Odnoklassniki: profile blocked for violating the terms of the license agreement. Blocked by Odnoklassniki. What to do

Social networking sites have become incredibly popular these days. Social networks, in addition to purely entertainment functions, provide many communication opportunities. Isn't it interesting to look at a person you haven't seen for several years? And it’s simply convenient to contact relatives, friends or acquaintances who are located either in a neighboring house or on another continent! In such conditions it is not

It would be an exaggeration to say that, for example, my page in Odnoklassniki becomes a real window into the world. The social network also attracts commercial structures; this site is filled with all kinds of advertising and offers. They also attract intruders. It is sad, however, that in the fight against them, sometimes misunderstandings occur, as a result of which innocent users also become victims. At such moments, we begin to wonder how to unblock our page in Odnoklassniki. There may be several reasons for blocking, and, consequently, ways out of the situation. Let's look at the main ones.


If you are not in a hurry, the sin is still on the resource itself and the blocking. It is likely that the reason for this is your computer itself or the viruses that are located there. The recipe here is extremely simple. You need a good antivirus program and operating system cleaning. Perhaps after this the site will work again. It would also be a good idea to clean out the folders with saved passwords and user data that are on your computer. To do this, open drive C, go to the "Documents and Settings" section, then open the folder on your computer. In it you will see those same “Cookies”.

How to unblock a page in Odnoklassniki using a phone number

If you were blocked or forgot your password, try to recover using your mobile phone. The moment you try to log into the site, you will probably be asked to restore your account using your phone number. Feel free to click on this option! Once upon a time you indicated your mobile number on the website. Now the moment has come when this, probably previously annoying necessity, has become a useful function for you. Within three to five minutes an email with a code will be sent to your phone. With its help, you can change your password and continue to safely use your own account.

How to unblock a page in Odnoklassniki after deletion

It happens that you impulsively remove yourself from social networks, but after

For some time you feel sad without this convenient thing that easily makes all your friends, colleagues and acquaintances so close, and you want to return everything to its place. There are two options here. If you simply deleted all information about yourself from your account, then to restore it you just need to log into the site using your password. Your page will still be there as a blank profile. Next, you will only need to fill in the previously empty fields. It is more difficult if the deletion occurred through the “Referent” function. Then you have two options. You can try to write to the site administration stating the reasons and requesting that the profile be restored. However, it is not at all a fact that they will answer you. In this case, the easiest way out is to simply re-create your account. It's not difficult!

Actually, now you know how to unlock a page in Odnoklassniki. I hope you don't have to deal with this issue anymore. Good luck!

As you already understand, you need to look for the root of the problem why you cannot access your profile. They are listed here. In general, these could be the following reasons:

  • You have been “closed” by the site administration for non-compliance with the rules.
  • The administrators of the social network also tried their best, suspecting your account of being hacked.
  • Your computer has picked up a rogue software that has changed the hosts file or done some other nasty things. This is where you should get rid of viruses.
  • The computer administrator at work blocked access to all entertainment sites, including social networks.
  • You are having connection problems.
  • Problems in the operation of the social network itself.

Understanding the root of the problems will allow you to unblock Odnoklassniki, Contact and other sites.

The network administration blocked Odnoklassniki. How to unlock them using standard means

If your profile has been suspended on suspicion of burglary, access to the Odnoklassniki social network can be unlocked for free using the procedure established by the network itself, and you don’t need to pay anyone anything! To do this you need to follow a few simple steps.

If you are blocked by social network administrators, it will not be difficult to unblock your account for free. After you have entered your usual login and password, you will not be taken to your page, but will see a special window warning about blocking and asking you to enter the code received in SMS, which is sent to the phone number associated with your profile.

Note: the network will never ask you to send a message - for example, to number 7781 or any other. Fraudsters do this by replacing your page. Everything should happen for free!

Since it is possible to unblock Odnoklassniki on a computer in this way only if you have indicated your phone number in your account data, the social network always advises linking your mobile number to your page. How to unlock Odnoklassniki without SMS? If you haven't specified a phone number in your profile, you'll be prompted to recognize five friends by their photos. If you answer correctly, your account login will be restored.

