Material reserves do not belong to the IC sphere. What is information and communication technology?


The article discusses the theoretical and practical basis for the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process. An analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the implementation of information and communication technologies was carried out, on the basis of which expert and constructive problems were solved. The expert task describes the initial prerequisites for the use of new information and communication technologies. Solving the design problem, a descriptive model was proposed. The descriptive model presents the learning process using technical means created on the basis of information and communication technologies, examines the principles of its functioning, trends in the development of the global educational process, and types of programs used in the educational process. The tasks arising from the requirements of information training are formulated. A model for the use of modern technical teaching aids is described, in which direct (teacher-student) and reverse (student-teacher) connections are established. The advantages and disadvantages of introducing information and communication technologies are shown.

distance learning process

means of education

information and communication technologies

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5. Kholodkova I.V. Didactic conditions for the integration of full-time and distance learning: dis. ...cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01 / State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow. state region univ. – M., 2009. – 169 p.

Today, the processes of change in the education system are associated with the introduction of new educational technologies. Along with the traditional education system, a new form of education - distance learning - is also successfully developing. Distance learning, while preserving educational technologies, methods, forms and means of traditional teaching, makes extensive use of educational arrays on the Internet, information and communication technologies.

Equipping the educational system with information and communication technologies is one of the tasks of modernizing the Russian education system. The education system is being integrated into the networked world and is approaching the growing needs of the country's economic development. The processes of creating a single economic space of European countries have strengthened the processes of globalization and modernization of the education system in Russia; Evidence of this is the Bologna process, the development of which has gained a certain strength in the Russian educational space.

Variability of content, organizational forms, teaching methods depending on the cognitive needs, interests and abilities of students is important at all stages of education. Therefore, to achieve the quality of education, it is necessary to introduce new forms of education in primary, secondary and higher schools. In this regard, distance learning and its technologies are of particular relevance.

Information and communication technologies are technologies designed for the joint implementation of information and communication processes.

Information technology is a set of processes and methods for searching, collecting, storing, processing, presenting, distributing information and methods for implementing such processes and methods.

Communication technologies are processes and methods of transmitting information and methods of their implementation.

The use of modern information and communication technologies makes it possible to organize optimal interaction between the student and the teacher in order to achieve learning outcomes and involves the simultaneous use of:

  • means of visualizing problematic content,
  • means of programmed training and control.

A means of visualizing problematic content is the establishment of a direct teaching connection between teacher and student (Fig. 1). Means of programmed training and control - establishing feedback control communication student-teacher (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. Means of visualization of problematic content.

Rice. 2. Programmed training and control tools

When introducing information and communication technologies, the following problems arise:

    Organization of the educational process using a computer;

    By what means and how to monitor knowledge, assess the level of consolidation of skills and abilities;

    What information and communication technologies should be used to implement the assigned pedagogical and didactic tasks.

To transform a training course into information and communication technology in a distance learning environment, the teacher must have an understanding of the subject area, be able to systematize knowledge, competently use teaching methods, be well informed about the capabilities of information and communication technologies, know computer tools with which to achieve one or another didactic technique. In addition, the teacher must have an idea of ​​the hardware and software that he will use to create an educational and methodological complex (EMC), and with the help of which hardware and software he will support the educational process as a whole.

The use of modern information and communication technologies meets the most important trends in the development of the global educational process. To meet educational needs, the teacher is required not only to have knowledge and ability to apply modern pedagogical technologies, but also to possess advanced methods and means of modern science. Therefore, to increase the efficiency of the learning process, it is necessary to master modern information and communication technologies not only for students, but also for teachers.

The teacher carries out the educational process with the help of materials that are commonly called teaching aids. Teaching aids include technical, communication, information teaching aids, didactic material, etc. Due to the widespread introduction of broadband Internet, teaching aids have changed significantly. The modern learning process is unthinkable without such technical means as: educational electronic publications; computer training systems; educational audio, video materials, virtual laboratory and practical work and much more.

In the conditions of an avalanche-like information flow that pours into a person, it is necessary to make maximum use of all channels of perception of students. To do this, more attention should be paid to the visual component of the theoretical and practical course, and the auditory component (the lecturer's voice) is of secondary importance.

Electronic textbooks help present the material being studied in the most detail and detail, dividing it into small blocks that have optimal information richness and clarity, and also combine this division into small blocks with structuring. In addition, electronic teaching aids allow you to use features that are not available to conventional posters - this is the animation of individual elements, the use of audio and video elements.

With the integrated application and use of information and communication technologies in the distance education environment, an important aspect is the use of information and communication tools for the development of educational materials and complexes on all course topics. Educational and methodological materials and complexes created in this way make it possible to help students correctly understand the essence of the problem and find ways to solve it, and not just be a means of transmitting educational information.

The introduction of electronic educational, methodological and video materials into the educational process contributes to the emergence of new educational methods and forms of classes based on electronic means of processing and transmitting information. But, despite the variety of technical means and technologies used in the educational process, it should be noted that the quality of education depends, first of all, on the perfection of educational material, the form of its presentation and the organization of the educational process.

For example, when developing a model of electronic educational materials, it is necessary to take into account:

1) the textbook must set the rhythm of the material and have special audiovisual means of controlling the perception of the material;

2) the dynamics of text presentation are set by the teacher (this happens either in advance during the development of educational material, or during the demonstration);

Currently, several types of computer programs are used in teaching:

    Test programs;

    Training programs;

    Testing and training programs;

    Multimedia textbooks;

    Multimedia encyclopedias.

The use of computer programs allows for the creation of interactive teaching aids that are highly visual, such as the use of audible markers to indicate fundamental learning points. This helps to strengthen the emotional background of education, expand the potential for individualization of education, provide a wide area of ​​​​contacts with students, and provide a wide field for active independent activity of students. Practice shows that the use of such teaching aids helps to increase student motivation.

