Which type of monitor matrix is ​​better? Types of monitor matrices TN, IPS (PLS, AHVA, H-IPS, etc.) PVA (S-PVA, SVA), VA (MVA, S-MVA, AMVA)

Details Igor Rybachuk Questions and answers

To answer the question which matrix is ​​better, VA or IPS, you need to clearly understand your scenarios for using the TV. The same type of matrix will look better in some conditions and noticeably worse in other conditions.

These matrices have different pixel structures, due to which they have strengths and weaknesses.

For example, a VA matrix has a significantly higher native contrast - 2000-6000:1. Which gives a more voluminous image, especially in dark scenes. And a deeper black color, which is important for the perception of films. The negative side of the VA matrix is ​​poor viewing angles horizontally and, especially vertically. Horizontally, the shades will be distorted; vertically, the detail in the shadows will be distorted. The general trend is towards lighter shades.

The IPS matrix has wide viewing angles, the pixels are oriented in such a way that the light is scattered to the sides. But because of this, the contrast suffers (usually 700-1300:1) and the black level is only sufficient for viewing in a well-lit room. In a darkened room, the sensitivity of the eyes to the perception of details in the shadows increases and “black” becomes gray.

Thus, we can highlight several subpoints for the optimal use of such matrices in televisions.

Matrix VA or IPS - which is better for a TV?

If the TV is primarily for cinema. Viewing in the dark or with low light, or, conversely, in a very bright room. In this case, the movie will be watched directly in front of the screen - the best option would be a TV with a VA matrix (if we are talking only about LCD technology)

If the use of TV is more universal, often with lighting, but not too bright, IPS will be more interesting due to wider viewing angles. Such a TV does not have to be optimally positioned in height in front of the viewer - it is less demanding on the place where it will be located.

VA or IPS matrix - which is better for a monitor?

If you use a TV as a monitor, you need to clearly define the emphasis - will the TV be used for working with graphics and video or is it just a large universal screen.

In the first case, you definitely need IPS. Moreover, it is “correct” when each pixel has three color subpixels.

IPS RGBW example:

In this case, the brightness on white, all other things being equal, is higher on TV, but the color gamut is lower (one of the color subpixels is replaced by white) and, most importantly, because pixels are organized not in columns, but in honeycombs; it is impossible to get straight lines one pixel wide. IPS RGBW is used in budget 4k LG TVs. However, it may also occur in other brands.

In the second case –VA will be more interesting, because higher contrast, black depth, and viewing angles are often not important.

VA or IPS matrix - which is better for games?

In terms of pixel response, you need to look at specific models. In TVs, as a rule, budget IPS have a lower response and shorter cable lengths.

But the lack of a good anti-reflective filter, weak contrast and spotty Direct backlight are not encouraging. Again, there are exceptions everywhere.

In terms of the image as a whole - if you play with lighting, before you used TN or IPS matrices - you can take IPS.

If you play with weak light in the dark or without it at all, ideally an OLED, or at least a VA matrix. Dark scenes will look better on these panels.

Which matrix is ​​better - TN or IPS?

TN matrix structure:

At the moment, such matrices are used very rarely in TV and in small diagonals. There is only one advantage of such a matrix - its low cost. In modern realities, it is better to avoid these matrices.

In this article, we did not discuss anti-glare filters, pixel response, backlight types, how it works in terms of flickering, etc. – all this can be found out in more detail on our

Oddly enough, choosing a high-quality display for a computer monitor or laptop can only be done experimentally. This article will help you understand the parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing a monitor or laptop.

How to choose a laptop monitor or display with ideal characteristics?

A high-quality display has a huge advantage in multimedia tasks on a PC, and in relation to a laptop it’s half the difference. Take a look at this short list of display issues to watch out for when purchasing a new mobile computer or PC monitor:

  • low brightness and contrast characteristics
  • small viewing angles
  • glare

Replacing a laptop screen is more difficult than buying a new monitor for a desktop computer, not to mention installing a new LCD matrix in a mobile computer, which cannot be done in all cases, so selecting a laptop screen should be approached with full responsibility.

