Features of the beta version of the State Services portal. Personal account of public services for individuals Portal of public services of the Russian

Unified system of public services of Russia - State Services, available through the official website www.gosuslugi.ru. Anyone can log into their personal account and use the list of portal services.

Official website of State Services - new version

The catalog of government services of the Russian Federation has been updated to a new version. Now even more opportunities are available to individuals. To use them, you need to go through a simple registration procedure, or log into your personal account. All functions are available both through a computer and through a mobile device using a special application.

Get unified access to all the features of the popular Internet service in Russia in a few simple steps. Registration of individuals and legal entities is available at any time.

After successfully confirming your account data, you will be able to receive government and financial services, pay fines, debts and state duties online, as well as order many useful documents.

Personal profile www.gosuslugi.ru - log in to your account

To use the offered services online, mandatory authorization in your profile is required.

There are two ways to log in:

  1. Using a mobile phone number and a password.
  2. Using SNILS number and password.

Public services personal account - login by phone number

Enter your mobile phone number and password in the appropriate fields for authorization. If all the data is correct, then you will be taken to the personal page of the State Services portal. If you have forgotten your password, use the recovery function (How to recover your password?).

Public services personal account - login using SNILS

Use your individual personal account insurance number to log into your personal account. Enter the SNILS number and password in the special fields for authorization of individuals.

Public services personal account- you can enter your personal account for individuals through the authorization form on the official website www.gosuslugi.ru.

The profile of the State Services of the Russian Federation allows you to store all information about ordered services, requests and payments. They can be accessed at any time – from a computer, smartphone or tablet.

Directly in your account you can:

  • configure notifications;
  • monitor the review process of submitted applications;
  • check payment status.

Each user can change personal and contact information, add new information about themselves and delete information that is no longer relevant. For convenience, you can link all the necessary documents to your account: internal and international passport, driver’s license, birth certificate, military ID and compulsory medical insurance policy.

After any payment on the portal using a card, it will immediately be added to the list of saved ones - there will be no need to re-enter its data in the future.

To increase security, it is possible to enable two-step verification and perform authorization using an electronic signature.

Note! To use all services of the State Services portal, you must have a verified account. You can confirm your identity in several ways, for example, those described on.

Public services personal account - site login page

You have two options to get to your personal page through the official website www.gosuslugi.ru:

  1. Click the “Personal Account” button with the key image in the upper right corner.
  2. Use the “Login” button on the first screen of the main page.

In either case, you will be redirected to the same login page. Here you can use your phone number, email address, SNILS and password to login.

If you are logging into your account from someone else’s computer, we recommend that you check the “Someone else’s computer” box before logging in. This way, the browser will not save your credentials and others will not be able to use them.

Government services - personal account for individuals

Personal account of State Services designed for individuals and legal entities living in Russia. Official site - www.gosuslugi.ru, allows you to log into your personal account using one of the authorization methods, via phone number and password, SNILS and password, or using an electronic signature.

If the data is entered correctly, you will be immediately redirected to your account. If an error is made when entering, the system will immediately notify you and offer to check the correctness of the entered data. In addition to telephone and mail, you can use the SNILS number, but it must first be entered in the appropriate field.

The fastest and most convenient way is to log in by phone number. After clicking the “Login” button on the State Services website, the system will immediately prompt you to enter your phone number and password. You must enter exclusively in the international format (with +7) - exactly the same as you entered when filling out the registration form.

Carefully check whether the information you entered is correct, then enter your password and click the “Login” button. If it doesn't work, check the information you entered again. You can also use your email address or SNILS to log in. In the future, you can change your current phone number to a new one if, for example, you change your operator.

Personal account of State Services - login using SNILS

To log in using your SNILS number, select the appropriate tab in the login form for your State Services personal account (next to the “Phone or mail” tab, which are open by default). Use the same password as for authorization using a phone number or email. After that, click the “Login” button and, if all the data is correct, you will be logged into your account.

There are several cases when you cannot log in using SNILS. The first is that the insurance number of the individual personal account is indicated incorrectly. The second is that SNILS is currently being tested or has not passed it for certain reasons.

Typically the verification takes up to several days. If SNILS does not pass the test, the reasons may be as follows:

  • you incorrectly specified the document earlier and it was not detected in the system;
  • you changed your first or last name, but did not make changes to your insurance certificate;
  • you have an invalid document in your hands;

In rare cases, this is due to a system malfunction. It might be worth trying to update your SNILS data. If your document is accepted by the system and confirmed, there will definitely be no problems with logging in.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2011 N 861 (as amended on November 18, 2019) “On federal state information systems ensuring the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form (implementation of functions)” (together with...