If the profile is not available due to violation of rules, and you violated them deliberately, then your page is closed to you forever. If you have not violated the rules, we advise you to write here:

However, if you are unable to quickly and freely open your profile after the operations performed, or it is not possible to complete the procedures described above at all, you may be offered to download an application, program, video, or send an SMS. Here you should be vigilant, as you may come across scammers, even this, most likely, has already happened. The entire list of possible actions, such as unlocking a profile in Odnoklassniki, has been officially defined by the network. If you are looking for how to unblock a VKontakte account or a given network with outside help, you shouldn’t even bother asking how much it costs and how secure this service is, because it will most likely deception. The network itself does not cooperate with software developers to unlock your account, and if you contact them asking for “help,” you run the risk of encountering hackers or unscrupulous service providers. Be especially wary of sending short messages. Neither the frequently encountered “almighty” number 7781, nor any other, can be sent to you to unlock your profile.

How to unblock a page on Odnoklassniki if the reason is viruses

Maybe you can unblock a page on Odnoklassniki for free, without paying anything; if you can’t do this using the code sent to you or the friend test, a simple check for malware on your computer will help you. This is also worth doing if you are asked to send a message somewhere or do other strange things. Do a full scan with antivirus software (we recommend that you Kaspersky Anti-Virus, as well as special utilities like Cure IT, which you can download here ), reboot, try to log into the blocked site again. If you fail again, try logging into your page on another computer. If "My page" opens there for free and without problems, checking can help you solve the problem on the original computer hosts file. This operation does not require the qualifications of a programmer; you can carry it out yourself, without the help of specialists. How to do it - or follow the instructions below.

How to unblock the Odnoklassniki website for free by setting up the hosts file

So, the hosts file, if exposed to a virus, can cause access to popular portals to be blocked or redirect to sites that trap your passwords. If you find any link to the Odnoklassniki.ru website in this file, you need to delete it and, most likely, this file is the reason why the site is blocked.

You can easily edit the file text editor, and it is located in different operating systems in the following branches:

This is what the default file looks like: Windows:

Since you can unblock Odnoklassniki in this way using special programs that “treat” hosts, you can use them too. They will decide how to remove the blocking, how to bypass the ban on going to the site, and how to delete unnecessary entries. Among the developers there are bona fide suppliers, so with a little research, you can choose the right application to remove blocking on the network, bypassing the actions of scammers. This program may not be able to unlock Odnoklassniki for free, since some of them may be provided for a fee. Please note that such applications are also not provided by sending SMS to 7781 or other similar numbers. It is possible that purchasing software that cures hosts or an antivirus that cures your computer will require some actions with your phone, but such a program for unlocking your computer is not associated exclusively with Odnoklassniki, and its downloading should not be accompanied by sending an SMS in connection with your account. In any case, we would advise you to use standard proven means.

Access to the site is blocked at work by the system administrator

Unblocking a page on your favorite social network can be done in another easy way and also for free. You don't need a program to solve the problem. Possibly access to some sites and accounts on the Internet blocked by administrator, managing your local computer network (for example, at your workplace).

On these services you do not need to download programs to restore access; you just need to go to the intermediary site itself. But, since you cannot unfreeze a page in Odnoklassniki without entering a password, and anonymizers can still allow the possibility of leaking personal information, after you have unfrozen your account through a similar service, it is better as soon as you can log into page in the usual way.


It does not list all possible problems, so you may need additional access recovery tools from our article.

Hello! my page was blocked. technical support answered me: “The profile was blocked for violating the terms of the site’s License Agreement (clause 7.4.22) and cannot be restored. But I never sent spam or violated the agreement!

Technical support told me that my page was blocked because... I violated the license agreement (clause 7.4.22) and cannot be restored. I have never broken any rules or sent spam! Help me how to restore the page!

  • Smart-Tronics

    Hello, we sympathize, but there is nothing to be done here. Odnoklassniki is heavily attacked by spammers who send spam through viruses and hacking.