We have formulated some tasks that follow from the requirement for informatization of education.

1. The student must master a set of knowledge, skills and abilities, develop such personal qualities that will ensure the successful completion of professional tasks and comfortable functioning in the information society, in which information is a decisive factor in labor efficiency.

2. Increasing the level of training of specialists by improving training technologies and widespread introduction of electronic learning tools and technologies into the educational process.

Learning with the help of technical means created on the basis of information and communication technologies allows you to visualize educational material, increase the interactivity of learning, provide access to new sources of knowledge and conduct operational monitoring of the student’s mastery of the material.

A new situation arises when the student himself selects the most ergonomic characteristics of the material being studied for him personally. He has the ability to independently recreate any text obtained from a database of electronic educational video materials, illustrating it, selecting the necessary arguments, arranging them into a certain logic of evidence, reflecting his own point of view, his way of thinking.

Today, modern education can no longer be imagined without information technologies such as electronic courses, electronic libraries, the latest teaching aids and knowledge transfer technologies.

Our empirical experience shows that the diversity of the educational environment helps to increase the efficiency of the learning process, taking into account the individual capabilities of each student, his interests, inclinations, subjective experience accumulated in the process of life and learning. Highlighting two main ideas: the need for diversity in the learning environment; the requirement to individualize learning, adapt it to the cognitive needs and interests of students - it becomes clear that both the first and second ideas can be effectively solved with the help of information and communication technologies (ICT).

It should be remembered that the introduction of information and communication technologies in education has its drawbacks (Table 1), the solution of which requires a special approach to minimize psychological and physiological factors.

Despite the shortcomings described in the table, I would still like to note that computer teaching aids create an environment that motivates students to more intensively analyze the subject being studied, putting forward their ideas and offering their vision of the problems under consideration. In addition, computer-based learning tools are tools that help students not only form their own ideas, but also transform them. Educational environments based on computer-based learning tools initiate activities in which students themselves construct their knowledge, rather than perceive the world as the textbook and teacher interpret it for them.

To develop these areas, modern information technologies are used, with the help of which information and educational environments are created, on the basis of which the distance learning process and education management in general are carried out. The information and educational environment created on the basis of information and communication technologies (ICT), including training systems, has a number of advantages over traditional means:

    The ability to organize the educational process based on an individually oriented approach;

    It is possible to implement both level (basic, professional, advanced levels of mastering educational programs) and profile differentiation;

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of introducing information and communication technologies



1. Using computers to intensify the educational process

Deterioration in the health of students (impaired vision, cardiovascular diseases, scoliosis, etc.)

2. Solving the problem of employment of children and youth (computer games, Internet)

Internet addiction, which has consequences in the form of deteriorating health and mental disorders

3. The opportunity to communicate with peers and with residents of the whole planet (websites “VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”, “My World”, etc.)

The possibility of finding yourself in a dysfunctional Internet environment (dangerous blogs, dating sites, etc.)

4. Unlimited communications over the Internet

The problem of social infantilism in the native society, inadaptability to life, social immaturity

5. More democratic, open, “clean” forms and technologies of training and knowledge control (testing, online training, etc.)

One-sidedness of control and limited possibilities for identifying personal qualities and level of knowledge in the learning process

6. The need for widespread introduction of distance learning technologies

Inadequacy of the regulatory framework for distance learning.

Distance learning is based on the following regulations, many of which are now outdated.

1. Order of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 1996 No. 1062 “On the creation of a center for information and analytical support of the distance education system.”

2. Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 26, 2003 No. 985-24 “On calculating the maximum number of students using distance learning technologies” (outdated).

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 6, 2005 No. 137 “On the procedure for using distance educational technologies” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 2, 2005 No. 6862).

The use of information and communication technologies in a distance learning environment for the professional training of future specialists allows us to improve the quality of education, develop the creative abilities of students, and also teach them to think independently and work with educational material, which contributes to their further continuous improvement throughout their lives.

The student ceases to be a passive listener and becomes involved in active cognitive activity, and the teacher becomes the coordinator of the educational process.

Thus, didactic assessments of these new and unusual means of teaching are contradictory - from enthusiastic statements about a revolution in education to sad statements of low effectiveness and uselessness. It can be expected that video textbooks will be useful where figurative, emotional presentation of factual material is required, but with their help it is difficult to develop skills and abilities, so it is advisable to use them in combination with traditional material.


Pomelov V.B., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Vyatka State Humanitarian University, Kirov.

Aleksandrova N.S., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Pedagogy, National Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Vyatka Socio-Economic Institute", Kirov.

Bibliographic link

Yamenko O.P. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN A DISTANCE EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT // Modern problems of science and education. – 2013. – No. 4.;
URL: (access date: 03/31/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

ICT (information and communication technologies) are processes and methods of interaction with information that are carried out using computer devices, as well as telecommunications.

The role of ICT in modern society

Currently, one can observe a constant increase in the influence of media technologies on humans. They have a particularly strong impact on children: twenty years ago, a child would rather watch a movie than read a book. However, today, under the powerful pressure of information, advertising, computer technology, electronic toys, game consoles, etc., people are becoming increasingly disconnected from reality. Now, if a student cannot avoid reading a book, he no longer goes to the library, but downloads it to his tablet. Very often you can observe the following picture: a group of young people is sitting in a park, square or shopping and entertainment complex, they do not communicate with each other, all their attention is focused on smartphones, tablets, laptops. If this phenomenon continues to be observed, then soon children will completely forget how to communicate. And so the ministries of education of many countries on our planet, instead of developing schoolchildren’s interest in live communication and learning in general, decided to follow the path of least resistance and give children what they want. According to some experts, a child’s brain perceives new information better if it is presented in an entertaining form, which is why they easily perceive the data presented in the lesson with the help of media (in connection with this, the use of information and communication technologies in education is constantly growing today). It’s hard to argue with this, but the other side of the coin of such an educational process is that children stop communicating with the teacher, which means their ability to think decreases. It is much better to restructure the educational process so that it is not boring and always maintains the child’s thirst for new knowledge. But this issue will have to be left to the conscience of officials.

