Is it possible to read deleted correspondence in a contact? Special programs for recovering deleted messages. If you can't quickly recover messages, don't waste your time

Using “VKontakte” we are always in touch with friends and family and we can correspond everywhere if there is Internet.
For greater convenience, during correspondence we can forward, copy, search or delete messages. Is it possible to recover SMS after intentional deletion?

1. Return one message
2. How to restore a dialogue in contact
3. New ways to restore correspondence
4. Conclusion

Recovering one individual message

To correspond with a friend, you need to go to the “My Messages” tab in the main menu on the left. Here are dialogues with users. Open the chat and see the correspondence.
To delete a letter, you just need to select it and click “Delete”. The request “Are you sure you want to delete 1 message?” will appear, click “Yes” and it will instantly disappear. In its place a blue field with the word “Restore” will appear. Click and the deleted notification will return to full access.
But this method is valid as long as you have not buried the dialogue.

How to restore a dialogue in contact

To delete the entire history, you need to go to the “Messages” section, highlight the chat and click “Delete”. In this case, the application warns that it is impossible to resume correspondence and asks you to confirm your actions.
Yes, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to return the entire conversation on your own, but in fact, the user can regain access to deleted correspondence.
While the interlocutor has this message history, you can ask him to forward SMS and you will be able to see them as incoming messages.
If you need full access to notifications, you should contact the VKontakte support service. Open “Help” and type “Recover deleted messages” in the search field.
Click “This doesn’t solve my problem” and go to the help “I still have questions.”
You will be taken to a page where you will personally describe the problem in the notification and send it to support for review. As long as the interlocutor has not deleted the correspondence, the entire history is in the database, and administrators can return it. It’s better to write that the dialogue was not deleted intentionally.
Click the "Submit" footnote and you will see the time it takes for a response to appear. View it in the “My Questions” tab.

New ways to restore correspondence

If the email address is linked to the VKontakte page, then you can use it to read the deleted SMS history.
Go to your VK profile and enable the email notifications function. This is done in the “Settings” section in the “Alerts” tab. In the list above, select the notifications that you want to receive by E-Mail.
You can go to your email and see interesting information from the “VKontakte” page and a remote chat. It may not be restored completely - it depends on the size of the correspondence history.
You can use the VkOpt extension. This is not an independent program or application, it is just an extension of VKontakte. With its help, we have more opportunities on our online profile.
It's quite easy to use. Install it in your browser and log in again. At the bottom of the account you will find the inscription “VkOpt” - that means everything worked out. Go to messages and next to the “Dialogues” section, select “SMS statistics”. Using the extension, we find the user whose correspondence interests you and by selecting the date of communication you can return deleted notifications.
Remember: you must install this extension from official programs!


As you can see, there are plenty of ways to solve this problem. The most reliable action is to contact a friend or support service, as this does not require additional applications.
Better yet, just don’t delete your messages without making sure you don’t need them.

We all actively communicate on social networks, transmitting information of varying degrees of importance to each other. Some conversations can be deleted, but usually the correspondence is of some value, so the question of how to recover deleted messages interests many users.

Instant message recovery

If you accidentally deleted one message, you can immediately return it by clicking on the “Restore” link. After refreshing the page, the link disappears, so it will no longer be possible to return the message to the dialogue.

It is also impossible to restore the entire correspondence this way. When deleting an entire dialogue, VK asks you to confirm your actions, so you won’t be able to roll back the changes.

Viewing messages in mail

If you link a page to an email in your VKontakte profile settings and enable notifications about new events, you can still view the text from the deleted dialogue in notifications.

To enable notifications:

After turning on notifications, you will receive messages about new events on the VK page by email. In them you can see the text of the correspondence, even if the dialogue is deleted in the profile in Contact.

However there are some limitations:

  • Text from large messages may not be fully displayed.
  • The text of a message sent to a VK conference is not displayed.