    Those profiles that the owners were unable to keep track of are blocked. We recommend checking your system for viruses.

  • Olga

    Tell me how to register correctly, for example, “children’s clothing.” I register, but they block me. The site is full of such things (for example, custom-made clothes) maybe this should be paid for somehow. I'm reading the license agreement and for some reason I can't find the answer to my question. Please answer me what is the right thing to do??? Thank you in advance.

  • Olga

    The first time the profile was blocked about two weeks later, it was written that the attackers were trying to gain control over it. The second time with the same marking was 5 days later, and yesterday I created it and today it says the same thing again. Antivirus costs Kaspersky.

  • Maria

    Hello, my profile was blocked for violating the rules of the site, but I did not violate anything. Maybe this is all because my friend was offended by me and set her status in classmates so that a lot of complaints would be made on my profile? Simply so that she wouldn’t see me in her classmates. Will I ever be able to get my profiles back, I just really need it, there were about 9,000 photos of me and many friends. Plus, all the complaints against me were untrue, but I was still blocked. What should I do to get my profile back safe and sound? I beg you to help me, that profile is where my whole life is. Please help me.


    Hello! In two weeks, 3 pages were blocked for violating the rules of using the site. But I didn’t violate anything and didn’t send spam. After all, selling in classmates is not prohibited. I checked the system for viruses, everything is fine. Tell me what to do, how to find out the reason for blocking the page? Technical support responded, the page was blocked by the site administration for violation and that’s all.

  • Galina

  • Inna

    Hello, I have two pages blocked in Odnoklassniki for violating the rules of using the site, I cannot write to the support service with a request to unblock, since I did not indicate the email address for the pages, and the request does not go through, this is a required field, but when I want to confirm a new page using a phone number, they write that this number is already used or something like that, what should I do? vicious circle…

  • Hope

    Hello, my profile was blocked for violating the rules of the site, but I didn’t break anything. Technical support responded, the page was blocked by the site administration for violating and that’s it. But I didn’t break anything! Maybe this is all because I participated in the competition and went to first place! Competitors took and clicked on the link with the photo, saying that this was spam! But this is not true! I didn’t send spam to anyone! I didn’t even know what spam was! Everything in this profile is precious to me: the notes, photos, friends! In the notes, I, my grandma, and my brother congratulated my daughter on her one year anniversary! I wanted all this to remain as a memory! Friends who found me and whom I won’t find now! I don’t have half of the photos of them either! Will I be able to return the profile, I really need it! Plus, all the complaints against me were untrue, but I was blocked anyway. What should I do to get my profile back safe and sound? I beg you to help me, that profile is where my whole life is. Please help me. Help! Help! Beg!

  • Dmitriy

    Hello, my friend’s profile was blocked (he doesn’t know what to do, that’s why I’m writing) for falsely violating the license agreement clause 7.4.9. This happened due to the actions of a fraudster who received a refusal for his offer (extortion), for which he deliberately wrote a complaint against a friend for violating the license agreement. The two of us fought for this profile for 3 days, proving and describing everything in detail and detail, corresponding with the technical support of the Odnoklassniki site. Today they sent another refusal and this time the last one. Can my friend and I go somewhere higher than Odnoklassniki tech support? Because they are inactive and cannot help their friend in any way. I don’t know, maybe it’s important - his address is blocked http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/profile/547755727344

    In any case, thanks for the answer.

  • nat_reb

  • Vyacheslav

    Good evening, like almost everyone who wrote here, my account was banned, although I changed passwords several times before, checked for viruses, but it didn’t work, they hacked my account and spammed me, it’s useless to explain to the admins, even though the account wasn’t empty and existed for more than 3 years, in response they only write that the rules were violated, etc., but oh well, I asked them to return my personal photos and videos, and also a list of friends, but after that they promised to answer, and silence, I wrote again, they didn’t answer, I wrote from another mailbox, they answered that I violated an article like this and that, there’s no word about photos and videos, if I write again from these two email addresses, there’s no answer, they probably put them on ignore, Tell me, do I have the right to demand my personal photos, videos and list of friends? Thank you in advance for your response

  • Mila

    Hello. help me figure it out... I created a page for myself 3 times. 1 day and I am blocked or deleted!!! 3 times there were different numbers, 2 were just registered. and the last time I logged in through the old left page, signed my first and last name, started adding friends, and the next day I was blocked again... although this page is almost 2 years old and I logged in all the rules. I don’t understand what’s wrong!!?

