Panoramic camera samsung gear 360 review

Samsung continues to explore virtual reality technologies and, following the Gear VR glasses, launched the Gear 360 spherical camera, which allows you to create compatible VR content. The camera has two wide-angle lenses (each with a coverage angle of 195°), the placement of which is equidistant and opposite. The maximum recording resolution for 360-degree videos and photos is 3840×1920 px (FPS 30 frames/sec) and 7776×3888 px, respectively. It is worth noting that in Gear 360 both synchronous and single operation of each lens is possible.

Time Laps 360

Along with standard shooting modes, it is possible to record cyclical and timeless videos. Switching between modes is done by pressing the corresponding buttons on the camera body or through the Gear 360 Manager application.

Shooting control

For the convenience of shooting, a Live Preview mode is provided - when you connect the camera to a smartphone, a “live” picture is displayed on the gadget’s screen with everything happening around the Gear 360 in real time. There is always the opportunity to adjust the image by adjusting white balance, contrast, brightness and other settings!

The captured content is recorded onto a microSD memory card with a capacity of up to 128 GB. The supplied 1,350 mAh battery guarantees continuous operation of the camera for 2 hours.

Action shooting

To the chagrin of fans of active sports, the camera is not equipped with a shock- or moisture-resistant housing, and the acceptable limit for harmless use will be light rain or moderate dirt.

Android compatibility

The main drawback of the Gear 360 has been eliminated! A group of talented developers have released their own release of the Gear 360 Manager application, adding to the program code the ability to connect the camera to most Android (5 and older) smartphones.

Virtual reality glasses are becoming increasingly popular. There are plenty of options here, from cheap cardboard smartphone glasses and Gear VR solutions to high-end products like the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. Of course, the difference between different models is quite significant, but there is also a common feature: without appropriate content, such glasses are of little use. Samsung's new Gear 360 panoramic camera solves the content creation problem - at least partially. The small ball is equipped with two cameras, with its help you can take photos and videos. You will find out all the details in our review.

You will recognize the first distinctive feature during the purchase. The price of Gear 360 is 29,990 rubles in Russia or 349 euros in Europe, so this is a very expensive toy. Moreover, you can only use the camera when paired with five smartphones. The Galaxy S6 and S7 are compatible, the two corresponding versions are edge and Galaxy S6 edge+. That is, not only will you have to pay more than for the same LG 360 Cam, but the list of compatible smartphones is much shorter.

Fish eye

Capturing a 360-degree panorama using two cameras is made possible thanks to fish-eye optics. Each sensor covers 180° on each side, and software is responsible for combining the panorama. Using only two cameras, of course, reduces the price. But this approach affects the quality of the picture.

Objects up to one meter away are distorted to varying degrees by the wide-angle lens, and errors are also observed in the area where two images are merged.

Ball with technology

The technical specifications were not a surprise. Each camera is backed by a 15-megapixel sensor with an f2.0 aperture. To process information, 1 GB of memory and the DRIMe5s chip, which was used in the Samsung NX500 camera, are used. There is no built-in memory for storing pictures and videos, but microSD cards with a capacity of up to 200 GB are supported, preferably with high bandwidth.

Status information, including battery charge, selected mode and remaining memory card space, is displayed on the 0.5" PMOLED display with a resolution of 72 x 32 pixels on top of the camera. Connection to a smartphone is via Bluetooth 4.1 or WiFi 802.11ac, can be used for pairing NFC.

The camera has dimensions of 66.7 x 56.2 x 60.0 mm, weight is 145 g, the body is protected from dust and moisture (IP53 certification). The removable battery has a capacity of 1,350 mAh, a gyroscope and accelerometer are built into the camera, and a micro-USB interface is provided for charging. At the bottom, Samsung added a threaded hole for attaching a tripod; a small tripod is included in the package.

Gear 360 can be used without a smartphone

After the initial setup of the Gear 360, there are two possible operating scenarios: a stand-alone camera and through the Gear 360 application. In the latter case, the interface is divided into two areas: previously recorded content and a “live” view. You can switch between four modes (photo, video, loop video, time lapse), as well as between two cameras - front, rear or both. You can also change several parameters that affect the quality of the picture.

If you don't want to control the camera from your smartphone, you can switch between modes and start and stop recording with the Gear 360 buttons. LEDs indicate the current status and active cameras.

