Notifications in Odnoklassniki when a person is online. How to turn off annoying notifications on classmates

Keeping track of all the events happening on the Odnoklassniki social network is very, very difficult. Especially if there are more than a hundred active friends in your contact list. To prevent users from missing important moments from their lives on the social network, the developers came up with a notification function. And in this article we will tell you how to turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki, how to turn them back on and generally configure them as conveniently as possible for your use.

About notifications in OK

Let's start with the fact that Odnoklassniki has alerts and notifications. What is the difference? In general, classic notifications are SMS messages that are sent to a specified mobile phone number with news from the social network. In turn, Alerts is a separate section on the site itself, where events related to your account are displayed. In particular, here you can see new likes, comments, friend requests, messages, etc.

Today, the boundaries of notifications and alerts are blurred, so this terminology is arbitrary. It is much more important to know and understand in what ways the Odnoklassniki service can notify users of new events. The options available are:

  • Letters by e-mail;
  • Browser pop-ups.

Actually, the difference between them is obvious - depending on how the notification is carried out.

The range of events that the system reports to the user is quite wide. And luckily, this list can be customized. This way, you will be able to receive information only about events that are truly important to you. To open an event, you just need to click on the pop-up message.

Setting up notifications

To remove notifications in Odnoklassniki, or rather edit their parameters, you should go to the appropriate section of your Account Settings. The steps are as follows:
1.Open your profile on a social network;

2.Click on “More” in the quick access panel;

3.Click on “Settings”;

4.Open the “Notifications” tab.

And here we can block notifications that bother us. Before us is a list of events about which the system notifies users. Just uncheck the boxes next to the events for which you want to cancel alerts. Accordingly, you can return notifications in the opposite way - by checking the box.

There is also a feature called browser notifications. Their essence boils down to the fact that pop-up messages with news from OK will pop up in the web browser, which can be quickly read in preview mode. To go to the site and watch these events, you will just need to click on the pop-up window. And you can enable the function with one click of the mouse - move the slider to the “On” mode.

And one moment. Naturally, speaking about notifications, one cannot fail to mention the mobile version of the Odnoklassniki social network. If you have the official service app installed by default, your phone displays alerts about events related to your account. To turn them off, you need to go to the settings of your mobile device and, having found the link to the application, delete notifications. Of course, this action can be deactivated at any time by moving the slider to its previous position. This works for both iPhone and Android devices.

Problems with notifications in

Sometimes site users complain that notifications on the site simply do not arrive. The first thing you need to do in this situation is to check whether the function is enabled at all. If the checkboxes are checked and the sliders are not moved to the “Off” mode, then there may be problems with the web browser. Restarting the browser or clearing the cache may help.

It is possible that the site is simply undergoing technical work that temporarily limits functionality. As a result, pop-up notifications notifying about new events do not work. The solution to the problem is to simply wait, because... you won't be able to do anything on your own.

To the question of why the Odnoklassniki website does not show notifications, alas, there is no clear answer. If basic tips don’t help, try sending a letter with a detailed description of the problem to technical support - the site’s specialists should help you.

Now you have a general idea of ​​what notifications are in Odnoklassniki. You know how to restore notifications in Odnoklassniki, how to disable them, and what to do if news messages simply do not appear. Still have questions? Write in the comments. We'll be happy to help!

The notification system in Odnoklassniki is certainly a useful function; it allows you to quickly receive information about events in your account (who invited you as friends, who sent you a message, what other invitations there are). But it can also look like an annoying nuisance if the user does not need to “monitor” everything that happens on his personal social network page on his phone or by email. In other words, all these notifications present the account owner with a stream of unnecessary information. And then the question immediately appears: “How to turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki?” So, this article will give you the answer in the form of step-by-step instructions for your computer and phone.

Note. The “Alerts” section is located in the top horizontal profile menu. To view all received notifications, click on its icon.

On the computer

1. In the list of sections located under the avatar, click “My Settings”.

2. Go to the “Notifications” subsection.

3. Uncheck the boxes next to the categories of messages that you want to remove from the mailing list.

Note. To remove all notifications, respectively, uncheck all the lines.

Advice! If for some reason you are not satisfied with the current option for setting up the notification system, click “Reset settings”. The configuration will be restored to its default state (in the preinstalled version, only missed call notifications are disabled).

Those users who do not want to receive invitations to games, groups, or want to receive fewer of them (only from friends), will need to perform the following steps:

1. Go to menu: My settings → Publicity.

2. In the “Allow” block, in the “Invite me...” lines, set the required parameter: “Only friends” or “No one”.

On the phone

In the mobile app, disabling notifications is done a little differently:

1. Open the settings panel and tap the “Notification” block.

2. Activate Do Not Disturb mode.

3. In the additional window, indicate how long you want to disable the notification system: tap the required value - 1 hour…. 24 hours.

After the specified period of time, the alert function will automatically turn on.

If you performed all the steps correctly, now there will be “nothing extra” with - neither in the SMS folder on your phone, nor in your mailbox profile.

And all the remaining notifications (that you received before the shutdown) can be deleted using standard means of the mobile system or through the email menu.

