Basics of successful implementation of push notifications for mobile applications. Sberbank will switch to push notifications

Pop-up windows have begun to appear on websites more and more often. And these are not advertisements, but requests to send push notifications addressed to you as a subscriber. We decided to figure out what these messages are and how they work.

Browser push notifications appeared in 2013 for Safari in OS X, but this technology began to gain popularity only in April 2015 after the Google Chrome browser began supporting Push API. Today this function is also available on Firefox and Yandex Browser browsers for all OS. In addition, Android mobile device users can also receive messages from websites.

New type of mailing

Push notifications are short messages sent by website owners to users. This could be information about discounts, new product releases, or blog articles. The advantage of such notifications compared to E-mail or SMS mailings is that an Internet connection is sufficient to receive information. The user does not need to go to the site or check email, and does not even need to open a browser. When you receive a message, a pop-up window will appear on the monitor with the text of the message and a link to the site.

Push notifications arrive instantly to the subscriber's computer, making them great for sending urgent or important messages.

How it works

The subscriber database is collected through a browser. When you first visit the site, a pop-up window appears asking you to display messages. By clicking on the “allow” button, the user actually subscribes to the newsletter.

The new subscriber is assigned a token. This is a special encryption code that depends on the browser, the type of device used and the domain of the sender's website. The site owner is required to obtain an SSL certificate and connect the API. The information necessary for this can be obtained from the documentation of the browser of interest. There is a simpler option - use the services of special services.

What are push notifications used for?

Push notifications encourage users to visit your site again. Information on a computer monitor has a greater chance of being seen and read. Even if the user is not interested in your message, he will still remember the company, and this increases loyalty and brand awareness. Due to the instant receipt of messages, push notifications become useful when it is necessary to convey urgent or important information to the client.

Push notifications may be most useful for news portals and blogs (for example, sending interesting news and articles) or online stores (sending advertisements, notifications about discounts and promotions, as well as information about order status).

When and how often to send push notifications?

You can analyze website traffic during the day using the search engine services Google Analytics and Yandex. Metrics.

You shouldn’t remind your subscribers about yourself too often. It is enough to send one notification per day during peak activity, otherwise your newsletter may irritate users and they will prefer to unsubscribe from the news.

And in conclusion

Sending push notifications is a promising direction in marketing, which is quickly gaining popularity in the Russian-speaking market.

According to statistics, the conversion rate of user subscriptions to push notifications is almost 30 times higher than to other types of mailings. And in combination with E-mail and SMS mailings, push can provide maximum coverage of your target audience. You can find such a solution in the SendPulse service. This platform allows you to combine these three types of mailings and, with the help of automation, save your time and increase conversions.

However, when deciding to use push notifications, it is worth considering that some site visitors will perceive a pop-up window as a threat to the security of their computer and their personal data. Moreover, many may perceive this type of notification as spam. So before you decide to use this type of marketing, make sure it's right for you.

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Hello, dear readers!

This technical article is primarily dedicated to all of you. To keep up with the times, in October 2016, I added to my website the ability to send pop-up push-up notifications for Chrome and Firefox browsers. To do this, I switched to a secure https connection, may Google and Yandex reward me with traffic.

What are Push-up notifications

Push-up notifications are short pop-up notifications that appear on the screen of a personal computer or smartphone, which report updates on the site and other important events. For example, you can use them to congratulate readers (subscribers), but not write a “congratulatory” article.

Initially, Push notifications appeared as a way for mobile applications to interact with users of smartphones and tablets. However, recently the technology of browser push notifications or web push has become very popular.

How to subscribe to a web push website

When you visit my website immediately or after a while, the following notification will appear on your browser screen. Click ALLOW

Or this notification (on a darkened screen)

You will immediately receive a subscription confirmation

Now you will receive such notifications as soon as a new article appears on my blog. Sometimes I make announcements of popular old articles - perhaps they will interest you too.

Three easy ways to disable Push notifications

For example, you became uninterested in receiving news from my website and decided to unsubscribe.

Two mouse clicks

It's simple! To do this, you can right-click on the next notification you receive and click TURN OFF NOTIFICATIONS

Two mouse clicks somewhere else

Site setup

If you do not want to wait for the next message, you can unsubscribe at any time in your browser settings on the site. To do this, click on the padlock in the address bar and go to the site settings

Then scroll through the settings to ALERTS and click “Configure exceptions”

Then REMOVE my site from notification exceptions

This way you will prevent the receipt of push notifications.

Push notifications on a smartphone

To unsubscribe from push notifications on your smartphone, click on the padlock in the address bar of your mobile browser. Next, click SITE SETTINGS



And the second option is to click CLEAR AND RESET

If you want to be the first to know about new articles, subscribe to PUSH notifications about my blog updates. If you suddenly get tired of receiving messages from me, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Repost the pinned post on my VKontakte page and receive .

Also here you can leave a review about my newsletter, what you liked and what you didn’t.

In this article we will try to explain what push messages are.

Today, many sites offer you to subscribe to push notifications right from the door. And every day there are more and more such sites. Let's start with the theory.

