Transition from kladr to fias. Loading the fias classifier using previously saved data from 1c web resources

FIAS is the official database of the Federal Information Address System for all regions of the Russian Federation. This version of the database is intended for integration into software solutions from the 1C company. In particular, the base can be integrated as an address classifier into programs, and so on. Please note that the FIAS database only works with software versions 8.3 and higher. Also, do not forget that in addition to the general database, there are also editions for individual regions. You can download them from the official website. The use of “regional” database options is more preferable for small enterprises that do not operate over a very wide geography.


Integration of the Federal Address Information System into programs occurs using a convenient step-by-step wizard. In order to launch it, you need to go to the main page and select the "Download classifier" item. Next, you need to specify the path to the local database, unpacked from the downloaded archive. Also, in new versions of 1C programs it is possible to download data “directly” from the network. But if you have already downloaded the database, then you can simply select the “Convert previously downloaded data without an Internet connection” option, use the browser to search for the database and confirm your choice. After the wizard completes, you should receive a notification that says “Address classifier loaded successfully.”

Database update

The process of updating the FIAS database is almost completely identical to the installation process. In this case, there are also options for performing an update from the network or from a local archive. Again, the upgrade is completed through a step-by-step wizard that offers detailed descriptions for each step.

Key Features

  • is the official database provided by the Federal Address Information System;
  • integrates with most products from 1C;
  • makes it possible to install updates from the network and from a local file;
  • offers versions for certain regions of the Russian Federation;
  • distributed completely free of charge.
Figure – “Object search” form

To perform a search, in the form that appears, you must enter the name of the address object about which you want to find information. As you enter the name, a list of address objects that match the entered data will be displayed. If you find the required address in the list, you just need to select it from the list and click on the “Object Information” button to get detailed information.

Note. Because Forming a list of address objects depends on many factors: system load, load of communication channels, quality of your communication channels; do not rush, but wait 2-3 seconds after entering the next address element
To view information about where the object is located, displayed in the search results window, you need to click on the address of the object in the “Looking in:” line and the full path to the current object will open. (Drawing)

Figure - Displaying the full path to the address object

To go to an object at a level higher than the current one, you must click on the button in the “Looking in:” line or, if necessary, select a specific object from the drop-down list with the object hierarchy (Figure).

To obtain information about an object, in the “Select an action” section, click on the “Object information” button. The requested information will be displayed on the screen (Figure).

Figure – Section “Object Information”

3.2. Making changes to the FIAS database

This PC has adopted the following scheme for making changes to the FIAS.

The user, through the PC operating modes, which are described below in this section, enters information about proposals for changing data into the FIAS DB (in this PC, this proposal for changing data will be called “Approval”). After saving the entered information, “Approval” enters the “Address Object Approval” mode (see clause 3.3.1) and has the status “Data Entry” and can be edited.

In order for the information from the “Approval” to be included in the FIAS database, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for its approval at all higher levels. After the “Approval” is approved at the Federal Level and the procedure for its import is carried out, the approval status will change to “Added to FIAS” and the data in the FIAS database will be modified taking into account the proposed changes.

The general scheme of work for maintaining FIAS is presented in the diagram:

3.2.1.Adding an address object

Adding address objects

To add address objects, you need to go to the “FIAS” menu item. In search mode, select the object to which you want to add a child object, select the type of address object you want to add “Add street (district, city).” The following form will appear in front of you (Figure).

Figure - Form for adding an address object

Then fill in all the necessary fields for the newly created object and click on the “Add” or “Add and Approve” button.

Adding a home

To add a house you need to enter the “FIAS” menu item. In search mode, select the parent address object and click the “Add house” button. The form shown in Figure 10 will appear.

When adding a document, the file size should not exceed 4 MB. Acceptable attachment file types: .pdf, .tif, .tiff, .docx, .doc, .jpg, .jpeg

Figure – Add a house form

After filling out the required fields with house data, you must click the “Add” or “Add and Approve” button.