Government Decree

Russian Federation





List of changing documents

1. The federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)" (hereinafter referred to as the single portal) provides:

a) access of individuals and organizations (hereinafter - applicants) to information about state and municipal services, functions of state control (supervision) and municipal control (hereinafter - functions) contained in the federal state information system "Federal Register of State and Municipal Services" (functions)" (hereinafter referred to as the federal register);

b) provision to applicants in electronic form of state and municipal services, documents (information) posted in state information systems and other information systems, in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, which is carried out by authorities and organizations with the possibility of subsequent transfer by applicants of the results of provision such services and (or) documents (information) using a single portal to interested authorities and organizations (at their request) in the manner established by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation;

c) taking into account requests from applicants related to the functioning of the single portal, including the opportunity for applicants to leave electronic feedback on the quality of the provision of state and municipal services (performance of functions), as well as the provision of such services by institutions (organizations);

d) applicants’ access to other information related to the provision of state and municipal services and the performance of state and municipal functions contained in state and municipal information resources, the placement of which in the public domain is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

e) access of applicants to information posted in information systems in accordance with paragraph two of clause 5 of these Regulations;

E) the possibility of making an electronic appointment, including for submitting applications and documents necessary to receive a state, municipal service, service provided by institutions (organizations), perform a state or municipal function, as well as to obtain the result of providing such a service or performing a function (hereinafter referred to as electronic recording). Electronic recording is carried out in accordance with the requirements for the integration of information systems of bodies and institutions (organizations) providing services with a single portal in order to provide electronic recording, approved by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, in cases where the possibility of electronic recording is provided administrative regulations for the provision (performance) of a state or municipal service (function) or the procedure for providing services to an institution (organization);

(see text in the previous edition)

g) performing administrative procedures (actions) in electronic form when performing public services (functions) in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

h) provision of services provided for in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 2 of the Regulations on the federal state information system "Federal Register of State and Municipal Services (functions)", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2011 N 861 "On federal state information systems, ensuring the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form (execution of functions)" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on the Federal Register);

h(1)) the possibility of monitoring, analysis and processing by the operator of a single portal, state bodies, local government bodies, state and municipal institutions, other organizations performing publicly significant functions, and their officials of messages, requests from applicants, as well as publicly available information posted applicants on the Internet information and telecommunications network, including social networks and instant messaging services, related to the exercise of powers (execution of functions) by the specified bodies and organizations in the established field of activity;

i) access of applicants using the subsystem of a single personal account to information about the progress of consideration of the application, the history of applications for state and municipal services, other services in accordance with the list of other services, information about which is placed in the federal register of state and municipal services (functions), as well as the possibility of storing the results of the provision of such services received by the applicant in electronic form and other documents related to the provision of such services in electronic form;

and(1)) access of applicants using the single personal account subsystem to information on the progress of consideration of messages, applications, results of consideration and history of submitted messages, applications;

j) access of applicants to information and information about the specified person, about his minor children, property belonging to him and the results of the provision of state and municipal services to him, contained in the information systems of federal executive authorities, the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom", state extra-budgetary bodies funds, executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, in cases established by federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation or acts of the Government of the Russian Federation;

k) access of applicants to information created by state authorities, local government bodies and bodies of state extra-budgetary funds within the limits of their powers in the manner established by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;

(see text in the previous edition)

l) the possibility of sending messages, appeals from applicants to state bodies, local government bodies, state and municipal institutions, other organizations performing publicly significant functions, and their officials, monitoring and analysis of the results of consideration of messages, appeals by these bodies and organizations, as well as information about satisfaction with the received response to messages and requests;

m) the possibility of identifying the opinion of applicants when state bodies, local self-government bodies, state and municipal institutions, other organizations performing publicly significant functions, and their officials exercise powers (in the exercise of functions) in the established field of activity, including through surveys and voting, as well as the ability to monitor and analyze the results of identifying the opinions of applicants;

o) the possibility of carrying out legally significant actions, including making transactions, by creating electronic documents, signing them using an electronic signature and sending them to third parties, including the possibility of multilateral signing, the list of which is determined in the manner established by the first paragraph of paragraph 7(1) of this Provisions.

