What business to open on Instagram. How to open an online store on Instagram from scratch. Instagram tools for business

Last year, Instagram became a real force that the world's leading marketers began to reckon with.

Since January, more than 100 million active users have registered on this social platform. At the moment, the “population density” of Instagrammers is 400 million people, of which 75 million go online every day. Making money on Instagram has turned from a theoretical possibility into a practical reality.

Brands devote a significant portion of their budget to promoting pages. Marketers are feverishly exploring ways to make money on Instagram and developing new strategies for promoting accounts.

Naturally, in the difficult task of making a profit, it is important to develop a client base. I won’t dwell on the stages of creating a page and ways to increase the number of subscribers (especially since we’re talking about this). Let's talk about the different options for earning income on Instagram.

1. Selling your services and goods

This tactic is perhaps considered the best way to make money on Instagram. Here, to fully understand the mechanism for obtaining a stable income, it is necessary to separately consider the sale of services and the sale of goods of own production.

So, selling services is more about advertising their quality. Photographers post examples of their work on their profiles. Lawyers and psychologists provide consultations via direct messages and post photographs of satisfied clients complete with laudatory reviews. The situation is similar with hairdressing and beauty salons.

Handmade lovers sell their own products. Artists, designers, seamstresses, manufacturers of exclusive jewelry. Visual demonstration of the product has always been highly valued among consumers. It is also beneficial to hold promotions for subscribers, this encourages users to follow.

2. Selling other people's services and goods

Earning money on Instagram by selling other people’s services and goods can be divided into two categories. The first includes online stores that purchase things, cosmetics, and the like from wholesalers, and then sell them individually on the Internet. Each post is a photograph of a product with a detailed description and a specific price.

The second category includes businessmen who prefer to work through affiliate programs. They find brand accounts, negotiate commissions with page administrators, and place active links to products.

3. Sponsorship agreement

An ideal solution for highly specialized specialists who are thinking about how to make money through Instagram. For example, you are a professional musician and you find contacts for a company that sells or manufactures equipment. You contact representatives, enter into an agreement for the provision of, for example, a guitar and amps for free long-term use.

In return, you create original content with the product (short videos, colorful photographs). The patron has the right to use these materials on his own resources. Please do not confuse a sponsorship agreement with banal advertising, which will be discussed further.

4. Selling photos

Selling photos is the easiest and most obvious way to make money on Instagram, because this platform was originally intended to showcase images. If you are a professional photographer or an amateur with advanced skills, then God himself ordered you to use your talents in the financial field.

Accounts of brands and bloggers are in dire need of quality content. Hurry to occupy a profitable niche while it is still free. It’s quite possible to sell photos from Instagram outside the walls of your own social network. On sites such as Twenty20 and Foap, they offer from $10 for a good photo.

5. Promoting other people's accounts

Administration and attraction of new subscribers is in unprecedented demand. Almost all progressive companies go on social networks. Often a manager starts from scratch. He creates and designs the page in accordance with the client's requirements, based on the specifics of the product.

He then prescribes a marketing strategy and regularly injects fresh content. The manager's responsibilities may include establishing contacts with “useful” users and conducting advertising campaigns.

6. Thematic publics

In our country, it is still too early to consider the creation of thematic public pages as a full-fledged way to make a profit. However, in the near future, earnings through Instagram through specific “interest clubs” will increase in momentum.

In simple words, the essence of the method is to register an entertainment account. 90% of the content is aimed at satisfying the information requests of subscribers and only 10% is allocated to sources of income.

For example, you are a comic book fan and you create a page for geeks. Each post tells news from the world of graphic literature and cinema. Your potential customers will be loot producers, cinemas, and publishing houses. However, the main goal of the public remains to provide subscribers with interesting information.

7. Advertising

At the moment, the most common way to make money is through advertising on Instagram. Bloggers with a large number of followers easily promote products. You just have to post a photo with a tube of cream and describe the benefits of the product, and a good amount of money will drop into your account.

Unlike a sponsorship agreement, you are not required to create unique or interesting content. A mention of the brand under a banal selfie is quite enough. Payment for advertising directly depends on your popularity. For me, the unattainable ideal is Kylie Jenner. The girl asks for up to 400 thousand dollars per post.

8. Likes and subscriptions

Putting likes and subscribing does not give you too much money on Instagram, but it is enough for a bun with butter. Assiduous businessmen, burdened with plenty of free time, enter into contracts with marketing firms. At the request of the employer, they selflessly press hearts under the photographs. The services of professional likers are in demand at the initial stages of account promotion.

9. Selling an account

And finally, I decided to include a clause about the sale of pages on a turnkey basis. If you have a promoted account with a certain number of followers, then you can sell it to interested parties. The price directly depends on the number of followers. Often the cost ranges from 2,000 to 35,000 rubles.

Don't waste time, start making money on Instagram today!

Liya Kanarskaya

Why you need to create an Instagram account right now

You can only link your Facebook and Instagram accounts if you have admin rights on your company's Facebook page. If they are not there (or there is no brand page), then you can link them to your personal page.

To link FB and Instagram accounts, you need to select “Settings” – “Account” – “Linked accounts”:

Select Facebook and enter your login details:

You will now see the name of the page you linked your Instagram to:

You can skip these points if you have already linked your account to your company’s Facebook page at the first stage.

Afterwards you can configure a few more important parameters.

For example, disable commenting on your posts. To individual photos/videos or to all posts at once.

If anything, remember - you can always complain about spam directly in the comments:

By the way, Instagram is seriously concerned about – as Kevin Systrom (CEO and co-founder of the photo network) puts it – the “psychological comfort” of its users. This way, owners of private (closed) accounts can delete any subscribers without notice. And soon it will be possible to send anonymous messages about users who urgently need medical and psychological support. These are panic buttons for Self-Injury Posts (literally: posts of self-torture).

