Mobile data service preferred engineering menu. Android engineering menu: description, settings

Some smartphone owners complain that they have difficulty hearing the other person; music is played quietly through the speaker. There are several ways to increase the speaker volume on Android. Volume swing is not the only possible method.

Smartphone owners who have difficulty distinguishing the words of their interlocutor during conversations will be helped by information on how to increase the volume on Android through the engineering menu. You can adjust the volume of the speaker and headphones.

Initially, the engineering menu is hidden from users. This is explained by the fact that it is necessary only for experienced smartphone owners, who take full responsibility for possible problems with the electronic device.

The engineering menu is available only to owners of smartphones with a MediaTek processor. To activate it, there are special codes that may differ depending on the brand of the device.

You need to enter codes like a regular number or USSD request. There is another way to call up the engineering menu - using special applications.

  1. The most popular is MTK Engineering Mode.
  2. There is another free application - “Launch the MTK engineering menu”.

The choice of method will have virtually no effect on the algorithm of actions on how to increase the volume of the speakers. After entering the engineering menu, you need to enter the MTK Settings section, then select Hardware Testing Audio. After this, a list will open consisting of 8 categories. Of these, 5 are categories for increasing or decreasing the volume of sounds.

  1. Normal mode. In it, the phone works constantly when no peripheral devices are connected to it.
  2. Headset mode, it is activated when speakers or headphones are connected.
  3. Speakerphone mode, Android starts using it when nothing is connected to the smartphone and the user switches to speakerphone mode when making a call.
  4. Headphone mode with hands-free calling. The mode is activated when a person switches to loudspeaker mode with headphones connected to an electronic device.
  5. Volume during a call. Its activation occurs when a person is talking to someone as usual and no additional devices are connected to the phone.

In any of the above categories, when you select them, several sections will open.

  1. Microphone (Mic)
  2. The first and, in some smartphones, the second hearing speaker. (Sph, Sph2)
  3. Sid – changing the values ​​of this parameter is not recommended, otherwise you can achieve the effect when a person during a conversation hears himself, and not the interlocutor.
  4. Multimedia regulation. (Media)
  5. Adjusting the volume of incoming calls. (Ring)
  6. Some smartphones have a radio volume setting. (FMR)


For example, if the interlocutor practically cannot hear you, you need to increase the microphone volume.

To do this, select Mic and maximum Level, which indicates the maximum step of the volume swing, then change the values ​​in the Value section, thereby increasing the microphone volume. After that, click Set. If the Setting success window appears, the values ​​have been changed and you can test them.

If a person’s smartphone does not have a high volume of incoming calls, the following steps must be taken. You will need to go to the engineering menu of the electronic device, go to the Audio section, then go to LoudSpeaker and select the Ring value. After this, for each step of the volume swing you need to increase the values. It is not recommended to set it to the maximum, for example, with a maximum of 160, it is advisable to set it to no more than 156. Otherwise, the speaker will make wheezing and noise when making a call.


After any changes to the Value values, do not forget about the Set button, otherwise the actions will not be recorded and applied. Also, after applying new settings, some smartphones need to be rebooted and only then tested the new values.

Before making any changes, experienced smartphone users recommend rewriting the default values. This will allow you to return everything to its place in case of unsuccessful adjustment of the smartphone volume.

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Almost all smartphones from Meizu are powered by processors from MediaTek, which means that gadgets with such a chipset always have the Meizu engineering menu. Today we will tell you how to get there, what it is needed for and how any owner of a Meizu gadget can use it to their advantage.

You probably already understood from the name that this menu was created in order to configure, test and debug various phone modules. Since it is mainly used for the latter purpose, the average user will not be interested in digging into at least half of these functions. In addition, we urge you to be careful: if you do not know what exactly you are doing, then it is better not to mess with this setting, as there is a risk of disabling important parameters of the device or even turning it into a “brick”.

To log in, you need to open the dialing menu on Meizu and dial a special code: *#*#3646633#*#*. True, it doesn't always work. If nothing happens, try entering *#*#4636#*#* or *#15963#*. If everything is done correctly, you will see the Engeneer Mode program with a slightly strange design - this is the same engineering menu.

If for some reason not a single code worked, then to enter the section we need, use the specialized program “MTK Engineering Mode” or another similar one. To do this, you will need to go to the Play Market or App Store and download it. Once it is installed, launch the application and complete all the necessary steps. As a result, you will be able to configure the phone through the engineering menu by going to certain sections of it.