Push notifications are short messages that come directly to your desktop. Such a message usually contains a site icon and a text field; in rare cases, a large image and buttons are added to it. When you click on this message, you will be taken to the specified page of the site that sent the notification.

What does push mean?

The name of this technology translated means push. When sending a message, the site forwards the installed texts and images to browser companies such as Google. Then, with the help of a push, this message is delivered to your browser, which displays its contents on the screen. It should be noted that you are not required to leave any personal data, which makes this channel extremely safe.

Push is a new channel that allows sites to send you information about news, special offers, or simply inform you about the status of your order.

Here are some examples of notifications that sites send:

Travel agencies can offer you the best deals:

And airlines can notify you about the status of the flight for which you checked in.

Push messaging technology is a new era of communication between sites and you. By subscribing once, you will always be aware of the latest news from the resource.

Push messages have a number of properties:

They arrive regardless of whether you are on the site or not, are delivered instantly, and your subscription cannot be used on other resources, unlike email messages.

It’s as simple as allowing them to be received. We have already talked about this on our blog.

The bottom line is.

Browser messages are a great tool for modern marketing and are extremely safe for the user. The technology prevents spam from entering the message channel. But you need to be selective and allow notifications only for those sites whose content is interesting or useful to you.

In conclusion, I would like to add a few lines for companies that are taking this opportunity into circulation. By doing everything, you will be able to maintain the loyalty of your audience, and your messages will always be welcome on the subscriber’s desktop.

Lately, Push notifications have become increasingly popular, so I decided to write this article in which I will analyze in detail what they are, as well as how to set up, disable, and even how to make money from Push notifications.

To quickly jump to the section of the article you are interested in, use the table of contents:

What are Push Notifications:

Push notifications- This is a new type of advertising mailing. Something between email and SMS mailings.

How it works?
When you visit a website, you may see this message:

If you click "Allow notifications", then subscribe to the Push newsletter of this site, after which the site will be able to send you notifications at any time directly to your browser.

These notifications look like this:

A small picture and a couple of lines of text. By clicking on this notification you will be redirected to the website page that is advertised in this push notification.

To receive push notifications you need:
1) Allow the site to send you notifications.
2) Connect to the Internet.
3) Open the Internet browser through which you subscribed to Push notifications.

In general, if you have subscribed to notifications from a site, then when you open your browser you will immediately see if this site has sent you something.

You can also watch the video, which explains in detail what Push Notifications are:

How to disable Push Notifications:

It often happens that you accidentally subscribed to notifications from some site and do not want to receive anything from it. What to do then?

It's very simple - you can unsubscribe from any website in just a few clicks. This is done in the browser settings.

Let's look at how to disable push notifications using Google Chrome as an example:

1) Go to Google Chrome settings:

2) In the settings, scroll to the very bottom and open the "Advanced" tab:

3) Then open the "Content Settings" tab:

4) Then open the Notifications tab:

5) Scroll to the very bottom and you will see a list called “Allow” - there will be all the sites that you have allowed to send you Push Notifications:

6) Click on the ellipsis to the right of the desired site and a list of actions will open in front of you - select “Block”, after which the selected site will no longer be able to send you notifications:

Done - push notifications are disabled!

For mobile devices everything is approximately the same (even a little simpler):
Go to your browser settings -> Site settings -> Notifications -> Turn off the necessary notifications.

Push notifications SberBank paid or free:

As I already wrote at the very beginning, push notifications are a new feature and many large sites (such as Sberbank or other banks) are just starting to use it, so not all users are familiar with push notifications and do not fully understand - is it paid or free?

I will answer - Push notifications are absolutely free! Not only for you, but also for the site itself that sends them, which is why more and more sites are using Push notifications.

Notification changed from SMS to Push:

Another question that arises for many users of large sites is why I was transferred from SMS notifications to Push notifications and what has changed because of this?

I answer - practically nothing has changed for you, you will also receive all notifications on your phone, the only difference is that An internet connection is required to receive Push Notifications. So if the Internet is turned off on your phone, then you will not be able to receive notifications, but don’t worry - as soon as you connect to the Internet, you will immediately receive all notifications.

Why do they switch from SMS to Push notifications?
As I already wrote above, everything is very simple - Push notifications can be sent for free, unlike SMS. Therefore, many large sites are now switching from SMS to push notifications.

How to enable Push notifications:

If you are the owner of a website and want to enable push notifications, then this is very simple - just register on one of the services that deals with push mailings and install a special code on your website, after which you will be able to track the number of subscribers and send them push notifications .

2) In your account on the service, go to the "Push" section and click "Add site":

3) You will then receive instructions on how to install the code on your site:

4) Install the code according to the instructions - after this, an offer to subscribe to your Push newsletter will be displayed on your website and you will be able to send Push notifications to your subscribers.

You can watch the video for more detailed instructions on how to install the code:

Earnings from Push Notifications:

And as I promised, at the end of this article I would like to tell you how you can make money from Push notifications. In the previous paragraph of the article, I already mentioned that there is one service - PushProfit, which allows you to make money from Push notifications.

How it works?
It’s very simple - register with PushProfit, install their code on your website and start collecting subscribers.