Stage 2. Description, link and avatar: register your account correctly

  1. Profile description.

In the profile description, place important information about your company: USP, a brief description of the nature of the services. Don’t fill the description with hashtags or a lot of emojis (emoticons). Please be aware of the 150 character limit.

To track traffic from Instagram, you can put a UTM tag at the end of the link in your profile description. But until recently, Google Analytics was not on good terms with Instagram. Traffic from the application in GA reports was attributed to the source - direct (direct traffic). However, some traffic from the application may still not be recognized by GA. This problem can be solved using a redirect.

So that the address looks like https://site.ru/?utm_source=instagram&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=bhphotovideoaccount did not confuse users, we make a link like http://site.ru/instagram(or something similar) and add it to our profile. And then we set up a 301 redirect to a UTM link that will lead to our website. When a user clicks such a link on your Instagram profile, the added parameters will be sent to Google Analytics - and the corresponding data will appear in your reports. Plus, Instagram considers such links more reliable than shortened ones. Attention! Google Analytics is case sensitive: utm_source=Instagram and utm_source=instagram will appear as different traffic sources

  1. Link to your site.

If you want to make multiple links on your Instagram, use services like taplink - this one, for example, is an internal application. That is, a URL like taplink.cc does not take you away from the social network, but can serve as an informational business card and a store. Classic content on the free plan would look something like this:

Stage 5. Pay attention to hashtags

  1. Hashtag Always must correspond to the topic of the post.
  2. Use 5 hashtags per post. Yes, the more hashtags, the wider the reach. However, 30 hashtags for one post will be placed on the screen so poorly that they can distract the subscriber from the main thing - the picture itself. Don't make your posts look like spam.
  3. Remember that the most popular hashtags in search will quickly move you down.
  4. Make a custom hashtag and experiment constantly.
  5. Mistakes are sometimes incredibly attractive. Typos can become a feature if you try hard enough. This is how the domain and name of one of the agencies in Moscow appeared, for registration and approval of advertising signs. The Reglama option delighted my customer. REGISTRATION and a deliberate mistake in the word advertising, do you understand?

Remember that not only usefulness and emasculated photos from the studio can sell, but also trash and humor:

Style will help you stand out, there will always be grateful users

Nature itself will help emphasize the mood of the brand:

Let's move on to the video. Previously, videos in the Instagram feed were limited to a 15-second interval; today, the maximum time for a video post is 1 minute. Now we can say with confidence that posts with videos get much more reactions than photographs.

And at the end of 2016, Instagram launched a new feature - live video broadcasts. Live broadcasts can now be saved and shared with other users. Be sure to try working with live broadcasts: we told you how to launch them and make them watch.

But the laurels of YouTube certainly did not give rest to the developers of the social network, so Instagram in 2018 launched a new video platform IGTV, which is designed for long vertical videos.

Remember that the use of video must be justified by your brand’s digital strategy and pursue specific goals. Development, filming, and editing of video is not the cheapest expense item, so decide in advance exactly what tasks you want to solve with its help. Smart video marketing will allow you to stand out from your competitors and make your content varied and attractive.

If you don't know where to start, I've collected the best brand ideas for you to get inspired by:

  1. Make a social video. Social advertising from PornHub is the best thing that could be done to draw attention to environmental issues. This is how the video service for adults outlined its position on the problem of ocean pollution.

The opportunity to make money using a social network is a real chance, since this is where a huge number of people are concentrated who are willing to spend their money. VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki “territory” has long been mastered, so Russian Instagram users figured out how best to use this social resource not so long ago.

It is worth recalling that this project involves the active use of a mobile phone. Statistics show that Instagram, with its growth rate in social networks, has overtaken even such an international giant as Facebook, which, in turn, speaks of the enormous potential of this resource.

The application allows users to share photos or videos, as well as turn their page into additional or main income. Therefore, by creating their profile on Instagram, users often open their own business, and this is becoming commonplace today. But such a business will have to be developed and supported in accordance with all the rules and laws of a particular social network.

Popular, especially among young people, the social network was launched in 2010 and an impressive number of user audiences have businesses on Instagram. It’s much easier to get into a rhythm with the app and, most importantly, there is no such fierce competition. And if you also use the tools of their service, then by tracking the statistics of your page, you can choose the right strategy.

Among the various ways to earn extra money in this application, a special place is occupied by the income received from selling advertising on Instagram, publishing posts with advertising in your account. Today, in addition to direct advertisers (finding them is problematic), there are special exchanges that actively and successfully cooperate with users of the Instagram service. But before you can get real and stable income from advertising on Instagram, you should properly design your page and make your account attractive to advertisers.

Where to invest time and money?

What are some ideas for business on Instagram? How to earn money? How to sell? What you should pay attention to? It is worth noting that the principles of making money on this network are no different from any other social platform, although there are some minor nuances. The most important thing is to catch them, and then everything is in your hands. Let's look at the most common ways to make money.

Working with different services

Cooperation with various services is a good chance to earn extra money, and their number is steadily growing. For example, the most popular: Runet TwitUP, Userator, Uber cheating and the like. Money is earned from the service of reposting, specially indicated pictures, plus adding an account to your own read-list.

This method is suitable for those who do not have the skills to build a business from scratch, do not want to waste time looking for partners, or simply want to try something to assess their capabilities. For this reason, schoolchildren often use this service, since the task is simple and no special knowledge is required.

Attention! As a rule, such tasks are paid at a minimum, so it is difficult to make good money. You will need to spend a lot of time or have more than one account (to make decent money).