Engineering menu functionality

There are several hundred different settings hidden here, which are divided into six large tabs:

  • Telephony – view and check the parameters of the phone’s mobile network, set automatic answering of an incoming call, check the compatibility of the smartphone with a specific mobile operator, disable support for bands, and it is also possible to reset all settings to factory settings;
  • Connectivity – checking Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module, function to turn off the display while using Wi-Fi Display and much more;
  • Module testing (Hardware Testing) – test the sound volume through the headset, increase it, check the screen and other important sensors and modules of the Meizu gadget;

  • Location – all the same actions, but related to location verification: disabling A-GPS detection and others;
  • Debugging (Log & Debugging) – here, for the most part, various links to utilities and tests from MediaTek and those companies that supply other components to the smartphone are stored;
  • Others – other settings and tests, for example, setting font sizes on the phone.

It would also be useful to clarify that setting up the phone through the engineering menu on new Meizu models will be carried out a little differently due to the different structure of the menu items, however, the general meaning remains the same, and therefore it will not be difficult for a knowledgeable person to configure it. Meizu service codes for entering the menu may differ slightly from what was indicated in the previous paragraph, but usually it is the same.

How to increase the sound in headphones to full volume?

A little instruction on how to turn the music volume up to maximum:

  1. In the Hardware Testing section, select Audio -> Headset Mode.
  2. Value Max Speaker Vol. set to 160 (maximum volume) and press Set.
  3. Audio -> Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode in the Max Headset field, enter the value 160, apply by clicking Set.


As you can see, the Meizu engineering menu contains many options for fine-tuning your smartphone to suit your personal needs, from sound testing to controlling the radio module and GPS. In any case, an experienced user will be able to find something interesting for themselves, but an inexperienced user better be more careful with these settings - you can make a mess.

In order for developers and testers of software and mobile devices to obtain some system information and debug smartphone functions, the Android OS contains some hidden features. Among them are connecting to a PC in developer mode, viewing detailed information about networks and hardware, etc. One of the tools for this is the engineering menu.

The engineering menu is a special settings menu that contains tools for testing and calibrating smartphone hardware. By default, it is hidden, and in order to get into it, you must perform a certain procedure. The appearance of the engineering menu differs on different smartphones, depending on the manufacturer and SoC model. The customization options will also be different.

There are several ways to enter the engineering menu, which differ depending on the smartphone manufacturer and chipset model. You can first try entering one of the codes in the dialer application:

  • *#*#3646633#*#* - smartphones with
  • *#*#6484#*#* - some smartphones with Qualcomm;
  • *#*#54298#*#* - some smartphones with MediaTek;
  • *#0*# - some Samsung smartphones;
  • *#*#7378423#*#* - some Sony smartphones;
  • *#*#4636#*#* - on some devices opens only the network menu;
  • *#*#2846579#*#* - some Huawei devices.

If none of the codes help, on your smartphone with MediaTek you should install the program “Launch MTK Engineering Menu” from the market. On Xiaomi devices, you can enter the menu by going to “Settings”, selecting “About phone” and then clicking the “Kernel version” line five times in a row.

What can be configured on a smartphone in the engineering menu

The engineering menu differs on different platforms; in many cases, it only allows you to test some parameters. On Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro and Note 4X, built on Qualcomm chips, the engineering menu allows you to test various functions. These include the screen, sensor, sensors, cameras, sound and microphone, communications, battery, navigation, etc. There is no way to change anything, you can only find out if everything is working correctly.

There are much richer opportunities on the MediaTek platform. In Oukitel U7 Plus (MT6737 chipset), the engineering menu allows you to configure network, sound, communication modules, and other modules. On Redmi Note 2 with MTK Helio X10, the menu was identical, and on other devices with MTK it is not particularly different. We will use his example to describe the possibilities.

Telephony tab

This section is responsible for setting up a cellular modem. Here, interesting possibilities are provided by the BandMode, Network Selecting and GPRS options.


In this menu, you can select communication standards that will be active on the phone when connecting to mobile networks. In the menu item, you can select frequency ranges for each SIM card; if there are two SIM cards, the full list is usually available only on the main one (usually the first one). Once you know exactly which frequencies your operator uses in the region, you can uncheck all the others. This will slightly increase battery life due to the fact that the device will not search for operator towers in these ranges, wasting extra energy on scanning the airwaves.

Sometimes some communication standards (especially LTE) are supported at the chipset and core level, but are disabled in the firmware. By checking the box next to them, you can activate support for these networks. It is worth warning that it does not work everywhere: on the same Redmi Note 2 (Chinese version) TDD-LTE was enabled in this way, but on Oukitel U7 Plus these items are not activated.