Note: The "Building Attribute" field is no longer required when filling out the "Ownership Attribute" field.

Adding a planning structure element

To add an element of the planning structure, you need to enter the “FIAS” menu item. In search mode, select the parent address object and click the “Add plan element” button. structures." The form shown in Figure 11 will appear.

When adding a document, the file size should not exceed 4 MB. Acceptable attachment file types: .pdf, .tif, .tiff, .docx, .doc, .jpg, .jpeg

Figure 11 – Form for adding a planning structure element

After filling in the required fields with data on the planning structure element, you must click the “Add” or “Add and Approve” button.

Bulk loaded houses with rooms

The mode of mass uploaded houses is available to Federal Tax Service users registered after 09/01/16, Federal Tax Service users with the previous “Editor” and “Data Import/Export” roles, as well as local self-government users with the “formation and placement of information on the assignment of an address or its cancellation in the State Register” role "

To perform this operation, you need to download a file with information about the houses. The specified functionality is available in the menu section “Mass loading” – “Mass loading of houses with premises” (Figure 2).

The figure below shows the form of mass loading of houses with premises.

Figure 3 – Form of mass loading of houses with premises

The system allows for loading several files at once. After this, you need to click on the “Download” button and then “Import downloaded files into the database.” After some time (depending on the load on the server, the volume of downloaded data, etc.), the data will be loaded into the database and will be available for viewing and working with it in the menu mode “Bulk upload” - “Bulk work with houses” (Figure 4):

Figure 4 – Form “Mass work with houses”

In this mode, filters are available by date, by type of organization and name of the organization (in the “Name of organization” field you can also search by inspection code, for example, 7700). After selecting the necessary filters, you need to click on the “Apply” button and the page will display address objects with houses for this organization.

When importing address objects and houses, the operation of linking the downloaded data to the current FIAS address objects (elements of the road transport network and houses) also occurs.

If a match was not found, the operator will need to set it manually.

This is done using a button with a picture of a magic wand.

After the address object is linked to the current FIAS address object, operations on loaded houses become available: linking, automatic addition of houses and manual addition of a house.

Linking a house is carried out in the same way as for an address object using a button with a picture of a magic wand.

Automatic addition houses is only permissible for a specific address object. To do this, click on the button with the image of a house and a plus. After this, the task will be set to automatically add houses for which all the necessary details are indicated: house number or building number, building, inspection number, postal code, OKATO and OKTMO codes. Approvals will be created for these houses, which will go to a higher level for approval (for example, from local to regional).

To manually add a house, you need to click on the plus button, enter the missing values ​​and create an approval.

Viewing logs of completed tasks of downloading files and adding statements is available in the “General”, “Task List” menu (the user must be in the “Data Import/Export” role).

Adding a plot of land

To add a land plot, you need to enter the “FIAS” menu item, then select the parent address object in search mode and click the “Add land plot” button. The form shown in Figure 15 will appear:

Figure 5 – Form for adding a land plot

Fill in the required fields with data on the land plot and click the “Add” or “Add and Approve” button.

When adding a document, the file size should not exceed 4 MB. Acceptable attachment file types: .pdf, .tif, .tiff, .docx, .doc, .jpg, .jpeg.

Adding an apartment/room

To add an apartment or premises, you need to enter the “FIAS” menu item, then in the search mode select City-street-house and click the “Add premises” button. The form shown in the figure below will appear:

Figure 6 – Form for adding premises

When adding a document, the file size should not exceed 4 MB. Acceptable attachment file types: .pdf, .tif, .tiff, .docx, .doc, .jpg, .jpeg

Fill in the required fields with data and click the “Add” button. Premises are immediately added to the FIAS database without creating an application for further approval (Figure 7).

Figure 7 – Result of the operation to add a room

3.2.2. Changing Address Objects

Changing the data of address objects already entered into the FIAS database is carried out through the menu “FIAS” - “Object Search” - “Edit .... (object)”

In the generated application, if only the “Address” fields are changed, the application type will be “Reassignment of object”; changing the object implies making changes to other fields.