Concept of communication and information technologies

The processes of informatization in modern society, as well as the closely related reform of educational activities, are characterized by the improvement and mass distribution of modern ICT. They are actively used to transmit data and ensure interaction between teacher and student in the modern system of distance and open education. Today, a teacher is required to possess skills not only in the field of ICT, but also to be responsible for the professional use of information and communication technologies in his immediate activities.

The term “technology” comes to us from the Greek language, and translated it means “science”. The modern understanding of this word includes the application of engineering and scientific knowledge to solve specific practical problems. Then information and communication technology is a technology that is aimed at transforming and processing information. But that's not all. In essence, information and communication technology is a general concept that describes various mechanisms, devices, algorithms, and methods of data processing. The most important modern ICT device is a computer equipped with the necessary software. The second, but no less important, equipment is the means of communication with information posted on them.

ICT tools used in the modern education system

The main means of ICT technology for the information environment of the education system is a personal computer equipped with the necessary software (systemic and applied in nature, as well as tools). System software primarily includes operating software. It ensures the interaction of all PC programs with the equipment and PC user. This category also includes service and utility software. Application programs include software that represents information technology tools - working with texts, graphics, tables, etc. The modern education system widely uses universal applied office software and ICT tools, such as word processors, presentation preparation, spreadsheets, graphics packages, organizers, databases, etc.

Development of information and communication technologies

With the organization of computer networks and similar means, the education process has moved to a new quality. First of all, this is due to the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. Thanks to the global computer network Internet, instant access to the planet (electronic libraries, file storage, databases, etc.) is now possible. This popular resource has published more than two billion different multimedia documents. The network provides access and allows the use of other common ICT technologies, these include email, chat, lists, and mailings. In addition, special software has been developed for online communication (in real time), which allows, after establishing a session, to transfer text (entered from the keyboard), as well as sound, image and various files. Such software makes it possible to organize joint communication between remote users and software running on a local personal computer.

The emergence of new information compression algorithms available for transmission over the Internet has significantly improved sound quality. Now it has begun to approach the quality of a regular telephone network. As a result, there was a leap in the development of a relatively new ICT tool - Internet telephony. Using special software and peripheral devices, audio and video conferences can be organized via the network.

Information and communication technology and its capabilities

To organize an effective search in telecommunication networks, automated search programs are used, the purpose of which is to collect data about various resources of the World Wide Web and provide the user with quick access to them. Thanks to search engines, you can find documents, multimedia files, address information about people and organizations, and software. The use of ICT allows for wide access to educational, methodological and scientific information; in addition, it becomes possible to quickly organize consulting assistance, as well as simulate scientific and research activities. And, of course, conducting virtual classes (lectures, seminars) in real time.

Video training

Today, information and communication technologies of education provide several classes of material delivery that are significant from the point of view of distance and open education. One of them is television and video recordings. Video files and related ICT tools allow a large number of students to become familiar with the content of the lectures of the best teachers. Video recordings can be used both in specially equipped classrooms and at home. An interesting fact is that in European and American training courses the main material is presented on videotapes and in printed publications.

Television ICT

Television is the most common ICT in the classroom; it plays a huge role not only in the modern educational process, but also in people’s lives, because almost every home has a TV. Educational television programs have long been used all over the world and are a very striking example of a distance learning method. Thanks to this ICT tool, it became possible to broadcast lectures to a wide audience in order to increase their overall development without subsequent monitoring of knowledge acquisition.

Electronic educational publications

Electronic educational publications are a very powerful technology that allows you to transfer and store the entire volume of information being studied. They are distributed both on computer networks and recorded on optical media. Individual work with such material provides a deep understanding and assimilation of the data. This technology allows (with appropriate modification) the use of existing courses and self-testing of acquired knowledge. Electronic educational publications, unlike traditional printed material, allow you to present information in a graphic, dynamic form.

Classification of ICT tools by areas of methodological purpose

ICT tools are:

1. Educational. They impart knowledge, develop practical skills, or provide the required level of mastery of the material.

2. Exercise equipment. Designed for practicing various skills, consolidating or repeating a lesson.

3. Reference and information retrieval. Provide information on systematizing information.

4. Demonstration. Visualize the studied phenomena, processes, objects for the purpose of studying and researching them.

5. Imitation. They represent a certain aspect of reality, allowing the study of its functional and structural characteristics.

6. Laboratory. Allows you to conduct experiments on existing equipment.

7. Modeling. They make it possible to create a model of an object or phenomenon for the purpose of studying and researching it.

8. Calculated. Automate calculations and various routine operations.

9. Educational games. Designed to create a learning situation in which the activities of students are implemented in a playful way.

Didactic tasks that are solved using ICT

1. Improving the organization and increasing the individualization of training.

2. Increasing the productivity of students’ self-training.

3. Individualization of the teacher’s work.

4. Acceleration of replication, as well as access to the achievements of teaching practice.

5. Increasing motivation to learn.

6. Activation of the educational process, the ability to attract students to

7. Ensuring learning flexibility.

Negative impact of ICT tools on students

Information and communication technology, introduced into everything, leads to a number of negative consequences, including a number of negative psychological and pedagogical factors influencing the health and physiological state of the student. As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, ITC leads to the individualization of the educational process. However, this is a serious disadvantage associated with total individualization. Such a program entails the curtailment of the already scarce live dialogical communication of the participants in the educational process: students and teachers, students among themselves. It essentially offers them a surrogate of communication - a dialogue with a computer. Indeed, even a verbally active student becomes silent for a long time when working with ICT tools. This is especially typical for students of distance and open forms of education.