Network Selecting

The name speaks for itself: this item is also responsible for selecting networks. Only in this case the user can choose which types of networks to use. The goal is the same as in the previous paragraph: to reduce the load on the cellular modem, thereby reducing battery consumption. You can choose to work only in 2G, 3G, 4G, or combine several standards.

If your operator does not have 3G or 4G at all, these items can be disabled so that the smartphone does not constantly try to search for LTE networks, thereby speeding up battery drain. You can also disable 3G and 4G if you need constant communication (for example, for correspondence over the Internet), but traffic is limited and uncontrolled use of WCDMA and LTE by background processes can quickly waste it.


Despite the name, this item is not interesting because of the GPRS communication settings, which many people no longer need, and it is not recommended for “mere mortals” to change the settings themselves. The main feature is the ability to record the IMEI of the smartphone. In the appropriate item, you can enter the device identification number and click Write to save it.

The ability to write IMEI is often required after an unsuccessful flashing, when it “flies” and the device cannot register in the operator’s network. By copying this code from the smartphone box, you can restore functionality. Attention! illegally changing the IMEI of a smartphone in many countries (including Russia, Ukraine) is a crime! In addition, by rewriting this code to a random one belonging to another subscriber of your operator, communication problems may occur due to a hardware conflict. Therefore, we recommend that you always keep the box or sticker with IMEI in case of unsuccessful firmware. After all, on devices with a non-removable cover, this identifier is not written under the battery.

Connectivity Tab

In this tab, functions for testing and fine-tuning the Bluetooth module, radio receiver and Wi-Fi are available. The vast majority of users have nothing to do here, since there are no settings interesting for a layman, but it’s easy to disrupt the normal operation of Bluetooth by entering something wrong.

Hardware Testing Tab

This settings item in the engineering menu is responsible for the hardware configuration. The Audio and TouchScreen items are of interest to users. The latter contains HandWriting and MultiTouch items. It’s easy to guess what these parameters are responsible for.

Using the first one, you can check the clarity of the touchscreen response and check for the presence of “blind spots”. This menu is especially useful when buying a smartphone, in particular, without a warranty. The second point allows you to do the same, but with the participation of several fingers. With it you can test how well the smartphone processes gestures of several fingers simultaneously.


It is this treasured item that is needed by those who are looking for how to increase the volume in the engineering menu. The top items allow you to control the volume of the device and are responsible for different modes.

Normal Mode is a mode for normal use, with music or video sounds output to the music speaker. Headset Mode is responsible for controlling the volume in the headphones. LoudSpeaker mode allows you to adjust the conversation volume when using the speakerphone. The last item is a combined one; it is responsible for speakerphone when headphones are connected. In order to change the sound in the engineering menu, you need to select which device you want to configure.

  • Sip - settings for Internet telephony;
  • Mic - microphone sensitivity
  • Sph - conversational speaker;
  • Sph2 - second earpiece (a rare beast among smartphones);
  • Sid - after changing this parameter, an echo of your voice may appear during a conversation, so you do not need to touch it;
  • Media - a multimedia speaker, what most people need.

In order to adjust the volume, you need to go to the required mode (for the volume of a multimedia speaker this is Normal Mode), select the Media item and set the volume value in the specified range.

The Level parameter is responsible for the volume value set by the rocker at each division. Level 0 is the minimum value (one division), the highest Level is all divisions, on Oukitel U7 Plus it is 14, on other smartphones it may differ. The value can range from 0 (speaker silent) to 255 (full volume). There is no particular point in changing the value, but if after a certain division it seems to you that the sound suddenly becomes much quieter, you can increase the values ​​​​for this division (and lower levels) by a couple of units. The main thing is that the conditional Level 6 does not turn out to be louder than Level 7 due to the value being too high.

But to increase the maximum volume in general, you need to change the value in the Max Vol item. The maximum level corresponds to a value of 160, but manufacturers often set it lower (on the tested device it was 128). By setting the number higher, the volume will increase, but there may also be side effects such as gurgling, noises and wheezing. The optimal value should be selected using the scientific method: increase the value by several units, save, check the sound on video or music, and if everything is fine, increase it further.


It’s worth repeating once again that the engineering menu is different on different smartphones. What is available on the MediaTek platform cannot be done on Qualcomm. Codes for entering hidden settings may also not be suitable in some cases; we cannot guarantee their 100% functionality. In addition, everything you do with your smartphone is done at your own peril and risk, since incorrect settings can affect its performance. In such cases, only a general reset or flashing will help. So if you really want to experiment with settings whose meaning you don’t fully understand, it’s advisable to take screenshots before doing so, so that if something happens, you can enter the factory values.