2. The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation is the operator of the single portal.

(see text in the previous edition)

The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation ensures the acquisition, development and, in cases determined by agreements concluded in accordance with paragraph 7(1) of these Regulations, configuration of the software of the unified portal and other software necessary for the operation of the unified portal, and also, if necessary, organizes technical and methodological support and consultation (instruction) for employees of state bodies, local governments, state and municipal institutions, and other organizations performing publicly significant functions regarding the functioning of a single portal.

(see text in the previous edition)

3. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation is the authorized body for maintaining the information resource of the federal register.

4. Publication of information from the register of public services (functions) provided (carried out) by federal executive authorities, state corporations, which, in accordance with federal laws, are empowered to perform government functions and provide public services in the established field of activity, and bodies of state extra-budgetary funds , included in the federal register, on the unified portal is carried out by the operator of the unified portal in electronic form within 1 calendar day from the date of signing with the electronic signature of the responsible person of the authorized body for maintaining the information resource of the federal register.

(see text in the previous edition)

Publication on a single portal of information from the register of public services (functions) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, provided (carried out) by the executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the register of municipal services (functions) provided (carried out) by local governments included in the federal register, carried out by the operator of a single portal in electronic form within 1 calendar day from the date of passing the formal logical check in accordance with the Rules for maintaining the federal state information system "Federal Register of State and Municipal Services (functions)", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2011 . N 861.

Publication of information from the section of the federal register containing reference information on a single portal is carried out within 1 calendar day from the date of their signing with the electronic signature of the responsible person of the federal executive body, a body of a state extra-budgetary fund or an authorized executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Publication of information from the section of the federal register containing information about the services provided for in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 2 of the Regulations on the Federal Register on a single portal is carried out within 1 calendar day from the date of signing with the electronic signature of the responsible person of the authorized body for maintaining the information resource of the federal register.

5. The list of information about state and municipal services (functions), information about the services provided for in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 2 of the Regulations on the Federal Register, posted on a single portal, is determined in Appendix No. 1 - to the Regulations on the federal state information system "Federal Register" state and municipal services (functions)", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2011 N 861.

(see text in the previous edition)

In addition to the specified information, the operator of the unified portal, in agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, has the right to place additional information on the unified portal.

5(1). The procedure for access of applicants using a single portal to information and information provided for in subparagraphs “i” and “k” of paragraph 1 of these Regulations is established by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

6. Amendments to information about state and municipal services (functions), information about services provided for in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 2 of the Regulations on the Federal Register, published on a single portal, are carried out after making in the manner established by the Rules specified in paragraph 4 of this Regulations, changes to the federal register regarding relevant state and municipal services (functions).

(see text in the previous edition)

7. To provide (perform) in electronic form state and municipal services (administrative procedures (actions), documents (information) posted in state information systems and other information systems, as well as services of institutions (organizations) using a single portal, the following are provided:

(see text in the previous edition)

a) the ability for the applicant to submit an electronic application for the provision of services, documents (information), including those necessary to receive the service (hereinafter referred to as the application, documents);

(see text in the previous edition)

b) availability for copying and filling out applications and documents in electronic form;

c) the opportunity for the applicant to receive information about the progress of consideration of the application submitted in electronic form using a single portal;

d) the possibility of the applicant receiving the results of the provision of services in electronic form, including the possibility of storing the results of the provision of state and municipal services received by the applicant in electronic form, other services in accordance with the list of other services, information about which is placed in the federal register of state and municipal services (functions) , as well as other documents related to the provision of such services in electronic form, except for cases where the provision of the results of the service in the specified form is prohibited by federal law;

(see text in the previous edition)

d(1)) the possibility of receiving documents (information) in electronic form located in state information systems and other information systems, except for cases where the provision of documents (information) in the specified form is prohibited by federal law;

e) the ability of the applicant to pay using electronic means of payment for the provision of state and municipal services, services specified in Part 3 of Article 1 and Part 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law "On the Organization of the Provision of State and Municipal Services", and payment of other payments collected in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation, the provision of information on payment of which is permitted using information contained in the State Information System on state and municipal payments, unless otherwise provided by federal laws;

(see text in the previous edition)

g) the possibility of providing in electronic form documents and information necessary for the implementation of administrative procedures (actions) by executive authorities authorized to perform state functions, in cases where the implementation of such administrative procedures (actions) in electronic form is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

h) the possibility of notifying persons registered in the federal state information system "Unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure that ensures information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form" (hereinafter referred to as the unified system of identification and authentication), on the possibility of submitting an application for state and municipal services provided in electronic form using a single portal.