After this, the service will send Push mailings with various advertisements to your subscribers every day, and you will receive money for each click on the advertising mailing.

Also, if you already have a collected base of Push subscribers, then you can connect it via the API to the PushProfit service and immediately start earning money by sending advertising messages to the already collected subscribers.

If you are interested in this method of earning money, you can find out more about it in my review of the PushProft service - read the review on PushProfit.

That's all I wanted to tell you about Push subscriptions, I hope you found the answer to your question, but if not, then feel free to ask questions in the comments below, I will try to answer everyone.

Technologies do not stand still and are constantly evolving, be it interesting developments or completely new applications. But amid all the variety of new discoveries, users stopped noticing that the phone’s system files are also being actively updated and provide application developers with a lot of new opportunities. We will not analyze absolutely all the points related to this area of ​​​​issues, but will simply analyze the most common question and interest of users. And the following question relates to this area: Push notification, what is it? Yes, no matter how advanced users of mobile devices are, they often ask themselves a variety of questions that are essentially quite simple to understand. But since they are interested, it’s better to open up the topic.

What do these notifications represent?

What are Push Notifications? In fact, answering this question is not that difficult, since the notifications speak for themselves. There are simple messages that we receive from other users, and there are messages that are sent to us by various applications on a mobile device. Antivirus, optimization programs, social networks, system utilities and much more. Each of these applications is equipped with the ability to push your mobile phone. Don't let this qualification scare you; in simple terms, you simply receive system notifications that briefly tell you about an event, action, or any other activity. Push messages appear on the main screen of your mobile phone in a special hidden tab and can be cleared with one easy movement.

Are these messages necessary?

At first glance, there is nothing special in these messages, which means a completely logical question arises: is this service needed on Android and other operating systems? In fact, we are all completely different users. Someone simply uses a mobile phone for communication, someone is actively looking for new opportunities on the Internet, and someone is an expert in the use of various applications and other programs that may be of interest for personal use and subsequent development of capabilities. It is the latter type of user who needs Android Push Notifications to be active.

It is not so difficult to reveal such a need; having dozens of different software installations and applications, the user simply forgets to keep track of everything, as a result, he misses important information, especially for some information, gaming or professional applications. Therefore, in this case, system notifications are simply necessary and you should understand that for the proper organization of your activities and attentiveness, they will definitely not be superfluous, although you should not forget that they can and should be adjusted so that the screen of your mobile phone does not become clogged with the most different and unnecessary messages.

Push notifications serve as an excellent basis for information

Setting up Push notifications

Despite the fact that notifications of this kind are a mandatory system element of a mobile phone, you need to remember that they can be regulated. Yes, when you install a new set of applications, a window with functions and required elements, among which you can see consent to receive notifications, will itself require your consent and set the functions by default. But do not be upset about this, since the mobile phone has its own regulator for this direction and it will allow you to easily change the factor in the appearance of notifications.

To regulate the receipt of messages, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Go to the “Settings” item in your mobile phone.
  2. Scroll down the menu to the “Applications” item.
  3. We select the application we need.
  4. In the menu of the application itself we see the inscription “Enable notifications”.
  5. If there is a checkmark, then you will receive notifications, if it is not, then you will not care at the moment.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated at this point, you just need to spend a couple of minutes and you will be able to adjust the applications you need in this segment and receive appropriate messages.

Possible problems and dangers of this utility

At first glance, it may seem that this utility does not present anything problematic, such as its notifications, the ability to receive information, etc. But don't forget that notifications can be simple messages, or they can be direct links that, when cleared or clicked, will take you to the site. This scheme works flawlessly and scammers actively use it, so you need to be vigilant and try not to fall for such tricks.

The danger is this: you have installed an application that you like and you are simply delighted with it and timely notifications. But then you receive a notification in the form of a link, click on it and you are taken to a malicious site that blocks your phone or reads all the necessary information, from your payment transactions to other contact information. After this, you either become a means of getting money, or are forced to pay to restore the phone to working order, or any other unpleasant moments may arise.

To avoid this negative point, it is worth remembering that such a scheme can only occur when using third-party applications. If you actively use official applications from trusted developers, then you will definitely not encounter such problems, and if you decide to take a risk and use other options for convenient and useful applications, then this procedure should be done entirely at your own peril and risk.

Fraudsters also actively use Push notifications

Will the technology continue to develop?

A little analytics never hurts, so we decided to think about whether similar technologies will continue to develop. In fact, the answer to this question is quite simple, since at the moment there is an almost ready-made and stable working technology that provides the necessary functionality. There is no point in adding anything new to it, since everything is already there. There is a voice notification, there is an SMS newsletter, you can list the various aspects of this system utility for a long time and persistently, the main thing is that users need them. Therefore, no technological leap is predicted and we can safely call this technology complete.

Now you are aware of what these messages are, how they can be useful and what dangers they pose. If you are an attentive user, do not make hasty decisions and control this entire process, you will receive not only an effective information tool, but also simply a convenient system utility that will collect information in one place and provide it to you. Use and enjoy, a potentially beneficial effect is guaranteed!