What kind of nickname can you come up with? How to come up with a nickname: creative ideas

Come up with a nickname for your loved one - . Following in the footsteps of the authors of numerous “ten-way” publications, I decided to depict something in the same style.

1. Have you seen the pianist? Well, make yourself the same inspired face (you’ll have to tense up, what can you do, this is important!), raise your hands, relax your fingers and gracefully, one by one, lower them onto the keyboard. Repeat until the desired result is obtained. They claim that an abstract monkey, hitting randomly on the keys of a typewriter for an indefinitely long time, will sooner or later print any predetermined text. What's worse about you?

2. Remember your childhood - school, kindergarten - what was your name then? What about your friends? What about teachers and educators? A lot of useful and unnecessary things can be pulled out of memory.

3. What I see, I sing about. , but I will repeat for better digestibility. I see a candlestick, and then a candelabra pops up. We get - Kandell Yabr. Quite an original nickname. Beautiful, sonorous and even now in a fantasy series. The disadvantage of this method is that you need a decent vocabulary.

4. Directory of medicines? Please - Pyrrhus a Midon, Dick Lofenak. I highly recommend “Big Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms by V.A. Zhmurov.” I open it to the letter G and see - Habitus (Latin habitus - appearance, appearance) - the sum of the patient’s external data (posture, posture, skin color, neatness, etc.) . Sometimes it has diagnostic significance (forced posture, pained expression, shuffling gait, etc.). Next we look - Galeanthropy (Greek gale - cat, anthropos - man) - the delusion of turning into a cat. Why not? Especially in light of the current dominance of all kinds of cat nicknames.

5. We mock our own surname. Let's start with the usual abbreviations. What is your full name? - Ustin Yakovlevich Kharitonov? No, you shouldn’t use this, obscene nicknames are created by people with very limited imagination. But the same Kharitonov can be turned into the ambiguous Arvion Hto.

6. If you like digitized nicknames, do not write Vasya12345, introduce yourself as Vasily V. This will give your online nickname historical significance.

7. Who are you? What kind of person do you want to be? If you are a hopeless lazy person, but still need to do something, call yourself a workaholic or a labor addict, maybe this will at least help?

8. Foreign languages. Or better yet, ancient languages. Or better yet, dead languages. Having named yourself with some Sumerian or Hittite word, you are involuntarily filled with a sense of your own intellectual versatility. Just don’t go to extremes - people won’t understand cuneiform, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, or knotted writing. Although it would be fun to knit yours on a lace from your own sneakers.

9. Combine incompatible things and combine incompatible things. Such unusual nicknames as a blind machine gunner, a compassionate scumbag, a hot corpse, an unapproachable slut look very creative. Google and learn the definitions of catachresis and oxymoron, they will be useful to you in explaining how you got to this point, and gullible citizens may see the makings of a poet in you.

10. Doesn't help? Forget all of the above and subscribe. At the same time, you can call on people to fight anonymity on the Internet, praising your own integrity.

Nick, aka nickname, comes from the English word nickname and is translated as “nickname” or “nickname”.

Unix system console. Nickname is used as username jimmy

One can argue for a long time about the roots and time of appearance of nicknames, as we know them today. Although, most likely, the starting point on the Internet can be called the time of the appearance of the first Unix systems, where the nickname (user name, login) was the name for logging into the system.

Today, a nickname on the Internet is probably more important than a first and last name in real life. In addition, a nickname can be much more unique than your full name. (How many of your namesakes or namesakes do you know?)

A nickname is your face online, which, if desired, can reflect your essence, aspirations, character or interests.

A nickname on the Internet is not just a way of self-identification among online residents like you, it is also the beginning of the name of your mailbox like: [email protected], login name or nickname on a forum, in a chat, in an online game, and any other service in which it will be necessary to introduce yourself.

If in real life for identification you will be asked for your full name, passport number, driver's license, SNILS, INN, registration address and a bunch of other data, then on the Internet in most cases, you will only need this, a universal nickname.

Nicknames can look different. It could be J1ny@, Bal_BES_ka or Tiger cub, and Scropion, FantomAS, or Oddball35. Someone can even choose a nickname format like ^+^+$#@~% , the secret of which is unlikely to be revealed.

You need to choose your future nickname very carefully, because if you are a frequent visitor to the Internet, you will have a lot associated with this set of letters, and maybe numbers and other symbols.

In most cases, you will be recognized by it and only by it. And also, perhaps the nickname will make the first impression of you. Take this into account when choosing your nickname.

How to come up with a nickname for yourself?

This question is often no simpler than the one that arises for parents when they choose a name for their child.