If notifications have not been configured on your VK page or you have deleted notifications about new events by email, then you will not be able to view deleted correspondence using this method. In this case, there is only one way left - contact the person with whom you spoke and ask him to forward the messages to you.

Help from a friend or contact support in VKontakte

If you cleared your message history, then only you lost the dialogue - the people with whom you communicated on VKontakte should still have their correspondence. If your friend on VKontakte also deleted the correspondence or simply does not want to help you, then this method will not work either.

You can contact VK support, but you will receive an answer that deleted messages cannot be restored, and if someone says that this can be done for money, then you are faced with ordinary Internet fraud. No amount of persistent requests helps.– technical support will insist that there is no way to return lost correspondence.

Fraud and a waste of time

The options for returning deleted VKontakte dialogues can be counted on one hand - they are all described above. But there are still rumors circulating on the Internet that it is possible to return lost correspondence if you use special recovery programs or contact the right person.

We won’t talk about the “necessary people” who live in the comments under any article about restoring deleted dialogues in VKontakte - these are ordinary scammers trying to profit from the misfortune of VK users. Let's take a closer look at recovery programs that can supposedly return the VKontakte dialogue after deletion.

One of the suggested methods is to use the VKOpt browser extension. It adds several interesting functions to the VKontakte page, but you cannot view deleted conversations with it. You can only study the statistics of messages in Contact - there will be no erased messages among them.

The site administration has only one answer to this and it is written at the top of the page for calls to technical support “ Deleted messages cannot be restored in any way”(apparently this question is asked often). Also, VK does not send SMS to your phone to restore correspondence.

But is this really so? After all, it is already known that VK stores all user materials and, when contacted by law enforcement agencies, provides complete information, including deleted messages and photographs. And the fact that after you erase the correspondence, your interlocutor still displays it means that it does not disappear anywhere, but you simply lose access to it. There is a way to restore correspondence, and even several. But we will not consider hacker utilities, applications and dubious software.

Using them may damage your computer or lead to page theft. It is better to apply the method inside the VKontakte service itself in the section for developers.

Through the Developers section

This method recovers deleted messages within 24 hours, but it will not work if it lasts longer.

To begin, go to the developer section, to the dialogue recovery script window. It's done like this.

  1. On your page at the bottom left, find the small “developers” link.
  1. Click on “Documentation” in the section selection menu.

  1. Open a dialogue with the user whose correspondence history you want to restore. If the entire dialogue is deleted, then go to this person’s page and start a new correspondence with him by clicking “Write a message”.
  2. On the last sent message (if there are none at all, write a new one), right-click and in the submenu that opens, select “view page code”.

As of 2017, it ranks 7th in popularity. It is a network through which users can exchange messages, music, and also join any interest groups. Today we will touch on the topic of recovering deleted messages and dialogues on this network, tell you how to fix the problem and get your records back.

The main thing in the article

Is it possible to recover deleted correspondence on VK?

It is both theoretically and practically possible to return deleted correspondence. True, in some cases this is done quickly, while in others additional time is needed.

Is it possible to view deleted messages on VK without recovery?

  1. There is an option to view through a correspondence interlocutor. If he hasn't deleted the messages, then ask him to forward the text to you.
  2. If you have the mailbox notification function enabled in your settings, then when you log into the mailbox, you can view your incoming correspondence.