Instagram Market

This is not a completely correct method, since it is based on promoting your own account to the maximum, and then selling it to an interested party. How can I make this work? The number of people who subscribe to your page does not matter. The main thing is that these are “live” subscribers. It is important that people visit your Instagram page, read your interesting publications, and become interested in events in your life.

Shop on Instagram

A promising and growing area of ​​business development in the social network. Online stores have received full approval from customers, who can place an order for the product they like at any time convenient for them, simply by picking up a mobile phone.

The role of the catalog is played by the tape. Particular emphasis should be placed on photographs. Each photo should be incredibly beautiful, attractive, so that it can interest and hook a potential buyer. To order, as a rule, they use either comments (the author in this case sees updates) or the contact information specified in the profile.

At the same time, please note - no transitions to other accounts or sites without registration. This business is growing very quickly and gaining momentum.

Promoting your own brand

Using the Instagram service, you can advertise and offer your services. Anyone who wants to develop their brand, can offer a unique product or service and wants to speak only on their own behalf, will like this type of earning and promoting their account.

Suitable for stylists, makeup artists, fashion designers, designers, needlewomen and…

The only thing is that you will have to make a huge effort to get heard about you, and at the same time use only white methods for promotion. Create, design and maintain truly original and interesting content, and for this you should think about a development plan in advance.

Auctions, competitions on Instagram

You will need to create a profile account that will offer services to other users who are interested in the influx of new live subscribers. The direction is developed only in this social network.

Starting a business on Instagram

  • Conduct an analysis of popular and in-demand pages and create your own concept for the advertising profile being created. Carry out its registration and subsequent design (name, avatar and your first publications on the page).
  • Promotion. It will only be possible to start advertising when you already have a popular profile. How to do it? Special promotion services will help you promote your page. For example, you should pay attention to Pamagram, Zengram or Doinsta (they specialize in working with Instagram). Additional via Bosslike, Likemania or similar online services. Just don’t forget that an impressive part of these subscribers are bots.
  • Search for potential clients. You will start earning money if you have at least 5,000 subscribers, but it is possible to try to make money in this network even with 1,000 followers. You can search for advertisers yourself (offer your services for placement) or.

How much do you earn on Instagram?

Before putting your profile on the exchange, you should decide on the pricing policy. The cost of publishing with advertising depends on various parameters:

  1. subject of the page;
  2. the number of real subscribers and their growth (pages that quickly gain popularity are more expensive);
  3. subscriber activity (number of likes, comments, reposts under notes);
  4. the text used for the advertising publication (ready-made or write it yourself). Independent work – additional payment;
  5. your ability to maintain a profile. An experienced blogger with high-quality and original content will charge more for advertising than the owner of a page on a general topic;
  6. your own activity and ability to sell competently.

Applications and services that may be useful

To make life easier on Instagram, you can use some applications:

  • Instarepost – allows you to comment and share photos with subscribers of other social networks;
  • Instasize will help you upload a full-length photo (without cropping at the edges);
  • Instasave will help you save any photos to the memory of your iOS device;
  • InstaWeather Pro app allows you to add information to photos about the weather, time of shooting and exact location;
  • Over is the best app to add text to photos on iOS;
  • Instapan – allows you to upload panoramic images;
  • Hyperlapse is a program of this social network that allows you to create beautiful videos.

Instagram is a platform that brings together more than 300 million people every day who want to share their photos, videos and stories. And as Instagram has grown more and more in recent years, many businessmen and marketers are asking an important question:

How can we use Instagram for business?

  • Creating a “killer” Instagram profile;
  • The importance of correctly setting goals and defining a clear strategy on Instagram;
  • Posting quality content on an ongoing basis;
  • Secrets that will help you build a large subscriber base.

Here we go?

4 Tips to Unleash the Potential of Your Instagram Profile

1. Make the bio as interesting as possible

Forming an opinion about your brand can take as little as two-tenths of a second. This means it's incredibly important to make a good first impression with your profile content and bio.

Your bio should be written with love, as it is often the first thing people notice when they go to someone's profile. It will play an important role in the decision making of those who have just visited you. It can encourage the user to subscribe to you, scroll through content, or go to your website.

A good Instagram bio should:

  • Tell something about you/your brand and what you do;
  • Be aimed at your target audience;
  • Consistent with the overall theme of the brand.

Your Instagram bio is the face of your blog or business account; take the time to add specifics about yourself, your activities/hobbies/professional activities, or the services you offer. A potential reader won't waste time finding out what you do. Everything should be accessible and fully described, and thus it is your target audience that will subscribe to you, and not “something out of the woods” that will hang as a dead weight and not bring any benefit. Create a beautiful stylish logo, a good literate description, put a link to the site, stick to the same style in your posts, control the quality of the content, and success is guaranteed.

2. Post a link

The only place on Instagram where you can leave a link is in your bio. This is an extremely valuable “asset” for business strategy.

Here are some working options for link placement:

  • Most Instagram users use the link at the top to drive traffic to their site's home page;
  • For other users, the link on Instagram leads to special landing pages or individual parts thereof;
  • Many brands update links from time to time to drive traffic to their new content.

3. Create a business profile on Instagram

Alexander Popov, Marketing Director, SocialKit:

Create a business profile on Instagram" is a new feature on Instagram that everyone has been waiting for for years. You get access to statistics (albeit not as powerful as VKontakte), which gives you an understanding of which audience has subscribed to you. This data will expand your capabilities in terms of offering your product. A “Contact” button will also appear in your profile, by clicking on which the person will be able to send you an email or a message to your phone. This significantly increases conversion, giving users the opportunity to quickly find out the information they need.

Instagram recently announced various business tools designed to help businesses better understand their followers and grow their business using the service.