  • Elena

    Good afternoon please tell me what should I do, my page is blocked, I created a new one. Is it possible to restore the previous village, since there was a lot of valuable and important things on it. I tried to write a letter to the administration, but my mail does not go through. And following the link where I need to enter the code, I go to my new page. I just ask you to give a valuable answer, since I have already done everything according to the advice above, but I can’t restore it. Maybe you can call the administration somehow?

  • Mafia

  • rozat

    I have been blocked for 8 accounts in half a year - there is no point in writing to the technical service so as not to be banned, I need to change the IP, otherwise after the first blocking of the profile, others will be blocked automatically

  • Catherine

  • Lyudmila

    Good afternoon. They blocked me from classmates under clause 7.4.22. Although I didn’t send anything to anyone. They explained clearly that the page was lost forever. I still had 190 rubles in money and photos of my little children, which I, out of naivety and trust, entrusted to the site with my classmates. It turns out that the site is simply robbing us? After all, many people still have eyes on this site. But why does the site need photos and is it possible to restore at least the photos?

  • Oksana

    A huge request to restore my profile, all the clients’ phone numbers are left there. How should I go about sending my order on May 22? The census is going through classmates. So many sleepless nights to create this page. I give up on creating something again. I’m raising a 5 month old daughter alone. This is mine I’m losing my only income.

  • scarlett ohara

    my profile was blocked for violating the regulations... along with my 4 groups... I didn’t violate anything... contact the technical service. I can’t get support because I can’t find out the link to my profile... I entered my city name in Yandex but there is no link to my page.... what should I do?

  • Vasilya

  • Anna


  • Edelweiss NEBOGHENKO

    Good afternoon. Dear Site Administration. I am very perplexed - Why is there no access to my page??? On December 19, 2015, AS USUAL, I decided to log in to my page, entered the Login (IT = corresponds completely to my E-mail!!!) and entered my permanent PASSWORD, but alas!... They wrote me a screensaver that, “Incorrect login or password” !?? Why? I still don't understand to this day. It’s been over a month now, they’ve been forgetting me,” and the deadlines are passing...! restore my page or are there empty correspondence... with the moderators on duty?! Please check and explain to me what is my fault and where is that moment, so that I understand? - Why can’t they help without any problems?! Sincerely, Tamara Anatolyevna.

  • lyubaodessa

  • lyubaodessa

    At first I thought that I was blocked for my political beliefs, since I am against the Kyiv regime and I have a lot of pictures on this topic, but when I received a letter containing an article - for pornography! - I was completely speechless! It turns out that she suffered for a political photograph that someone thought was erotic!….I’m shocked! Why is it so indiscriminate to paint everyone with the same brush?... And, most importantly, the connection is one-way! I can’t explain anything!!! They don’t read!!! Help, please!


  • Yana Sharlay Pogorelaya

    Hello. My page has been blocked. When I log in they write
    If you deliberately violated the rules for using the site, the Support Service will not be able to restore your profile. But I didn’t do anything like that. I came home from work and I’m surprised, I ask you to sort it out and help me regain control of the page, I really need it.

  • Victor

  • Olga

    Hello, please tell me why the support service sends a standard response and does not check the violator of the regulations under Article 7.4.19. I have already complained four times and no action has been taken.