Picture quality isn't one of the Gear 360's strengths

You shouldn't expect much in terms of picture quality; the specifications promise more than the Gear 360 can deliver. 360-degree panoramas in good lighting conditions are sufficient for snapshots, but there is quite a lot of noise and artifacts noticeable in the video. The latter are most active when the camera moves - which Samsung quite logically does not recommend doing. In addition, photos often turn out blurry, with subtle gradients of hue and brightness almost completely lost.

If you limit yourself to only one sensor, the situation will not be better. The fact is that the resolution is not just reduced by half. In dual camera mode, 3,840 x 1,920 pixels and 7,776 x 3,888 pixels (30 MP) are available for video and photo, respectively. In single mode, the resolution drops to 2,560 x 1,440 and 3,072 x 1,728 pixels (5 MP). However, working with one sensor is rather an exception, since the strength of the Gear 360 is precisely its two cameras.

If you plan to take the Gear 360 on a long trip, you should consider getting a second battery or an external battery. Samsung quotes battery life between 140 and 160 minutes (photo/video), but in our tests we only got 100-120 minutes. Battery life will be even shorter if the camera is left in standby mode for a long time. An hour before the critical battery level, the camera began to issue warnings.

Simple application

When working with a smartphone, you will have to come to terms with the limitations of technology. Photos and videos can be viewed immediately after shooting is stopped, but the data will first be transferred to the smartphone - in the case of video, the transfer process can take a long time. But this does not mean that the footage will be stored on a smartphone. To save, you must click the "Save" button. At least you can transfer and save several photos at the same time.

The Gear 360 app offers basic video editing and photo editing functions. If you need advanced editing features, Samsung offers the Gear 360 Action Director app, which can be downloaded from its website. The editing application's capabilities will be sufficient for most hobbyists.

Optimal for Gear VR

After shooting, you can view the content and share videos through various services. Among popular services, support is limited to YouTube and Facebook, where 360° videos play correctly along with navigation options. There are some other services that also correctly recognize content.

But the best way to view content is with a VR headset like the Samsung Gear VR. A particularly good sense of presence and dimension is created in videos - if the Gear 360 camera is positioned correctly during shooting.

Samsung doesn't recommend shooting while the camera is moving, but if you do, you may experience side effects such as motion sickness and headaches during playback. Although they also occur when playing other content in VR glasses.


It's unlikely that Samsung Gear 360 cameras will sell like hotcakes. The reason lies not only in the fact that there are not many compatible smartphones on the market. The fact is, to view content in the best conditions, you need Gear VR glasses, which not everyone has. In addition, if you want to join the world of 360°, you will have to spend money: Galaxy S6 will cost 400 euros or 32,990 rubles, for Gear VR you will have to pay another 80 euros or from 6.5 thousand rubles, and finally, the Gear 360 camera will cost 350 euros or 29,990 rubles in Russia. It is unlikely that many users will want to spend such a round sum on the entire set.

Especially if quality requirements are high. For serious applications, the shooting quality is too low; even amateurs may find it insufficient. A slightly different experience is created when using a compatible smartphone and VR glasses. But in this case, you still have to decide whether spending 30 thousand rubles is worth it? Of course, the Gear 360 remains an unusual gadget that can surprise users. But like any toy, a 360° camera can quickly become boring and end up gathering dust in the closet. While you can enjoy using the camera, you need to understand the basics of the application and also think about the placement of the camera to get the best results.

The second serious drawback, besides the shooting quality, concerns the application. It responds slowly and slows down, and data transfer also takes a long time. Hopefully the software will be improved over time.

It seems to us that the Gear 360 camera has become a trial balloon for Samsung. Perhaps the second generation of the camera will give better results.