Let me remind you once again that you cannot believe the promises of advertising materials of retail chains and computer manufacturers. Having finished reading mobile computer monitor and display selection guide, you can find difference between TN matrix and IPS matrix, evaluate the contrast, determine the required brightness level and other important parameters of the liquid crystal screen. You'll save time and money searching for a PC monitor and laptop display by choosing a quality LCD screen instead of a mediocre one.

Which is better: IPS or TN matrix?

The screens of laptops, ultrabooks, tablets and other portable computers typically use two types of LCD panels:

  • IPS (In-Plane Switching)
  • TN (Twisted Nematic)

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it is worth considering that they are intended for different consumer groups. Let's find out which type of matrix is ​​right for you.

IPS displays: excellent color reproduction

Displays based on IPS matrices have the following advantages:

  • large viewing angles - regardless of the side and angle of human view, the image will not fade and will not lose color saturation
  • excellent color reproduction - IPS displays reproduce RGB colors without distortion
  • have a fairly high contrast.

If you are going to do pre-production or video editing, you will need a device with this type of screen.

Disadvantages of IPS technology compared to TN:

  • long pixel response time (for this reason, displays of this type are less suitable for dynamic 3D games).
  • monitors and mobile computers with IPS panels tend to be more expensive than models with screens based on TN matrices.

TN displays: inexpensive and fast

Liquid crystal displays are currently the most widely used matrices made using TN technology. Their advantages include:

  • low cost
  • low power consumption
  • response time.

TN screens perform well in dynamic games - for example, first-person shooters (FPS) with fast scene changes. Such applications require a screen with a response time of no more than 5 ms (for IPS matrices it is usually longer). Otherwise, various kinds of visual artifacts may be observed on the display, such as trails from fast-moving objects.

If you want to use it on a monitor or laptop with a stereo screen, it is also better for you to give preference to a TN matrix. Some displays of this standard are capable of updating the image at a speed of 120 Hz, which is a necessary condition for the operation of active stereo glasses.

From disadvantages of TN displays It is worth highlighting the following:

  • TN panels have limited viewing angles
  • mediocre contrast
  • are not capable of displaying all colors in the RGB space, so they are not suitable for professional image and video editing.

Very expensive TN panels, however, do not have some of the characteristic disadvantages and are close in quality to good IPS screens. For example, the Apple MacBook Pro with Retina uses a TN matrix, which is almost as good as IPS displays in terms of color rendering, viewing angles and contrast.

If no voltage is applied to the electrodes, the liquid crystals lined up do not change the plane of polarization of the light, and it does not pass through the front polarizing filter. When voltage is applied, the crystals rotate 90°, the plane of polarization of light changes, and it begins to pass through.

When no voltage is applied to the electrodes, the liquid crystal molecules arrange themselves in a helical structure and change the polarization plane of the light so that it passes through the front polarizing filter. If voltage is applied, the crystals will be arranged linearly and light will not pass through.

How to distinguish IPS from TN

If you like a monitor or laptop, but the technical characteristics of the display are not known, then you should look at its screen from different angles. If the image becomes dull and its colors are greatly distorted, you have a monitor or mobile computer with a mediocre TN display. If, despite all your efforts, the picture has not lost its colors, this monitor has a matrix made using IPS technology or high-quality TN.

Attention: avoid laptops and monitors with matrices, which show strong color distortion at high angles. For games, choose a computer monitor with an expensive TN display; for other tasks, it is better to give preference to an IPS matrix.

Important parameters: monitor brightness and contrast

Let's consider two more important display parameters:

  • maximum brightness level
  • contrast.

There's no such thing as too much brightness

To work indoors with artificial lighting, a display with a maximum brightness level of 200–220 cd/m2 (candelas per square meter) is sufficient. The lower the value of this setting, the darker and dimmer the image on the display will be. I do not recommend buying a mobile computer with a screen whose maximum brightness level does not exceed 160 cd/m2. For comfortable work outdoors on a sunny day, you will need a screen with a brightness of at least 300 cd/m2. In general, the brighter the display, the better.