Here are some tips that can help you come up with your nickname:

  • For some, this issue was decided for them, even in childhood, school or in the yard, by “attaching” a nickname or nickname. If it is not offensive to you, then it may well become a good nickname, or at least the basis for it.
  • Another, simple way to choose a nickname is to open a dictionary: English, Latin, or maybe ancient Sumerian and find the word whose sound and translation you like best. Alternatively, astronomical, technical or historical reference books can also help, with plenty of starting points for your imagination. Just look at the ancient mythical names.
  • Surely everyone has their own favorite literary or film hero, celebrity, historical or fictional character... It is their names that are the basis for many so-called fan nicknames. But don’t forget about originality. After all, there is a high probability that other people with nicknames Terminator or Robin Hood there will be a lot on the net.
  • Often nicknames are based on profession or hobby. Nicknames MazDA, UP grader orCS_papa may well indicate the interests and skills of their owners.
  • And finally, you can simply use our nickname generator.

Often, people choose their childhood “nickname” as a nickname, if it was not offensive. Some of them painted their “nicknames” on fences, school desks and textbooks as children.

An important point when choosing a nickname is its spelling. In particular, nicknames consisting only of Latin letters, numbers and some symbols are more universal than, for example, Russian-language (Cyrillic), verbose or consisting of Unicode characters, which most likely are not suitable for use as a login, website address ( domain), or email address.

From year to year, coming up with a beautiful and unique nickname becomes more and more difficult, since the number of people on the Internet is constantly increasing, which means there are fewer and fewer available nicknames. In this article we will tell you about the rules that you need to follow when coming up with nicknames for yourself.

15 secrets about what nickname to come up with on the Internet

  1. First, think about whether you are ready to reveal your identity online. If you are afraid of this, then try to come up with different nicknames on each site and in each game (the main thing is to write down where you use which nickname).

  2. If you want to emphasize your age, then use the year of your birth, and not your current age.

  3. You can take a beautiful nickname from English; to do this, come up with a name in Russian and translate it in an online translator. For example: “Sinner”, translated will sound like “Sinner” - short, easy to read and beautiful.

  4. Be prepared for the fact that your nickname may already be used by someone. If you want complete uniqueness, just come up with a phrase of English letters and check it on the Internet.

  5. Your nickname should be easy and quick to read. Therefore, strive for simplicity, not pretentiousness.

  6. If you are afraid of ridicule, then having come up with a nickname, try to find a funny analogy (consonance or visual similarity); if you don’t like it, it’s better to find another nickname.

  7. A completely unique nickname will make you recognizable, so don’t do anything stupid under this name.

  8. Keep in mind that you are growing up quickly, so your name should not shame you over the years.

  9. Your nickname should not be a ladder, like: Sasha_Gromov. This has long gone out of fashion: it looks childish and even stupid.

  10. Try not to use special characters in your nickname; not all games and sites support them, so you will have to constantly remember what your nickname looked like in any game.

  11. Use exclusively Latin. The Russian font is sometimes not supported, but the Latin alphabet is everywhere!

  12. Your nickname must make sense and mean something, because sooner or later you will be asked the question “What does your nickname mean?!” It would be stupid not to answer such a simple question.

  13. It’s more difficult for a girl to come up with a nickname. Here you need to follow several rules: firstly, if she does not want male attention, it is better to choose a neutral nickname, such as “cat”, “mouse”, etc. Secondly, if you want to have a feminine nickname, you need it to contain a minimum of vulgarity. Otherwise it will be a double hint, and you will get tired of stupid questions.

  14. On social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Twitter, etc. It is better to use nicknames that match your first and last name. Like “Ivan Ivanov” will be “ivanov”. There is no need to be pretentious here; on the contrary, simplicity will help other people find you.

  15. We also do not recommend using nicknames based on fashion trends in humor, since over time it will not become funny, and your nickname will be completely incomprehensible to the new generation.

Nick (short for nickname- pseudonym) is a fictitious name that is most often used on the Internet, and can also be used in literature, music, cinema and other forms of show business. " How to come up with a nickname?», « How to make your nickname truly original“- these are the first questions that every person faces when tormented by the problem of choosing his pseudonym. Today we will look at this problem inside and out, and also get acquainted with tips and examples that will help you choose a nickname and make it truly impressive.

How to come up with a nickname. Step one. Goals and objectives

Before you come up with a nickname, you should decide what you need it for. The goal will largely determine how to create a pseudonym. It is not recommended to skip this step, since the nickname must correspond to the environment in which you will use it. For example, if you wrote a detective novel, then the options “Kisulya”, “Hellen devil” or “ArchDemon” are unlikely to suit you as a pseudonym.

A variety of areas can encourage you to come up with a nickname:

  • Online games
  • Dating websites
  • Show Business
  • Literature, etc.