Advantages of Samsung Gear 360:

  • High-quality and protected case
  • Easy operation via app and buttons

Disadvantages of Samsung Gear 360:

  • Battery life below official specifications
  • Picture quality is average at best
  • The application slows down

Contents of delivery

  • Camera
  • USB cable
  • Tripod
  • Battery Li-Ion 1350 mAh
  • Instructions
  • Carrying pouch

Samsung produced a large line of video cameras and cameras, but left this market segment, considering this direction unpromising. At the same time, the company considers virtual reality and devices for it to be the next breakthrough; they are working together with Oculus on Gear VR glasses, which allow you to watch panoramic photos, videos, and also play various toys. The problem with the VR market is the lack of content; in the first year there was little of it, including a small number of videos and photographs taken by users. Especially in order to popularize this direction, Samsung released the Gear 360; this camera allows you to take pictures with a coverage of 360 degrees horizontally and 240 degrees vertically, that is, an almost complete sphere is obtained. The initial cost of the camera at the time of release was about 29,900 rubles, today it costs 20,000 rubles, and taking into account discounts, it can be purchased at half of this cost, including for half the price it comes bundled with the Galaxy S7/S7 EDGE. An interesting offer for those who are looking for an opportunity for creative self-expression.

The camera is supplied in a small plastic box; the packaging is interesting and typical for such accessories. The first thing you notice is the quality of the camera ball when you take it out of the box - nice matte plastic, two lenses located on the sides behind glass protective eyes. At the bottom end there is a mount for a tripod, which is included in the kit, but it is better to get a long selfie stick, then it will be more comfortable to shoot with the camera.

On the outside there is a small screen on which the camera operating modes are displayed, as well as a recording and control button. Such ascetic controls, it would seem, should be inconvenient, but in practice they are enough to work with the Gear 360; no connection to a smartphone or tablet is required, although using mobile devices you can immediately change all the settings and see the picture from the camera in mode real time. However, the small display on the body is a big plus; you are not dependent on other devices, including changing video recording settings and taking photos.

Behind the hinged door with rubberized edges (splash protection only - IP53), there is a battery compartment, there is also a slot for a microSD memory card (volume up to 256 GB), as well as a microUSB charging connector. The battery is replaceable, Li-Ion 1350 mAh, which means you can buy an additional battery if you plan to shoot for a long time. In my opinion, very few people will need this, since in the default resolution of 1920x1080 pixels (30 fps), the shooting time is up to 160 minutes, and this is quite enough. At 2560x1280@30fps the time is reduced to 140 minutes, which is also good. When using high resolution in summer, the camera may overheat, which will eventually lead to its shutdown; usually overheating begins after 45-50 minutes of continuous shooting.

There is a microphone next to each lens element, so there are two of them, and the sound is recorded in stereo. There are also LEDs that show which of the cameras is working; in the software you can turn them off, swap them, or use only one camera. The resolution of each camera is 15 megapixels; after stitching, a frame with a maximum resolution of 25.9 megapixels is obtained.

You can connect the camera only to a small number of flagship devices from Samsung - Galaxy S7/S7 EDGE, Note 5, S6/S6 EDGE/S6 EDGE+. The camera will not work directly with other devices, that is, you will be limited to shooting with the camera and then viewing and editing videos on a PC, which, you see, is not so convenient. By the way, the camera has dual-band Wi-Fi, which ensures a stable connection even in places where there are many Wi-Fi networks, this is important. The first time you pair with your phone, NFC is used.

You can buy a Gear 360 to take photographs with one camera out of two, but I’m not sure there’s any point in doing so; your smartphone will most likely do the same job, if not better. Look at a photograph of a flower, I am sure that you will see distortions at the edges of the frame with the naked eye. First of all, such a camera was created for panoramic, volumetric shooting, and not for ordinary photographs.

On the other hand, in the same Time Lapse mode you can get decent videos, in which you simply don’t pay attention to distortions at the edges of the frame, since it is focused on the picture, and it looks interesting.

Examples of panoramic photographs perfectly show that the camera copes with its task with a bang during the day, but in the dark nothing is visible; instead of fireworks, it turned out to be an incomprehensible something.

Let's talk about the video. In total, the camera supports five different video resolutions:

  • 3840x1920, 30fps
  • 2880x1440, 30 fps
  • 2560x1280, 60 fps
  • 2560x1280, 30 fps
  • 1920x960, 30 fps

In all cases, the video has the H.265 codec, AAC stereo sound up to 192 Kbps.

See what a video shot on camera looks like in panoramic mode.

You can find fault with the video quality, but there is little point in this, since there are simply no similar offers in this price group. I will give screenshots of the program on a smartphone, from them it is already clear what can be done and configured, they do not need explanations.