When purchasing, you should also check the uniformity of the screen backlight. To do this, you should reproduce a white or dark blue color on the screen (this can be done in any graphics editor) and make sure that there are no light or dark spots over the entire surface of the screen.

Static and staggered contrast

Maximum static screen contrast level is the ratio of the brightness of successively displayed black and white colors. For example, a contrast ratio of 700:1 means that when outputting white, the display will be 700 times brighter than when outputting black.

However, in practice, the picture is almost never completely white or black, so for a more realistic assessment, the concept of checkerboard contrast is used.

Instead of sequentially filling the screen with black and white colors, a test pattern is displayed on it in the form of a black and white chessboard. This is a much more difficult test for displays because, due to technical limitations, you cannot turn off the backlight under the black rectangles while simultaneously illuminating the white ones at maximum brightness. A good checkerboard contrast for LCD displays is considered to be 150:1, and an excellent contrast is 170:1.

The higher the contrast, the better. To evaluate it, display a chess table on your laptop display and check the depth of black and brightness of white.

Matte or glossy screen

Probably many people paid attention to the difference in matrix coverage:

  • matte
  • glossy

The choice depends on where and for what purposes you plan to use the monitor or laptop. Matte LCD displays have a rough matrix coating that does not reflect external light well, so they do not glare in the sun. Obvious disadvantages include the so-called crystalline effect, which manifests itself in a slight haze of the image.

The glossy finish is smooth and better reflects light emitted from external sources. Glossy displays tend to be brighter and more contrasty than matte displays, and colors appear richer on them. However, such screens have glare, which leads to premature fatigue during long periods of work, especially if the display has insufficient brightness.

Screens with a glossy matrix coating and having insufficient brightness reserves reflect the surrounding environment, which leads to premature fatigue of the user.

Touch screen and resolution

Windows 8 was the first Microsoft operating system that had a huge impact on the development of mobile computer screens, in which the optimization of the graphical shell for touch screens is clearly visible. Leading developers produce laptops (ultrabooks and hybrids) and all-in-one PCs with touchscreens. The cost of such devices is usually higher, but they are also more convenient to manage. However, you will have to accept that the screen will quickly lose its presentable appearance due to greasy fingerprint marks, and wipe it regularly.

The smaller the screen and the higher its resolution, the greater the number of dots that form the image per unit area and the higher its density. For example, a 15.6-inch display with a resolution of 1366x768 pixels has a density of 100 ppi.

Attention! Do not buy monitors with screens with a dot density of less than 100 dpi, as they will show visible grain in the image.

Before Windows 8, high pixel density did more harm than good. Small fonts were very difficult to see on the small, high-resolution screen. Windows 8 has a new system for adapting to screens with different densities, so now the user can choose a laptop computer with the diagonal and display resolution that he deems necessary. The exception is for video game fans, as running games at ultra-high resolutions will require a powerful graphics card.

Fundamentals of monitoring. Matrix types: IPS

Quite a long time had passed since the creation of the first liquid crystal monitor, when the world realized that this could not continue - the quality produced by TN technology was clearly not enough. Those innovations that were designed to correct the shortcomings of TN matrices (discussed in detail in previous articles) only partially saved the situation. Therefore, by the mid-90s of the last century, an active search began for new solutions that could take the quality of LCD monitors to a fundamentally new level.

It just so happens in the world of technology that some are looking for solutions to emerging problems by upgrading existing developments, while others are not afraid to start from scratch. The proud Japanese, under the auspices, looked at all this noise for a long time, then sighed, rolled up their sleeves and in 1996 showed the world their own development, devoid of the disadvantages of TN technology. She was named IPS (In-Plane Switching), which can be translated as “switching in the plane.” It differed from the standard TN matrix in that, firstly, the crystals in the matrix were not twisted, but were located parallel to each other in the same plane (hence the name). And secondly, both contacts for supplying voltage were located on the same side of the cell.

