Description of the “Call me back” service from MTS. Some points on how to ask to call MTS back

Do you urgently need to make a call to someone, but your mobile balance has run out? Not enough money for an extremely important conversation on your cell phone? – The MTS LLC company comes to the aid of its subscribers by providing an excellent service called “Call me back, please”!

It’s easy to send a beacon to a friend with a request to call you back; here’s what you need to write in the USSD command in your phone:

  • *110*friend's number# Don't forget to press the Call key

If you want to figure out how to send a “call back” request to MTS, we invite you to an irreplaceable storehouse of information and answers to questions called the “site.” Here you can find answers to all aspects of the work of mobile operators in the Russian Federation that interest you.

IMPORTANT: Information, as you know, has a normal tendency to become outdated. If for certain reasons you were unable to solve your problems along with our recommendations, most likely the data has become irrelevant. To continue successful work, we advise you to contact the official portal of the mobile operator MTS.

How to send a “call back” from MTS?

Perhaps, the situation with the sudden end of money on the mobile balance could concern each of us. What to do in such moments? – Some people prefer to quickly get ready and go “put” money on their phone at the nearest ATM or MTS LLC office. Others ask their friends to “send” money into their account.

However, there is a third way that will not require you to spend a lot of time connecting with the right person. And it’s called the “Call me back, please” service.

IMPORTANT: Absolutely all subscribers of the No. 1 mobile operator in the Russian Federation can use this option by sending SMS messages with the text about the call both to their friends on MTS and to any other mobile operator.

In order to fulfill a request to send a message like “Call me back, please,” you are asked to dial the required key combination on your cell phone: “*110*subscriber number#” “Call”.

As an example, let's take the following situation: “*110*89111234513#” + “Call”.

Send a “call back” to MTS: a few important points

Each subscriber can use the “Call me back, please” service at any time of the day. However, MTS LLC has introduced some restrictions on the activation of requests for a particular number. The thing is that the maximum number of sending such SMS messages asking for a call back is only 20 per day.

It is noteworthy that at the time of delivery of the “Call me back” SMS message, the final recipient sees information about the number from which this operation was carried out; time the message was sent and date.

How to ask for a “beacon” on MTS?

In general, a request for a “call back” can be made, as already mentioned, no more than 20 times a day. You should be aware that abuse of this option can lead to the fact that your friends or relatives who constantly receive callback notifications may eventually simply ignore this message.

Remember that you need to use the “Call me back, please” option only in particularly important cases, since subscribers are not particularly fond of those who “skip” and do not pay for mobile communications at the right time.

If you begin to frequently receive messages with the text “Call me back, please,” and this greatly annoys you, you are encouraged to use the option to block receiving such notifications. To do this, you need to enter the following key combinations on your mobile phone:

  1. To set a “ban” on the delivery of an unwanted notification with a request from a “homeless person,” you need to enter “*110*0#” + “Call.”
  2. To set the cancellation of the “ban” - “*110*1#” + “Call”.

SMS requesting a call back: display problems

You may have encountered strange characters that you receive in the text of the “Call me back” message. Similar things happen when the mobile phone does not support the Russian keyboard layout. Most likely, the cellular device is not original.

In order to eliminate the problem of unreadable SMS messages, you are asked to enter the following key combinations on your mobile phone:

  1. “*111*6*2#” — To connect the Latin alphabet to the device. In this case, all short messages will be received in the form of transliteration from English.
  2. “*111*6*1#” — To connect the Cyrillic alphabet. If you purchased an original cellular device that supports the Russian language, it’s time to return to the original settings, which will make it possible to read messages in Russian.

Please call the number on MTS: terms of use

Currently, as noted above, the maximum number of attempts to send an SMS message offering a call back is only twenty times within 24 hours.

Moreover, free SMS with a request to call back can be available to every MTS LLC subscriber, regardless of where the person is currently located. If you are abroad or in the Russian Federation, the option is available to you at any time of the day. You can both send and receive such notifications using the above key combination code.