Existing ways to return deleted messages to VK from a computer

  1. Instant Recovery, if the page has not been updated. To do this, you need to act very quickly, because even if the page has not been updated, but a lot of time has passed, the situation is irreversible.
  2. Through an interlocutor with whom correspondence was conducted. The second party with whom the correspondence was conducted may not have resorted to such radical measures. And there is a chance that the interlocutor will forward you the text messages. But there is also a chance that he doesn’t need it and will refuse.
  3. Through the included notification option via email. If in your settings you have the notification option turned on with a valid mailbox, then you can view and restore incoming correspondence. But you should keep in mind that the number of characters is strictly limited, therefore, if there are a large number of messages, then you will not be able to return everything, but only the last part.
  4. With the help of specialized software. Among other things, there are software that can be used to expand the functionality of the application and, as a result, return lost information.
  5. With the help of an experienced programmer A specialist in his field will always come to the rescue for a small fee. Therefore, if you do not understand programs at all, take advantage of his help.
  6. With help technical support. Ask for help on a social network through the “My Questions” tab, ask what you need and wait for a response. Go to messages. Click on the arrow under your icon in the upper right corner. Select help, then “Messages” and the item you need.

Special programs for recovering deleted messages

In order to return everything to normal, you can use the services of programs specializing in such problems. These include.


Don't even try to make such a request to your telecom operator. If such information is stored in his archive, he will be able to provide it only in the event of an official request from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB.

Explore the Messages menu on your phone. If there is a “Deleted Items” folder in this menu, then it is likely that the most recently deleted messages can still be recovered.

Go online to one of the sites that offer assistance in recovering deleted information from computer hard drives or removable media. Download the program. Typically, such programs are provided free of charge to everyone, so if you are asked to send a paid SMS for downloading or transfer money to your account, leave this page to avoid becoming a victim of scammers.

If you haven’t turned off your phone or changed its SIM card since the message you needed, you can try to recover the information using a card reader. The fact is that in almost all phones, deleted information is stored for some time in the cache memory of the SIM card. And it finally disappears only when the phone’s RAM is completely full.

Buy a card reader by contacting one of the sites that distribute them. Remove the SIM card from the phone and insert it into the card reader. Connect it to your computer via USB port. After a moment, all the information stored in the SIM card cache will be displayed on the monitor.

Please note that you can only recover the last few messages this way, so if you want to recover a message that was deleted several months ago, you are unlikely to be able to do so.

Remember that messages can only be recovered from a SIM card. Messages deleted from the phone memory cannot be restored.

Video on the topic


Having lost the device, or if it is broken, it becomes too late to take charge. But in most cases, lost data from your phone can be recovered. To check whether your phone has such a function as returning deleted files, carefully read the instructions for the device.

Helpful advice

In such failures, the likelihood of data recovery depends on many factors. For example, on some phone models it is possible to restore contacts 100% after deleting them, since they are located in a separate memory area and are not erased when deleted, but are simply marked as deleted. Accordingly, if you do not create new contacts after a failure, the old ones can be completely restored.


  • how to read deleted sms

Probably, almost every person has encountered the fact that the necessary information from a mobile phone was mistakenly deleted. Is it possible to recover deleted messages? And how to do this?

You will need

  • - mobile phone
  • - card reader
  • - USB cable


If this does happen to you, don’t be upset, pick up your phone and carefully look through the “Messages” menu. In this menu, find the “Deleted Items” folder and check, perhaps, the most recently deleted messages it is still possible to restore.

Please note that only messages from SIM card. Therefore, if you deleted them from your phone’s memory, it is impossible to restore them.

Keep in mind that it is useless to make such a request to telecom operators. Since information of this kind is in their archives, they will be able to provide it only after receiving an official request from law enforcement agencies and the FSB.

Seek help from Internet sites that provide services for recovering deleted information from computer hard drives or any other removable media. But, be careful when downloading programs so as not to become a victim of scammers. In most cases, they are provided free of charge, but if you are asked to forward a paid message or pay a payment in any other way, leave the page immediately.

The next way to recover information is to use a card reader. But, know that this method will only be effective if you have not turned off the phone or changed the SIM card in it since deleting the messages. Remember, the cache memory of the SIM card stores deleted information until the phone's RAM is full.

Purchase a card reader in retail stores or through online sites that distribute them. Open the back of the phone, remove the SIM card and insert it into the card reader. Then connect it to your computer via USB port and view everything messages, stored in the SIM card cache. But, keep in mind that you will only be able to restore the most recently deleted ones. messages.

