How to request an archive of tweets. Twitter runs a deep search across all tweets. Add to favorites

Read, What data about user activity does Twitter save, where and how can you view or delete it?. Twitter is another one of the most popular social networks in the world. It differs from other social networks in format. Essentially, this is a service for microblogging or writing short messages. It is very popular among users and has recently become popular not only as a microblog but also as a news service.

Search history

Twitter saves a user's most recent searches. It saves them both in the web version of the social network and in the application for mobile devices. The latest searches of a user account can be seen by clicking in the window "Twitter Search".

To delete recent or saved search queries, just click the cross icon next to the query that you want to delete. Or choose "Clear all". In the mobile version of Twitter, as you can see, by clicking on the cross icon you can only delete all recent searches.

Login history

Twitter records and stores the login history of an account, namely the last 33 logins. To see it, go to the menu of your social network account and select: / Your Twitter details / View 33 latest entries.

In the login history you will see the application from which you logged in, the date, country and IP address.

To see your login history using the mobile app, use it to go to Settings / Account / Your Twitter details / Your data / Login history.

You cannot clear your account login history. But if you see some unauthorized logins to your account or you don’t like the activity of a particular application, then using the web interface of the social network you can deny access to such an application to your Twitter account. To do this, go to the Applications menu item and click the button opposite the desired one. "Close access".

Loading a tweet archive

To download the full archive of your account's tweets, go to your account settings: / Account and select "Request archive" opposite the function "Archive of your tweets".

After some time, a message will be sent to your email with a link to download it. Download the ZIP archive and unzip it. Instructions for its use will be in the README.TXT file.

How to delete tweets

Probably everyone can figure out how to delete a single tweet from your account. Just click on the menu flag of such a tweet and select "Delete Tweet".

What if, for example, a user’s account was hacked and all sorts of spam was posted in his name, in large volumes? Of course, such tweets can be deleted one at a time, but this will take time. In this case, to delete a certain number and or all tweets of an account at the same time, you can use online services for deleting tweets: TwitWipe, Delete Multiple Tweets, TweetEraser, DLTTR - Deleter, etc. To do this, just connect one of them to your account.

To delete your account from Twitter, go to its settings by clicking on the account photo and select / Account. Scroll down the menu and click on the link "Deactivate your account".

Confirm its deletion in the next window, and it will be deleted within 30 days.

On November 19, the global microblogging service Twitter announced the launch of a special search function for public tweets that were written by users over the entire 8 years of the resource’s existence.

Until now, Twitter users could use to find interesting tweets about specific events or topics. And to find older tweets, it was necessary to access various external sites - for example, Topsy, Tweet Machine.

The report states that more than hundreds of billions of tweets recorded the daily activities of users and large-scale historical events. The Twitter search engine has proven itself to be excellent in searching for tweets about breaking news or important events in real time. But the long-term goal for the developers is to allow people to search all the tweets they've ever posted.

On the main page of the search service, keywords or even entire phrases, hashtags, search language (including Russian), account names, mentions of them, specific places, exact publication dates, and even the emotional tone of the message (positive, negative, interrogative) can be specified.

Advanced search will be an important help for many brands, their marketers, PR specialists and even television workers, who will have the opportunity to study the reaction of a wide audience at any time period.

The service already supports indexing of messages in real time. It covers all tweets for approximately a period of 7 days. Full indexing will require much more resources, because the volume of indexed tweets is growing very quickly - by a couple of billion every week.

Searching the entire database of about 500 billion documents is available to Twitter users starting November 18. It was first tested on a limited group of users. The test results are good.

1. Show activity feed

This is analogous to the news feed on Facebook and, and is also a great way to find new interesting content and users to follow. Use the Activity feed to see what the people you follow are doing on Twitter outside of their own tweets. Select the menu #In the know > Actions (Discover > Activity) to see the activity feed of those you follow.

2. Add to favorites

Every Twitter user wants to get as many “followers” ​​as possible. To speed up your progress, search for words that are close to your interests (or related to the topic of your microblog, if you are a journalist or other content producer). Then favorite tweets that mention something you like, and they'll likely follow you back.

3. Show answers

For verified Twitter users, replies and mentions do not appear in the news feed. To see them, go to the user's profile page and click "All" above the tweet feed.

4. Subscribe to lists

Creating lists is an easy way to keep track of tweets when you follow a lot of people. Go to Me > Lists to categorize users in a way that suits you. You can also subscribe to other users' lists by going to their profile and selecting "lists" from the menu. In applications like TweetDeck, you will also have the ability to make each list into a separate column.

Want to see someone's tweets without following the user in your main news feed? Add him to one of the lists, but remember: the user will be able to see the lists he is added to (unless you mark them as “Private”).

5. Create custom widgets

Create a Twitter widget for your website. To do this, go to the Settings menu > Widgets > Create New (Gear Icon > Settings > Widgets > Create New). The widget will display your tweets, and you can also customize its appearance.

Twitter also allows you to create widgets for other users, which is useful, for example, when you want to embed a company's news feed on your site. Go to the page of the user you need, click the silhouette icon above the tweet feed and select “Embed this Profile”.

6. Choose topics

If you're bored with the standard Twitter background and don't have any suitable photos of your own, use Themeleon to find something close to your style.