And in each of these areas, a nickname needs its own zest, which will be discussed below. The general wish for all pseudonyms, of course, is uniqueness. Non-unique nicknames are funny when there are only a couple of them, because it leads to funny things (especially if these people overlap with each other), but when there are thousands of users, the excessive abundance becomes simply banal and dull.

How to come up with a nickname. Step two. Highlight

Zest is a distinctive feature of a nickname, which:

  • Attracts attention
  • Associated only with you
  • Arouses curiosity

The highlights of a pseudonym are largely determined by the scope of use of the nickname, and can be different depending on the context.

General rule:

The highlight should arouse curiosity, interest, or pose the question to the interlocutor (reader): what the nickname means and why you chose it. It is highly desirable that the pseudonym be associated specifically with you.

Regarding associations, this is one of the most powerful highlights that “burns” your nickname into the memory of others. For example, in one animated martial arts film, each character had a nickname that described him, directly or indirectly. One of the heroes had poor eyesight and wore glasses, but when he took them off, his blows never missed. He was called Odin because, according to Scandinavian legend, Odin was blind in one eye, but possessed a legendary spear, Gungnir, which always hit its target accurately.

How to come up with a nickname. Step three. Methods

There are a lot of ways to come up with a nickname. Depending on the context, certain nicknames may or may not be appropriate. The author of this article leaves the right of choice to the reader, offering only a set of ways to come up with a nickname.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 1 One letter

Just one letter adds a considerable amount of mystery to your nickname. This nickname is easy to remember and can be interpreted in any way you like. The main problem is that there are about three dozen letters in the English and Russian alphabets, and there are millions of people. In addition, if you plan to use such a nickname in a chat, then the system itself may introduce restrictions on the length of the nickname.

In order to get around these restrictions, you can duplicate the same character. For example, one Japanese animated film used the aliases C.C. and V.V. As for the rest, everything depends only on your imagination.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 2 Changelings

Reversals are words read backwards. For example, Seldom-Modles, Dynamo-Omanyd and so on. Most often, people write their names backwards. If the word turns out to be not very beautiful, then you can change it a little by adding one or more letters. For example, in the word Modles from the example, you can add the letter S to the end, creating a new full word Modless, which can have several meanings.

You can also add articles, particles and other elements known to you. For example, at one time I used exactly this method to create my nickname, which you can see in my email address. I reversed the word "Danyl" (my name) to make Lynad, and then simply added the German article Der to make the nickname sound tougher.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 3 Verbal nouns

Another simple, but nevertheless effective way to come up with a nickname. Everything is simple here: you decide which action you like best and add the ending –er to it (relevant for the English language). In the Russian equivalent, you simply create a verbal noun. There are countless examples: Skater, Reader, Traveler, etc.

This way, you immediately arouse curiosity among people with similar interests.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 4 Word play and specials. inserts

This method is especially popular on the Internet. Its essence lies in the fact that in words elements that are identical in pronunciation are replaced with numbers or other words. For example, I personally took the word copywriter and created the consonant nickname Copyrider from it. This is a play on words. As for replacement, you don’t need to look far for examples: Sk8ter, 4Fun, 2zik, etc.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 5 mythology and literature

This method of coming up with a nickname will come in handy if you plan to give the impression of a well-read and educated person. Mythology, no matter whether it is ancient Egyptian, ancient or Scandinavian, is simply teeming with sonorous names that you can successfully use as a pseudonym.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 6 Appeal to male instincts

One of my favorite methods of misleading representatives of the stronger sex (just shhhhh... don’t say a word to anyone... =)), which will be very, very relevant for girls. The secret of this method is that any pseudonym that passes through a man’s consciousness causes a certain response in him based on instincts. This reaction may either not be expressed at all, or may be due to a number of psychophysiological processes.

So, for example, the pseudonyms “Delicious”, “Kislenkaya”, “Kisunya” are imbued with femininity and are tinged with naivety, in a word, the whole mixture of qualities that are inherent in prey for a man’s subconscious on an instinctive level. As a result, and this is especially true for online games and chats, such nicknames will be more successful among men than “Lady Foam Rubber” or “Augean Cleanser”.

By the way, this method can also be used in reverse, causing a negative emotional reaction and a feeling of disgust.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 7 Objects, phenomena, sounds, etc.

An alias can be obtained from anything: both from objects and from phenomena and sounds: Buzz, Flash, Cleaver, Plane, Protractor - anything. You choose any nickname depending on your goals and objectives.

A similar method has already been discussed in the article “”. Many of the approaches described in this article can be successfully used to create a nickname.

Summary: You can come up with a nickname using many different approaches. Some work better, others worse. In any case, before you come up with a pseudonym for yourself, decide why you need it and what tasks it should solve for you.

Obviously, this article does not list all the ways you can use to come up with a good nickname. If you have your own thoughts on this topic, your opinion is always welcome in the comments below.