Is it possible to record a call on Skype? Free video call recorder and other programs for recording on Skype

There are times when users participate in online conferences on Skype or study with tutors over the Internet, and they need to listen again to the material that the teacher taught. Rather than asking everything again, it is much more logical to save the conversation in audio or video format on your computer in advance. So let's figure it out how to record a conversation on Skype. The following will provide instructions for the classic version of the program and the updated one.

Classic (“old”) Skype

Since the old version of the program does not provide a recording function, we will consider software that offers such capabilities. Before this, it is worth noting that you will need a stereo mixer, which is often built into most motherboards.

We will look at several basic programs for recording audio. All you have to do is choose the one that is most convenient for you and use it. The easiest way to put Free Audio Recorder. The largest set of functions provides Amolto Call Recorder. A iFree Skype Recorder- a universal solution.

iFree Skype Recorder

When considering the most popular programs for recording calls, you should start with iFree Skype Recorder. It is completely free and easy to use. Works in several modes:

  • Automatic (everything starts on its own).
  • Manual (user enables recording).

Instructions for use:

Amolto Call Recorder

If you need to save not only the audio but also the video call, Amolto Call Recorder is what you need. The program for recording a conversation on Skype has a simple interface and many options.
The only downside of the application is that it is paid. Initially, the user is given the opportunity for free use Amolto Call Recorder for 10 days, then you need to purchase the full version for $30.

Free Audio Recorder

This program is the simplest among its kind. It does not support the Russian language, but we assure you that you will not need it. The interface of Free Audio Recorder is intuitive, and any user can understand it.

At the top of the application interface there are buttons through which Free Audio Recorder is controlled. All actions in the program are saved in a special log. This will allow you to remember when the sound was recorded and where the file with it was saved.

Modern Skype

But in the latest Skype updates, where the design was significantly redesigned, the developers added a function for saving conversations along with sound and picture. It is configured like this:

Now you can activate recording at any time during a call. But it is advisable to notify your interlocutor about this in advance, since he will immediately receive a corresponding notification from the program. The function is activated like this.

Download the program for recording Skype in Russian and install it on your computer.

Set up recording options

Open Skype and launch Screen Recorder. Hover your mouse over the Skype window and click on it - the program will automatically select the capture area. You can also stretch the boundaries of the recording frame manually by holding down the left mouse button. If you want to record a video in full screen mode, click on the screen to open the recording panel, then open the list Capture area and select the desired monitor in the section Full Screen.

To record a Skype video call with audio, make sure the icons System sound And Microphone are highlighted in green: this means that the program will record both the sound of your voice and the voice of the interlocutor. To select a sound recording device, open the list under the microphone icon.

Make a video call

To start capturing video, click the button R.E.C.. After the three-second countdown, the program will begin recording your Skype call. Control the recording process with buttons Cancel, Pause And Stop, or use the compact control panel on the grip frame. If you are using Windows, you can also click F9 to pause video capture, and F10 to end recording. If you have a Mac, use the keyboard shortcuts accordingly ⌥ ⌘ 1 And ⌥ ⌘ 2 . Immediately after the capture is completed, the recorded video will be saved in MKV format and will open in the preview window.

Trim and convert video (optional)

To cut out an extra portion of a video, place a white marker at the beginning of the video and click on the icon scissors, then mark the end of the fragment in the same way. Now click on the selected segment and click on the icon baskets. To apply the changes and convert the video to the new format, click Save as.

You can easily record all conversations in Skype and save the recordings on your computer. Of course, it is not possible to do this with the built-in functions of Windows, but any third-party software designed for Skype will help you. This way you can listen to your conversations again and send them to friends and colleagues. If you make calls to mobile phones through the Skype program, then you get the opportunity to record telephone conversations, which is sometimes simply necessary, as it can easily prove that you are right in a particular issue. This article will look at two of the most popular and simple programs: Amolto Call Recorder and iFree Recorder.

How to record a conversation on Skype using iFree Recorder

This software is easy to install, small in size, and easy to use. The iFree Recorder program is distributed free of charge, so you can download it freely from the developer’s official website at

  • Click on the “Free Download” button to start downloading the software.
  • After saving the distribution, double-click on it with the mouse. The installation process is relatively simple and will not cause you any problems.
  • Specify the program save folder and click “Install”; in all other points you just need to click “Ok” and “Next”.

  • Once iFree Recorder is installed, Skype will open in front of you. If you are not authorized in the system, you will need to enter your username and password.
  • An orange frame will appear at the top of the window notifying you that iFree Recorder is trying to access Skype. For it to work properly, you need to give your permission by clicking on the “Give access” field.

