How to choose peripheral equipment for a POS system? Choosing a POS system for store automation

If you are opening your first store, then a “homemade” cash terminal is the best option for starting. The obvious advantage of such a system is its low cost. But self-assembled terminals often break down, and there is a high risk of component incompatibility. Money is needed for repairs; due to a broken cash register, the store is idle and loses profit. What can and cannot be saved on when assembling a POS terminal? Which parts of it are most vulnerable? Find out in our article.

What does a POS terminal or POS system consist of?

A POS system is a computer with a connected receipt printer (or fiscal recorder), keyboard, customer display, cash drawer, cashier display and barcode scanner. If the store’s turnover is more than 60 million rubles a year, then you also need to connect a bank terminal for non-cash payments.

To save money, a regular PC is used instead of a special system unit, a professional cash register keyboard is replaced with a QWERTY one, and a standard office monitor is installed in place of the cashier's display. But such savings are not always justified. The cost of owning a self-assembled system is significantly higher than a professional system.

Before assembly, you should calculate the approximate cost of servicing your terminal for a month, six months or a year. Compare this amount with the cost of the system itself. Remember that a breakdown of the computer motherboard will lead to uncontrollable expenses. Most likely, you will have to change the entire filling. The system unit is the most important part of the POS terminal and the most vulnerable.

“You want to get your hair cut and go to the hairdresser. And you will be very surprised if he decides to use garden shears for this task. And why all? Because things should be used for their intended purpose.

Likewise, specialized POS terminals are designed for use in “combat conditions,” and home computers are designed for use at home. You shouldn’t take something designed for the home to production and then be surprised by quick breakdowns and failure at the most inopportune moment, just as you shouldn’t be surprised by a terrible haircut with garden shears.”

Igor Chechulin, head of SCO department at Crystal Service

Selecting a system unit

Based on the cooling method, all system units can be divided into two main types:

  • ventilators They blow hot air out and draw in cooler air from the surrounding space. However, along with the air they actively attract dust and dirt. Fan solutions are cheaper, but they are difficult to maintain - you have to constantly clean the computer from dust and dirt.
  • fanless. POS terminals with a fanless system unit are durable and easy to maintain, since dust and dirt are not drawn into the device. A passive cooling system replaces fans. Fanless system units are great for shops.

Cash register peripherals (scanners, cash drawers, etc.) are highly specialized equipment and are developing more slowly. Cash register equipment operates through outdated or rare RS-232 and Powered USB interfaces. Therefore, when assembling a POS system yourself, choose a motherboard with the necessary connectors.

Minimum set of connectors: four RS-232 COM ports, six USB ports. With so many ports, you can connect all the necessary peripherals.

The power of the system unit depends on what software you use and what OS the software runs on. For example, if the cash register program requires Windows, then for stable operation the system will require at least 2 GB of RAM.

The more “universal” the software, the higher the requirements. Professional cash register programs require few resources.

Minimum system requirements for the Set Retail program:

  • Processor 566 MHz;
  • RAM 512 MB;
  • 8 GB of free hard disk space;
  • OS TinyCore Linux 3.0 (included in the package);

As you can see, assembling a system unit yourself is a big task. It requires excellent knowledge of the specifics of peripheral cash register equipment. One mistake now will result in a lot of problems later.

Conventional system units are fraught with a lot of problems. They are difficult to maintain. They are not designed for 24/7 non-stop operation. In the event of a breakdown, repairs will cost a pretty penny. You may simply not find a piece of hardware of the same model - many boards are already out of production, and circulations are always limited.

And the main problem is that there is no guarantee that your usual software will work on the new hardware. In addition, more and more motherboard manufacturers are abandoning COM ports. Soon they will remain only on special systems.

Choosing a monitor

The monitor serves as a cashier's display. The larger the monitor, the more space it takes up on your desktop. Specialized cash register software does not require a large screen diagonal. The optimal diagonal for professional software is 8, 10 or 12 inches.