Changing data – Address object

To change address objects, you need to find the object that needs to be changed (menu “FIAS” - “Search for objects”). In the “Select action” section, you must select “Edit” (Figure 8).

Figure 8 – Object editing form

In the form that appears, you must make the required changes, then click the “Save” or “Save and Approve” button.

Changing data – Home

To make changes to the address of the house, you should use the “FIAS” menu - the “Object Search” tab - find the house - “Edit the house”. The form shown in Figure 19 will appear.

Figure 9 – House editing form

When adding a document, the file size should not exceed 4 MB. Acceptable attachment file types: .pdf, .tif, .tiff, .docx, .doc, .jpg, .jpeg

Make the required changes. After entering all the necessary data, use the “Save” or “Save and Approve” button.

When making changes only in the “Index” field on the action completion page, the system will prompt you to go to the group change of houses function using the “Change other houses” button (clause Group change of houses, of this document)

Changing land plot data

Changing apartment/room data

The procedure for making changes to information about land plots is similar to the procedure for making changes to information about a house (see clause

Changing data - group changing houses

To group change information about houses ((Postal code, OKTMO, OKATO), you must use the menu item “Group change of houses” in the “Group operations” category (Figure 20).

Figure 20 – Selecting the “Group change of houses” mode

The form for group changes of houses is shown in the figure below.

Figure 1 – Form “Group change of houses” (Step 1)

To make changes to the information, you must select in this form the address object that is the “parent” for the houses for which you need to generate an application for changes. Then click the “Done” button.

In the form that appears (Figure 2), you must add information about the regulatory document (Figure 23), in accordance with which changes are made to information about houses, or select from those previously downloaded. Then click the “Done” button.

Figure 2 - Form “Group change of houses” (Step 2)

Figure 3 – Form for adding a new regulatory document

When adding a document, the file size should not exceed 4 MB. Acceptable attachment file types: .pdf, .tif, .tiff, .docx, .doc, .jpg, .jpeg

At the last stage, from the list of subordinate objects it is necessary to select those objects for which changes will be made. The selected objects will be automatically transferred to the "Selected Homes" window. After entering all the necessary data, use the “Finish” button (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Form “Group change of houses” (Step 3)

The function of group change of houses is displayed in the main menu of the system for users of the Federal and Regional levels of system operators. For other users, the function is available through the “Edit House” mode when changing the index of an object, upon completion of which the user will be prompted to proceed to a group change of objects of the level on which the last editing operation was performed. To switch to this mode, you must use the “Change other houses” button.

3.2.3.Merging an address object

This menu item is available to users of local self-government bodies assigned to the roles “formation and placement of information on the assignment of an address or its cancellation in the State Register” and “Editing data”.

To combine address objects, use the “FIAS” - “Object Search” menu. You must select the address object that you want to merge with another object, and in the “Select an action” section, select the “Merge with another object” option.

In the form that opens (Figure 5), you must either add a new regulatory document or select from previously added ones. Then click on the “Continue” button

Figure 5 – Form for combining objects (step 1)

When adding a document, the file size should not exceed 4 MB. Acceptable attachment file types: .pdf, .tif, .tiff, .docx, .doc, .jpg, .jpeg

In the form that opens, you must select address objects to merge. If necessary, you can make changes to the created object - the “?” tab. When you have finished making changes, click the “Merge” button.

KLADR(address classifier of the Russian Federation) is a classifier of addresses of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, for territorial distribution between tax inspectorates. Supplied in two formats (*.dbf) and (*.xml).

(Federal Information Address System) is a new address classifier format that replaced KLADR. It is supplied in the same way as KLADR in two formats (*.dbf) and (*.xml).

The two classifiers are fundamentally different from each other. Their structure is different, and in addition, the volume of data in the FIAS classifier has increased significantly. Now it contains much more information than before.