One of the main complaints about the camera was the quality of the picture, this is not an Action camera, it cannot be used during travel, shaking and similar tests, it is for shooting handheld or with a tripod, but not while moving. The next important point is the cost of the camera; it initially went on sale almost a year ago at a price of 350 euros (29,990 rubles), today it is already 20,000 rubles, which looks much more attractive. Many proposals have appeared in the panoramic camera segment, but they are all in a slightly different class. For example, the Nikon KeyMission 360 camera costs almost 40,000 rubles, although it offers different picture quality and protection from both water (up to 30 meters) and drops up to 2 meters. This camera is in a completely different class, while the Gear 360 is for everyday use, and they tried to achieve the minimum cost, that is, they were looking for a compromise. At the end of its life cycle, the Gear 360 can be purchased on sale for half the price, which is of some interest, especially for young people. This is an interesting creative tool that allows you to get 360-degree video, but doesn't require you to fork out for expensive equipment. In my opinion, today this is an interesting gift for young people, for those who are interested in photography and video. But this, as before, is by no means a mass product.

But, as everyone has already noticed, it has one negative factor - an insufficient amount of content. This does not apply to games and 3D photos - we are talking about video content.

The recently released Samsung Gear 360 2017 camera will help you get out of this situation with dignity; this particular device will be reviewed further.

The camera is publicly available, has a nice design and is capable of shooting high-quality panoramic video, and its setup can be done by following simple instructions.

general information

The Gear 360 camera from Samsung was first available for purchase back in 2016. The direct purpose of the device was considered to be shooting video and photos with 360 degree coverage for. Also, one of the goals of the camera was to provide people with a platform for creativity.

But no matter how hard Samsung tried to popularize it, nothing interesting came of it in the end, and the development remained in the shadows. Many still do not know that before the Samsung Gear 360 2017 model, the developers released a previous version of the camera, which, on top of everything, could be purchased at a much higher price.

The failure was due to the lack of demand for the gadget and the low quality of shooting - both video and photos. The latest version of the camera is significantly simplified, but has almost the same hardware. A distinctive feature is the reduced price, which may help popularize the device, and increased shooting quality up to 4K format.

At the moment, in certain countries they decided to include the gadget in the package with the S8 and S8+, but even this does not give confidence that the Samsung Gear 360 camera will catch on among the people. This can be explained by the lower quality of photos and videos compared to each released model of the same Samsung, and the unfamiliarity of such shooting for the average user.

It is worth emphasizing once again that the camera is more suitable for a creative person who knows exactly how he will use panoramic photography.

Helpful advice!

It is better to shoot with the camera in such a way that the operator’s hands do not get into the lens. The most profitable way is to use a special tripod

What is included when purchasing?

Anyone who wants to buy a camera will receive the following items along with the device:

  • cable – Micro USB;
  • the kit contains detailed instructions;
  • hand strap for camera. It will allow you to hold it comfortably in your hand and not let go of your palm in an extreme situation;
  • special bag;
  • Samsung Gear camera;
  • sticker with serial number.

Camera design and technical capabilities

If you compare the 2017 model with the previous device, you will notice that the design has become much nicer. The camera itself has more miniature dimensions, and instead of a mini tripod, it has a convenient handle by which you can hold it while shooting.

This pen is equipped with Micro SD card slots supporting up to 256GB. Nearby there is another connector for connecting the cable. To fully charge the camera, you need to spend a little over 1.5 hours. The charge lasts a long time. For example, if you take 60 photos and make 2-3 videos, the camera will end up using about 65-70% of its charge.

The manufacturer stated that the maximum shooting time when using the highest resolution is 120 minutes, but according to reviews from people who have already bought the camera, you can find out that these characteristics are slightly different from those stated, and in fact they are approximately 100-110 minutes.

The developers installed a small display in the foreground. Its purpose when used is to be able to change video modes. This is a convenient solution, since there is no need to take out your smartphone and set the required settings. The camera makes it possible to use itself as an independent gadget.

The body also has power, shutter and sync keys. On both sides there are not only lenses, but also special indicators - they will be active during shooting. Samsung uses the standard AAC format to record audio.

Since the tripod does not fit into the standard package, it is advisable to purchase it separately; For fastening, there is a connector and a designation of the device serial number on the end of the handle. To start using the camera, you should download a special program (as for the previous model, a PC program). The application will support not only Android OS, but also iOS.

