter.

Making expressive landscapes in Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop

Many people, having taken a landscape photo of a beautiful place, wonder why it doesn’t look very good in the photo. How to get the kind of result that you see from professionals on different sites on the social network VK, Instagram, etc.? The answer is obvious, any photograph of any professional undergoes one or another processing. If you see a beautiful photo and the author says that he didn’t edit it, don’t believe it! In this Photoshop tutorial, we'll look at a landscape photography technique that many professionals use.

Photoshop lesson. How to Add Objects to Photos Using Overlays

Typically, when it comes to digital overlays, the first thing people think of is exposure overlay. This is correct, but it can be much broader. There are several situations in which digital overlay can come in handy. Not only can it help you create more interesting photography, but it can also make your shooting experience easier. In this article, I'll talk about how I use digital overlays in Photoshop to create interesting compositions.

How to make a sun flare in Photoshop, 2 quick ways

Sun flare can make a dull image look quite dramatic. It is very difficult to get a good shot of natural sun flare, especially when using only natural light and the contrast between light and dark areas of the image is so strong that even the Active-D lighting function cannot cope with it. Luckily, we have Photoshop and many special effects, such as sun flares, that can be magically created, added, enhanced using the functionality of the software.

How to Take Night Photos Without a Tripod and with a Little Help from Photoshop

In this article, I want to show you how to take amazing night photos without a tripod with little noise. In this photo I was on the Accademia Bridge in Venice to watch the sunset. There were a lot of photographers there taking long exposure photos, so many that I couldn't find a place to set up a tripod. So I set the aperture to f/4, shutter speed to 1/10 second and ISO to 1250.

Photoshop or Lightroom: which is better for beginners?

If you're new to photography, you're probably wondering how to process or edit your photos. There is a wide range of photo editing software available, but the two you've probably heard of most are Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. So, what are the main differences and which program is best for beginners and you? Check out the basic overview!

How to Fix Perspective Distortion in Adobe Camera Raw Easily and Quickly

Adobe Camera Raw is one of the most powerful tools for processing RAW files. Not only does this program give you full control over basic settings like brightness, contrast, and color, but you can also make more precise, localized adjustments, including lens correction and point of view.

How to Create Beautiful Bokeh Using Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial, we'll look at how to add beautiful bokeh to the foreground of a photo, and we'll do it using overlays. Bokeh overlays are a great way to give portraits a fashionable and stylized look. These overlays can be purchased, or you can make your own. It's easy, fun and free!

Photoshop tutorial on how to create a fantasy forest

Are you a realist or a photographer? Do you prefer photos as they appear in camera, or do you do extensive editing of your images in Photoshop? When you take photographs, are you capturing or creating? Opinions are always mixed when it comes to “how much is too much” in editing. Personally, I have always preferred to process my photographs to the extent possible so as not to disturb their realism. Until recently…

How to convey mood and atmosphere in photographs

Why is it so difficult to capture the cozy atmosphere of a cafe in photography? Or a relaxed atmosphere around the fire with friends on a summer night? Learning how to capture the mood and atmosphere of a scene is a skill that is elusive for many photographers. This is because the finished product is not just about getting the settings and composition right. The image should evoke emotions; it must convey the deeper aspects of the scene, the sight, the sounds, the smells in such a way that every time you look at the photograph you can be taken back to that moment.


When starting to master Photoshop, you should know that working with this graphic editor will take up a lot of your time, not only during your studies, but also when you finally get the hang of this program. Of course, a beginner will need a lot more time and effort to complete a task that a Photoshop expert can complete in a few minutes.

Courses at the training center are the most effective. A teacher will personally work with you, to whom you can show your work, ask questions and receive professional feedback. The disadvantages of such training include the need to regularly attend classes and financial costs.

Buying a paper tutorial will help you get rid of the need to go to classes, but will require you to independently cope with difficulties that arise during the learning process. In this case, it’s a good idea to have a friend who knows Photoshop, and ready to help you resolve complex issues.

There are forums on the Internet dedicated to working with Photoshop. By registering on one of them, you can take -, submit your work for evaluation, receive advice from experienced users, and download additional tools that expand the capabilities of Photoshop.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Try to combine several study options to achieve the best result.

Adobe Photoshop is a professional graphic editor designed for commercial use in printing and web design. Of course, in order to master the capabilities of Photoshop at a professional level, you will need more than one month of training. However, this editor can also be used at the everyday level: the program allows you to correct a photo even for a person who does not have serious skills in working in Photoshop.

Tools in Photoshop

When launching Photoshop, the user will see a gray box and many confusing menus. Don't be scared: it's not difficult to understand their functions at a minimum level.

There is a toolbar on the left side of the screen. If you hover your mouse over any of these tools, a tooltip with its name will pop up. The functions of some of these tools are clear from their names: the Pencil and Brush are for drawing, the Crop tool allows you to crop the frame, and the Eraser is the electronic equivalent of a regular eraser.

The purpose of other tools will have to be learned. For example, the Magic Wand and Lasso are designed to highlight difficult areas. The Cloning Stamp and the Healing Brush are tools that are indispensable when retouching a photo: with their help you can easily remove unnecessary elements or defects.

For each of these tools, you can select different settings, for example, the diameter of the brush or the force of action of a particular tool. You can set the desired value in the settings menu.