Schematic representation of a cell in an IPS matrix

What was the result? In IPS matrices, in the absence of voltage, light did not pass through the polarizers, therefore, unlike TN technology, the black color here was precisely black. The first versions were distinguished by one more feature - when looking at the screen from the side, the black color gave a purple tint (later this problem was solved). When turned off, the matrix did not transmit light, so now if a pixel failed, then, unlike TN matrices, not a luminous dot appeared, but a black one. In addition, the quality of color rendering has increased by an order of magnitude.

But, as usually happens in such cases, the solution to old problems gave rise to new ones. Due to the peculiarities of the “design”, in order to rotate the crystals, it began to take much more time, and accordingly, the matrix became much “slower”. Further, since both contacts were placed on one side, this reduced the usable area (slightly, but nonetheless), which, in turn, led to a decrease in the brightness and contrast of panels created using this technology.

But that's not all. Energy consumption has also increased - both due to technical solutions and due to the use of more powerful lighting sources. As a result, the price of these matrices is quite high.

In any case, the image quality has become much higher, which has allowed several companies to actively rush in search of upgrades in order to reduce “harmful” parameters and improve benefits. Simultaneously with Hitachi, they began to use this same technology in (only they called it Super Fine TFT, or S.F.T.).

Already in 1998, Hitachi upgraded IPS matrices, reducing response time. The technology, which was called S-IPS, were immediately adopted by such giants as . It is worth noting that today it is in the IPS direction that there are the most modifications that have gone far from the original version. And although the general points regarding these matrices remain, in many modifications some parameters have been greatly improved.

What is important when choosing a monitor? Resolution, screen diagonal, refresh rate, response time? Undoubtedly, but it is also important to decide which matrix is ​​needed, because a number of characteristics that directly influence the choice depend on its type. In some cases, the requirements are the same, for which certain monitors are suitable. In other cases, different characteristics are required, and some screens will definitely have to be excluded from the selection. What types of monitor matrices exist, how they differ, what are their differences - we’ll talk about this.

Modern monitors

Gone are CRT displays made using a vacuum tube (kinescope). They were bulky, heavy, and, naturally, absolutely not suitable for use in mobile technology. They have been replaced by monitors whose screens are made of liquid crystals, hence the name LCD displays, or in foreign words – LCD (Liquid Crystal Displays).

I won’t go into detail about the advantages and disadvantages, they are known, and not so important now, that’s not what we’re talking about today. You need to understand what types of matrices are used in monitors, what is their difference, in which cases it is more reasonable to use one type and in which – another.

TN (Twisted Nematic)

One of the oldest types of matrices, still relevant and used. Currently, a modified version of it, labeled TN+film, is used. Its popularity is based on two main advantages: speed (low response time and latency) and low price. Indeed, a response time of about 1 ms is par for the course.

Even the shortcomings inherent in this screen manufacturing technology cannot put it to rest. And there are enough minuses. These include small viewing angles, poor color rendering, low contrast, and insufficient black depth. Although, if the screen is located directly in front of the owner’s eyes, then the problem with viewing angles somewhat reduces its severity.

The situation is also worsened by the fact that different matrices from different manufacturers can seriously differ from each other. If expensive gaming laptop models or gaming monitors can have a quite passable screen, then in budget devices the display quality can be very mediocre.

How it works

The screen itself is a “sandwich” of two polarizing filters, between which there are electrodes on transparent substrates on both sides of the screen, two metal plates and, in the middle, a layer of liquid crystals. A light filter is installed on the outside of the screen.

Grooves are applied to the glass plates, and in a mutually perpendicular direction, which sets the initial orientation of the crystals. Thanks to this arrangement of grooves, the liquid crystals are twisted into a spiral, which is where the name of the Twisted Nematic technology comes from.