When you convert your account to a business profile, you can add additional information to it. For example, your company's phone number, email address, and physical address.

4. Use a recognizable picture as the main one for your profile

When it comes to choosing a profile photo, you need to find one that people will instantly recognize when they log into Instagram. In a business account you can place:

  • Logo;
  • Logomark (logo without signatures);
  • Symbol.

There is no right or wrong choice in this matter, you should not limit yourself to one of these or any other options. However, it’s still worth thinking about what will help people quickly distinguish your brand from others.

7 best practices for business on Instagram

5. Set clear goals

When using any marketing channel, it is important to have goals in front of you that you prioritize achieving. If you are going to invest your time and money in Instagram for business, ask yourself: “What do I want to achieve?”

Here are some common goals that people, brands, and companies typically choose for their Instagram account strategy:

Setting these goals upfront helps you determine the types of content that is published on your site and how to measure its popularity.

6. Pay attention to the color palette

Some of the most successful Instagram accounts tend to use a carefully chosen color palette for their photos, creating a distinct style and personality through them. An example would be an account Not on the Highstreet, whose owner strives to use soft colors and light backgrounds for his photographs:

Think about your brand colors and visual style for your company and imagine how you can implement them on Instagram. Try to ensure that the content of your Instagram profile is harmoniously intertwined with the overall aesthetics of the brand and its corporate colors.

7. Pay attention to font choice

The popularity of text overlays and captions on photos and videos on Instagram has skyrocketed in the last year or so. With this feature, people add subtitles to videos so that a person can get the desired message even if they have the sound turned off. If text plays an important role in your profile content, you need to think about the font you will use, as well as its aesthetic and formal relationship with the font on your website or other marketing materials.

A great example of using font on Instagram is demonstrated by Sean McCabe ( @seanwes). He strives to use the same font for all his posts, making them instantly recognizable.

8. Get the most out of captions

Captions are a chance to enhance the content of a post, and many brands try to make the most of them. Some choose to use captions for posting, sharing stories, and microblogging. Others include a short, inspirational caption in the caption. At the same time, others leave questions for users in their signatures, encouraging them to write their answers in comments. The possibilities of this attribute are endless.

Useful information: Instagram signatures are limited to 2200 characters, after which they are truncated with an ellipsis.

9. Post consistently

Consistency and frequency of posting will help your audience know when to expect new content from you. Maintaining a certain (public or unspoken) schedule will guarantee you maximum interaction with your audience without periods of stagnation and lack of updates. Any Instagram strategy for business must clearly define the frequency of content updates to ensure a stable number of views and visitors.

A study conducted by Union Metrics found that most brands post on Instagram daily. In fact, the average was 1.5 posts per day. The study also found - and this is really interesting - that there is no connection between increasing frequency of posts and decreasing engagement. That is, brands that posted more than twice a day did not see any negative consequences.

10. Analyze your most successful posts

It's very important to keep track of what's working on Instagram and what's not, and one of the best ways to do this is to go into Instagram analytics and check the following metrics:

  • Which posts get the most likes;
  • How the number of posts you publish can affect reader engagement;
  • The most commented content on your profile.

Instagram offers analytics in its business tools, and they can be extremely useful for keeping track of trends.

11. Reply to comments on your posts

You need to pay attention and respond to audience activity to encourage positive talk about your brand and attract new supporters. Interestingly, a study conducted by the Internet Advertising Bureau showed that 90% of users are willing to recommend a brand to others after interacting with it on social networks.

4 Experiments That Can Help Your Instagram Account Grow Fast

12. Repost Instagram posts to Facebook

A Buzzsumo study based on more than 1 billion posts from 3 million brand pages found that Facebook images posted via Instagram received higher reader engagement than images that appeared directly on Facebook:

13. Attractive and “impacting” hashtags

Hashtags play an important role in our lives: they help categorize content on various social media platforms. Hashtags allow Instagram users to find interesting posts and accounts. Based on Track Maven research, posts with more than 11 hashtags have significantly higher engagement rates.

Bonus tip: Try to create a specific brand-related hashtag.

In the case of Buffer Social, their marketing strategy is to consistently post quality content that aims to build the uniqueness of the Buffer brand while at the same time engaging with the audience in a personal way. As Buffer believes, one-on-one interactions are powerful.

It is with this strategy in mind that the hashtag was created, which allows the community to share stories about a personal or professional passion. The company also regularly uses this special hashtag to share stories about the team, repost interesting publications from subscribers, etc.

14. Enable faces in your messages to increase engagement

And again research! Georgia Tech looked at 1.1 million random photos on Instagram and came up with an interesting pattern: photos with faces received:

  • 32% more likes;
  • 38% more comments.

Just like that.

15. Experiment with Instagram Ads

Instagram has been actively working with various brands over the past year to optimize its advertising platform, and the results of this work seem impressive. Among more than 400 campaigns in the Nielsen Brand Effect study, ad recall from sponsored posts was 2.8 times higher than the Nielsen average for online advertising.

With a variety of ad formats, carousel ads, photo and video ads that allow brands to tell their inspiring story, Instagram is a great place to experiment with paid advertising.

18. Timely and informative content

Do you have something interesting or trending? Maybe a special holiday? National Pizza Day? Promote it! To whet the audience's interest, you can join the discussion of an unusual post you created that is related to the brand and its history. When it comes to trending items, it's important to think about how your story relates to both the trend and the brand. And is joining the discussion a successful strategic maneuver?

21. Try publishing Stories in collaboration with other brands

A social media co-op is a collaboration where you and another Instagram user or brand appear on each other's profiles and share content on Stories. A co-op works essentially the same way as a guest post on your blog or an interesting guest joining your podcast.