Do not think that Photoshop's capabilities are limited to the functions presented in the toolbar. A huge number of useful functions are “hidden” in the top horizontal menu of the program.

Using layers

An important and very useful feature of Photoshop is the ability to work with layers. Layers in Photoshop can be compared to transparent glasses layered on top of each other. The artist can draw on these glasses, alternately placing them on top of each other, which makes it possible to see how the elements of the picture are combined with each other. If some parts of the picture do not suit the artist, he can pull out or move one of the glasses without redoing the entire image.

This is exactly the same principle that layers work in Photoshop, only they have much more possibilities. Thus, the user has the opportunity to change the transparency level of layers; with one click of the mouse, you can create a copy of a ready-made layer or change any of its characteristics.

A little practice: how to remove red eye

Even this information is enough to improve your photo using Photoshop. Thus, a common problem that novice photographers face is the red-eye effect, which often occurs when using the built-in flash.

In order to remove red eye, you need to open the photo you want to correct in the editor. To do this, simply drag the image into an open Photoshop window. The picture will open in the editor's workspace. After that, in the toolbar you need to select the Red Eye tool. Or you can press the letter “j” on the keyboard - this hotkey will also activate the required tool.

After selecting this tool, the mouse cursor will turn into a cross. All that is required from the user is to point this cross at

This section contains a large collection of free online video Photoshop lessons in Russian. Learning Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop) using video tutorials online is very convenient. To do this, you do not need to download video lessons to your computer or register on the site. Just select the desired category, for example Photoshop for beginners, point to the desired lesson and watch it online. In this case, the lesson can always be paused and, if necessary, repeated after the author. Here you will find lessons on Adobe Photoshop on a variety of topics: video tutorials of Photoshop for beginners, photo processing, working with text, animation in Photoshop, design and drawing, buttons and icons, effects and much more. Some online lessons will have additional materials available that you can download for free. Good luck with your studies!

Total materials: 120
Materials shown: 1-10

How to select an object in a photo using the Pen tool

Here's how to select and cut out an object in a photo using the Pen tool in Adobe Photoshop. During this tutorial we will cut out an object and place it on a different background. Let's open the photos we will work with. Let's convert the background layer to normal, i.e. remove the lock from it. To do this, double-click on the layer name and click on the Ok button in the window that opens. Select the Pen tool. The Pen settings should be “Outlines”, “Pen Tool”...

Vector and raster graphics

This video lesson explains what vector and raster graphics are. At the moment, Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular and multifunctional graphic editors. Computer graphics are divided into two types - raster and vector. This is based on the fundamental principle of image formation. The basis of a raster image is a dot, or pixel. Those. A raster image consists of many dots, each of which has its own color. To...

RGB, SMYK color schemes

This video is devoted to the issue of Photoshop color schemes - RGB, SMYK, Grayscale, Duplex, Indexed Colors, Lab mode. A color scheme is a specific set of basic colors. As a result of mixing them, you can get any other color. The RGB color scheme consists of three basic colors: red, green and blue. The name comes from the first three letters Red, Green, Blue. This mode is most often used when working in Photoshop. Let's see what colors look like in RGB. Let's take...

How to remove wrinkles and rejuvenate facial skin in Photoshop

This video tutorial talks about how to remove wrinkles and rejuvenate facial skin in Photoshop. The main tool that we will use to rejuvenate facial skin is called a Patch. Let's select it and start removing wrinkles under the eyes of the woman shown in the photo. To do this, the area with wrinkles needs to be circled and the resulting selection transferred to an area of ​​skin that does not have wrinkles. This way, the area of ​​skin with wrinkles will be replaced with smooth skin. So that everything done...

How to remove glare and oily shine from facial skin in a photo

This video is devoted to the question of how to remove glare and oily shine from facial skin in a photograph in Photoshop. We will do this using the Brush tool and editing tools. Select Brush, set the hardness to 0, i.e. it should be with the most blurred boundaries. The size of the brush should be specified depending on the size of the highlight. The mode should be set to Multiply or Base Darkening. It depends on the photo being processed, and here you can experiment and...

How to change hair color in Photoshop from blonde to brunette

This online lesson is devoted to the question of how to change hair color in Photoshop from blonde to brunette. Those. Now we will change the light hair to dark hair in the photo of the girl using Adobe Photoshop. In general, it is much easier to dye your hair from light to dark than vice versa. Let's highlight the hair in the photo using a quick mask. Click the corresponding button at the bottom of the toolbar. Now we’ll paint our hair with a black brush, and we can erase it with white...

How to Add Color to a Black and White Photo

The video “How to add color to a black and white photo” is devoted to the question of how to turn a black and white photo into color. There are several ways to color black and white images. In this video tutorial we will look at the method of coloring through color correction using adjustment layers and, secondly, using various blending modes. For painting, you need to use more subdued and subdued colors, because... they will look more natural. For different areas of the image...

Making the effect of an old photograph in Photoshop

The video lesson “Creating the effect of an old photograph in Photoshop” is devoted to the question of how to give an ordinary photograph the effect of old age. There are several images in the supplementary materials that you may find useful to help you complete this lesson. You can download them. So, let's begin. Open the photo you want to apply a similar effect to. Duplicate the layer and make it black and white through the menu Image - Corrections - Desaturate. Let's make a copy of this layer and apply the Gaussian Blur filter...