Using the engineering menu, the user can perform advanced configuration of the device. This feature is little known, so you should look at all the ways to access it.

The ability to open the engineering menu is not available on all devices. On some of them it is absent altogether or replaced by a developer mode. There are several ways to access the features you need.

Method 1: Entering the code

First of all, you should consider devices that have this function. To access it, you must enter a special code (depending on the manufacturer).

Attention! This method is not suitable for most tablets due to the lack of a dialing function.

To use the feature, open the number entry app and find the code for your device from the list:

  • Samsung – *#*#4636#*#*, *#*#8255#*#*, *#*#197328640#*#*
  • HTC – *#*#3424#*#*, *#*#4636#*#*, *#*#8255#*#*
  • Sony – *#*#7378423#*#*, *#*#3646633#*#*, *#*#3649547#*#*
  • Huawei – *#*#2846579#*#*, *#*#2846579159#*#*
  • MTK – *#*#54298#*#*, *#*#3646633#*#*
  • Fly, Alcatel, Texet – *#*#3646633#*#*
  • Philips - *#*#3338613#*#*, *#*#13411#*#*
  • ZTE, Motorola - *#*#4636#*#*
  • Prestigio - *#*#3646633#*#*
  • LG - 3845#*855#
  • Devices with MediaTek processor - *#*#54298#*#*, *#*#3646633#*#*
  • Acer - *#*#2237332846633#*#*

This list does not represent all devices available on the market. If your smartphone is not there, consider the following methods.

Method 2: Specialized programs

This option is most relevant for tablets because it does not require entering a code. Can also be used for smartphones if entering the code does not produce results.

To use this method, the user will need to open " Play Market" and in the search window enter the query " Engineering menu" Based on the results, select one of the presented applications.

An overview of several of them is presented below:

The application is designed to launch the engineering menu on devices with a MediaTek (MTK) processor. Available features include managing advanced settings of the processor and the Android system itself. You can use the program if it is not possible to enter the code every time you open this menu. In other situations, it is better to opt for a special code, since the program can put extra load on the device and slow down its operation.

The program is suitable for most devices with Android OS. However, instead of the standard engineering menu, the user will have access to advanced settings and codes for already installed applications. This can be a good alternative to engineering mode, since the chance of harming the device is much lower. The program can also be installed on devices for which standard codes for opening the engineering menu are not suitable.

When working with any of these applications, you should be as careful as possible, since careless actions can damage the device and turn it into a “brick”. Before installing a program that is not listed, read the comments for it to avoid possible problems.

Method 3: Developer Mode

On a large number of devices, instead of the engineering menu, you can use the developer mode. The latter also has a set of advanced features, but they differ from those offered in engineering mode. This is due to the fact that when working with the engineering mode, there is a high risk of problems with the device, especially for inexperienced users. In developer mode this risk is minimized.

To activate this mode, do the following:

1. Open the device settings through the top menu or application icon.

2. Scroll down the menu, find the section " About the phone" and run it.

3. You will be presented with the basic data of the device. Scroll down to " Build number».

4. Click on it several times (5-7 taps, depending on the device) until a notification appears saying that you have become a developer.

5. After this, return to the settings menu. A new item will appear in it: “ For developers", which you need to open.

6. Make sure it is turned on (there is a corresponding switch at the top). After this, you can start working with the available functions.

The developer menu includes a large number of available functions, which include creating backups and the ability to debug via USB. Many of them can be useful, however, before using one of them, make sure that it is necessary.

Adjusting the volume, etc.

To enter the engineering menu, dial the number *#*#3646633#*#* and click on Audio or install the program, enter the engineer through the program menu.
Audio section menu:
Set Mode - profile selection
Normal Mode - standard (general, normal) profile
Headset Mode - headset mode
LoudSpeaker Mode - loudspeaker mode
Speech Enhancement - speech signal correction mode
Before selecting the highest possible values, make sure that this does not create any sound problems. It is usually not recommended to set it to 0, as this can cause rattling and other interference + puts unnecessary additional load on the speakers.
Before changing the values, always write down what were the default ones, so that if something happens you can return them.
We use Normal mode:

