How to log into Skype using username and password. Open Skype on your computer

Does this happen? What to do in this case? Understanding all this is not as easy as it seems. After all, problems with computer software can happen for a variety of reasons. And it is extremely difficult to predict them. No one is immune from the problem being studied. As a rule, users usually go through all possible options and try to correct the situation. What could be the reasons why Skype refused to launch?

"Curve" installation

The first scenario is far from the most dangerous. This is an incorrect installation of the application. It is after this that Skype does not open. Or it starts to malfunction. This type of initialization is also called "curve". Why is this happening? Even minor glitches and malfunctions that occurred during installation of the application can lead to this problem. As a result, Skype will not start. Or it will start to glitch. The situation can be corrected easily and simply - just uninstall the program and reinstall it. It is recommended that you do not perform any activities on the computer during initialization. Skype still won't open? Then the reasons may be different.

Old version

For example, the fact that the user installed an old and basically non-working version of the application. Usually, only the latest software builds are posted on the official Skype website. Sometimes users use existing installers that were downloaded a long time ago. Hence the problem. As a rule, in this case, the application will issue a warning that it is necessary to update due to the lack of support for the previously installed version of the program. Skype won't open on your computer? What to do? Listen to the recommendations that the operating system gives and update the application. There are no other options. It is not necessary to install the latest version. You just need to pay attention to the fact that the initialized software is supported in principle.

After update

What else should you pay attention to? Skype is an application that often malfunctions. And users should know how to deal with this or that problem when dealing with software. Sometimes it happens that the Skype window does not open immediately after the update. Here users are offered several solutions. Which one will be the most effective cannot be said with certainty.

First, you can simply restart your computer. Sometimes this technique works. Typically, after any initialization or update, you need to restart the operating system. Secondly, you can try to completely remove the program, then manually reinstall it. Often, automatic updates cause problems in Skype. Therefore, many do not recommend using this too often.

Thirdly, one tricky trick is proposed. We are talking about deleting your account from the application system. Often this step solves the problem with starting the program. Skype won't open? Then you will have to find the %Appdata%/Skype folder. There you need to select the folder with the name of the user account and click on the delete button. Now all that remains is to launch the program and enter your username and password in the appropriate fields.


Skype won't open? Gives an error message? Or does the user experience this problem? Then you can try to reinstall the drivers. Especially if you were able to see what exactly caused the problem. This information is encrypted on the “blue screen of death”.

Reinstalling drivers is the key to success when launching most programs. You can simply update to the latest versions. It is also recommended to install or update ActiveX, JavaScript and DirectX. After this, you can restart your computer (this is important), and then try to start Skype. Most likely the problem will go away. Especially if on the “blue screen of death” it was possible to identify the equipment that required Skype still won’t open? What to do? There are not as many of the most common options left as it seems!


The next reason for the problem is infection of the operating system with viruses. The most common scenario. It is because of some viruses that computer software refuses to work fully. Skype may not start or work intermittently. What should I do? It is enough to cure the computer and the problem will go away by itself. You will need to perform a deep scan of the system with antivirus programs. Then everyone is treated (there is a special button in antiviruses for this purpose). And what cannot be corrected is deleted.

Don't forget to scan your computer for spyware. They can also sometimes harm the system and also cause Skype to stop working. By analogy with viruses, spyware is removed or dangerous objects are treated. Now you can try to launch Skype. It is recommended to reinstall the application. The computer installed the program. Skype still won't open? Then you should try one more small trick. It doesn't work as often as we'd like, but it's worth taking into account.


We are talking about cleaning the system registry. If you do not carry out this procedure from time to time, the operating system will begin to fail. As a result, sooner or later many programs will refuse to work. And Skype is no exception. It is recommended to use an application called CCleaner. It will help you automatically check your computer's registry and then clean it of unnecessary accumulated files. After this, try again to start Skype. After scanning, you can send your computer to reboot. Usually, after cleaning the system registry, the operation of the operating system improves. And Skype begins to work fully.