If there is no voltage on the electrodes, then the crystals arranged in a spiral rotate the plane of polarization of the light so that it passes through the second (external) polarizing filter. If a voltage is applied to the electrons, then, depending on the level of this voltage, the liquid crystals unfold, changing the intensity of the passing light. At a certain voltage, the plane of polarization of the light will not change, and the second filter will completely absorb the light.

The presence of two electrodes improves energy efficiency, and partial rotation of the crystals has a beneficial effect on the performance of the matrix.

Due to the fact that in the absence of voltage the crystals transmit light, when defects occur in the matrix (“broken pixels”) they appear as a luminous white dot. In other technologies, such dots are dark.

You can identify the TN matrix “by eye” by looking at the switched-on screen at an angle. And the larger it (the angle) is, the more faded the colors will become, the less contrast the image will become. In some cases, it is even possible to invert colors.

IPS (In-Plane Switching)

Monitors with such a matrix are now the most common competitors to monitors with a TN screen. Almost all the shortcomings of the latter were overcome, unfortunately, sacrificing the advantages that the previous technology had. Monitors with an IPS matrix are a priori more expensive and have a longer response time. For gaming systems, this may be a significant argument for choosing TN.

But for those who professionally work with images, who need high-quality color rendition, a wide color gamut, monitors with such a matrix are the best choice. In addition, there are no problems with viewing angles; the black color is much more similar to black, and does not look like a certain shade of gray, as often happens on TN screens.

How it works

Between the two polarizing filters there is a layer of control microfilm transistors and a layer of liquid crystals having filters of three primary colors. The crystals are located along the plane of the screen.

The planes of polarization of the filters are perpendicular to each other, therefore, in the absence of voltage, light passing through the first filter and polarized in one plane is blocked by the second filter, producing deep blacks. By the way, this is why, if a “dead pixel” appears on the screen, it looks like a black dot, and not white, as is the case with TN matrices.

When voltage appears on the control electrodes, the crystals again rotate along the plane of the screen, transmitting light. This leads to one of the disadvantages of the technology - longer response time. This is due precisely to the need to rotate the entire array of crystals, which wastes time. But it provides viewing angles up to 178° and excellent color rendition.

There are also disadvantages to this technology. This is higher power consumption, since the location of the electrodes on only one side forced an increase in voltage to ensure rotation of the entire array of crystals. The lamps used are also more powerful than in the case of TN, which further increases energy consumption.

IPS options

The technology does not stand still; improvements are being made to it, which have significantly reduced response time and price. So, there are the following options for IPS matrices:

  • S-IPS (Super-IPS). Second generation of IPS technology. The screen has a slightly modified pixel structure; improvements have been made to reduce the response time, bringing this parameter closer to the characteristics of TN matrices.
  • AS-IPS (Advanced Super-IPS). The next improvement to IPS technology. The main goal was to increase the contrast of S-IPS panels and increase their transparency, becoming closer in this parameter to S-PVA.
  • H-IPS. The structure of the pixels has changed, the density of their placement has increased, which makes it possible to further increase the contrast and make the image more uniform.
  • H-IPS A-TW (Horizontal IPS with Advanced True Wide Polarizer). Developed by LG. It is based on an H-IPS panel, to which a TW (True White) color filter has been added, which has improved the white color. The use of polarizing film from NEC (Advanced True Wide Polarizer technology) made it possible to get rid of possible glare at large viewing angles (“glow effect”) and, at the same time, increase these angles. This type of matrix is ​​used in professional monitors.
  • IPS-Pro (IPS-Provectus). Developed by BOE Hydis. The interpixel distance has been reduced, viewing angles and brightness have been increased.
  • AFFS (Advanced Fringe Field Switching, sometimes called S-IPS Pro).
  • e-IPS (Enhanced IPS). An increase in light transmission has made it possible to use more economical and cheaper backlight lamps. The response time has decreased, reaching values ​​of 5 ms. Monitors with such matrices usually have a diagonal of up to 24 inches.
  • P-IPS (Professional IPS). Professional matrices with 30-bit color depth, an increased number of possible subpixel orientations (1024 versus 256 for the others), which improved color rendition.
  • AH-IPS (Advanced High Performance IPS). Matrices of this type are distinguished by the largest viewing angles, high brightness and contrast, and short response time.
  • A development from Samsung that makes improvements to the original IPS technology. The company did not disclose details, but it was possible to reduce power consumption and make the response time similar to S-IPS. True, the contrast has deteriorated somewhat, and the uniformity of illumination is not so smooth.