7(1). The procedure for information interaction and (or) integration of a single portal with information systems that ensure the provision and (or) monitoring of the quality of state and municipal services, including with regional portals of state and municipal services, official websites of federal executive authorities, state extra-budgetary funds and bodies executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other information systems, social networks, instant messaging services, sites on the Internet information and telecommunications network in order to implement on a single portal the opportunities provided for in paragraphs 1, , of this Regulation, is established by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation and (or) within the framework of agreements concluded by the operator of a single portal with the specified bodies (organizations) to achieve these goals.

Information identified by the operator of the unified portal during the operation of the unified portal, containing the opinions of applicants on the quality of the provision of state and municipal services, the implementation of functions, as well as the provision by state bodies and local governments of information related to their activities, in particular from state and municipal information systems, sent in the manner determined by the agreement between the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on the exchange of such information, using a single portal to the automated information system "Information and analytical system for monitoring the quality of public services" for subsequent generalization and analysis. The specified agreement also regulates the composition of the transmitted information.

(see text in the previous edition)

7(2). The applicant is provided with the opportunity to access, using the subsystem of a single personal account, information about the progress of consideration of the application and the history of applications for state and municipal services, as well as other services in accordance with the list of other services, information about which is placed in the federal register of state and municipal services (functions ), when submitting an application to federal executive authorities, bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services. The specified access is provided in relation to state and municipal services, for which, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2016 N 236 “On the requirements for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form”, it is possible to submit an application in electronic form.

7(3). To consider messages and requests using a single portal, the following are provided:

a) the ability for applicants to submit messages and appeals in electronic form directly using a single portal or other portals, sites on the Internet information and telecommunications network on which the form of a single portal for submitting messages and appeals is posted;

b) the opportunity for applicants to receive information about the progress of consideration of messages, appeals submitted in electronic form directly using a single portal or other portals, sites on the Internet information and telecommunications network on which the form of a single portal for submitting messages and appeals is posted;

c) the possibility for applicants to receive the results of consideration of messages and appeals in electronic form, including the possibility of storing these results in the form of electronic documents.

8. The operator of the unified portal is not responsible for the inability to provide state or municipal services in electronic form of adequate quality if this is caused by limitations in the software or hardware used by the applicant to access the unified portal and receive services in electronic form.

9. The provision of state and municipal services, services provided for in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 2 of the Regulations on the Federal Register, using a single portal is carried out in relation to applicants who have undergone the registration and authorization procedure using a unified identification and authentication system.

(see text in the previous edition)

(see text in the previous edition)

9(1). Access using a single portal to the information specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 1 of these Regulations, which is confidential, is carried out in relation to applicants who have passed the registration and authorization procedure using a unified identification and authentication system or applicants who have passed the registration procedure on a single portal .

(see text in the previous edition)

9(2). Registration on a single portal is carried out using mobile radiotelephone communication devices based on the information provided by the applicant about his mobile radiotelephone communication device subscriber number. When registering an applicant on the unified portal, information about the applicant is not entered into the register of individuals of the unified identification and authentication system. The procedure for registration and authorization on the unified portal is established by the operator of the unified portal in agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

9(3). Access to the information specified in subparagraphs “a”, “d” and “e” (in terms of information that is not confidential)


The Unified Portal of Public Services (abbreviated as EPGU) is a system developed by the Russian government to improve the work of state and municipal organizations in the provision of services to citizens. Simply put, the State Services portal allows every adult citizen to receive services electronically without leaving home.

What you should know about the Unified Portal

The State Services portal contains a database of the most popular services provided by the state. The number of federal services currently amounts to about nine hundred. The portal is being improved, and their number is constantly growing every year.

Important! You can use government services through the portal after registration. Registration is possible only if you have a Russian passport and SNILS.

The partners of the State Services website are such departments as the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Health, Roskomnadzor, Rosreestr, the Social Insurance Fund, the Bailiff Service and many others. Thanks to a wide range of partners, it is highly likely that you will easily find the required service on the site.