But that's not all. Skype won't open? Gives an error message? If all of the above problems did not occur, then you should make sure that the program is compatible with the operating system. Skype often refuses to work on Windows 10. The situation can only be corrected by reinstalling Windows to an older version. Fortunately, incompatibility does not often become the reason for Skype to refuse to work.

Skype is warm and convenient. Often there is even no alternative. The trick is that some extremely useful Skype functions are not obvious, that is, hidden from the user. Creating separate Skype accounts for work and personal use is a good practice. The problem is that you can't run two application clients on the same computer at the same time without cheating. Although, in fact you can.

Launch Skype as usual, then press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” or simply launch the Windows utility “Run”, then specify in it the path to the Skype.exe file adding the “/secondary” parameter.

If the system is 32-bit and the standard installation path was selected for Skype:

C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /secondary

If the system is 64-bit and the standard installation path was selected for Skype:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /secondary

The second Skype client will launch, in which you can log in with a different account.

An easier option is to create a copy of the Skype shortcut on your desktop, then right-click on the shortcut -> Properties.

In the “Object” field, add the “/secondary” parameter. It should look like this.

Click “Apply” and then, if desired, rename the shortcut so that you can distinguish it from the “main” Skype.

Everything is very simple.

How to run two Skypes at the same time?

Hello, friends! From the previous article you learned how to download and install Skype. In this article we will tell you how to run two Skypes on one computer. For a person who constantly works at a computer, Skype is practically a second mobile phone, without which modern life is not possible. The speed of life is increasing and one phone is no longer enough for us. Two or more are required. It's the same with Skype. This function can be used to separate contacts into work and non-work, or a friend came without a computer and urgently needs to log into his Skype. At the same time, you don’t want to leave yours. It is precisely for such cases that the Skype developers, starting with version 4.0, have provided for the launch of two or more copies of the program on one computer. In this article we will tell you how to do this. You can also watch the video at the end of the article where everything is shown and explained.

Create a shortcut for Skype

The shortcut is easy to create. To do this you need to go along the path

C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone - for Windows 8 32-bit

The path may vary slightly. For example

This folder contains the only file Skype.exe. Right-click on it and select “Send > Desktop”

The shortcut has been created. Then you can move it to any convenient place, even to the Startup folder

Setting up a shortcut to launch a second Skype

Right-click on the created shortcut and select “Properties”. We immediately find ourselves on the “Shortcut” tab. In the “Object” line add the following

The result should be the following

"C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary

A space is required after the closing quotation mark. /seсondary is a key indicating that Skype will be launched second or third, and so on.

On the “General” tab, it would be nice to immediately change the name. For example, “Skype Two” or “Skype for a second user.”

Then click “OK”. The setup is complete.

Automatic authorization when starting a second Skype

When you start Skype for the first time, authorization takes place automatically. When starting the second Skype, you must enter the password each time. The feature with automatic authorization does not work, since when you launch the first Skype, authorization occurs for the second account.

It is convenient to make sure that when you launch the main Skype program from a shortcut or from the Start menu, the first account is always loaded, and from the second, respectively, the second.

To do this, go to the properties of the shortcut for the second account created on the desktop.

On the Shortcut tab, in the Object field, add the following:

/username:name_2 /password:password_2

where: name_2 is the login for the second account, password_2 is the password, respectively.

A space is required between two keys.

It turns out that you must first launch your main Skype, then the desktop shortcut for the second user. Otherwise, you will simply launch one Skype under a different account. You won’t be able to launch your primary Skype because the corresponding /secondary key is not registered. To make this possible, you need to create a shortcut for your main account in the same way.


You have created two or more shortcuts for your first and second accounts. We have registered the appropriate keys for automatic authorization. The passwords in these shortcuts are contained in clear text, which is not secure.

Let's create two folders in the directory

C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\ - for Windows 7 64-bit

In Windows 8, the system does not allow you to create any folders in the above path.

In them it is necessary to rewrite the Skype user profiles located at


Copy the folder with the profile name of the first user to the Data1 folder. In Data2 - the second.