Today we finally figured out how you can reset a person’s request to “dial” on MTS. If you are faced with the problem of a lack of money in your account, but the call requires immediate communication, dial the desired key combination, which is located at the beginning of this article.

The No. 1 mobile operator in the Russian Federation offers the “Call me back, please” service completely free of charge.

You urgently need to make a call, but as luck would have it, the money in your account has run out, there are not enough funds to make a very important call, then your operator will come to the rescue, providing such a service as call me back, please.

It is very easy to send a request with a request to call back, you need to enter the following command in your phone: *110*number of the person to whom you are going to send the request# and then press the call button.

How to ask to call MTS back

This has happened to everyone when suddenly their mobile phone runs out of money, some go and top up their account, while others ask their friends to send them some money. But there is another option, thanks to which it does not require a lot of time to connect with the person you need. It is important to know that this option with a request to call back can be used directly by any MTS subscriber. You just need to send an SMS with a request to call you both MTS users and numbers of other mobile operators.

In this case, you should dial the following combination of numbers on your own phone: *110*number of the user to whom you want to send the request# and the call button.

Some points on how to ask to call MTS back

The right of all MTS subscribers to use the call me back service at any time of the day or night. But MTS was forced to introduce restrictions on the number of times a request can be sent to one phone number. Their number per day is 20 per phone number.

The interesting thing is that when an SMS is delivered with a request to call back, the subscriber receives all the information about the number from which the sender sent the request, as well as the time and day of departure.

How to ask MTS to call back

In general, such a request should be made, as stated above, no more than 20 times per day. You should think about the fact that your friends and relatives, who will often receive such a request, will simply stop responding to it over time.

It is worth considering that the service was created for especially important and hopeless situations, since any mobile communications user does not like a subscriber who does not want to top up his balance.

In the case when you are simply tired of constantly receiving SMS about calling back, then MTS has such a service as blocking or prohibiting the receipt of such notifications. To do this, the subscriber must enter the following numbers on his phone:

To block the delivery of call back notifications, enter *110*0# and the call button, of course.

To cancel the block, dial *110*1# and call.

Problems displaying SMS about call back

It is quite possible that you sometimes encounter not entirely legible characters that come in call back messages. This can happen when the phone does not support the Russian language. Most likely this phone is not original.

To eliminate the problem of incorrect messages, you can enter the following numbers on your mobile phone:

* *111*6*2#, this way you will connect the Latin alphabet. Then the number will receive messages written in English letters, but in Russian.

* *111*6*1# will help you connect the Cyrillic alphabet to read SMS in Russian.

Terms of use please call back

No matter where you are, you can always send a call back message. Even if you are in another country. You can both send and receive such notifications using the number written above. So, no matter where the subscriber is, he will be able to contact his friends or relatives.

Have you found yourself in an unpleasant situation when you have no money on your phone and you urgently need to make an important call? MTS offers to do it at the expense of the interlocutor. He receives a request to call you back in the form of a call, SMS or missed call. The service is very convenient, simple and free for the caller.

In order to make a call or send an SMS with a request to call you back, you can use the “Call Me Back” service from MTS. It does not require any special connection. The “level of coolness” of a mobile phone does not matter, the main thing is that it can, in principle, make calls and support the function of dialing USSD commands.

The “Call Me Back” service can be used by any MTS subscriber. A request that you are waiting for a call at the expense of the interlocutor can be sent to a client of any mobile network in Russia. The “Call me back” option will be available if the subscriber you are contacting is located both in your home region (where you issued the SIM card), and in national and international roaming.

The service has only one limitation: you can use it per day no more than five times.

If the phone of the subscriber you are calling is turned off or unavailable, then when you turn on or enter the network, the system will be able to automatically send an SMS “Call me back, please” from MTS.

How to use?

You can dial “Call me back” on MTS as follows: enter the command *110*number# on the keyboard, where instead of “number”, enter the phone number of the called party. A request with SMS “Call me back, please” will be sent to the interlocutor.