We leave FIR - 0 and do not touch it. Let's go below to the following parameters.
First, we set up the general volume modulation Tone, to do this, in the Type menu select the Tone item (if it is not selected by default), then below in the Value section we set the volume value and click Set.
We set it to 1, but you can try different options from 0 to 100 - the higher the value, the quieter the sound, 0 is the maximum volume, however, it is not recommended to set it to 0, since the speakers will produce unpleasant side effects in the form of rattling and other bad things.
Next, go to the Type Side tone menu and under no circumstances touch it, otherwise during a conversation you will hear yourself and not your interlocutor. Or change using the scientific method at your own peril and risk
Set Audio to 1
Set Speech to 1
In FM set to 1
Set Mikrophone to 12
The Key tone is set to 70 by default - I didn’t change it.
If it seems to you that the radio or music is playing quietly in the headphones, you can also edit the profile for the headset. Restart the phone.
Call volume:
1. 1. Go to the engineering menu (on the telephone display we dial the combination) *#*#3646633#*#*;
2. 2. Select the AUDIO item;
3. 3. find the Speech enhancement parameter (which we will edit so that we can hear a good caller);
4. 4. Click on Common Parameter and select - Normal mode;
5. 5. Click on Parameter - 0 and select Parameter - 6 (by default it is 400);
6. 6. We start editing the parameter and change its value from 400 to 1 and then click on Set;
7. And after that the audibility is excellent, even you have to turn down the volume;
8. It will help!
These improved values ​​increase the volume of music, TV and FM through the speaker and headphones. Checked personally.
Normal Mode (type):
FM = 10
Side Tone = 50HE
Audio = 20
LoudSpeaker Mode (type):
FM = 10
Side Tone = 50
Audio = 15
HeadSet Mode (type):
Audio = 10
Side Tone = 50

Description of service menu items:
BatteryLog - information about the battery (status, charge level, voltage, temperature, condition, etc.)

TouchScreen - contains several submenus
HandWriting - simple drawing with your finger on the screen, serves as a test of screen responsiveness
Verification - PointVerification - screen calibration test, when you click on the marked point, it shows the error
Verification - LineVerification - the same as PointVerification, only draws lines from one point to another
Verification - ShakingVerification - shaking test

GPRS - GPRS operation tests, PDP (Packet Data Protocol) check

Audio - setting all volumes and everything related to sound, contains the following submenus:
Set Mode - select a phone mode (Normal mode - normal mode, Headset mode - headset-headphones, Handfree mode - “hands-free”, most likely a bluetooth headset)
Normal Mode - settings for normal mode
Headset Mode - settings for headphone mode
LoudSpeaker Mode - setting the loudspeaker mode (the same Handfree mode?)
Speech Enhancement - setting/correction of speech signals
Debug Info - debugging information, values ​​are set via Parameter 0-15 and what they are responsible for is unknown.
Speech Logger - recording a conversation? When you turn on “enable” after a conversation, it creates a file in the root of the SD card with a name like this: Sun_Feb_2012__01_15_31.vm (Sunday_February_2012__time01_15_31.vm), I don’t know what these files are and how to open them. The folder /sdcard/speechlog (which is specified as File location) is not created automatically; if you create such a folder manually, after the conversation it will be empty. When you click the “play” button in the Speech Logger menu, all *.vm files created on the SD card are shown and after clicking on them, nothing happens.

Camera - contains several submenus
AF EM - select a test for the camera (AF - auto focus)
Raw Capture - runs the Raw capture test
Start Preview - shows the camera image on the screen

WiFi - contains several submenus: (I do not recommend delving into this thread!)
Tx - tests Wifi Tx Registers
Rx - tests Wifi Rx Registers
EEPROM is the firmware of the WiFi adapter and the ability to disable/enable its functions via addresses (h, byte). Once again, I categorically do not recommend trying to change anything, you can permanently kill the WiFi adapter and restoring it will be very problematic, even if you make a “save as file” backup (for some reason, all values ​​are saved as zeros - 0000). I personally don’t even suspect what kind of adapter we have installed.
Temperature Sensor - test the temperature of the WiFi adapter during operation
MCR - I don’t know what MCR is, it is possible to read/write Value(h) values ​​at Addr(h)

Bluetooth - contains submenu:
TX Only test - specify the values, click , then Done, passes the Bluetooth Tx Registers test
Test Mode - turns on test mode

NetworkInfo - information about RR (I don’t know what it is), select the checkbox of what we want to see information about, then press the button on the phone, select Check Information, look.

AutoAnswer - contains only the "enable/disable" button. This is auto-pickup for an incoming call (checked).