KLADR FIAS support

KLADR will be updated until December 31, 2017. After December 31, 2017, only FIAS will be updated. If KLADR was previously loaded in the program, and FIAS loading is not implemented, then updating the address classifier will not be possible. Many software companies have already provided the ability to download FIAS. The 1C company provides its FIAS files for loading into its own software products created on the 1C Enterprise platform. FIAS for 1C can be downloaded at
In addition, if you have a subscription to ITS, the classifier can be automatically downloaded to the information base from the ITS website. An example of loading an address classifier into "Enterprise Accounting 3.0" can be viewed here

FIAS for 1C

For a family of programs on the 1C 8.3 platform: Accounting and others, FIAS in the form of an archive file<КодРегиона>.zip ( - all regions) can be downloaded from the official website of 1C ITS(for downloading, you may need to enter the username registered on this site and password):

FIAS website

On July 1, 2014, the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 443-FZ “On the Federal Information Address System and on Amendments to the Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” came into force. The document regulates relations arising in connection with the maintenance of the state address register, the operation of FIAS, as well as relations regarding the use of address information contained in the state address register. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2014 No. 384, the Federal Tax Service ( - was determined as the operator of FIAS. The basis for FIAS, provided for by the Federal Law, is FIAS created in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 10, 2011 No. 1011-r “On the federal information address system”.

Important! In order to unify address information contained in various information resources, taking into account the provision of a transition period for modifying the relevant information systems, uploading address information in the KLADR 4.0 format will be carried out until December 31, 2017. After December 31, 2017, information from the GAR will only be uploaded in FIAS format.

On this website: The latest, current version of the FIAS database is uploaded weekly in dbf and xml format in three types: FIAS Update, Full Version of FIAS and FIAS Database in KLADR 4.0 format.

The State Address Register of FIAS (GAR FIAS) is a systematized collection of current address information and the history of their changes.
Address information in the FIAS State Administrative District is provided by:
- Register of address-forming elements;
- Register of addresses of addressing objects
Address information in GAR FIAS is presented both in accordance with the municipal division and the administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation.

Coding of address elements in the register of address-forming elements and the register of addresses of addressing objects

The classification code of an address object reflects the hierarchy of its subordination and distinguishes it among objects of a given level that are subordinate to the same senior object. The classification code of any addressable object, from regions to an element of the road network, is presented in the following form:
Address code includes:

СС – code of the subject of the Russian Federation – region
RRR – area code;
YYY – city code;
PPP code of the locality;
СССС - code of an element of the planning structure;
УУУУ - street code;
DDDD (or ZZZZ). DDDD type and number of the building, structure, unfinished construction site in the case of addressing houses. ZZZZ - number of the land plot in the case of addressing land plots;
OOOO - type and number of premises within a building, structure

Thus, each level of classification corresponds to a code facet. For classification objects of the upper levels, the code facets of the objects of the lower levels will have zero values. If the address object is subordinated to a senior object through several hierarchy levels, the code facets of objects corresponding to intermediate levels must be zero. For example, a street can be linked directly to a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg), while the code facets corresponding to the levels of districts, districts, cities and towns will contain zeros.


Starting from version 1C Accounting 8.3 (revision, when trying to load an address classifier from a folder on disk, the following error appears:

For the region "50 Moscow region" the data file "" was not found

The reason for this program behavior is that, starting with release, 1C switched to a new address classifier format. Previously, KLADR was used, now FIAS (Federal Information Address System).

First of all, go to our organization and open its “Actual Address”.

This is necessary for the address entry form to display like this:

In it we open the “More” button and select the “Load classifier” item:

If you have a subscription to ITS

This is the easiest way.

In general, there is nothing complicated here; the second option is much more interesting.

If you do not have a subscription to ITS

In this case, first download to your computer an archive with the current FIAS for all regions (or only for the one you need).

Recently, this can be done directly from the 1C website (even without a subscription):

  • ( With support for addresses by municipal division)
  • ( without support of addresses by municipal division

The zip archive will download. Unpack it into any folder, for example, “C:\FIAS”, so that the contents of the folder look something like this:

Great! Returning to the download dialog:

Some waiting: