The best scanning program for Android. Free Scanner for Smartphone - Where to Download and How to Use

Do you urgently need to scan a document, but don’t have a scanner at hand? Now everything is simple! Use an Android app to help you create electronic copies of documents, archive and organize them, and send them by email. CamScanner is an ideal multi-document management software that is suitable for use at home, office, school, and other institutions.

Working with the CamScanner application

The working window is represented by two zones. The main area is reserved for starting a new scan. On the side there is a panel with the names of the tags to which this or that scanned document can be attributed. The last item in the sidebar is the tag customizer, where you can remove a tag that you do not need, thereby customizing the application as much as possible.

In the upper right corner there are icons for search and additional settings. The settings menu is rich in all kinds of functions. Here you can configure the scanning itself, set automatic processing of the resulting scan, and specify the path to save the document. Settings also include the ability to synchronize with other devices, as well as the cloud, where you can store scanned documents. All images are saved in JPG or PDF format.

How to scan?

On the main working area, press the “Capture” button with the camera icon. Next, you have two choices: either take a photo of the document and then process it, or open an existing document from the gallery and process it. If you nevertheless decide to photograph a document or any part of it, simply point the camera at the object you are interested in and take a photograph. The program itself will determine the recommended boundaries, which you can agree with, or set your own.

CamScanner will crop the photo, which can be adjusted using the settings button. After saving, the document is displayed in the main work area of ​​the application.

When scanning, you can select Batch Mode to take photos of multiple documents that are saved automatically, with the ability to edit them later. In this case, a document consisting of several pages is created.

All scanned documents can be renamed, assigned to a group, assigned a tag, and a shortcut added to the desktop of your smartphone. The document can be printed, sent by fax, and also added to cloud drives, where documents will be stored for an unlimited amount of time.


Thus, this program for Android is indispensable when working with documents, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by students, schoolchildren, and people whose professional activities involve conducting negotiations and drawing up protocols. Now the mini scanner is always with you!

A smartphone is a multitasking device. The combination of different ways of interacting with reality and the Internet at the same time makes it a kind of portal. Real things in it acquire a virtual essence, and in a second they are already somewhere in our cloud storage, delighting our friend or work colleague. Today I will tell you how your smartphone/tablet can replace a document scanner, which, unlike a mobile device, is not always at hand.

1. Method one - “it couldn’t be simpler”

The simplest method of work that does not require any special actions looks like this. We install the client application of one of the “cloud storages” (for example, or). Turn on the “Camera” mode and that’s it. This is what it looks like in Yandex.Disk.

Now, as soon as we bring any document to the eye of our camera, it will immediately appear first in the pictures folder on the mobile device. And in a second it can be seen in the “cloud” and on all devices that are connected to it.

When you enable the “Camera” or “Auto-upload photos” modes in cloud storage clients, do not forget to specify the “Only via Wi-Fi” option so that you don’t have problems later when analyzing mobile traffic costs!

As I have written more than once, in mobile applications, developers pick up any interesting idea and develop it to a degree that was difficult for us to imagine at the beginning. Let's see what we managed to extract from the simple idea of ​​using a mobile device as a scanner.

2. Mobile Doc Scanner Lite

In principle, the operation of the Mobile Doc Scanner Lite program does not differ very much from the method described above. Only the work with the camera has been improved - it is optimized specifically for working with documents.

In such applications, the snapshot and scan process is separated. This allows you to eliminate problems with the camera. You can specify the area that you think contains the information. This will reduce the file size and eliminate artifacts such as bindings or fragments of other pages of the document that accidentally fell into the frame.

The application can work with Google cloud printer directly. It can also compress the resulting image into a zip archive.

Of course, no one will stop you from transferring the page to the recipient via email or cloud storage (“Transfer Page”).

The application also implements a batch scanning mode, which will be convenient if you want to scan several pages of the same size at once. For example, a book or other multi-page document.