Video on the topic

Video on the topic


  • how to recover sms messages

It is always a shame to lose necessary information. Everyone knows about backup, but only a few do it. Therefore, sometimes the question of recovering lost files becomes very pressing.

Fortunately, there are now quite a few programs that can be used to restore erased files. Let's look at the recovery process using the Recuva program as an example.

You will need

  • - time
  • - Recuva program


Video on the topic


The program can not only restore files, but also completely erase them.

Helpful advice

To avoid accidentally losing important information, make backups at least occasionally.


  • Notes from Sys.Admin in 2019

This is one of the most popular sites in Russia and neighboring countries. It occupies an honorable 39th place in the world ranking of websites. Of course, the huge audience of this social network could not help but attract many scammers to it. Any member of the VKontakte network who inadvertently contracted a virus or provided their personal data to third parties can become a victim of scammers.


In order to restore your account on the VKontakte social network, you need to prove that you are its rightful owner. First of all, you need to follow the link, where you will be asked to indicate the address of your page. Then you will be offered an application form, which you must fill out truthfully and send your request to the site administration. You need to indicate the old number to which the page was linked, and also enter the new one to which the page will be linked after it is restored.

Next, you will need to indicate the email that you used when entering the page, as well as the new email with which you will access the updated page. Then you indicate the country and where you were actually located when you registered the old page. Also, do not forget to note the year of registration of your VKontakte account. The page recovery form also contains a blank field for additional comments. In this field, you can describe when you lost access to the page and what events this may be associated with.

In addition to all the above fields, you will also need to upload two photos to the page. First, you will need to upload a clear photo of your identifying document. This could be a passport, driver's license, school or student ID, and so on. Secondly, you will need to take a photo of yourself in front of the password recovery page and upload this photo to the system. If yours is approved, then within a few days you will again have access to your VKontakte page.

Very often there is a need to recover deleted files from a card memory phone. There are many reasons why important data can be erased. But this problem is not difficult to solve.

You will need

  • PC Inspector File Recovery utility


Almost always, the free PC Inspector File Recovery utility can. It allows you to recover files not only from a flash drive, but even from a hard drive. The utility can work with NTFS and FAT 12/16/32 systems. It is capable of any lost files. In addition, it can easily clean the hard drive even if the Boot Sector has been damaged or even deleted. Currently, this utility allows the user to restore FAT file allocation tables. PC Inspector File Recovery utility can recover data in such formats as ARJ, PNG, AVI, CDR, HLP, BMP, DXF, DOC, PDF, TIF, DBF, EXE, XLS, GIF, HTML, HTM, JPG, TAR, MID, MOV , MP3, LZH, RTF, WAV and ZIP. The interface of this utility is very simple. It will also be understandable to the average user who has no experience at all in recovering memory cards.

Launch the program. Then select your control language. Now this utility is also available in the language, which is important when working. Next, select the action you want to perform from those suggested by the program: find lost data, recover deleted data, or find a lost disk. After that, select the drive on which important information was deleted. The memory card can be divided by the utility into several independent sectors.

After this, the utility itself will scan the entire disk you selected. After completing the scan, it will definitely find files that have been deleted. All you have to do is select the files you need and click on the “Save” button. A window will open. It will suggest a location where you will save the files. Be careful: the files found by the program must first be saved to disk! Otherwise they will simply be overwritten.


  • recover photos from phone memory

The Internet provides everyone with a wonderful opportunity to search and copy the files they need to their computer’s hard drive. But what if, while downloading the file you need (which you have also been looking for for a long time), for some reason the download is interrupted? How to resume it?

You will need

  • Computer, Internet, browser, download manager (optional), torrent client (optional).