What you can do on the State Services portal

It is impossible to list a complete list of services provided in one article, so we will dwell on the main points and principles of operation of the Unified Portal. Conventionally, citizens’ appeals can be divided into categories:

  • ordering certificates, extracts, reports;
  • making an appointment at a specific department;
  • submitting an application for a service or issuing a document;
  • payment of bills.

One of the goals of the State Services portal is to provide the ability to perform all these actions electronically. And as practice shows, he copes with it successfully. Let's take a closer look at what you can do through the State Services website.

The structure of the portal consists of certain sections with corresponding services and is presented in the form of a catalog. Thus, the “Family and Children” section allows you to file or divorce, register the birth of children, register maternity capital and child benefits. Through the “Transport and Driving” section you can register a car, find out your fines, apply for or receive benefits for travel on public transport.

If you want to replace your Russian passport, register, or select a polling station for voting, then you should go to the “Passports, registrations, visas” section. In order to register a child or find out the preliminary results of the Unified State Exam and the child’s progress, there is a section “Education”.

The “Taxes and Finance” category is needed to obtain information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, to obtain information about, registration of legal entities, entrepreneurs and preparation of declarations. When you need to call a doctor at home, or find out information about the medical care provided, you should open the “My Health” section. If you do not know which category the required service belongs to, you can use the search box on the main page of the site.

How to start using your personal account on State Services

Full registration on the Unified Portal will not take you more than 1-2 days. You can read more about it. To ensure the security of your data, a mandatory condition during registration is confirmation of identity through one of the service centers. As a result, you may not be able to fully access the services from the comfort of your home. However, when you enter your passport data electronically, you get partial access to some services (for example, making an appointment with a doctor or searching for fines at the traffic police).

After authorization in your personal account, you can add information about your documents (passport, driver’s license, policy, military ID, birth certificate), which will greatly simplify the procedure for filling out electronic applications. When you log in to the main page, you will see government service informers (tax debt, presence of fines and court debt), if desired, you can disable them in the settings.

When ordering any service in your personal account, you will receive notifications about its status and execution time. If you have any questions about the operation of the site, we recommend that you go to the “Help and Support” tab, which lists the most frequently asked questions. You can also always call the multi-channel phone number 8 800 100 70 10 or write to Telegram.

Registration on the State Services portal is a rather complicated procedure. It involves not only entering contact information, but also information from your passport and SNILS. Moreover, in order to be able to fully use the portal, you must go through the identity verification process at the User Service Centers.

Instructions for registering on State Services without a phone number

The State Services portal itself is open to all citizens. Users can go to the site and get information about how services are provided, their costs, and so on. However, other than the trial function, the site does not provide any opportunities to unregistered users.

The registration procedure itself is carried out in several stages. The first step is to create a simplified account, but you will need a phone number to create it. The field for entering the number is mandatory; without filling it out, the system will not proceed further. You can get out of this situation if you indicate not your own phone number, but random numbers. If such a number really exists, then an SMS with a code will be sent to it, but the presence of a code is not a fundamental necessity.

From time to time, there are malfunctions on the State Services portal. One of these glitches is the inability to send an SMS with a code. For such cases, registration by email is provided. The user procedure looks like this:

  • Open the registration form;
  • Enter the correct email;
  • Indicate a random set of numbers in the telephone number column;
  • On the phone confirmation page, do not wait for the allotted time to expire, but immediately click “Try email”;
  • Follow the link that came in the email to the block to continue registration.

Even without confirming the number, the user will be able to specify a password and receive a form to fill out personal data. A phone number made up of random numbers can be removed from your profile altogether; this will not lead to a denial of access to the portal. Refusal to register using a random number may be due to the fact that the number is already assigned to an existing account, since the system does not allow using the same number for different accounts. However, such conventions do not always affect the final result - a registered simplified account.

Thus, you can create an account on State Services without a phone number. However, this will be a simplified entry that does not provide virtually any advantages over those who do not have an account at all. There is no possibility to send applications and receive electronic services.

Also, if there is no real phone number, the user may experience difficulties in creating a standard account. The most common problem is that the system does not save the user’s personal data: passport series and number, and so on. Having a standard account does not allow you to use all the functionality of the site, but some services will still be available. For example, paying traffic fines.

In fact, using the State Services portal without confirmed registration is practically useless, since the functionality for which the portal was created is available only to people who have confirmed their identity. This is due to data protection, as well as simplification of the work of government agencies. If unregistered citizens could send applications through the portal, some of the applications would either be an accident or someone’s joke. Such situations would increase the flow of work.