YGPS - tests and information about yGPS

AGPS - the only menu in Russian, AGPS settings

How to make the sound louder.
Option 1. Go to Audio. We are interested in the following menus Normal Mode, Headset Mode and Speech Enhancement. Let's go to Normal Mode, here we need a list of Types and Values. All values ​​must be in the range 0-255, and the lower the value, the louder the sound will be, i.e. 0 - louder than 255.
In Type, select what we want to change (Tone - ringer volume, Key tone - key press volume, Microphone - microphone volume, FM - radio volume, Speech - speaker volume during a conversation, Side tone - ?, Audio - multimedia volume) and set the desired value to 0 -255 press the "Set" button - install. In the same way, you can change the Headset Mode in headphones.
I’ll add on my own behalf that I don’t recommend setting the value to 0, failures are possible and the sound may disappear altogether (I had this happen) or the speaker will wheeze (this also happened). I set myself values ​​1-5. If, after some manipulations, your sound has disappeared and you can’t get anything back, I did a wipe, the settings returned to default (how to do a wipe is written in “FAQ and Installing Drivers”, after the wipe you will have to install/configure everything again) . Another thing that might help is resetting the settings (phone settings -> privacy -> reset settings).
Option 2.
To increase the call volume, dial *#*#3646633#*#* (engineering menu)
then the Audio menu
further LoudSpeaker Mode
Type should be Ring
Level select Level 6
Set Value to 250 and press set
Max Vol. set 160 press set
To increase the volume during a call:
1. go to the engineering menu (on the telephone display we dial the combination) *#*#3646633#*#* the AUDIO item
7. find the Speech enhancement parameter (which we will edit so that we can hear a good caller)
8. Click on Common Parameter and select - Normal mode
9. Click on Parameter - 0 and select Parameter - 6 (by default it is 400)
10. Let’s start editing the parameter and change its value from 400 to 1 and then click on Set
====Increase the sound recording volume when shooting video - engineer mode > audio > loud speaker mode > mic - change the value 160 (for me) on ALL 7 levels to - 255 with confirmation (set). Reboot the device and try.

Now, as for Speech Enchancement, on the Chinese phone forums they advise changing the following parameters for clarity of speech: in Speech Enchancement select - Normal Mode, Parameter 6, change the value from 400 to 1. To be honest, I didn’t feel the difference, maybe your hearing is more musical and You will notice the difference, and maybe for our model it is necessary to change another Parameter. Still, the Speech Enchancement parameter is interesting and worth tinkering with. Maybe someone has some experience.
Look like that's it. After changing the settings, restart your phone.

Increase the volume when talking.

The process is done through the service menu of MTK phones.
Login in two ways.
1. In the dialer, dial *#*#3646633#*#*
2. Install the Mobileuncle Tools program. It has the first menu - entrance to the engineer. MTK phone mode. Prog is more convenient, because you don’t need to type a bunch of numbers, but I selected the values ​​half a day (or rather half a night) with the phone rebooting.
Call volume: (speaker)
Go to the engineering menu (dial the combination on the telephone display) *#*#3646633#*#*
Let's go to AUDIO. A list appears:

1.1. Normal Mode
1.2. Headset Mode
1.3. LoudSpeaker Mode - setting the loudspeaker mode (the same Handfree mode?)
1.4. Speech Enhancement
1.5. Debug Info
1.6. Speech Logger (Keeping a Conversation Log, apparently).
1.7. Audio logger is an audio logger (software for recording audio) with the ability to quickly search, play and save.
2. Select the mode you need.
Normal Mode, (if you need to increase the volume of the speaker and microphone).
You will see a menu with four positions, where the first item is the profile number.
***NO FIR Selected***
A list appears in the drop-down menu:
FIR 0~5
2.1. Sip tone (?)
2.2. Microphone (Microphone volume)
2.3. Speech (Speaker volume)
2.4. Side Tone (?)
2.5. Media
Level 0~6
Value is 0~255 (0~160)
Max Vol. 0~160
We leave FIR 0 and do not touch it. Let's go below to the following parameters.
First we set up the overall volume modulation.
Select Type: Media
then below in the Max Vol. 0~160 set the volume value to 160 and press Set.
Next, select Vol parameter values ​​for speaker volume.
Select Type: Sph
Next there will be a list of Level - these are signal levels. To make it clear, there are 7 levels, and each corresponds to one “click” of the volume rocker, which is on the side of the phone. When you use this rocker when talking, you essentially cycle through these signal levels sequentially. Those. Level 0 is the quietest position of the rocker, Level 6 is the loudest.
The volume value for each Level is in the Value is (0~160) cell:
That's what needs to be changed. Changing is simple - erase the old value, enter a new one and press the Set button (next to the cell).