Why is this so dangerous?

As a result of this form of learning, throughout the entire lesson the student is busy silently consuming the material. This leads to the fact that the part of the brain responsible for the objectification of a person’s thinking turns out to be turned off, essentially immobilized during many years of study. It is necessary to understand that the student already does not have the necessary practice of forming, formulating thoughts, as well as dialogical communication in a professional language. As psychological studies have shown, without developed communication, the student’s monological communication with himself, precisely what is commonly called independent thinking, will not be formed at the proper level. Agree that asking yourself a question is the most accurate indicator of the presence of independent thinking. As a result, if you follow the path of individualization of learning, you may miss the very opportunity to form a creative process in a person, the origin of which is built on dialogue.


To summarize, we can note another significant drawback of information and communication technologies, which stems from the main advantage - the general availability of information resources published on the Internet. This often leads to the student following the path of least resistance and borrowing ready-made essays, problem solutions, projects, reports, etc. from the Internet. Today, this already familiar fact confirms the low effectiveness of this form of learning. Of course, the prospects for the development of information and communication technologies are high, but they must be implemented thoughtfully, without manic totalization.

Information and communication technologies means software, hardware and software and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern means and systems for broadcasting information, information exchange, providing operations for collecting, producing, accumulating, storing, processing, transmission of information and the ability to access information resources of local and global computer networks.

The most commonly used ICT tools in the educational process include:

  • 1) electronic textbooks and manuals demonstrated using a computer and a multimedia projector;
  • 2) electronic encyclopedias and reference books;
  • 3) simulators and testing programs;
  • 4) educational resources on the Internet;
  • 5) DVDs and CDs with paintings and illustrations;
  • 6) video and audio equipment;
  • 7) research works and projects;
  • 8) interactive whiteboard.

Methodologists identify several classifications of ICT tools. In accordance with the first classification, all ICT tools used in the education system can be divided into two types: hardware (computer, printer, scanner, camera, video camera, audio and video recorder) and software (electronic textbooks, simulators, test environments, information websites, Internet search engines, etc.).

The breakthrough in the field of ICT, which is currently taking place, forces us to reconsider the issues of organizing information support for cognitive activity. Thus, the second classification of ICT tools allows us to consider the possibilities of using information technologies in educational activities:

  • 1) to search for literature on the Internet using browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc., various search engines and programs for working online (,,, etc.) and work with it (summarying, note-taking, annotating, quoting, creating slide presentations online);
  • 2) to work with texts using the package of basic Microsoft Office applications: Microsoft Word allows you to create and edit texts with graphic design; Microsoft Power Point allows you to create presentation slides for a more colorful presentation of the material; Microsoft Excel lets you perform calculations, analyze and visualize data, and work with lists in tables and web pages; Microsoft Office Publisher allows you to create and modify booklets, brochures, etc.;
  • 3) for automatic translation of texts using translator programs (PROMTXT) and electronic dictionaries (AbbyLingvo7.0);
  • 4) for storing and accumulating information (CDs, DVDs, Flash drives);
  • 5) for communication (Internet, email, Skype, Hangout, etc.);
  • 6) for processing and reproducing graphics and sound (Microsoft Media Player, zplayer, image viewing programs CorelDraw, PhotoShop), programs for creating diagrams, drawings and graphs (Visio, etc.).

The listed ICT tools create favorable opportunities in foreign language lessons for organizing students’ independent work. They can use computer technology both to study individual topics and to self-monitor the acquired knowledge. Moreover, the computer is the most patient teacher, capable of repeating any tasks as much as necessary, achieving the correct answer and, ultimately, automating the skill being practiced.

Multimedia presentations are widely used by almost all teachers. They are convenient for both teacher and students. Having basic computer literacy, you can create original educational materials that captivate, motivate and target students for successful results. The educational potential of multimedia presentations can be effectively used in foreign language lessons to provide visual support for speech learning.

The benefits of multimedia presentations are as follows:

  • -combination of various textual audio and video visualizations;
  • - the possibility of using for presentation as an interactive, multimedia board, which allows you to more clearly semantize new lexical, grammatical and even phonetic material, as well as provide support for teaching all types of speech activity;
  • - the ability to use individual slides as handouts (supports, tables, diagrams, graphs, diagrams);
  • - activating the attention of the whole class;
  • - ensuring the effectiveness of perception and memorization of new educational material;
  • - monitoring the assimilation of new knowledge and systematization of the studied material;
  • - a combination of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students; saving study time;
  • - formation of computer multimedia competence of both teachers and students, development of their creative abilities in organizing educational work.

The advantages of introducing Internet technologies into the process of teaching a foreign language are currently beyond doubt. There is also no doubt about the positive influence of various forms of synchronous and asynchronous Internet communication (email, chat, forums, web conferences) on the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students.

Network resources are an invaluable basis for creating an information and subject environment, education and self-education of people, satisfying their personal and professional interests and needs. However, the mere availability of access to Internet resources does not guarantee fast and high-quality language education. Methodically illiterate work of students with Internet resources can contribute to the formation of not only false stereotypes and generalizations about the culture of the country of the language being studied, but even racism and xenophobia.

Educational Internet resources should be aimed at the comprehensive formation and development of:

  • - Aspects of foreign language communicative competence in all the diversity of its components (linguistic, sociolinguistic, sociocultural, strategic, discursive, educational and cognitive);
  • - Communicative and cognitive skills to search and select, generalize, classify, analyze and synthesize the information received;
  • - Communication skills to present and discuss the results of work with Internet resources;
  • - Ability to use Internet resources for self-education in order to get acquainted with the cultural and historical heritage of various countries and peoples, as well as act as a representative of one’s native culture, country, city;
  • - Ability to use network resources to satisfy one’s information and educational interests and needs.