In the shortcuts on the desktop, we will make small changes in the same Object field on the “Shortcut” tab.

You must write the following:

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe” /secondary /datapath:”Data1″ - for the first shortcut and

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe” /secondary /datapath:”Data2″ - for the second.

Click "OK". After that, first launch the Skype shortcut for the first user and assign automatic authorization. Then select the Skype shortcut for the second one and also assign automatic authorization. After this, you can launch the shortcuts in any order and you will not have to constantly enter the password.

As mentioned above, in Windows 8 it is not possible to create a folder in the directory where the Skype program is located, so you will have to remember the password.


In the article, we learned how to open two Skypes on one computer. This is done simply, especially if these are not mega important accounts. In this case, you just need to create and configure shortcuts and use Skype to the fullest. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

To have fewer questions, please watch the video How to launch two Skypes?

Enjoy your virtual and real communication).

Best regards, Anton Dyachenko

How to log into skype from your phone and other devices

For some reason, a simple procedure like logging into a resource or client using your registration data causes many problems. And even Skype sometimes ruins everything when starting up: it also happens that the entrance to it is too confusing, the “login” is hidden, and the procedure itself is interrupted. That is why this topic became the basis for today’s article, because at first glance everything is very simple, but there are a lot of problems.

The first and most important question: “How can I even log into the program on the same Windows?” It's actually not difficult. It’s enough just to watch the program launch once, enter all the data there and that’s it. After this, authorization will take place automatically, without your participation. And all this is free.

So, you need:

  • Launch Skype (browser version is possible).
  • Wait (at this time a white dotted circle is spinning on the screen).
  • Enter your username and password in the special fields.
  • Click on “Login”.
  • Wait a little.

That's all. You are on your page. You can start having fun chatting online. Moreover, this algorithm is the same for all versions of Microsoft Windows and Linux.

Access to the site occurs in a similar way. But first you need to open the resource on the main page and find the green “Login” button in the upper right corner.

Well, to make the instructions even more clear, at the same time we’ll look at how to launch this very Skype. to menu

How to enable skype on a computer and laptop

Whether on a computer or a laptop, the algorithm is absolutely the same, because the version of the operating system does not change.

You need:

  • Look for the shortcut on your desktop. Perhaps he just got lost among the games. If you find it, just double-click on it with the left mouse button.
  • Open “Start” - “All Programs”. Look there for a folder with the desired name. If found, click on it, click on the Skype icon. This way you can open it almost always.
  • If you were unable to launch it using the two above-mentioned methods, go to the disk and folder where you installed the program. Find the “phone” folder there, and in it the treasured file with the extension .exe. Just open it.

You can also simply turn on the search and write skype.exe in the line.

By the way, there is another way to enter, which is not entirely standard.

Is it possible to access Skype via Facebook?

Facebook is used for this. Yes, unfortunately, VKontakte is not so beloved by everyone - the client is still American.

Do this:

That's all. Simple as ever.

The topic would not be complete if I did not mention logging in from the phone - important and useful information for many. to menu

How to log into skype from your phone

The algorithms differ for different systems, but in general they are similar.

For owners of Android phones (LG, Lenovo, Samsung and others):

  • After turning on the program, wait a little.
  • Touch the input field with your finger and enter your login there.
  • Click on the arrow button.
  • Enter your password in the field.
  • Touch the "Login" button.

Be careful. There are many false mobile versions of programs for Android (including Lenovo). They can steal your password.

For iPhone owners, it’s not even worth re-writing the algorithm - it’s absolutely the same. Not a single other letter, even though the iPhone is aimed at a different audience.

It’s worth mentioning Skype for business, which is best accessed from a computer. to menu

Skype for Business - How to Login

Let's imagine that the company manager called everyone to an urgent corporate conference. In this case, the conference will be held on Skype. Or you urgently need to send someone copies of the necessary documents: a minute of delay - and your train has left.

And then you realize that you don’t know how to log into Skype for Business correctly. But don't worry.