VA (Vertical Alignment)/MVA (Multi-Domain Vertical Alignment)

Technology developed by Fujitsu. In many ways, such screens occupy an intermediate position between TN and IPS options. Thus, viewing angles and color reproduction are better than TN, but worse than IPS. The same goes for response time. At the same time, their cost is lower than that of IPS.

How it works

The principle of operation follows from the name (or the name reflects the principle of operation of this technology). The crystals are located vertically, i.e., perpendicular to the substrate. In the absence of voltage, nothing interferes with the passage of light through the crystals, and a second polarizing filter completely blocks the light and provides deep blacks. This is one of the advantages of technology.

When voltage is applied, the crystals unfold, allowing color to pass through. In the first matrices the viewing angle was very small. This was corrected in a modified version of the technology - MVA, where several crystals were used, located one after another and deflecting synchronously.

VA/MVA options

There are several varieties of this technology, to the development of which different companies have had a hand:

  • PVA (Patterned Vertical Alignment). Samsung presented its version of the technology. Details have not been disclosed, but PVA has slightly better contrast and is slightly less expensive. In general, the options are very close and often no distinction is made between them, indicating MVA/PVA.
  • S-PVA (Super PVA). Joint development of Sony and Samsung. Improved viewing angles.
  • S-MVA (Super MVA). Developed by Chi Mei Optoelectronics/Innolux. In addition to increasing viewing angles, contrast has been improved.
  • A-MVA (Advanced MVA). Further development of S-MVA from AU Optronics. Managed to reduce response time.

This option of matrices is the optimal compromise between cheap, but with a lot of shortcomings, TN, and higher quality, but more expensive IPS. Perhaps the only drawback of MVA is the lack of color rendering as the viewing angle increases, especially in midtones. In everyday use this is practically unnoticeable, but professionals who work with images may have doubts about such matrices.

OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode)

A technology that is significantly different from those used today. The cost of matrices, especially large diagonals, and the complexity of production have so far prevented the widespread use of this technology in the production of monitors. Those models that exist are expensive and rare.

How it works

The technology is based on the use of carbon organic materials. When energized, they emit a certain color, and when not energized, they are completely inactive. This allows, firstly, to completely get rid of the backlight, and secondly, to provide an ideal depth of black color. After all, nothing glows or is filtered, therefore there can be no complaints about the black color.

OLED screens provide high brightness and contrast values, excellent viewing angles without distortion. Energy efficiency at a high level. The response speed is inaccessible even to TN matrices.

Still, a number of shortcomings are currently holding back the use of such screens. This includes a short operating time (screens are prone to “burn-in” - an effect that was inherent in plasma panels), a complex production process with a fairly large number of defects, which increases the cost of such matrices.

QD (Quantum Dots)

Another promising technology based on the use of quantum dots. At the moment, there are few monitors made using this technology, and they are not cheap. The technology makes it possible to overcome almost all the disadvantages inherent in all other versions of matrices used in displays. The only drawback is that the black depth does not reach the level of OLED screens.

How it works

The technology is based on the use of nanocrystals ranging in size from 2 to 10 nanometers. The difference in size is not accidental, because this is where the whole trick lies. When voltage is applied to them, they begin to emit light, with a certain wavelength (i.e., a certain color), which depends on the size of these crystals. The color also depends on the material from which the nanocrystals are made:

  • Red color – size 10 nm, alloy of cadmium, zinc and selenium.
  • Green color - size 6 nm, alloy of cadmium and selenium.
  • Blue color – size 3 nm, a compound of zinc and sulfur.