In didactic terms, the Internet includes two main components: forms of telecommunications and information resources.

The most common forms of telecommunications (i.e. communication via Internet technologies) are email, chat, forum, ICQ, video, web conferences, etc. Initially they were created for real communication between people located at a distance from each other , and now they are used for educational purposes in teaching a foreign language.

Internet information resources contain text, audio and visual material on various topics in different languages. Educational Internet resources (IR) are created exclusively for educational purposes.

In English-language literature, there are five types of educational Internet resources:

  • 1) hotlist;
  • 2) treasure hunt;
  • 3) subject sampler;
  • 4) multimedia scrapbook;
  • 5) webquest.

These terms are translated into Russian using transliteration. The structure and methodological content of each of these IRs is as follows:

Hotlist (list by topic) - a list of sites with text materials on the topic being studied. To create it, you need to enter a keyword into the search engine.

Multimedia scrapbook (multimedia draft) is a collection of multimedia resources, unlike a hotlist, in addition to links to text sites, a scrapbook also contains photographs, audio files and video clips, graphic information, animated virtual tours. These files can be easily downloaded by students and used as informative or illustrative material when studying a specific topic.

Treasure hunt (treasure hunt), in addition to links to various sites on the topic being studied, also contains questions on the content of each site. With the help of these questions, the teacher directs the students’ search and cognitive activity. In conclusion, students are asked one more general question for a holistic understanding of the topic (factual material). A detailed answer to it will include answers to more detailed questions about each of the sites.

The sample subject is the next level of complexity compared to the treasure hunt. Also contains links to text and multimedia materials on the Internet. After studying each aspect of the topic, students need to answer questions posed, but the questions are not aimed at actually learning the material, but at discussing controversial topics. Students need not only to familiarize themselves with the material, but also to express and argue their opinion on the controversial issue being studied.

Webquest (Internet project) is the most complex type of educational Internet resources. This is a scenario for organizing student project activities on any topic using Internet resources. It includes all the components of the four materials above and involves a project involving all students. One of the scenarios for organizing PD may be as follows. First, the whole class is introduced to general information on the topic, then students are divided into groups, each group gets a certain aspect of the topic. The teacher needs to select the necessary resources for each group in accordance with the aspect being studied. After studying, discussing and fully understanding a specific problem in each primary group, students are regrouped so that each new group has one representative of the primary group. During the discussion, all students learn from each other all aspects of the problem being discussed.

Each of the five types of educational Internet resources follows from the previous one, gradually becoming more complex and thereby making it possible to solve more complex educational problems. The first two are aimed at searching, selecting and classifying information. The rest contain elements of problem-based learning and are aimed at enhancing the search and cognitive activity of students.

The fullest potential of educational Internet resources is manifested in specialized training and elective courses, when it is foreign language communicative competence, and not language knowledge, that plays the leading role in the educational process.

The latest information and communication technologies occupy an increasingly larger place in the life of modern people. Their use in foreign language lessons increases the motivation and cognitive activity of students, broadens their horizons and allows the use of student-oriented technology of interactive teaching of a foreign language, i.e. learning through interaction.

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process helps to intensify and individualize learning, helps to increase interest in the subject, and makes it possible to avoid subjective assessment.

The use of computers and digital educational resources in teaching English helps students overcome the psychological barrier to using a foreign language as a means of communication.

Information and communication technologies are both a means of presenting material and a means of control. They provide high quality material delivery and use various communication channels (text, audio, graphic, touch, etc.). New technologies make it possible to individualize the learning process based on the pace and depth of the course. Such a differentiated approach gives a great positive result, because creates conditions for the successful activity of each student, causing positive emotions in students, and thus influences their learning motivation.

Unlike traditional methods, when using interactive forms of learning, the student himself becomes the main character and opens the way to the acquisition of knowledge. The teacher acts as an active assistant in this situation, and his main function is to organize and stimulate the educational process.

The following digital educational resources are used in foreign language lessons: presentations in Power Point (PP), text editors, spreadsheets, tests, training programs on CD-ROM, electronic textbooks, educational Internet resources.

Multimedia presentations, electronic training programs and educational Internet resources have great educational potential.

Thanks to the use of new information technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language, new opportunities are opening up for creating conditions close to the conditions of real communication in the country of the language being studied: authentic, relevant, multimedia or text information to be learned in a foreign language can be obtained at any time and in anywhere. At the same time, it is quite easy to organize written or oral communication with native speakers or other language learners. Thus, there is an integration of electronic media into a traditional foreign language lesson: teaching aids are increasingly supplemented with relevant, authentic texts or relevant audio, video, and graphic material.

  • Identification of the possibility of effective use of ICT in teaching activities.
  • Creation of real information conditions for the development of creative activity of students and teachers.

Plan for the teachers' meeting:

  1. The relevance and significance of the use of ICT technologies in the work of teachers.
  2. Types of educational technologies.
  3. ICT tools.
  4. Practical application of ICT technologies in work.
  5. Conclusions.
  6. A draft decision of the teachers' council based on a study of literature, the results of interviews, and speeches.

Responsible: creative group preparing the teachers' council.

Expected result: Positive activity of the teaching staff regarding the possibility of using modern technologies in their work.

Typical conditions: methodological room

Preparation for the pedagogical council

Progress of the pedagogical council

Stage Content Responsible
1 Announcement of the topic and agenda of the pedagogical council. Director
2 Election of the secretary of the pedagogical council. Teaching staff
3 1. The relevance and significance of the use of ICT technologies in the work of teachers..

