The iru tablet pc does not turn on. The tablet does not turn on. What to do. 7 methods

Regardless of the cost and characteristics of the equipment, problems can arise with any gadget. If you are reading this article now, it means that something has happened to your tablet computer, for example. Before you run to the service center, send your gadget in for repair and pay for diagnostics, you can try to find out why yourself.

The reasons for the breakdown may lie in both the Android OS software and the hardware. Of course, after a serious fall, it will most likely be difficult to fix the problem yourself. But if the tablet stops turning on after installing an application or updating the firmware, then you can easily cope on your own. But first things first: let’s look at the diagnosis based on the symptoms.

The tablet cannot be turned on

There are many reasons why your tablet may not turn on. In order to restore the functionality of the device, the most common failures should be eliminated:

  1. First of all, check the battery. As funny as it may seem, many gadget owners simply forget to charge the device on time. Android models, after connecting to power, may not show “signs of life” for another 10 minutes. Still won't turn on? Make sure the charger is working properly.
  2. Make sure the power button is working properly. To do this, we recommend that you listen, because when you press, you should hear a click. The problem can be treated with soldering, but it is better to entrust this kind of work to a specialist. In the event that the warranty period has not expired, it is especially not recommended to engage in amateur activities.
  3. Make sure the tablet is not damaged. For example, if it spent some time in the hands of a child, then it is worth looking for cracks or dents on the body. In this case, the repair should also be entrusted to professionals, because it will be difficult to independently identify the exact cause of the problem.

Diagnostics and repair at home

If it doesn’t turn on, and you don’t have the opportunity to contact a service center, you should try to revive the gadget yourself. At the same time, of course, you must be aware that if it fails, it may no longer be repairable.

First, you need to exclude the following situation - the device is working, but there is no image. This is quite easy to do. First, you charge the tablet, then turn it off. After 20 minutes, turn it on, wait two minutes and check the back cover: it should warm up a little. If everything is this way, then you will have to disassemble the gadget and check the cables. Also, the problem may be hidden in a burnt video card - then the repair will not be complete without soldering.

Failures related to the power supply system are also common. In most Android models, the battery is soldered to the motherboard with wires. Sometimes batteries are connected using a cable or connector. Therefore, you first need to check the contacts. If everything is connected correctly, then we continue troubleshooting.

Often the device may not turn on due to a failure. In this case, it would be a good idea to measure the voltage output from the battery and from the board. To measure the board voltage, you need to remove the battery and connect the charger. As a result, you should receive the following data:

  • when charging at 5 V, the battery has 3.7 V, and 3.9–4.2 V is supplied from the board;
  • when charging at 9 V, the battery has 7.4 V, and 7.9–8.2 V is supplied from the board;
  • when charging at 12 V, the battery most often has 7.4 V, and 7.9–12.2 V is supplied from the board.

If your measurements correspond to the above data, then there is no problem with the power circuit. In this case, looking for the reason why the gadget does not turn on is a board malfunction or a bootloader failure. In any case, “self-medication” is contraindicated, and you should seek help.

The tablet computer turns on “halfway”

Let's now consider this case - your gadget turns on, but an endless screensaver with the inscription “Android” or with an image of a broken robot freezes on the screen. The reason here is a software glitch. It usually occurs after installing updates, new applications, or forcing system processes to shut down.

What is the best way to deal with this situation? It's worth trying a factory reset. You will lose all your data, but you will get a working device. To perform a hard reset you need to go into RecoVery mode. Depending on the gadget model, pressing one of the following key combinations will help you:

  • volume up, volume down and power button;
  • power button, home key and volume up;
  • power button and volume down;
  • power button and volume up;
  • decrease and increase volume.

Next, you need to find the “wipe data/factory reset” section, after selecting it, feel free to click “yes - delete all user data”. Then select "Reboot System". Moving between items in RecoVery mode is done using the volume rocker, and the selection is confirmed with the power key.

In cases where a hard reset is powerless, you can try to reflash the device. But for this you need to get root rights. In most cases, this means you will void your warranty. In addition, you act entirely at your own peril and risk, so no one gives any guarantees of a positive result. Before you do this, consider contacting a service center.
Of course, with any attempts there is a risk of completely breaking the device. Therefore, without certain knowledge of electronics, you can only do a reset to factory settings and make sure that the charger is working properly.

Typical “illnesses” are especially common in inexpensive Chinese models. If you know about such problems, then share your experience and methods of “treatment” with our users. Have you finally decided to take apart the gadget? Search online for instructions for your model.

Many users are faced with the problem that their tablet does not start. This phenomenon can manifest itself in different ways.