Technical data

The previous model of Samsung Gear, 360-degree shooting was carried out with 15 megapixel cameras. But in the latest version, the developers decided to install 8.4 megapixel cameras.

The full list of technical capabilities of the gadget is as follows:

  • maximum photo resolution – 5,472x2,736;
  • level of protection against drops and dust – IP53;
  • file format – JPG, MP4;
  • number of microphones – 2;
  • interface – Type C USB;
  • Memory card support – up to 256 MB (MicroSD);
  • video – 4,096x2,048, shooting 24 frames/sec;
  • battery capacity – 1160 mAh;
  • cameras – 8.4 MP;
  • weight – 130 g;
  • wireless equipment – ​​Bluetooth1, Wi-Fi;
  • Dimensions – 46X100, 6X45 mm.


In this regard, the camera is inferior to the previous version. The capacity of the new battery is 1160 mAh. If we talk about shooting in 4K format, the maximum you can shoot is about 50 minutes. The previously installed program makes it possible, if necessary, to configure the device shutdown time for a certain period of time. This is a convenient feature that will save charge if the camera is not currently in use.

Camera Features

The quality of videos and photos is one of the advantages of the model released this year. The gadget is capable of providing excellent light transmission and detail of objects with its cameras. These advantages are especially clearly visible when shooting in 4K format (fragments of splices, if noticeable, will only be from below; no shortcomings were noticed in the main shot).

In the case of photography, things are a little more modest, but this does not allow you to lose interest in the photograph (if the vignette is viewed, then only to a small extent).


For photos you can use the modeHDR, but company experts recommend using it exclusively for landscape photography. If you use the mode for photographs with people or the city, the image may lose a little in naturalness and color rendition

Gear 360 for Android and iOS

Buying a camera and using it as a separate device, without installing Gear 360 ActionDirector, is quite possible. To do this, just use the display on the device body. But still, there are limitations here that can be dealt with using a smartphone program.

The application is called Gear 360. It works with OSes such as iOS and Android. The program has many settings that will work as additions to the smartphone camera. This will allow you to more conveniently and quickly configure the shooting modes of the Samsung Gear 360.

The two devices will be synchronized using Bluetooth, and the image will be transmitted via wifi. Managing the application is quite simple; no special instructions are required.

All shooting modes and other special features are available in the camera, and to find the footage, just go to the smartphone gallery. Another advantage of the latest version is the ability to broadcast live on your YouTube channel.

The user will also be able to configure the use of the camera on one side for 180-degree shooting. The resolution of the pictures will be 15 megapixels, and the format will be JPG. The developers recommend viewing all captured videos using .

Benefits of Samsung Gear 360

This camcorder model compares favorably with its predecessor and has a much greater chance of winning a wide audience.

The advantages that immediately catch your eye include the following nuances:

  1. The quality of spherical videos and video in general has become much better, while the price of the device has been reduced.
  2. Sufficient autonomy.
  3. Built-in display on the body to control shooting modes.
  4. High quality sound recording via microphone.
  5. High-quality software and detailed instructions.
  6. Supports a large number of smartphones.
  7. High level of detail and color reproduction.


We can say with confidence that at the moment Samsung is releasing a high-quality serial gadget that is definitely worth buying, but only if the user knows exactly how he will use it. Otherwise, the device may lie around, never finding its use.

Reading time: 44 min

The desire to get ahead of its competitors cannot be taken away from Samsung, which is again evident in the modern camera Samsung Gear 360. There is also an acute shortage of content on the virtual reality market; there are very few devices that provide the opportunity to shoot in this quality. The Gear 360 allows you to meet demand and further promote the idea of ​​3D reality. In addition to a virtual reality helmet, a camera for panoramic video will be an excellent assistant.

Many people are thinking about purchasing a device, but there are doubts, because today only the first steps are being taken in this direction. It is obvious that the future lies in 3D reality, and joining the business at the very beginning is much easier. Moreover, not only the amateur segment plays a role, but also a commercial purchase, recording a wedding or some important events with a panoramic camera will appeal to many clients. The 2017 Gear 360 is an update to the previous year's version, and the changes are truly significant.