2. Types of educational technologies.

3. ICT tools.

4. Practical application of ICT technologies in work.

5. Conclusions.

6. Draft decision of the teachers' council based on the study of literature, the results of interviews, and speeches.

Deputy Director.


4 Summing up the work of the teachers' council. Teaching staff

Pedagogical Council
“Use of ICT - technology at work”

1. Introduction

“...With the development of progressive ideas in education, with the coming to the fore of the ideas and principles of personally oriented learning, attempts by teachers are intensifying to find the tools that would ensure the stability of the achievement of the necessary educational results by the majority of students. When we talk about universal learning mechanisms, we inevitably turn to the concept of “pedagogical technologies”.

The effective use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is a pressing issue. Today, a teacher in any discipline must be able to prepare and conduct a lesson using ICT. A lesson using ICT is visual, colorful, informative, interactive, saves teacher and teacher time, allows the teacher to work at his own pace, allows the teacher to work with students differentiated and individually, and makes it possible to quickly monitor and evaluate learning results.

Pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that define a special set of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit for the pedagogical process (B.T. Likhachev);

– this is a description of the process of achieving the planned learning outcomes (I.P. Volkov);

- a set of knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for a teacher to effectively apply in practice the methods of pedagogical influence he chooses on both individual students and the children's team as a whole.

Educational technology is a system that includes some representation of the planned learning outcomes, means of diagnosing the current state of students, a set of learning models and criteria for choosing the optimal learning model for given specific conditions (V.V. Guzeev).

Educational technology includes training, development and education of students.

From the definitions it follows that technology is to the maximum extent connected with the educational process - the activities of the teacher and student, its structure, means, methods and forms.

ICT is the presentation of information in electronic form, its processing and storage, but not necessarily its transmission.

Today, computer technology can be considered a new way of transferring knowledge that corresponds to a qualitatively new content of child learning and development. This method allows the child to learn with interest, find sources of information, fosters independence and responsibility in acquiring new knowledge, and develops the discipline of intellectual activity.

ICT tools:

A computer is a universal information processing device.

Printer – allows you to record on paper information found and created by students or a teacher for students. For many school applications, a color printer is necessary or desirable.

A projector radically increases: the level of visibility in the teacher’s work, the ability for students to present the results of their work to the whole class.

Screen for projecting images from a computer.

An interactive whiteboard is a touch screen connected to a computer, the image from which is transmitted to the board by a projector. You just need to touch the surface of the board to start working on your computer. Special software for interactive whiteboards allows you to work with texts and objects, audio and video materials, Internet resources, make handwritten notes directly on top of open documents and save information.

Devices for recording (inputting) visual and audio information (scanner, camera, video camera) – provide an opportunity to directly include information images of the surrounding world into the educational process.

The use of information and communication technologies is a necessary condition for the modern educational process, when the main thing is not the transmission of fundamental knowledge, but the development of creative abilities, the creation of opportunities for realizing the individual’s potential. ICT is used not as a goal, but as another pedagogical tool that contributes to achieving the goal of the lesson.

Practical application of ICT in the classroom.

The main goal is to help children understand the surrounding reality, develop their powers of observation, teach them to see the world around them more broadly and comprehensively, instill in them a sense of beauty, and develop personal abilities.

The main objectives of ecological and biological classes are to familiarize students with the breadth and diversity of the field of activity. Study of different materials and means depicting nature.

How to make every lesson joyful, interesting, and most importantly, aimed at the development of each child?

Today it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire extensive arsenal of educational technologies. And it is necessary to navigate a wide range of modern innovations. From the abundance of concepts, theories, technologies and methods that could help create a system of work that would take into account the characteristics of classes, in accordance with the characteristics of children and the realities of modern society.

A powerful flow of new information, advertising, the use of computer technology on television and cinema, the spread of game consoles and electronic toys have a great influence on the upbringing of a student and his perception of the world around him. The nature of his favorite activity—games—changes significantly, and his favorite characters and hobbies also change. A modern student does not sit in classes that follow the “classical scheme”, calmly absorbing, like a sponge, all the knowledge prepared for him. The modern student assimilates only the information that interests him the most, that is closest to him, that evokes pleasant and comfortable feelings, that which is least annoying. Therefore, one of the means that has a unique opportunity to increase motivation and individualize the learning of a modern student, develop his creative abilities and create a positive emotional background is the computer.

Using a computer in the classroom becomes most natural thanks to such genuine children's interest. The computer successfully integrates with school subjects, harmoniously complements it, and significantly expands its capabilities and creativity.

One of the obvious advantages of a multimedia lesson is increased visibility. Let us recall the famous phrase of K.D. Ushinsky: “Children’s nature clearly requires clarity. Teach a child some five words unknown to him, and he will suffer for a long time and in vain over them; But connect twenty of these words with pictures and the child will learn them on the fly. You explain a very simple idea to a child, and he doesn’t understand you; you explain a complex picture to the same child, and he understands you quickly... If you are in a class from which it is difficult to get a word (and we don’t look for such classes to become), start showing pictures, and the class will start talking, and most importantly, they will talk free…".

The use of visualization is all the more important because schools, as a rule, do not have the necessary set of tables, diagrams, reproductions, illustrations, or they are of poor quality. In this case, a projector can be of invaluable help. However, the expected effect can be achieved if certain requirements for presentation of clarity are met:

recognition of visibility, which must correspond to the written or oral information presented;

dynamics of visual presentation. The demonstration time should be optimal and correspond to the educational information currently being studied. It's important not to overdo the effects;

a well-thought-out algorithm for video sequences of images.

the optimal number of images presented on the screen. You should not get carried away by the number of slides, photos, etc., which distract students and prevent them from focusing on the main thing.