As an experiment, Buffer collaborated with brands such as TrackMaven and BryanFanzo, as part of the collaboration they shared Stories content with each other and shared it on their pages:

Such partnerships work well when both parties provide quality content and there is a genuine interest in each other's audience. For example, if you are a furniture company, you could join an Instagram co-op with a real estate company and teach readers how to create the perfect bedroom layout. At the same time, the real estate company can use your Instagram Stories to give advice on buying and selling real estate, furnishing it, etc.

22. Experiment with zoom

Instagram users can use a “pinch” to stretch and shrink the display area of ​​a photo or video. When you “pinch” an image or video, it expands in the lightbox area and the fragment you need is shown in full screen.

This tool opens up a lot of fun opportunities for posting content on Instagram. Here's an example of how Icelandic brand Reyka Vodka uses zoom to highlight some famous sights of your country :

23. Repost content from other accounts

Although reposting is not an official feature of the Instagram app and website, many users and brands are finding ways to use reposting. It can be an incredibly effective way to increase your Instagram following.

A great example of smart reposting in action is GoPro. GoPro is a brand built on user-generated content. Their Instagram feed regularly features posts from community members and showcases the amazing and beautiful images you can get with a GoPro:

24. Try Boomerang

Boomerang is an Instagram service that takes a series of photos and creates something like GIF files. However, there is one rather important difference between GIF and boomerang. GIF loops the video. Boomerang plays the video to the end, then in reverse order, then forward again, and so on endlessly until your phone/tablet is completely discharged.

25. Share “backstage”

Instagram is the perfect place to showcase the human side of your business, giving you a virtual behind-the-scenes tour. Instagram will give your users an exclusive glimpse into your company's life and feel like they're part of the brand.

26. Present your products/services creatively

Instagram provides you with an amazing platform to showcase your product or service through imagination and creativity. Creativity is Oreo's strong point, almost every post on Instagram features one of their products, yet every profile photo and video looks so compelling and unique:

When it comes to Instagram for business, try to think about how you can highlight your brand through the content on your profile. A few proven methods include:

It will take a lot of effort to bring all or at least some of the points to life, but it will be worth it. Driving traffic is an important part of any online business. An effective way to attract customers is to buy posts from popular and promoted accounts. Our main growth comes from posts like this.

Mass following and mass liking are also excellent methods, it’s not for nothing that they are in great demand. They allow you to constantly interact with customers and grow your audience.

But sometimes an increase of 100 or 200 subscribers per day does not give any positive result if you do not start working with them immediately. They unsubscribe very quickly. You need to be interested in visitors, write to them in direct messages, involve them in content, etc.

While developing a new functionality for sending personalized direct messages via Instaplus, we realized that this is an almost untapped market with untapped potential. And we are very glad that we have helped and will help increase sales significantly by automating communication with subscribers. We also measured the response to our direct messages, and they reached 80 percent!

And yes – I would also like to note that, in our experience, engagement in video content is now much higher than in photos. Instagram is constantly inventing and introducing something new specifically for video, so you can and should experiment with it.

I wish everyone successful promotion!


I would like to hear, or rather, see your thoughts on using Instagram for business, expressed in the comments. What are your top tips for developing an Instagram business strategy?

*Calculations use average data for Russia

Anyone can start a business on Instagram. Minimal investment, quick training, remote work. The only problem is to choose the right business idea in which you can succeed. How to make money on Instagram in 2020? In this article we will try to answer this question.

Today Instagram is the most popular social network. It received special development in 2015, and in three years it has turned into a powerful platform for communication, but also for earning money. In Russia, more than 25 million users use this social network. The main audience is people from 18 to 29 years old. According to statistics, about 60% of users check their feed at least once a day. That’s why businesses that use the power of Instagram are so popular and profitable.

Income from a social network can be earned in various ways. You can earn money using your Instagram account or by providing services for maintaining someone else’s account. The most common option for making money on Instagram is posting advertising posts on your profile. However, this is far from the only way to profit from the popularity of the social network.

The advertising effectiveness of Instagram is increasing every year. Unfortunately, many beginning entrepreneurs cling only to the idea, but quickly lose motivation and never start making money. This happens for various reasons: they want quick results and are not ready to wait, they lack experience, expectations are exceeded, mistakes are made at the start... To prevent this from happening, we suggest reading general tips for those who want to build a business on Instagram.

    Learn the basics of SMM (online promotion) to independently promote your business on Instagram. There is special literature, courses, and online schools for this.

    Don't cheat subscribers. Very often in business recommendations on Instagram you can find advice to gain followers. But we want to warn you: this manipulation will not give you any benefit and will not allow you to earn money! Firstly, what is the use of an inactive audience if most Instagram businesses are tied to the actions of subscribers. Secondly, inflated subscriptions are visible to the naked eye. If they want to cooperate with you, then fake subscribers will scare away any reasonable person. Thirdly, gaining subscribers is not a free pleasure. You will spend money on a disservice. It’s better to use these funds for proper promotion – advertising with bloggers, targeting (we’ll tell you more about it), etc. This will bring you much more benefit.

    Attention! Now there will be shocking news - in order to make money on Instagram, you do not need to have crowds of subscribers. It is not the quantity, but the quality of the audience that is important. And in some areas of Internet business there is no need to talk about attracting subscribers at all.

    If you want to develop your account as a business on Instagram, then you need to take care of quality content: useful, interesting posts, good visual design, attractive concept. Creating an Instagram product that many users will like is not so easy. However, if you feel the strength to do this, then everything can work out. Please note that you can not only maintain a personal blog, but also be an administrator of thematic public pages - for example, publish funny videos, book reviews, show business news, news articles from your city, etc. Just don’t forget about copyright: when using someone else’s material, indicate its author.