“Spy” mode will reduce the time it takes to photograph a document. In this case, the scanning will be done later, for example, in the quiet environment of your office or home.

3. CamScanner

The CamScanner application is suitable for those who have a lot of document scans. Especially for such users, this program will offer intelligent automatic detection of page boundaries and even correct perspective distortions that inevitably arise, for example, when scanning book sheets. The program also allows you to organize all scans into groups to speed up the search for what you need.

Otherwise, the functionality of the application is very similar to the described Mobile Doc Scanner Lite and differs only in certain interface solutions.

The presence of powerful smartphones requires us to make fuller use of their capabilities, and can also, in some cases, make once absolutely necessary flatbed scanners unnecessary. The steps described above will allow you to easily scan and send documents and entire books to your cloud storage, if you have the patience.

Hi all!
Today I want to introduce you to one mega-cool program that will turn any mobile device into free document scanner! I use it all the time myself and have already turned many of my friends on to it - this is a universal application for smartphones and tablets, CamScanner. Similar programs for smartphones several, but the main advantage of this one is cross-platform. That is, this is a scanner for Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8, and even from a desktop PC you can go and view your scanned documents via the Internet.

The operating principle of the CamScanner program is very simple.

  1. You install an application on your smartphone
  2. Then you upload an image into it - either by selecting it from the gallery of already captured images, or by photographing it right there with the camera.
  3. Next, using one of the specified methods, this image is processed and converted into PDF format.
  4. And finally, when the smartphone is connected to the Internet, this document is uploaded to a cloud service. Thus, you get access to it from any phone on which this program is installed, or from a computer through the program’s website.

Registration in the service

In order to access documents from any device, you need to create an account on the website or after installing the application directly on your phone.

The registration process is very simple - enter your email and password, and then confirm registration from your mailbox. We remember this data and then enter it for authorization on all phones and tablets on which you install the scanner.

In the free version, 200 MB of disk space in the cloud is allocated for your files, but for a small fee you can expand it up to 10 GB.

Installing the Android scanner

You can download the scanner for free on Android either from PlayMarket or from the same site in the “Download App” section. Below are QR codes with download links for supported platforms.

After installation, log in or register, after which the program will download the files in your account to your phone. In order to add a new document, click on the button in the form of a camera and take a photo of the page we need to scan. In this case, lighting does not play a role - the brighter it is, the better, of course, but if we are talking about a black and white document, then the program can process photos very well and remove all unnecessary artifacts from the pages.

You can also add photos from those already in the phone’s memory - to do this, in the previous step you had to select the icon in the form of pictures in the menu.

After the image is added to the program, we are asked to select the area that we want to place in the PDF document. This is done by dragging the graphic guides with your finger. If we want to select the entire image, then click on the icon in the form of two diagonal arrows.

You can also rotate the image in any direction. After applying the changes, click on the check mark.

In the next step, select the photo processing mode. Since I most often use the Android scanner to save black and white documents to PDF, I most often use either "grayscale" or "black and white".

Applying the changes. Next, you can give the document a name and perform a few more actions available in the lower menu. The most necessary of them is converting a document into PDF format, which can then be opened on any computer or tablet.

Open the document

Now our file will be uploaded to the cloud and will become available to other devices. For example, on the iPad, for which there is also a separate version of the program. You can download a free scanner for iOS in the AppStore. Creating a document on Apple smartphones occurs in a similar way, but the application has a slightly different interface - you will see the whole process in more detail in the video.

But you can also view downloaded files from a regular computer or laptop through the program’s website. There, similarly, you will need to log in, after which a list of all the documents you have will open. Here you can also download, edit or delete them, just like on your phone.

Code scanner

Another useful function built into the CamScanner program is a code scanner (QR code). To activate it, in the main program window, after clicking on the “camera” icon, open the corresponding tab in the bottom menu.

The scanner is activated. To read it, we point the camera at the code and receive the message encrypted in it.

In general, the service is very useful, and most importantly, this scanner is free!
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