For example, sometimes the device turns on, but does not start, that is, all the signs of turning on are there (lights are on, some processes are happening), but nothing is displayed on the screen.

In other cases, loading occurs as usual, but the shortcuts are not visible - the loading screen freezes. Maybe the user sees the manufacturer's logo, but nothing further happens. But be that as it may, there are several ways of what to do in this situation.

1. Follow some simple steps

In most cases, no special action needs to be taken.

Instead, do this:

  • Place the tablet on charge. It happens that the tablet becomes completely discharged and cannot show a single image or even the manufacturer’s logo. Therefore, connect the charger to the device and wait at least 10 minutes, then try to turn it on again.
  • If everything is fine with charging, just wait a while. In some cases, due to clogged memory, the tablet will take an extremely long time to load. Therefore, the best solution in this situation is to simply wait and then clear the memory a little.

There are times when trying to do something yourself does not make sense and it is better to trust the professionals.

In particular, this is what we are talking about:

  • Mechanical damage. Try to remember if you have dropped your tablet recently. For some models, even a slight throw into the bag will be considered a serious blow. As a result, the screen breaks and it will no longer be able to work. It is best to send the device in for repair and ask for a screen replacement.

Attention! Without special knowledge of the internal structure of tablets, you should not try to do this yourself.

  • The video adapter has completely failed. Again, in this situation, the only option will be to replace this element. Checking this option is quite simple - nothing will be displayed on the tablet at all, including the system menu, which we will talk about later. In this case, send the tablet for repair. Perhaps the masters will find some other problems in it.

2. Hard reset

There are many reasons why a tablet may not work. But we are talking about those cases when Android does not start on the tablet. That is, there is some kind of reaction when the device is turned on, but then nothing happens.

Most often this manifests itself in a frozen manufacturer's logo or Android logo, as shown in Figure 1.

There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, but the most common of them are:

  • incorrectly installed applications;
  • malfunctioning applications;
  • forced shutdown of system applications;
  • some applications close or affect others.

In this case, the only way out is to completely reset the device.

This is done as follows:

  • Turn off the tablet and, just in case, take out the SIM card and MicroSD memory card.
  • Press and hold the volume up button (on some models you need to press the down button) and the power button at the same time. On different models, entering the system menu may occur differently. If the above instructions do not help in your case (the same picture as shown in Figure No. 2 is not displayed), read the documents for your tablet. You can also go to the manufacturer’s official website and find all the necessary instructions there.
  • A system menu will appear, in which, using the same volume up and down buttons, go to the “wipe data / factory reset” item.

  • On some models, you need to go to “Settings”, then to “Format System” and finally click “Reset Android”. After this, the tablet will reboot and may begin to vibrate; in any case, the process of erasing all information and returning to its original state will begin.

It is worth saying that it is not always possible to do a full reset the first time, so if the tablet still does not boot after all the steps described above, do them again.

3. Non-standard situations

It happens that as a result of searching for the correct combination to enter the system menu, the user ends up in unexpected modes and sees non-standard pictures.

For example, you can see a picture of a lying robot with an open belly. In this case, press the power button again and wait until the tablet reboots.

You may also accidentally end up in Fastboot mode, as shown in Figure 4.

In this case, use the volume buttons to navigate to “Restart bootloader” and press the power button to select it. The tablet will reboot.

If a tablet under warranty does not turn on, it must be taken to a service center. Otherwise, you can try to repair it yourself. To do this, you first need to understand the reason that caused the breakdown.

Perhaps the tablet just died. Try charging it. Please note that if the device is completely discharged, it will take some time before the device can turn on (even while charging). Sometimes it even reaches 10 minutes. If connecting to the network does not solve the issue, make sure that the charger is working properly (try connecting another one or test this on another tablet).
  • Remember if the tablet received any mechanical damage (or check with family members). The impact could damage the display (it must be replaced, after which the tablet will most likely work again). Confirmation of mechanical damage to the screen can be the presence of a backlight when turned on (but this is not necessary). It is also possible that the video adapter has failed - you will have to change it.
  • If the switching on occurs partially (after the backlight, loading is constantly displayed, the image of a broken robot is displayed), a software failure has occurred. The reason for this may be:
You can correct the situation with a hard reboot, resetting the existing settings (returning to factory settings). But remember that all data will be deleted. It is best to find a description of how this procedure is carried out for a specific model. Typically you need to do the following:
  • turn on the tablet;
  • remove the SIM card, memory card;
  • press the volume button (up, sometimes down!) simultaneously with the power button;
  • hold for a while (usually 10 seconds);
  • when the tablet vibrates, select “Settings”, “Format System”, “Reset Android” in the menu using the volume keys.
If during the reboot process a robot with an exclamation mark is displayed on the screen, this is a sign that the reboot was performed incorrectly. Wait until the device goes out and try the procedure differently. Or press the power button and hold it for a while. If the robot does not have an exclamation mark and its abdomen is open, you are in Fastboot mode. Using the volume buttons, you need to select “Restart bootloader” and press the power button.