  • Ortiz

    Hi all! And my situation is quite interesting! One girl, because of her personal grievances where they subsequently sent each other in revenge, created a profile with my half-naked photos, and also added information about me in the status where she says a drug addict meets adult women and is sold to them))) and comes to visit to all my friends and relatives... well, I immediately wrote to support, explained everything and asked to urgently block the attacker’s page for defaming my honor and dignity. In response to the email: so that we can delete it, send the correct photo where your face and your profile are visible... I sent a photo and am waiting for an answer... no answer for 2 days... then I see her comment under my brother’s photo, where she also calls me a drug addict, etc. Well, my nerves couldn’t stand it from such impudence and under the same photo I said something like, you’re a scum creature, I’ll catch you and fix you up... the next day I try to join my classmates and what do I see? It says your profile is blocked for insulting... I wrote to support right away, but there is still no answer... and my profile also remains blocked. And the most interesting thing is that the clone profile with my photos has not yet been deleted and continues to walk around the open spaces as if nothing had happened. After that, I wrote to support several more times, but the application has been under consideration for the 3rd day and there is still no specific one... What should I do???

  • Ortiz


    I was blocked while I was away from home for 2 weeks. I joined and surprise. I don’t understand why. How to become a classmate? I ask for your help.

  • Konstantin

    Good night. I was blocked “Your profile is blocked for violating the rules of using the site.”
    I reposted my product in paid groups... for what reason was it blocked, if I paid for the groups then? Please help me restore... it’s very necessary, there’s a lot of work left there =(

  • Konstantin

    I’ve contacted him more than once...they’ve blocked me 7 times already, and all because of one thing, like I’m spamming...but how can I spam if I post my product in paid groups and don’t do anything else...on product comments, I answer clients in person... in short, I don’t know = (can you help me with something?

  • Plankin Oleg;8-904-049-33-08.

  • Oksana

  • Svetlana

    I want to ask you for help, my page is blocked for violating the rules, I wrote to technical support, they can’t help, so I’m writing where possible, just help me, I beg you

  • Irina

    Hello. My group was blocked for violating regulations. There are many of my clients left there who are waiting for their parcels and I think many are just in shock right now. How long was she blocked? And where to go?

  • Olga

    Hello! I have the same problem as described above, I was blocked for violations that I also did not commit. I believe that it is dishonest people-competitors who spam, maybe not directly, but with the help of their friends or relatives who send complaints. It’s useless to write to the support service, I’ve been texting for three days! They don’t care about users who paid for their orders and don’t understand where the seller disappeared! How can I contact the site administration?

  • Natalia

    Hello, they scanned my photos, created another page, complained in the settings, no effect of being silent. What can I do please help

  • Fringe

    Good afternoon.
    I would like to know. How sites are blocked. To block a site, it only takes one user to indicate it as spam or a certain number is needed.

  • Konstantin

    Hello! my profile was blocked allegedly for violations, I had a group, can I log into it from another profile? since my group was left without an owner

  • Nik

    Your profile can be restored once for violating site regulations by contacting support. Even for gross violations. But sometimes there is a refusal to restore the profile of classmates. Depending on the severity of the violations and the points on which the regulations were violated

  • korean

  • Anastasia

  • Sergey

    Good afternoon our page was blocked, citing clause 7.4.22, for spam, and all we did was use the “invite everyone” function once. We corresponded with the support service for a day, but they refused, citing the fact that this function is needed to invite all the people we KNOW to the group, and not just invite, and this is purely theoretically impossible, I doubt that at least one user knows all his friends . If there is still any chance to restore your profile, it is an important part of the work of our company.

Along with the increase in the number of fans of social networks, the number of people earning money from this illegally has also increased: from sending spam to extorting or stealing money from the accounts of gullible users. Therefore, if your Odnoklassniki account is blocked, do not rush to send SMS or tell someone your personal data.