Manufacturers of household monitors make their screens very contrasty and bright. With such a monitor, the cashier's eyes will quickly get tired and he will start making mistakes. There is no need to save money on the monitor - it is better to provide the cashier with the most comfortable conditions possible. Professionals (such as designers) usually choose a brightness of 200 cd/m².

Manufacturers of cash register monitors set the optimal settings in advance.

Selecting a cash drawer

First of all, the cash drawer must be durable. Drawers are selected based on the number of cash compartments and location (fliptop or retractable). There are boxes with removable cassettes. Manufacturers install opening sensors in some drawers - this is a big plus. Is the drawer open longer than expected? You will receive a signal about this. The lower the risk that you will be robbed.

We select the remaining peripheral equipment

If the store has one cash register, then reliability is extremely important for the receipt printer (or fiscal recorder). If the only cash register stops, the store will be idle. Professional retailers pay attention to the safety margin of the knife and the print life. It’s better to buy a reliable device once, which will last for many years and can print several million receipts, than to spend money on repairs.

The customer display is considered a less important element. Very often it is put “for show”, since its presence is required by law. Customer displays are vacuum-fluorescent - they can display little information (20 characters in 2 lines), but the image is visible from any angle.

There are also OLED solutions. The image is visible just as well. You can display a lot of information on the screen (256 by 32 dots) and are guaranteed to attract the buyer’s attention. The client will definitely see your message and find out how much and for what he paid. This will increase the level of trust in your store.

We combined the buyer's display with a coin holder - this way the buyer will see it accurately and read the information on the screen, and the display itself will not take up much space.

Starting from 2016, the sale of alcohol will require a connection to the Unified State Automated Information System. To sell alcohol, you need a 2D scanner. The main parameters of 2D scanners: barcode reading speed and degree of protection from external influences. The faster and more accurately the scanner works, the higher the speed of service.

Selecting a keyboard. Is your goal to maximize savings? Then you can get by with the QWERTY format. But in retail there is a high staff turnover, and you will constantly have to train new employees. Professional keyboards have a minimum number of buttons; you can work with them automatically, without any extra thought. Convenient layout speeds up the sales process. Specialized keyboards are much more durable and are designed to last tens of millions of keystrokes. It is impossible to install such important options as a card reader or lock into a regular keyboard.

What's next?

Make sure all equipment is compatible with your POS software. Information about connections is available on the manufacturers' website. It is possible that you will have to modify the software yourself. This will incur additional costs.

The fiscal registrar must be serviced at an accredited service center. We wrote earlier how to choose the right technical service center. Decide in advance whether you will prepare documents for the tax office yourself, or contact specialists.

A few important points

Savings are only worthwhile if you can accurately forecast loads. Otherwise, you will end up with unnecessary employees, you will have to constantly buy new hardware and pay for software integrations.

The system unit and keyboard break down the fastest. The keyboard lasts for about a year, the system unit for two, if you're lucky.

By spending less money on equipment, you'll spend much more on maintenance and repairs. Are you ready to maintain a team of system administrators?

Professional POS terminals are purchased when they want to cover the need for cash registers and automation. Purchasing professional software will definitely deprive you of many problems and unnecessary costs.

There are a number of facts in favor of the fact that it is better to use a POS system to automate a cashier’s workplace than a laptop or other computer equipment. Understanding this, manufacturers produce models of various classes and complexity, to suit the needs of specific types of businesses.

Reliability and performance

POS systems are designed for industrial use, have a high protection class, shock-resistant housing and are assembled from parts designed for a long period of operation.

Thanks to the use of specialized software, which does not contain anything superfluous (games, audio/video codecs, services, etc.), high productivity is achieved and the possibility of wasting time for the cashier is eliminated.

Compact and Compatible

POS systems are much smaller in size than computers; they can be placed horizontally and vertically, making them much easier to create a comfortable workplace for a cashier. They also have all the necessary interfaces and protocols for connecting related retail equipment, so it is much easier to configure the joint operation of paired devices (barcode scanner, receipt printer, cash drawer, etc.).