    Be prepared for the fact that you won’t be able to make money from business on Instagram right away. In most cases, investments in Instagram pay off over time. You are unlikely to get immediate profits here. Although there are such business ideas in our selection. It is also worth considering that business on Instagram requires your constant participation. This social network is constantly developing, the competition is already quite large and continues to grow. Business on Instagram is not the easiest thing to do, but it can generate significant income if organized correctly.

Let’s take a closer look at 9 ideas that are relevant in 2019 on how to properly implement your business on Instagram.

Idea for Instagram 1. Selling your goods or services

Instagram is a very effective trading platform. There is a very interested, active audience here. Promoting your product or services is a good way to make money on Instagram. Decent money, even accounts with a small number of subscribers can earn money on Instagram.

What are they selling on Instagram?

Products: food, clothing and shoes, flowers, handmade products, accessories, decorative items and tableware, cosmetics, etc.;

Services: designers, copywriters, webmasters, photographers, artists, psychologists, business coaches, lawyers, programmers, beauty salons, sports complexes, entertainment projects.

Today, almost any product or service can be sold using Instagram. The most important thing is to present it correctly. If you have any hobby, you can sell your work. If you have entrepreneurial skills, open an online store. If you are a specialized specialist, for example, a lawyer or a makeup artist, create an account where you will share your experience, give useful advice, and answer questions of interest to subscribers. People are drawn to free information if it is useful. By doing this, you attract new subscribers, inspire confidence in yourself - and in case of real need, your subscriber can turn to you for real help.

Each type of sales-oriented account has different requirements. For example, for an online store, visual content is important - the higher quality the photographs are, the more attractive the product itself will be. For an account focused on providing any professional and consulting services (legal, medical, psychological), useful texts are much more important. But it’s good when a blog combines both components.

In order for your services or products to be in demand, you need to gather your target audience on your blog. Before promoting your account, developing its design and planning posts, you must clearly imagine the portrait of your subscriber: how old is he? What city does he live in? What does he do? What is his income level? What are you interested in? When you have an accurate idea of ​​your subscribers, it will be easier for you to: promote your account, create an offer, determine the price, interact with your audience. These are very important parameters for targeting - an advertising mechanism that allows you to select from the entire existing audience only those who meet the specified criteria (target audience) and show advertising specifically to them. Currently, targeting is one of the effective ways of promotion.

How else is it possible make money on instagrampromoting your products and services?

    Provide them to bloggers on barter terms: you are a product/service, they are advertising your products.

    Organize sweepstakes, competitions, promotions, discounts on Instagram.

    Use the right hashtags and popular geolocations.

    Properly design your profile header with a mention of keywords that will make it easy to find you. For example, if you sell homemade cakes and are located in Saratov, write “Cakes Saratov” in the title of your blog - this is approximately how potential users will look for such services.

    Use targeting – a built-in function in Instagram business accounts or contact professionals. This is not an exhaustive list of promotion methods. You can learn more about this topic on the Internet - there is a lot of useful material in the public domain.

Lifehacks for selling on Instagram:

    Share the process of creating your product with your subscribers. But don’t overload with details – posts should be entertaining.

    Always respond to comments.

    Write the price for your product/service. Very often in online stores you can see the magic phrase “write in direct” - this is for those who suddenly want to know the price of a product. Lack of price can scare away the client. Firstly, not everyone wants to waste time on direct messages just to find out the cost. Secondly, this suggests that this seller’s prices are higher than those of competitors. And thirdly, there is a myth that sellers adjust prices by assessing the wealth of the person who asks the question in the direct message. Your task, as a seller, is to simplify the purchasing process as much as possible. Therefore, indicate the price right away.

    Encourage your subscribers. Post their photos with reviews.

This is perhaps the easiest and most common way to make money on Instagram. The only important condition is that you must have enough subscribers to earn money from advertising posts. Typically, a ticket to this “source” starts with 10 thousand subscribers, however, even with a smaller audience you can make money from advertising - only the income will be more modest. The main thing is that your entire audience is real, and not artificially inflated through hype.

Earning algorithm:

  • You create an advertising post (this can be a photo or video)
  • You insert a branded hashtag, mention or link to promote your brand
  • You share it with your audience
  • You get money

The earning scheme is quite simple, but there are a number of important questions that need to be answered.

Where to look for clients?

    You will be lucky if clients come to you on their own. This is not uncommon. People view your account, rate it, make sure that the target audience matches, and write to you. If you want such a story to happen more often, then mention such a service in your account. Or create a separate account to recruit for advertising. Just don’t go overboard with the number of advertising posts. In pursuit of money, you can forget about the quality of content. You can lose a large number of your own subscribers if you overload your profile with advertising posts. Therefore, think carefully about this moment when making money on Instagram.

    Today there are many platforms that help bloggers and advertisers find each other. Adstamer, Epicstar, Sociate are all social promotion services. Here you can find tasks about placing advertising in your account and calculate how much you will get for it. On average, for posting 1 advertising post you can get from 500 rubles to infinity (it all depends on how busy your account is).

    Epicstars. Terms of cooperation: the number of subscribers on the channel must be at least 1000 and it must not contain content that violates the rules of the social network. Commission 20%

    Plibber. The conditions of this exchange are as follows: your account must have at least 30 posts and at least 150 subscribers. The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles. System commission – 15%

    Adstamer. Commission 10%. The minimum number of subscribers is 1000 people. There are no restrictions on withdrawals.