Logging into it is carried out in exactly the same way as in a regular one. No additional problems. If you don’t believe it, you can download it and see for yourself. More details here - "Skype free download latest version".

Finally, many people find it difficult to simply log in via email.

Login to Skype via email - an alternative method

Just imagine - for some reason you don’t want to log into the client in the usual way, but prefer to do it through an email address. The question immediately arises: how can this be done? And is it even possible? It’s probably impossible to enter your personal account like that.

But all this is nonsense. This process is incredibly simple. Go to or open the client, read one of the algorithms above and replace the “login” item with the “email” item. That's all. It turns out that no problems arise.

You can use any browser, even Chrome. True, chrome requires a relatively powerful computer. Mail can also be anything - even from Yandex.

And again we will return to the topic “How to enable the program”.

How to run skype on a tablet

Only now let’s talk about how to do this on a tablet. In fact, the system doesn’t matter at all – you won’t be able to completely remove a shortcut anywhere.

Therefore, it is enough for you:

  • Unlock screen.
  • Search for the program on the desktop (as a rule, it appears immediately after unlocking).
  • Use any available method to access the main menu.
  • Scroll through the lists there in the hope of finding the icon you need.
  • In any available way, go to “Settings” - “Applications”.
  • Scroll through the list of programs there.

If you haven't found anything anywhere, just download it - it will be faster.

But all this is of course good, but what to do if you decide to turn off Skype?

How to log into blocked Skype

But, unfortunately, it is impossible to bypass the blocking.

You are left with only two options:

  • or wait if you are blocked temporarily,
  • or create a new account.

As a rule, in this case, when you log in, it says that you are blocked and the reason is indicated.

So let's talk about a less sad topic - autorun.

How to remove skype from autostart windows, linux, mac os

In order to remove a program from autorun in Windows, you must:

  • A window opens. Enter msconfig there.
  • Uncheck Skype.
  • Restart your computer.

For Linux users, the solution is this (it’s easier to use the program itself):

  • Open the client.
  • Go to “Tools” - “Settings”.
  • Uncheck "Launch Skype at startup".
  • Click on the “Save” button.

For Mac users, the solution is:

  • Open "System Settings" (click on the apple).
  • Click on "Users and Groups".
  • Click on "Download Details".
  • Select Skype from the list.
  • Click on the minus sign at the bottom of the white screen.

But now you will have to open the program yourself.

Well, now it's time to answer the most common questions and solve common problems. to menu

How to cancel automatic login to Skype

First of all, you need to log into Skype itself.

Well then:

  • Follow the path “Tools” - “Settings”.
  • Uncheck "Automatic" authorization when launching Skype."

That's all. Your account is safe. We managed to cancel the permanent authorization; no one else comes in anymore.

How to make skype start automatically on devices

Well, turning it back on is no less simple. For computer owners, you just need to put that treasured checkbox back in place.

For smartphone owners, you just need to enter the menu and find the setting there. There will be exactly the same check mark, I assure you.

It all depends on the problem itself.

Here are their solutions:

  • If it's just a white window with no input fields, look for the Skype shortcut. Right-click to open its properties. And in the object field, add “/legacylogin” to the application (after everything that is written there).
  • If there is nothing at all, try changing the screen resolution.
  • If everything is blocked by advertising, check for viruses.
To help beginners: there are good ways to make Skype without advertising.

Skype does not start on your computer, phone, tablet - the circle is spinning - what to do

Infinite authorization is generally a serious problem. This endless circle becomes annoying, especially when it happens repeatedly. Then Skype freezes for a long time, but there are still no solutions. What to do? Need professional help? Eternal login, loading - is it difficult? No.

The problem is solved like this:

  • On your tablet or phone, simply reinstall Skype again.
  • You need to completely turn off Skype on your computer (you can see if you have done this in running processes).
  • Press the Windows + R key combination on your keyboard.
  • Type in %appdata%\skype.
  • The window closes and the folder opens. Remove shared.xml from it.

By the way, before doing this, check your Internet connection. Perhaps the web is simply inaccessible to you.