This is what the iFree Recorder window looks like. This is a small and simple program:

  • There is a round red button in the upper left corner. It is similar to the “Rec” button on old tape recorders and is intuitive - it starts recording.
  • Next to it is a conversation pause button if you need to interrupt the conversation.
  • The “History” window will display all the entries that you made using this utility.
  • By going through the field with the hammer and screwdriver icon, you can adjust the recording quality and other audio options.

To stop recording when needed, simply press the record button again.

How to record a conversation on Skype using Amolto Call Recorder

This program has a more flexible interface for configuration and many more options. With it, you can record not only an audio call, but also a video of the interlocutor. Amolto Call Recorder has a trial version of use for a period of ten days, after which you will be offered to buy it for $29.99. You can download it on the official website at, or from your own sources.

  • Follow the link above and click on the “Download” button.

  • You will find yourself on the page for choosing versions: trial or full paid. It is better to choose a trial, since it is free and is given for ten days, during which you can have time to record all the conversations you need. Click “Download” again.

  • As soon as the software is saved on your computer, proceed with the installation. The process is not particularly complicated: you only need to specify the installation path and check the license agreement box.

The program window is miniature and has several buttons:

  • The bottom left button starts recording the conversation.
  • Nearby you will see pause and stop buttons. The first only interrupts the recording, and the second completely ends it.
  • By clicking the “Options” button, you can adjust the quality of audio and video, as well as the saving path.
  • “Recording History” allows you to view all recorded files through this program.

In the general window, you can see in what format audio and video are recorded, as well as what devices are used for this.

Hi! I want to leave many moments in my memory forever, preserving every word, favorite smile, pleasant sound and emotion. And this is possible on Skype: recording videos in the program will help you record the most amazing parts of your life, business meetings, leaving them in your memory forever. Well, emotions don’t need this - when you review them, emerging with renewed vigor, they will bring warmth to your heart and bring a gentle smile to your lips.

How to record a video from Skype

But if quality isn’t that important to you, and the image of your desktop in the background and extraneous sounds from your microphone don’t bother you, you can organize everything much simpler. You only need one thing - any software for capturing and recording screens. It can be downloaded for free on any pirated software website.

You don't need any settings, long installations or synchronization with Skype. All that is required of you is to simply turn on the program, make a call, and after the end of the conversation, simply save the resulting video to your computer and make sure that the program is disabled. At the same time, you can record sound, video, dialogue - just open it to view.

The best example of such a program is the accessible, simple and minimalistic “Fraps”, presented in both Russian and English.

But if this quality is not enough for you, you will have to resort to other means.

How to record a video call on Skype

One of the popular methods is the famous Pamela. Yes, yes, the one that allows you to play with statuses, insert emoticons into it, or even make regular text blink in different colors. In fact, its main function is to record calls and video calls with sound and all the accompanying amenities.

The problem is that the latest versions of the messenger do not support it, and if you have already installed it on your PC and use it only for Skype, you can safely remove it.

In the old ones, you don’t even need to start recording on time. All you have to do is install it correctly and synchronize it with the client. All. Now, during each call, the program will automatically prompt you to start filming everything that is happening, and will even warn your interlocutor about this.

When the recording is finished, all that’s left is to save it correctly. We found, .

How to save video from Skype to computer

In this regard, the algorithms of programs for audio and video recordings are almost the same, so I will give general instructions:

  • find the stop button. Typically, it looks like two red stripes. The second option is to end the call. Most likely, the recording will stop on its own;
  • wait a little. If a window appears on the screen asking you to save the received audio recording, click on “Yes” and select the path. If the window for selecting the saving path immediately opens, simply select the desired folder and click on “Save”;
  • if this does not happen, open the program window, look for the words “Save” or something similar.

Sometimes programs save video messages and recordings automatically. Then you will need Google, a query like this: “Name of the program, its version where it saves the video.”

But these methods are good if you want to film your conversation with someone, for example, an important interview. But what about a video message?

How to save a video message in Skype

Here everything is a little more complicated, but, nevertheless, possible, because modern software tools are practically not limited by anything (even copyrights).

You need to do the following:

  • if you are still using Skype version older than 7, go to the website ( and download the necessary program from there (you can use the portable version);
  • after downloading the program, start a video call, press pause;
  • go to the path c:\Users\PC Username\AppData\Roaming\Skype\Skype User Login\main.db. Some of these directories are hidden, so do not forget to enable the display of hidden folders and files;
  • open the main.db file in the downloaded program;
  • Find a tab called Browse Data, in it there is a VideoMessages table. Copy the last line from the vod_path field;
  • paste the received link into the address bar of your browser;
  • save the video (usually you can just right-click on it and select “Save As”). Remember where you saved it, so that later you can watch, listen, or delete it if something doesn’t work out.