The algorithm of actions directly depends on the reasons for blocking the page. Perhaps everything is fine with your account, but the problem is completely different. For example, if you are unsuccessfully trying to access the Odnoklassniki website from your work computer, check whether other entertainment resources are working on your computer. Often, blocking access to such Internet sites is the result of an order from management who does not want employees to be distracted from their duties. To bypass such restrictions, you can use the service of one of the many anonymizer sites for Odnoklassniki. But be sure to think about whether you really need access to a social network at work - by providing intermediary sites with a login and password, you risk making your personal information available to scammers. Often an account on Odnoklassniki is blocked by the site administration due to violation of the rules for using the social network. Unfortunately, a user does not have to violate anything to be blocked. It is more likely that your profile has been hacked to send mass spam. If you provided a mobile phone number during registration, restoring your account is quite simple. Enter this number in a special field and you will immediately receive an SMS with a new login password. If your account has not been linked to a mobile number, you can unblock Odnoklassniki through the support service. Go to the main page and click on the “Regulations” item at the bottom of the screen. The license agreement page will open, scroll down and you will see a link "Contact support". Fill out the form provided, be sure to indicate profile blocking as the reason for your request, and wait for the administration’s response to the email address you provided. The situation is much more serious when, instead of Odnoklassniki, you end up on so-called phishing sites. Outwardly indistinguishable from the original, these sites collect personal data for mailings or lure money under the pretext of unblocking. If instead of your page you see a message asking you to send an SMS to a number, do not send anything under any circumstances. Don't let the correct Odnoklassniki address in your browser reassure you. Phishing sites may simply have similar addresses, for example, “http://odnoklaccnik1.ru”. But if your computer becomes a victim of a virus, having landed on a phishing site that is a copy of Odnoklassniki, you will also see the real address in the address bar.

To fix the problem, you need to find and edit the hosts file, which is located in the "drive\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\" directory. Open the file using the Notepad editor, find the lines with the words “odnoklassniki” and delete them. After this, be sure to run your antivirus and restart your computer.

Always be careful when providing personal information on the Internet, and to increase the protection of personal information, install a good anti-virus program.

Those who like to use social networks sometimes face the problem of being unable to access the usual means of communicating with friends and acquaintances. This can happen on any network, for example on Odnoklassniki. So what should you do if your profile has been hacked and is blocked? No need to panic, try to figure out the reason. All further actions will depend on this.

There could be several reasons for what happened. Therefore, initially try to restore access in the standard way - using your mobile phone number. Well, if it doesn’t work out, get ready for more serious actions. This means your profile has been hacked and is blocked. And now he suspects that spam is being sent from your page, for example. If standard recovery does not work, try contacting technical support.

It also happens that you access your page from a mobile phone or another computer without problems and do not find anything terrible there. With this scenario, everything becomes more or less clear. Some scoundrels hacked my profile. What to do? The attackers managed to successfully send a virus to your computer, which changed the PC system files in such a way that when you try to access the Odnoklassniki website, you end up on a hackers page designed in a similar way. And you see an error message or a requirement to send a paid SMS to restore access. If you send a message, the money will be withdrawn, but you still won’t get access.

If your profile was hacked and blocked, then this was most likely achieved by adding several lines to the system. It turns out that this needs to be fixed. There are two ways to complete the task: using the AVZ system utility or manually. In the first case, download the free utility, unpack it and run it. In the file menu we launch system recovery. After completing the operation, restart the computer and use your favorite site. Sometimes it doesn't work out. Then we use the second method. To do this, in Notepad, open the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. That's what we need. We delete any posts that include social networks, including Odnoklassniki. Save the hosts file. You may need to allow system folders and files to be displayed.

We restart the computer again and try to access the site. If it doesn’t work now, then you’ll have to look for unnecessary things in startup. After all, the problem that your profile was hacked and it is blocked needs to be solved. We get into the registry editor by pressing the Win + R buttons and using the Regedit command. We check programs that start automatically when Windows starts. We save (you never know) the current version of the registry and clean it, deleting any suspicious entries. We return to the hosts file again and repeat the operations performed there previously. Reboot the PC. Another attempt to get to the site.

Most likely, the problem will be resolved. If you still can’t get on Odnoklassniki, your profile has been hacked and blocked, we move on to drastic actions. We temporarily remove our full-fledged Kaspersky and check the entire system with its help. This way the issue will be definitely closed - access to your profile will open.