You can call a technician to open a port for you and check the list of incoming connections.

Why does Skype crash on startup?

It’s sad when, after entering your login and password, instead of the usual window, we see “The application has stopped working” or, even worse, a blue screen of death.

Why is this happening?

This is how it happens: you sit, sit, remember about the contact and want to communicate with him. You try to log in and start a chat, but Skype goes out. The screen also goes blank. “Does not respond”, “throws out”, “closes”, “does not load”

If Skype stopped doing this once on its own, and now it started again, just reinstall it completely.

If this happens all the time, it is possible that the sector on the disk is damaged or the application does not have enough memory, including RAM. Run the chkdsk utility and check.

It may also be that the disk is full, filled with unnecessary things - then just clean it by deleting old information.

It happens that this is a problem on the disk physically - the contact has come off and the like. Here, too, only a master can help. However, it can easily be replaced with a new one.

Read more about Skype glitches in our article “What to do if Skype crashes”. to menu

Skype does not respond when starting - what to do

This problem is similar to the previous one.

Why is the display glitchy when Skype is on?

Well, if Skype glitches after a while, the problem is in your computer. It may simply be overheating. It is also possible that your modem is loading - someone is using someone else's Wi-Fi. In general, the display doesn’t just crash.

As a last resort, you can play with the parameters.

Skype freezes on startup

There are two options. If it crashes, you are one subheading higher. If it just hangs, slows down and just stops working, you should go elsewhere. Sometimes it just hangs the system, spins its wheel (due to glitches it can even become a square), checks the web connection, hangs a little more and starts it up.

You just have a slow computer. You won’t be able to log in right away – deal with it.

Endless login to Skype - solution to the problem

See the solution a little higher.

How to run two Skypes on one computer

What a complete life it is to use both the first and second accounts for communication at the same time. This feature has not been officially added, but it is possible to communicate on two accounts.

For this:

  • Press the Windows and R keys at the same time.
  • In the window, enter %programfiles(x86)%/skype/phone/.
  • Right-click on the Skype.exe file and select Send to - Desktop.
  • Find the new icon on your desktop and right-click on Properties.
  • In the Target field, add the text /secondary to the end of the path.

That's all. They are not going to remove this - communicate freely in several posts.

How to find out when a person logged into Skype

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find out when a person was on Skype - that’s what statuses were invented for. Don't pry into other people's personal lives. When he wants, then he will write to you, even log in for your sake. to menu

How to find out who logged into Skype

There is also no way to find out if someone has been on your account - just change your password if in doubt.


As you can see for yourself, there is nothing really complicated in all of this. You just need to approach the new action with persistence, carefully read all the instructions described above and get started. Then there will definitely be no problems. If you don’t understand something, you can watch the video (it’s even available for download) or look at the photo.

Using algorithms, you can even log in on your TV.

Video review

Open Skype - how to open Skype

It is sometimes very difficult for a new user to understand the functionality of programs necessary for comfortable work and leisure. This can also be applied to the Skype program: despite the fact that the program is quite easy to use for experienced people who understand computers and has clear instructions for action, the colorful and unusual design can confuse a beginner. The program is installed, but how to use it now? This article will describe in detail and competently how to open Skype.

Detailed instructions will help even the most inexperienced user to easily open Skype and get unlimited ability to work with the program. What should be the procedure in order to get started with this attractive and convenient program?

  • Step one is opening the program itself. Immediately after the installation process is completed, a bright and recognizable icon should appear on the desktop - a white Latin letter S on a light blue background in the form of a circle with two protruding rounded areas. After double-clicking on the icon with the left mouse button, the program should launch on its own.
  • Step two is working with the authorization window. In order to gain access to the capabilities of using the program from your personal account, you must fill out two text fields correctly. In the first one you need to enter your login used when registering a new account, and in the second - the password suitable for it. It should be noted that the password must be entered taking into account not only the language layout of the keyboard, but also the case - large and small letters entered with the same key are considered a means of reading any passwords with different characters. Of course, if you don’t understand what we’re talking about here and haven’t created any account, you need to do this right now. Account registration is available on the official website of the developer, and there are detailed and clear instructions for carrying out this process without errors. If you want authorization to be performed automatically each time you start the program, you need to activate this function - this is possible in the same authorization window, and it is quite easy to find it.