Forms of using a computer in the classroom:

  • use of media resources as a source of information (disks);
  • computer support for the teacher’s activities at different stages of the lesson;
  • using a computer to perform technological maps;
  • creating a portfolio.

Types: presentations, slide – films and test tasks, computer tests;

– crosswords, puzzles, technological maps, instructional maps

When used in the classroom, the effectiveness of learning and the quality of knowledge increases.

The use of computer technologies in teaching makes it possible to differentiate educational activities in the classroom, activates the cognitive interest of students, develops their creative abilities, and stimulates mental activity.

Unfortunately, when using ICT in my classes, I encounter a number of problems:

– small number of computers.

– different levels of preparedness and development of students;

Effective use of ICT tools in the classroom makes the lesson more interesting and visual; involve students in active cognitive and research activities; strive to realize oneself, to demonstrate one’s capabilities.

Thus, the use of ICT tools allows:

  • to intensify the cognitive activity of students;
  • conduct classes at a high aesthetic and emotional level;
  • ensure a high degree of differentiation of training (almost individualization);
  • increase the amount of work performed in class by 1.5-2 times;
  • improve knowledge control;
  • rationally organize the educational process, increase the effectiveness of the lesson;

The effective use of ICT tools makes the lesson fun and modern. Allows for an individual approach to training, objective and timely monitoring and summing up. But I think that a textbook cannot replace it. This is just a supplement to the tutorial.

Exercises using a computer develop perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, and develop finger motor skills, which can have a positive effect on working with a pencil and brush. Complexes, tightness, and stiffness disappear.

The use of information and communication technologies is a necessary condition for the modern educational process, when the main thing is not the transmission of fundamental knowledge, but the development of creative abilities, the creation of opportunities for realizing the individual’s potential. ICT is used not as a goal, but as another pedagogical tool that contributes to achieving the goal of the lesson.

1. The computer really has quite a wide range of capabilities to create favorable conditions for the work of the teacher and students.

2. Brings the use of explanatory, illustrative and reproductive teaching methods to a qualitatively new level.

3. The use of ICT in the classroom allows you to diversify the forms of work and activities of students, intensify attention, and increases the creative potential of the individual.

5. Using a multimedia projector allows you to work on text more efficiently (visually, aesthetically, saves time).

7. ICT develops students’ independence, the ability to find, select and organize material for class using the capabilities of the Internet.

8. Using tests not only saves time and consumables, but also gives you the opportunity to evaluate your knowledge and capabilities yourself.

9. Students have the opportunity to improve their computer skills.

10. Active use of ICT in the classroom leads to increased interest in the fine arts and the quality of education.

The range of use of this technology in the educational process is very wide: from use as a visualization tool to ways of presenting educational information. At the same time, the computer is a powerful tool for increasing the effectiveness of learning and can increase the motivation of students.

The effectiveness of using ICT in the classroom is not only possible, but also necessary; it helps to increase interest in learning, its effectiveness, and develops the child comprehensively. Computer programs involve children in developmental activities and form culturally significant knowledge and skills.

Thus, the use of computer technology makes it possible to change the educational process for the better, more comfortable, covering all stages of educational activity.

Draft decision.

The use of ICT contributes to the growth of a teacher’s professional skills, increasing the effectiveness of mastering the skills of independent search, processing and presentation of knowledge, developing the personality of students and preparing for a comfortable life in the information society.

First stage (preparatory) “Computer literacy”

  • Creating an idea among subject teachers about the possibility and necessity of using ICT in the educational process.
  • Training teachers in the basics of computer literacy.
  • Preparing students for learning in an ICT environment.

Second stage “Introduction of ICT in education”

  • Publication of educational and methodological information in various forms.
  • Development of methods for using ICT in the educational process.
  • Conducting a pedagogical seminar-conference
  • Conducting the competition “ICT in teacher’s creativity.”
  • Conducting interim monitoring of the work results of problem group teachers.
  • Technical equipment of the institution.
  • Creation and updating of a website.

The third stage is “Final”.

  • Summing up the results of the work on the topic “Introduction of ICT in education.”
  • Conducting final monitoring of the work of the teaching staff on the introduction of ICT into the learning process.
  • Systematization of material on the methods of using ICT in the classroom and in educational work.
  • Generalization and dissemination of successful teaching experience.


  1. Afanasyeva O.V.
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  • Antonova T.S., Kharitonov A.L.
  • About myths and realities. //Computer at school. – 2000, No. 5
  • Apatova N.V.
  • Information technologies in school education. M.: IOSH RAO, 1994
  • Bryksina O.F.
  • Designing a lesson using information technology and educational electronic resources. // Computer science and education. 2004 No. 5
  • Grebenev I.V.
  • Methodological problems of computerization of education at school. //Pedagogy. No. 5. 1994.
  • Galishnikova E.M.
  • Using an interactive Smart board in the learning process // Teacher. – 2007. – No. 4. – p. 8-10
  • Gubaidullin I.A.
  • “The use of information and communication technologies in order to create positive motivation for learning in fine arts and drawing lessons.” –
  • Zakharova I.G.
  • Information technologies in education: Proc. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. – M., 2003.

    Currently, whether we like it or not, we all live in an information society. At the same time, the opportunities that are now opening up are used very poorly. Our task is to “unfold” the information society towards the needs that people who live in our country have. First of all, among young people receiving education, scientists, researchers, teachers, educators. We must teach people from childhood and at all stages of the educational process not to be afraid of this information, teach them to use it, work with it and manage it correctly.

    Informatization of education and science is part of a global process. Information and communication technologies are recognized throughout the world as key technologies of the 21st century, which for the coming decades will be the key to the economic growth of the state and the main engine of scientific and technological progress.