Active users of the community, classmates, have probably noticed that automatic notifications from the system come quite often, and sometimes they are completely annoying when you are waiting for really important information. Let's take a closer look at how to turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki and get rid of annoying notifications.

  • SMS to mobile phone;
  • Letters by email;
  • Online messages, invitations to groups, games, etc.

Each public page's settings contain two main adjustable sections. With their help, you can disable the necessary types of alerts by following a few simple step-by-step steps.

Disable browser and email notifications

To disable browser, SMS, and email notifications, you must. On the left side of the page, under the photo, select “My Settings.” Then open the "Notifications" section.

Here you can disable unnecessary types of notifications, for example, about new ratings, messages, events, classes, comments.

After you have unchecked the information sub-items that you no longer wish to receive, be sure to save the changes by clicking the corresponding button at the bottom of the page.

REFERENCE. You are allowed to change the publicity settings and notifications for your personal page in Odnoklassniki an unlimited number of times.

Disabling messages about invitations to game groups

To turn off incoming messages online about invitations to groups, games, and unwanted gifts, you should open your Odnoklassniki page. Find the item “My Settings” located on the left side below the photo.

Select the “Publicity” section and configure the sub-items in accordance with personal preferences.

Use the checkboxes to configure visibility, permissions, and additional functions.

When finished, scroll down the page and click “Save” to make the selected changes take effect.

Disable notifications from games

You can turn off community messages from games, notifications that friends need help while completing the next round, and similar notifications coming from games you are participating in in a few clicks.

First you need to go to your page. To open the entertainment application from which notifications are sent below, under the playing field, you must click on the “Game Information” link.

Then we find “Notification”, and then “Turn off”.

With the help of such seemingly simple manipulations, you will be able to get rid of annoying notifications in classmates. If notifications are needed again, you can restore them using checkboxes by activating disabled functions.

Progress does not stand still; social networks are gaining more and more popularity. After all, there you can make friends, communicate with them for free, share your photos, listen to music, watch movies, play games and even earn money! That's why we constantly receive automatic notifications: about the lives of our friends, games, news, and so on. Many people don’t like this, some even find it annoying, but not everyone knows how to turn off SMS notifications in Odnoklassniki.


Pay attention to the top menu in Odnoklassniki. With it you can view your viewing of guests, friends and so on. Go to the "Alerts" tab. A list of your alerts will appear in front of you. If you want to delete a notification, hover your cursor over it, a cross will appear in the upper right corner, click on it with the left mouse button.

To the left of the list there will be a small panel displaying possible alert topics. With it you can view your notifications by category.

How to turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki

In fact, turning off notifications in Odnoklassniki is very simple.
While remaining on the main page, pay attention to the menu under your main photo (Find Friends, Close Profile, My Settings, etc.). Select the “My Settings” tab. We are directed to the section with basic settings, where you can change your personal data. On the left we see another menu and select the “Notifications” section there. The same list with possible notifications appears in front of you. To disable a section you don’t need, simply uncheck it by clicking on it. After making changes, be sure to click the “Save” button.

To completely isolate yourself from annoying friends and spam inviting you to groups or games, you need to go to the “Publicity” section in the same menu on the left.
Under the “Allow” heading, find the items “Invite me to groups”, “Invite me to games” and check the desired option: “Receive notifications only from friends” or not receive them at all.

How to turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki on your phone

Odnoklassniki has a feature that allows you to receive notifications on your phone via SMS anywhere, at any time. So far, not all operator users can use this service.

To turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki via SMS, go to the “My Settings” section. On the left select “Notifications”. In the “SMS” column, uncheck the notifications you don’t need. Below you can specify the time period when you will receive notifications.

As mentioned above, if you do not have an SMS column, it means that your mobile operator does not cooperate with the social network, and you will not be able to use this function.

Note: If you deleted notifications in Odnoklassniki, they will still remain in your mail.

How to turn off the message sound in Odnoklassniki

It happens when you are watching a movie or listening to music on Odnoklassniki, annoying friends bother you with messages, and the sound of an SMS distracts you from your work. To make messages silent, go to the “Messages” tab. Next, click on add-ons, these are three vertical dots in the upper left corner. In the “Notifications” section, uncheck the “Sound alert for new messages” checkbox.

We hope you found this article useful and informative. Enjoy!

What are “Alerts” in Odnoklassniki?

The option provides the ability to receive information regarding inviting a user to games or groups, adding friend requests, receiving gifts, and the like.

Unfortunately, the resource administration decided not to give users the opportunity to turn off all notifications. Many of them do not allow you to miss really important events concerning the user. But you can still get rid of some annoying news.

Removing alerts

You can eliminate any notification in Odnoklassniki like this. Open the tab of the same name with a green counter.

Disable notifications for the game

Confirm the action by clicking “Turn off”.

Ban on invitations to groups and applications/games

The next point in reducing the number of messages is the ban on sending invitations to join the community or install a game/application.

Call up Odnoklassniki settings. This is done in several ways. Let's go to the address by logging into the social network. Click on the “Change settings” link under your profile photo:

Click “More” in the main menu and select the item of the same name from the drop-down list.

We visit the “Publicity” tab.

Move the switches to the “Nobody” position and click “Save”.