Level 0 - 90 Set
Level 1 - 100 Set
Level 2 - 110 Set
Level 3 - 120 Set
Level 4 - 130 Set
Level 5 - 140 Set
Level 6 - 160 Set
Max Vol parameter values. We have already changed 0~160 earlier.

Call volume: (microphone)

To adjust the microphone volume, select Type:Mic.
Vol parameter values ​​for microphone volume.
Warning! Make a note of the factory numbers before changing!
Level 0 - 255 Set
Level 1 - 255 Set
Level 2 - 255 Set
Level 3 - 240 Set
Level 4 - 240 Set
Level 5 - 230 Set
Level 6 - 220 Set
After that they began to hear me better.
For the changes to take effect on the phone, you need to do a restart (Reboot) by removing the battery.
There is no need to go to any more points. This solution helped me. Perhaps other numbers will be more correct for you. But on mine (ZOPO ZP900 20120829-113139 Firmware out of the box) this solved the audibility problem.

Now, as for Speech Enchancement, on the Chinese phone forums, for clarity of speech, they advise changing the following parameters: in Speech Enchancement, select - Normal Mode, Parameter 6, change the value from 400 to 1. To be honest, I didn’t feel a difference, maybe your hearing is more musical and You will notice the difference, and maybe for my model it is necessary to change another Parameter. Still, the Speech Enchancement parameter is interesting and worth tinkering with. Maybe someone has some experience. This solution didn't help me.

====Increase the sound recording volume when shooting video - engineering menu > audio > loud speaker mode > mic - value 160 (for me) change at ALL 7 level to - 255 with confirmation (set). Reboot the device and try.

If they can’t hear you well or, on the contrary, you can’t hear you well on the phone

Volume 0 - 255
Volume 1 - 235
Volume 2 - 215
Volume 3 - 205
Volume 4 - 195
Volume 5 - 185
Volume 6 - 175

Sound - TV and FM volume

In each of the items (Speech, Melody, etc.) there is a final item “16 Level Setting”. It has 2 parameters: Max Analog Gain and Step. This is for setting 16-step volume control of the audio player in the appropriate mode (Normal, Headphones, etc.)
Max Analog Gain is the maximum volume of the audio player. Step is the step to decrease the volume (from maximum) when you press the rocker. Thus, if for example Max Analog Gain=160, Step=10, then the volume will change from maximum (160) to zero. If Max Analog Gain=160, Step=5, then the volume will be from 160 to 80.
These parameters are duplicated in all items (Speech, Melody, etc.); it is enough to set them in one item.
P.S. Their influence on the volume of the video player was not noticed (although there is also 16-step regulation)

Enabling automatic call recording:
Engineering menu-Audio-Auto Record Setting-Auto Speech Record
Recording occurs in accordance with the settings of "Multimedia-Sound Recorder"

Model: Fly-Ying F008, but probably suitable for others.

I'll try to suggest the basic principles of setting up sound in the engineering menu.
On the same phones, but with different firmware versions, the engineering menu may be slightly different. I describe it using the V800i engineering menu as an example.
We enter the engineering menu by entering the appropriate code. For V800 and V800i *#9646633#
Go to the Audio menu. By default, the audio settings use three modes:
- normal mode - the main mode of using the phone
- loudspeaker mode - hands-free mode
- headphone mode - headset mode
We choose the sound in which mode annoys us. For example, we don't like the microphone sensitivity in “Normal Mode”. Go to the menu “Normal mode” - “Microphone”. We observe the menu items “Volume 0” - “Volume 1” - “Volume 2” - “Volume 3” - “Volume 4” - “Volume 5” - “Volume 6”. These menu items determine the microphone signal level at various settings of the overall phone volume, which, if necessary, is adjusted by the phone volume rocker. Now, by changing the values ​​in each of the 7 points, you can customize the phone for yourself. The basic principle is “The higher the volume of the speaker, the lower the sensitivity of the microphone” (if there is noise outside, the volume of the speaker is higher to hear the interlocutor and the sensitivity of the microphone is lower, to reduce the transmission of external noise, and vice versa - in a quiet room, with a quiet sound from the speaker, You can increase the sensitivity of the microphone so as not to raise your voice). The minimum value of these parameters is 0, the maximum is 255. I.e. set type settings:
Volume 0 - 255
Volume 1 - 235
Volume 2 - 215
Volume 3 - 205
Volume 4 - 195
Volume 5 - 185
Volume 6 - 175
These are not specific values. This is the principle. Specific values ​​may depend on the characteristics of your microphone. Parameter values ​​are selected using the volume rocker. Then “Install”. Excessive sensitivity of the microphone leads to an echo effect when the interlocutor hears himself. The volume of other audio devices is adjusted in the same way as the microphone:
Speech - speaker level in talk mode
Keyboard tone - the volume of the signal when pressing keys
Melody - ringing tone volume
Sound - TV and FM volume
Similar to Normal mode - values ​​for Loudspeaker Mode and Headphone Mode are set.