    At the beginning of 2009, the first meeting of the Council for the Development of the Information Society under the President of Russia took place in the Kremlin. The decree on its creation was signed in November 2008. Opening the meeting, Dmitry Medvedev emphasized that no progress and modernization is possible without IT: “this applies to the scientific and technical sphere, and the actual issues of management and even issues of strengthening democracy in the country.” Speaking about the development of information technologies in the social sphere, D.A. Medvedev. emphasized his own: “... it is very important to learn how to use all new technologies. This is task number one not only for students, but also for teachers - all retraining should be focused on the use of modern technologies.”

    What kind of ICT-based projects can there be?

    • Distance learning;
    • Virtual communication;
    • Network economics and education;
    • Wide opportunities for self-education;
    • A large amount of easily accessible information.

    The Russian education system faces a number of important problems, among which the following should be highlighted:

    • the need to improve the quality and ensure equal opportunities for access to educational resources and services for all categories of citizens, regardless of their place of residence, ethnicity and religious beliefs;
    • creation of an information environment that meets the needs of all segments of society to receive a wide range of educational services, as well as the formation of mechanisms and necessary conditions for the introduction of information technology achievements into everyday educational and scientific practice;
    • mass introduction of ICT in the field of education and science, the use of new educational content and new educational technologies, including distance education technologies.

    The prerequisites for the development and implementation of information and communication technologies in the field of education and science were:

    • Federal target program “Development of a unified educational information environment”, the most important result of which was a breakthrough in equipping educational institutions with computer equipment, as well as the launch and development of regional programs for informatization of education;
    • The “Informatization of the Education System” project, the main goal of which was to create conditions to support the systemic implementation and active use of information and communication technologies in the work of educational institutions;
    • The priority national project “Education”, the implementation of which was aimed at ensuring accessibility and creating equal conditions for receiving education, including by providing all schools with access to global information resources posted on the Internet;
    • Based on the priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation, in 2006 the implementation of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006–2010 (FTSPRO) began, which is a set of activities interconnected in terms of resources and timing, covering changes in the structure, content and technologies of education, including including the large-scale use of information and communication technologies in the Russian Federation for all levels of education. As part of the program, new electronic educational content was developed and the specialized Federal Center for Information Educational Resources (FCIER) was put into commercial operation.

    More than 10 thousand new generation electronic educational resources can be downloaded on the website of the Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources.

    TsOR - digital educational resource

    Digital educational resources (DER) mean any educational information stored on digital media.

    TsOR are divided into two groups:

    • information sources, which mean the whole variety of different materials in digital format used in educational work - texts, static and dynamic images, animation models, etc.
    • information tools that enable work with information sources.

    Functional focus:

    • illustrative function;
    • research function;
    • training function;
    • control function.

    EERs are a self-sufficient educational product; they are capable of teaching students themselves. This is no longer just a set of pictures or an audio recording that needs a teacher’s explanation. EORs also have a voice-over, but it explains the sequence of actions and, most importantly, points out mistakes made when performing the task.

    New generation educational materials developed in the project "Informatization of the education system"

    As part of the project “Informatization of the Education System”, implemented by the National Personnel Training Foundation on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, new generation educational materials are being developed.

    New generation educational materials are designed to orient teachers to the use of modern teaching methods and educational technologies, which fundamentally change the educational environment, to the active use of ICT in the educational process. The competency-based approach is the basis for the development of new teaching tools.

    ICT technologies in teaching English

    Second Life
    (Second Life) - a world that you create yourself or your students, fill with seas, forests, cities and villages, with real people (and contact them via Skype or email) or fictitious ones. There you have houses and libraries, video rooms and restaurants, the opportunity to work and travel. Tempting, isn't it? Find out how to create it and use it in teaching English.


    With this program you can talk to millions of people around the world absolutely free! First download the latest version of Skype, then install it by selecting the Russian version in the settings. And that’s it, learn English by talking to native speakers.


    A blog is an online diary of one or more authors, consisting of entries in reverse chronological order, or in other words, it is a site in the form of a magazine, sorted by dates.

    The word comes from the English weblog - “web journal”.

    A blog is a site built on the principle of chronological diaries with simple and convenient administration tools that do not require special knowledge and are accessible to everyone.


    WikiWiki is a collection of interconnected entries. (Ward Cunningham, the creator of the technology, called the application an environment for fast hypertext interaction.) WikiWiki implements a radical model of collective hypertext, when the ability to create and edit any entry is presented to each member of the online community...

    Hot Potatoes is a universal shell program that allows teachers to independently, without resorting to the help of programmers, create interactive training and control exercises in HTML format. The program is widely used all over the world to create assignments in various languages ​​for various disciplines.
    Exercises are created using 5 program blocks (each block can be considered as an independent program):

    • JQuiz – Quiz – multiple choice questions (4 types of tasks). The teacher has the opportunity to include comments in the exercise for all answer options.
    • JCloze - Fill in the blanks. Students can ask for a clue and see the first letters of the missing word. There is also automatic scoring. You can “skip” certain words, or you can, for example, every fifth.
    • JMatch – Matching (3 types of tasks).
    • JCross – Crossword puzzle.
    • JMix – Sequence restoration.

    New information technologies and

    In recent years, universities around the world have paid attention to the possibilities of using computer telecommunication technologies to organize distance learning. Computer telecommunications provide effective feedback, which is provided both in the organization of educational material and in communication with the teacher teaching the course. In recent years, such learning at a distance has received the name distance learning, in contrast to the familiar distance learning.

    This problem is especially relevant for Russia, with its vast territories and the concentration of scientific centers in large cities. Currently, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is concerned with the creation of a unified educational telecommunications network. The problem of continuing education and professional reorientation is relevant today as never before, and its importance will increase over the years

    The Internet portal of the School of Distance Education of Moscow State University was created within the framework of the project Formation of an innovative education system at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in 2007.

    © The article was written specifically for the site "Distance Tutor"