Blue LEDs are used as illumination, and quantum dots responsible for green and red colors are applied to the substrate, and these dots themselves are not ordered in any way. They are just mixed together. The blue light from the LED hitting them causes them to glow at a specific wavelength, forming a color.

This technology allows you to do without installing light filters, since the desired color has already been obtained in advance. This improves brightness and contrast, since it is possible to get rid of one of the layers that make up the screen.

Unlike OLED, black depth is slightly lower. The cost of such screens is still high.

Comparison of matrices made using different technologies

The table contains a brief comparison of the described types of matrices, from which it can be clear where certain types of screens are strong and where they are weak.

Response timeLowAverageAverageVery lowAverage
Viewing AnglesSmallGoodAverageExcellentExcellent
Color renditionOn a low levelgoodGood, slightly worse than IPSExcellentExcellent
Black depthLowGood-excellentExcellentExcellentSlightly worse than OLED

Conclusion. Types of monitor matrices - which ones to choose?

Not spoiled for choice, in most cases either TN or IPS screens are used. With the rare exception of any expensive, high-status devices, which use more expensive types of matrices.

Unless you can choose between average-quality displays “for every day” and higher quality ones, which are suitable for the office and will allow you to edit photos.

Users of regular monitors can choose whatever their heart desires and their finances allow. To save money, when it comes to games or office work, a monitor with a TN screen will do just fine.

A universal solution is a monitor with an IPS matrix, or, alternatively, MVA. Wide viewing angles, black color that looks more like real black, and excellent color rendition are guaranteed. The only question is cost and longer response time than TN. However, gaming monitors on such matrices perform excellently, and if the goal is to save money at all costs, then it’s definitely worth considering this option.

Well, professionals in general, in fact, have no alternatives. The choice is between just IPS and again IPS, but with some addition - IPS-Pro, H-IPS, etc.

Promising options are still poorly represented on the market, but if you really want to have something special, then why not?

For a long time I was tormented by the question: how do the images of modern monitors with TN, S-IPS, S-PVA, P-MVA matrices differ? My friend ne0 and I decided to compare.

For tests we took two 24"" monitors (unfortunately we didn't find anything on S-IPS:():
- on a cheap TN matrix Benq V2400W
- on a medium category P-MVA matrix Benq FP241W.

Candidate characteristics:

Benq V2400W

Matrix type: TN+Film
Inches: 24"
Permission: 1920x1200
Brightness: 250 cd/m2
Contrast: 1000:1
Response time: 5ms / 2ms GTG

Benq FP241W

Matrix type: P-MVA (AU Optronics)
Inches: 24"
Permission: 1920x1200
Brightness: 500 cd/m2
Contrast: 1000:1
Response time: 16ms / 6ms GTG

Trends in recent years

TN matrices (TN+film) improve color rendering, brightness and viewing angles.
*VA matrices (S-PVA/P-MVA) improve response time.

How far has the progress been?

Already now you can watch films on TN (TN+Film) matrices and work with color in editors.
Play games on *VA without motion blur.

But there are still differences.


The Benq V2400W (TN) has its initial color settings (RGB) set to almost maximum. At the same time, in terms of brightness (at maximum settings) it does not reach *VA (at medium settings). In comparisons with other TN monitors, they indicate that the V2400W’s brightness is lower than that of its competitors (alas, we couldn’t compare :)), but I can say with confidence that the brightness of *VA monitors will be higher than TN monitors.

In Benq FP241W (*VA), due to the brightness of the backlight, black is also bright. For TN, black remained completely black when we compared the on and off states of the monitors. This may be missing on other *VA models and present on the TN. (I'm waiting for comments verifying this statement :))

Black color *VA does not interfere with work at all and is associated with black (thanks to our adjusting eyes :) and a good contrast ratio of 1000:1 monitor). And the difference in black brightness is visible only in comparison (when one monitor is placed next to another).
Due to the high brightness, colors on *VA seem a little richer, and whites on *VA are whiter - on TN, it appears gray in comparison.
You yourself noticed this effect when, for example, you switched the color temperature on the monitor from 6500 to 9300, when your eyes were already accustomed to a different color temperature (probably most of the people here started changing the temperature :)). But when the eyes get used to it again, on TN the white becomes white again :), and the other temperature is either bluer or yellower.