7. Advanced search

Can't find something or someone? Try the advanced search, which will find you specific phrases, tweets with a specific location, language, and more.

8. Hotkeys

Twitter allows you to use more than 20 hotkeys to work faster and more efficiently. "G H" will take you back to the home page, "R" to answer, and "G U" to find the user you're looking for.

9. Save for later

Helping you conveniently save web content to read later offline, Pocket has unique Twitter integration. By downloading the extension for your browser, you can save the necessary links to pages directly from tweets “for later”.

10. Change trending topics

Trending topics on Twitter allow you to stay on top of what people are most excited about online at the moment. You can change the topic list to show the hottest topics in your country or city, or filter them according to your interests.

11. Find friends

Sync Twitter with your email and other social media contacts. To do this, select In the know > Search for friends > Search in the address book (Discover > Find Friends > Search your address book for friends).

12. Add multiple accounts

You can follow tweets from multiple accounts on your mobile device. To do this, on your profile page, click the button under the silhouette icon, and then the “+” sign in the upper right corner. Enter your middle name and password and you can switch between the two accounts.

13. Adapt Twitter to suit you

To make the information Twitter offers you even more useful, force it to check your browser history. Tap Settings > Account > Personalization (Gear Icon > Settings > Account > Personalization) and check the box next to “Tailor Twitter based on my recent website visits.”

For example, if you frequently visit sports sites, Twitter will suggest microblogs of various athletes and teams that are read by other users visiting the same site.

14. Download the tweet archive

At the end of 2012, Twitter introduced the ability to download archives of your tweets, starting with the very first one, as a saved HTML page. Go to Settings > Account > Your Twitter Archive > Request Your Archive. True, you won’t be able to download the archive instantly, but you will receive a notification when it becomes available for download.

Many people use Twitter without knowing its main secrets. But advanced users can get the maximum number of “followers” ​​much easier

Every Twitter user wants to get as many “followers” ​​as possible. To speed up your progress, search for words that are close to your interests (or related to the topic of your microblog, if you are a journalist or other content producer). Then add to your favorites those tweets that mention something you like - and, most likely, their authors will “follow” you in response.

1. Show activity feed

This is an analogue of the news feed on Facebook and, and is also a great way to find new interesting content and users whose posts you can read. Use the Activity feed to see what the people you follow are doing on Twitter beyond their own tweets. Select the menu #In the know > Actions (Discover > Activity) to see the activity feed of those you follow.

2. Show answers

For verified Twitter users, replies and mentions do not appear in the news feed. To see them, go to the user's profile page and click "All" above the tweet feed.

3. Subscribe to lists

Creating lists is an easy way to keep track of tweets when you follow a large number of people. Go to Me > Lists to categorize users in a way that is convenient for you. You can also subscribe to other users' lists by going to their profile and selecting "lists" from the menu. In applications like TweetDeck, you will also have the opportunity to make each list a separate column.

Want to see someone's tweets without following them in your main news feed? Add him to one of the lists, but remember: the user will be able to see the lists he is added to (unless you mark them as “Private”).

4. Create custom widgets

Create a Twitter widget for your website. To do this, go to the Settings menu > Widgets > Create New (Gear Icon > Settings > Widgets > Create New). The widget will display your tweets, and you can also customize its appearance.

Twitter allows you to create widgets for other users, which is convenient, for example, when you want to place a company news feed on your website. Go to the page of the user you need, click the silhouette icon above the tweet feed and select “Embed this Profile”.

5. Choose topics

If you are bored with the standard Twitter background and don’t have your own suitable photos, use the Themeleon service to find something close to your spirit.

6. Advanced search

Can't find something or someone? Try the advanced search, which will find you specific phrases, tweets with a specific location, language and much more.

7. Hotkeys

Twitter allows you to use more than 20 hotkeys to work faster and more efficiently. The combination "G H" will return you to the home page, use "R" to answer, and "G U" to find the desired user.

8. Save for later

Pocket, a service that helps you conveniently save web content to read later offline, has a unique integration into Twitter. By downloading the extension for your browser, you can save “for later” the necessary links to pages directly from tweets.

9. Change trending topics

Trending topics on Twitter allow you to stay up to date with what people are most excited about online at the moment. You can change the list of topics to display the hottest topics in your country or city, or filter them according to your interests.

10. Find friends

Sync Twitter with your email and contacts on other social networks. To do this, select In the know > Search for friends > Search in the address book (Discover > Find Friends > Search your address book for friends).

11. Add multiple accounts

You can follow tweets from multiple accounts on your mobile device. To do this, on your profile page, click the button under the silhouette icon, and then the “+” sign in the upper right corner. Enter your middle name and password and you can switch between two accounts.

12. Adapt Twitter to suit you

To make the information Twitter offers you even more useful, force it to check your browser history. Tap Settings > Account > Personalization (Gear Icon > Settings > Account > Personalization) and check the box next to “Tailor Twitter based on my recent website visits.”

For example, if you frequently visit sports sites, Twitter will offer microblogs of various athletes and teams that are read by other users visiting the same site.

13. Download the tweet archive

At the end of 2012, Twitter made it possible to download archives of your tweets, starting with the very first one, in the form of a saved HTML page. Go to Settings > Account > Your Twitter Archive > Request Your Archive. True, you will not be able to download the archive instantly, but you will receive a notification when it becomes available for download.

"Private Correspondent"