When downloading the program, make sure that you download the version specifically for your operating system.

When everything you need is written down, it’s time to move on to correction.

How to slow down video or audio playback on Skype

At this point, everything is no longer so simple. It would seem that there is an awful lot of prog, I don’t want to write it down. There is more than one - there are billions of them, you can even speak with the voice of a blogger, even with the timbre of Leopold.

Also change the video from the webcam as you want: add horns to yourself, maybe a tail, or even draw a ghost from behind.

But there are no programs that can record your communication and then make changes - for example, slow it down. Unfortunately, all programs only allow you to watch the received products.

You have only one option - to master editing programs. Whether it’s complex like Sony Vegas Pro, or simple like “Record video online”, it makes no difference.

But you can first change yourself using the program, so turn on the recording.

Program for changing video in Skype

You can change yourself beyond recognition with the popular WebcamMax program. You can download it directly from the official website, and absolutely free.

Just a couple of clicks and you will have access to:

  • unusual color effects. Your conference will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow;
  • masks, horns, tails and even a clown nose. Call someone on your contact list, surprise them;
  • curvature of space. Conducting a video conference can be extremely fun - just turn on the program;
  • scary effects. You can create something that will scare everyone in the video chat;
  • original inscriptions. A video conversation will become much more interesting if each participant has a funny brand or an unusual number.

Now it’s worth talking in more detail about all these programs, otherwise the article will not be informative.

Skype video capture program

Video capture programs, as a rule, have limited functionality, which is logical - nothing complicated or professional is required from them. Sometimes they don’t even record sound – there’s simply no need for it.

Let's talk about the best representatives of the genre, while noting that they do not work in the new version of the messenger.

Evaer video recorder for skype – review

Evaer video recorder for Windows is a simple in its interface and functionality, but at the same time incredibly useful, good program. She completely fulfills everything that is required of her.

In the recorder you can:

  • record a conversation in the popular mp4 video format and save it to your computer;
  • change the quality of the video recording for the better or worse, that is, increase or decrease the weight of the resulting recording;
  • work in any version of the client. It does not depend on system files, so you can use the latest or the oldest version;
  • record multiple conversations simultaneously.

Moreover, it is very easy to install and use. You only need to download the torrent and, following the instructions, install it (you may need “treatment”). After launch, everything will happen by itself - she will contact Skype herself.

Recording occurs by pressing a special button.

Free video call recorder for skype – review

Free video call recorder is also a fairly popular program. Unlike previous representatives, it is no longer so simple in its interface. But in return it provides many very useful features.

Pros of recorder:

  • allows you to record in several modes: video and audio, video only and audio only;
  • works great in conference mode;
  • suitable even for low-power computers: does not require any gaming processor or the same video card in addition;
  • The output is a high-quality product without unnecessary interference or distortion.

All you have to do is select a recording mode and start. The program will do the rest for you.

But all these programs are suitable for recording video. But what if you need something simpler?

How to record a conversation on Skype

In the new version of the messenger, use the built-in recording function by activating it during a conversation, or use a program to record conversations, here's how. They are usually used when the video sequence has no meaning. For example, why use a video sequence to record an interview that will later be published in a newspaper? That's right: no need. So they use programs to record conversations, which simply save the entire audio sequence, usually in good quality.

But where can I get them?

Program for recording Skype conversations - free

The answer to this is just as simple and short: you need to type a query into Google with the name of the program and the words “download for free.” But be extremely careful. An insidious virus - the so-called Trojan - may be hiding under an ordinary program. Therefore, look for some popular or personally verified resources in the search results.

Well, now it’s worth mentioning the most popular products with extremely positive reviews.

Mp3 skype recorder – review

Mp3 skype recorder allows, as mentioned above, to record any conversations on Skype and save them in .mp3 format. This is convenient, because MP3 can be read on any device: a regular computer or laptop with Windows, MacBook, mobile phone on Android and iOS installed on an iPhone.

Benefits of the program:

  • several recording modes: mono and stereo;
  • simple design and unpretentious functionality;
  • the ability to start recording automatically as soon as the call starts;
  • the ability to activate the recording yourself.