This instruction fully answers the question of how to open Skype using the installed version of the program. However, there are other possibilities that also cannot be ignored.

Sometimes you really need to open Skype quickly and without delay. What should a user who has his own registered account do if it is impossible to install the program on his computer or if there is simply not enough time to complete this procedure?

  • You need to open any convenient Internet browser - Internet Explorer is installed on your computer by default, but many people prefer to immediately replace this browser with any other (although IE has significantly strengthened its position after the release of the tenth and eleventh versions).
  • In the search bar, you must enter a request in the form of the following link - This address will redirect the user to the Russian-language domain of another interesting product from the Skype developer.
  • The user will see an authorization window after clicking on this link. How to open Skype? Of course, enter the login and password for your account. What's most interesting is that after entering this data, your account will load directly in the browser window, even if there is no program installed on your computer!

Of course, there was a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey. In this version of Skype, which does not even require installation on a computer, by default only correspondence is available; talking by voice and communicating during a video conference session without installing additional plugins will not be possible. Nevertheless, such an interesting opportunity to open Skype can be useful at any time - the existing functionality is quite enough to convey urgent information to the right interlocutor.


How to trim songs on a computer

We find ourselves on the page of the newly created account. Almost in the middle there is a large green button “download Skype for Windows” (the operating system is detected automatically, perhaps another one will be indicated - the one you have).

You can also download from the main Skype page - by clicking the round green button that says “download Skype”.

After downloading, a notification appears in your current browser - run the program or save. It is displayed differently in different browsers - for example in Internet Explorer below

in Opera in the upper right corner

in google chrome bottom left

If you can’t find where the downloaded file is, you can use hotkeys, press Ctrl+J, that is, both keys must be pressed. Or open drive C, find “users” or “user” in it, then your name, or the name under which you work at the computer. After this, open the “downloads” or “downloads” folder and look for the required file in it

By double-clicking on the file with the left mouse button or right-clicking and selecting “open”, we launch the program. In the window that appears, click the “run” button.

After this, you are prompted to select a language and you can uncheck the box so that Skype does not start when you turn on the computer.

By clicking “advanced settings” you can specify the location to install Skype, that is, on which drive to install and in which folder. To change the installation location, click “browse” and select a location. After that, click the “I agree” button.

In the next two windows, we remove the shortcuts, since this is an unnecessary application and the default search engine setting. In both cases, to continue, click “continue”.

Next, the process of unpacking and installing the files occurs, after which Skype automatically opens. Enter your username and password that you specified during registration and click “login.” At the bottom, you can uncheck the “automatic authorization when starting Skype” box. If the checkbox is checked, then you will be on the Skype network as soon as the Skype program starts (and it usually starts immediately when you turn on the computer), if you uncheck the checkbox, then Skype will start, but you will not be online, you will also need to click the “log in” button " to get on Skype.

In the next window, you are asked to create an avatar for your profile. You can close this window and immediately go to Skype, or click “continue”.

After this, you can check the functionality of the microphone, speakers and webcam, after checking, click continue again. And in the next window, click “continue”.

If a webcam is connected, you can pose a little, take a photo (the “take a photo” button) and immediately put it as a profile photo. If you don’t have a webcam or simply have another photo that you like better, you can upload a photo stored on your computer. To upload a photo from a computer, click the “Browse...” button and look for the location of the photo on the computer.

The selected photo can be moved - point at the photo, hold down the left mouse button and move. Under the photo there is a photo magnification scale, the actions are almost the same - move the mouse cursor over the circle, hold down the left mouse button and move it to the right or left. If everything suits you, then you can click the “use this image” button.