    Label. You must have at least 10,000 subscribers and at least 20 posts in your feed. Commission 5%. Withdrawal from 250 rubles

To be honest, the cost of advertising is determined by the account owner himself: depending on how he personally evaluates his services. But in general, the price is determined based on the number of subscribers. Usually the formula looks like this: 10 subscribers = 1 rub. for advertising. That is, if you have 3 thousand subscribers, then an advertising post will cost 300 rubles, and if you have 30 thousand, then it will cost 3000 rubles.

But the founder of Due.com, John Rampton, calculates the price using a different formula: 0.25-0.5 dollars per “like” and 1 dollar per comment. You need to multiply this by the average number of likes and comments - and you get the price of an advertising post.

Please note that in the first case, the price depends on the recruited audience, and in the other, on the activity that this audience shows.

How much can an Instagram business earn from advertising?

The amount of your income will depend on many factors, so we will not promise any specific amounts. However, we note that a blog with an audience of 30 thousand people can earn 20-25 thousand rubles per month.

Idea for Instagram 3. Selling photos

One family always took a camera on vacation, took a lot of “family on vacation” photos while traveling, and then sold them on stocks like Shuttersrock. They say they made decent money from this and got a good percentage of the cost of the vacation.

Here's a real story about how you can make money from photographs. Today there are many services that bring together a mass content producer and a buyer. You simply register on the service through your Instagram account, mark which photos you want to sell - and make a profit.

Today this method of making money on Instagram is one of the most popular. How it works?

  1. You are looking for a client through an exchange or on your own.
  2. Negotiate the price of advertising.
  3. You take a high-quality photo at the client’s request and give him the footage.
  4. You get money.

Let's take a closer look at the process of selling Instagram photos.

1. Foap calls itself “the next wave of stock photos.” How it works: You register on the site, create a profile and portfolio of your best images that you would like to sell. For every photo sold you earn $5. The advantage is that you can sell the same image an unlimited number of times.

2. 500px is a photography community with 80 million photos. Is a great platform to display and license your photos.

A few nuances that will allow you to earn more on this site:

    use 4-5 keywords for each photo. This will help your work find a buyer;

    look for and photograph what no one photographs;

3. Twenty20 is a marketplace for selling your Instagram photos. Register online or download their iPhone app. Any photo you post is for sale. But you retain the rights to the photo, so you can sell it multiple times.

4. Snapwire – the service recommends that you upload as many high-quality photos as possible. You should use keywords with your photos so that they can be easily found. If you consistently upload your photos, you will earn points. This way, you increase your opportunity to earn more money. Be sure to check out the “last purchased” section. This will allow you to understand what is in demand now.

And in conclusion, some useful tips for those who decide to make money by selling photographs. First, take natural, not staged, photos. Brands are hunting for live footage. A Canadian pharmaceutical company once paid $6,000 for 52 photographs of friends playing. Secondly, don't use a square format. Although Instagram initially came out with square, Polaroid-type frames, the 4:5 portrait format looks more professional.

Idea for Instagram 4. Account promotion (marketing consultant)

Account promotion is another super-popular business on Instagram that brings in good money. Now many companies that maintain their profiles on this social network need promotion specialists. What is the job?

    registration of a company profile;

    creating content and a content plan that will gather an audience and bring clients;

    SEO optimization;

    Partnership with other bloggers;

    increased activity (likes, comments, replies).

There is nothing complicated in this work. If you wish, you can master all the skills in a month or two. Special courses will help speed up the learning process. Their cost is 6-14 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn? Here are approximate market prices for some Instagram marketer services:

Account from scratch (creation, promotion) – 10,000 rubles;
Monthly maintenance of Instagram – from 3,500 rubles;
Designer account design – from 1500 rubles;
Targeted advertising (setup and maintenance) – from 7,000 rubles.

To create a price list and decide what services you can offer the client.

How to look for clients? Monitor advertisements on Instagram and vacancies on specialized sites. Today there are many job offers.

How to build a sustainable consulting business on Instagram?

If you are looking forward to long-term earnings, use the following tips:

    Define your target audience precisely. To attract clients, you need to build smart relationships with bloggers in your niche.

    Create a portfolio with good reviews. Get started with free help.

    Track time spent on various tasks using different applications and set up processes when you work with new clients.

    Give people free information and your subscribers will turn into your customers.

Ready ideas for your business

Idea for Instagram 5. Account administration

The idea is similar to the previous one, but involves work on creating content. If a promotion specialist works with marketing tools, then the account administrator is responsible for the entire account.

Administrator tasks on Instagram:

    regularly creating posts;

    photo/video editing;

    statistics analysis;

    communication with subscribers;

    generating new ideas;

    creating a content plan;

The main task of the administrator is to maintain the quality of content.

You can find a similar job on freelance exchanges. You can also personally write your proposal to the blogger by email.

The average cost of maintaining an Instagram account is 5-20 thousand rubles. If you manage to find several companies that will be your regular customers, then you can earn up to 60 thousand rubles.

Instagram idea 6. Sell your experience

Let's assume you already have an active audience. And if not, go back to the beginning of the article and read about promotion and tips for maintaining an account. Now let's talk about how to create that very product.

How to come up with an original product?

One way is to research books in your niche that are sold on Amazon or Udemy (focus on bestsellers). Another way is to research the audience that has formed in your account. You can ask them what they are willing to buy. Find out the problems of your audience during communication.

How much does it cost?

The cost of courses can vary from 1 to 10 thousand rubles. It all depends on your audience, course content, interaction format, etc. By selling your experience on Instagram, you can earn 20-100 thousand rubles. per month. It all depends on how high-quality the product you offer, whether you match the needs of the audience and how you advertise it.

Instagram business mistakes you can avoid

There are 3 main reasons why you will not be able to start selling courses:

    you're not sure you're good enough;

    you launch a product but then find that no one wants to buy it.