Advice on improving energy saving, combating network “jerks”.

The cellular communication system is designed in such a way that the mobile phone constantly searches for the “best option” - it continuously scans the radio air, finds cellular stations (“towers”), communicates with them, analyzes the signal strength of each station, and switches to the station with the best parameters. Regular GSM the phone can operate on 4 radio frequencies, assembled in two pairs: “900MHz + 1800MHz” and “850MHz + 1900MHz”. The first pair is allowed for use in Europe (including Russia), the second pair is used, for example, in America. By default, the GSM phone constantly scans all 4 radio frequencies in search of a signal from cellular stations. But for example, in Russia there is no cellular radio signal at the frequencies “850MHz + 1900MHz” (they are used/reserved for other purposes), and precious electricity is spent on analyzing these frequencies. - literally wasted.
In many phones (including Android ones) there are ways to call the so-called “Engineering Menu” - a program that allows you to change the phone’s hardware settings. In this menu, you can disable the operation of the phone's radio module with frequencies that are not used in the country where you are located. For Russia this is a pair of frequencies “850MHz + 1900MHz”.
Open the “Engineering menu”, a menu will appear on a black background, find and select the “BandMode” item, there will be a menu with one item “SIM1” (for single-SIM phones), or with two items “SIM1” and “SIM2” ( for dual-SIM phones). You need to enter each item, uncheck the “GSM850” and “PCS1900” items, and then press the “SET” button.
For phones supporting UMTS (3G), it is also recommended to turn off the “WCDMA-800”, “WCDMA-CLR-850”, “WCDMA-PCS-1900” items that are not used in Russia, and do not forget to press “SET”.
And if you do not use the UMTS mode (there is a GSM SIM card in this slot), you can disable all the “WCDMA-*” items, leaving “WCDMA-IMT-2000” as the most economical in terms of power consumption (the phone does not allow you to completely disable all the checkboxes , at least for me - that’s how it is). Also go to the item "RAT Mode" -> "SIM1", and switch the radio module "Set preferred network type:" to the "GSM Only" operating mode.
Everything is done at your own peril and risk!

Select the item "Network Selecting" -> in the drop-down list select "GSM/WCDMA (auto)". If “GSM/WCDMA (WCDM preffered)” is selected in the engineering menu (this is the default), then GSM signal failures are observed. When GSM/WCDMA (WCDM preffered) is selected in the settings, the phone automatically selects the network mode, but with an emphasis on WCDMA. Hence the GSM signal failures, because the phone always gives priority to WCDMA networks.
Also in the “BandMode” item I removed the “extra” “850MHz + 1900MHz”.

Instructions for restoring IMEI (this method is suitable for almost all MTK devices)

IMEI check: *#06#

1. The first thing you need to do is go to the MTK engineering menu.
To do this, we need to install the Mobileuncltools program, since the login code for the engineer. menu *#*#3646633#*#* does not work on our device

® Mobileuncle MTK Tools

We launch the program, click Engineer mode - MTK engineer mode, and get into the engineering menu.
2. Rewrite IMEI (remove the back cover and rewrite the value)
3. In the engineering menu, look for CDS Information - Radio Information - Phone 1. CDS Information may be on the second tab, i.e. you need to swipe from right to left.
4. Enter the command in the line AT+EGMR=1,7, "imei". imei is IMEI rewritten in step 2 Click Send AT command
5. In the engineering menu, look for CDS Information - Radio Information - Phone 2
6. Enter the command in the line AT+EGMR=1,10, "imei". imei is the same IMEI, rewritten in step 2 Click Send AT command
7. Reboot the phone and check the IMEI: *#06#
8. If the IMEI is in place, then everything is ready.

Just in case, video instructions for changing IMEI from another phone, but the principle is the same. The only difference is that they enter the engineering menu not through the Mobileuncltools program, but directly through the code for entering the engineering menu, which does not work on our device. And the second point is that their engineering menu is slightly different; to find CDS Information we need to go to the second tab (swipe from right to left).