Also, the cause of the breakdown may be a hardware failure (failure of the device’s internals: something burned out, broke). Naturally, the breakdown should be diagnosed and repaired at a service center.

So, friends, if you are reading this article, it means that you got here by typing the search query into the address bar: “what to do if the tablet does not turn on,” although I belong to the category of people who would write: “why not The tablet turns on."

  • But all this doesn’t matter, we have a problem - the tablet won’t turn on. There is a device on the table that is now only good for cutting sausage. Let's think logically about how to turn on the tablet if it doesn't turn on. The following reasons come to my mind for this malfunction:
  • mechanical failure
  • something burned in the tablet
  • battery problem

operating system failure (android crashed) or other software glitched

Now let's look at each reason separately.

The first step is to find out if the device has been dropped. For example, your younger brother dropped your favorite toy on the floor while you weren't looking. And if such a fact took place, then it is clear that the tablet does not turn on after a fall. Also, if cracks are found on the screen or damage on the back cover, dents, chips or just scratches, then we can say with 100% certainty that the tablet was flying. In general, if the tablet has fallen and does not turn on, then you should not be surprised by this fact and the solution to the problem will most likely be a repair at the service center, but you can also try to try to revive the gadget yourself.

Electronics failure

A gadget of this level is a box stuffed with electronics that can burn out for various reasons. A power surge, high humidity, or simply a defect can cause the entire device to fail, and such problems are already resolved under warranty. There are times when the tablet turns on but does not boot, or boots but the touch screen does not work. In this case, the most likely reason is the video.

Battery or charging problem

If the tablet is discharged and does not turn on, then there is no need to worry, but in the case when the tablet does not turn on and does not charge or, say, charges and does not turn on, then this can become a problem. Battery or charger failure is a fairly common cause of malfunction.

Software failure

If the tablet does not turn on, then the OS may have frozen or the bootloader has crashed, or maybe some software has simply glitched. In fact, this reason is the most harmless of all, and anyone can solve this problem at home without sending the device for service.

The tablet does not turn on, what should I do?

What should we do if the Android tablet does not turn on? To solve this problem, we have compiled an algorithm of actions on how to fix a gadget if it does not turn on. If nothing happens after each completed item, move on to the next one.

  • Inspect your mobile device for mechanical damage.

  • First, charge it in the network for 10 minutes, and if necessary, connect it to the computer using a USB cable; perhaps the tablet simply does not turn on after being completely discharged. If after charging it does not turn on at all, then most likely you will have to take it to a service center. If the tablet is charging but does not turn on, then we proceed further according to the algorithm.
  • Try holding down the power button for 10-20 seconds, if that doesn’t help, then simultaneously hold down the power button and the volume up button, similarly for a couple of tens of seconds.

  • If you have reached this point, then the likely reason is in the software, for example, after flashing the firmware, the tablet does not turn on. This happens, something went wrong and the tablet does not turn on after the update. In this case, the Reset button will help you. Just in case, remove the memory card and SIM card, if any. Next, use a sharp object to press the Reset button, in my case it should be done like this. Different manufacturers perform a reset to factory settings in different ways; I recommend looking on the Internet in advance how to do this specifically on your tablet.

If all the points written above have led nowhere, we recommend that you try to find instructions for turning on your particular model. Otherwise, it is better to turn to professionals, namely, take the device to a service center.

The tablet turns on and turns off immediately, what should I do?

We received letters to our editor asking why the tablet turns on and off on its own. This problem can be solved in the same ways, and specifically in three ways. The first is a reset to factory settings using Reset or HardReset. The second way is to flash the tablet. Well, the third one, if the first two didn’t help, is a trip to the service center along with the gadget.

  • It is advisable to wear it in a case that can protect it from damage after a fall;
  • when you see that the battery is discharged less than 20%, put the tablet computer on charge and do not allow the discharge to drop below 10%;
  • Do not allow internal electronics to overheat.

So, since you are here, your tablet won’t turn on, and you don’t have any friends who can solve this problem or they are very busy. Moreover, you clearly already tried to do something with him and we will cherish hopes that you did not aggravate the situation.
There are many reasons why the tablet does not work, but this does not mean that without special knowledge you cannot carry out minimal diagnostics. You really can. And at the same time, you will also save yourself a certain amount of money that you would have to pay to the service center. The main thing is to clearly and consistently carry out actions that will one by one reject various options.