How to deal with this? Carefully study the market and consumer needs. Take a course like this to take a look at the entire “kitchen” from the inside. Ask yourself the question “What unique information do I have?” - the answer to this question will become the basis for the idea. Before you start selling courses, it is recommended to test them first - sell a stripped-down version to someone for a minimal price, get feedback and draw conclusions.

Idea for Instagram 7. Printing photos

All people are already accustomed to storing their photographs on electronic media. However, it’s hard to give up the romance of printed photos. Therefore, services for printing photos from Instagram are doing great on the market: they are in demand and receive a stable income.

Printing photos from Instagram is, on the one hand, an innovative business idea, and on the other hand, it takes us back to the past, to the time when photo printing was relevant and in demand.

A person can print photos from Instagram individually in special machines. Such devices are found in every shopping center.

Another format of this business is the creation of albums from photographs posted on Instagram. The user receives a finished photo book - in a hard cover, with collages of photographs that are selected in advance, in an individual design.

The production of hardcover photo albums with individual designs allows you to make good money.

In order to provide such a service, you will need to create your own website. A photo book designer will be available there, allowing the customer to independently choose the design, number of pages, and placement of photographs. Thanks to this service, you can literally print out your Instagram - with likes, dates, captions. Website development will cost you approximately 30 thousand rubles. The same amount will be spent on active promotion on the Internet. Also, don’t forget to create your own Instagram account, with which you will advertise your services and look for interested buyers.

The second important point in such a business is the search for a printing house where photo books will be printed. To do this, check out the printing houses in your city and compile technical information. task, find out prices. You don't just need to choose the cheapest printing services. Pay attention to the quality of printing, paper, colors... The success of your business depends on the quality of execution. Before concluding a contract with a printing house, run a test print to ensure quality.

The cost of a finished photo book is about 1,300 rubles. In the first month, you can receive 15-30 orders and count on revenue of about 40 thousand rubles. The average cost of a photo book for 5 spreads is 230 rubles. This means that the net profit from one sale will be 1070 rubles. Then, with 30 orders per month, the net profit will be about 30 thousand rubles.

Idea for Instagram 8. Affiliate programs

One of the easiest and most profitable ways to make money on Instagram is to sell other people's goods or services through affiliate programs. How it works?

Algorithm for working on site:

  • Registration
  • Selecting an affiliate product or service
  • In some cases, you will have to get approval for your Instagram account as an advertising platform.
  • Getting an affiliate link
  • Placing an advertising post with an affiliate link in your account
  • If a user clicks on your affiliate link and purchases a product or service, you will receive a reward.

Today there are many affiliate programs. You can easily find lists of the best partners on the Internet. These sites provide lists of affiliate programs: Rekl.pro; Tlight; Adcombo; CPA. On average, the commission for selling one product through a CPA network is 200-600 rubles. You can earn about 20 thousand rubles from affiliate programs. monthly. By the way, you yourself can earn money through an affiliate program on your own purchases. How? Find a product, register in an affiliate program, take the link and buy using it. This scheme works in online stores and products participating in CPA networks.

Finally, a few tips on doing business with affiliate programs:

    Promote only one product. You'll ask people to click on a link in your bio, where you can only provide one link.

    Do not use a product image. People care about the result. Show them the product you are promoting in action and how it can positively impact their lives.

    Use only relevant hashtags.

    Choose products for affiliate sales that are already selling well and receiving rave reviews from customers.

Idea for Instagram 9. Completing tasks

This method can hardly be called earning money - rather, a part-time job. It does not bring much profit, but it takes a little time and generates income.

How to make money on Instagram from likes?

    Register for a special service

    Get a task, for example, to like certain pages. With the help of special services, you can earn money on Instagram by 3 simple actions: likes, comments, subscriptions. For these actions, people are willing to pay from 1 to 5 rubles.

    Complete the task and receive a reward.

Here are a few such sites:

    vktarget.ru – here you can get 1 ruble simply for liking a photo or subscribing. The minimum withdrawal amount is only 25 rubles.

    Qcomment.ru – on average, one action here costs 3-5 rubles. If you work hard, you can earn 500 rubles a day.

    Forumok.com - payment for actions - from 50 kopecks to 5 rubles (for more serious tasks, like leaving a comment).

    Cashbox – for 1 like you can get from 0.65 rubles.

The amount of money earned directly depends on the generosity of the customer. Average prices are:

    per like: 0.6-2 rubles;

    for subscription and repost: 1-5 rubles;

    per comment: 3-15 rubles.

With this method you can earn 100-500 rubles a day. And for a month the amount will be 2-10 thousand rubles. But it is worth considering that there are not very many tasks posted. Therefore, it is advisable to register on several such resources at once in order to increase your daily earnings.

Business on Instagram. Let's summarize.

Instagram today is not just a social network for communication, but a real trading platform where you can start a real business and make good money. In fact, there are many more than eight ideas for making money on Instagram. You can provide photo processing services, be a Giveaway organizer, analyze profiles, produce author’s presets for photo processing, provide designer services for creating an account, write custom texts, etc. Therefore, the main thing is to find a business idea that will be easy and interesting for you to work with. In this case, doing business on Instagram will be a pleasure.

  • Firstly, what is the use of an inactive audience if most Instagram businesses are tied to the actions of subscribers.
  • Secondly, inflated subscriptions are visible to the naked eye. If they want to cooperate with you, then fake subscribers will scare away any reasonable person.
  • Thirdly, gaining subscribers is not a free pleasure. You will spend money on a disservice.

💡 How to make money quickly on Instagram?

Unfortunately, you can make money on Instagram, but not right away. In most cases, investments in Instagram pay off over time. You definitely won’t get immediate profit.

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