Ifree skype recorder – review

Ifree skype recorder stands out from its peers. Firstly, it is completely free, which is clear from the name. Secondly, it is quite simple and easy to use - even a person who sits down at a computer for the first time will not get confused.

In addition, she independently finds Skype, connects to it herself, automatically turning on with every call. In addition, the program allows you to record both your conversation and only your voice or only the voice of your interlocutor.

But what if video alone or audio alone is not enough?

How to record calls on Skype

Then it’s time to resort to programs that completely record the call and preserve it in, so to speak, its original form. Part of the chat, audio, video, voice and incoming messages - there are different programs, even the most incredible ones. An example of such programs is imcapture for skype.

Before talking about representatives, a traditional comment at the time of writing - the messenger offers to use the built-in function of recording a call, broadcasting, including in Skype for business, in versions for iPhone, and Android smartphones.

Mx skype recorder – review

Mx skype recorder is able to work not only with Skype, but also with many other applications, which is its immediate advantage. It makes no sense to talk a lot about it: otherwise, they are no different from others.

Except one. Among other things, this program can work in hidden mode. That is, if you suspect that while you are not at home, someone is communicating with another person, set this program to a hidden recording.

HD call recorder for skype – review

HD call recorder allows you to record audio and video synchronously from any call. At the same time, it can record both audio and video. It would seem nothing unusual, can everyone do this?

But not everyone can record screen sharing. And this software miracle is capable - for which it is adored by many users.

But the recording possibilities don't end there.

Private recordings from Skype

To record private sessions or so-called private sessions, nothing special is required - exactly the same programs. But do not forget to warn the person being recorded, because he has every right to refuse.

Skype video chat recordings

Exactly the same methods can be used when recording video chats - almost all programs support conferences in any form.

Well, let's finish by listing a few more very useful programs.

Athtek skype recorder – review

Athtek skype recorder allows you not only to record conversations on Skype, but to save them in hidden mode, retrieve conversations through other applications, and automatically send recordings to the Internet with the necessary notes.

Talkhelper free skype recorder – review

Talkhelper free skype recorder differs from its counterparts in that next to the call itself it indicates the date and duration of the call, which helps you get your bearings.


Writing something down is wonderful. Wonderful moments, exciting experiences, forgotten emotions - this is what awaits you a year later when playing old “films”.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of recording conversations:

  • the opportunity to relive old moments in the future;
  • the opportunity to remember old friends years later;

Disadvantages of recording conversations:

  • not for the lazy – the program needs to be downloaded and configured;
  • Most modern software does not work with the new version of the messenger.

Video review

Everyone knows about all its advantages and uses its functions in their own way, but everyone will agree that the main advantage of the service is video calls. Video communication provides the opportunity not only to hear the voice of the interlocutor, but also, using the camera, to see what he is doing at the current moment. It happens that a video call urgently needs to be recorded, this applies to those cases when, for example, some step-by-step instructions are being explained, or solutions to a specific issue. Since no one can understand everything at once, an excellent solution would be to watch the video again later and better understand information. But in order to do this, many people have a question: how is it produced? recording video on Skype?».

Everything is quite simple, first you will have to download a video capture application from a computer screen "Free Video Call Recorder" from the developer's website. This software distribution will not take up much space on your computer; it weighs only 30 Mb, so you can download it in a couple of minutes. Once the program is downloaded, you need to install it on your computer. You can download the program from the link.

If you have any questions about the operation of this utility, you can refer to the manual that comes with the program. After this, you can begin the process and start recording videos from Skype. First of all, you need to press the tab "Screen Recording" in the main window of the downloaded utility. Next, select the capture area from the available options: recording the full screen or a fragment of it. The area you customize is very easy to move and can be stretched using a special icon. If you wish, you can independently adjust the video dimensions and record sound during shooting. After all of the above has been done, make a video call to any user and click the “Record” button. After 5 seconds, video recording will begin. To stop recording you just need to press the F10 key.

Guide to viewing screen videos in Skype

You can view your recorded video in the built-in player. The program you downloaded for recording video from a computer screen also makes it possible to edit the video. In order to do this, go to the editor, then save the video project on your computer, then select the option "Editing". In the editor, you can trim unnecessary fragments of the filmed video, add title and final slides, and you can soundtrack the video with original music from your own audio collection. You can download the latest version of Skype for free on our website.

The last stage in working with video recording includes exporting the finished video to the format you need. After finishing editing the project, select the “Video Creation” function. You will see three options in which you can save the video. By creating a video in Skype, you can then send it by email, view it on your computer, burn it to DVD, then watch it through a player, and even share it with friends on social networks.