Usability and design

Most POS systems have a magnetic card reader built into them. It is also important that the keyboard is designed for trading operations and there are no unnecessary buttons. The available buttons are color-blocked, large-labeled, and much larger than on a regular keyboard. Working with them is much faster and more convenient.

And don't forget about beauty! POS systems look in the same style as other retail equipment and create the effect of a seamlessly working system. This will certainly please the eyes of your visitors and your own.

It is important to choose POS equipment that suits the tasks of your business. This is the basis for successful work and profit. Only in this case are the multiple benefits of implementing an automated system clearly felt.

If you have any questions, please contact the specialists of our company. You can count on qualified advice and attention from us.

(Point Of Sale - “point of sale”) are software and hardware integrated together to automate cashiers’ workplaces using fiscal recorders or receipt printers replacing them.

POS systems are used in various types of businesses, which is why they are supplied in many different options and configurations. The requirements of a retail store and a restaurant differ widely enough that there is no single solution that can fit every application. POS system is a combination of software and hardware components. In their development they have come a long way from simple computers And fiscal registrars. Selecting the right POS system components is the key to properly managing your business, maintaining customer satisfaction, and this in turn is the path to success. The best POS system is the one that will help you organize your business exactly the way you need it.

Each enterprise is unique in its needs and process design, but a well-designed POS system can do his job in any type of business. The first step to choosing POS systems will determine your individual requirements.

  • Type of your business (product or service offered, market segment, B2B B2C...)? Is the solution required to be mobile?
  • How many operations are planned to be performed per day?
  • Will you work with debit or credit cards?
  • How many checkout places will you need? Do you have a network between workstations?
  • Is a reservation system necessary?
  • Do you need to connect a chain of stores?
  • Do you need connection with third-party programs (such as accounting, inventory control)?

Information about how you will use and what features you need in POS system will help you determine the best combination of software and hardware that's right for your specific business.

POS System Basics

Every POS system consists of software and a set of basic hardware components. Before delving into the specifics of a particular business, let's look at a basic POS system.


– this is the center of any system; it clearly determines what and how you can do at the checkout. The choice of program will depend on the functions you need and the conditions of use. Many POS programs very flexible and suitable for a range of businesses, but there are also specialized solutions, for example systems for restaurants or mobile points of sale. In addition to this, many applications come in Basic, Professional and Enterprise versions with different features.

So how can you determine which cash register program is right for you? Your business?

The best thing to do first is decide which features are important to your business. All programs can handle basic trading operations, but there is a long list of additional functions that you may or may not need. There are a number of specific functions that are needed in a service salon, but not in a store, and some may be needed later in the process. Here are some of the many possibilities to consider:

  • Inventory Management– every business needs to manage its inventory and most cash register programs will help you track balances based on each sale. Up-to-date data for every minute will help you quickly satisfy customer requests.
  • Reports– one of the big advantages is that it can tell you about your sales and customer habits. Most programs have all the basic reports, and some even have the ability to customize additional ones to give you the most complete picture of what's happening in your business.
  • Automatic purchasing– by monitoring balances in the program, you will always know when goods run out in a warehouse or store. Some cash register programs, in addition, can prepare an order to the supplier for missing items and even prepare payment orders in the accounting program. You will never find yourself in a situation where a customer comes for a product that is not in your store.
  • Relationships with clients– loyalty programs, promotions, coupons and reservations are all possible with the right software. Achieve better customer service and they will come back to you again!
  • Digital security– more and more purchases are made using bank cards. In order for your customers' payment information to remain secure, the POS system and the software on it must meet security standards.
  • Return procedure– returns and exchanges of goods occur in any business. The cash register program will help you carry out these operations painlessly for you and your clients.
  • Employee control– control of employees going to work and sales occurs thanks to their authorization at the checkout. All this information is available in the form of reports or uploaded to an accounting program for payroll calculation.

These are just some of the most common features of cash register software, but knowing exactly what your business needs will make it easy to choose the one you need. When preparing a cash register, there is a desire to save on software, but giving up many functions can cost a lot of time and headaches in the future.