If he picks up the phone, he will be asked to accept the call at his own expense. To do this, he must press 1, to refuse - 0, to receive information about the cost of the call - 2.

If he does not answer the call, a missed call will appear on his phone, by which he will determine that it is you who are waiting for a call and will call you back.

Do you often find yourself in a similar situation? Add to your phone contacts the numbers of people you usually contact. It should look like this: *110*number#, where “number” – replace with the last 10 digits (without the first +7 and 8) of the called mobile phone. Then you won't have to frantically type the required commands.

A call or SMS with a request to call you back can be sent using the “Help out” service.

Also, you can ask someone close to you to help you. Using the MTS “Top up my account” service, he will deposit money to your subscriber number, and you will stay in touch.

A sudden depletion of funds in a mobile account is an unpleasant situation for any person, especially if you definitely need to call and urgently. You can, of course, run to the nearest terminal or ATM and quickly top up your account . But if there is no such opportunity now, and make a call a friend or comrade definitely needs it, then you can use this way out, like sending a waiting call from MTS.

Sending a request to call back

Currently, the “Call Me Back” service looks like this: SMS message or beacon on MTS , upon receiving which the subscriber will be able to see who wants to contact him. In the text received message the following information will appear:

  • subscriber number who sent the MTS beacon;
  • date and time processing the request.

Thanks to such a service it can be request sent quickly call MTS back, even with a zero or negative balance. This will allow contact the subscriber without the need to urgently top up your account.

It is important, before sending a beggar with MTS, you should know that despite the free provision of the service, it has minor restrictions. A request to call MTS back can be sent a maximum of 20 times within one day.

Let's look at how to send a beacon from MTS. Actually everything very simple, just write before the subscriber number *110* , and after it put a # sign and press the send button. For example, the command might look like this: *110*89121111111111# . It doesn’t matter how you indicate the number in 8 or +7 . MTS will send the message “Call me back, please” in any case.

Please call me back from MTS

The “Call Me Back” service allows you to contact the subscriber, even if there are no funds left in the account. Know how to use MTS send a request to call back especially important for those people who forget or do not get things done in a timely manner replenish balance, because the success of resolving even business issues often depends on the ability to communicate.

There are situations when send such notifications There are a lot of subscribers and they just get boring. In this case, they can be blocked simply by completing a request *110*0# . In this case, knowing how to ask to call MTS back for the caller will be useless. You can reconnect notifications using the command *110*1# .

Some phones have problems receiving Russian-language SMS. In this case, in order to receive messages in a readable form from those subscribers who prefer use such services how to send a call back from MTS, only in Latin. To change the reception mode to English letters, you need to type the following request: *111*6*2# , and to return to Russian-language messages - *111*6*1# .

Who can use the service?

The “Call me back” service is one of the most popular if there are no funds on the balance mobile phone. It can be used with absolutely all subscribers MTS, it doesn’t matter where they are: in their home region or in roaming. You can even use the service on the territory of another state, while the set of commands does not change.

Please top up your MTS account

Not always use the service “Call me back” is convenient. I don’t really want to send “beggars” to strangers I don’t know. For such subscribers the company offers another similar service- “Top up my account.” It allows you to ask another client of the company make a payment by phone . This is convenient especially when traveling, when depositing funds with the operator in a timely manner can be problematic.

Exist two options for sending a request pay:

  • *116*phone#— will lead to sending a simple request to top up your account;
  • *116*phone*amount#- will send SMS with the specified amount replenishment.

Important! You can ask to top up your account no more than 5 times per day.

What to do if a subscriber asks to call back?

Some clients abuse trust and begin to use the “Call me back” service without the need for this. In this case, you can either simply ignore requests from such comrades or set a lock using the command *110*0# .

Remember! The solution to a particular person's problems may depend on whether you respond to a request to call back. Before ignoring such an appeal, you should weigh the pros and cons in advance.