When you download any file from the Internet and for various reasons download the file is interrupted (especially if the file was large), interrupting the download of the file does not add to the mood. If the file is not very large, then you can use standard browser tools to download it again. Unfortunately, the standard ones do not support the function of resuming a file; they can only start downloading again. To resume downloading in the browser, open the “Downloads” item in the browser menu, select the file you need from the list and click “Resume” or “Retry”. The download will begin from the very beginning. However, some modern browsers support the file resuming function, storing the undownloaded file in their cache memory.

If you often download files from the Internet or your provider often has a connection to the global network, then it is best for you to use a download manager. A download manager is a program for downloading files from the Internet (and from a local network), with advanced functionality. In it you can “download” files, limit the download speed, queue downloads, and significantly increase the speed of downloading files by splitting the download into several threads. At the moment there are a large number of free such programs. These are, for example, Download Master, ReGet and many others.

To restore download file in the download managers, select the downloaded file from the manager menu, right-click on it, and in the context menu that appears, click the “resume download” option. If it gives you dynamic links for downloading (like DepositFile, etc.), then go to the same address as you started the download, wait until the file hosting service gives you a link to download file. Copy the link to your clipboard. Next, open the interrupted download in the download manager. In the Properties menu, paste the copied link. The download will begin from the place where it was interrupted.

Also, in order to avoid unexpected download interruptions, you can use torrent clients. You can download and install them on any torrent tracker. The only inconvenience of this method is that downloading files is only possible from trackers. But thanks to the popularity of this method of downloading, you can find any file on torrent trackers. To resume downloading in a torrent client, you just need to launch it. If for some reason you yourself stopped downloading a file in a torrent client, then to resume downloading, select the stopped file and click “Continue”

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

When downloading files using a torrent client, the download speed of the file depends on the number of users sharing it. Therefore, choose trackers with a large number of users.

Removed from cards memory the information becomes unavailable for work, but is physically stored for some time on the described drives. This means that timely removal of files is a fairly effective process.

You will need

  • - Magic Uneraser;
  • - Easy Recovery.


Immediately after deleting the files you need, disconnect the drive from the computer. To do this, perform a safe removal cards memory to avoid damaging the file system structure. Download the Magic Uneraser program from the developers' website.

Install the specified program and run it. Wait a while until the main menu of the utility opens. Connect the flash drive to your computer. Use a card reader to connect mobile cards memory from PC. Wait for the device to be detected. Select the card you want memory in the list of available media. Click the "Analyze" button located on the toolbar.

Time spent scanning cards memory, depends on the technical characteristics of this drive and its size. After completing the running process, the program will display a list of available data. Deleted files that can be recovered will be marked with a red cross.

Select the required files and directories with the left mouse button. Click the "Restore" button and wait for the new dialog menu to launch.

Specify the folder on your hard drive where the processed files will be saved. Click the Continue button. Wait while Magic UnEraser performs data recovery.

During processing, deleted files may be damaged, which will lead to them not working correctly. This is mainly typical for packed archives and text files. Install Easy Recovery and run it.

After opening the main menu, select File Repair. Now specify the type of files with which further work will be performed. Select the folder where the required data is located. Click Next. Wait for the Easy Recovery utility to complete. Check the integrity of the corrected files.

Restore USB functionality ports can be done using standard Windows system tools, without the use of additional software. A prerequisite for the success of this operation is the availability of administrative access to computer resources.


Call the main system menu by clicking the “Start” button and go to the “Run” dialog. Type devmgmt.msc in the Open line and confirm the launch of the Device Manager utility by clicking OK. Select the computer name in the list of the dialog box that opens and select the “Update hardware configuration” command in the menu of possible actions.

Reboot the system and check the functionality of the USB ports.

Repeat the above steps to launch the Device Manager utility and expand the “Universal Serial Bus Controllers” link in the dialog box that opens. Call the context menu of the first controller by right-clicking and select the “Delete” command. Sequentially remove all other controllers and reboot the system again. This action will automatically update the configuration and reinstall the remote controllers.