Hardware or software?

First, we need to understand where the problem initially lies - in the tablet’s hardware or software. Because the seriousness of our actions depends on this, and in general the answer to the question of whether we can revive it ourselves.
Step 1. Look at the damage
We inspect the tablet for examples of mechanical damage. Try to remember if you could have dropped it or knocked it somewhere. Perhaps you gave it to someone to play with or just use. No matter how sure you are that the person handled him carefully, you still shouldn’t trust him. Many people are simply afraid to say.
After examining the tablet we:
a) Damage was found. Even the slightest chip can be a sign of a fall and, as a result, breakage. It happens that there are only a couple of scratches on the body, but something inside has broken off and fallen off. No one will advise you to open the tablet, look for schematics and repair the hardware yourself. If only because in 90% of cases this leads to even greater damage. Therefore, the tablet must be taken under warranty, or, if its period has expired, to a workshop.
Well, it’s even kind of stupid to talk about the option of a broken screen. The reason for the lack of performance is clearly visible.
b) No damage was found. It’s a clean, good tablet, and we remember every scratch, and that was a long time ago. So let's move on to step 2.
Step 2. 101st attempt to turn on
We are trying to turn on the tablet. Yes, you already tried to turn it on and it didn’t turn on - that’s clear. But now we need to carefully look at what happens when we try to turn it on.

Probable development options:
Option 1. The tablet starts to boot, but does not turn on completely.
Option 2. The backlight turns on or other signs of life of our device appear.
Option 3. No signs of life.

Below we will analyze these two options. Let's start with the last one.

Option 2. Backlight only
In this option, there is still the possibility of a hardware failure, but it is possible that the issue is simply a software issue. Therefore, to begin with, we follow all the recommendations for option 1 and if nothing helps, we go to the service center.

Option 1. Loads, but not completely
In fact, the most common option. The time when it was difficult to create viruses for phones and tablets is long gone. Moreover, today the operating system on such devices is very complex and absolutely any harmless program can interfere with its operation. And of course, no one excludes the possibility that our Android glitched simply due to improper shutdown. In general, as you understand, there can be a huge number of reasons, and now the main thing for us is to bring our device back to life. Therefore, let's move on to the next step.

Step 3.5 Safe Mode
We can try to perform this step if our patient is more alive than dead and is simply very laggy, does not want to overload the system and is generally hysterical using various methods. Therefore, there is no particular need to highlight it as a separate step. Nevertheless, we try to enter safe mode and restore the operating system. It is enabled differently on different versions of Android, so read about it in another article.

Step 4. System restart
First, you will have to accept that all your data and settings will be deleted. More precisely, not all, but those that are stored in the main memory of the tablet. Because a system restart or, as it would be more correct to call it, a hard reset, can bring the device back to life. So that you can roughly understand what happens in this case, we can give an example. A hard reset is about the same as installing the factory OS on a laptop, which is stored in a separate protected partition of the hard drive. Most often it is called recovery.

Make this one hard reset can be done from a special menu, which is called up by a certain combination of buttons. But as is usually the case, the button combinations on different models are different, and therefore we will present the most common ones. Don't be afraid to explore all the options. You definitely won't make it any worse. Just don’t forget to remove the memory card and SIM card from the tablet, and it is recommended to perform all actions with the tablet connected to the charger
The menu (this is something like a BIOS on a computer) is called up by simultaneously pressing the following buttons:

1) Volume up, volume down, power button
2) Power button, Home button, Volume up
3) Volume up, power button
4) Volume down, power button
5) Decrease and increase volume.
Press for 10 seconds and try each option several times. It rarely works out the first time.
If the menu is not called up, but a picture with a fallen robot appears, you can rejoice. You haven’t rebooted yet, but the problem is probably in the software, and this can be solved.

We press the buttons according to one of the above options and we have:
a) A menu appears. Then we look for Settings, there is formatting the system (Format System) and restarting Android (Reset Android). Control is carried out by the volume buttons, and confirmation is carried out by the power button.
b) The menu does not appear. We try again, then other combinations, and when the number of attempts exceeds a reasonable limit, we take it to a specialist. So the problem is more serious.
c) A fallen robot appears. As already said, you can rejoice. Press the power button and turn off the tablet. We wait 5 minutes and try another combination. Attention - after hard reset all installed settings and all data will be deleted . But you will receive a fully working device.

If you cannot find the desired combination or a hard reset does not help, move on to the next step.