Any POS system consists of several components to run the program, store the payment and print a receipt for the buyer. Your choice will ultimately depend on your application and application, but the following components are required for most automations.

Terminal/PC (personal computer)– all components of the POS system are connected to it. Many businesses can use standard PCs that meet the system requirements for a cash register program and that have enough USB and COM ports to connect all devices. But it is better to use special POS computers that are produced in sealed cases with low power consumption; there are also all-in-one options (monoblocks) with a built-in touch screen and card reader to take up less space. If grocery stores can still use standard PCs, then a restaurant or boutique will most likely have to save space or adhere to a strict interior design, in which case the all-in-one option is preferable. Moreover, the quality can be a mobile computer, which will allow you to create a completely mobile solution. In any case, the POS terminal or PC must withstand heavy daily loads and specialized equipment is much better suited for this.

– each operation at the checkout ends with the printing of a receipt for the client. The fiscal recorder is one of the most loaded devices, so make sure that it can handle your sales volume and is easy to use. Most modern fiscal recorders use the thermal printing method and no longer need to change the cartridge. Just charge the paper and you can work again! Regardless of the size or type of check, you will find a registrar that suits you.

Money box– The cash drawer is one of the simplest components of any POS system, but it is nevertheless very important to have a secure place to store cash, checks and bank terminal slips during the trading day. Typically, the box is connected to a fiscal recorder and is opened with each cash transaction in the box. Choose a reliable box that connects to your system and it will last a very long time.

Card reader / payment terminal– paying with payment cards today is as natural as paying in cash, so every POS system must be able to quickly read and process bank cards. Depending on the capabilities of the cash register program, you will only need a card reader or a separate full-fledged payment terminal, but in both cases you will be able to carry out transactions with customer cards.

– a scanner is a key part of many POS systems; with its help you can enter goods faster, which of course will significantly speed up the sales process. Standard laser scanners read all UPC barcodes on products, but 2D scanners are increasingly being used to work with coupons and loyalty cards. Many scanners are hand-held, but for a POS system, a better option is an in-line, multi-plane, hands-free scanner that allows for faster scanning and fewer queues as a result!

Types of POS systems

Now that you have a basic knowledge of POS systems, you can begin to understand the types of systems to choose the one you need. All POS systems have the same basic set of functions, but there are still many nuances on which the choice of software and hardware depends, so that your POS system works in accordance with the tasks of your enterprise.


Retail POS systems focus primarily on the “sale” transaction and tracking all the information associated with it. Most of the basic functions of cash register programs, such as inventory control, sales reports, product return procedures and loyalty systems, are simply necessary in retail. Although any business needs reports, detailed reports at the level of each product and product groups are especially important in retail. Retail requirements are the most extensive, but most cash register programs such as these cater to all retail needs.

As for equipment, of course you will need a barcode scanner to simplify entering information about the product and speed up sales processing. Because Most data is entered using a scanner, then, for example, all-in-one computers with a touch screen are of course useful, but not so essential in trading. Because Most likely, you will perform many transactions at the cash register every day, then it is worth taking care of a reliable fiscal registrar, such as, for example. A reliable scanner and fiscal recorder will ensure there are no queues and increase customer loyalty.


The big difference between a typical retail POS system and one used in restaurants and hotels is due to the differences in sales processing. In trading, all sales and payment information is entered immediately. In a restaurant or hotel, the order is fixed and paid only after it is fully completed. An appropriate POS system is capable of delaying an order until it is completed and payment has been accepted. In addition, she must be able to record client wishes, schedule reservations and monitor available tables/rooms. The interface of such a cash register program will be very different. In retail you mainly enter information using a barcode scanner, but in a restaurant or hotel it is much more convenient to use a touch screen. Therefore, to facilitate order entry, it is very important that the program interface be adapted to a touch screen, for example, such as Frontol:Restaurant.