Skype is an incredibly popular communication program; it is used both for personal purposes and for solving work issues. Skype does not open on the computer - what to do, what reasons lead to such a problem, and most importantly - how to fix the problem and prevent it from occurring in the future.

Useful information prepared for you on our website.


  1. Late update installation. For the same reason, Skype also does not open on a phone, tablet or any other device. The old version of the program will produce various kinds of errors until you install the latest update.
  2. Installing the update. If you have started downloading the update package, you need to wait for some time. If Skype is updated, in most cases it will refuse to work. Additionally, once the process is complete, you must restart the program for the changes to take effect. Users often ask why the main page on Skype does not open after an update. This happens when a login attempt occurs while the process is not yet completed, or the program has not been restarted.
  3. The reason that Skype does not open on a computer or laptop running Windows 10 is often an update to the operating system itself. If you have a “Ten”, you have encountered this process and know how the device reacts to it. Even the most undemanding programs work much slower, let alone Skype, for the normal operation of which it is advisable to close all unnecessary applications and tabs.
  4. The process is blocked by an antivirus or firewall. They mistake the program for malware and interfere with its operation. This is a fairly common answer to the question why Skype does not open on a laptop or computer when it starts. Here you can find out in two ways.
  5. And the opposite situation is when Skype program files have already been subjected to a virus attack.
  6. Why doesn't Skype open on my computer yet? This is often caused by problems with the application servers. You can find out if this is so by asking technical support on the official website. Such problems are resolved very quickly; if a day has passed and the problem has not been resolved, then the problem is different. We'll tell you in another article.


Here's what you need to do first if Skype won't open:

  • Reboot your device. Practice shows that this method works in most cases. Did not help? Read more
  • Add the messenger to the list of allowed programs for your antivirus or firewall. Or simply disable these programs for a while to determine if they are the reason why Skype does not open on your computer.
  • Scan your computer with an antivirus for malware
  • Open “Task Manager” (Ctrl+Alt+Delete)
  • Left-click on the Skype process and click “End”

  • Open the command line using the Win+R key combination
  • A window will appear where you need to enter the command %appdata%\skype and click “Ok”

  • A folder with program files will open
  • Here you need to find and delete “shared.xml”
  • And after that try to launch the messenger again

If this advice does not help achieve results, we recommend that you completely remove Skype from your computer, and then download and install it again.

By the way, you can directly on our website.

Skype is a computer program with which you can correspond, talk on the Internet and even see your interlocutor. You can download it for free, install it on your computer yourself and use it at any time.

Like any program, Skype has an official website. And it is from there that this program needs to be downloaded, since there is a new 100% legal version without viruses.

How to download Skype for free

Open the official website of the program. To do this, type the address in the top line of your browser (Internet program) and press the Enter button on your keyboard.

On a note . If for some reason you couldn’t download Skype, click on this link, save the proposed file to your computer and open it.

How to install Skype on a computer

After opening the downloaded file, this window appears. Click "Run".

This is a common system message that pops up almost every time you install something on your computer. Don’t pay attention to him - we downloaded a high-quality program and did it through the official website.

A window like this will appear. It indicates the language in which the program will run. If you need another one, select it from the list. Then click on “I agree - next”.

Do not disconnect the Internet during installation, otherwise Skype will not start!

Next, we are asked to add the Click to Call plugin to the browser. This is a special gadget that can recognize Skype and phone numbers on websites. By clicking on such a number, it will begin to be automatically dialed in the program.

It seems like a useful thing, but, frankly speaking, it is too intrusive - it is inserted wherever possible. I never install it.

To cancel loading the plugin, you just need to remove the bird at the bottom of the window and click “Continue”.

The installation of the program will begin. Wait for it to finish.

Sometimes this process can take a long time. It all depends on the stability and speed of your Internet.

When the program is installed, a login window will appear. Type your Skype name (login) and password, then click on “Login”.

The program will open with all its capabilities, as well as your contacts and correspondence.

And a program icon will appear on the Desktop (computer screen). You can also open it through Start → All Programs.

It is impossible to use the program without a name and password!