Colors on TN and *VA monitors can be well calibrated (so that the grass is green, the sky is blue, and skin colors in photographs do not turn yellow).

On TN monitors, bright and dark colors close to each other are worse distinguished (for example, bright blue and white, on clouds, close to black (4-5%) and white (3-5%)). The differences in these colors also change depending on the viewing angle, turning negative or disappearing. But it seems that due to this, on TN monitors, black is truly black.

*VA shows the full spectrum of colors - with a good video card and settings, all color gradients from 1 to 254 are visible, regardless of the viewing angle.

Photos looked good on both monitors and had fairly rich colors.

Both monitors have 16.7 million colors (not 16.2, like some TNs) - gradients looked identical without color “misses”.

Viewing Angles

The first main difference between TN and *VA is the viewing angles of the monitors.

If you look at the TN monitor directly in the center, then from the top and bottom the screen begins to slightly distort (darken) the colors. This is noticeable on bright colors and dark colors - dark colors become black, and bright colors turn gray. On the left and right, the darkening from the corner is noticeably much less - which most likely pushes manufacturers to make monitors with large diagonals wide :). Plus, because of this effect, some colors begin to fade into others and merge.
It is difficult to look at a TN monitor from above and especially from below - low-contrast colors are distorted, become faded, inverted and merge very much.

On *VA monitors, color distortions (or rather brightness) are also present. If you look at the monitor in the center at a distance of less than 40 cm, then the white color shows slight fading at the corners of the monitor (see picture), which covers about 2-3% of the corners. Colors are not distorted. That is, if you look at the monitor from the widest angle, the picture will not lose its colors, it will just be a little brightened.
Due to the lack of distortion, *VA monitors are made to rotate 90 degrees.

Watching video on TN from the sofa is possible, but it must be directed exactly at the viewers (vertically). With *VA there are no problems with turning the screen towards the viewer; the film can be viewed from almost any angle. Distortions are not significant.

Response time

The second main difference is response time. Former.
Already now, overdrive systems are moving at full speed - and if earlier this played a major role, now it has faded into the background.

TN monitors are leaders in this area and are considered the best for gamers. The trails on them have not been seen for quite some time. In the photographs, the square flying into the corner doubled.

*VA monitors look at the TN heels. Having played Team Fortress 2, W3 Dota, Fallout 3, no distortion or blurred trails (blur effect) were noticed. Watching the video was also a success. In the photographs, the square flying into the corner tripled in size.

Visually, in the test, if you look closely, the running square on the *VA matrix had only a 1.1 times larger loop.

What would I choose?

If you are trying to choose between S-IPS or *VA matrices and don't know what to choose, then I recommend *VA, which you will be very happy with. *VA is great for working with color - pay 2 times more for the name of the matrix and large viewing angles of S-IPS, compared to *VA is not worth it - the difference in quality is not worth the money.

For gaming, office/Internet work, viewing photos, simple editing of pictures, photos and videos, and watching movies alone, the TN is perfect. Even with the necessary skill + specific SuperBright (Video) modes, you can watch movies on TN on the couch with minor, imperceptible color distortions (oh, why do they need a movie :)).

For processing photographs, working with color in videos (you can edit them in the right places on TN, right?), drawing on a tablet, *VA is better suited. As a bonus, it’s great for watching movies while lounging in a chair (high brightness helps). And playing and doing Internet/office work on it is just as convenient as on TN.

P.s. After purchasing *VA, I immediately noticed a purple gradient on the “Welcome screen” in Windows XP at the bottom left :), which I didn’t notice on old TNs.