From a hardware point of view, the big difference from retail POS systems is the importance of the barcode scanner. Although you will occasionally use a scanner in a restaurant or hotel, most transactions are entered manually in the cash register program itself using a touch monitor. This is where a touch monitor can really make your job easier. In addition, since the workspace is usually limited and a lot of tangled wires cause a lot of inconvenience, a candy bar with a touch screen will be much preferable. A receipt printer is important in any POS system, but when you need to send orders to the kitchen or other place where the operating temperature is high, it is preferable to use a contact printer, for example Epson TMU 220D than thermal printers, which are good for printing customer receipts.


Mobile POS systems do not differ in functionality from ordinary ones. The sales processes, tracking balances and printing receipts are the same everywhere. Mobile POS systems also easily support the processing of bank cards, provided there is access to the Internet. Cash register programs for mobile POS systems, as for all systems, will vary depending on the supported functionality, be it control of balances or some kind of reports. Some programs are the same as on conventional systems, while others are aimed only at saving transactions and subsequently synchronizing them with a regular cash register. The choice of software greatly depends on whether the mobile POS system will be completely independent or just an addition to the main system.

Since the main goal of a mobile POS system is to get rid of the fixed point of sale, the hardware is greatly affected. Instead of a desktop computer, you will run the cash register program on a mobile device, for example, or even a tablet. Most of these devices have both a scanner and a touch screen, which provides any options for entering information. The only thing that is missing is a fiscal registrar and a card reader (although models with these functions are already beginning to appear). If you have UNDV tax system, then you can use mobile printers such as Zebra MZ320. Mobile card readers are also abundant on the market, so you can easily add card functionality to any mobile solution. Just like with a traditional POS system, if you choose the right mobile solution, you can make sales anywhere.

Choosing the Right POS System

A POS system that meets all the needs of your business is an important tool in enterprise management. In addition, it will allow you to focus on meeting the needs of your customers. Whether you have a retail store or a restaurant, deciding how you will use the POS system will help you make the right choice of software and hardware. If you still find it difficult to make a choice or have any questions, please contact our POS system specialists. We'll be happy to help!

POS system (POS Point of Sale) is a software and hardware complex designed to repeatedly increase the throughput of the cash register and is the basis of the trade automation system; The POS system performs standard cash functions: accounting and issue of goods, receiving money, canceling the fact of purchase, etc. In everyday life, a POS system is a certain device that is placed on the cash register and everything becomes easy and simple, in fact, everything is a little more complicated than it seems because there is a certain conflict in the terminology and actual application of this type of equipment. In fact, a POS system consists of a POS computer, a POS monitor, a POS keyboard, a receipt printer, a fiscal recorder, a customer display, a cash drawer and a magnetic card reader.
POS computer is a specific system unit, the main part of the POS system, a platform for automation. The peculiarity of a POS computer is that it is compact and has a sufficient number of necessary connectors for connecting equipment. Not only USB, but also RS 232 and RJ 45, etc.
POS monitor- This is an information output device. At the moment, the two most common types of monitors are LCD and resistive touch. Touch monitors have a significant advantage, namely, the monitor itself is a way to enter information and control the POS system, so you can do without a keyboard or computer mouse. Also, the second and important plus is that the POS monitor is designed as a more wear-resistant analogue of a computer monitor with increased resistance to accidental damage.
POS terminal- this is software and hardware equipment for making payments by payment card. The POS terminal is designed to work with chip cards (smart card), cards with a magnetic stripe (regular debit or credit card) and contactless cards (NFC); ​​it can also interact with other devices that have a contactless data transfer protocol. In part, a POS terminal can be called a set of automation equipment installed at a cash register.
POS systems can be divided into several types depending on the form factor and layout of the main components:

  • In a one-piece POS systemall components are housed in the housing. This solution allows you to remove all the wires inside the case, which has a positive effect on both ease of use, since the wires will not get tangled and interfere with the use of the equipment, and on safety. From an ergonomic point of view, the monoblock system is compact and does not require much space for placement. can be installed even if there is not enough space.