The Samsung Gear 360 2017 camera has been redesigned and image quality has been improved, mainly in the technical segment:

  • Camera: 2x8.4 MP, CMOS sensor, f/2.2 aperture;
  • Photo resolution: 15 MP – 5472x2736;
  • Video resolution: 4096x2048 with fps 24;
  • Sound: built-in 2 microphones;
  • Over-the-air connections: Wi-Fi11 a/b/g/n/ac and Bluetooth 4.1;
  • Cable connection: USB 1;
  • Protection: IP53, protects against moisture and dust;
  • Resolution: JPG, MP4;
  • Memory expansion: microSD with memory card support up to 256 GB;
  • Battery: built-in 1169 mAh;
  • Dimensions: 46.3x100.6x45.1 mm;
  • Weight: 130 g.


The Samsung Gear 360 camera has nothing unusual in its configuration. The kit includes a USB Type-C cable for charging and connecting to a PC. Also included is a nice pouch made of soft material that is used to carry the camera. Additionally, an unusual wrist strap is supplied, on which a ring hangs at the end, perfect for installing the camera on various types of surfaces.

Gear 360 Camera - Exterior

The design of the device has changed a lot compared to the earlier model. The previous version was similar in shape and size to a baseball. Today the camera has an unusual shape, something resembling a periscope with two sides. The material is plastic, it feels very high quality. The color is mostly white, but has gray accents.

The design emphasizes the camera's primary purpose of recording 360-degree video. On top there is a small spherical object, on two sides of which there are wide-angle cameras with gray plastic inserts around the perimeter.

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The shape of the camera is symmetrical, but this does not mean that the sides are equal. The developers themselves determined that the front side is the part where the front display for transmitting information and the button for starting video recording are located. On the reverse side there is a logo. At the top there are several more buttons to turn on and go to the menu.

On the left side there is a connector for charging and other connections via USB 3.1. A microSD card can also be inserted here. On the bottom side there are threaded fasteners; if desired, a tripod or monopod can be connected. There is a belt clip on the base.


The Samsung 360 camera does not require installation of additional software to work with it. Some functionality is available thanks to a small, installed display. To carry out the manipulations, you need to start the device, then click on “Menu” to select the desired mode, now all that remains is to turn on the recording by pressing the corresponding button on the front. Taking a photo is similar to releasing the shutter, video recording has a standard view. One thing is that with this use, the camera will not be able to give it its all, and setting up the recording can fray your nerves, because you cannot see what exactly is being recorded.

A much better solution is to use the application of the same name. It is supported by most Samsung devices of the S, Note, and A series. The program is also supported by owners of more or less modern Apple devices - iPhone 6S - 7 Plus, as well as SE. Quick setup is ensured thanks to external adjustment from the smartphone.

The camera can operate in a dual-band connection, so Bluetooth is used to receive instructions, and Wi-Fi Direct is used to transmit images. The control application is very simple and intuitive, here are the main points:

A total of 5 shooting modes are available: time-lapse, photo/video shooting, HDR and loop recording. You can also enable shooting only with the front or rear camera.

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How did the camera perform in practice?

The main characteristics of each camera is the recording quality. So, the color rendition of the device is very good, and the image detail is definitely of a new generation; the smallest details are visible in the photo.

The photos come out good, but due to the large light capture in the center of the lens, some darkening occurs at the edges. The stitching of the image is practically invisible, the most noticeable being the lower part.

There is an interesting feature called Landscape HDR, which allows you to take pictures on the camera with different settings and then layer the footage. The effect is quite interesting, but the image looks somewhat unnatural. HDR will look best when using a tripod.

The videos are truly impressive, the quality is high, the picture is realistic and even somewhat more saturated. There is one problem here - there are difficulties in sharing such records, although this will soon cease to be a problem.

You can achieve maximum quality if you use a tripod and monopod. When held in your hand, it is extremely difficult to avoid unwanted elements, such as a smeared finger, getting into the frame. At the same time, gluing when using accessories is performed at a higher quality.

Adaptation occurs quickly; when the brightness level changes, the camera settings change almost immediately. There are also some drawbacks; some light elements may be illuminated in the dark.

Samsung Gear 360 is a completely new step in the development of panoramic shooting technology. You can feel the future now. In the future, thanks to updates, the camera will be further improved.

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