  • Modular POS system is an automation system that is built on the basis of a POS computer or an identical solution, such as a small-sized system unit (the so-called “thin client”), which is the core for the equipment of this system. The main advantage of this type of POS system is the ability to place its components depending on the wishes of the client. For example, for a store, you can hide all unnecessary equipment under the sales counter, and the POS monitor and keyboard can be placed on the table. At the moment, there are two main options for positioning the cashier at the checkout in relation to the client: the classic seating of the cashier/seller is an option when the cashier sits sideways to the client and facing his workplace, and the frontal seating is an option when the cashier/seller is facing the buyer and between them there is cashier equipment.

  • For shops and small companies there is a budget version of the MiniPOS system. MiniPOS can perform basic automation functions while being small in size and inexpensive. MiniPOS systems are an excellent choice for automating small convenience stores, clothing, shoe, accessory stores, cafes, bars and other small retail businesses. The undoubted advantage of this type of POS system is its uniquely low price and compactness. Nowadays, instead of standard LCD POS systems, you can see touch POS systems. This allows the cashier/seller to use the monitor as an information input device. But the touch POS system can be monoblock, modular or MINIPOS at the same time.

It cannot be argued that a monoblock POS system is better than a modular one or vice versa, since the entire choice depends on the requirements, capabilities and scope of activity and wishes of the client.

POS system (POS - Point of Sale) is a software and hardware complex operating on the basis of a fiscal registrar; A POS system is assigned a typical set of cash functions: accounting and issue of goods, acceptance and issuance of money, cancellation of a purchase, etc. Typically, the components of a POS system are called a POS computer, a POS monitor, a receipt printer, a fiscal registrar, a POS keyboard , customer display, cash drawer, magnetic card reader.

A POS computer is understood as a special cash register computer, which, first of all, fully complies with all established standards and requirements for the functionality of a cash register unit in the structure of an enterprise with a trade specific activity. Moreover, such a computer is usually equipped with several peripheral devices that significantly expand its functionality; they are often integrated into the system.

Thanks to the compact design of the POS computer case, there is quite a significant saving in working space; in addition, the motherboard is securely fixed and in most cases is equipped with a number of auxiliary connectors and keys that effectively block disks and other information storage devices present.

The features of the power supply of such a computer are, first of all, low power, which ranges around 100 W; depending on the modification, it is located inside or outside. The production of POS computers is not characterized by large volumes and such devices are not produced in large quantities, which directly affects their inflated cost compared to conventional ones. However, the number of undeniable functional advantages that you will receive by purchasing such a POS computer will quickly cover the costs incurred for its purchase.

The POS computer, which is an integral part and the most important basis in the organization of the cash settlement system, has a number of undoubted advantages.

High level of reliability. This device is many times more reliable in its operational properties than a conventional computer due to its original purpose for solving highly specialized problems of various levels of complexity. The components that make up such a computer are subject to strict quality control and selection, which are based on the results obtained during numerous tests.

Ergonomics. As a rule, more than 10 POS devices can be easily installed at the checkout, given that a compact computer is an essential condition and key to ensuring efficient and accurate work of the cashier. There are a number of such computer models that are made with a number of features of modular cases, into which, if desired, you can install a monitor or a cash drawer using the slots of the system unit.

High functionality. A characteristic feature of a POS system is the ability to connect to it and stable support of peripheral devices in large quantities; as a rule, both wired interfaces (COM, USB, RS) and non-wired ones are used for this. Additional conveniences are created thanks to the POS computer’s support for such media as DiscOnChip, Compact Flash or the like. And with the active use of portable devices responsible for storing information, in a number of cases you can abandon the use of hard drives, which significantly reduces the likelihood of system failures.

Performance. Modern POS computers fully comply with the list of important requirements that are important for high-speed data transfer; such performance is achieved by purchasing a device with a powerful processor on board and a significantly increased amount of memory. Performance characteristics are most important in a number of cases when the computer is equipped with the functions of a cash register server.